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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Sanders finally endorses Clinton
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All Bernie supporters need to remember is that you choose (D) to go forward, (R) to go backwards.
“This campaign is not really about Hillary Clinton, or Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders, or any other candidate who sought the presidency. This campaign is about the needs of the American people and addressing the very serious crises that we face,” Sanders said.
A finer, more principled perspective has yet to be struck from experience. Senator Sanders, integrity and candor. Hard to beat.
In Ludicrous Mode
(apologies to Elon Musk)
I love Sanders honesty, let the flag of hammer and sickle fly freely, unfurl it and embrace it.
A bit of a hypocrit isn't he? A couple weeks ago Hillary was not worthy today she is. I wonder what was promised to him.
D= forward....over a cliff!
R= Backing away from the edge of the cliff.
Printing presses are not money trees. The nation is in serious fiscal trouble. The next prez D or R will need to raise interest rates which have been suppressed for 7 years. Look out, it won't be pretty.
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.
Nope, just living up to his words, and speaking for the greater good of the American people, rather than his own ego.
Why did he wait so long to endorse Clinton? Because he was Stalin.
So the man who claimed he couldn't be bought by the rich, just got bought. Clinton is everything Sanders claimed to oppose.
The winning of the corrupt once again stops those with integrity. Too bad. It'll be a fight to the bottom now
I think what Bernie would like to say is Clinton is certainly no prize but the trash-talking rabble rouser Trump with his trash army of whooping boneheads must be thrashed at all costs. Sometimes you must choose the lesser of two evils.
Really? Please show proof of payments received by Sanders. Because otherwise, your comments are just bitterness.
No, your distorted beliefs of what Clinton is, are what Sanders does oppose. There's a difference between reality and what they tell you guys in the bubble.
Lost some respect for Bernie to be honest. Jill Stein, you're the only one left. Before some of you say something, as much as I see the flaws of democracy, voting still shouldn't be played. You should keep your principles. What I mean is, if you believe in a candidate, then vote for that candidate. Don't vote for someone only for the sake of having lesser chances of another one to win. The end result is having unsatisfactory results for the years to come, with you knowingly being partly responsible for it.The same goes for the candidates. They should be principled as well. How can Bernie endorse someone who represents everything he spent his life fighting against?
Gotta love those cringe-worthy kiss & make up political endorsements. Hillary and Bernie's supporters becoming best mates again was priceless.
No wonder anti establishment populists are, sadly, doing well these days.
"The greater good for the American people"! Clinton? Your messin right? The nation need to regain control of spending and cuts are necessary sad to say. Adding to the debt is national collapse! Socialism doesn't work. Never has, never will. In ten years or less, their be none globally.
I think what you're trying to say is "don't vote for Hillary, just so that Trump won't win".
In this case, that's exactly what people should do. Trump will be horrendous as a president. Everything he has said shows that. Whether you believe the slander against Hillary or not, better the slandered version of Hillary than the best version of Trump.
The candidate who ran against special interests is now endorsing the candidate who embodies special interests. The candidate who ran against TPP is now endorsing the candidate who helped draft the TPP. Who's evading reality?
Election is over now. Trump will lose in landslide. Republicans are backing away from their racist loony candidate in a feeble effort to protect the senate. Get ready world for the first female US President.
Kind of ironic actually, since many Dems want to ban guns, they sure do love shooting themselves in the foot. If Hillary wins, she will definitely promote and try to pass the TPP. Her platform delegates already outmuscled Sanders delegates to make SURE TPP stays in the platform. We all know politicians lie, and I'm not going to say that everything Donald says is all true as well. But The Dem/Rep cable has done this before with NAFTA, GATT, and facilitated the escape of manufacturing jobs to the slave labor markets. At least Donald is against this, recognizes it as a major problem and says it out loud. And some wonder why he has followers. Duh.
I'm just worried about you Dems. I mean how are you going to get to your fast food burger flipping job if you've shot of all your feet.
Thank you for proving my point.
You must not have read her recent comments on it.
"Why did he wait so long to endorse Clinton? Because he was Stalin."
Yes, makes perfect sense. Knock the whooping off and sit down and think for a while.
Reread the remarks made by Clinton in the 2008 primaries about Obama, then remember that she served in his's politics as usual, as it always has been, and always will be.
Is this really the guy people want for president?
How many lies must Hillary tell, before you see her as one
How many times must the Dem/Rep screw you, before you open your eyes
The answer my friend, is blowin in the wind, the answer is blowin in the wind.
