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S Africa hits back at Trump over land 'seizure' tweet


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While this land policy may be problematic (I'm not expert enough to judge), I think it's safe to say that the best way for an American president to comment would NOT be on Twitter after watching a Tucker Carlson segment.

15 ( +19 / -4 )

Chase the White farmers off the land and South Africa could well become like Zimbabwe---no food being grown and food being imported. It's interesting that the new Government of Zimbabwe has stopped land aquisitions.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

So, to be accurate and always up-to-date in our civics, the US government consists of the Legislative, the Judicial, and Fox Executive News.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

To remedy the imbalance, the president recently announced that the constitution would be altered to allow for land to be seized and redistributed without compensation to the current owners.

Expropriation of land without compensation equals theft.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

As usual, Trump's tweets are stupidly inappropriate and we need to just stay out of it, but it is a messed up situation over there.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Why doesn't Dump send the space force to invade SA? More distraction to change the focus of his criminality in the press! He is courting the overtly and closet racists that fear minorities will take revenge on them for all the crimes committed by whites on the peoples because that is what their petty leader likes to do. Projection?


In 1913, the Natives Land Act kept black Africans from purchasing or renting land in "white South Africa," the BBC reports. In 1994, with the end of apartheid, the African National Congress said it would return 30% of land to its previous owners by 2014. 

White South Africans make up 8% of the population, per the WSJ, but own 73% of agricultural lands.


Crimes like robbery and rape on farms have increased in the last two years, though the number of attacks (561) is "still far off" from the 2001/02 high (1,069), according to the WSJ.

There have been reports of violence against white South African farmers, though the number of farmers killed in the last 20 years has "declined...and reached a low of 47 people killed in 2017/18." 

Out of the 19,016 murders in the country between April 2016 and March 2017, 66 of those occurred on farms, the New York Times reports. Between 2001 and 2002, there were 140 recorded murders on farms.

The issue of crime against farmers, and land expropriation, are two separate issues.

There is no white genocide in South Africa, and the murder rates have very little to do with land seizures or anti-white sentiment. FAKE NEWS!


Another Zimbabwe on the way.

Unlike popular belief by many racists, people of other racists and cultures don't need white people to save them as mush as they would like to believe(white man's burden!)

Many parts of the world were doing just fine until colonialism. In fact, colonialism strategically and purposely ruined these places to keep their power (racism). So, these s**e countries were the doing of people like Dump!

Name a place and I can name European intervention.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Any sort of affirmative action policies which disadvantage whites because of the past is simply racist and wrong.

So we should permanently live with the results of earlier racism? An equal society where blacks and whites are all free to choose to live in ghetto townships or be farmers?

Look forward not backward. I am glad that Trump brought this issue up because it is important that racism not be perpetuated. Now if he could only end affirmative action racism in his own country.

The right is normally totally quiet on racism until any kind of affirmative action is proposed and then racism is shouted from the rooftops and people worry near racist views become anti-racist campaigners.

Yes, Trump the fighter against racism. He will oppose racism in South Africa and so ensure that land is always owned by white people and blacks live in townships.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

if this turns out to be true famine is certain to follow with millions of black africans heading north towards Europe to escape the mess -

Not to mention the racist, violent white Africans who then clogged up London and other places. I'd seen some of them asked to leave the pubs for harrassing black customers.

But this is Trump, doing what he does best - stirring. Wouldn't be surprised if he did business with the apartheid regime back in the day.

before all the Social Justice Warriors start commenting take a look at the mess that has been created in the once great African state Rhodesia now Zimbabwe.

Yeah, right. Rhodesia was just so fair to the majority. When Comrade Bob swept to power, the chance was there to make a better country. But greed, paranoia and foreign interference combined to drag the country down. Zimbabwe will rise again.

It takes a while but those of us who have known the tragedy of colonisation and occupation are able to hold our heads up high, eventually.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

While this land policy may be problematic (I'm not expert enough to judge), I think it's safe to say that the best way for an American president to comment would NOT be on Twitter after watching a Tucker Carlson segment.

Good post. Some will reflexively react without good, or any, knowledge about this situation. Show your virtue, show your hatred of the MSM, have a go at white people, black people etc.

Trump watching the Fox sock puppet Carlson and then engaging on Twitter isn’t a good thing.

