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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Super Tuesday's dominance highlights how presidential selection process can exclude many U.S. voters
Bob Fosse
"Despite the growing distrust of the system because of extreme partisanship, there’s really no evidence of any real fraud occurring,"
Bingo. If there were evidence surely it would have been presented by now. Many of the big players in the big lie promised they had it, but pfffft nothing. Maybe Mike Lindell is saving it all up, just decided to focus on his booming media empire instead lol.
This is a travesty and another reason why the huge popularity of independents like Bernie Sanders is not reflected at the polls.
Oh, and of course the duopoly establishment undermining him.
I'm with Andrew Yang that we need ranked choice voting in the US.
Sanders is an afterthought, politically.
Well, for one thing his policies would turn the U.S. into another Venezuela.
It just amazes me how people like Yang who are wealthy and smart come up with ideas and policies that would never be implemented, let alone work.
Super Tuesday's dominance highlights how presidential selection process can exclude many U.S. voters
As can actual elections as we've seen.
Bob Fosse
But you support meaningless unenforceable policies such as banning Twitter and ‘don’t say gay’. What a man of contradictions.
Jettisoning FPTP and winner take all would allow for more parties. Problem solved.
RCV has worked everywhere it has been tried. Just requires education and not being lazy.
I can't see why someone who is not registered with a party should have a say in who that party puts forward as their candidate.
Not when her support of Putin is unveiled.
And the Dems do have to listen to the more progressive side of the party, even though they aren't the majority of Dems. I consider myself a fairly middle-of-the-road Dem, but I have some progressive beliefs and values and some conservative ones. The Dems, while far from perfect, speak to me and people like me a lot better than Trump does. I don't see how Trump would make my life better than it already is, but I can imagine plenty of ways he could make it worse.
Yeah, those things like RCV and universal health care and strong social safety net that have never worked anywhere.
The only other choice is Venezuela or American health care bankruptcy epidemic.
Of course someone who supports the worst the duopoly has to offer is going to be all in favor of that mug's game.
And guess what? Even if that were hypocritically true, that has nothing to do with the economy, crime or border, now if you’re worried about getting your feelings hurt and think that’s overall more important for the overall survival of a nation, you have completely lost it.
Doubt it
We have some RCV in the States, but still a long way to go:
As bad and as toxic Dem policies are, they don’t want the entire country to look like Venezuela
Who’s going to pay for that? How can you subsidize government quality healthcare for 300+(add to that 7.2 million illegals and counting) people? You can’t, impossible, the government right now can’t do this right and screwing up all the time and then entrust them with healthcare subsidized by an already crushed and strained US take-payer that can barely buy food???
It will never work. How’s California doing by the way? Walk the streets there lately with all of its governmental free stuff?
You don't like it because it actually works. It would prevent a radical fringe minority faction (MAGA) from having disproportionate political power.
The swamp hate RCV too. You swamp, the corporate and billionaire interests holding the country back.
FYI though, Republicans have fared as well as Democrats with RCV. Just not the far right lunatics.
The more, the merrier, is the way these things work. Just like insurance and lotteries.
Point taken. Steve Forbes--heir to a publishing empire, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, worth $430 million--doesn't like welfare programs for poor people. I'm sure he's not a fan of ranked choice voting either.
That's how it works in Canada. Taxes pay all health care (literally zero payments taken off of people's checks) and put into a pool that is available for all Canadians when they need health care.
Bob Fosse
What’s overall more important for a nation is that voters don’t get played like fiddles by ‘rockstars’ wasting their time on nonsense.
There seems to be one name placard missing from the list of candidates in the picture above....
"Nancy, Nancy, Nancy"....
As Americans, we have so much choice as consumers. It would be nice to have more choices as citizens. RCV can help with that.
Not for the US.
So in other words give the left full advantage like California and NY....yeah, uh....No. Look how those States turned out.
The establishment Swamp, they have indeed.
