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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Starbucks asks not to be center of gun debate
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Gun nutters shouldn't abuse the policy by organizing large armed groups just to go to the shop. Its not good for the business of Starbucks, a company they should support. Gun haters should not protest the decision of Starbucks. All Starbucks is doing is not inconveniencing people who are obeying local laws. Attacking Starbucks is like attacking the character of your enemy's 2 year old kid; way off target and a waste of time. The problem is with local laws, not Starbucks.
And the gun nutters may claim that Starbucks is much safer this way, but as someone who has been robbed at gunpoint while working at a store, I am glad there were no armed customers trying to be a hero. The guy took the money and left, no one got hurt, and he was picked up the police a week later. Delusions of grandeur aside, this is Starbuck's decision so leave it at that.
I'm glad Starbucks made this policy. At one time, I was spending a significant amount of my income at Starbucks. Now that cowboys are allowed to come into the store with their guns strapped to their waists, I no longer feel safe, so I will no longer patronize them. My wallet will have a bit more extra padding as a result.
It will be interesting to see what happens if they try walking into banks “with their firearms proudly at their sides.” What civilised country has a population that is so paranoid of its own government that it feels the needs to be allowed to carry guns?
Totally agree. Well, not with your terminology. Gun Nutters is just wrong. Gun Haters, is a bit more accurate, but certainly a bit over the top. Still, the sentiments you expressed, I agree with them.
Open carry is just easier than concealed carry, plus I like the boldness of it. When all those gun-toters showed up at the Obama rally in Arizona it really freaked out the media.
Maybe the gun-toters need to proclaim their gun rights outside Obama's fortress.
What civilised country has a population that is so paranoid of its own government that it feels the needs to be allowed to carry guns?" A lot. The only difference is that they can't. or were you under the assumption that everyone outside the US just loves their govs?
Whats even worse, is that the government has grown so powerful, and so overwhelming, that these people feel the only way they can strike back, outside the ballot box, is to exercise their right to carry. Honestly I'm not sure which is worse.
Free running publicity for Starbucks,No such thing as bad publicity or so the saying goes."A frappachino and make it quick",as he said with a gun in his hand.I think this article started in the starbucks PR department.
So glad to be living in Japan when I read stuff like this from my old country.
This is what happens when a whole generation grows up watching "Have Gun, Will Travel" and "Gunsmoke" on the boob tube.
Well "when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." But the gun control advocates do have a point which should be taken into consideration. I personally do not fear "good citizens" carrying guns. It is the "gangs" or organized crime members that bother me. The "gangs" and organized crime members would be less likely to take advantage of the weak when there are armed people around ready to defend them.
On the otherhand, solving things by violence should always be discourged, yet, people have a right to defend themselves. A fine line indeed.
Not only banks, but do these laws allow people to walk into police stations as well with "their firearms proudly at their sides". If not, why not? They are all law-abiding citizens right?
Who is America?
Nonsense. It's more the outcome of history - - America's laws from the beginning allowed for and promoted the right to bear arms. It was a land of unconquered frontiers, and the Smith and Wesson made people 'equal' on the vast, sometimes unpoliced expanses of the western US.Living off the land was common until a hundred years ago. And last but not least American, in WW1,2 and the Cold War, had to fight Europe's battles for them, making generations of Americans familiar with firearms, whether they wanted it or not.
Odogma; "America's laws from the beginning allowed for and promoted the right to bear arms. It was a land of unconquered frontiers, and the Smith and Wesson made people 'equal' on the vast, sometimes unpoliced expanses of the western US.Living off the land was common until a hundred years ago."
So true, without all those guns, those crazy native American already living in that "unconquered frontier" would have just wasted it!
With all these guns the law of nature is put right the strong (and armed) push the weak around!
Moderator: All readers back on topic please. From here on, posts that do not focus on Starbucks' stance on this issue will be removed.