His supporters seem to like it though.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

There have been horrific massacres of white farmer families in S Africa which the western media has chosen to ignore.

Do you have any links that support your statement?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Serrano, Fox is entertainment.

Half of the country would disagree, definitely Zucker and Griffin.

Half of the country doesn’t watch Fox. Some Fox viewers may see at as entertainment.

Conservatives are horrible at math.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

For some reason, they’ll come up with a funny narrative. So very sad.

Heh, describes you playing mental gymnastics trying to explain how Trump the criminal isn't a criminal.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

And lastly, US right wingers did sod all to end apartheid & now they're trying to champion the former oppressors who got rich off the land and blood of black South Africans.

Ohhh nice! Throwing right-wing logic right back in their faces.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

So how will the left try and justify this? For some reason, they’ll come up with a funny narrative. So very sad.

It is only theft if you believe that the claim to the land in valid in the first place. Do how did a tiny percentage of the population from a relatively recent immigrant background come to own over 70% of the land?

Was the land unused when their ancestors got off the boat 100+ years ago our did they steal it perchance?

The end of apartied seemed to bake in the spoils of war for the whites. Oppression ended -hurrah - democracy rolled out - hurrah - a deeply inequal ownership of the land retained - hurrah.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

So how to compensate when white farmers originally expropriated the land without compensation during the Apartheid era?

Maybe they can share instead

3 ( +4 / -1 )

"land and farm seizures... and the large scale killing of farmers".

Except neither Of these things has happened. The most troubling this is that the moron in charge could’ve easily verified this by checking with his State Department instead he’s tweet reacting to that nitwit Carlson.


3 ( +5 / -2 )

Another Zimbabwe on the way is true.

But that's not what the article is saying. It's not what the South African govt. is saying.

It's simply Trump - who has a clear history of bigotry against black people and knows nothing about the struggle for freedom in SA - stirring again.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Stick to the truth, Donald Trump has not been convicted of any crime. 

Yet. That all could change if what I posted about what is going on with the lawsuit in New York proceeds.

The proof and nothing but the proof is acceptable in an American court of law.

We are not in a court of law right now. This is an internet messaging board where people can voice their opinions freely about anything they want. The right-wingers here have had no problem calling Hillary Clinton a "criminal" (and still do) and have also accused others of committing crimes that they were never convicted of. Where were you then, or why didn't you speak out based on what you just posted?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

It'll be a scorching day in Anartica before that happens.

Is that anywhere near Nambia?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It’s probably not a good idea for white supremacists to tweet about racial issues in South Africa.

As for apartheid, the GOP in the US is trying to mimic minority rule. Their base is shrinking so they are changing the structure of our democracy to keep power with fewer votes, especially with gerrymandering and voter suppression laws. That’s how they can get less than 50% of the votes in places like Wisconsin but control over 60% of the state congress, a supermajority where they don’t even need to consult with the opposition.

Look for them to replicate that and expand it across the US. Their future is the minority ruling the majority.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

 I still haven’t learned if what Trump said is true or not. 

The safe default is to assume Trump is lying or doesn’t the fudge he’s talking about. Because it’s usually the case.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

So I will take that as “yes, white farmers are having their land taken from them by the government”.

They're not, though.

As I posted earlier:

Have any farms been seized?

*No. *The constitution has not yet been changed and since 1994 the ANC has been following a willing-buyer willing-seller module to redistribute land.

Around 10% of land in white ownership has been transferred to black owners in this way.

Mr Ramaphosa told parliament on Wednesday that South Africa needed to speed up the pace of land reform to correct a historical injustice.

However, the South Africa president said it would be done in an ordered manner and there would be no land grabbing.


2 ( +3 / -1 )

Poor Northern, reduced to name calling instead of watching the linked segment and learning anything.

Serrano, Fox is entertainment.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

*The redistribution of land was a fundamental principle of the governing African National Congress (ANC) during its struggle against white-minority rule.*

*But 24 years after apartheid ended, white people - who make up just 9% of the population - own 72% of the farmland held by individuals, according to government figures.*

South Africa's government said it was ridiculous to suggest white farmers were being persecuted.

A BBC Reality Check investigation in November found there was no reliable data to suggest farmers were at greater risk of being murdered than the average South African.