Gates and Soros are billionaires, not born with a silver spoon in their mouths unlike Soros's son who wants to do more damage, he has the biggest spoon in his mouth. I hope you take my point. California has $24 billion erosion in revenues, which corresponds to a $15 billion increase in the budget. You are looking at an expansion of $58 billion estimated deficit of $73 billion under the latest updated revenue forecast. Yeah, no thank you.
Exclusion of voters is now a "core value" in the Repub party - it's replaced fiscal responsibility, American leadership and commitment to democracy, and most certainly "law and order"...
Repubs know that they lost the last election, even when they line up and profess belief in the "Big Lie"...
They know the only way they can win a majority of voters is to "cheat", and restrict voting; especially for groups that tend to vote Dem...
You see examples of this in Red State after Red State...and it's an insult to our Constitution and democracy...
As shown with their admiration and allegiance to Putin, Orban, MBS, and other autocrats, Repubs are "all-in" on denying the right to's their only salvation...
They should just be open and honest about it...and cut out their "we stand for democracy" lies...
Well, she is an open-border, pro-Putin MAGA RINO that lies nearly as much as Trump, so why not?
Biden is only ahead of Trump by 1 point on “saving our democracy”.
muh democracy isn’t even a winner for Dems anymore.
And he truly is a saint, a respectable man. Using his money for the better of humanity is as selfless as it gets.
This again? No, biden is not.
trump +4
Meanwhile, back in non-MAGA land, Biden is trouncing Trump. It's a red-bloodbath. It will take until November for the pubs to realize it and start pretending it never happened though.
She won the popular vote in the amount shown in polling, wasn’t it?
too bad that’s not how we pick the president though.
trump is also winning the swing states (electoral college) and even the popular vote.
So it’s inevitable.
Heh, polls again.
No he's not, Biden is way ahead. Won by a landslide, both popular vote, and electoral college.
Yeah, it is terrible when it isn't minority rule, isn't it?
Non-Americans are feisty this morning.
What issue (other than abortion) is the Joe Biden policy position popular for, if not for “protecting democracy”?
he’s only ahead by 1 point on that. It’s like his “thing” muh democracy!
Just sayin'
Uh-oh...another Trump "senior/senile moment" - they're becoming much more frequent...
*"Putin has so little respect for Obama that he’s starting to throw around the nuclear word. You heard that. Nuclear. He’s starting to talk nuclear weapons today,” said Trump, on Saturday night in Richmond."*
Who will he say he is he running against next, maybe E. Jean Carroll or Stormy?
*"The crowd reportedly went silent as the Trump referenced Obama, who left office more than seven years ago. It’s the third time Trump has made the blunder in the past six months."*
They should go silent - its embarrassing and humiliating to watch...which sums up Trump's whole campaign...
But he'll continue - because as we've seen with his inability to pay the bond in the NY fraud case he's broke, and all those lawyers and fines need to be his blinded supporters...
So the gaffes and the grift go on...
Republicans banned abortion, banned IVF, tried to overthrow the government, haven't been able to lead congress, and their only political goal left is to disenfranchise voters.
Biden already trounced Trump BEFORE all that. Before. It's about to be a red-bloodbath.
Is 1 point equal to 11 million votes now?
Nobody believes High Prices, Interest rates, and sustained Inflation helps any incumbent. People see it and feel it every day, no matter what state they live in.
Ditto for crime and massive influx of illegal aliens.
Above key reasons why Biden's in big trouble, ignoring his mental and fitness concerns, wars abroad, etc. The polling is not all wrong, but key swing states matter most, not national polls.
Good thing the American people know none of those things are true, as proven by a high consumer confidence index.
Of course, they don't tell you guys that in MAGA land. But it's truth.
Biden projection. Liberals always project their fears.
Biden's working-class people of color support was over 70% support in 2020. Now tied statistically with Trump in polling. No matter what state, high prices, inflation, high interest rates and high crime matter to everyone.
Then why is consumer confidence index through the roof?
