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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Drone hits Crimean ammunition depot as strikes kill, wound civilians and journalists in Ukraine
By FELIPE DANA KYIV, Ukraine©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Both sides as bad as each other. Stop this now and make peace.
Sorry, but both side aren’t “as bad as each other”. Only one of the sides launched an imperialistic invasion of a sovereign nation in an attempt to steal territory! Ukraine is just defending its country m, as any of us would do if someone invaded our home!
Good. Russian rear areas are not safe.
Zelensky’s “ungrateful” problem along with the lack of tangible progress in the “spring offensive” is expanding week by week.
Haaa Nemui
I’m sure tomorrow there’ll be peace. The leaders of both sides will have completed their daily perusing of JT comments and come to the realization that war is bad. Just like every other time somebody on JT says similar.
"All our hope is in a famine"
No matter how hard NATO fights back Ukraine is doomed. Just stop the unnecessary fighting. We have enough of Co2 in the atmosphere no need to add more with ammunition exploding. Putin will retaliate again. Action causes an another reaction. Stop stop.
Haaa Nemui
We’ve heard this dozens of times. Everything Ukraine does is a reaction here. A reaction to the continued invasion and occupation of Ukraine’s land. Note in the top photo the missiles being fired from Russia’s Belgorod region. I have a suspicion that it won’t be long before they see some real reaction.
By Russia not invading or Ukraine surrendering?
I have a feeling that you think that the odium of war and the responsibility to end it doesn’t lie with Putin.
@clipper Putin is likely not interested in creating another Soviet Union. It failed last time so it won’t make sense to repeat failure. Putin wants to end the war with Ukraine but NATO keeps fueling the fire . They had an opportunity for peace talk but US said not happening. So Russia has no choice to keep fighting until they either all gone or until they surrender. If it prolongs NATO will have no choice but to have their troops boot ion ground and leading us into WW4. Let’s not escalate this to nuclear war when NATO is already using depleted uranium ammo… I’m for peace no winner in war only the chess players.
Dave Fair
While Putin is busy using drones and cruise missiles to destroy grain facilities and port infrastructure to support grain shipments as well as civilian housing complexes, train stations, schools and shopping malls Ukraine is targeting Russia's ammunition and fuel storage facilities and military sites. For those above who claim both sides are equivalent and are at fault lets be clear about one thing, Ukraine did not start this war nor did it provoke Russia! The Russian army invaded the soverign territory of Ukraine and lets be clear, this is Putin's war and history will call it just that. So what would you do if someone rushed onto your property, shot and killed your family members and intended to take over your house and land. Now, how would you feel if your friends and neighbors were to ask you to stop this nonsense, to make peace with these invaders, to let them have that parcel of land they had ILLEGALLY occupied and claimed for their own? What message are we sending to these invaders, to the world? What does it say about our neighbors who we had trusted and relied on in time of need that they now abandon you in this great adversity and struggle to exist?
So Putin doesn’t want to conquer Ukraine and Biden is stopping Ukraine from surrendering?
This isn’t particularly original stuff.
How do you suggest that the war be stopped?
The Ukrainians may not have all the weaponry they need from the West to quickly punch through the well-prepared Russian defenses on the ground, but they do enjoy the benefit of having the watchful eyes and ears of the US and NATO whose superior intelligence is starting to make life a misery for more and more Russians who will no longer be able to enjoy an untroubled night's sleep.
Cards fan
A problem so real you have to put "quotes" around it. Lol
Wow A totally new and original take. I don't care what you think Ukraine did, it doesn't justify Russia's imperialist invasion?
Haaa Nemui
Whatever Ukraine did was related to Ukraine. Russia had, and has, no legal control over any law that is made in Ukraine. Going against Russian demands, without actually attacking Russia, does not in any way justify what Russia has done and is doing now. Naivety places blame on Ukraine.
the obvious answer since peace talks are not ever going to be one is either side gets destroyed and surrenders to war. The question now is who side should you root for based on a lot of false narrative from the media? Also do anyone here want to join someone else fight just to be sent back home in a body bag hopefully with a dog tag jammed in your teeth so family members can identifying the corpse?
I root for Ukraine since they were invaded.
Why do you root for Russia?
What is it that Putin is telling you that you believe?
Putin could end the war today. Zelenskyy could end his country by surrendering.
Planet Earth to Zelensky - there is a land bridge too.
