Japan Today

S Korean missile accident panics public on edge over North


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We had the chance in 2010 when NK killed 10 people. And everyone remained silent.

Just imagine what Asia would look like today if SK wasnt so gutless at that time

Not gutless at all. Consider that fully half of the South Korean population lives within range of DPRK artillery. Casualty estimates for the first day of a resumption of the Korean War are 100,000 dead per hour. Per hour. With the sort of dense high rise living and working conditions typical of Asian cities it doesn't require too many hits to kill an awful lot of people in one place. Fortunately ten years ago mature adults exercised adult restraint and did not indulge in revenge knowing full well that many orders of magnitude more than ten would die if there was a resumption of hostilities.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

Interesting aside but the Hyunmoo 2 ballistic missile is a South Korean copy of the Iskander E developed with Russian assistance. Maybe its guidance system only functions properly when aimed at hospitals, schools, apartments and theaters.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Every weapon has failures. Ask anyone in the military. There is seldom a 1-shot, 1-kill weapon, which is why military planners plan to hit the same target multiple times and only after a battlefield damage assessment is performed, would they pull a target from the list or make the next attacks on that target a lower priority.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Thats messed up Tortoise:

Maybe its guidance system only functions properly when aimed at hospitals, schools, apartments and theaters

1 ( +3 / -2 )

All that money the US gives S. Korea and it blows up? Where's the money going?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

NK. One missile into lower space and successfully lands 3000km from Japan.

usa/SK. 2 (ATACMS) each and another South Korean Hyunmoo-2, almost killing sKs own civilians, and 90km from NK border that if crossed, would of sparked a nuclear war.

time to chill out.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The U.S. and South Korean militaries are conducting the joint exercises to show their ability to deter a North Korean attack on the South. 


0 ( +1 / -1 )

The South Koreans didn't want war with North Koreans, it was America pressuring the South to provoke the North

So what provoked North Korea to invade South Korea, starting the Korean War?

You can't blame the South for having preparedness drills. It's better to be prepared than to be caught unprepared by North Korea again!

I suppoes at least the Nth korean missiles work...

You would suppose wrong: North Korea has had at least half a dozen failures since 2006. They just become very quiet when it fails

"North Korea Quiet on Missile Failure that Rained Debris Near Pyongyang"


0 ( +2 / -2 )

The South Koreans didn't want war with North Koreans, it was America pressuring the South to provoke the North.

You should be more careful to be historically accurate. At the conclusion of WWII Korea was divided into occupation zones, the north occupied by the Soviets and the south occupied by the US. The UN was trying to arrange national elections to allow the Koreans to elect a national government but the Soviets objected to every effort by the UN to allow national elections unless the outcome would be a communist state. After over a year of the UN trying the Soviets simply established the DPRK in their occupation zone with Kim Il Sung as the DPRK leader. The south followed suit later with the establishment of the ROK. The US pretty much withdrew its military from the south, leaving about 500 instructors there to train up an ROK army, which pretty much did not exist to any great extent. ROK had no armor, no combat aircraft and not much in the way of a military. The Soviets armed DPRK to the teeth and when DPRK invaded the south they had over 2,000 of the latest Soviet tanks, heavy artillery and the latest versions of the MiG-15 flown by combat experienced Soviet pilots. That is what set the stage for today's stalemate.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

All that money the US gives S. Korea and it blows up? Where's the money going?

It is the nature of the beast when dealing with rockets and missiles. If you poke around Youtube you can find a seemingly endless number of videos of various nation's rockets and missiles failing on launch. I am not going to spend the time finding some to post here but there is one of a Royal Navy air defense missiles sort of sliding off the launch rail and just falling on deck. There is another funny one of some soldiers shooting an anti-tank missile that pops out of the launcher ok but the rocket motor fails to ignite. It lands with a clank on the ground a meter or so in front of them as the soldiers madly run away. When I was active duty one of our motorcycle riding buddies was this Chair Force captain assigned to General Dynamics working on a big Air Force rocket program for launching satellites. We used to kid him mercilessly because they had about five of them blow up spectacularly at a test site in the desert. He was a little sensitive about it O_O .

0 ( +1 / -1 )

"A malfunctioning South Korean ballistic missile blew up as it plowed into the ground Wednesday during a live-fire drill with the United States that was a r̲e̲p̲r̲i̲s̲a̲l̲ for North Korea's successful launch a day earlier of a weapon that flew over Japan and has the range to strike the U.S. territory of Guam."

Love it. How embarrassing for the warmongers, a little slapstick missile play where the wouldbe tough guy/hero falls on his butt. The missile was 600 miles away from Japan when it passed by in what has heretofore been NEUTRAL SPACE where everybody has hardware passing over Japan daily at even closer range. But, of course, to keep up the obfuscating LIE that clouds so much of what is REALLY happening we must once again hear that "THE SKY IS FALLING!". Why are the most armed and hostile entities in the world fretting over one of the smallest, poorest countries in Asia? They are disobedient to hegemony and they are, in fact, small and, by today's standards, weak. Exactly the target of pathological bullies everywhere.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

China is having trouble getting their comrades under control, show some leadership or let someone else takeover.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Might not have been such a bad response to show this knee-jerk behavior.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Send up Psy to do some gangnam style up by the DMZ .... Get the NK troops to relax b4 launching a full scale attack

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Awa no GaijinToday  01:38 pm JST

South Korea never attacked the USA either !

No that's not correct. Some 250,000 Koreans served in the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces in WWII. Many were convicted as Class B and C War Criminals at the Tokyo Trials and one Korean General who ran POW camps was convicted as Class A and executed. One could argue that the present South Korean government is not the same, but then the current Japanese government isn't the same either. Korea, as Japanese colony during WWII was an enemy of the US.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Trying to act cool and fail haha atleast the the other guy can backed up his ego.

as i said. this world is compose of egocentric leaders. think about it and you can name them all. its all about how they can backed up their own pride and ego. they dont care on their people.

name someone who cares on their own people nowadays. putting their pride aside.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

The South Koreans didn't want war with North Koreans, it was America pressuring the South to provoke the North. Every year they are staging a live firing drill massively. You cant blame the North Koreans retailiate with missiles or nuclear test!

-4 ( +9 / -13 )

South Korean technology on display just like their consumer products. Samsung had battery problems with their phones/tablets a decade ago!... still hasn't been fixed now in 2022.

Youtube "Mr. whos the boss on Samsung phones". Recent video. Shows Korean technology at work for the past decade!

Japan can do better then South Korea in many areas including technology.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Who are we now the BBC? Less of the hyperbole pls.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

We had the chance in 2010 when NK killed 10 people. And everyone remained silent.

Just imagine what Asia would look like today if SK wasnt so gutless at that time!

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Look like a Himars to me

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

I suppoes at least the Nth korean missiles work.... Maybe Sth Korea should buy their missiles from them instead of the over priced poorly made US ones...

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

It's theatre. The only missile that has actually blown up a bit of SK was one of their own. Some websites suggest that it was US-made. If so, SK should get a refund for that one.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

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