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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Segway company owner dies after falling off cliff
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Sounds like a great guy, but what an ironic way to go.
Is this headline from The Simpsons?
It would be unfair to blame the Segway for this. The man cant tie his own shoelaces...
Not being judgmental here, but this is one strange and amazing story. Unemployed Yorkshire coal miner becomes inventor, war profiteer, and good-guy philanthropist, buys the Segway company and then drives one off a cliff. Wow. Would make quite a movie.
Would be interesting to know how much of his fortune came directly from the Iraq and Afghan wars, might help to explain why they never end and OBL never gets found.
I haven't had the chance to ride one but from videos doesn't the Segway move forward when you lean forward and stop when you lean back? Pretty dangerous IMO to use in a place with cliffs. Even with the standard road fences (don't know what they're called) you can potentially flip over them and down the cliff.
30 feet is not a far fall, and he should not have died from it. Maybe he fainted or had a heart attack. These things happen. My brother's friend mom fell off a cliff and died, but it was a real 200 meters.
Page 25 in the owner's manual specifically states not to ride your Segway near a cliff.
"Isn't it ironic, don't you think? A little too ironic..."
Talk about bad publicity!
I have had the chance to ride one, and it is not about "leaning", it is about moving handle. Quite counter-intuitive at first, but after about 10 minutes you get the hang of it. Feels completely safe after a while. Provided, of course, they function properly. If they suddenly go in reverse, as suggested here, all bets are off.