Double haters, nearly 20% of electorate, those that don't like either candidate, supported Biden by 3 to 1 margin in 2020. Trump's now winning this group, no matter the state. They remember low inflation, secure borders, low crime, no new wars, lower prices, low interest rates, etc.
Presidential elections have always been a battle over purple states, those that can swing either way. This year is nothing new, so while a national election, all the action always takes place in these key states.
Great source for polling, Trump's winning every poll, most analysts think given Electoral college, which is more favorable this year than 2020 due to Census reapportionment, D's need to win by 3 or 4pt nationally.
Biden's not even close, whole machinery of lawyers is watching key swing state mail in balloting, any funny games this time and SOH Johnson, Constitutional lawyer, will act to protect integrity of election.
Depends on whom you’re asking.
Yeah, we see how the largest states have been fairing.
79% of Americans.
7.2 million
85% support women's medical freedom...
87% support more stringent gun control...
7.1 million employed at Trump properties...
And today we were treated to another Trump fumble where he "confused" who he was running against...
Many in key swing states and across US do NOT like Biden DOJ and democratic operatives' numerous legal attacks on Biden's leading opponent, Trump. Consider it Un-Democratic, Voters want ballot box to decide.
Term for above in Cambridge dictionary is Lawfare, defined as legal action undertaken as part of a hostile campaign against a country, group or individual:
US never in history until now has Presidential candidate be charged attacked by sitting President's direct supporters, seems 3rd world to most, people don't like it.
But not as many as those who will vote for Biden anyways. He is absolutely destroying Trump in a landslide.
There have been two attempts at interfering in the US election in the past two elections:
• Republican senators have been trying to use information they knew was provided by a Kremlin plant to the FBI, to discredit Biden, interfering in the upcoming election.
• Trump paid off a porn star to get her to be quiet, hiding the truth from the American people before the election in 2020, thereby preventing the people from knowing the truth, interfering with the election.
Oops, 2016
The gerrymandered rickety and unreformed condition of US democracy and its loaded-dice election system open windows wide for charlatans and demagogues to slip in and work their nefarious conspiracies to undermine people's freedoms. From the shenanigans of one such opportunist the justice system, too, has been exposed as an egregious enabler opening the door to mischief and mayhem and putting the skids even under democracy itself.
didnt a guy have a laptop that was lied about, hiding the truth about a Democrat crime family and interfering in an election?
Nope, turned out to be all fake, and is quickly becoming apparent as the biggest case of election interference in American history.
They don't. Luckily prices and interest rates are coming down as has inflation.
They see that these problems have been solved by Biden.
Crime is down too.
Also, crime isn't related to illegal aliens. Illegal aliens have lower rates of crime compared with Americans.
So Nikki Haley only win will be DC? Or will she even lose that too? I hope she wins the DC swamp rat vote. Just proves who she is and who her “supporters” are.
thereby preventing the people from knowing the truth, interfering with the election.
The fact that the non-incumbent even has a chance of winning a state at this point in the game, would be troubling to anyone with the intelligence to understand what that signifies.
Nobody believes Biden Admin's Govt numbers on crime, inflation, high prices, including in swing states.
Fox polling today, 72% country on WRONG track, people believe their lying eyes, not Biden Admin Govt numbers!
Trump has been underperforming when you look at what the polls predicted.
Do you think there has been any fraud here like there was in 2016 when Ted Cruz ( the man whose father was in on the JFK assassination ) stole a state from Trump?
Then why is the consumer confidence index sky high?
Heh, polls. Rubes believe polls.
They believe the publicly available numbers. And they are all good!
(Also, Fox lies you know)
Are we back onto the ‘everyone knows’ and ‘nobody cares’ approach?
Dear me. This is getting extremely repetitive.
We’ll be getting ‘Oh, wait..’ in a minute.
Probably least talked about for YOUTH vote, including in Swing States is crazy rent increases, inability to buy due to High Interest Rates = Trapped in Rental Hell.
Consider Average Rent up approx. $500/Month since Biden took office? Not only Gaza Genocide that has Young Voters upset!
Probably least talked about on the right is how high the consumer confidence index is, and how popular Biden is with the youth...
