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Shootout at Chicago funeral leaves 14 wounded


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I guess a visit from Trump is unlikely

So is a visit by the government of Chicago, run by Trumps opponents. Arent they in charge here?

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

More blood on the trump governments hands due to their failed leadership.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Gun Control, Gun Control, Gun Control.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

America is dissolving into chaos.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Yet more Black lives not mattering to other blacks. Someone send them the memo!

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Strangerland, More blood on the trump governments hands due to their failed leadership.

Youve gotta be kidding.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

With a president that has a strategy of creating conflict and division it’s no wonder this type of tragedy has increased over the past three+ years. Add that to the leadership’s mismanagement during the pandemic, and the current 145,000 and increasing deaths one can only hope that a new administration will be able to recover. It’s almost certain that the detrimental effects of the Trump presidency will drag the US down for years to come.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Yet more Black lives not mattering to other blacks. Someone send them the memo!

Why? They are clear. They want to be left alone. They don't want cops meddling in their communities. Maybe its you that did not get the memo? They can accept black on black crime to a degree. But they cannot accept cop on black crime. Got it? Repeat it until you do. And before you say they shouldn't be like that try to remember the cops are funded and trained with their tax money and supposed to be protecting them but are killing them while the "other" criminals were not funded or trained and don't claim to be protecting anybody.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Trump needed a war to sign off on his miserable 4 years, I never thought it would be against his own people though. Odd how he claims to love America but seems to hate most of the people who live in it.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )


Trump needed a war to sign off on his miserable 4 years,

Apparently it has escaped your attention that Trump is the first one in a long line of presidents who has NOT started another stupid foreign war and has in fact been working to end illegal military adventures that the US is still involved in. Much to the dismay of the various neolib and neocon warmongers like John Bolton.

Holding up is election promise to stop the illegal foreign wars is still the biggest argument to vote for Trump. Vote for the alternative, and it is full speed back to ill-advised "regime change" and "democracy building", Libya style.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Venessa...I got the message, unarmed blacks were killed by the police last year. That’s 5 too many. 7,500 black on black murders.

Which do you fix first, the dripping faucet in the bath? or the burst water main in the basement?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Apparently it has escaped your attention that Trump is the first one in a long line of presidents who has NOT started another stupid foreign war

It hasn't escaped my attention, as you may have noticed from my post. And I give him credit for that, I really do. It's a shame he's decided to wage one so late in the day on his own citizens. Desparate Donald desparately needs a bogeyman, coz Biden isn't playing Hillary.

Much to the dismay of the various neolib and neocon warmongers like John Bolton.

Aww, and you guys were such a cute couple last year.

Holding up is election promise to stop the illegal foreign wars is still the biggest argument to vote for Trump.

I'm glad you recognise the treachery of past Republican presidents.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

"Under no circumstances will I allow Donald Trump's troops to come to Chicago and terrorize our residents," mayor Lightfoot tweeted late Tuesday.

Yes mayor, keep out the Federal government and prevent it from protecting federal property in your city limits. Wouldn’t want to stop the gun violence and murders in your Progressive utopian society. Unfortunately, the mayor doesn’t have the authority to prevent the federal government from policing its property. Maybe when Biden is president, your peeps will be able to peacefully burn down all the federal buildings.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Which do you fix first, the dripping faucet in the bath? or the burst water main in the basement?

Whichever you decide in YOUR house. You don't get to decide for others. Its a simple concept I would think.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Vanessa Carlisle: Why? They are clear. They want to be left alone. They don't want cops meddling in their communities. Maybe its you that did not get the memo? They can accept black on black crime to a degree. 

People are generally left alone when they are leaving other people alone. But unfortunately many inner city communities are war zones and the regular law abiding citizens are caught in the crossfire. The crimes that are committed among blacks in cities suffering from decades of systemic progressive rule far outstrips the malfeasance of local law enforcement. Just this weekend there was a fire fight outside a funeral home of all places. More were killed and injured in that one incident than by all cops in the city over many years.

There is a sad effort to shift the blame for the social disintegration of cities onto a scapegoat- the police. Remove the police from “meddling in their communities” and the suffering will be more intense and widespread. The idea that it’s better and somehow more acceptable somehow if blacks are killed by other blacks is in itself a bigoted way of viewing the problem.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

On Monday, the mayors of six major cities -- Atlanta, Washington, Seattle, Chicago, Portland and Kansas City -- said in a letter to Homeland Security Acting Secretary Chad Wolf and Attorney General Bill Barr that the uninvited paramilitary deployments violate the Constitution.

