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Russia says U.S. put it in tough spot over Snowden


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"The Americans deliberately put Moscow in a tough spot by having failed to inform it of the fact that his passport was annulled in time,” the source said."

Sounds like BS. Did the Russians really believe that the US was going to allow Snowden to travel around the world without any constraints? Please

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

I did vote for Obama, never for Bush, but this is just getting ridiculous and making the USA look like the laughing stalk of the so called party! I bet from Havana, to Caracas to Quito to Moscow, Beijing etc...they are all getting a good laugh and probably saying in their native languages, something like "gringos pendejos" meaning oh silly Americans, meaning not your average Joe, Steve but the fools in Washington DC like Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Powell etc..yes too bad even a black guy high up in the US power system like Powell was also responsible for this stupid, stupid mess, stupidity no knows color limits, especially when $$$$ and power talk,right??

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Everybody seems at ease over Snowden issue except Obama administration !

5 ( +5 / -0 )

" “They’ve been throwing out some arguments as to what was going on. But frankly I don’t think we had a good-faith partner throughout that process,” the consul-general told foreign reporters."

Yes, I agree. The US has Not been a good-faith partner. US failed to inform Russia in a timely manner, the revocation of Snowden's passport is on questionable legal terms.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Everyone seems at ease except the US because at this point Snowden could literally say ANYTHING he wants and the everyone seems to believe him carte blanche...

There seems to be little doubt that there is a lot of truth to what this guy is saying but I am amazed at the majority of people who seem ready to believe everything that comes out of his mouth - and that is what the US is uneasy about IMO...

If he said tomorrow that he was privy to a cover up over Obama's birth cert. and knew he was actually born in Kenya the world would accept it as gospel - and the Tea drinkers would welcome him home a hero :-)

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

" If he said tomorrow that he was privy to a cover up over Obama's birth cert. and knew he was actually born in Kenya the world would accept it as gospel - and the Tea drinkers would welcome him home a hero :-)"

Except he would also present the documentation to prove it.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Moscow does not have to obey US law. They are an independent country and America's threats actually make it impossible for them to hand him over. The USA are not the masters of the world.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

He can't move from there because his passport is revoked, Therefore, if Ecuadorian or Venezuelan official gives him new passport, he would get out of there and travel to safe asylum.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Back on topic please.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Sounds like BS. Did the Russians really believe that the US was going to allow Snowden to travel around the world without any constraints? Please

This is just stonewalling and all the while the Russians are buying time by downloading everything that he has. Of course they are and if anyone thinks they or the Chinese didn't is living in fantasy land.

Everybody seems at ease over Snowden issue except Obama administration !

For Obama, global warming is more of a priority than Snowden, that should tell you a lot how this man thinks about national security. But then again, right before the election, he told Putin that after the election he would have more flexibility to negotiate and discuss about the defense missile system, so that's the kind of President we have. A do nothing president.


I'll be really happy when you start talking about the current present instead of talking about 5 years ago. You don't hear me constantly talking about Carter or Kennedy. It's 2013, news flash! Obama is the commander in chief!

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I hate to say it but I think that from the beginning of this affair, the U. S. is reacting instead of acting I wonder who is in charge of this whole mess at the White House. And why has a young idiot gotten so much power that he is threatening the whole U. S. intelligence community? A person such as him should have access to very limited information. Now that the damage is done, I hope that the NSA has learned its lesson. I hope there are changes in the NSA.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

How do you abruptlymiss a flight? heh

Yuri: Moscow does not have to obey US law.

No one has said Russia needs to obey US law. You made up that argument.

They are an independent country and America's threats actually make it impossible for them to hand him over.

The US has not threatened Russia. You made that up.

The USA are not the masters of the world.


I hope he sits in the airport for 2 months. He's already handed over his stolen information to the Russians anyway.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

global warming is more of a priority than Snowden, that should tell you a lot how this man thinks about national security

Global warming - another universal irritant where certain parties are punching way too far above their weight.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

SuperLib of course I did not make it up. In one statement President Putin makes mention of US Law.


I hope he makes it to sanctuary. The world owes him a debt for exposing the US plot. So what will the USA do if Russia refuses to hand him over? Snowden did not damage the USA as it did it all by itself. It damaged relations the minute it started this program of spying on the world. The light of truth has exposed them and like criminals they are trying to expose the informer.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

"And why has a young idiot gotten so much power that he is threatening the whole U.S. intelligence community?"

