Japan Today

Russia ramping up attacks in eastern Ukraine

By Khrystyna ZANYK

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Until the last Russian invader

4 ( +12 / -8 )


with the nearly encircled industrial town of Avdiivka the latest major flashpoint.

nearly encircled...???

Well they don't seem to be making much progress on the 'encircling' bit. They have been trying for months and sending in more and more men into the meat grinder without much movement. They have been losing an incredible average of 930 men a day, they highest rate of loss in the war - even higher than Bakhmut.

Last month the media assured us that the Russians had given up on Avdiivka and were pulling back.

I must have missed that report.

Magically the stronghold has become nearly encircled, so the Russians have been winning battles this whole time and the media simply omitted that,

No. They haven't. They have just been losing men.

The Russians are winning this.

If by winning, you mean losing thousands of lives, then yes, they are.

3 ( +13 / -10 )

Time for a ceasefire guys, the deaths must end and compromises must be made to satisfy both side in a realistic way

-13 ( +5 / -18 )

It is time for the Kiev regime to think about negotiating peace and forget about the new territories liberated by Russia...

Before the last soldier of the regime dies...

Russia will win this war by the end of winter and the big losers will be US/NATO circus..

-12 ( +8 / -20 )

Lol, why is it always the pro-Russians calling for a ceasefire?

4 ( +14 / -10 )

It is time for the Kiev regime to think about negotiating peace and forget about the new territories liberated by Russia...

Fortunately, Ukrainians are not so weak-willed - they will not roll over. Why should they? They are fighting a regime trying to steal their homeland.

Russia will win this war by the end of winter 

Broken record. More like Fascist Russia will keep throwing fools into a meat grinder for no real gain. Keep sending those body bags.

2 ( +12 / -10 )

It is time for the Kiev regime to think about negotiating peace and forget about the new territories liberated by Russia...

Liberated? Now THAT is the biggest joke in world.

2 ( +12 / -10 )


Russia will win this war by the end of winter and the big losers will be US/NATO circus..

Russia have already lost this war.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

Anyone who thinks continuing this conflict will benefit the average Ukrainian citizen is deluded or a war monger.

There were lines drawn by Russian and talks before the conflict began but they were ignored.

Now we see, endless deaths and the decimation of Ukrainian youth by death or by disability and that will grow worse by the day as this continues.

-9 ( +7 / -16 )

Ffs, you still won’t conquer Ukraine.

3 ( +10 / -7 )


im not on either side, despise the leadership of both countries, totally corrupt and evil and I hate war.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

The Russians don't want to.

’we didn’t want your stupid county anyway’ vibes lol

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Thuban - does Ukraine get to tell Russia whether they can be militarized or not? Then why do you think Ukraine will accept that? You guys need to understand how you come off to those of us in the west.

will happily accept a Ukrainian state as long as it's not militarized

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Thuban - you are not treating Ukraine as an equal country to Russia. It’s almost like you think that Ukraine should be a vassal state to Russia, like Belarus.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

Ffs, you still won’t conquer Ukraine.

That has never been the aim. Russia has already achieved more than it could hope for. They now occupy the majority of the Donbass region, which is where the majority of Ukrainan heavy industry and natural resources are located. Expect this to be annexed in any ceasefire treaty. A huge victory for the West right there.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

Avdiivka - another Mariupol.

Except, this time those Russian invaders won't succeed!

Throwing thousand in the meat grinder - PUTAin of course doesn't care.

More than 320.000 marauders eliminated so far and more to come!

Ukraine stands strong!

Ukraine prevails!

4 ( +12 / -8 )

The Russians can leave the easy way or the hard way. But they ARE leaving.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Time for Ukraine to surrender?

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

"Ukraine blames Russia for everything"

Generally because, Russia is to blame for everything.

6 ( +13 / -7 )


Ffs, you still won’t conquer Ukraine.

That has never been the aim. Russia has already achieved more than it could hope for.

Well they wanted the whole country. They wanted regime change in Kiev. They wanted a puppet in Kiev that answered to Putin. They wanted to Russify Ukraine. They wanted the war over in a few days. They wanted to demilitarize Ukraine.

They got none of that.

That's why Russia have lost this war.

1 ( +8 / -7 )


Russia have will to win and to protect its national interests.

Russia's national interests aren't in any danger.

Napoleon have learned in hard way as same as Hitler did.

As Putin will soon learn the hard way.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Russia have will to win and to protect its national interests.

