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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Russian shelling hits Ukrainian town; Bakhmut battle rages
KYIV, Ukraine©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Russia has lost about 200,000 troops already. Staggering losses. At that fatality rate, which will increase this Spring when facing even bigger weapons , there won’t be much of an equipped Russian army left for Ukraine, let alone NATO to fight. So long as China doesn’t jump in, of course.
If fascist Russia wish to continue their war of land and resource stealing, they can expect another 200 000 casualties. At some point, the Russian people are going to realize this war is not worth the cost.
Furthermore, the Russian leadership may be indifferent to military losses, but the general population will not fight. This is 2023, not the last century. Russians want to holiday in Thailand, they don’t want to fight the west. Russia is now calling our bluff, is what I think. They are cornered and they have lost. Sure, they can send in another half million to the grave, the prisoners, mercenaries, the unfortunate, but after that, they will need to negotiate. The people will not fight. A general mobilization won’t work. They will revolt or surrender on the front line, rather than let Putin send them to their pointless deaths.
More shelling, more terrorizing, more killing of innocent civilians.
Russian's under the command of their great dictator PUTAin are so good at that!
But Bakhmut still holds, causing Russians to face casualties, MIA and wounded ones counting in the hundreds and thousands. All this to pacify the wannabe Czar in the cremlin and to gain some acres of land.
But .....
Ukraine prevails!
Haaa Nemui
Why are Russians targeting civilians?
Maybe because they are from there, and that's where their homes are. The real question is why are Russians there and why are the invading foreigners killing civilians?
Stay strong, defenders of Ukraine!
If they had been forced to evacuate, you would have been the first to complain about it.
Unthinkable thing: the civilians are waiting for Russians. Russians don't targeting civilians, they evacuate them to the liberated territory. There are some videos on telegram.
Time for a ceasefire and end this beastly killing and destruction.
Funny man! Lots of mass graves say otherwise.
In today’s episode of “Oh now you’ve done it! The Russians are mad now! THIS time islets SERIOUS!…
Unfortunately it's impossible at the moment. Zelensky does not want to admit defeat. The Americans are forcing him to take the Crimea. Russia is slowly moving forward and will not stop.
Putin could end it anytime with just a word.
Haaa Nemui
Why did they target the civilians that were waiting for their "liberation"? And yes, they do target civilians.
so it wasn't sarcasm?
"Zelensky does not want to admit defeat."
"Russia is slowly moving forward and will not stop."
No defeat yet - and it will never happen! Ukraine stands strong!
Russians moving forward in the wrong direction!
And they will be stopped!
Ukraine prevails!
That's because the Ukrainians are not defeated and they will not be. Russian invaders need to go home already don't become fertilizer for Ukrainian sunflowers. Ukraine has all the fertilizer she needs already.
Sad but seems Ukraine strategy is failing. Bakhmut appears to have been a disaster for them.
I think that Russian losses are being grossly exaggerated by our media. They have been using artillery and similar to achieve their objectives. Sure they are losing troops, but poor Ukraine losing more and have less manpower reserves to draw on.
we were told Bakhmut was going to be a bloody nose for Russia. That does not appear to be the case.
Shades of Afghanistan just before the collapse there?
No, you are just pushing the surrender it's impossible narrative.
Hard to watch these photo's and NOT to think about the man behind it all.
Sven Asai
I would recommend that someone stops both idiots immediately. They force the whole globe into war, inflation, disrupted delivery chains, delayed and postponed answers to more important problem catalogs and of course only send their own people into coffins. Having more sympathy for the attacked than the attackers that’s surely common sense, but taking a side or supporting one of those crazy leaders? Beware. I have an own stomach to fill, and not working or suffering for their insignificant and private territorial disputes thousands of miles away.
EU officially admonished the Ukrainian President numerous times for anti-democratic behavior towards ethnic Russian Ukrainian citizens prior to Russia's invasion. Most in orld understand this fact, especially those in China, India, etc. and helps explain in part why Russia has significant global support.
Here's one such article you can find on the subject but many such articles/reporting on this subject over years all prior to the Feb 2022 invasion':
Please people take a look and educate yourselves, takes 'two to tango' etc. If you believe otherwise, you're hopelessly naive. Solutions to achieve peace requires factual reality and not mindless media mind control and brainwashing/propaganda.