Bob Fosse
Played like a fiddle.
DC is not a “state”. The clue is in the name.
so I guess the only Biden path to victory is Stormy? We knew all that and Trump still won 2016. Good luck!
3 antagonists in that story. The 2 male ones went to prison already and the female still owes Trump money for lost cases.
“The Consumer Confidence Survey® reflects prevailing business conditions and likely developments for the months ahead.”
for the months ahead… we have someone expected to return as president in the “months ahead”?
Sure, because intelligent people would say that changes the point I was making, right?
No, he's already won. Dobbs, IVF, Insurrenction.
The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index® fell in February to 106.7 (1985=100), down from a revised 110.9 in January. February’s decline in the Index occurred after three consecutive months of gains. However, as January was revised downward from the preliminary reading of 114.8, the data now suggest that there was not a material breakout to the upside in confidence at the start of 2024.
darn. And darn. Pesky facts.
Thank you for taking us on your educational journey, and letting us know you finally tried to figure out why that is.
Let us know if you figure out why it's so relevant...
Err, what that is.
Consider what it was at the end of Trump's presidency.
And you'll see why Biden is beloved by the American people.
Terrible new crimes being shown on social media due to illegal immigration, all combined has people scared, no Govt. statistic can change these unacceptable murders.
Polls are not wrong, including swing states, people are losing faith in the future track of US. Few feel financially better off financially under Biden, Most feel WORSE off.
Hotels in NYC fully booked with illegal immigrants, taxpayers paying $HEAVY price, ultimate Govt. kickback scheme. Tourism dropping, as all realize how dangerous NYC and other cities becoming due to illegals.
With 0% of the votes counted, Nikki Haley wins DC!
Good for her!
Not many Republicans seem to like Trump that much...
goalposts are on the move.
didn’t you say it’s a current reflection of satisfaction with Biden? Not a future indicator of what might happen in future months?
didn’t you say it was up? not down in both months of 2024?
0 for 2.
No, it's always been 'Are you better off now than 4 years ago'. And every single American is. Which is why the Americans who are not MAGA have Biden trouncing Trump.
Yeah, look at what it was Jan 2021...
It's interesting that you think the economy after four years of Trump, isn't directly comparable to the economy after four years of Biden, in which Biden come out ahead in every. single. metric.
Plus the pubs banned abortion and IVF and insurrectioned...
If things so great US, why so few babies, so few new homes being built? People losing confidence in future, in key swing states and everywhere, voters are not happy.
People are scared of an unstable unsafe society, illegal immigrants using up limited public resources, on health, education, housing, transportation, food, etc.
As Biden cronies get rich off massive illegal immigrant scheme. CNBC, US Govt. Deficit Growing $1Trillion now EVERY 100 days, approx. 15% US GDP annualized basis. Spending repurposed from other programs like Covid, Voters don't like this Govt. corruption.
Well, the only thing she will win is a coke and a smile.
And yet Biden is losing the popular vote to Trump and losing in every swing state and has 36-40% approval. How can it be!?
If things were so bad in the US, why the booming stock market, skyrocketing jobs, and sky high consumer price index...
Only MAGA, because they believe Fox.
(Fox lies you know)
Another SNL skit?
As has been clear over the past few decades, Republican presidents leave the economy in a ditch.
Are they incompetent or just unlucky?
Either way, they can’t be trusted with the economy. Bush 2 and Trump went berserk with the credit card much to the anger of those who believe in fiscal conservatism and left a flaming car wreck in a ditch.
Don’t let them near the wheel again.
How about this flub and fact....
Trump 2020: “"If he's elected," Trump said in 2020 while pointing across the debate stage at Biden, "the stock market will crash."
March 2024: "U.S. stocks end higher Friday, with S&P 500 and Nasdaq closing at records".
Game, set, match....
When people cant even pay for groceries, they don’t care about stocks. Plus only 7 companies making the stock market higher.
