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Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies at 87


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She was definitely a trailblazer. Sad, never agreed with her politics, but the woman did serve her country, loved her country and was a huge inspiration to the liberal Jewish community as well as a huge inspiration for women overall and she was one tough woman for sure. RIP.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

American hero. Rest in peace.

5 ( +15 / -10 )

Sad to hear this as she was an outstanding woman.  But it does make me think about the "appointed for life" deal with supreme judges.  In an election cycle which is questioning the mental ability of the candidates, why is so much trust put in often very aged supreme court justices.  I'd suggest an retirement age of 75 or so might be justified.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

May she rest in peace. She's had a lot of health problems.

Democrats - do NOT let the Republicans find a replacement. Remember what they did during the last year of the Obama presidency. But since the Republicans are hypocrites, they're going to try.

4 ( +15 / -11 )

It is sad that the poor woman felt compelled to suffer through her last few years still at work. No doubt she thought Hillary would win in 2016 and felt comfortable staying on after Obama left office. Trumps surprise win put her in a tough position. Retire and give Trump the nomination or suffer through health problems and hope for a Dem victory in 2020.

Dems will insist that Republicans let the American people decide who the next Supreme Court justice will be (see Judge Garland). But this is just too big an opportunity for McConnell to let slip by. One more real conservative justice and the Dems socialist dreams are through for the next quarter century. He will try like hell to get Judge Coney Barrett on the court. He would be crazy not to.

-14 ( +4 / -18 )

Already politicized.


-9 ( +7 / -16 )

Democrats - do NOT let the Republicans find a replacement. Remember what they did during the last year of the Obama presidency. But since the Republicans are hypocrites, they're going to try.

Oh, stop! If the Dems were in the same opposite position, they would immediately replace any justice with a liberal activist justice of course they would, so if they can put radical atheists on the bench they will do it.

-15 ( +8 / -23 )

Rest In Power Ruth. Look to Trump and the Republicans total hypocrisy and ignoring everything they said in blocking President Obama's court appointment in the last year of his term and rushing forward with a nominee to stack the court.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

The lights are going out all over America, RIP RBG.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Which is their right, every President can choose the nominee that they see fits best their worldview outlook so Trump can block Obama's appointment and if Biden wins, he can do the same, so I don't know why liberals get their blood pressure up over this.

-15 ( +5 / -20 )

Democrats - do NOT let the Republicans find a replacement. 

Republicans, nominate and confirm a judge who will make rulings based on the Constitution, like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

-13 ( +7 / -20 )

Democrats, please don't waste your time talking about hypocrisy. McConnell refused to pick a new justice months before the last election and he will 100% reverse his position here.

Shame and hypocrisy are nice to bring to the front, but today's GOP will sell their souls to save conservatism in the face of changing demographics.

10 ( +16 / -6 )

today's GOP will sell their souls to save conservatism in the face of changing demographics.

What a bunch of malarkey.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

biden really didn’t want to share his replacement list until after he is supposedly elected. But now he has to, too bad.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

Biden's handlers will have a list of liberal judges who will never be confirmed to the Supreme Court.

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

Yeah, now that she's gone, you're all praises!

No, I disagreed with the woman, didn't agree with her politics, but it is sad that she passed. Sorry, I don't jump for joy like liberals would were it a conservative justice passing.

Democrats, please don't waste your time talking about hypocrisy. McConnell refused to pick a new justice months before the last election and he will 100% reverse his position here.

Probably and the Democrats would do the same.

Shame and hypocrisy are nice to bring to the front, but today's GOP will sell their souls to save conservatism in the face of changing demographics.

So would Democrats.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

There will be a vote on President Trump's nominee, it was announced.

But dont worry liberals, Romney and the usual others will block it.

Which is ok because then that guarantees they will be voted out and replaced with actual people who dont exist just to backstab the President all the time.

The main issue is that this election is going to have lawsuits and lots of them. Some of which will go to the Supreme Court. So how will those be resolved without a Court at full capacity?

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Oh no - gone too soon. This is a great sadness. She was a very good woman, and fought to make the world a better place for people to live in.

Fly straight, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Republicans, nominate and confirm a judge who will make rulings based on the Constitution, like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

That’s what terrifies Progressives. President Wilson openly opposed the limited powers the Constitution imposed on government. Today’s Progressives are no different. The courts have always been the method through which they have forced their collectivist ideology on the people. A 6 to 3 majority would cause the Left to lose their minds. You can expect the attacks to immediately escalate from the media, the deep state bureaucracy, and the arch Left activist groups. Just when you thought the American people couldn’t be any more polarized ...