I thought he was the young hero...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

OK !!! What next...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

YuriOtani: "I hope he makes it to sanctuary. The world owes him a debt for exposing the US plot"

Or, Snowden is to blame for compromising intelligence gathering that could prevent you from being blown up in a terrorist attack, according to the head of the FBI. But what does he know, lol.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

according to the head of the FBI , the WHOLE world is preparing a terrorist attack against America.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Gaijin DesiJun. 29, 2013 - 11:30AM JST

OK !!! What next...

Activate U.N. and discuss whatever the world has known from Snowden so far.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

He can't move from there because his passport is revoked, Therefore, if Ecuadorian or Venezuelan official gives him new passport, he would get out of there and travel to safe asylum.

Nowadays, his "revoked passport" has nothing to do with his ability "to move or not to move". There are some powerful structures who decide it .

from the beginning of this affair, the U. S. is reacting instead of acting I wonder who is in charge of this whole mess at the White House. And why has a young idiot gotten so much power that he is threatening the whole U. S. intelligence community?

Very interesting questions.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

"according to the head of the FBI , the WHOLE world is preparing a terrorist attack against America"

Really! Where do you get this stuff?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


I hope he makes it to sanctuary. The world owes him a debt for exposing the US plot. So what will the USA do if Russia refuses to hand him over? Snowden did not damage the USA as it did it all by itself. It damaged relations the minute it started this program of spying on the world. The light of truth has exposed them and like criminals they are trying to expose the informer.

Now you want to quote Putin, ex-KGB and you think, he is a champion of justice? Or the Chinese? I never get where you are coming from. You bash America, but you live there and are happy to get all the trimmings that come with living there and I feel, if you think like that, the US should revoke your living status. Why stay. Maybe Russia would be a better place for you to live, maybe Russia can replace the US in Japan and protect it from China, since they are the champions of human rights. Of course it's our fault, we should never spy, it's wrong, it's wrong to spy on the Russians and Chinese, we should let them do whatever they want and plan whatever they want, because the two countries have a long history and achievements on human rights, freedom of press, speech is NOT a problem, you can say whatever you want, when you want. Russia and China would always honor the rule of law of its citizens in particular, the criticism of their leaders. As we know musicians speak out against their leaders without worrying about reprisals or repercussions and reporters can write whatever they want and not having to worry about getting a bullet in the head. In China, all media outlets allow free and honest media coverage and total open and honest transparency. The Chinese would never spy on its citizens that surf the net.Facebook and Google are the easiest way for Chinese to get unfiltered information. Yes, these countries are so much better than the US in every way! Snowden could not have been in better hands. Because Russia and China are THE most honest, transparent and noble countries that respect their citizens. My bad, Yuri

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Serrano this is what the Nazi used to take over Germany and destroy all civil rights. It is a very very old trick.

bass4funk, I am making observations as seen. Not being an American allows me to see things more clearly. So you think the USA should be a police state? TV sets, computers, cell phones all being used to monitor you 24/7. If you step out of line be put down by perceived transgressions taken out of context. As for China and Russia the USA is suppose to be "the land of the free". When you compare yourselves to those you consider not free do you see the problem?

My guess is Snowden will stay in Russia. I do not think he is even in Moscow now. If President Putin hands him over he is finished. As for not doing anything, I take care of a wounded warrior! He was hurt in one of America's wars.

The USA need to rethink things and work with other countries.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Snowden could be provided with a travel document by any number of nations. He could also be provided transport. And since no one has seen him... he may already be elsewhere.

2 ( +3 / -1 )


I am making observations as seen. Not being an American allows me to see things more clearly.

I know you just didn't make that statement!

So you think the USA should be a police state?

If it were, NONE of you guys could vent on these sites, you wouldn't be able to watch Youtube and American Idol would have been off the air a looooong time ago.

TV sets, computers, cell phones all being used to monitor you 24/7.

That's every country, NOT only the US. What, you think terrorists have 2 weeks paid, medical and dental coverage and a great retirement package.

If you step out of line be put down by perceived transgressions taken out of context.

Really? How so?

As for China and Russia the USA is suppose to be "the land of the free". When you compare yourselves to those you consider not free do you see the problem?

It is Free, I can call our current president incompetent, Try saying Putin is a jerk or saying to the "Chinese premiere" that you want to organize a "human rights protest", see where that gets you?

My guess is Snowden will stay in Russia. I do not think he is even in Moscow now. If President Putin hands him over he is finished. As for not doing anything, I take care of a wounded warrior! He was hurt in one of America's wars.

