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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.South Carolina store owner charged with killing a teen shot at people he suspected of shoplifting before
Unfettered access to guns creates a society ruled by paranoia.
The boy didn't steal anything, even if he stole a few bottles of water how is it justified to chase and shoot him???
Well, when the crime rate in that town is done by most of the people that are minorities then why would you not feel paranoid, not saying that it is right, or good, but you react accordingly, perceptions matter, they always do whether we like that reality or not.
Well, don't steal and maybe fewer people would get shot. I don't blame any store owner for protecting their livelihood, don't steal, if it's not yours, get a job, or borrow some money to pay for the merchandise, but liberals want to normalize theft even for the smallest article and blow it off as no deal and who's pocket does it come out of in the end? Store owners should do what they think and do what is right for their bottom line.
deputies have been called to Chow's store in suburban northeast Richland County hundreds of times over the past five years for assaults, shoplifting, personal theft, motor vehicle theft, vandalism, robbery and burglary.
Obviously a lot has gone down at that store over the years. Did that murdered teen shoplift there previously, or was he involved in any of the other incidents?- any of these factors could have triggered the overreaction, and are not known to the casual observer.
Killing someone over four bottles of water is morally bankrupt.
'He thought, he thought. I don't care what the races or colors of the store owner or the patrons are, this is murder. Plain and simple. You don't shoot someone in the back, esp. over something like 4 bottles of H20.
No excuses! I'm sick and tired of all the excuses that these racists 'have' to justify this criminal crap. And it's NOT 'self defense' either.
Well, you don't live where he lives or know his life or what he has been through, he may have thought at that moment he had a reason to open fire.
No, but you also don't rob people either
Well, my uncle had a business in LA back in the 90's and he was robbed a few times it was the same people in the same neighborhood so how can he not stereotype people when the same suspects would rob him every time, pointing that out does not make you a racist, but it exposes the fact that there is a problem and the fact that the left wants to ignore it tells you all you need to know what they think of you.
There was no robbery that is the point. 14-year-old boy shot dead in the back. The charge of murder is the only correct one.
Why did he put the four bottles of water back?
So only crime by minorities is an issue with you, Majority is fine?
Did you read the article, the boy didn’t steal anything ?
Because you cannot read doesn’t mean innocents should get shot!
Neither do you!
Because the boy was black the bigots will justify the shooting, it ignoring the simple fact that he didn’t steal anything.
He was shot by a paranoid idiot who shouldn’t be allowed near guns!
Are you saying that because others who look like the teen robbed someone, it is justified to shoot this boy???
Pretty repulsive kind of thinking I would say!
there it is. the actual cause of the cause/effect.
I understand this man's frustration. Petty theft seems to be a recurring issue for him at this location.
But you don't shoot a kid in the back as he is running away whether he was attempting to steal or not, whether he had a gun (which was not found until after he was shot) which he was not pointing at your or not.
That is not the law even in Rootin-Tootin SC.
Nobody made this guy a cop much less judge, jury and executioner.
Got a problem that is not life-threatening, call the cops.
That is how the law works.
Don't want to follow the law? Get out of that business or face the consequences of your actions.
Shooting a 14 year old kid in the back is not ok.
And now he gets to account for it.
Cards fan
So you get to murder people based on your "perceptions?"
Any proof he was stealing? Even if he did steal something, how does that justify shooting a kid in the back?
A store owner in South Carolina charged with murder this week after shooting a teen he wrongly thought stole water has shot at suspected shoplifters two other times in the past eight years and not faced charges, authorities said.
This store owner must face the consequences of such action.
It is that simple.
Any mitigating circumstances will ultimately be a matter for Judicial process.
Cards fan
Don't leave the details out:
True, but so what? If you catch a shoplifter, you call the police. You don't shoot them.
I did point out that it was in fact an overreaction, a subtle yet clear indication of my opinion of the kid getting shot in the back.
That was clearly not the way to go.
However, seeing that this shop has been victimized literally numerous times in a variety of ways, it's obvious that incidents of an unfortunate manner are bound to occur. If he was able to it would have been better if the shop owner had relocated, but there again we don't know if he was mired in debt or what.
Legrande pointed out.
Are you suggesting anyone with a gun can be shot, without any reason?
Have you tried to think of the consequences????
So only crime by minorities is an issue with you, Majority is fine?
No, not at all, but it is a very serious issue
I did, I meant generally speaking.
I can read that is why we can communicate.
But I do know the stats.
So because the majority of the crime that is committed in these thefts are black pointing that out doesn't make you a racist.
It may have been wrong, but I don't blame him, if I would live in a crime-ridden area, it is only natural that you develop a paranoia when theft is all around you and your company has been hit.
School Statement
Summit Parkway Middle School
1d ·
Cyrus Carmack-Belton, a SIDI Magnet student, has been taken from us far too soon. A light in The Nest will be missed among the faculty and staff, as well as his peers. He was intelligent, humorous with quick wit and well-liked by his classmates. We could always depend on Cyrus to ask questions beyond the scope of the topic as he often would seek to understand, rather than accept and move on. He often had conversations with members of the faculty & staff about his dreams, goals and aspirations. He dreamed of owning a tattoo shop and being famous one day. We all poured into him daily and we were pleased to see the results of his hard work when he was promoted to high school. We remember his infectious smile and tenacity. We were blessed to have Cyrus a part of The Nest and pleased to see some of the seeds that were planted grow and blossom. He will be remembered forever in our hearts. Soar high young Eagle, soar high.
It’s the US, we do have a second amendment.
I meant generally speaking.
Doesn’t matter. I can elaborate if I so choose.
No, we are not speaking Swahili
I get it, but I do feel for the store owner particularly in that area.
No, not a racist.
South Carolina is a Republican place. Senators: Tim Scott (Republican Party), Lindsey Graham (Republican Party). Governor: Henry McMaster (Republican Party). House 6 Republicans, 1 Democrat.
The state's violent crime rate of 511 per 100,000 people is much higher than the national rate of 379 per 100,000.
Cards fan
You don't know if he was armed. The shop owner certainly didn't.
Again, don't forget the details.
According to the above, the shop owner didn't even know he had a gun when he made the deliberate decision to murder a kid. Also, even if he had a gun, so what? As the article indicates: There was 0 indication the boy ever pointed the alleged gun at anyone.
The kid was shot in the back. How is the kid going to point his gun at the shop owner with his back facing the shop owner? Not possible.
But the sheriff said there was no evidence the boy ever pointed the weapon at Chow or his son.
Cards fan
That doesn't it's his gun.
Right. And the father, not the son, shot the black kid.
This means he didn't even know he had a gun. Right?
Even if did have the gun, how does that justify shooting a kid in the back?
You're telling me that's "self-defense?" That's nonsense. Even the sheriff agrees:
The sheriff decided there was sufficient evidence to charge Chow with murder.
The state's violent crime rate of 511 per 100,000 people is much higher than the national rate of 379 per 100,000.
Interesting quandary--not being able to blame a white man for defending himself.
Let's see how the South really treats minorities!
Actually the complete opposite as evidenced here, with the store owner legally armed, and therefore able to protect his life and property.
It's the whackjob Democrats who want to take away that constitutionally given right.
Lack of education in the civics department and socialist leanings leads to a dangerous community.
The dead boy wasn't a criminal and didn't steal anything.
What did the boy steal?