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Sorry, I don't jump for joy like liberals would were it a conservative justice passing.

Which liberals in particular are jumping for joy - can you back up this statement with actual examples, please?

(Personally, I will raise a glass in celebration when some of the fascists in power merge with the infinite - but then, I'm not a liberal.)

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Go ahead and fill that seat Republicans. It doesn't really matter anyway, the rich and corporations will keep winning at the expense of workers and vulnerable people.

Get ready for a civil war fellas, it may actually happen.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

My sympathies to the family and friends of Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg.  She was a great supporter of Civil Liberties.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

The main issue is that this election is going to have lawsuits and lots of them. Some of which will go to the Supreme Court. So how will those be resolved without a Court at full capacity?

Wow - can you imagine a 4-4 tie on an election results lawsuit? It’s definitely a possibility given that both sides are hiring hundreds of lawyers to gain advantage in the lead up to -and especially after - election day. The next two months are going to get crazy. The Left is going to go all out - it’s going to be epic insanity.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Because of Justice Ginsburg’s (RIP) age and declining health, it’s hard not to think the Koch faction of ultra-right wing, anti-democracy billionaires haven’t had their Federalist Society and their puppet Barr preparing for her replacement. 

Look for Trump/barr/McConnell etal to try to ramrod through her successor in their ongoing attempts to establish Trump as authoritarian uber alles.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

should have stepped aside when Obama had full house and senate. Has her ego set back her causes for decades? Probably

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Trump will almost certainly try to push Ginsburg’s successor through the Republican-controlled Senate — and move the conservative court even more to the right.

What a stupid system. I get the idea of the checks and balances system of the three branches of the US government, so why allow the judiciary to be elected by this deeply partisan process?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

No one should act surprised for even a microsecond that this was going to get immediately politicized. Tge moment we read that she had passed on the first thing we all thought of was that this is going to turn into something ugly right before the election.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Instead, Trump will almost certainly try to push Ginsburg’s successor through the Republican-controlled Senate — and move the conservative court even more to the right.


Look to Trump and the Republicans total hypocrisy and ignoring everything they said in blocking President Obama's court appointment in the last year of his term and rushing forward with a nominee to stack the court.


Mitch McConnell set no timeline. Let Justice Ginsburg rest in peace for one full day before the Trump attacks, okay?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

When Scalia died in 2016, also an election year, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to act on Obama's nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to fill the opening. The seat remained vacant until after Trump's surprising presidential victory. McConnell has said he would move to confirm a Trump nominee if there were a vacancy this year.

If McConnell refuses to respect the precedent he so claimed to revere in regards to Garland, the liberals should move to increase the number of justices if they take control of the White House and Senate.

If it’s going to be winner-takes-all then Democrats should fight according to Republican rules.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Truly a sad day. :(

1 ( +3 / -2 )

She held on as long as she could. Thank you Justice Ginsburg.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Two words: Merick Garland

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies at 87




Mitch McConnell set no timeline. Let Justice Ginsburg rest in peace for one full day before the Trump attacks, okay?

The author of the attached article, Mark Sherman, had already turned Ginsburg's death into a political circus. Your warning came too late.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

If McConnell refuses to respect the precedent he so claimed to revere in regards to Garland, the liberals should move to increase the number of justices if they take control of the White House and Senate.

Wait, now all of a sudden liberals want to political process to be respected?? Even after the nightmarish shenanigans they did to smear Kavanaugh and every other Republican nominees? I don’t think at this point in time to republicans have to listen to anything the Democrats say on this issue.

If it’s going to be winner-takes-all then Democrats should fight according to Republican rules.

Probably not, they squandered the last time they controlled all three branches of government.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Her dying wish was that she not be replaced until a new president is installed.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Look for Trump/barr/McConnell etal to try to ramrod through her successor 

I certainly hope Republicans go all in to save American democracy. I fear they will shirk their duty. The arch Left has lurched further towards authoritarianism. Only a Supreme Court that respects the separation of powers and individual liberty can prevent the US Constitution from being rendered meaningless. Senators Collins, Graham, and Romney are likely on the Dems side. That leave no room for error. This is a once in a century opportunity - watch Republicans blow it. I guarantee you Dems would never miss the chance to impose their collectivist ideology on the American people. They never give an inch. For sure Ginsburg never did.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

One link to a quote of any liberal celebrating their death. Just one.