After almost 2 years of fending off their much larger neighbor, you don’t think Ukraine has the will to win and protect its interests? You guys have no understanding of Ukrainian mind.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

best for Ukraine was to be a neutral country,enjoy free trade with both west and Russia.Russia will have no security issues as well.

Ukraine doesn’t want to have anything to do with Russia after what Russia has done to their country. They prefer the west for obvious reasons.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Russia doesn’t get to tell Ukraine what to do, who they can ally with, who they can trade with.

5 ( +9 / -4 )


Today 07:15 am JST

They have been losing an incredible average of 930 men a day, they highest rate of loss in the war - even higher than Bakhmut.

Where is your source on that? Ukraine?

Here is the reality, nothing Ukraine says can be trusted in the same way nothing Russia says can.

Ukraine had made incredible claims and we are now finding out most were just fantasy!

Even Time magazine has pointed this out!

At this point Ukrainian military is so depleted that Time magazine reported that the average age of Ukrainian soldiers is 43 years old!

In july 2022 the average age was 30 and a strength of 700,000 personnel!

What happened to all those young men that now the Ukrainian military is well into their mid 40s?

Ukraine claims 35,000 killed 100,000 captured or wounded.

Seriously! 700,000 military personnel in July 2022 average age 30 now the average age is 43 and we are told by Ukraine it only lost 150,000 casualties!

But even the USA is no longer going along with this fantasy.

USA now says Ukraine has lost over 120,000 killed and half a million wounded!

Now they are using old men and middle aged men pulled off the streets even though under the draft men of that age with children are exempt!

We need to stop this fantasy that Russia is going to pack up and leave, the fantasy Ukraine is going to take back everything!

Time to start talking and stop the rah rah rah, miracle weapons are coming, willpower will overcome, etc..

-7 ( +5 / -12 )


Today 10:42 am JST

Russia have will to win and to protect its national interests.

> After almost 2 years of fending off their much larger neighbor, you don’t think Ukraine has the will to win and protect its interests? You guys have no understanding of Ukrainian mind.

Actually we do, Zelenski and his gang have sacrificed an entire generation of young men!

The men so much do not want to fight that they've increased the patrols along their borders to stop men from fleeing. This was reported by BBC and by all the countries surrounding Ukraine.

Time magazine points out that the average age of Ukrainian soldier is now 43 as opposed to in July 2022 it was 30.

Even the US has given up trying to cover up the reality and now says over 120,000 Ukrainian soldiers are dead and 500,000 are wounded.

So zelinski is now sending old men and middle-aged men to fight clinging to a fantasy that somehow Russia is just going to pack its bags and go home!

-9 ( +4 / -13 )


Today 11:14 am JST

Russia doesn’t get to tell Ukraine what to do, who they can ally with, who they can trade with.

And why not?

The USA does it all the time, so does the EU, the IMF, etc..

It is funny how " sovereignty" is only important when the western nations are not the ones doing the dictating!

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

Time for the tiny guy to wrap it up and start negotiations before “nearly” encircled becomes totally encircled.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

And why not?

Well, they can try, but Ukraine gets a vote too and so do we :)

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Time for the tiny guy to wrap it up and start negotiations before “nearly” encircled becomes totally encircled.

Again, with the pro-RU side and their desire for a cease-fire / surrender. Not going to happen until the Russians get kicked out.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Eastman - the West is not going to stop helping Ukraine. Take that to the bank.

1 ( +8 / -7 )


They have been losing an incredible average of 930 men a day, they highest rate of loss in the war - even higher than Bakhmut.

Where is your source on that? Ukraine?

UK Ministry of Defence:


2 ( +8 / -6 )


They have been losing an incredible average of 930 men a day, they highest rate of loss in the war - even higher than Bakhmut.

Where is your source on that? Ukraine?

The MoD said the figures are “plausible”, putting it down to mounting casualty figures from Russia’s attacks on Avdiivka, a small town on the edge of occupied Donetsk.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

falseflagsteveToday 08:04 am JST

Anyone who thinks continuing this conflict will benefit the average Ukrainian citizen is deluded or a war monger.

There were lines drawn by Russian and talks before the conflict began but they were ignored.

There was a demand made of NATO and then Russia attacked the wrong country. Still Putin's War.

im not on either side, despise the leadership of both countries, totally corrupt and evil and I hate war.

You're obviously a peddler of the Russian line. I don't know where you get it from. Maybe from too much admiration of our Orange Menace.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

ThubanToday 08:26 am JST

you still won’t conquer Ukraine.