Hillary Clinton’s Covert Campaign for the TPP. Clinton Advisor: Hillary will not oppose the TPP
And the smear campaign continues.
Some of us are not sheep, we don't believe the lies in the bubble, we believe actual facts, and not just made up snippets of a smear campaign.
Im sorry to see Bernie throw in with the likes of Hillary.
The rigged system seems more evident today.
Clinton is not going to ignore what Sanders preached to youngsters all these days. Hillary used to oppose TPP against Obama. She knew what kind of American farm products are coooonsumed in each Asian country and sooooo Asian TPp participant countries could not fool USA under Clinton.
Of course you are - it means that many of his supporters will also support her, making it less likely that Don the Con will get in.
Then, buddy, you aren't a Democrat.
The D's paved a golden road into the 21st Century and the R's walked across it backwards.
"extremist republican views"? Come now. Dislike and distain, not hatred.
What Bernie doesn't yet understand is Trump is the lesser of the two evils here ( for example, who is the neo-con? Hillary. And who is against TPP, which is bad for America? Trump. And who now supports TPP? Hillary. ). And what Hillary doesn't understand is a huuuuge chunk of Bernie supporters will never vote for her.
Not even remotely. He's the biggest threat to America since Bush.
For the good of America? Since when has income redistribution or confiscating other people's money been good for America?
Oh, without a doubt!
Election is over now. Trump will lose in landslide. Republicans are backing away from their racist loony candidate in a feeble effort to protect the senate. Get ready world for the first female US President.
ROFL! Really? Not so fast! Racist? Wow, you guys can say that with a straight face with a racist president and a confused DOJ...
Quinnipiac poll
Democrat Hillary Clinton has 42 percent to Republican Donald Trump's 40 percent - too close to call - as American voters say neither candidate would be a good president and that the campaign has increased hatred and prejudice in the nation, according to a Quinnipiac University National poll released today.
Since when has extreme income disparity been good for America?
You claim that over and over, and yet have never even once been able to provide a single quote by Obama that shows him to be racist.
So the only other anti-establishment candidate falls in line and endorses the corrup establishment candidate. Bernie supporters must be really, really proud now...
So the other democratic candidate endorses the selected democratic candidate.
...or did you want us to repeat your smear campaign comments?
We are. Better than the clown circus that the Republican party has become with Trump.
Sanders has said Clinton would make a fine President all along, just that he would be better. I was and still am a huge supporter and think the primary system sucks in its current state, but that's the rules he agreed to play under and unfortunately he lost.
He fought hard even after he lost, shocking establishment Democrats by refusing to be swayed by appointments to high positions. He didn't sell out, he got the establishment to adopt some of his positions. I was on the fence about voting Clinton or Jill Stein (Green), but if Sanders wholeheartedly supports Clinton, I'm inclined to believe him. I'll keep watching though. We still have some ways to go till November.
Hmmmm, if Democrats keep their noses out of the private sector, reduce regulations, stop taxing Capital gains tax, lower the corporate tax rate, stop federal government overreach in the education sector to lower outrageous school fees, stop penalizing job creators, lower taxes for everyone or institute a flat tax, then you would see a regrowth in the economy, spending and confidence in the market.
If Liberals could, they'd tax the very air we breath.
It's ironic that you would preach fiscal responsibility, considering the economy has improved with the last bunch of democratic presidents, that the economy has suffered with the last bunch of republican presidents, that something like 9/10 of the richest states are democratic, and something like 8/10 of the poorest states are republican.
They probably don't mention those facts in the bubble though.
And if conservatives could, they'd allow corporations to make a profit from the very air we breath.
I dont see Hillary as the alternative to Bernie at all. Shes not at all what hes about. In fact she is quite the opposite. I dont see Bernies supporters simply changing over to hillary.
Of course you don't - you're an extremist republican.
But for us actual democrats, she is most definitely the alternative. Even he has said so.
You're seeing one right now. What's the alternative for Sanders supporters - Trump? The idea is an anathema to sane human beings.
And maybe you didn't know, but more Hillary supporters vowed not to vote for Obama when Hillary lost to him back in 2008 than Sanders supporters have vowed to not support Hillary this time.
Todd Topolski
Not sure why this article is confused but there was no doubt about hiliary's appointment. These are Democrats they run a progressive socialist party with a Politburo who appoints the next leader she was appointed back in 2008 because Democrats wanted the Obama disaster first and paid her off with 2016. There was never any chance for Sanders, he was a charade to make it seem as if Democrat voters had a say
No it's the exact opposite, Trump will now win in a landslide.