Can’t copy all of Twitter and FB.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

I certainly hope Republicans go all in to save American democracy. I fear they will shirk their duty. The arch Left has lurched further towards authoritarianism. Only a Supreme Court that respects the separation of powers and individual liberty can prevent the US Constitution from being rendered meaningless. Senators Collins, Graham, and Romney are likely on the Dems side. That leave no room for error. This is a once in a century opportunity - watch Republicans blow it. I guarantee you Dems would never miss the chance to impose their collectivist ideology on the American people. They never give an inch. For sure Ginsburg never did.

I agree.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

She had more balls and dignity than all the conservative medieval pseudo-christian trumpybeliever politicians

We thought the same about Scalia over the Democrats.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

And now Mitch McConnel will do the respectable thing and wait until after the election to hold hearings on a new nominee, because it should be up to the people. Just like in 2016.

Ha, just kidding, his sole mission in life for the next six weeks is going to be ramming the confirmation of someone, ANYONE, through to prevent the people from deciding on this. In his haste they might accidentally confirm the Senate janitor.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

make rulings based on the Constitution, like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

well they also made rulings like Trump wasnt above the law and cannot block his financial records that women rights to abortion treatment was constitutional, I think 80% of Trumps cases were ruled against him. seems like Trumps decisions are mostly unconstitutional according to the SCOTUS

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

There is nothing illegal about cramming in a new pick before the election. The democrats would "reeeeeeeee!" to high heaven, but it would be perfectly legal.

However, I don't think the Republicans in the Senate would have the balls to do it. Remember: US conservatives are basically just liberals doing the speed limit. That was always part of Trump's popularity.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Her dying wish was that she not be replaced until a new president is installed.

She was just delirious and not in full control of her failing faculties when she said that.

It doesn't mean anything. Move on.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Seemed like a nice lady. It's good that Trump will be able to nominate a conservative judge to replace her.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

WolfpackToday  12:26 am JST

America is drifting Left and...

Reading too many pro-Trump online comments will tend to have that effect on people.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Reading too many pro-Trump online comments will tend to have that effect on people

Doubt it, but the people trying to push all of this liberal Marxist garbage are definitely working overtime to do that

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

“Who has time to copy thousands of tweets and FB pages, come on now”

Because they don’t exist. And Twitter an FB are really not where you get factual info.

In other words you cannot back up your inaccurate and wholly misleading rants.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Because they don’t exist.

If liberals close their eyes, probably so.

And Twitter an FB are really not where you get factual info. 

No, but people can still write hate mail on those platforms


-6 ( +1 / -7 )

bass4funkToday  12:53 pm JST

Reading too many pro-Trump online comments will tend to have that effect on people

Doubt it, but the people trying to push all of this liberal Marxist garbage are definitely working overtime to do that

Sorry, I don't have Gibberish - English in Google Translate.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

If you think Trump and his senate will not replace Ginsburg, you’ve been smoking too much. Ginsburg’s passing or retirement has been expected for 2 years, and a short list of replacements has long been assembled. Trump will use the “nuclear option” if necessary, which the democrats gave him when they themselves changed the rule about filibustering to prevent republicans from blocking their nominees under Obama. Trump has nothing at all to lose by appointing a replacement for Ginsburg, which has been a goal of his for the last 3 years.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

If you think Trump and his senate will not replace Ginsburg, you’ve been smoking too much. Ginsburg’s passing or retirement has been expected for 2 years, and a short list of replacements has long been assembled. Trump will use the “nuclear option” if necessary, which the democrats gave him when they themselves changed the rule about filibustering to prevent republicans from blocking their nominees under Obama. Trump has nothing at all to lose by appointing a replacement for Ginsburg, which has been a goal of his for the last 3 years.


-3 ( +3 / -6 )

“[The President] shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States.”

There are no other qualifiers in the Constitution. can’t wait to see who is nominated.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Reading too many pro-Trump online comments will tend to have that effect on people.

America is undeniably drifting left. The fact that the electoral college acts to retard that drift is not actually proof that it isn't.

As a non American this 4yr+ Trumpian disaster movie just gets more and more compulsive watching.

There is a violent correction in Americas future and it's going to happen in 2021. No matter who wins the election a large percentage of you all will feel the need to use your 2nd amendment constitutional right. Putin must really be loving this.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I’m sure that Mitch McConnell, who said in 2016 that you shouldn’t appoint a Supreme Court Justice in an election year, will do the honorable thing and say that the Senate should wait until 2021 to begiahahahaha sorry I thought I could do it with a straight face, but I can’t.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Pack the court in 2021. Time has come.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

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