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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Slovakia's populist prime minister shot multiple times in attempted assassination
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Hervé L'Eisa
The shooter is a well-known LEFTIST writer!
Slovakian author, poet, and activist Juraj Cintula. According to the publication he has published three collections of poetry and is a member of the Association of Slovak writers. He has publicly expressed himself against violence, and eight years ago said he was founding an organisation called Left Against Violence.
Unsurprisingly there's no mention in the article of a certain investigation Mr. Fico had recently announced.
Golly, that’s a shame….
"“A physical attack on the prime minister is, first of all, an attack on a person, but it is also an attack on democracy," outgoing President Zuzana Caputova, a political rival of Fico, said in a televised statement. "Any violence is unacceptable. The hateful rhetoric we’ve been witnessing in society leads to hateful actions. Please, let’s stop it.”"
Yes sir, how sad to see a political leader regardless of his views attacked and possibly silenced for ever.
This is not how democracy works.
I blame Hamas.
Fico a "populist" (cute euphemism du jour for fascist)? If so, don't say democracy in the same breath. Do say, "Sic semper (wannabe) tyrannis!"
Such acts can cause world wars. We need to be careful.
Fico is a nasty piece of work - it really is no wonder this happened as he has enemies everywhere in Slovakia.
Populist but not popular, i.e. working in the name of the people to set up a totalitarian regime.
finally rich
Doer is a 71-year old left wing screwball who all the time complains about the mean things said about migrants.
Eliminationism and stochastic terrorism starting to bear fruit.
It is Russian President Vladimir Putin reaction to/of assassination attempt Prime Minister Robert Fico, his words a "heinous crime" and Putin's future possible "retaliation".
Slovakia is still a democracy. Use the ballot, not the bullet. It's a different story for non-democracies because what other recourse does one have?
One more thing. Don't assume that the assassin was a left-winger. The Russians could easily have set this up to make room for their pick of the fascist litterbox and/or to place blame on the Ukrainians.
I'm surprised "tunnels" weren't blamed and calls for an airstrike on hospitals....which of course have "tunnels".
Except, what would Putin gain if he dies?
Putin can apoint a new PM only the Slovak parliament can.
Your scenario only make sense if he was shot at and missed or was hit with a non life-threatening injury.
Multiple shots to the abdomen that may yet kill him doesn't help Russia!
The silly false flag scenario only works if he lives and right now that is not guaranteed!
Reminds me of when the remainer British MP Jo Cox was murdered before the 2016 referendum by a right winger. It goes without saying that our conspiracy theorists and right wingers thought this was a set-up to discredit the leavers.
It also goes without saying that no evidence of this was found.
She was murdered by an extreme right winger. Very simple.
What evidence do we have up to now?
I agree with the above, these days 'hateful rhetoric' is the norm, that along with politicians and political movements pushing to undermine the systems they claim to want to be elected to represent, aided by large numbers of media outlets pushing conspiracy theories and blatant lies (an example of the latter: saying an opponent 'eats babies which are served somehow by aliens at a pizza parlor', as unbelievable as that might seen to reasonable people a lesser light who believed that nonsense was arrested carrying a weapon looking for the pizza parlor. Now with nations meddling even more in other nation's affairs and with wider use of AI, expect things to get worse.
Here is why we need to be careful in the news reports!
Euronews and certain anti Fico news in Slovakia named the suspect and said he was "right Wing" pro Russia and tried recruiting men to a Slovak force!
But then more information by others including the Telegraph UK say he changed direction in around 2015 became left anti fascist and founded a non violence movement, he opposed Fico blaming him and other for corruption and anti democracy, but past publication before his sudden change were Anti Romani, blaming them and the then government for Slovak problems.
So yes he was once right wing and since 2015 became left wing.
So personally I don't think hi is either, just not a very stable person!
No big conspiracy here, just a not well in the head individual.
Very true.
Be careful of the Telegraph. It was once a pretty reasonable conservative outlet. I used to read it.
These days it’s more of a rightist rabble-rousing rag .
As you said, be careful.
Actually since the thread opened no one said anything about Ukraine or Russian involvement until the anti Russia anti Putin post started.
From the start not one mention of "it was Ukraine" but the 4th post was "false flag by Russia/Putin and since then several more all removed!
Sorry but in this case it was the anti Russia that started the accusations all the rest was countering the Russian conspiracy theories posted first!
So you think Euronews is anymore reliable!?
I said telegraph and others.
The facts are the facts.
He founded one thing before 2015 and a complete opposite after 2015.
Trying to discredit the news because you don't like the facts as usual won't change the facts
The guy is all over the place Ani fascist, anti Romani, pro violence, pro Russia, then anti violence anti Russia, he even blamed Fico for people gambling!
So if you like Europe news that only gave a very onsided article go read that it will be what you want to hear.
But the telegram put it all in everything Euronews wrote Plus what he was up to since 2015!
Who said I had any strong feelings either way about the facts in this case? I don’t as it goes.
Just pointing out that the Telegraph has gone down the toilet. I do have some feelings about that. It’s a pity. Was a reasonable newspaper that could be trusted to some level.
I thought I was offering you something you may not have been aware of but you started lashing out.
Fair enough. I wont bother in future.
I've also read that he is "a sympathiser and supporter of the pro-Russian paramilitary group Slovenskí Branci, known for its links to the Kremlin". Does that sound "leftist"? We should perhaps wait until we get more info about the guy.
And if you read the full information, you would know he made a 180 in 2015, turned against Russia, started a non violence group he tried registering as a politically party, was anti Fico anti elite and a load of other things including blaming gambling on Fico, blaming Romani, blaming Russia, the EU, etc... the guy was all over the place!
Pre 2015 far right post 2015 far left anti fascist.
So whatever new you read gas picked an chose what it wanted for political reasons.
That seems to be the case. I've also read he was once a security guard in a shopping center and had a permit to carry weapons. That might be more relevant than his political views.
I think you and others are reading way to much into this guy's motives.
The fact he was once a far right, anti EU, anti Romani, pro Russia when the government was moving left and getting closer to the EU, then he suddenly switched to anti right, anti Russia, anti fascist, super left trying to form his own political party of non violence then he goes and shoots the PM, he even blamed Fico for gambling problems!
The guy sounds like he is just against any government in power as he flips back and forth to always be opposite of whoever is in power.
This probably has less to do with Ukraine and Russia and more to do with mental health!
For now, we can only guess, based, say, on the fact that the local police took the suspect’s wife in for questioning. Preliminarily, she is a native of Ukraine. Moreover, there is information that the shooter himself visited his wife’s homeland. Most likely, it was there that he came to the attention of the Ukrainian intelligence agency.
Kuku, if Russian forces were to withdraw from Ukraine, a ceasefire pursuing a means to secure Ukrainian sovereignty.
A EU independent multi state peacekeeping force to support such as withdrawal.
Would you support such a proposal?
If not why?
I huff and puff at EU commission political relevance.
However never has there been a more pivotal role for the European Union. If its member states allow it.
Another fact we know is a press conference in Bratislava hosted by government figures, including Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok, happened a few hours ago. Foreign media were in attendance and questions were taken and answered. And it's all on camera.
Estok described it as being "a politically motivated act" and the suspect protested against several government policies, including the closure of the Special Prosecutor’s Office, and the suspension of military aid to Ukraine. He stated this was from the record of interview.