If the economy has improved then why is the corporate tax rate not down, why are we still at a debt of $16 trillion, why are so many businesses closing, particularly restaurants where food servers are being paid $15 an hour like in the Seattle area. Why are Blacks still hovering over 9% unemployment why are many cities such as California filing for bankruptcy in the blue utopian state, why are so many iconic American businesses moving overseas if the economy is so damn great?
Well, then you really wouldn't want Hillary as president. She's pretty much everything the left despises about corporate greed, not to mention, the woman voted for the Iraq war, is extremely hawkish, is comfy and cozy with Wall St.
It is - it's less than when Obama took office.
Because Bush put two wars on the country credit card, and didn't pay for them.
Businesses close all the time, in good economies and bad
Do you not read the news?
Racial discrimination in hiring practices.
Supporting evidence please.
It's ironic you'd say that as a supporter for the guy who is literally the 1% (or maybe not - he won't release his tax returns). Blinded by the right.
I think it's pretty foolish for either side to assume a landslide, but Trump has yet to break the 50% mark in polls and that's a good thing. Clinton has taken a hit, but she's still ahead despite the FBI investigation.
She's still better than Republicans on all those things, and she has the support of people like Sanders and Warren who embody everything the left loves. The thing with Clinton is, she's a bit of an opportunist. She's follows the political wind at the given time. That might not be greatest trait, but the political wind in the Democratic party right now is definitely progressive. It's up to the people and voters to keep up the momentum and keep her in line.
Strangerland, quite disturbing that you label someone "an extreme republican" because they have a distain for Hillary. Democracy pseudo liberal style.
That's not why I point out that you are an extreme republican. I point that out because everything you posts shows you to be an extreme republican. Disdain for Hillary is only one of those things.
Thank you Bernie, for putting country first. Yes, she's flawed, I wish she were better, but a Clinton Presidency will give us a breather while we can explore why we don't get better candidates. It will keep a modicum of respect for this country, and might even empower more women to run. And some of your issues have now become her commitments. As opposed to letting a dangerous lunatic into the White House.
The Sanders legacy will be honored, he will now be much more powerful in Congress, too.
Thanks for posting this. Most of us who've been involved in small businesses have had to deal with scum like this. Trump recently attacked the Chamber of Commerce.
Sorry, the corporate tax rate is at 39% from 40% now we have to quibble about 1%? LOL But still the highest in any of the modern industrialized nations. As for the wars, Obama could have used the money for the stimulus to pay for the wars, but he added to that and the next president will get an accumulation of Bush's and the ongoing Obama whatever he calls it what the soldiers are doing. Businesses close all the time, wow! This is exactly why California is turned into a dump. We had the 5th largest economy in the world at me time and thanks to liberals and their know it all mathematical analytical approach, it's turned almost into a third world society. No doubt, a job killer. I think it's unpatriotic to tax people and to destroy the middle class, which is why so many are going for Trump. Sanders and Clinton wouldn't know anything about that. As for Blacks, the blame Whites for everything is not working and hasn't worked in over 25 years, if you get an education, stay away from drugs, learn that self-reliance is the key to prosperity and not big government, anyone can succeed. And this is why Texas is on the right track.... As long as you have the long arm of the socialist Democrats pawing at your wallet, growth will be a fleeing memory.
Well, lying scheming is part of the Denocratic mantra. Look, Hillary has a problem with men, White working men and that's a huge hurtle for her, equally, Trump has the same problem opposite with women. Hillary with 57% untrustworthiness poll is very, very bad, especially since it's coming from the head of the FBI,veto her fan base, it doesn't make a difference, but to the rest of Americans,cit does.
Not when it comes to the economy and job creations, which is very crucial.
Exactly! What the the "Far left progressive" loons love.
Basically, they have a gun to her head. Nice, very nice.
Beliefs shape perceptions, of course.
Hillary is more of a hawk than Bush was, and is ten times the hypocrite. She is a pathological liar whose ambition and lust for power is greater that Vladimir Putin's. Her husband, Bush, and Obama were put into office by their parties; these men were not particularly ambitious, judging by their accomplishments before being elected. Hillary on the other hand has had here eye on the presidency since Bill's first term.
To Hillary, there is no "D" or "R", there is only "Me." No other candidate has more ties to big-business monopolies, banks, and the powers-that-be than Hillary; she is very handy holding a pen to paper, or a knife to their throats in order to get what she wants. If you want these entities to have more power than they already do, please, go ahead and vote for Hillary.
