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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Russia says former Fox News host Tucker Carlson has interviewed Putin
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Peskov said, “is in no way pro-Russian, nor pro-Ukrainian, but rather pro-American.”
Well, if it is racist, bigoted or misogynistic, sure.
No, we deem Russian propaganda "Russian propaganda"
Tucker is willingly being played as a "useful idiot".
Cards fan
Daddy Carlson did lobbying work for the Orban government.
If your opinion is that authoritarianism and strongmen are good, then yeah, I hate that opinion. Next?
Bob Fosse
He should go to North Korea next.
Tucker wishes dissenting opinions would be shut down in the West like in Russia like he did on his show when a historian who pushed at Davos to expose and tax billionaire dark assets mocked his populist, anti-billionaire rhetoric for the transparent sham it is.
People seem terrified that this interview is going to brainwash anyone who sees it.
Chabbawanga- most of my countrymen feel that wars for territorial expansion are bad and should be left in the past. Are you sure you want us reconsidering our stance?
Good on Tucker. Can’t wait to watch it.
Your country has the most aggressive interventionalist foreign policy on the planet, so your stance isnt very clear
Western and Russian journalists have been imprisoned for reporting on the war. Tucker the hack.
When Tucker was under contract with FNC there were certain topics that he could not address, that’s not the case not being independent.
He just might, wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Bob Fosse
Fans of putin and tucker appear to like being brainwashed. Anyone watching who isn’t already a fan is not likely to convert.
I’ll be sure to watch it, but am not expecting any hardball journalism; more of a paid commercial.
Alfie Noakes
It's just hysterical McCarthyism. The BBC has had a hack in Moscow for years (Steve Rosenberg) who produces the most mendacious drivel about Russia, its people and leaders, yet no-one bats an eyelid about him.
Chabbawanga- the past is the past, can’t change that, but we are getting better as time goes on and more importantly, we aren’t invading anyone right now, annexing their territory, and stealing and killing their people.
Cards fan
Notice how they can't actually answer the question. This isn't about any other country. It's about the principle: Do you think wars of territorial expansion are a thing that should be left in the past?
Cards fan
You've got to have a smooth brain to think anyone from the BBC is on the same level as a hack like Tucker Carlson.
He got canned for lying about voting machines. Not that facts matter to tankies, of course.
Tucker wasn’t.
I personally don’t know a single person that likes Putin except a few celebs
Who knows? I won’t prejudge. Should be interesting though.
Bass - If Russia and China are able to conquer and annex other countries, shouldn’t the US be allowed to do so as well in your opinion?
Cards fan
That should probably tell you he's going to be spewing Kremlin propaganda.
And rightwing Tucker Carlson fans.
Bob Fosse
I don’t personally know a single person who likes tucker. Doesn’t mean he ain’t popular.
Lots of Russians like putin, I’m sure they’ll have to watch it.
Can’t argue that, Trump was the first President to change that and to focus more on America and its local interests and people first and to step away from globalism being the police of the world. Love it. As long as America elects career Washington establishment swamp rats, we will always be interventionists.
Maybe you personally, but over 11 million followers….wow, before when he was on FNC he had about 4 million.
Tucker very much is, that’s why we are hear now.
Maybe Russia of 40 years ago.
Doubt it.
I’m a Tucker fan, I don’t like Putin and I’m not left or right wing, but I’m a conservative for sure.
Alfie Noakes
It's comical that anyone could think Rosenberg is any less of a hack than Carlson.
Cards fan
lol Did Rosenberg get sued and defend himself claiming he's not an actual journalist?
Did Rosenberg peddle the Russian state lies that Ukraine was committing a genocide against Russians in easter Ukraine?
I'd take Rosenberg any day over an "entertainer" hack like Tucker Carlson.
That’s a good thing in a true democracy.
Same but im a liberal. Which is precisely why it is important to hear all sides of an argument. Im anti-censorship.
Tucker will be so famous he will be infamous.
Did he ask about the Americans wrongfully detained in Russia? Explain to me how this "brave man" would forget to do that.
Kurumazaka 2
Loads of left leaning political podcasts out there, Thuban.
I’d suggest you check one out and find out what the “left” actually thinks about corporate media.
Cards fan
I never said I was against speculation, but you certainly were yesterday.
When I speculate, I base my speculation upon things we can know. When you speculate, you make it up out of thin air, like "did Zelensky just put TC on a kill list?"
La vie douce
I’m curious, do you think that Carlson would be interviewing Putin, if they didn’t know beforehand that he would portray Russia in a good light?
Kurumazaka 2
Wonder if free speech advocate Tucker asked about people holding blank sheets of paper being put in prison? Gotta admit, if he did, I give him kudos for it.
somehow doubt he did. Would be happy to be proven wrong.