The Russians don't want to.

They publicly stated that their aim is to denazify Ukraine.

The Russian government has already stated that they will happily accept a Ukrainian state as long as it's not militarized and accepts self-determination for the Russians in the East.

And if you think that happens without a Russian appointed fascist in charge of Ukraine, I don't know what to tell you.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

ChabbawangaToday 09:10 am JST

Ffs, you still won’t conquer Ukraine.

That has never been the aim. Russia has already achieved more than it could hope for. They now occupy the majority of the Donbass region, which is where the majority of Ukrainan heavy industry and natural resources are located. Expect this to be annexed in any ceasefire treaty. A huge victory for the West right there.

You already lost Sweden and Finland to NATO and made generations of Ukraine hate Russia with the burning of a thousand suns. Slow clap I guess.

6 ( +10 / -4 )


Anyone who thinks continuing this conflict will benefit the average Ukrainian citizen is deluded or a war monger.

There were lines drawn by Russian and talks before the conflict began but they were ignored.

No, there weren't. Russia's invasion is nothing to do with red flags being crossed. Russia's invasion of Ukraine is about imperialism.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Eastman - I said take it to the bank.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

I said they were about to ramp things up. This is just the curtain raiser.

While that's a beautiful map at the end of article, we need a zoomed in version. And it doesn't sit well with those two muppets in the next photo.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Not going to happen until the Russians get kicked out.

So never?

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

AntiquesavingToday 11:32 am JST


Today 11:14 am JST

We need to stop this fantasy that Russia is going to pack up and leave, the fantasy Ukraine is going to take back everything!

We need to stop this fantasy that Russia is ready for a ceasefire without conditions.

Russia doesn’t get to tell Ukraine what to do, who they can ally with, who they can trade with.

And why not?

The USA does it all the time, so does the EU, the IMF, etc..

It is funny how " sovereignty" is only important when the western nations are not the ones doing the dictating!

We demonstrate we have principles by showing that we oppose all bullies rather than giving a pass to the most recent.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

EastmanToday 09:51 am JST

HercolobusToday  09:34 am JST

Time for Ukraine to surrender?

Sure it will be better at least to make a ceasefire than had serious talk about peace.But with VZ junta attittude there is no meaning of anything like ceasefire or peace negotiation.Russians have learned hard way abt Minsk agreements betrayal from both west and UA so they will not make a same mistake again.

Russia learned that they can pretend to be a party to Minsk along with several other nonsense reasons no one buys for war.

Russia have will to win and to protect its national interests.

They don't have the will to die for Putin's glory.

Napoleon have learned in hard way as same as Hitler did.now west will learn too through own pockets and weaking of worldwide influence and all to be paid by lives of UA people fightning for west interests.

Thankfully money and weapons are replenished easily. Russians will have learned that they still live in a murderous thug state that can grind them into dust at any moment. And no more future except as a puppet of China.

Russia have resources,people,weapons,weapons production,natural resources of oil,gas,minerals.money for spending for its army.

The EU has more people and the US, Canada, and Australia have more resources.

UA having just promises from west with deliveries of some outdated unreliable unsuitable weaponry and media support.

Russia will pound hard this time and will prevail.no doubt.

The only pounding they will be doing will be in their barracks as always.

best for Ukraine was to be a neutral country,enjoy free trade with both west and Russia.Russia will have no security issues as well.

Russia can't make a country neutral when it has attempted to subjugate its people.

ask BoJo why this did not happened.

No, we are not going to analyze a peace agreement that never happened until Russia collapses again and the FSB archives are opened again.

if to be exact- its in name of UA interests to take a seat and to start to talk with Russia about peace-this time no Minsk styled tricks as before.stop rusophobia and talk with Russians as equal partner.treat them as equal partner.

Ceasefires are unconditional and Putin doesn't want it.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

EastmanToday 11:01 am JST

if to be exact- its in name of UA interests to take a seat and to start to talk with Russia about peace-this time no Minsk styled tricks as before.stop rusophobia and talk with Russians as equal partner.treat them as equal partner.

You don't treat Ukraine as an equal when you think you can wear treat them like one of your abused conscripts.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

EastmanToday 12:43 pm JST

We need to stop this fantasy that Russia is ready for a ceasefire without conditions.

who exactly is WE dear troll?

Impolite to other user

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Marianna Budanova, the wife of Ukraine's spymaster Kyrylo Budanov, was hospitalised with heavy metals poisoning, in what intelligence figures in Kyiv allege was a brazen assassination attempt.