"What Bernie doesn't yet understand is Trump is the lesser of the two evils here"
"Not even remotely. He's the biggest threat to America since Bush."
Amazing how after 9/11 there were no successful terrorist attacks inside the U.S. during the rest of the Bush presidency.
Also amazing how Hillary wants to let in a bunch of Syrian refugees, some of whom are no doubt Islamic State infiltrators. Also amazing how Hillary voted for the Iraq war and screwed up Libya, barely escaped criminal indictments, etc.
No, we're quibbling over your factually incorrect statement: "the corporate tax rate not down".
And let the economy tank? Yeah, that sounds like a great strategy.
You know, other than the fact that it never was the 5th largest economy in the world, and now it's the 6th (which is better than it has ever been). It's also one of the best performing economies in the US. And as for a 3rd world society? Yeah, right. You must never have been to 3rd world societies (I've been to 3rd world societies and California - they are not comparable).
Taxing the rich does not kill the middle class - and California is proof of that. They raised taxes on the rich, and their economy is thriving.
She's a powerful woman, no doubt. And the president needs to be - it's a quality a president cannot do without.
I guess that depends on how you define that, but to be fair, Bush wasn't really a hypocrite. Extremely misguided, and a bad decision-making warmonger, but he said what he meant.
You know, other than Trump. You do realize he's a 1%er businessman right?
So much dumb in a single post...
You don't run for public office let alone the President of the United States without being ambitious. Bill Clinton, Bush, and Obama's previous accomplishments not ambitious enough for you? What exactly have you accomplished?
Of course there are those worse than her. Most are on the Republican party. If you want proof, just look at what issues they stand up for and who they benefit.
Please... It really sounds like you just don't like women who are as ambitious as men.
Fre Okin
Sander supporters should vote for or form a third party in protest against Trump and Clinton. Play the role like Ross Perot who cause Bush Sr defeat, this time a Clinton defeat. Both are unfit to govern US. They are harmful to the world at large. Let the third party candidate whoever he is be the Kingmaker. This is the only way to keep both Republicans and Democrats in check. It is clear US is heading to the ditch with these two parties.
Say what?!
No, none of them are IS infiltrators.
See how my entirely baseless hypothesis negates your entirely baseless hypothesis?
Sure, Stranger, keep believing that IS is not sending any infiltrators in with the Syrian refugees.
Nope. That would split the vote, potentially ending up with a Trump presidency. Bernie himself doesn't want that to happen, which is why he is endorsing Hillary.
Sure Serrano, keep believing tinfoil hat theories with no evidence whatsoever to show there is a basis in reality.
Not much going forward with both candidates.
Sioux Chef
Haven't you learned yet? Facts cannot penetrate the bubble.
You're so right, but I keep trying.
"Say what?!"
"Haven't you learned yet? Facts cannot penetrate the bubble."
Even an idiot would know I'm talking about terrorist attacks on the scale of 9/11 or worse.
You are so right!
California's economy is on fire, but the state's finances are facing the cold reality of a revenue slowdown. And experts blame the state's unusual tax system for the problem.
Ok, by 1% point. So one of the highest at 39%! Gosh, who'd want to start a business in a country shelling out that kind of money? You would have to be a fool. Again, liberals and their approach to mathematics.... The economy in middle America is already tanking, I'm not talking about the big liberal states, I'm talking the rest of America, the majority and since Obama wants to kill coal and gas and oil, you'd better believe these people look at this president with disgust and I don't blame them one bit! so this is the reality as of the 4 Quarter. Let's keep the lies to a minimum libs, please. I'm from California, sadly it's become a dump of all dumps, breaks my heart! . Hillary is powerful? As well as a crooked liar, I totally agree. When you look at Berne, he never had a chance, not really, there was no way, the man could ever get any of his whacked ideas through congress, even if if he would have made it to the presidency. As for Hillary, depends on how many people she can lie and intimidate, which historically speaking is easy for her to do.
Wrong again, Bass. That 39% number was true during 2006 when Bush was president (when it was 39.3%--so why weren't you complaining about that back then?). Right now, the tax corporate tax rate is 38.9--that's less than 39.3, right? Therefore, the corporate tax rate is lower now--unlike your previous claim. This is the point you keep missing and fail to acknowledge.
A draft-dodging commie and a lying theft, what a combo...
