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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.U.S. states aim to boost school safety after Tennessee shooting
By CLAIRE RUSH PORTLAND, Ore.©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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No. My point is there is a precedent for removing amendments.
Which helps control guns, because if you don't register your gun, you can be charged. Registration can also involve proving that you have adequate secure storage for the gun, require you to attend a safety program and pass a written safety test.
No. Drivers licenses are for safety reasons, and there should be gun licenses. Drivers licenses increase the safety of motor vehicles.
The highest cause of death for children in the US is being killed by firearms, it is higher than motor vehicle deaths.
188 countries have constitutions.
Is there a connection between legalizing the sale of alcohol and making the ownership of firearms illegal?
2020hindsightsApr. 3 03:41 pm JST
Same deal. A lawful owner registers a gun, but an unlawful owner illicitly uses a gun.
You think the registration of motor vehicles is for safety reasons? If so, you should be outraged that more deaths are caused by motor vehicles than by accidental or intentional killings by firearms in the US, and actually almost every country.
And the idea that having a gun being a right is ridiculous to anyone who isn't an American.
Of course, there are a tiny minority of radicals that may agree.
The US is 15th on the Human Freedom Index, hardly an accolade for a country that proclaims that it is free.
The 2nd amendment doesn't guarantee any of this. It only guarantees that you can possess a gun.
Teachers get armed and bullet proof vest in classroom.
Problems solved!
In fact, you did not even need to state you had never been to the US.
It was abundantly clear from the beginning.
...where you cannot cross the road except where you're told to, and the HOA won't let you grow veggies in your front garden or paint your front door the colour of your choice.
...where people are so scared of their fellow man they need an arsenal to protect themselves, and no one walks where they can ride, it's too dangerous.
Brave of them to send their kids to school everyday, mind.
...where the Constitution guarantees that the government can not put in place sensible gun laws to protect the populace, and police are so afraid anyone they stop might be armed and dangerous, they shoot first and ask questions later.
from tyranny and justice.
Meant injustice - edit button required.
And the idea that having a gun being a right is ridiculous to anyone who isn't an American.
No. I am not an American, in fact I have never even been to the US.
But it's easy for me to understand that the right to bear arms is what makes the US a shining city upon the hill. Land of the free, home of the brave, a model nation where the Constitution guarantees that the government can not oppress and persecute those who are willing to fight for freedom from tyranny and justice.
Express sister
Murder is illegal, yet people still commit murder. So we might as well repeal laws against murder and make it legal. I am very smart.
Express sister
This is gonna blow your mind, but the US cannot unilaterally rewrite the laws of other countries*
*offer invalid in the event of CIA-backed coup
Then tax anyone owning more than one gun, like $10,000 per gun.
No. But you have to register your motor vehicle. Would you suggest that you register your gun, if it's like a motor vehicle?
Most countries don't have constitutions, and it's not like the US hasn't repealed amendment's before. The eighteenth amendment on the sale of alcohol was repealed.
The repeal of the 2nd amendment would be similar.
In fact, it makes sense, because the 2nd amendment refers to muskets, not assault rifles.
And that doesn't mean, that you can't have guns. Just that it isn't a right. And the idea that having a gun being a right is ridiculous to anyone who isn't an American.
Well, why not have every country repeal their constitutions? And what would happen to the almost 400 million firearms and millions of rounds of ammo floating around in the US?
Citizens in Switzerland own guns, Your criticism must be directed at them on the same level as directed at American gun owners, right?
Why? Would you suggest to do the same regarding motor vehicles?
How does that stop the non-owners who illicitly get possession of firearms and commit crimes with them?
Only Christians???..
I think anyone who was willing to fork out that much cash just to own one weapon, never mind an arsenal, would be clearly insane. There would be no need for any compulsory training, because no one willing to own a gun would ever pass any psych test. Problem solved!
Is there something going on in Merka we don't know about? How many mass killings are being carried out through illegal use of legal tattoos?
What does Chicago do after daily shootings and murders? Nothing.
Unfortunately you don't care about Black lives like you profess to.
Place a stringent tax on guns $10,000 per weapon like a handgun, $20,000 for any type of automatic rifle, then tax the ammunition, like $200/500 per round. Then tax anyone owning more than one gun, like $10,000 per gun. Now introduce stringent medical pysch tests to evaluation each prospective owner, compulsory training...and a few more i am trying to think of.
Express sister
“I think that relentless mass shootings and dozens of dead school children every year is worth it because I like bacon” - a very thoughtful and caring person.
Sven Asai
You only need to boost teaching and education. That these brats learn the easiest and simplest things first somehow, for example to value all life in general, and own life and that of other people too in special. Without this basic knowledge in their heads you can apply more and more security and it just won’t and can’t help anyway.
Texas school children killed.
Nineteen children and two adults were killed in a shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde County.
What did Texas do after that tragic event?
Illogical word salad and conservative culture wars are not the solutions to gun violence in schools.
Universal healthcare (like in many first world countries with less violence and longer lifespans) and gun licensing (what is wrong with checking and updating a skill set like drivers have to do?) are more practical solutions.
Desert Tortoise
Many big cities like LA and New York have no military bases in them.