But that isn't true according to legal experts. The US President has the power to send in federal police when the local govt isn't taking action under the anti-insurrection law. It has been used a number of times in the 1960s, 70s, and 2000s. Sometimes over the objections of state governors and mayors.

When being taken for questioning by law enforcement in the USA, there is a right to know why you are being detained. Being detained isn't the same as being arrested. In many states, the courts have ruled that being detained without charges for 24 hrs is legal and in the interest of society. Of course, we don't need to answer any questions by the police, but that usually means more inconvenience and a longer time of detention as they investigate.

Walking and yelling as part of a peaceful protest are very American, patriotic with a few rules. You can't do it on private property, before 7am or after 10pm (noise laws), blocking the freedoms of others isn't allowed and no property destruction or violence is ever allowed. The most effective protests I recall had them all sitting together, arms locked, so the police had to break those arm-locks and cart them all off to jail. They'd get a $50-$200 fine and be released. Nobody was harmed and they got their photo of the cops carrying them away for virtue posting later.

Protests that don't include a legal proposal to change or add a law are pretty stupid, IMHO. "We're mad" but we don't know about what needs to change is a waste of time.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Whichever you decide in YOUR house. You don't get to decide for others. Its a simple concept I would think.

Mayor Lightfoot has total control of the police in her city. She is black. Yet the violence continues in HER house. Except for the protection of federal property- she is the authority calling the shots. This is as it should be - a local person, not Washington, is on charge. At its heart this isn’t a race issue. It’s a competency and ideological issue

At some point one would hope that the people of Chicago will get over racial identity politics and seek out new leaders of any race that get positive results for their people. Until then, Mayor Lightfoot is responsible for the carnage in her house.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Protests that don't include a legal proposal to change or add a law are pretty stupid, IMHO. "We're mad" but we don't know about what needs to change is a waste of time.

To anarchists it makes perfect sense. They are angry people who want to tear down what they see as a corrupt system. The only question is, will those that want a decent and stable life do anything to stop the destruction of their society? Right now, the answer to that question is ‘no’.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

There is a sad effort to shift the blame for the social disintegration of cities onto a scapegoat- the police.

Cops are trained and paid not to kill the people they are supposed to be protecting. Criminals aren't. If your excuse is that cops are only doing what crims do then its no wonder the country is in such a horrid mess under Trump's watch.

The same thinking allows Trump to hold his virusfests because he thinks street protests give him the green light to do so. The government has become as reckless as the citizens that it has long since stopped caring about. And at the very centre of this whole tragi-comedy Trump.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Vanessa...Whichever you decide in YOUR house. You don't get to decide for others. Its a simple concept I would think.

So black lives don’t matter if they choose to shoot each other in their own areas. Or is it only some black lives matter or some matter less than others?

Seems to be they only matter if a policeman, preferably a white policeman is involved.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

All this violence, chaos and death, it’s clearly Obama and Clinton’s fault right?

It’s on trumps watch. Bottom line he has to own it or you’ll be fine with Biden blaming him for the next 8 years.

If America was already screwed 4 years ago trump hasn’t fixed anything.

If America was fine 4 years ago trump has royally screwed up.

You can’t spin it, everyone except a small moronic minority is laughing at trump and can’t wait for someone competent to take over. And yes, anyone else who can identify an elephant would be a better choice right now, anyone.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Why is this even news? Just another day in America with a problem no one there even thinks is a problem.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

So black lives don’t matter if they choose to shoot each other in their own areas. Or is it only some black lives matter or some matter less than others? 

Seems to be they only matter if a policeman, preferably a white policeman is involved.

Bingo! Spot on!

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Holding up is election promise to stop the illegal foreign wars is still the biggest argument to vote for Trump. 

Illegal foreign wars are off the menu so he’s starting a domestic one? According to him it’s “worse than Afghanistan, by far”

Well then buckle up soldiers, you’ll get to try that equipment that was sitting gathering dust. Think of it as free training. You’ll just be breaking laws in your home turf rather than having to fly abroad, cracking bones of your fellow citizens instead of a foreign terror.

Anyway, that’s the election promise we’ve heard least about since all the others failed. What were we saying yesterday about broken clocks?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

So black lives don’t matter if they choose to shoot each other in their own areas. Or is it only some black lives matter or some matter less than others? 

Seems to be they only matter if a policeman, preferably a white policeman is involved.

That doesn’t signify an answer or explanation because you wouldn’t understand it. But you are wrong.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

"America is dissolving into chaos."