Serrano, incredible isnt it, the pseudo liberals with their requisite rose colored glasses. When Islamic terrorism strikes the US in the form of IS sleepers infiltrating as " refugees" watch the state of denial intensify.
Wow, California's economy is on fire? How does that compare with, let's say, the conservative utopia of Kansas?
And the bubble dwellers have no clue what I'm talking about.
bernie acknowledges that many of his supporters are dissapointed with his endorsement of hillary. These many have an intelligent and visceral loathing of hillary. It will remain to be seen in November just how dissapointed people are.
Ultimately making sure Trump isn't elected is the real need here. The Green party was interesting but it wouldn't have helped Dump Drumpft.
If there was an actual choice Clinton wouldn't be in the mix at all. But any Winner Take All voting system can only have two candidates otherwise you have vote splitting and then the candidate that the majority most definitely does not want to be in office ends up winning. There's nothing Bernie could have done.
Bernie has at least redefined Clinton's positions and tone so that will be what she is held against. For a weather-vane candidate like Clinton she sees it working for her. Her choice of running mate will either define this notion or continue her corporatism. We'll have to wait to see what signal she will give or if everything was just lip service.
Maher was pretty ruthless with the Republicans on the Californian economic success story...
Priceless stuff.
I'm complaining now because in over 7 years, the anointed one had more than enough time to change it, he didn't! He could have made a huge difference to bring private and big business back, but he didn't. And now he is leaving us with the highest tax rate, he surely did do that.
39.9%, so how far off is that number from 40%. Seriously? So let's see how many times we can split a dollar. ROFL! Too funny, ok, lower, but still the highest in the industrialized nation. Good to know.
Compare it to Texas where a lot of people are moving to.
That's the problem with Dems, they just can never and refuse to keep their heads open.
Really? Just how could he have done that? How about some suggestions instead of just complaining? Tell us, just what exactly could he have done, especially with the obstructionist congress that he's had to put up with.
Again, he is NOT leaving us with the highest tax rate. It's lower than in previous years. Get that through your skull.
You must have failed economics class. Even tenths of a percent can make a big difference in financial markets. However, now that it is not such a "big deal," you're backing away from the red herring that you tried to pin on Obama.
Let's see just how "open" you mind is:
It would most likely be the Dems taxing it.
When the gods rain hellfire down upon sinners for their depravities, watch the sate of denial intensify.
See how people can just make up things that they think may happen, without any evidence whatsoever that it ever has happened, or will?
Some of us prefer to limit our fear to reality. With the amount of screening that refugees go through to get into other countries (at least two years), the likelihood of ISIS getting in a sleeper, much less a cell, is well, very unlikely.
Once again denying reality are we? The economy was in the worst position it had been since the early 20th century when Obama took office. It didn't collapse, and it went from losing a ridiculous amount of jobs every month, to gaining a whole lot of jobs every month for years on end. And you're complaining about the corporate tax rate? Obviously Obama knew what he was doing, the proof is in the pudding.
Again, your original claim was factually wrong. The corporate tax rate has gone down. Next even if it's only 1% less, it's essentially the same as when Bush was president - so if you have complaints about the rate, you need to criticize Bush on the matter - he wasn't given an economy that had tanked, unlike Obama.
Either Trump or Clinton now. I prefer to guess how Bill will be called in WH than who Trump will introduce his next first lady, Pence and Gingrich are trying to be VP now. No chance for Christie? His family scandals are coming out now.
The economy was bad when Obama took over, that is true, Bush did mess up the economy in the later years, but since then and if you look at the numbers and the stats it doesn't support any of the arguments that liberals try to distort w do you economy was bad when Obama took over, that is true but since then and if you look at the numbers and the stats it doesn't support any of the arguments that liberals try to distort.
All you libs wanting an old 74 year old Bolshevik to run the country, it was never going to happen, congress would have never allowed it. Even Quinnipiac poll shows that voters trust the economy more with Trump than with either Sanders or Hillary. Since the anointed one has been president, 46 million people on food stamps for Blacks over 58%, Blacks have done worse under Obama than almost any other president. even Blacks knew Sanders could never change that or make it better for them, that's why he had a difficult time gaining their support. Even with every evidence provided, libs still go on and say, but where's the proof? It's evident the left refuse to see, admit or even acknowledge their faults or shortcomings, ever. Both parties have their flaws, sad thing is, Dems think they're flawless, quite scary to be honest. If Obama knew even remotely, just a smidgen of what he thinks he knows, we wouldn't in the mess we are in. But thank God, January is around the corner, as long as this nuts in office with this outrageous tax rate, big business will never be booming again. One of the worst presidents ever. And thank the heavens Sanders didn't get anywhere near his wanted goals either. With the highest tax rate in the modernized nation, you would have to be a fool to even want to start a corporation in the States.