Russians clearly have 'beef', never bothered Finland or Norway in recent memory, something's clearly going on...., no Putin mouthpiece or puppet, that's FOR SURE, rather 'path to peace' must be anchored in factual reality, hopefully sooner rather than later!
Drop your kit, go home, leave Ukraine including Donbas and Crimea, and the killing will stop immediately.
Of course, some of "your lot" are going to have to answer for war crimes, but we can get to that later. We are not going to forget.
It's been a disaster for Russia. It's a single city and they have been fighting for it for 8 months and still haven't taken it. It has been a meat grinder for the Russians. Ukraine are making them pay a high price for the city.
Which media is that? I'm pretty sure the media doesn't exaggerate anything, they generally report on what entities like US intelligence or British intelligence thinks. Obviously Ukrainian or Russian sources are to be taken with a grain of salt.
These days the Russians are using 25% less artillery than a year ago because they are running out of shells.
Source please for Ukraine losing more men than Russia.
Who said that? Sources please.
Maybe so. Russia's invasion could well collapse.
Collateral damage or civilians?
Sheer utter madness to push Ukraine into attacking Crimea but I guess it is easy to send other people's kids to dies if you live in Washington or view a war like a football game and wear a cheerleader's uniform.
Yes, you undertook two security agreements Minsk 1 and Minsk 2 and openly watched Ukraine defy both. You also have confirmed that Ukraine had no intentions of adhering to Minsk 1 or Minsk 2.
This is somehow a less believable source than saying “just trust me, bro”.
@ReynardFox I have a serious question for you? Do you think any of the information provided in the story above, given the sources is believable? Honest answer please.
Dave g
Why would the Russians target civilians when they are occupying Russian speaking territory? Until after WWII, that whole eastern Ukraine was part of Russia and Ukraine was targeting civilians. There were 14,000 Russian civilians killed by Zelansky and thus leading to Russia invading. No one is even talking about the non-compliance of the Minsk Agreement by Ukraine.
To do that they need to Stop the US which is the main background protagonist in this war! Peace talks have been stopped because of the US pressure on Ukraine not Russia
Ukraine betrayed Russia, they are looking for their membership in European Union by joining NATO, help America attack Russia is a ticket to get rich. Zelensky knew this and he knew Ukraine will be used as a bulwark which will possesses an imminent deadly threat to Russia. It is all about money. Traitors!
Yeah once the losing starts, out come the narrative supporting, selective pictures from the media to try to extend the conflict and take some type of moral position.
It's your right and choice. But what to do? such videos never appear in your media. U don't want to know more than your tutorials and info garbage offer. Chez vous any alternative sources are blocked. It's your notorious freedom of speech. Read JT and u will always in the right stream:))))) As for me besides JT I read telegram.
True. Luckily nobody is doing this.
At least you are honest. This is likely what's going on in Putin's head, not the other nonsense they are pushing about protecting Russian speaking people (while destroying their homes and forcefully mobilizing them to fight their own countrymen).
Dave g
That's an incorrect number, but assuming it is correct, when did these killings start?
The operative words in this sentence being "Until after" and "was".
These areas in the year 2023 are Ukraine and will be re-united with the country that owns them.
How will this happen?
5 more years of military conflict and death all paid for by the USA?
If this makes it to the news, how difficult is it for a similar incident committed by the Ukrainians to make it to the headlines?
The Russians can quit or they can lose. But they ARE leaving.
And the US is not paying for all of this anymore than you actually care about taxpayer dollars begin wasted. That is just a deflection to carry water for a murderous dictator.
Thank you for the detailed analysis of how this is going to happen /s
Who says it's either/or? Surely both and much more!
According to CNN it will take at least 2 years for Ukraine to regain the land they lost in the beginning of the invasion (assuming that they didnt lose more land, like they are now).
Then they would need to "invade" Crimea and other areas that Obama gave to Russia in 2014 that have larger pro Russian populations.
While at the same time, the next President of the USA in less than 2 years (whoever that is) wont be a sympathetic mentally addled guy whose family who had business ties to Ukraine. They will end up with someone more neutral at best and might even get an angry orange man Part 2 instead.
Its not looking promising in any of these areas, so negotiation time is around the corner.