Have any farms been seized?

*No. *The constitution has not yet been changed and since 1994 the ANC has been following a willing-buyer willing-seller module to redistribute land.

Around 10% of land in white ownership has been transferred to black owners in this way.

Mr Ramaphosa told parliament on Wednesday that South Africa needed to speed up the pace of land reform to correct a historical injustice.

However, the South Africa president said it would be done in an ordered manner and there would be no land grabbing.


1 ( +4 / -3 )

It is always a danger that a situation like this can lead to injustices. Taking land from white land owners or forcing them to sell at a steep discount on the value of their property will only compound the racial discord. Whites have lived in South Africa for over 350 years. When apartheid ended all citizens were supposed to be considered equal. Any sort of affirmative action policies which disadvantage whites because of the past is simply racist and wrong. Look forward not backward. I am glad that Trump brought this issue up because it is important that racism not be perpetuated. Now if he could only end affirmative action racism in his own country.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

A crime is illegal, against the law. Please explain where Trump has broken the law and committed illegal crimes.

Here is something for you to contemplate:


Now, you'll say, "OK, but this hasn't gone to trial, and he hasn't been convicted of anything illegal yet." True enough, but given the evidence shown in the indictment (and feel free to click on the attachments of the .pdf files of the exhibits), you tell me if you still think that Trump hasn't broken any laws. Oh, and Underwood went ahead and forwarded this to the IRS, The Federal Elections Committee, and The New York Tax Division. Let's see what they think.

Then there is Michael Cohen, who implicated Trump yesterday as a co-conspirator in two of the eight felonies that he plead guilty to--both Campaign Finance violations.

I'd say that the President and his family seem to facing some very serious legal jeopardy--and since many are state violations in this case, there are no pardons that can be given.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Besides, the Daily Express did business with the regime during the apartheid era and was against the boycott, iirc.

So that’s your excuse? Creative, I’ll give you that. ROFL

You guys and spin, you guys are the best! Lol

Ok, so if it doesn’t fit the liberal narrative, it’s just right wing, but we have to accept the left wing as sound and correct news. Get real!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Great documentary on this topic by Lauren Southern.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Wikipedia has this to say about the matter, with some statistics too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_African_farm_attacks

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Come on, you can do it! Or can't you? 

It’s more a question of not choosing to.

I just don’t want to lower my standards and lose much-needed points from my IQ.

By the way, are there any women left on Fox these days or have they all been groped into leaving?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Just a tactic by Trump to deflect attention away from his crimes at home.

0 ( +4 / -4 )


-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Almost amusing. So the african people of south africa rightly demanded the world look and take action to force south africa to end the atrocity and tyranny of apartheid but when the Rulers after apartheid start committing atrocity and tyranny like apartheid, we all should just look the other way.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Local newspaper City Press reports two game farms in the northern province of Limpopo are the first to be targeted for unilateral seizure after negotiations with the owners to purchase the properties stalled. While the government says it intends to pay, owners Akkerland Boerdery wanted 200 million rand ($18.7 million) for the land — they’re being offered just 20 million rand ($1.87 million).

The land seizure will lead to the South African economy and local food production will ruin South Africa like Zimbabwe's economy and food production. The South African Government must study about how will affect the country's economy and food productions after the White farmers' lands were seized and redistributed to Black farmers before seizure of any White farmers' lands. There's no way Black farmers can do as White farmers are doing. The South African Government should increase Tax on White farmers' lands instead of confiscating without compensation or a little compensation.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

They're not, though.

Not yet.....


South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced this month his government will enforce a change in the constitution to allow the expropriation of land without compensation.

It’s coming, but of course, if it happens to these people, the left will spin reverse racism as retribution. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Not as simple as that


Besides, the Daily Express did business with the regime during the apartheid era and was against the boycott, iirc.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The Daily Express, a far-right tabloid rag that supports criminal and racist Tommy Robinson.

Why am I not surprised.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

So many many comments later I still haven’t learned if what Trump said is true or not. So I will take that as “yes, white farmers are having their land taken from them by the government”.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Another zimbabwe on the way. Unfortunately for the farmers theyre white so the social justice warriors dont care.

like zimbabwe, they were handed a vibrant economy.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

taikutsujinToday  02:57 am JST

"Just a tactic by Trump to deflect attention away from his crimes at home."