Is that like the grenades with the whiskey bottle of the chief military aide... Looks like they are turning on each other. What this space.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Sorry, Russians, you guys are going to be crying for a ceasefire for a long time.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

La vie douceToday 12:57 pm JST

After almost 2 years of fending off their much larger neighbor, you don’t think Ukraine has the will to win and protect its interests?

I don't think people doubt the UAF "will to win" , the issue is that "will " and "ability" are two separate things. That is the reality.

They have mines, they have artillery. That is the reality.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

EastmanToday 01:00 pm JST

TaiwanIsNotChinaToday 12:48 pm JST

EastmanToday 12:43 pm JST

We need to stop this fantasy that Russia is ready for a ceasefire without conditions.

who exactly is WE dear troll?

Impolite to other user

I get NO REPLY to my question.who is exactly somebody you call a WE?

rest of comment was exact and on topic .american hikikomori.let me account your comments today...

Impolite to other user is all you've earned today.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

"Ukraine blames Russia for everything. Even its own existence, it seems to me," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters in response to the allegations.

Peskov hits the nail on the head yet again.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Well at least the little guy and his friends have 2 yachts now to sail away to their overseas mansions.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

La vie douce

Ukraine? - UK Ministry of Defence:


Sounds like a totally unbiased source:)

It is.

The MoD said the figures are “plausible”, putting it down to mounting casualty figures from Russia’s attacks on Avdiivka, a small town on the edge of occupied Donetsk.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

JJEToday 01:04 pm JST

"Ukraine blames Russia for everything. Even its own existence, it seems to me," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters in response to the allegations.

Yeah that makes a lot of sense. Ukraine was on the path to civilization without its horde state neighbor weighing it down.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

La vie douce

here were lines drawn by Russian and talks before the conflict began but they were ignored.

No, there weren't.

Yes , there were.

Irrelevant because Putin's imperialistic invasion has nothing to do with red lines being crossed.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Time for the tiny guy to wrap it up and start negotiations 

The time for the midget from Moscow to do that was before his gambit failed, 2/3 of his armor was destroyed (including THREE NATO-facing Armored divisions) and his Black Sea “fleet” rendered combat ineffective.

But Putie isn’t that smart.

So the Russians get to freeze in unsheltered trenches with inadequate supplies and no air cover for the winter.

And then come the F-16s….

The Russians are leaving. The only question is how many Russians die first.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Irrelevant because Putin's imperialistic invasion has nothing to do with red lines being crossed.

where can I report hoax?because line above is exactly ONE.

Slow day at the Embassy, Mr, “I am not picking a side”? (Stifles a snigger)

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Look... there seems to be a level of confusion. The article even mentions they couldn't verify things.

There are no human wave attacks and there never were. There are however positional squeezes on fortified positions (mind you they have had 8 plus years to dig in) that takes time and artillery to smoke them out. Every night they drop the burning magnesium grad rounds on them to warm them up and light up the sky.

It's Donbas locals from the DPR militia integrated into the RAF 8th CAA that are doing the squeeze too.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

70,000 Russian troops were killed. Some are released violent criminals sent to the front for their release. Murderers and rapists.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

The time for the midget from Moscow to do that was before his gambit failed,

Yet his side is not “nearly surrounded” right now, is it?

Russia had "significantly increased" its activity around Avdiivka.

He said Russian forces had carried out nearly 20 airstrikes, launched four missiles, thrown 56 assault waves at his forces, and fired more than 1,000 artillery rounds.

sure doesn’t sound like out of weapons or ammo either.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

La vie douce

"Irrelevant because Putin's imperialistic invasion has nothing to do with red lines being crossed."

Wrong, it has very much to do with the red line being crossed despite past warnings.

Nope. It's imperialism, pure and simple.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

sure doesn’t sound like out of weapons or ammo either.

Indeed, they’ve got all that crap DORK ammo banana peeling their barrels and pink misting their crews!

3 ( +7 / -4 )


Look... there seems to be a level of confusion. The article even mentions they couldn't verify things.

There are no human wave attacks and there never were. 

Well if you call infantry attacks with no armoured support, where an average of 930 people die every day, not human wave attacks, I guess you are right.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Indeed, they’ve got all that crap DORK ammo banana peeling their barrels and pink misting their crews!

Then why are the Ukrainians still surrounded?

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

where an average of 930 people die every day

Supposedly every day since when?

If this were the case couldn’t the Ukrainians manage to get “unsurrounded” by now?

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

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