Below's why Russia will not easily QUIT/GIVE-UP, so a negotiated 'settlement' the only viable peaceful path:
Putin's" Special Operation mindset/logic, includes:
1) NIBY - "not in our backyard" rather Ukraine's
2) Not at war with Ukrainians, rather their 'masters'
3) All this old military equipment's got to go anyway
4) Great 'prisoner' reform strategy
5) Saving Ukraine's ethnic Russians from genocide
6) We've got a resource based 'fortress' economy
7) Inflation's THEIR problem, we export food & resources
8) Sanction's a joke, as everything's still 'for sale'
9) Our Central banks not printing ANY money like them
10) Our Debt levels are tiny compared to theirs
11) We have no crazy financial leverage, inflated markets
12) Great for commodities markets pricing, strong $
13) Unifying our people, their sense of duty, country
14) Lots of new Russian passports/citizens every day
15) Ukraine's economy on life support
16) Ukraine's infrastructure being destroyed
17) Ukraine's citizens are leaving Ukraine every day
18) Many Ukrainians moving to Russia
19) Europe's got HIGH inflation, no energy security
20) Europe will need more energy sooner or later
21) US big economic beneficiary AT Europe's expense
22) Voters in US and Europe will tire of endless war
23) Ukraine's military not sufficiently experienced
24) Ukraine's got a BIG military recruitment problem
25) Ukraine military cannot conduct offensive operations
26) Can always use EMP weapons and win ANYTIME
27) Most of world HATES NATO and US endless wars
28) Political realignments in west will benefit us overall
29) We're deepening our strategic partnerships
30) Can pursue asymmetrical attacks anywhere anytime
Putin's bottom line, TIME's OUR FRIEND!!
'Know thy enemy', principle of war/see above for starters. What's Ukraine winning? Settlement's the only path folks, everyone knows it, let's not let perfection be the enemy of progress!
That's a bit lazy. I'm pretty sure CNN doesn't have an opinion on how long it will take. I'm pretty sure it was a guest on CNN with an opinion.
Obama didn't give Crimea to Russia.
Leadership likely won't change, which is good because Biden is killing it.
Unlikely because Putin wants regime change. And after Bucha, who can trust the Russians.
Bob Fosse
Whole lotta speculatin’ going on. The last sentence is pure fantasy.
They used to pit a chicken against a chicken and let them have a go at each other. They will fight until one is pecked to death. This has been outlawed.
Dogs have been used as well. Luckily, the fight is stopped but not before the weaker one is almost completely mauled. This is also outlawed.
So now we have Russia and Ukraine, but they are not allowed to stop and must keep going. No negotiations. We can’t do this with animals, but it’s okay with humans.
So let’s just wait until one side or the other fight til death while we cheer on their “incredible and amazing” fight to stay alive.
One can be in a cross walk, have all the 'rights' and still end up being PREDICTABELY dead right....
Blah, blah, blah ! warmongers will be warmongers....both sides are as bad as each other.
Really? So Russia executes a bloody imperialistic invasion of Ukraine, but Ukraine is just as bad as Russia.
That's victim blaming.
Sadly but true, Ukraine's junior member of NATO, outsourcing at its finest for globalists angry at Putin,,,
After all Putin's entire Presidency's been based upon the KGB strongman protecting the Motherland from all the outside foreign cockroaches intent to exploit in the wake of the wreckage of the Soviet Union's collapse, this is just a new chapter in the same story!
That analogy is struggling to stay alive.
Blah blah blah of unmitigated crap.
Actually not so much.
That's the image that Putin portrays to his people. The truth is that he is the biggest kleptocrat history has ever know. He has plundered his country and every Russian is worse of for it.
The question is alive for what? Ukraine's at this rate going to be failed state with no population remaining, just utter wreckage and the Bear ain't going anywhere
Maybe that's the real idea or grand plan; all these other countries in Europe and Russia have terrible demographics, though not yet as bad as Japan but they're working on it with every bomb/bullet/missile!
That analogy is struggling to stay alive.
I don't see how you come to this conclusion. I see Ukraine coming out of this stronger than ever. It will become a major power in the region.
Only problems with above statement, first, his popularity rating is VERY high, 83% at last check. Second, his been around a LONG time, very unusual for politico's to STAY popular for DECADES. Third, we all know every politico's got their hand in some cookie jar, that's par for the course!
