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© Thomson Reuters 2023.South Korea to ban eating dogs
By Ju-min Park SEOUL©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© Thomson Reuters 2023.
Desert Tortoise
Good. It has taken too long but still good. Dogs are special creatures and our most loyal friends, not food.
Desert Tortoise
The poor dog in the photo has probably never known anything but a cage in his or her entire life, no love, no human companionship. I hope the doggie gets a good home.
Excellent news, well done Korea...
For the China hater losers, although dog meat is also consumed in China, it is a custom that is gradually disappearing, restaurants that sell dog meat are increasingly disappearing, it is a custom especially among elderly people and in some few isolated festivals..
Contrary to the pet care industry that continues to grow greatly in China..
How about introducing that ban effective immediately? How many more dogs will die in the next month - in 2023 - as dog eaters rush to get their final fix?
I don’t care either way, I wouldn’t eat dog, but if another country does, more power to that country. I’m not going to tell people in other countries what to eat or what I think is appropriate, none of my concern, I wouldn’t allow people to dictate to me what I can eat in my own country, so everyone should eat what ever makes them angry whether we think it right or wrong.
*angry, and meant “happy.” Typo…
I really wish western countries would stop lecturing the rest of the world how to do things. It's Korea's business keep your nose out of it.
I hope the doggie gets a good home.
Probably to someone's stomach with a side of kimchi
I've eaten dog meat in a few countries out of curiosity. It's okay - nothing to write home about.
But as I age, I've pretty much stopped eating meat altogether. You can get your protein from other sources.
But China still consumes 10 million dogs a year.
I think the same way. You mentioned other factors including if the animal is endangered and I’d add the idea of if the animal is hunted/killed in as humane a way as possible.
The octopus is an interesting one. Since we found out just how intelligent they are, the idea of putting them into boiling water while alive or pressing them onto a hot plate became disgusting for some, but it was always disgusting. Maybe the lack of outrage had something to do with octopuses not being common pets, as cute as spaniels or as elegant as pointers.
Aly Rustom
South Korea to ban eating dogs
Mr Kipling
So its "I like dogs so YOU must not eat them."
A very slippery slope...
Dogs are "mans best friend"... Not in all cultures.
How about we let people eat what they want and mind our own business.
I ate dog in Korea, I wouldn't do again as it was nothing special. Probably why the number of dog restaurants is falling.
Good for whom? Because of peer pressure or a sense of human compassion? Or is it because of outside societal pressures? A debate worth having.
I don't eat dogs, but this law will make it easier to come after us beef lovers in the future!
Spent a couple of years in Korea and was never tempted to eat dog meat.
One of my Korean friends in Japan used to refer to my dog as "your emergency food supply" which, as you can imagine, endeared him to my wife greatly.
Aly Rustom
The koreans.
who knows? ask them.
for them yes. You and I are not korean so its not our debate
"A Gallup Korea poll last year showed 64% opposed dog meat consumption. The survey found only 8% of respondents had eaten dog within the past year, down from 27% in 2015."
Koreans are increasingly opposed to this practise. Societies develop.
Maybe one day Japan will realize that whale / dolphin hunting has had its day
Desert Tortoise
I come back from giving my 15 year old female Husky-Malamute mix another acupuncture session for her terrible arthritis pain that three different pain meds do not completely relieve such that she cries in pain trying to lay down sometimes but a girl who still has love to give us and who still commands the respect of our two younger dogs, two prescriptions in hand for the ear infection in our youngest dog, then I read the callous replies below my first two at the top of the comments and I almost want to cry. Dogs are special creatures, creatures that evolved to depend on humans for their care while often working for us as herders, guard dogs, service dogs or just our closest companions, but some above could care less if they are eaten for dinner. For me it is heartbreaking to read. Now go vote me down if you wish.
Desert Tortoise
Those dogs spend their lives in cages with little or no human contact. They are often shy and distrustful of people, Animal welfare organizations that take such dogs in have a lot of work to socialize them and adopt them out. It is much the same for dogs used in "scientific" experiments. Do some reading and understand the conditions they are raised in.
You're a darn good human DT. The downvotes are from those who have either forgotten about the special relationship dogs and humans share, or have never experienced it at all.
The "man's best friend" label stems from dogs' 15,000+ year history of close relations, loyalty, friendship, and companionship with humans. We have a duty and obligation as people not to ignore this bond because of "food culture."
Aly Rustom
ClippetyClop- excellent post
Aly Rustom
Desert and Jay- excellent posts.
Aly Rustom
Shunryū Suzuki- Agree 100%
How would you know what’s good for the Koreans when it comes to cuisine? You have no way of knowing.
Ok, so more personal emotional opinions
But its on JT so that means its an open forum which allows anyone to opine.
There are about dog 1,150 breeding farms, 34 slaughter houses, 219 distribution companies, and some 1,600 restaurants serving dog, according to government data..............I was startled just reading these figures, and obviously had no idea how wide spread this is. I am not a dog lover, so to speak, and shy away from contact with tiny and big ones, but here in the EU there are thousands of stories of how they bring comfort to those living alone, and how they form relationships with their owners. I am a veggie, so the mere thought of eating any animal is repulsive to me.
Mr Kipling
It is because of pressure from the "West". The west love dogs so they decide that they cannot be food.
No complaints from Africa, South Asia,the Middle East. Only the West. We decide what others can and cannot eat based on what we think is cute or has big eyes and friendly.
Just imagine other cultures making the same demands about our diets?
Mr Kipling
They are not eating pets any more than those cows we like to chomp down on were family friends.