WT..... One, he IS in Russia.. Two, He broke the law! If he didn't do anything, why run? WHY? If I didn't do anything, I would never run, NEVER! Your argument just went out the window!

The USA need to rethink things and work with other countries.

Well, it won't be Obama, he doesn't care, he doesn't see it as a high priority. The only thing that Obama cares about besides Obama is his image, that's it!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Really! Where do you get this stuff?


“If you’re a U.S. person, then NSA is not listening to your phone calls and it’s not targeting your emails unless it’s getting an individualized court order. That’s the existing rule,”

Pretty good definition for the whole "world" but America, no ?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The USA need to rethink things and work with other countries.

That would bankrupt the country!

The US economy is too reliant on self-serving, bogeyman-creating, paranoia-spreading, black ops-deploying, private prison-building, weapons systems-selling, gated community-dwelling, parasitic securitocracy.

Reasons to be cheerful.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Yuri: So what will the USA do if Russia refuses to hand him over?

Why don't you speculate for us.

of course I did not make it up. In one statement President Putin makes mention of US Law.

I read your article. It makes no mention of that at all. More made up stuff.

It damaged relations the minute it started this program of spying on the world.

Well you should be comforted by the fact that no one else spies on the world. Just one country.

this is what the Nazi used to take over Germany and destroy all civil rights. It is a very very old trick.

You sound like a gun nutter. Remember when you used to laugh at them?

Not being an American allows me to see things more clearly.

Awesome. Then I can see things more clearly than every country on earth.

So you think the USA should be a police state? TV sets, computers, cell phones all being used to monitor you 24/7. If you step out of line be put down by perceived transgressions taken out of context.

Please say things like this as much as you can.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Snowdon is a Hero of the first level, for helping reveal what we have suspected for years that the federal government under the modern radical liberal agenda has invaded personal liberties to a large degree unchecked by any power within the legal system of the US because of the deep infiltration of liberal ideology supported by a well organized cabal of leading Democratic Party figures, the current occupant of the White House and other leading appointees all polkitically to the far left. Sadly this may continue for a while but the truth is coming out due to brave people revealing the extent of the corruption and really there is no reason to believe "Washington" represents the wishes of the American People or the legal reality any more. Sad but true. Mr Snowdon is owed a huge debt of gratitude by any person who cares for liberty and the rights of free people. I am sure he will be protected by fair minded people..and in time the cabal in Washington DC will be tossed out of office. That can't come too soon.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Mr Snowdon is owed a huge debt of gratitude by any person who cares for liberty and the rights of free people.

Hmmm, why is it that you liberals never get it? If he is a hero, why run? The same with Assange. He also proclaims his innocence, if that is so, then prove it. Problem is, they can't. They know what they did was criminal and that's why one criminal is in a Moscow terminal hiding and the other making his permanent residence in an Ecuadorean embassy. Some hero. Both should be excoriated, shunned and incarcerated.

I am sure he will be protected by fair minded people..and in time the cabal in Washington DC will be tossed out of office. That can't come too soon

Cabal? Anyway, I'm sure, he'll be protected by people like Code Pink and other nutty groups, but that's not going to save him from an indictment charged with violating federal charges.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

In one corner, we have:

Snowdon is a Hero of the first level, for helping reveal what we have suspected for years that the federal government under the modern radical liberal agenda has invaded personal liberties to a large degree unchecked by any power within the legal system of the US because of the deep infiltration of liberal ideology supported by a well organized cabal of leading Democratic Party figures, the current occupant of the White House and other leading appointees all polkitically to the far left.

(I like the "k" in "polkitically" - it gives it an edge.)

In the other:

Hmmm, why is it that you liberals never get it? If he is a hero, why run?

I do so enjoy this thread.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I guess most of the posters have not born during the watergate affair. President Nixon and his disciples were kicked off the office for their dirty and uncivilized conduct. Their crime was identical with current Obama administration. Universal truth is stealing personal information and intrusion of privacy are crime. Decent people will not tolerate about it.

As a land of free, proud and brace. Obama and his lieutenants should be sacked. US admin also have to stop using drone attack and inhumane interrogations for suspected prisoners. Snowden should be rewarded as Champion of civil rights movement . If the individual citizens have to give up for their freedom of expression, liberty statue should be removed from US and send it to somewhere else.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Wasn't Nixon actually forced to resign for lying ?

For your comparison to hold water Obama would have to have used Prism in the 2012 re election to snoop on Romney, before soundly defeating him.