And the majority of them fail, the left are strongest in TV and print, always have been, the right talk radio. Podcasts.
How they think in the media and what the left in Washington does is very different.
As a conservative, I couldn’t agree more!
Kurumazaka 2
the actual left does not consider your Washington left to be left, Bass.
Certain quarters are angry that Carlson landed the bombshell interview of our times. There will be more revelations to come.
This refers to the 4 hour and 15 minute Q&A in which he made those two western journalists wait after journalists from China, Balkans, Africa and other countries - Peskov initially put them at the front on the line and Putin stated they will be at the back on the line. One of the western journalists was a female working for the NYT, and she was clearly charmed and surprised by the engagement she received (watch it on YouTube).
Interviewed? or Brown nosed so hard he'll be washing fudge out of his ears for months?
Great News, more media competition, better for society!
Great job Tucker and Elon! All markets need disruption and competition, otherwise legacy corruption take over.
More transparency, media platforms and communication in general will all act to inform public and reduce toxic impact of media gas-lighting/manipulation.
Kurumazaka 2
And Bass, don’t lecture us about true democracy less than 24 hours after posting this
A coward interviews a criminal. This is hardly bombshell event.
Are you sure she just wasn't worried she wouldn't be allowed on her plane home?
You mean you haven't been able to interpret Putin's blathering up until this point?
Bass - Democracy, yes or no?
One should assume because of this enhanced media transparency; many Americans and Europeans will re-think this Ukraine 10year civil war and how to best resolve this matter peacefully.
Due to more balanced objective media coverage, many will have greater sympathy for those suffering from human, property and citizenship rights like former Russian speaking Ukrainians experienced and who have now achieved their LEGAL Independence for CAUSE.
Like former Yugoslavia in late 1990s with legal US assistance to achieve their needed independence!
Kurumazaka 2
Oh, morning Hope!
why were you chest pounding about Speaker Johnson’s stand alone funding bill for Israel while simultaneously lamenting genocide in Gaza? Have asked many times now, yet you never seem to want to answer.
go figure…
For those of you not familiar with or from the US, our internet is quite unrestricted here. We have the ability to gain access to any of the world’s media. Websites aren’t blocked here. VPNs not necessary.
Not sure where you guys are getting your info from, but it’s bunk.
Lol. What??? You cant be serious.
Chabbawanga - Russian has been meddling in Ukraine since the nation was born. That is what is causing the current troubles. Russia is like a spurned lover that just doesn’t get that the problem is his own damn self. You can’t force people to like you and the harder you try, the harder you fall.
Tucker Carlson's doing a GREAT service for Humanity!
Who can argue promoting much needed communication and understanding's somehow a BAD idea? Is so, then you clearly do not believe in Democracy!
Was that the Yugoslavia that you said broke up into 3 distinct countries?
I’d do a little reading or at least look at a map before making these kind of comparisons.
Helps with the credibility.
Carlson’s position is hard to know. He’s a transparent liar and scammer.
”He has a position” should be “the position he’s selling”.
Kurumazaka 2
aka, he’s been pro-Russia on this since day one. He said so. Explicitly. He was on Russian State media constantly. You know this.
he got the interview because the interviewee knows he’s sympathetic
Express sister
He literally assassinated an Iranian general.
Kurumazaka 2
more than meddling. Doesn’t acknowledge its existence.
as he said directly to W. Ukraine is not a real country.
lets get a big cheer from Team Nationalism on that one!
This sounds familiar. Is there another situation just like this one in recent news?
I think if an honest player was interviewing Putin it could be useful, but when we have a clearly untrustworthy scammer selling narratives to the vulnerable, you have to wonder.
Maybe some see his lack of honesty in themselves. A kind of sympathy.
Cards fan
That Tucker Carlson did similar propaganda pieces for Orban certainly is in the article.
Perhaps there's no financial connection, perhaps both Tucker Carlson and Carlson senior just really like fascists.
My bosses? lol Your projection is showing.
The old corrupt media industry clearly does not like well-funded smart new competition!
Reminds me of legacy Auto and legacy Hollywood not liking EVs or Tech based streaming platforms.
Same old story, but PUBLIC benefits, greater transparency is a GRET thing, promotes Democracy and takes on corrupt special interest efforts to protect their fundamentally anti-democratic legacy monopolies!
Why is Tucker Calrson not asking to interview Lukashenko? What is he afraid of?
Serious political analysts understand as result of Mr. Carlson, Western public Support for Ukraine will only diminish. Question remains how soon and how much?
Mr. Putin makes a STRONG Ukraine case, and why his public supports in the 80's, NOT 30's like Biden!