Sigh. Were you alive between 1964 and 1968? This is like an episode of Romper Room in comparison.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The problem stems from the media that brainwashed people to hate Trump 24/7. And these brainwashed haters became anti law and order. People will go whatever it takes to justify their hatred. Americans grew up in comfort and sheltered then became spoiled and entitled. They don't appreciate the good things they have.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

"To anarchists it makes perfect sense. They are angry people who want to tear down what they see as a corrupt system. The only question is, will those that want a decent and stable life do anything to stop the destruction of their society? Right now, the answer to that question is ‘no’."

The Republican party has been trying to tear down government and "starve the beast" to use one of their terms for it for the past 40 years. They deliberately under-fund important government agencies then use the resulting failures of these agencies to achieve their goals as "proof" that government doesn't work. This happens perhaps more at a state and local level than at the Federal level, but it happens there too. The Republicans for a time even tried to promote the idea that big international corporations would "self regulate" and used that as an excuse to strike existing regulations from the books and fight off attempts to add regulations. The end result on the street is that poor kids can't get the schooling or services wealthier kids can get but they get arrested at a far higher rate than their wealthier white peers. Too many in the US seen nothing wrong with this but that is what is driving the violence. I have heard blacks on many occasions say to the effect that they are not bound by "white man's law". They are most often excluded from the process of law making, even in cities with a black mayor because the underlying power structure, the big corporations that lobby for rules favorable to them, are all white and very wealthy. They get the laws they pay for and the poor get crumbs. So they have no stake in those laws, don't feel bound by them and I frankly can't blame them. It is like life in the former USSR where the old saw was "they pretend to pay me and I pretend to work". Nobody had any say in the rules they had to live under so they didn't feel bound by them. Well buddy that is how a lot of black and hispanic people in the US feel. The Republicans go out of their way to make it hard for them to vote in too many states, deny the poor a seat at the table when making laws that affect them so all they have left are noisy and disruptive demonstrations to make their point of view heard.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

The problem stems from the media that brainwashed people to hate Trump 24/7. And these brainwashed haters became anti law and order.

Trump released a convicted felon last week, one of his chums. A man convicted of seven criminal counts of lying to the House of Representatives' Intelligence Committee, obstructing justice and witness tampering. Trump fans are on thin ice when it comes to law & order, they clearly only care about the law when it is 'politically correct'.

Lets not pretend Trump cares about 'law' or 'order'. He cares about votes.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@Desert: The Republican party has been trying to tear down government and "starve the beast" to use one of their terms for it for the past 40 years. They deliberately under-fund important government agencies then use the resulting failures of these agencies to achieve their goals as "proof" that government doesn't work.

The US has a $26 trillion debt. Expenditures increase every year. Republicans are right in there voting for this right along with the Dems. The Republicans only talk about smaller government - yet it gets larger and larger every year. If this idea were actually true I would be a Republican. This talking point is a joke. Come up with something better.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Trump released a convicted felon last week, one of his chums. A man convicted of seven criminal counts of lying to the House of Representatives' Intelligence Committee,

Holder did as well, I guess that makes him a criminal as well. Anyway, the President has the absolute and constitutional right to commute or pardon anyone he wishes to, it’s that simple, you may not like it, but that’s one of the biggest powers can have.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

"Anyway, the President has the absolute and constitutional right to commute or pardon anyone he wishes t

A US President may only pardon those convicted of Federal crimes,. The President has no authority to pardon anyone convicted of a state crime. Only the governor of the state in which the individual is convicted may pardon those convictions or commute their sentence.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

"The US has a $26 trillion debt. Expenditures increase every year. Republicans are right in there voting for this right along with the Dems. The Republicans only talk about smaller government - yet it gets larger and larger every year. If this idea were actually true I would be a Republican. This talking point is a joke. Come up with something better."

Expenditures for defense increase each year and drive a significant proportion of the annual budget deficit. Those for agencies like the EPA, HUD etc. typically fall under Republican administrations. Even now the President is pushing for a reduction in the payroll tax which would act to reduce funding to the Social Security Trust Fund. But as I said earlier and which you ignored, this dynamic is more pronounced on a state and local level. Kansas is a good example. It was certainly true in California until voters stripped the Republican minority in the Legislature of their effective veto of the state budget by removing the 2/3 threshold to pass a budget and replacing it with a simple majority of both houses, same as 47 other states require to pass a budget.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

"rump released a convicted felon last week, one of his chums. A man convicted of seven criminal counts of lying to the House of Representatives' Intelligence Committee, obstructing justice and witness tampering. "

