Japan Today

Russian warplane crashes into Sea of Azov city, killing 4; suicide drones hit Kyiv


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There’s something fishy here. The entire point of a twin engine plane is redundancy. If one engine fails, the plane can still fly. It might fly like an ox doing ballet but it should still fly.

Perhaps it’s combat load exceeded the max takeoff weight? Perhaps both engines failed (because the Russians cannot take care of their engines?)

Whew, good thing the pilots ejected! It would have been a shame if they’d stayed at the controls to direct their aircraft away from buildings and the innocent……

Russian bravery in action.

12 ( +17 / -5 )

Iranian-made drones have been used elsewhere in Ukraine in recent weeks against urban centers and infrastructure, including power stations. 

vengence weapons, Vladimir 3s or Simply V3s. Sounds like history repeating.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Russian President Vladimir Putin had said Friday that there was no need for more widespread attacks against Ukraine — after an earlier barrage of strikes that he said were retaliation for the bombing of a bridge connecting Ukraine's Russian-occupied Crimean Peninsula with Russia.

Translation: we're running out of missiles. They are looking to buy some from Iran.

16 ( +20 / -4 )

The German fascist regime used kamikaze drones to attack London in WW2. They lost that war, and the fascist war criminal in the Kremlin will lose this one too.

14 ( +20 / -6 )

The German Nazis fired U2 rockets at London, not drones.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

Wallace,these drone have somekind of GPS guidance system , resident say the drone circle around,it obviously they had some kind of guidance system instead of dead reckoning,no inertial guidance munitions can do that Google Dead Reckoning Vs GPS Guidance

-16 ( +1 / -17 )

The German fascist regime used kamikaze drones to attack London in WW2.


Germany in WWII used V1 flying bomb and V2 rocket missiles...

Not drones !!..

OMG facepalm !!.. LOL !!..

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

It's just like what Hitler and the Nazis launched at Britain during WWII with the V-1 rockets, which the Brits called Buzz Bombs. The Buzz Bombs had the opposite effect, however, so instead of terrorizing the British people they became more stubborn and resolute in fighting the Nazis.

Shame on Putin!

11 ( +15 / -4 )

If the plane was shot down by the UA, would Russian media honestly report it?

Probably not. They need to give the impression that momentum of the conflict is going in Russia's favor especially since they started this new offensive.

Remember, Russia's only recent success has been against unarmed civilians with drones. Any real direct conflict with the UA has been an utter failure for Russia.

Ukraine needs to take Crimea ASAP!

8 ( +13 / -5 )

Pilots are supposed to point their aircraft away from residential areas and toward fields, forests, etc., like the Concorde pilot did, during catastrophic incidents, especially when they're got time to bail out.

A possible sign of the Russian military's incompetence and lack of moral code.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

A Russian warplane crashed Monday into a residential area in a Russian city on the Sea of Azov after suffering engine failure, leaving at least four people dead, three of whom died when they jumped from upper floors of a nine-story apartment building to escape a massive blaze.

I assume that the local aircraft maintenance is having troubles due to sanctions. They are short of key parts and equipment. The same problem may be true for vehicles and transportation systems. Were I in Russia now, I would try to avoid taking flight.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Numan,what war has the US won lately,and that your answer of Ukrainain taking Crimea

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

If the plane was shot down by the UA, would Russian media honestly report it?

Not sure it matters so much. They either look weak, or they look incompetent.

Monday's accident marked the 10th reported non-combat crash of a Russian warplane since Moscow sent its troops into Ukraine on Feb. 24. Military experts have noted that as the number of Russian military flights increased sharply during the fighting, so did the crashes.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Look, we all don't have enough information to hand to pass judgement, other than the fact that this "War" is unjust and should end immediately.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Chilling report. Fewer Ukrainian children showed up last night for my JOEE English lesson with puppets and songs. This attack may be the reason. Last week, one of the Ukrainian moderators at Smart Osvita and her young daughter could not join because they had to shelter underground at the time of the lesson. My heart is heavy for the children under attack and living with terror in this part of the word. -- Ruth, Dir. of JOEE.jp

Here is the link to the Smart Osvita NPO website that offers free lessons to kids in Ukraine: https://smart-osvita.org They are always looking for teachers to donate their time.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

North Korea will launch an attack near 35.7,139.7 in Tokyo,the main purpose of a decapitation strike is too take out the command and control from the leadership

Hahaha. The odds of N. Korea finding Tokyo much less flying there successfully are about the same as it hosting the Olympics.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

if it happens it will near 50.449,30.521

not sure why you keep using coordinates like this. Is it an effort to look intelligent?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

More senseless deaths and destruction in the name of Putin and his terrorist supporters.

Iran will soon be hit with sanctions for helping Russia kill Ukraine civilians with their drones.

The worlds terrorist organizations will now line up to purchase battle tested $20,000 drones from Iran, for use against whoever their enemies are. Price's will rise to allow Iran to reap enormous profits. The trade in death and murder has been boosted thanks to Russia.

The world risks falling again into a spiral of conflict that has the potential this time to destroy civilization as we know it. Thank you Russia for putting all of us in danger.

Russian planes reputation have taken a beating for lack of reliability, but it hardly surprises anyone.

Russia is now a synonym for treachery, terrorism, and unreliability. What a legacy Putin has made for his people and country.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

They hit “all assigned targets,” Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said.

So the Russians are now confirming that they are guilty of war crimes and that they purposely targeted apartments and other civilian infrastructure.

But, given their record of actually hitting an intended target, it’s hard to say what their thinking. In either case it is either a war crime or gross incompetence, these seem to be the only things that the Russian forces certain excel.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

There’s something fishy here. The entire point of a twin engine plane is redundancy. If one engine fails, the plane can still fly. It might fly like an ox doing ballet but it should still fly.

Nothing fishy. If it was a simple engine failure the plane could likely have landed safely, but it has been reported there was an engine fire. Most complex aircraft have some sort of engine fire extinguishing system but depending on the damage they may not be 100% effective. You can see from the photo the pilot barely got out before the plane crashed.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Ukrainain have gotten 18 billion in Aid, Russian has cost 380 billion in damages,A 20 to 1 economy impact,if Russia destroy their commercial airport in Kiev,they will never recover,they will have to move from Kiev,even Yemen got commercial air service Google Yemen Airport Open

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

A possible sign of the Russian military's incompetence and lack of moral code.

Former military pilot speaking. Have you ever been in the cockpit of an aircraft that is trying to kill you? By the accounts of other press sources the aircraft had an engine fire and we simply do not know if the flight controls were also damaged. You can see the parachute of one of the flight crew that bailed out. It looks to me like the pilot stayed with it as long as he or she dared. Look, I don't like the Russians at all, but ages ago I did have the opportunity to work side by side with Russian pilots and they are competent.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

If the plane was shot down by the UA, would Russian media honestly report it?

Please find a map showing the place this mishap occurred at. It is far beyond the range of any air defense missile that could be launched from Ukraine territory of from a Ukrainian combat jet.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

I already transition into 2023 , leaving all lost cause behind me in 2022,especially this war in Ukraine,see in 2023

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Russia is a terrorist (not sponsoring) state. FACT!

Using the same methods those German Nazis used years ago - terrorizing, hurting, and killing civilians with their V1 - V2 like UAVs.

Destroying civilian infrastructure (if they can) - but hey won't be able to win! Ukraine will prevail!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

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