Dave Fair
Project 5150 NumbskullToday 08:10 am JST
As one of those people you say is "extremely naive to still believe this false narrative...", I would just like to know what Ukraine had done to "encourage the invasion of their country." Being naive as I apparently am, I'm curious what a country that isn't using force in any way, isn't acting aggressively towards, isn't actively or covertly trying to overthrow the leadership, the government or try to interfere in the stability of either deserves to be wiped off the planet as Putin has tried to do to Ukraine, not once but twice. And if your argument is that Ukraine had been pursuing NATO membership PRIOR to Russia's invasion of Crimea then what's your rational for Russia not invading Sweden or Finland when they were seeking membership, before Finland signed the NATO Accession Protocols? Both countries announced their intention to join NATO as a result of Russia invading Ukraine. Why didn't Russia at least get troops on their sovereign territory to block their NATO membership as under NATO charter, no country may join NATO that is in a military conflict and is the only reason stopping Ukraine from becoming a member? Being so naive apparently, I'm just looking for enlightenment.
Project 5150 Numbskull
Ukraine is just defending its country m, as any of us would do if someone invaded our home!
I am sorry, care to say what Ukraine did to to encourage the invasion of their country? And don't say NATO expansionism, because that narrative has been debunked. Also don't repeat tired conspiracy theories like the Maidan uprising was a US-back coup and other nonsense.
You sure seem like it. You don't have to denounce Russia, just Putin.
Raw Beer
Exactly. Putin issued numerous warnings before the SMO. He and Zelensky agreed to a peace deal very early on, but Zelensky was pressured to break the deal.
Nosuke, Ukraine is at the beginning of the end,when US support is cut , American are beginning to see this support as a lost cause
Nosuke - I would support your country if it were invaded, and many others would too. It's a shame you wouldn't do that for others.
Raw Beer - wouldn't it also be profitable for the Russian and Iranian arms companies? Also, if you are that concerned about western arms companies making money, shouldn't you be in favor of Putin pulling out of Ukraine and stopping his invasion? Because what do you think is going to happen if Putin doesn't stop? Production is already ramping up.
The ‘nobody cares’ or ‘everyone knows’ lines are getting tiresome. Kid’s stuff. Not serious. The walls closed in on this a long time ago.
Beginning to? Is this reflected in polling? I saw one poll from Pew indicating 4 in 10 Republicans think too much money is being sent to Ukraine.
The conspiracy theorists will have their own views but you may as well ask your cat’s opinion.
15 rules of Russian disinformation
Deny it
Accuse others of what you do yourself
Demonize your victim
Practice the victim role, even if you are clearly the perpetrator
Know your target audiences
When unable to convince, confuse
Spread not just one but many lies to create as much confusion as possible
Motivate others to spread your lies
Ridiculous propaganda helps make your more subtle lies appear more legitimate
If it gets tough to deny, use whataboutism
Amplify all voices that support your narratives
Repeat your narratives as many times as possible so that your audience can parrot them
Be aware that less informed people are more vulnerable to disinformation
When your fabricated content triggers emotions, people will spread it even more
Make your audience feel special, in the sense that they are well-informed, while others are just "decadent Western sheep"Jimizo
Just asking you to back up
*Just asking you to back up the claims that nobody cares and Americans are beginning to see this as a lost cause.
A fair request.
I’ve asked you more than 5 times to use my full handle.
Not doing this comes across as trolling. The walls should close in on it.
Well, thanks to Russia showing irresponsibility with the grain deal, nobody is going to trust Russia with access to cut off the Black Sea. I see US support for years to come.
If civilians are being killed in such strikes, you have to question if Russia isn’t using them as human shields.
Dave Fair
It seems a lot of people either slept through or skipped history classes or just didn't give a ****! If you have even just a slight recollection of recent history you would recall what happened to those who appease and capitulate to tyrants the likes of Hitler and surely the Europeans should be the last to forget the millions who perished due to the barbaric ambitions of a man who even took his own life rather than to surrender, to admit defeat and to negotiate a peaceful end to a war he himself started.
To those of you who say the Ukrainians ought to negotiate, that NATO and others who are assisting Ukraine militarily and/or financially ought to cease thereby forcing Ukraine into a surrender agreement, NOT a peace agreement as we know how fond Putin is of peace, go back and read about PM Neville Chamberlain and his policy of 'appeasement', read the Munich Agreement made between the United Kingdom, the French Republic, and Fascist Italy and Hitler in 1938 and how well that worked out for the UK, France and Italy or the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939 also known as the Nazi-Soviet Pact, the diplomatic arrangement included a 10-year non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union and where that got the Soviet Union when the shoe was on the other foot and it was invaded by a foreign aggressor.
“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” - British statesman Winston Churchill