Cards fan
Serious political analysts get their "news" from Tucker Carlson? hahahaha What are you talking about? Like, you're really phoning it in here, friend.
Well, that’s your personal opinion, the majority of people don’t feel so.
If they see it at all as lacking. But to each his own, right?
Has he requested an interview with Lukashenko? Pretty sure the door is open should he. Tucker said in his video that he has sent a request to interview Zelensky but received no reply.
Also, yes.
Dunno, 11 million alone on X is nothing to sneeze about.
Cards fan
Name 1.
Yes, a lot of bots, and rightwing dolts.
Anyone that argues Tucker's in the wrong, has a strange idea about importance of dialogue and communication to bridge greater understanding = basis of Democracy.
BECAUSE western legacy media has been so partisan and controlled by US elites, that we have this CURRENT global failure regarding effective dialogue and understanding with key global policymakers like Mr. Putin.
Kurumazaka 2
Guess you didn’t see the question, Hope. Let’s try again!
why were you chest pounding about Speaker Johnson’s stand alone funding bill for Israel while simultaneously lamenting genocide in Gaza? Have asked many times now, yet you never seem to want to answer.
Lots of American celebrities and Republican politicians were sympathetic to Hitler prior to WW2. Same thing is happening now with Putin.. Money is always involved.
I wouldn’t agree to it.
Do you reply to the types in your junk folder asking you to receive funds?
World will end up being greatly surprised at Mr. Putin practical, logical, values-based approach to Ukraine.
That's greatest fear of the western elites so busy trying to destabilize Russia via this US NATO proxy war in order to turn it into their next 'democratic satellite' agenda.
You can dislike Tucker. You can dislike Putin. But the interview itself is no problem.
Sean Penn interviewed a murder. Oliver Stone interviewed a murder. The Left interviews nefarious folks all the time.
Really, the only problem would be Tucker not asking challenging questions, not pressing him, not asking about war crimes committed by Russian soldiers. Softball questions would make this interview pointless.
Value Entertainment, Megyn Kelly, Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, even CNN, msnbc and the White House. As far as the lib networks are concerned they cover him, that helps him overall. That’s 7 easily.
Yeah, you wish. ROFL!
Traitor Carlson gently tossing softball questions loaded with propaganda to his buddy Vladimir Putin.
Kurumazaka 2
not anybody. I watched Tucker say on air that he supports Russia on this issue.
He, Tucker Carlson said that on air. So yes, with his own words he demonstrated that he is pro Russia. Not claiming he’s not allowed to be pro Russia, but rather that he objectively is pro Russia.
Cards fan
I said serious journalists. With the exception of maybe, Megyn Kelly, none of those people are "serious journalists."
When any opposition is banned and opposition politicians are routinely murdered or incarcerated, references to ‘public support’ are meaningless.
Let's face facts - the dems have had it in for Putin since Trump's election, which they shamelessly blamed on the former. Everything from "interference", to a certain laptop to inflation they blame the former (and the latter). Pelosi even blamed young (anti-war) protestors haranguing Joe at events directly on Putin.
It's well past time for a dose of reality, the antidote being the truth and Tucker will be the messenger.
Definitely not Tucker and For talking to our adversary? Maybe if this administration tried it more often they would get more respect and seen as legitimate instead of being snubbed all the time.
I did.
Well, that’s your opinion. We all have them. But their numbers don’t lie.
LVD - did you not see when Tucker said on air that he wanted Russia to win? I saw it.
Tucker is not a loyal American.
Probably and most arguably THE most loyal American ever, and he’s gotten even more popular since he left FNC.
Kurumazaka 2
yeah, you probably shouldn’t be drawing people’s attention to that, JJE…
Look at the 60 minutes interview with Zelensky - if that wasn't a fawning pep-session, then I don't know what is. I bet no one can name the alleged journalist who conducted that "interview".
Kurumazaka 2
joe Rogan does not call himself a journalist Bass. Neither does Elon Musk.
good grief…
Amazing isn't it. ALL these fools that wish to regulate the media for "Their" Democracy, the irony is RICH indeed!
You go Tucker, protect Free Speech and Disrupt Mainstream Woke Media controlled by the same Special Interests that seek to remove Putin from office!
Just to clarify the UPDATE: According to Carlson’s Instagram account, just posted, the interview will air at 6pm EST Thursday.
Cards fan
Yes, we need Tucker to defend free speech by shilling for fascists who have done away with free speech in their own country.
All the more reason why Tucker continues to grow, after what FOX did, they defined the very definition of what fascism is.
Bass - dictators and the Constitution are not compatible. You can have one or the other.
