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© Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Russian police arrest more than 1,000 in Moscow protest
By JIM HEINTZ MOSCOW©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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And there are pro-Russian 'westerners' (and other non-'westerners') who want their respective states to ape Putin's regime and become even more authoritarian, especially if the 'opposition' might include people not from their demographic.
Toasted Heretic
Putin must go. Not a big fan of Navalny, either but Russia is oppressing its people. And to those who know their history of that nation - we know where that leads to.
2012-after the election “I’ll have more flexibility.” After you help me get re-elected...hmmm
2014 silent on Russian interference...yes, this is a warning where we don’t want to go. Fascism is something the Democrats should never tangle with.
So basically the socialists should know they’ll never win.
Freedom of speech, Russian style.
BYOB - Bring Your Own Baton.
Ramping up after the 1999 bombing of apartments in Moscow. A former KGB member has really benefited from that. As have many of his former KGB pals.
But then there are lots of ways to understand what happened, aren't there.
Not surprising that staunch GoTrumpers are not willing or able to criticize Russia nor its overpowering police actions. But given GoTrumper's unwillingness and inability to acknowledge Russians 'meddle' in US elections that's to be expected. Gotrumper's boy Mitch McConnell has joined their team. He's being called Moscow Mitch.
So all is NOT well in Mother Russia. Contrary to what Putin and his Propaganda machine would try to have us believe. It looks like Putin’s worst fears are starting to materialize.
His last and only real option is what all Dictators like him inevitably do. Crack down on dissent and instill fear in their opponents not to Rock the Boat with threats and increased repression.
Putin fears that if he did introduce reforms things would spiral out of his control. He remembers how Gorbachev’s Glasnost and Perestroika culminated in the Collapse of Communist rule in Russia and he doesn’t intend for that to happen to him which is why he created a National Guard (Praetorian Guard) in 2016.
What’s even more baffling is that Democrats didn’t criticize Russia in 2014 for meddling in our elections then.
I feel the same about the lack of response and unwillingness to even address the public.
Thats Funny....yeah.....
Usually conspiracy theorists have a more fertile ground: 9/11 attack, how the Bush-Cheney gang masterminded it to benefit from the attack, to have a free hand to attack Afghanistan and Iraq.
This article is a typical MSM stuff that deliberately omits very important aspects. From the article: "The decision by electoral authorities to bar some opposition candidates from running for having allegedly insufficient signatures on their nominating petitions". The fact is that they were barred not for "unsufficient" signatures, but for massive forgery of signatures. The truth the MSN does not want to admit is that the opposition (Navalny and his alikes) are not popular, they are considered Western puppets, people do not want to vote for them. So these guys resorted to desperate tactics: forgery. The plan is simple - if lucky, nobody notices, take part in the ballot. If got caught, then cry foul, get attention from friendly Western media and politicians who see Navalny as a useful tool to pressure Putin. Cynical politics.
One simplle question for all GoGoNavalners: what would happen in the U.S. to a guy who stages a not-authorized rally and resist the police? He will lay face down, hands behind his back, happy not to be shot on the spot. The Russian police are very magnanimous.