A crime is illegal, against the law. Please explain where Trump has broken the law and committed illegal crimes.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

"Just a tactic by Trump to deflect attention away from his crimes at home."

Stick to the truth, Donald Trump has not been convicted of any crime. Where is the proof that he has committed crimes. The proof and nothing but the proof is acceptable in an American court of law.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

So South Africa is NOT taking land from white fathers without compensation? Kinda hard to follow with all the Trump hate and deflections.

Is what he is saying wrong or you just don’t care what he is saying because you hate him?

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

How dare they challenge americans

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

There have been horrific massacres of white farmer families in S Africa which the western media has chosen to ignore.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

Serrano, Fox is entertainment.

Half of the country would disagree, definitely Zucker and Griffin.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

South Africa's seizure of large agricultural farm land, and divide the land among many, will result in small unproductive farms, detrimental to the economy.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

If SA is a beacon of hope, then where is it. Apartheid was wrong we all know that and DeKlerk and Mandela worked together to usher in a new era in SA which was the right thing to do, so now 24 years looking on, how is SA doing? How are race relations?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Jimizo: "Serrano, Fox is entertainment."

You didn't bother to watch the segment either, did you? Oh well.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Another Zimbabwe on the way is true.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

LOL! That is what white racists like to hear to feel better about themselves

Ok, so please tell me, how is SA overall doing, employment wise, socially, racially, financially since after Mandela took office? Also, how is Zimbabwe doing now that all the Whites are gone? I’m just asking a legitimate question. No filibustering, just honestly.

Obama hired people of various races and religions, and you called him a racist for nearly a decade,

I don’t want to debate Obama, but I will say one thing, a few weeks ago he was in SA and in his speech as great as he’s allegedly supposed to be said absolutely nothing about the injustices, Well, that says a lot about how the man thinks racially.

despite the fact that, by this standard, he can't have been racist.

I disagree.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Half of the country doesn’t watch Fox. Some Fox viewers may see at as entertainment.

They do, coastal America doesn’t really count or represent the rest of the US, but they’re...an odd bunch that’s for sure. Lol

Conservatives are horrible at math.

That’s not what the market or GDP says. Axelrod eat your hat.

Still waiting for monkey, Crazy, Jimizo or now Stranger to tell us what Tucker Carlson or his guest Marian Tupy of the Cato Institute said in that Fox News segment that isn't true. Come on, you can do it! Or can't you? Hint: You can't. Try anyway, lol. And then man up and admit you're wrong.

It'll be a scorching day in Anartica before that happens.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Donald Trump telling the truth again, and following it up with some action - Gotta wonder why the European community hasn't made any comments, if this turns out to be true famine is certain to follow with millions of black africans heading north towards Europe to escape the mess - before all the Social Justice Warriors start commenting take a look at the mess that has been created in the once great African state Rhodesia now Zimbabwe.

-9 ( +8 / -17 )

monkey: " the best way for an American president to comment would NOT be on Twitter after watching a Tucker Carlson segment."

Crazy: "So, to be accurate and always up-to-date in our civics, the US government consists of the Legislative, the Judicial, and Fox Executive News."

Jimizo: "Trump watching the Fox sock puppet Carlson and then engaging on Twitter isn’t a good thing."

If you three ever watched the entire Tucker segment you might learn something. If you can find anything Tucker said that's not true, let us know, OK?

South Africa begins seizing land from white farmers


-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Oh my! Trump's tweets are on the mark:

South Africa Begins Stealing Land From People Based on their Skin Color


-9 ( +1 / -10 )

"Tucker Carlson Tonight' exclusive: South African president Cyril Ramaphosa has just begun the process of seizing land from his own citizens, without compensation, purely due to their skin color. That's far more racist than anything Donald Trump has ever done, of course, but elites in America barely even care."

Oh my! Tucker rightfully calls Obama a coward at the end. Trump, on the other hand, has the balls to call out Ramaphosa on his racist policy.


-10 ( +3 / -13 )

South Africa Begins Stealing Land From People Based on their Skin Color.

So how will the left try and justify this? For some reason, they’ll come up with a funny narrative. So very sad.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

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