Recent 4Q 3.2% US GDP growth does not reflect how voters actually feel in swing states and elsewhere. High prices, sustained inflation and High interest rates. Few feel better off financially under Biden, MOST worse off.
Why? Crazy Govt Deficit spending below, as Private sector consumption's NOT Good. CNBC, US Govt. Deficit Growing $1Trillion now EVERY 100 days, approx. 15% US GDP annualized basis.
“AG Garland pledges to fight voter ID laws, election integrity measures”
Yep they know they are losing and now getting ready.
why would they be “fighting” voter ID and election integrity?
Real wage growth is 4.5% (which accounts for inflation), so most are better off and feel it.
Because they are not about election integrity, they are about vote suppression. The measures don't make the elections any more secure, but they do suppress voting for certain demographics.
And Democrats on the running the finance committees are a big factor in that, and then they get into power, and then they run the country further into the ground, Case in point, California, and New York City.
In the case of California in New York, I will call that worse than incompetence
They can’t, look at Texas, look at Florida, look at Tennessee, look at South Carolina, look at South Dakota, why do you think people are moving there, I know it’s kind of hard to see from across the Atlantic ocean
You can think Chris Dodd and Barney Frank for helping throw monkey wrench in the economy
Seeing how Trump is pulling ahead of Biden, they probably won’t get the chance, the Democrats should do what they do best take other peoples money locally and leave the rest of the country alone
you mean, jobs that require an answer when you asked him what size fries would you want with that order?
Breaking news, hardly a swing state, but Nikki just won her first primary, DC!!!!! She picks up 19 delegates!!
Only swing state voting on Super Tue North Carolina, Trump's ahead in polling. Should be sleeper, Trump likely picks up +90% of delegates of Super Tue delegates, majority of delegates by 12th March, winning nomination.
Yeah the illegal voters and non citizens are definitely suppressed by voter ID.
If most better off in US, including swing states, how does anyone square the polling circles? By 3:1 margin, voters feel US on WRONG Track and WORSE off Financially.
High Price, sustained inflation, crushing interest rates (which don't get counted in inflation calc.), is why above's the polling reality. Massive illegal immigration and historic deficit spending fueling inflation and crime.
And yet, Biden is crushing Trump, and the consumer confidence index is sky high. Four years ago the economy was in a downward spiral under Trump...
They are.
The middle class sure aren’t feeling it.
And the Dems are ones complaining the most about the out of control crime, I mean, they live it daily.
How about the NYT and WaPo?
yay! She got like 1,200 votes!
Non citizens can’t register, so they can’t vote. It’s not a problem.
But they do in many blue states
They do, so that’s the problem, if it is not a problem the left would push for voter ID if they were absolutely convinced this is not an issue, but they know it is.
Non citizens can register to vote, in fact Washington state among other blue states, is prohibited from asking due proof or citizenship to register.
CBS news poll today, 46% remember Trump's term as Good/Excellent. Biden current term, 33% Good/Excellent.
That's the polling in a nutshell including in Swing States, voters like peace, prosperity and stability vs. opposite.
Non citizens can’t register,
No they don't.
No, they can't; non-citizens are not allowed to vote.
Sure, they could lie, but that doesn't happen because anyone who’s not a citizen, and lies, is setting themselves up not only for future prosecution, but tanking their ability to become a citizen someday.
Many in Swing States like betting markets, do not expect Biden to be on Nov. ticket. They expect terrible polling like below is unrecoverable, so he'll turn over all his delegates to DNC and step aside for health reasons.
CBS news poll today, 46% remember Trump's term as Good/Excellent. Biden current term, 33% Good/Excellent.
A large portion do lie.
They’re not being prosecuted
Not even close. Again, go to my former state and you’ll see it firsthand, viewing it from the Atlantic.
Trump believes in private sector and market forces, not Govt. mandates. Turns out many in swing states agree with him!
There's nothing successful an economy running a Govt. defict at approximately 15% of GDP while overall GDP is around 3%. It's terrifying to most voters actually and very inflationary, meaning strong $ and high interest rates.