Care to translate that into English?
Printing presses are not money trees. The nation is in serious fiscal trouble. if the Republicans didn't start so many wars then America's finances would be in much better condition than they are today
At the end of the day, they're still both Democrats and have more shared values than the opposition
This is quite interesting: "Bernie's Hillary Endorsement Speech Carried A Dark, Sad Truth About Democrats" -
Even more amazing is that 9/11 happened when Bush was President. As Trump pointed out Bush did not keep the USA safe, he wanted to do only one thing and that was to invade illegally Iraq. When he let 9/11 happen despite warnings from the CIA and others he had his excuse to invade Iraq based on the bubble fact that the right wing nutters repeated to themselves over and over again, Saddam was flying the planes that day. Sheer idiocy. And looking at the posts on this thread I can see that things have not changed at all in bubble land. Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them as Franken so clearly explained. So wrong for so long but they just do not learn. That too is amazing.
Translation: Obama screwed us.
Believe me when I tell you this, everything the Trump says is accurate or any other politician, this case being one of them. We hadn't been attacked after that, but now we have Obama and we've been attacked now how many times?
And your proof of that is?
Ahhh, so it's kinda like how Obama blew off the high ranking in generals and the Pentagon after being told repeatedly that ISIS was growing in strength and he did absolutely nothing, but continue to go on his smuzing charade with Hollywood, lying calling them a JV team and then later tried to spin us that ISIS was on the decline and retreating.
Feel the same, but my libertarian side says, maybe one day, they'll get it.
That Al Franken is even in congress is a historical joke I still can't get over.
ghoneim mohamed
Though i feel pity for Sanders hard luck,but i was sure he wont have a chance,he is not backed by cartels or lobbies like Hillary.I dont wish to see her in the oval office,but i have to say,she will win presidency elections in November,i have no doubt about
Ghoneim, Hillary is the establishment candidate for sure. It's amusing to see all the "progressives" on this site gushing on about her. They really have no idea who they think they're getting. Tragicomedy.
What are you talking about? Is this what they are telling you inside the bubble?
You don't see how that statement makes no sense?
ghoneim mohamed
Outrider I said i have no doubt she is the coming president,though i believe,always expect the unexpected,but up till now she is the black horse.She is also well experienced and highly professional for sure.I wont be exaggerating when i say,she will be one of best handful American presidents,far much better than Obama,but i would prefer a new honest president,for sure she is not.
Wish I could see the Republican supporters as they type their posts - frothing at the mouth and wrapped in their country's flag as they vent their hatred for all things Democrat. To be honest, if the Dems had put Elmo the Muppet up against Trump he'd still make more sense.
As you watch Trump, and read the Republican posts on JT you can see the same rhetoric being trotted out. It's nasty.
Now to get my popcorn for more mayhem... Michael Bay couldn't make this any more explosive.
Ghoneim, For sure I agree re her honesty deficit, and her backing by lobbies and big business.
Wow! The Bernie supporters are pissed. Some are already getting donation emails from Hillary and accusing Bernie of handing over their emails to her. Some are even talking about a class action to get their money back. I feel sorry for them mostly. Their heart was in the right place but they made the fatal mistake of trusting a politician.
have no doubt she is the coming president,though
_____________________________________________________ I’m not sure what she has left in her bag of tricks. They more than likely coerced Sanders into endorsing her. Obama going on the campaign trail with her is a sign of panic. Her approval is steadily falling to the point it seems to be settling around 40%. Besides Trump is leading in several swing states according to the latest polls.
I don’t think they can do enough fraud to get her elected.
Jill Stein or bust! And Hillary for prison!
You're spreading disingenous bull-puckey, Bass. A big, steaming, stinky pile of it, as well. The top corporate tax rate in the United States is 35% and has been since 1993 when Bill Clinton became president. The highest the US federal corporate tax rate has ever been was 58.8% in the buildup towards the Vietnam War under Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968-69.
The rate then dropped down to an average of 48% during Carter's administration, then 46% during the end of Carter's and start of Reagan's adminstrations.
It then dropped even further to 34% during Bush Sr.'s adminstration, before popping up a single percentage point to 35%, again, under Clinton, where it has remained solidly to this very day. Twenty-three years.