Desert Tortoise
The AR-15 is the semi-automatic version of a rifle and associated round designed for military purposes. The round it chambers has a large powder charge and thus a very high muzzle velocity and carries enough energy to penetrate homes or cars. The bullet creates a very large shock wave upon entering the body and does tremendous damage. Because it was designed as a military weapon it uses a large capacity magazine. Being semi-automatic and having that large magazine lets the shooter fire 30 rounds as fast as they can pull the trigger. It is not a bolt action hunting rifle where you have to operate the bolt to chamber a new round after firing in a rifle that maybe carries six or eight rounds total. It is not even like the old M-1 Garand of WWII fame that while semi automatic only had 8 rounds in the magazine and took a little skill to reload. So, no, there is no you cannot claim the AR-15 is not a military weapon, especially when the basic weapon was designed from the beginning to meet a US Army specification for muzzle velocity, range, and for a specific military cartridge.
List of assault rifles, not so hard
Ban them for civilian use.
States like Texas and Tennessee don't have laws to enforce.
Yeah, what about it?
Yes and I have never seen one, so I guess it's not WWIII in the US, not saying they don't happen, I have never seen it and don't know a single person that has seen it.
Ok, Japan has other problems that the US doesn't have, different countries, different laws, and different bacon for example, US bacon is way, way better, but again, we are dealing with different countries and different systems. When I am in Japan, I follow the rules, when I am in the US, I follow the rules.
I am not brainwashed, but I think others are.
STOP! Ok, that is YOUR personal opinion, I don't think people should have tattoos, that is my strict hardline personal opinion. Now that we got that out of the way, do you think people will stop purchasing firearms and stop getting inked? Yes or No?
I am one of those people.
That are law-abiding and don't go and shoot people
To be brutally honest, I don't care what the world thinks of us, just like the world doesn't care what we think about it.
I disagree.
What is an assault rifle, most libs even Garland couldn't give a definitive answer.
AR-15 and other semi-automatic rifles are NOT “assault weapons” or “assault rifles.” An assault rifle is fully automatic — a machine gun. Automatic firearms have been severely restricted from civilian ownership since 1934.
Enforce the ones on the books already
What's the population? I would say 99.9% of people in that State don't go around shooting up people.
Ban assault rifles, the most used weapon in mass shootings. Make sensible gun laws. Tennessee has open carry without permits.
Got an IDEA, how about just moving schools to the nearest MILITARY BASES and you get all the security you need and the NRA would love you too.
So every person who owns a gun and promotes it is you and your circle?
Or course, not. Murders occur every day due to guns in America. That's not so in Japan because why? Less insanity in Japan? What a silly idea, there's a ton of insanity in Japan. Murder and convenient suicide would definitely go up in Japan if guns were legal.
What the usage of guns to you and American citizens is a false narrative, every time. You just don't get it because your brain is washed to believe in them. There is literally zero reason to own a gun for a citizen in civilized countries in the world. And I believe the USA qualifies as a civilized country, but the gun issue blurs that idea, because like yourself, the sanity of anyone who can't see why guns kill people must not only be questioned, it's insane.
I mean, get real.
Yes, there are people who can act responsibly on gun use. But think of it in real terms. There are literally millions of Americans...and it is shown every single day in the USA because guns are so readily available...who take a gun and use it with bad intent. Killing occurs because of guns in America.
You must love the world looks at the USA as a gun killing nation. This is your real circle, a nation that prides itself on guns as a brain washed and stubborn false narrative and you, for reasons of looking the other way, don't care a nation that guns itself down constantly is fine, just because it hasn't happened to you and your immediate circle.
It's not real, dude, your circle is very small in the context of gun owners in America, but sooner or later, it wouldn't surprise to have an event around you affected negatively by guns. Me in Japan? Way less likely...about 99% less.
What's next? Kids and teachers in mandatory body armour, bullet-proof glass and bars on the windows? Probably, considering it's the U.S.
Masterclasses of logical fallacies.
Heard of anecdotal evidence?
I myself own guns.
People I know own guns
None have ever used them in crimes.
Ergo guns àre harmless and should not be regulated.
Unfortunately, this is the level of conservative , evangelically influences debàte about guns Stateside.
Wouldn't alter gun sales, look at food prices and how they've gone up, still gotta eat.
No, but the teachers should be able to have that option to acquire or a skill that can help and protect them and their schools
True, I own over 20 and I have never killed someone, I don't know anyone in my circle that has killed a person.
I don't smoke, so I am still alive.
Pay for it by increasing taxes on guns.
What would a ruby-red state like Tennessee propose?
Maybe something like: We propose to arm every man, woman and child in our schools K through 12. That should keep our schools safe!
Unfortunately, the philosophy on the right is that guns don't kill people, people kill people. It's like saying cigarettes don't kill smokers, smokers kill smokers.
Completely ridiculous!
This isn't a thing.
Stop cutting public school budgets in some conservative putsch against unions and in a culture war.
Have universal health care and gun licensing like with car and truck driving.
Corporate bought pols who support evangelical interests with guns as one of the holy trinity are the ones who push back against practical solutions.
lockdowns to 'save' people from Covid....
lockdowns to 'save' people from shooters....
what next?