The Republican candidate running to fill the late John Lewis Senate seat, a former reality show star, was convicted of conspiracy as part of a car theft ring and served two years in prison. She was pardoned by President Trump last February. Now she is running for the US Senate.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

"The problem stems from the media that brainwashed people to hate Trump 24/7" I have been politically involved since Richard Nixon was President and cannot remember a time in my life where I didn't think Donald Trump was nothing more than a dishonest self-aggrandizing sales puke. I didn't need the media to tell me anything. All I had to do was watch him and hear him speak. If you have any kind of decent upbringing at all you can see right through a con artist and that is what Donald Trump has always and forever been. A circus barker with a more expensive product to sell and more money in his pocket.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

"Mayor Lightfoot has total control of the police in her city. She is black. Yet the violence continues in HER house. Except for the protection of federal property- she is the authority calling the shots. This is as it should be - a local person, not Washington, is on charge. At its heart this isn’t a race issue. It’s a competency and ideological issue"

Mayors and city councils have less control over their police forces than many assume. LAPD is a great example of a force that is stubbornly resistant to change. The city was sued into oblivion after a 2007 incident where they engaged in excessive force to clear out a legally permitted pro-immigration rally in MacArthur Park. Several reporters were injured by the police live on TV including one reporter who was beaten on the back ribs and head with batons. Another reporter took a rubber bullet. This was a department operating under a consent decree and was being forced by a court to reform after the Rampart Scandal. After the city was sued the Chief of the LAPD at the time publicly accepted responsibility and vowed LAPD would not to use certain weapons and tactic to clear crowds again. Well they are being sued again for using the same weapons and tactics in the past month and a half that they swore they would never use again. LA County Sheriffs Department is another police force resistant to change, and because the Sheriff is elected he can and routinely does tell the Board of Supervisors to stuff it. The current Sheriff has hired back deputies who the previous Sheriff fired for misconduct. Even after the County Board of Supervisors rescinded the hires at least one of the fired deputies has been re-hired as a cadet in the Sheriffs Academy. When the BOS appointed Citizens Oversight Commission collected documents regarding deputies accused of misconduct the Sheriff charged the commission members with theft and began a criminal investigation against them. Pure intimidation by the Sheriff, but remember a previous Sheriff harassed an FBI agent looking into accusations of beatings, drug dealing and witness tampering by deputies in the county jail system. Just because you have a liberal leaning city council, mayor or board of supervisors doesn't mean the local police force is on board. Most often they are not.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Another great example of how bad LA County Sheriffs are, this current Sheriff had the East LA station put back up a sign that had been removed years earlier and after years of community complaints as an insult to the locals. What did the sign say? "Fort Apache - East Los Angeles". Nice. So that's how the deputies look at their patrol area? Talk about an affront to the local residents. That is the kind of sneering disrespect minority and poor neighborhoods receive from law enforcement even in the most liberal cities.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

When the language contains extreme hatred for Trump, there's no room for an objective view and nothing can penetrate that tunnel vision. That's the symptom of being thoroughly brainwashed.

The other symptom is labeling people who don't speak with such hatred toward Trump a Trump fan.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Better watch out - Lightfoot may send out some guidance counselors - that should fix it - yeah that's the ticket - more counselors - that's what the shooters need. This is the kind of thing that happens when you elect a knucklehead for your mayor. How's it going Chicago? Feeling safe yet? How's she working out for you so far?


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

A US President may only pardon those convicted of Federal crimes,.

That is not true.

The President has no authority to pardon anyone convicted of a state crime.

Again, not true, he can either pardon OR commute the sentence of anyone he pleases convicted or not."

A commutation of sentence reduces a sentence, either totally or partially, according to the Department of Justice’s Office of the Pardon Attorney.

A commutation can also release a person from a fine imposed at sentencing – at least the part of the fine that has not already been paid.

For states, the guidelines on pardons differ. Many states have an application for pardons available online. Typically, the application will go to either the governor’s office or the state pardon/parole board if there is one. Some states have clemency and pardon boards that process the applications, investigate, and then make recommendations to the governor, similar to the function the OPA performs for the president. Factors considered for both state and federal pardons include: good behavior, remorse and acceptance of responsibility for the crime, how serious the crime was, background and history of the applicant, including criminal history. The president, governor, or pardon board considers each case on an individual basis. In many states, authorities grant pardons in only few circumstances, and there must be an excellent reason why it is both deserved and necessary.

Only the governor of the state in which the individual is convicted may pardon those convictions or commute their sentence.

As well.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Again, not true, he can either pardon OR commute the sentence of anyone he pleases convicted or not."

He can't. You are wrong. His powers cover only federal convictions.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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