See my 30 point "Putin" mindset above, any outcome possible but it's a question of probabilities, nobody's betting Ukraine - unfortunate reality, reason I'm typing is because this could evolve into pure insanity/WWIII
That's the image that Putin portrays to his people. The truth is that he is the biggest kleptocrat history has ever know. He has plundered his country and every Russian is worse of for it.
Agreed. He's done a great job of implementing my first sentence. He's the master of propaganda.
Stalin stayed around a long time as well. Dictators usually do. If they lose power, then they don't. Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, etc.
Some politicians grift. Many don't. But, by some accounts, Putin is probably the richest person in the world. Putin has stolen from his countrymen tremendously.
I don't see how you come to this conclusion. I see Ukraine coming out of this stronger than ever. It will become a major power in the region.
Actually, many are betting Ukraine. I think it is the most likely outcome..
It already is WW 111 .....Every country has chosen their sides.
Bakhmut is @63 miles from the Russian border (at its closest point)
63 miles. In a year. Expending 153,000 lives (so far).
/Russian version of winning
//Slavia Ukraini
What everybody should know is NO person in the world has more enemies than Putin because he's been so successful, as defined by his voters, for so long.
These countless oligarchs spread across the world that survived and were forced to flee Russia will stop at nothing to exact their long-sought after revenge.
Ukraine - JUST A PAWN
Biden/NATO/etc. bigger chess pieces
WORLD, like us in Japan, simply 'collateral damage'
how so? they are already a glorified beggar nation who owes 100s of billions of dollars to other countries already. They will be lucky to get back half the land they lost in the last year in negotiations.
and this is before the 1 trillion+ dollar reconstruction effort that will take a decade.
If you're betting on Ukraine, implies that people and capital will likely flow there on a strong long-term secular basis, EXACTLY what's NOT going to happen at this rate....
I don't think he has many enemies at all, because he usually kills them, puts them in prison, or they flee the country. Fleeing the country doesn't mean you won't be killed. There are many that went to UK etc. that were killed by Putin.
As far as being successful, he is personally very successful. And rich. Russia, not so much.
They were fleeing Putin. Some still were killed by him.
Sure some want political change in Russia. I would say that was natural.
I see Ukraine coming out of this stronger than ever. It will become a major power in the region.
Yup. Look at Japan and Germany after WW2.
Ukraine will replace Russia as the power in the region.
Actually, many are betting Ukraine. I think it is the most likely outcome..
Don't be so sure. Mark, my words. It will. Ukraine will replace Russia as the power in the region.
AGREED!!!! Exiled Oligarchs want 'political change'.
Nice way of saying, "lets utilize Ukraine/NATO/West to get Putin!"
Sure some want political change in Russia. I would say that was natural.
So you are saying that exiled oligarchs engineered Putin to plan a bloody imperialistic invasion of Ukraine to get revenge on him?
Oh, Black, where did you get all that information?
A look in the crystal ball, MAGA conspiracy theories?
According to CNN it will take at least 2 years for Ukraine to regain the land......
Right, CNN the experts in any and all fields, especially military!
Then they would need to "invade" Crimea and other areas that Obama gave to Russia....
Yup, Obama gave .... SMILE! And it won't be an invasion, more like a real liberation!
They will end up with someone more neutral at best and might even get an angry orange man Part 2 instead.
Wishing for another one doing his best to divide (not only) his country? Good luck with that!
Its not looking promising in any of these areas, so negotiation time is around the corner.
Agreed. Just tell PUTAin to get the f.... out of Ukraine, pay reparations, present himself and others like him at an international tribunal in DeHague, and so on. See how easy all this could be! And I can tell you, quite a number of Russians would be more than happy if all this happened, trust me (if you want to)!
Assuming this is a true number, Putin's biggest crime is genocide of Russian people.
yes, they both are still controlled to this day by having US military hosted in their countries.
Thats your strong and powerful future Ukraine?
CNN, did you not see that?
Way too much long-term 'going concern' risk for people or capital to ever favor Ukraine, especially in today's digital era. Fantasy hope's not a strategy.
Putin can utilize EMP weapons anytime to destroy all electrical and thus economic activity in Ukraine. He's done so before very effectively with trouble spots...the only person to use such weapons.
Putin LIKES this state of war - see 30pt Putin plan above
There's no path to this great Ukrainian 'military win' and destruction of Russian, it's a pure fantasy, now my next strategic plan is going to the daycare, you folks take care and lets all pray for a peaceful durable solution!