And if that's the case you're going to make, I think you just knocked Yuri and Bertie Wooster of the top spots respectively for the most ridiculous suppositions in this case yet!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

If President Nixon and his disciples were kicked off from their office for the Watergate affair, the same principle applies to President Obama and his corrupted admin . Recently Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi who is a head of house of reps admitted that current administration lied a lot, misled the public. It has also committed many dirty tactics. She should be accountable for her sinful conducts as Democrat elder.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

All readers back on topic please.


Recently Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi who is a head of house of reps admitted...

Pelosi is head of WHAT?!?! And RECENTLY? Only if you consider >2 years ago to be recently. She's only the House Minority Leader. Don't know where you're from Nathaw but you should stick to topics you know something about, and that's clearly not American politics.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Pelosi is head of WHAT?

She is a head of minority House of Reps of US or leader of minority of House of Reps. I do not want to use as leader of house because she is not a Majority leader. Only Majority leader can use the Hammer.


You obviously did not read the whole sentence. Pls read carefuly before you post.

Recently Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi who is a head of house of reps admitted that current administration lied a lot

Her comment was recently booed by liberals.


but you should stick to topics you know something about, and that's clearly not American politics.

It is clearly American Politics. She is a minority leader and she express her comment like a Majority leader. Her comments should be expressed by who is holding the hammer. She is only holding the pen. Not hammer!

As you come from the land of free, proud and brave. You can not shut up other poster freedom of expression as far as it is still on topic. If not the statue of liberty is just a joke!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I also want to post the link about Snowden is called as criminal by Nancy Pelosi. She went too far.


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Edward Snowden should have his own program on RT by now (Assange did) = What is taking so long? Make the show from the airport lobby if you need to.


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Make the show from the airport lobby if you need to.

Why? Time for various shows is already over. A lot of work is awaiting for that talented guy. To disclose all secrets of PRISM, to create effective counter measures etc etc By the way, not in "airport lobby" but inside a new well equipped IT lab.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I do not think Snowden will ever leave Russia. As long as the USA does not get their hands on him, they will never know for sure about what was revealed. Second he is in real danger outside of a strong country. As for returning to America the best he could hope for is to be put into a suicide cell naked 24/7. Worse to be tortured to reveal the extent of the leak. His parents want to make a deal for him. However they fail to see that "patriotic" Americans will make his return a living HELL. As for me posting so what! I do not advocate anything illegal. It is to the countries advantage to let people vent. They id themselves, they vent their frustrations and give the appearance of freedom. Of course I could be wrong this is my perception and why do you get bent out of shape? This is the view of a women from Okinawa influenced by her disabled Veteran husband.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

As long as the USA does not get their hands on him, they will never know for sure about what was revealed.

They do not care about the data or even Snowden. When you are in a crime syndicate once you leave there is a price to pay (a matter of principle). If he would of left he most likely would have been killed anyway = so the way he left was in reality the safest way.

It's not really the "USA" doing this either. It is more of a crime syndicate with private banks (Federal Reserve owners et al) directing the shots. The people underneath are compromised and scared since the criminal cartel has a full dossier on each and every one of them. =They are powerless to do anything and do as they are told (are actually told which way to vote on congressional bills)

http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2012/12/13/sarin-gas-gulf-war-veterans/1766835/ 250,000 thousand troops exposed to nerve agents. The poison gas alarms went off and people were told to take the gas masks off.

Depleted Uranium is similar in that these extremely small mildly radioactive (but long lasting) particles go right through lung tissue and into the body. Metal (from the round) is oxidized and goes into the air when the DU charge is ignited (friction from the barrel).

Vaccines they give to the military are dangerous (sometimes experimental) also.

== It is amazing that US military people last past their 50's now. Go all natural and juice organic greens to combat this trend.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

A quote from Snowden's father:

He expressed concern that his son might have been manipulated by WikiLeaks. "Their focus isn't necessarily the Constitution of the United States," he said. "It's simply to release as much information as possible."

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Superlib, Snowden's father is being played by the gubmint to say those things, or he is as duped as the majority of Americans that the government is there to "help'.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


You are the smartest one, right? Because the majority of Americans just don't know they being duped? Lol Good to know.


Worse to be tortured to reveal the extent of the leak. His parents want to make a deal for him. However they fail to see that "patriotic" Americans will make his return a living HELL.