Cards fan
Yes, fascism is when you get fired from your job. reeeee
Looking forward to seeing this interview and supporting Tucker, Elon, etc. in the process. They believe in being professional journalists, independent, thus not controlled by the many stakeholders in traditional corrupt media.
Thur. evening is PRIME Time for ratings & Democracy!
A lifetime of public service, lol.
Kurumazaka 2
The US Constitution Bass, is specifically crafted to make a strongman impossible. That is the whole purpose of 3 coequal branches jealously guarding their own place in the Constitutional system. To make your preferred form of government impossible.
That is why the Constitution exists. To thwart you.
Wonder if Tucker and Pres. Putin will discuss October surprises!?! Most curious besides Ukraine, what else they discuss. Many don't know, Tucker was perennially #1 HIGHEST rated US Cable News Anchor at FOX
Important to remember that Tucker is a viable choice for the next VP.
Kurumazaka 2
Don’t quote people if you’re not going to address the content you are quoting, Bass.
thought you’d know that as a journalist
Yeah.. about that…(per Carlson’s own lawyers).
Biden certainly didn’t get that memo.
Absolutely VP possibilities for Tucker, his media following is real, built brick by brick, he's authentic and likable.
I'd venture WH Press Secretary also possible, or Trusted Special Assistant, who can trot off to visit Putin & others!
Just maybe this was a Tucker Putin trial balloon?!
Russian Tr0!!
As an inveterate liar, he'd certainly be a great fit for a potential job working for Trump.
I don’t care what they think, but I can’t wait to see Tucker’s final numbers.
Kurumazaka 2
oh, they care what you think!
Bass - what are some right-wing principles you disagree with?
This is like a train wreck for many people. You know you shouldn't look, but you can't help yourself. Afterwards, you feel guilty, since nothing all that great was seen.
The hype is what this is about, not the actual story of mass murder by the Russian leader against his "brothers" in Ukraine and Georgia, who actually did nothing to warrant invasion.
Remember that movie a few years ago about Lil' Kim? Don't feel bad. Nobody else does either. This interview will have an even shorter life time.
Speaking of facts mattering, maybe you should check yours first. While the reason he was sacked was never publicly stated, we know (for a fact) he was not canned for lying about voting machines. He was not named in that case and had nothing to do with it other than being employed by the same network.
Not that facts matter....
Way to go Tucker.
He deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.
Greatest journalist on this planet.
Cards fan
Wasn't named in that case? What are you talking about? Yes he was.
Of course I like this exchange, just to show what a duplicitious hack he is:
Kurumazaka 2
by his own admission in court he is a political entertainer not a journalist
Such an "irrelevant" journalist, and as such, he warrants many comments/views and has managed to scoop the bombshell interview of the decade. He must be doing something right!
Kurumazaka 2
Greatest journalist on this planet.
He also admitted he sometimes lies when he is “really cornered or something”.
Kurumazaka 2
oh, you guys wouldn’t have booked him if he wasn’t relevant.
He’s a relevant political entertainer, by his own admission.
he reads his audience and bases his commentary on what they want to hear.
aka, he entertains them
thats not a journalist
right Bass?
He never said that.
In order to have peace & prosperity, need open lines of communication and that means dynamic media industry willing to disrupt and buck legacy Media Monopolists!
Tucker and Elon doing just that, thank you for protecting Democracy and Promoting Better Global Understanding!
Cards fan
Yes, his lawyer did. We know this.
Ah yes, free speech warrior Elmo. Fighting the good fight by blocking people at the behest of the Turkish and Indian governments as well as anyone who criticizes him.
No serious people have ever thought or think he’s a serious journalist.
If you are as dishonest as he is, you might be able to convince yourself he is serious.
The western mainstream media narrative of making Putin and others the 'boogieman' clearly isn't facilitating greater global understanding and cooperation.
It seems clear that many in western media elite in fact seek further global destabilization as part of their dangerous hidden agenda putting entire world at risk.
Thank you to Elon and Tucker for protecting the World from the globalists who Only believe in their media narrative and Democracy that THEY control!
Kurumazaka 2
He’s a supposed free speech advocate running cover for a guy who locks people up for holding up blank sheets of paper.
think that’s what folks are hot under the collar about.
by his own admission in court he is a political entertainer not a journalist
No. His lawyers said that. That was his defence.
The Tucker Carson & Elon Musk envy runs rich and deep indeed, but clearly most people and markets approve!
Kurumazaka 2
And as JJE and Hope keep driving home, that guy who lock’s people up for blank sheets of paper REALLY wants DJT back in the White House.
Tucker knows World's on fire because of a break-down in communication with world leaders. He's trying to bridge the gap, restore sanity and understanding.
For this alone, we should be grateful, because it's the first step towards a return to normalcy.