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© Thomson Reuters 2024.Security tight in China and Hong Kong on Tiananmen crackdown anniversary
By Laurie Chen and Jessie Pang BEIJING/HONG KONG©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Better roll out the tanks again…no, wait, the daredevils have been replaced with
Tik Tok Stars. Nevermind
35 years down the road and China still won't admit the truth. And it is still afraid of those who do know the truth.
Ricky Kaminski13
A lot has changed in 35 years, and yet a lot hasn’t. I wonder if most Chinese citizens are actually aware of what happened at Tiananmen Square in 89 and just don’t talk about it, or has it actually been erased from existence from the national psyche? The police surely know something not to be spoken of went down, but how about your average citizen? Anyone?
I feel sorry for the people there, the government suppresses and censors them to a point where they aren't even allowed to learn about their own history. Another reminder why everything and anything has to be done to protect Taiwan from the communist party
My sympathies to them, they lost family members and probably have been tracked by jack-booted authorities, and maybe shunned by society, since them. China seems little different from all other totalitarian regimes in history, a hellhole for individuals that want to live freely, but maybe among the 1.4 billion living within its borders there are those that want Papa Xi to control their every move and believe everything he tells them to believe.I'll never go back as a tourist, fearing I might never be able to leave; too bad its a country with a fascinating history, filled with spectacular geographic features and manmade monuments.
Just a free society expressing its freedom to hold up blank sheets of paper, or not.
If by maidan you mean an overthrow of the corrupt, yeah the CCP doesn't want that.
Murdering (insert plural expletive here)!
The CCP May have washed the memory away in the mainland (or not. It’s hard to know for sure), but we who lived through it from afar on live tv will not forget and we will not be silenced.
Peaceful protests demanding the very rights granted in the Constitution of the PRC were machine gunned and crushed by their own army on the orders of their own government.
That day, the CCP ceased to be a legitimate governmental organization regardless of its hold on the reigns of power.
That day, the CCP became an extremely well-armed gang of thugs.
Bad Haircut
It's how they've always been. They just tipped their hand to the world on that day. Why any "democratic" government chooses to deal with these cretins would be beyond me if most governments weren't headed by the ethically unencumbered.
Some of the CCP's methods may have changed (where possible, it now prefers "laws" [sic] to tanks), but the purpose is the same: oppression.
Shame on them all. They have no place in our world.
Gotta keep those free-thinkers in check. Can't let'em think of forbidden things like freedom of expression! We must always remember that Big Brother knows what's best for us.
JJEToday 03:16 pm JST
Absolute Bunk
One of my University professors was a Sate department employee in Beijing on 6/4.
He went into great detail about the brutality he saw in the aftermath and the shock of Chinese citizens that their own government would turn their guns on unarmed civilians.
No gaslighting allowed.
In the next life, I hope I'm not born in China.
I would really hate it there.
1) "On the night" information would not have captured the full horror of what happened (and what continues to happen)
2) The cables -- even if the content were 100% accurate -- describe attacks by the CCP on the people "outside" of the square. This does not absolve the CCP, but directly attributes the attacks to it
3) If nothing of note happened at that time, why does the CCP go to such lengths to cover it up, even 35 years later?
A horrific episode indicative of the brutality of the CCP.
It's truly amazing that people continue to defend the Tiananmen Massacre, and authoritarian regimes in general. But they do, including the usual suspects on JT.
Of course, these people have zero altruism or humanity, but they also do not appear to realize that they could be the regime's next target. In an autocracy, even if you're right at the top, no-one is ever safe. Just ask Qin Gang, Li Shangfu, Meng Hongwei, etc., or the many Russian officials that clumsily fall out of windows or drink radioactive tea.
You'd think that, even for people with zero altruism or humanity, they'd be able to understand this risk to themselves. But it sadly also appears that they have zero capacity for logical thought. I guess that's what being a mindless authoritarian automaton reduces you to... and is exactly what such regimes want.
Sad, but true.
Not really a joking matter. Some of Japan's past is really brutal too but they don't go around muting and munting their own citizens that talk about it or force people to pretend it didn't happen. They wouldn't waste the time and money of their soldiers and police to guard Tiananmen Square on said specific day or make it impossible to change your profile picture on that day or should we mention the streamer who disappeared for trying to raise awareness about it?
This is the first I've heard of someone defending it but yeah on JT there are a few questionable folks on here. What could that individual gain by brown-nosing the CCP?
China continues blocking its history from its own citizens. Tell me again why Taiwan would want such behavior for its citizens?
Living in China today must be what life would be like in Germany if the Nazis had won. Internal spying everywhere, secret police, neighbors watching you all the time and turning in other neighbors for thought crimes, people being disappeared for singing a song, corrupt courts that are simply instruments of the Party. The way the Party has debased the people of China is an atrocity.
The CCP can keep trying to hide it, but people REMEMBER, and the incident is part of world history. Great grandparents tell children, Grandparents remind children, Parents remind children, children when they grow older will tell their children. The CCP can't hide it, no matter how hard they try. The truth shall remain and be passed on as it has been for decades.