If Snowden were to come to his senses and would turn himself in, of course they wouldn't make his a living Hell. They would interrogate him as a protocol procedure, but they wouldn't make it difficult. They want him alive. They want to know what he knows and to what extent he gave the Russians and Chinese the information.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

His parents want to make a deal for him. However they fail to see that "patriotic" Americans will make his return a living HELL.

True. Besides, any attempt of a contact with parents or his girlfriend somewhere outside Russian territory will cause utterly bad consequences for mr Snowden. He will be kidnapped or even killed at a place by CIA assassins.

As for me posting so what! I do not advocate anything illegal.

Do not be afraid to sound "illegal" while US Government , while singing sweet songs about "Freedom and Democracy" at the very same time commits a plain theft, stealing your personal data from electronic devices at home and office 24 / 7. Do not be afraid to to sound "illegal" while America keeps bases on a soil of your Motherland and US soldiers abuse your countrymen and rape your women. Play the same kind of Rules they try to impose on you.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


True. Besides, any attempt of a contact with parents or his girlfriend somewhere outside Russian territory will cause utterly bad consequences for mr Snowden. He will be kidnapped or even killed at a place by CIA assassins.

Ad if that were to be the likely scenario,who's fault is that? Snowden put his own life in jeopardy, NOT the government, SNOWDEN did. He needs to man-up, he thinks he's a big boy, let him face his own treasonous actions the way destiny will choose it. But I don't think Snowden will be that lucky. They'll just arrest him, interrogate him, process him through the legal system and he'll probably spend the rest of his life in prison.

Do not be afraid to sound "illegal" while US Government , while singing sweet songs about "Freedom and Democracy" at the very same time commits a plain theft, stealing your personal data from electronic devices at home and office 24 / 7. Do not be afraid to to sound "illegal" while America keeps bases on a soil of your Motherland and US soldiers abuse your countrymen and rape your women. Play the same kind of Rules they try to impose on you

I don't know what you are mumbling about. Rape? Theft? Been watching too much TV again, huh?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

But I don't think Snowden will be that lucky. They'll just arrest him, interrogate him, process him through the legal system and he'll probably spend the rest of his life in prison.

Keep dreaming :-)

I don't know what you are mumbling about. Rape? Theft? Been watching too much TV again, huh?

Hmmm....Who is responsible for your inability to differ "speaking" from "mumbling", I wonder? Your flat IQ level or, maybe Obama Administration once again, huh?

As for rape, read criminal chronicles about "adventures" of your "brave servicemen" on Okinawa instead of comic books :-)

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


Keep dreaming :-)

That dream, my friend is serious cold reality.

Hmmm....Who is responsible for your inability to differ "speaking" from "mumbling", I wonder? Your flat IQ level or, maybe Obama Administration once again, huh?

So you just want to refer to ad hominem attacks? When people lose the arguments and when in doubt, just attack their credibility, Typical.

As for rape, read criminal chronicles about "adventures" of your "brave servicemen" on Okinawa instead of comic books :-)

Uh, you don't want to go there. I'll just say this, if you want me to read revisionist history, forget it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

That dream, my friend is serious cold reality.

There is no an agreement of extradition between the USA and Russian Federation. Therefore, no any legal base for extradition. And the USA always provided a safe harbour for various Soviet / Russian defectors. They were considered criminals and traitors by Soviet / Russian side but the USA never paid any attention to that. Name me any reason why Russia should extradite mr Snowden to US side after such a wonderful practice of international relations? Oh, you were talking about ST6 operatives. Well, they got OBL inside a Pakistan, your ally. There were bunch of double agents who gave your special forces a key info "how to find" his shelter. But how they could operate in Russia? Russia has well-prepared borderline guard troops (aside from Coastal Guard forces), powerful troops of Ministery of Internal Affairs and many of them used to fight in Chechnya, together with Army, against rebels and mercenaries. But mr Snowden will be protected by much more serious and intelligent operatives from Special Forces. Any sign of interest from ANY person concerning to location of mr Snowden will be detected at the same time. Need I continue to tell about consequences?

So you just want to refer to ad hominem attacks? When people lose the arguments and when in doubt, just attack their credibility, Typical.

It was a plain response on your "mumblings". Keep discussion in polite mode and everything will be okay.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

bass4funk you do not believe it. The best he can hope for is life in prison. A living hell that would make him wished he killed himself. My guy says "to err is human, to forgive is against government policy". The US will say anything to get him to return and disregard it. His message got out and there is no turning back. He should ask Russia for refuge since it is impossible for him to get a fair trial in the USA. The government is wrong in its collection of intelligence from its own people! I do not believe them and getting a warrant after is against the 4th amendment.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yuri: The best he can hope for is life in prison.

