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© Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Russian entry into Syria's air wars raises worries
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Russia's intentions are not for the best. We'll have to wait and see the result.
Under what authority does the U.S. have the authority to decide that the governing regime in Syria must be changed? The same authority that resulted in changing the regime in Ukraine from one favorable toward Russia toward one favorable to the U.S.? I'd love to see a drastic regime change in Washington, away from militarism, neoliberalism and neoconservativism, and the pursuit of empire.
And all this just for some oil and gas pipelines. Why is it I never read anything about the pipelines or the petrodollar on AFP or AP or any other MSM corp? Huuummmm.....
When the US sells massive amounts of weapons and illegally bombs the hell out of a place, killing many innocent people and destroying lives in the process it's OK, but when demonized nations take similar actions their intentions are bad? What kind of moral compass are you guided by?
Turkey warned that any other aerial intruder would be treated like an enemy.
The Russians would be treated Turkey and NATO like allies of ISIS.
Can you tell us about the oil and gas pipeline that Putin wants to build in Syria, in your mind?
What gave you the idea that Russia needs a pipeline in Syria?
On the Russian media, they admitted to there mistake and Turkey said "no problem". While western MSM is making a big issue about it and NATO is making threats and calling for a security meeting. ISIS is still the enemy here yes?
Joe above quote: the "violation" of Turkish airspace was actually a violation of a five-mile "buffer" zone inside Syrian territory that the Turks unilaterally declared.
Where did you find this bit of info?
@Gengar"ISIS is still the enemy here, yes ?
Rather a useful tool for westerners to promote their selfish interests in the region. This is the only sane explanation of western anger towards to Russians for their current activity in Syria.
Not resources - it's their naval facility at the Syrian port of Tartus. Syria and Ukraine are related in that Russia is desperately scrambling to secure its dwindling ability to project its power. With its allies in Libya, Egypt, and Iraq now gone, all it has in the Mediterranean is Tartus (and all on the Black Sea, really, Sevastopol) - it is Russia's only naval base beyond the Bosporus—which is controlled by Turkey, a NATO member.
Obama knows this and thus will not push Putin too far (even as Putin concentrates his attacks in the west and leaves the east, where ISIS is,largely alone), but I pity the man: Syria is something no one really wants to own.
This is wrong. It was the inaction of the obama administration which was worrisome.
Could you expand your opinion on this more?
Stuart hayward
Russian entry into Syria's air wars raises worries
It only raises worries for ISIS and the countries who have, and still are supporting them.
Russia has permission from Assad to fly sorties.
She will want to defend Damascus, and her own population and naval base there on the Med coast.
She may also need to demonstrate credibility to Iran, China and North Korea. "We stick by our allies."
For these reasons, Putin has found a way of mortgaging the economic future of Russia in order to pay for today's projection of power.
Only America is nervous. The rest of the world is applauding Putin for doing something.
It is all about testing military equipment and the skills of personnel. There really isn't any concern about civilians. The countries in the market for fighter jets are watching the air show closely. The winner will get the contracts.
Sure! See, Fizzbit, sometimes the best approach is not to just do something but stand there. The American-led coalition has several times the amount of warplanes as the Russians but has carried out far fewer sorties. Attempts to train and arm those supposed non-ISIS opposed to Assad have been perfunctory. The reason is that, when such chaos happens, America is expected to lead the way in doing... uh,... something, but Obama is determined not to tread into Pottery Barn territory.
Whether this is a good strategy or not is of course debatable (I personally think that it is), but the result is that the US does not "own" Syria as it does Afghanistan and Iraq.
On the other hand, of course the US is must appear concerned about Russian involvement - but they already have skin in the game due to Tartus. Some above have noted that many European countries have welcomed Russian involvement, and I suspect that, secretly, so does Obama. As long as the two countries can keep their warplanes from clashing, the onus is now on Putin, and he's welcome to it.
You did. You keep talking about pipelines, completely ignoring the Sunni-Shia war that is raging in the region. So explain what you mean by these pipelines. And don´t just assume that everybody is reading the same conspiracy websites as you. Thanks.
No conspiracy, unless you're gonna call Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz conspiracy nuts and their Project For A New American Century a conspiracy (you can read it on line if you're so inclined). Ever here of the Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline signed in July 2011, creating an exclusive Shi'ite gas line? Or how about the Qatar deal back in 2009 which Assad refused that would go through Syria, Turkey, and on to the EU? Now, you've got a lot of reading apparently, so I'll let it at that.
Conspiracy websites....LOL. WOW, you really don't know what's going on do you. Turn off CNN, CNBC and FOX because they will only keep the discussion at your level, a religious one. pfff
But let us stick with your "Shiah" idea. If this is a Shia project and the grand conspiracy of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Obama want to promote this Shia project, then why are Obama and the likes of McCain involved in the Syria war on the side of the SUNNI rebels? Why are they trying to destroy the Shiah-client Assad? Please explain.
I am on record for criticizing the propaganda spin of your alphabet soup networks, who also try their darnedest to blank out "religion" from their reporting of the Sunni-Shia conflict. Maybe you have been watching them too much?
Seldom agree with you WilliB, but do this time. Leave them alone, and the chickens will return to rest where they will.
I know it will be difficult, but straight and frank communication between Russia and The United States should hopefully prevent any air related "mishaps".
Those were three separate references not connected to each other get you on the road to being better informed. To ask or suggest that the Neo Cons would support anything other than the Sunnies shows you really truly don't have a clue.
"The most worrying thing is that my anti-Assad Islamist rebels won't be able to topple Assad and establish a puppet state for me".
ThePBot, you hit the nail on the head.
"Moron Air Base..." LOL
Hope the situation does not develop along the same line!
4 Russian warships are firing cruise missiles from the Caspian sea. Seems like the bombardment from sea has begun.
Now wait for Obama and McCain to complain. "Our precious vetted rebels! Spare them!"
US is not taking monster Islamic State seriously so Russia did making ISIS fighters go back to school and try to learn how to behead Russian missiles...
Russia is finally doing what the US talked about but didn't do! Still don't worry US of A because all those American made Humvees,M-16s,RPGs etc that somehow made it into terrorist hands have now been vaporized by Russian bombs!!!!
Just think of how much profit will come from replacing them.......