Gene Hennigh
The topic came up in an ESL (English and a Second Language) and one of my students was there. It happened and it happened as reported then. She came to my office and we talked about it for about half an hour. She cried in class (I cancelled the rest of the class) and she cried in my office. The Chinese people are just like us; normal people living normal lives, but I haven't got much love for the government. (Neither have many of the Chinese people living here in the US.)
raincloudJune 4 12:54 pm JST
I saw it live on NBC-TV until the foreign news blackout. I saw the tanks revving up and starting to roll. Chinese students at my university would at this time every year since stick up a huge poster about this. I can't read anything in Chinese, but the date is in Arabic numerals which everyone uses now. And the pictures are hideous, horrible, grotesque to say the least. They know, and they will make sure that nobody forgets it. And we shouldn't.
I remember when Yugoslavia self-destructed due to the lies of Slobodan Milosevic. I actually had a Serbian professor at my university who believed the lies and he was on local TV bellyaching about the Kosovo War in 1999, denying all the abuses the Serbs were doing to the Kosovars (and other Slavs too).
When the USSR fell apart, the campus Communist club festooned student flyer boards and newspaper boxes proclaiming that 'phony Communism was dead. Mao More Than Ever' (!). And that crazy bastard murdered millions of people, mostly his own Chinese!
And then there's trump. His MAGA cult denies all his abuses and crimes, but in some cases like the mass kidnappings of ethnic children and placing them in concentration camps; they just say, 'Obama was doing it toooooo.....'. That's practically admitting that trump is GUILTY of a Crime Against Humanity, but then the MAGA cultists act like school room brats and try to deflect the blame on someone else. Well, Obama's foes in the media and the political world were always watching him to see him slip up. Had he done such a horrible crime like that, we would've all known it! With all those stupid rumors, 'birther' crap, etc. we would've known all about it.
trump also has openly expressed his hatred for Muslims, Middle Eastern folks, Native Americans, homosexuals (he banned 'trans' in the military), homeless people and others. Fascists never hate just one category of people.
Also, MAGA cultists made/make excuses for trump's incestuous lust remarks too. There's NO justifying, excusing or defending that either. Have we become so numb and dumb?
The uninitiated want to be ignorant; they lie and deny - even to themselves. But there are people who was there, witnessed it, experienced it. We need to hear them! From the Holocaust to Tiananmen Square to Yugoslavia to Rwanda to today.
Remember that Dr. Seuss story 'Horton Hears a Who'?
'They'll be no more talking to Whos!
They'll be no more talking to Whos!
They'll be no more talking to Whos!
Who are not!'.
I was living in Osaka at that timw, I switched on the TV I had rescued from a big gomi day pile, and kept channel switching to find an advertisement, anything besides the absolute brutality that was being shown. I thought how hideous for the government to be doing this, but then I recalled reading about the "Cultural Revolution", and about how many individuals had been killed by previous Chinese government leaders, and elsewhere by Hitler, Stalin and other leaders of oppressive regimes, and realized once again how nasty totalitarianism is.
Because there weren’t any, misdemeanors, you kidding me?!
Yes, and not a word from Democrats, they kept it quiet and not a single word. Obama was dead set against illegal migration as was Trump. No difference other than political partisan politics, rife with the usual leftist hypocrisy.
You mean having an open border and allowing millions of illegals in is a crime in itself against a sovereign nation, that in itself is a treasonous crime.
Says the liberals that whine and scream that they just can’t seem to get Trump out of politics. Since 2016 it’s been a 24/7 non-stop Trump pile-on and so far everything failed.
The same with Trump and on top of that, Biden had the mostly liberal media on his side , that’s over 90%.
Hillary started that garbage, where is your outrage?
Absolutely and completely false, he has never said, he hated anyone, the only thing on record and verbatim was his disdain for illegal immigration and illegals that commit crimes in our country which he should, that’s not fascist, that is exactly what a leader does and should always do.
Trump showered with his daughter, are their photos of him sniffing and touching dozens of women?
Biden admin.
The Dems are doing exactly that. They jumped out of a plane with Biden and they forgot to put on their chutes, the outcome looks not so optimistic.
I agree.
@bass4funk deflecting as always lol
You have one of the most true statements about what is wrong with politics in there. When Obama was president people had telescopes on him at all times and watching his every move to see him slip up, but every time Trump does something wrong it's always "but Hillary, but Biden, but Obama did this-" Like it is impossible for y'all to defend Trump without talking about someone else in politics it reminds me of the type of dude that is always crying about his ex girlfriends
Everyone was watching Obama under a magnifying glass because also he is (ahem) B.L.A.C.K. and they just won't admit it. They can't. They just could not and are not 'man enough' to accept a Black American President (whether he be right or wrong) so they made up the most ridiculous rumors about him. And they were extremely absurd and moronic to say the least!
And yes, when the Diaper-Stinking Turnip-Brained Mussolini openly committed his crimes (still does now), his MAGA cultists actually acknowledge that but then behave like those elementary school brats who say, 'Teeeee-eeee- chuh! He did it too! Muh-muh-muh-muh, muh-muh-muh-muh! '. Throwing snot boogers in the classroom and trying to bring others down with them. Pointing fingers at other students. 'Blaaaahhhhh-aaaahhhhh!!!!' Always causing trouble for others. Yet last week with Donald's 34 felony convictions the look on his face is timeless. This is literally the Spanking Heard Around the World.
Sad to say, some people never ever grow up or amount to anything.