The best he can hope for is a full pardon.

The US will say anything to get him to return and disregard it.

You just made that up.

He should ask Russia for refuge since it is impossible for him to get a fair trial in the USA

Says your imagination.

The government is wrong in its collection of intelligence from its own people!

Nope. There are plenty of cases where that exact thing is used everyday and you 100% support it. You are paranoid that the government is reading your email and I don't want policy to be decided by crazy people. We need a fair and workable solution, not laws that will ease your imagination.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


you do not believe it.

Oh, yeah, I do!

The best he can hope for is life in prison.

Let the crime fit the punishment.

A living hell that would make him wished he killed himself.

That is exactly why I'm against the death penalty. (in most cases)

My guy says "to err is human, to forgive is against government policy". The US will say anything to get him to return and disregard it.

WTF?? "To err is human," Yeah, if he jay-walked on a busy intersection while reading his iPhone, I would agree with you, but this is NOT an "Err" it was deliberate.

His message got out and there is no turning back.

For him, you'd better believe that. If you think he'll be sitting on a couch with Oprah and he tries to peddle his book, NEWSFLASH!! Ain't gonna happen.

He should ask Russia for refuge since it is impossible for him to get a fair trial in the USA.

We're talking about Snowden, NOT Roman Polanski! But I forget, Russia is a country that advocate for democracy and freedom, silly me.

The government is wrong in its collection of intelligence from its own people! I do not believe them and getting a warrant after is against the 4th amendment.

Well you and I don't know that for sure, because we both don't work for the government, you are just speculating.


There is no an agreement of extradition between the USA and Russian Federation. Therefore, no any legal base for extradition. And the USA always provided a safe harbour for various Soviet / Russian defectors.

Yeah, but those Russians didn't carry a laptop full of secrets. So this situation very, very different, because its potentially damaging NOT only to the USA, but also our allies.

They were considered criminals and traitors by Soviet / Russian side but the USA never paid any attention to that.

Different scenario, apples and oranges.

Name me any reason why Russia should extradite mr Snowden to US side after such a wonderful practice of international relations?

We can't, because we have president that cares more about his legacy than the country.

Oh, you were talking about ST6 operatives. Well, they got OBL inside a Pakistan, your ally. There were bunch of double agents who gave your special forces a key info "how to find" his shelter.


But how they could operate in Russia? Russia has well-prepared borderline guard troops (aside from Coastal Guard forces), powerful troops of Ministery of Internal Affairs and many of them used to fight in Chechnya, together with Army, against rebels and mercenaries.

One thing I do know for certainty, anyone can get caught anywhere at anytime, if they really, really wanted to.

But mr Snowden will be protected by much more serious and intelligent operatives from Special Forces.

You're doing the same thing Yuri does, speculate. You don't know that. Stop throwing out stuff just because its easy to do so.

Any sign of interest from ANY person concerning to location of mr Snowden will be detected at the same time. Need I continue to tell about consequences?

Oh, but don't let me stop you....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Neocon says " Because the majority of Americans just don't know they being duped? Lol Good to know."

The good news in this is that SOME of the duped majority are awakening to the reality that they have been duped. The others are still proud to sing "Proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free" and pledge allegiance to a defunct symbol.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

There is no an agreement of extradition between the USA and Russian Federation. Therefore, no any legal base for extradition. And the USA always provided a safe harbour for various Soviet / Russian defectors.

Yeah, but those Russians didn't carry a laptop full of secrets. So this situation very, very different, because its potentially damaging NOT only to the USA, but also our allies.

My dear friend, you should read a history of defectors much more attentively. For instance, in 1976 Victor Belenko hijacked a new high altitude fighter -interceptor MIG-25 in Japan. He claimed to Japanese policemen that "it is a US property". Soviet side declared him a traitor, but the USA gave him an asylum. Later he revealed a highly classified info concerning to various technical parameters of MIG-25.

One thing I do know for certainty, anyone can get caught anywhere at anytime, if they really, really wanted

Only in sci-fi movie, using by Star Gate.

You're doing the same thing Yuri does, speculate. You don't know that. Stop throwing out stuff just because its easy to do so.

Hahahahahaha ! So Yuri and me made a lot of assumptions, right? You do believe that mr Snowden is still inside a transit zone of airport, right? Well, maybe Barack Hussein Obama really should send a squad of SEALs right into transit zone of Sheremetyevo airport. To check all toilet cabins....

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