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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Shoes, eggs hurled at Blair in Dublin
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The people who hurled shoes and eggs at Blair are not nice people.
They are still nicer than the once who wanted to hurl hand grenades but couldn't get past the security check. Blair will be hounded for the rest of his life, so he might as well get used to it.
He said al-Qaida-linked extremism was “loosely a global ideological movement, but Iran is a state sponsor of it.”
SO why did the stupid numpty invade Iraq if he thinks Iran is the problem?
I applaud all those people that took the time to go out and confront this lying scumbag. Just like Bush, Blair is a war criminal and should be punished for what he has done rather than parading around and profiting from his despicable deeds. Tar and feathers are what is needed!!!!!
Eggs and shoes? He got off lightly. Traitors like he Bush and Cheney need to go to jail for being war criminals and racketeers of the highest order. Their time will come.
Wishful thinking, mate. If ever put on the dock, Bush and Cheney would take a cue from Eichmann and use the defence that they were only following orders. In this case, god's orders.
Moderator: Back on topic please. Th subject is Tony Blair.
Shoes, eggs and other projectiles were thrown toward Blair as he emerged from a car, but did not hit him.
No Sarge, it's just that their aim isn't very good.
It's scandalous that war-mongers like Blair and his pal Bush are allowed to walk free, even if they do weep crocodile tears for their victims. And they both have the temerity to claim to be Christians.
"opponents of his policies, especially the 2003 invasion of Iraq"
Those people favored letting Saddam Hussein continue to run Iraq into the ground whilst thumbing his nose at the hapless U.N. from his many luxurious palaces for who knows how many more years.
Thanks to George W. Bush and Tony Blair, Barack Obama and David Cameron don't have to deal with Saddam Hussein. This is a fact.
Sarge, an unjust war was established based upon a bunch of lies which resulted in the unnecessary deaths of many many many innocent people, and you continue along the line that two more globalist puppet stooges that work for the same international bankers that profit from these wars do not have to deal with Saddam Hussein, a known asset of the CIA like Bin Laden. For Christ's sake, get a clue on how real geopolitics work. A special little link for you.
Get righteous man, get angry, demand the truth, demand integrity from these so-called leaders. And when they knowingly lie to forward their agendas and lots of innocent people, women and children get killed because of it, these scumbags should be held accountable
Sarge: you seem like a nice guy, but sometimes you seem helplesly robotic. Pretty sad. Blair and Bush's focus should have been on Afghanistan, not Iraq. If that were the case Obama and Cameron would not have had to deal with that problem now.
He said al-Qaida-linked extremism was “loosely a global ideological movement, but Iran is a state sponsor of it.”
Tony Blair has started to wined the string around the top with his book, for the big spine that is going to come about to help the Americans to start a new campaign against Iran. 50 thousand American troops still remain in Iraq. Blair has not finished he is going to promote the up coming war in Iran. They are just making sure they have something this time, if you remember Israel obliterated a nuclear power plant in Iraq in 1981, So why not today with far more advanced technology and capability? Blair and Bush might as well be still in power, because the people who controlled them are still there!! and who ever steps in the the positions of Prime minister or President of (UK,USA)will also be controlled by unelected power mongers of a new world order!!
"Bush and Blair's focus should have been on Afghanistan, not Iraq"
I submit that even if Iraq had not been liberated, the Afghanistan problem would still not be solved. Afghanistan was never abandoned. The number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan has steadily increased since 2001.
"And when they knowingly lie"
Just about everybody thought Saddam was still hiding WMD, which he had used on the Kurds and the Iranians.
Because that would have been hard.
The lower echelons of society doing their thing.
No, we should have left Hussein be. Doing his thing, murdering his own people himself.
"The lower echelons of society doing their thing."
No, more like freemen, not sheeple slaves that bow down and accept the obvious lies shuffled off on them and stand up and are not afraid to show their disgust of brazenly immoral behavior. Saddam Hussein was by no means a saint, but the point is that was an agenda. The agenda was not to liberate Iraq. Like I said before, quit lying to yourself and face the truth of the matter!
By no means do I like Blair, but unfortunately his best legacy, the Northern Ireland Peace Process will be tarred by his actions of 2003.
Clap-clap-clap. Applause. You are so right. Exercise your democratic right to defile, your disdain, your hatred now, years after you elected those you turned upon. Now that I find disgusting.
Blaming one man, or an administration on the present state of affairs in the UK is pretty short sighted. A takes a whole nation, and a set of morals to make a nation.
Well said presto, and of course that applies to this country 100% too, right?
Seems pretty tacky.
I am not blaming one man or one administration. It is a global elite and their puppets that follow orders to forward an agenda and set up a New World Order. Not an individual or an administration, but a network of elite globalists, social engineering power freaks that want to control every aspect of your life. A world order where anyone who dares to question and maintain their innate rights will be crushed. Tar and feather these lackies once their lies have been exposed and do not let their master's enrich them as payback for all the evil deeds while in office.
See for yourself!!!! look at this unrepentant scoundrel profit from his misdeeds!
i guess all the barefoot people walkin around the middle of dublin were easily rounded up?
I love hearing this from the people who favored chemical weapons support for Saddam when he was actually murdering those people. And also the same people who favored brutal sanctions that made the people of Iraq suffer but not Saddam. Then, decades later, suddenly those who recognized that Saddam's mass murdering days were pretty well done in 2003 are the bad guys. Yeah, sure. Whatever.
I salute the British for having the enough shame to launch projectiles at Blair. Americans must have no idea what shame even means the way Bush is treated, and Bush is worse yet. At least Blair said the purpose was NOT regime change clearly for all to hear, destroying the excuse that Bush tried to use when WMD was not found.
I hope youre not calling the people who threw projectiles at Blair in the story British..that happened in Dublin,Ireland.thats like mixing up koreans and japanese.
Judderman, thanks. My compliments to the Irish.
I'm trying really hard to feel sorry for the guy.
Ain't happening.
"I'm trying really hard to feel sorry for the guy"
No, you're not.
And the fact remains that if you and Obama had your way in 2003, he and David Cameron would have to be dealing with Saddam Hussein and/or his winsome sons today.
Stop being an idiot Sarge. You know what I mean - I dont have to back this comment up. You clown. Go back to America and start consolidating Bushs greatness.
Well, the Irish are not British. But yes, Bush is a symbol of everything that is wrong with America.
Hey Sarge, try not buying the history that baby-boomers are dishing out and try to think for yourself.
And the fact remains that it was ideas you support that armed Saddam so he could commit his worst crimes in the first place. And it was ideas you support that got untold numbers of innocent Iraqis killed for what was over and done with decades ago. And you believed the lies and apparently, still do. People hate Blair for good reasons. Its almost like you envy how he is hated.
Excellent points MistWizard. I'm from North of the American border (Canada) and am absolutely grateful for our Liberal French-Canadian Prime Minister, Jean Chretien, who, back then, told the US "Noooooooo, we're not following your sorry behinds in Eyerack." Well, he might as well have said it that way. lol. :-) That will be one of his greatest legacies even though the US media came down hard on Canada for NOT supporting their neighbour. Thanks, but not thanks, we'll stay home for this one. :-)
Max "The IT pro" http://MaxTheITpro.commaxtheitpro
Yet another excellent rebuttal MistWizard!! It's too bad half of the American population don't see things that way. And this is why these wars will be ongoing -- because, ultimately, THE PEOPLE (er citizens) are responsible for putting these nutjobs in power. And then we wonder WHY THEY (the Middle Easterners) HATE Us. :-)