It's really pathetic to see gun advocates just mindlessly recite shrill, paranoid NRA-generated propaganda. It's 2010 and they're still putting their wagons in a circle and play-acting to fight off the injuns, while they use Wi-Fi to go online while sipping their frappucinos. It's like a scene out of a Terry Southern book.
yeah, but they can treat their laptop with the shotgun if Windows freezes
I would hate to be in a cafe where an armed robber is confronted by an armed vigilante trying to be a hero, even if it turns out well. I would fully expect the police to charge both the robber and the gun-toting cowboy if shots were fired.
Maybe they can set up lockers in the entrance way for people to check in their guns, or at least the bullets.
What do they mean by unsafe?
Though I think Starbucks made the right choice, it is really unnessary to for the gun-enthusiasts to stage this. By carrying unconcealed weapons into a public business establisment, everyone's safety is put at risk. The law should be changed to prohibit carrying weapons into stores and restaurants, unless the establishment applies for a perment that allows customers to come loaded. This way businesses such as Starbucks would not have to turn away customers who are not breaking any laws.
For gun enthusiasts, please imagine guns being replaced by grenades. This is how it feels for non-carriers to be around armed people.
unnecessary, permit,
I will support Starbucks here in Japan as long as the honsha in the US supports Americans' right to bear arms. I would encourage coffee-drinking foreigners in Japan to act in accord with their beliefs. If you disagree with Starbucks' position then don't buy their products or visit their establishments.
If you disagree with Starbucks' position then don't buy their products or visit their establishments." And there you have it folks! I'm getting tired of people trying to shut down places because of politics. Its one of the main reasons I only support PETA with donations and don't get involved in their demonstrations. yes, I'm a PETA fan, but not a fanatic.
Good on Starbucks for not getting involved.
Yes. You're up 200.
Fun times?
Starbucks has the right to do this, but few will come to their aid should a rash of armed robberies occur. They'll get a smug "I told ya so," attitude.
I feel for the Baristas who have to work in stores where guns are common. Hopefully, individual managers can have the final say in what happens in their stores.
Starbucks has the right to do this, but few will come to their aid should a rash of armed robberies occur. They'll get a smug "I told ya so," attitude." Have you found a stat on which is safer, a place where guns are legal vice a place where they are not?
They LIVE in places where guns are common (and legal). If they aren't used to it now...
Me too. Next visit to the West Coast of the US and I will be so saddened to see some poor barista, a PHD in Women's Studies, have to serve not just a card-carrying member of the NRA but a loaded .45 Magnum-carrying NRA member, and one who might even air out for all to hear his opposition to same-sex marriage or other politically incorrect views, a right also guaranteed him by the US Constitution. Really, I will be soooo sad :)
I wouldn't say they're common. Its quite rare to actually see someone wearing a gun in public. Apart from Police that is.
"I would encourage coffee-drinking foreigners in Japan to act in accord with their beliefs."
Fair, maybe, but I base my coffee purchases on my tastes in coffee. Starbucks' non-stance on gun-carriers in another country is a non-factor for me.
moonbeams, I think your analogy for how it feels is a good one. (And this is coming from someone who grew up in a houseful of firearms used for hunting and competions, but never, ever with the idea of defending against a fellow human).
Some people who don't get their morning coffee just right get upset but knowing they could have a gun on them, ready to shoot... yikes!! Caffeine and loaded weapons are not a good mix.
Would have to be a really stupid armed robber to walk into Starbucks where a bunch of armed citizens on caffeine are hanging out...
Odogma, nowhere is it said or implied that Starbucks supports the right to bear arms. If they did, they would not be asking to not be at the center of the gun debate! It seems they just don't want to inconvenience customers.
Molenir, I know that know all gun owners and carriers are gun nutters, but so many of them are. How else do you describe someone admiring the "boldness" of open carry instead of discussing the very rational and unnecessary fear it causes our women and children?
Above should say that not all gun owners and carriers are gun nutters. Sorry.
I admire it. Even while I acknowledge my own reaction to it. I am impressed by the chutzpah it takes to openly wear a firearm. I don't condone the behavior, but I do defend their right to do it.
Depends on where you are. I've been to places in several states where having a hunting rifle or shotgun with you isn't all that uncommon and in most of the cities I've been to a whole lot of people carry handguns. I'm willing to bet that if there were no conceal carry permits people would see just how common they are.