Business boomed pretty damned well during the Clinton years and into the Bush years before 9/11, the longest war in American history and Lehman Brothers/Goldman Sachs/Wallstreet amoral greed and economic depravity knocked much of the wind out of America's economic sails.
The US economy is in a hell of a lot better place than it was at the end or 2008 and you know it, I know it, and so does everyone else who isn't living in that bubble we keep hearing about of late.
To claim that the current 35% rate is somehow suffocating corporate America, much less is somehow Obama's "fault," is a load of unsupported gobbledygook.
So, which is it? You have no doubt she'll be president or there's no way "they" could pull strings to make her president?
Your cognitive dissonance is showing again.
Ivanka Trump could be the first female U.S. president after one or two terms of Donald.
have no doubt she is the coming president,though
That was the post I was quoting.
FLORIDA: Trump 42 - Clinton 39 OHIO: Clinton 41 - Trump 41 PENNSYLVANIA: Trump 43 - Clinton 41 With a drop in grades on honesty and moral standards, Democrat Hillary Clinton loses an 8-point lead over Republican Donald Trump in Florida, and finds herself in too-close-to-call races in the three critical swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, according to a Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll released today.
Clinton loses ground on almost every measure from a June 21 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University. The Swing State Poll focuses on Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania because since 1960 no candidate has won the presidential race without taking at least two of these three states.
I think the general public, NOT only Republicans are so overly disgusted with this rigged system and yes, even Sanders the socialist says the same thing. Not frothing, more like vomiting at how disgusting this admin. is with their lies and deceptions, but thankful at least Comey raked Hillary for all the public to know that she's a habitual liar.
Wasn't Sesame Street started by liberal loons?
The truth usually is nasty, that's why liberals call it rhetoric.
The funny thing about liberals ideology always comes before country. Amazing....
I already know, but you're missing the point, I'm talking about NOW, today, this time era, this year, this month, it's 39.9% and this president for all of his bravado and with his lecture style of I'm better than all you lowly life forms, he's done absolutely nothing to bring it down. Instead of running his mouth so much, no one really cares what he's saying anyhow and he would get a little serious, he would do this, but no, he's too busy trying to play all 3 branches of government. I wish January would be here!
Bass I think the point is that the corporate tax rate is as high today as it was in the past, even lower, yet we had economic growth during those time periods, so linking the economy to the corporate tax rate is meaningless. We are also living in a time of record corporate profit and record corporate cash on hand.
HRC is feeling the "burn". Wonder how much she paid him. . . the dudes campaign got so broke during those last couple months. But both Sanders & HRC are pro EBT. It's just all "free" for them and their voter base.
Wonder if all the young Sander's supporters are high-5ing the Catholics.
Trump's short list of VP candidates. Gingrich, Christie and Pence. Haha breakfast fhis morning with pence and his grown children.
To a point that's true, but that growth has not reached the middlclass. This is just insane, Hillary and Obama, rivals, don't like each other so much, we know have a woman that that wants to run on issues her once rival ran on, so instead of taking the county in an entirely new direction, she rides on his coat tails advocating for the same policies, that's mind boggling and this is why, at least on this particular issue, Trump has her beat. Iconic corporations shouldn't be leaving the US, in fact, more should be coming in. When these companies leave, they take thousands of jobs with them and this president doesn't care and that's something that has been bothering Trump for a very long time, since the early 90s, on this issue, he's been pretty consistent.
Republicans want to go back to 2008 when their policies were in full display. Voting for republicans is voting for economic stagnation at best and more likely economic ruin. That is the lesson of history. Of facts. Things you do not find the bubble of lies and spin the right wing lives in via Fox news.
But Trump is not a 2008 establishment "send our manufacturing to slave labor countries" Republican. Haven't you realized that yet?
Penske Nievko
Support a third party. Gary Johnson would have my vote. Hell I'd vote for Jill Stein over these other two schmucks that we really don't have a choice over in the matter. Third parties aren't wasting your vote if everyone does it. But then again, the system would somehow prevail and we'd get more of the same crap.
What a complete farce! If that were remotely true, Trump wouldn't be where he's at today.
Ahh, so that's why so many people want Trump or Bernie, because Democrats are doing such a good job and the middle class as well as minorities are awash with gold.
So now Fox is to blame for the liberals mind boggling exploration throughout the liberal Unicornverse.
No, he's just a guy who cheats small business owners for work they've already done for him.
