Japan Today

Russia teams up with BRICS to create AI alliance

By Gleb Bryanski

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Putin has his eye on the future. Not getting onboard would be an existential threat.

Recently, a major west Europe chip manufacturer was cleaned out of all their 'information' by an employee from a certain somewhere. Heroes don't always wear capes; sometimes they wear engineering robes.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

This crap also cannot and won't work in Russia or BRICS and with all global scientists lured successfully there it won't work either. Recently he's quickly getting old, jumping on many wrong trains, like Ukraine war, collaboration with Iran, not foreseeing Syria development and giving asylum to the Assad slaughter, among other things. And now this one here, trying to succeed against the laws and rules of mathematics. A really hopeless guy... lol

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Yes, now they can assault democracies with the power of AI to fool the clueless. Social media was a mistake.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

JJEToday 06:49 am JST

Recently, a major west Europe chip manufacturer was cleaned out of all their 'information' by an employee from a certain somewhere. Heroes don't always wear capes; sometimes they wear engineering robes.

Heroes don't steal stuff but that is all countries of low levels of civilization are capable of.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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