Considering that 25% or more of the adults in the U.S are gun owners and 40% of all households have at least 1 firearm in them I would call the term 'many' into question.
That largely depends on the women and children in question, my brothers kids don't show any particular interest in them but they don't feak out when we go out shooting either. I wouldn't say I admire anything about open carry. It draws largely unnecissary attention from people in cities and suburban areas but neither do I have a problem with open carry so long as they aren't pointing it at me. I didn't even purchase a handgun until after I had a conceal carry for that exact reason.
I think Starbucks is in the right here. If you don't want people carrying guns than ban them in your city or town. Why should Starbucks have to make a policy about it.
Only thing dumber (and more cowardly) than walking around with a gun strapped to your waste, is doing so buzzed on caffeine from an extremely over-priced coffee.
There's a guy in town here in Kentucky who has a license to carry and does so proudly, letting everyone know that he's packing. I told him I was sorry for his small penis.
How many people who haven't had their morning coffee yet stab their families with the kitchen knife or run people over in the cars on their way to work?
That term is offensive and reflects on your prejudice towards legal gun owners.
Not everyone is as lucky as you. Of course if you were in a store with gun owners in it, you may never have been victimized in the first place. The prefered victim of every criminal is that they are all like you as it minimizes the risks.
all victims are exactly like you
I have no problem with legal (non-felon) gun owners that open carry. However these NewAge-Lib-Nutter-Caffeine-Gun-Totters have me worried. It's just like the illegals in Cali protecting their pot stash in the national parks.
Selling guns in a coffee-shop is a new concept though and I may just be having a hard time with the concept. -I would like to SuperSize that Colt 45.
OssanAmerica, no other customers were in the store! And if customers came regularly with guns, it has an even chance of making him give up the idea or be extra edgy when he does it. In fact, the gun was not even necessary and he only had a little one. But he might have felt it was necessary if customers often came with guns and brought a bigger one, which decreases the odds I could take a bullet and live.
And if a customer did come in and a shoot out started, now I would be in the middle of a shoot out over a few bucks in the cash register! No thanks!
I realize that there is chance a truly psychopathic guy could take the opportunity to kill just for fun, but the odds of that are low. Preventing that odd chance is not worth upping the ante as you describe. What you are talking about is an idea even towns in the old west abandoned because guns floating around like that is more dangerous than its worth. And if you can't see that then you are entertaining paranoid notions, like many of the gun nutters I am talking about. Paranoia is a kind of nuttiness, and it blinds you to reality.
"Only thing dumber ( and more cowardly ) than walking around with a gun strapped to your waste"
Hee hee!
They are not selling guns in a coffee shop.
What planet with humans on it feel so paranoid about USA foreign policy that they want the Chinese, Russians and European Union to act as a counter force?
If world is so paranoid about its foreign policy then surely it citizens should be paranoid about its domestic policy right?
Because old school, drunk, conservative, nutter gun-totters would not dream of gunning people down in Starbucks? Its a bit crazy to think that people dangerous with guns come mostly in either the shade red or blue. And that is why I use insulting terms OssanAmerica. Badsey is proving my case, but please understand that I know not all gun owners are like Badsey. Its just that far too many are for guns to be so free.
Gun-nuts- People who carry guns to a Starbucks are a bunch of people scared of their own shadow. Really, I want to see them walk into a bank or government facility and proclaim their freedom. These guys are idiots with nothing to do.
Elbuda Mexicano
If all of these racists KKK loving NRA supporting gun freaks want to test gun laws by hanging out at Starbucks, fine by me, but I sure do not want to be surrounded by a bunch of redneck pendejos carrying a bunch of guns just to prove a point. Good, decent people should BOYCOTT Starbucks until they change their policies and make sure these unhooded KKK loving fools are made to stay away from their coffee shops. Not only women and children are scared, any man with half a brain would be scared to be around some many idiots and their guns!
When will these morons stop living 230 years in the past. Utter numbskulls, the lot of them.