Why would it? Corporations do what's best for them, not the middle class. They were handed an extremely desperate workforce after the recession which helped to push wages low and strip benefits. And it has nothing to do with politics. They did it because they could.
In the past when jobs were kept here it was a good thing when a company made more money and hired more workers. Now they make more money by firing American workers. I think we need a tax structure that rewards people who create jobs and invest here. If you're laying off American workers and moving money overseas then I have no problem taxing the hell out of you.
Very true, so why on Earth would Clinton go around claiming she's the Champion and will fight for the middle class when given her history contradicts all of it? Trump is not perfect, but at least he HAS a resume of employing people and giving them the chance to put food on the table for them.
Again, you are correct, I'm not disputing that, but I have a fundamental problem when the left try to come off as sympathetic to the causes of the needy when the only thing that they are willing to do and the easiest way would be to provide MORE government assistance as a means to supplement their incomes for the lack and ability to create higher wage jobs.
Well, Obama has done that a lot with trying to dismantle the energy sector, particularly coal. Now, I'm all for find alternative and sustainable energy sources for the future, but not at the expense of Americans that are struggling, there needs to be a middle point.
sigh I thought we'd have a discussion about economics.
Nope. Again, you're mistaken. The top FEDERAL corporate tax rate is 35% and has been since 1993. It has not changed in 23 years.
There is no"But..." There is no, ""What about...?"*
The top federal corporate tax rate is 35% and has been since 1993. It has not changed in 23 years. Period.
The 39.9% you're quoting is a result of adding in the average state corporate tax rate.
As a self-proclaimed Libertarian (a tenuous association, at best), you should be celebrating that states like Iowa, where the corporate tax rate is 12%, or Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Illinois, and Alaska, the next four states with the highest corporate tax rates, have decided to buck federal government "meddling" and chart their own course with additional tax rates their state legislatures legally and fairly decided upon.
Or perhaps you'd rather celebrate states like Nevada, Ohio, Texas, Washington, South Dakota and Wyoming where there are no state corporate taxes?
But if you hate the 39.9% corporate tax rate, then hate on the relevant state legislatures that chose to add more taxes on top of a 23-year-old federal rate, shout for joy for those states that didn't, and stop misrepresenting the truth in order to unreasonably foist blame on Obama.
Bravado? "“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
This sounds like Trump, to be perfectly honest. But for you, Trump's bluster, arrogance, dismissiveness, and his cavalier attitude towards walling off our borders and banning Muslims is simply "straight talking." Funny how easily people color their perceptions when it suits them.
Again with your bizarre propensity to reimagine reality.
Comey raked Hillary and her staff for exercising poor judgement, but absolutely not for lying. In response to a specific question about whether or not Clinton lied to the FBI, he answered that she did not. When asked if she lied to Congress, he said he had not be asked to investigate that. When asked if she lied to the American people, he said he was not qualified to makes that judgement.
What else do you want?
Read more:
And now, you and your fellow sufferers of Acute Clintonus Nervosa are frothing at the mouth that Comey, a died-in-the-wool Republican, dared do his job and execute his professional judgment that Clinton not be prosecuted. You guys are ready to label him traitor to the cause and brand him as corrupt to the core. Seriously, there is no depth to which you guys will sink, including tossing your own under the bus for not towing the political line. ____.
BTW, you can continue to rage against Obama's intelligence all you want, but no reasonable person is going to buy into this narrative you're trying to sell that mediocrity is good, that willful ignorance is good, that being just plain stupid is good. None of these things are admirable or desirable traits in our political leadership and they shouldn't be characterized as some sort of victory for the Everyman manifested in Trump's ascendency. They aren't.
Elevating mediocrity, ignorance, and stupidity to the level of virtuous only weakens the civic fabric of America as a whole. We should aspire to something better. And casting aside common sense and integrity in order to force yourself to love Trump because he's all that stands between Clinton and the White House helps no one but Trump.
If Obama's intelligence threatens you in a way that compels you to ridicule it and question it at every turn, perhaps you should be looking inwards towards whatever deep-seated insecurities you're wrestling with when confronted by someone who is, in fact and deed, smarter than most people around you.
Post of the day! Well said!
(slow clap)
The bigot vs the two-faced liar with the one who sold his soul.
Ladies and Gentlemen! Please welcome, the 58th President of United States of America!
Uh, the 58th President of the United States of America won't come along until 2072. Assuming she lives that long and there are some incredible advancements in science, Clinton would be 124 years old then.