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Suspect in Colorado shooting a loner who left few clues


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Another victory for the NRA and the GOP Shia-Tea. Winning!

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Guns, guns, and more guns combined with gun nuts. A very dangerous and fatal combination. Thanks to the NRA, the politicians, the corrupt gun lobby and the gun manufacturers for selling this loonacy to gullible mentally-challenged American citizens.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Left few clues?

"Neighbors and authorities described Dear as a loner who avoided eye contact. He lived part of the time in a North Carolina mountain cabin with no electricity or running water."

There's a clue. A nutter who kills. Clearly it's not about where this freak kills. It's that this freak can have as many guns as he wants as crazy as he obviously was. Winning!

Another officer pays the price for the NRA's deranged greed.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

After reading about so many atrocities being committed by gunmen in the US, I can’t help but think that the country is rapidly breaking apart. The shrug-shoulder ‘shoganai’ of most in the gun community, and worse those in the community who won't admit there is a problem, and worst of all the ‘come and take it’ threats from gun owners with extremist beliefs suggest this is a problem that’s going to grow. The gun rights extremists, incited by the NRA and the powerful and highly profitable gun manufacturing and sales industries, will not even allow reasoned discussion on the issue.

I feel sorry for those in the US who don’t own guns but still have to pay through their taxes for all of the additional police and medical services required each time there’s a shooting.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Thank you Mr. Townsend.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

but still have to pay through their taxes for all of the additional police and medical services required each time there’s a shooting

Yeah. All the low income gangbangers who shoot their up their own indigenous people in the hoods do not have medical insurance. In fact, for generations they rely on local county medi-care & state sponsored medical services. So what else is new??

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

All the low income gangbangers who shoot their up their own indigenous people in the hoods do not have medical insurance.

And what are they shooting or getting shot with, peashooters?

Some joined-up thinking, please, WC.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The words of the minister at All Souls Unitarian Church impressed me very much:

We're here to honor the lives of those killed yesterday by domestic terrorists. We're here to honor the work of Planned Parenthood. We're here to honor the work of the Colorado Springs Police Department and other first responders. We're here to gather together to remember that we're not alone; to remember together we can change the world ... In our diversity, we are stronger.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Buying a gun as an insurance policy against crime is no more an intent to use than buying life insurance is an intent to die.

That's the funniest thing I've heard. Having a gun isn't an insurance policy against anything. If the criminal element or anyone with criminal intent are also carrying weapons and are able to get a shot off first, guess what? Same thing that went on in ye' old west. Quickest to the draw and better aim wins regardless of legal ownership.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Insurance would not kill your children. Roughly once a week on average, a small child finds a gun, points it at himself or someone else, and pulls the trigger. Obama said, "This is not normal. We can’t let it become normal." So far, all from the Republican side has been deafening silence - but one can predict Monday will bring GOP cries against "Obama the divider-in-chief" with complaints that he will confiscate guns from abnormal people.

Apparently, the terrorist mentioned "no more baby parts" after his arrest. Conservative crazies continue to push this myth. I just hope there are no copy-cat terrorist events upcoming.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Apparently his was gibbering about "baby parts".

Another victory for the poisonous Republican rhetoric of insane talking points.

Anyone think he'll be charged as a terrorist?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Anyone think he'll be charged as a terrorist?

Isn't it likely he won't be charged at all? In any civilised society he'd be considered not responsible for his actions on account of his impaired mental condition (unable to make eye contact, gibbering, not cognitive, unable to hold a coherent conversation - sounds like he's mentally unstable, to say the least). Then again, in any civilised society no one would dream of allowing him to own a lethal weapon, so who knows....

5 ( +6 / -1 )


" Another victory for the NRA and the GOP Shia-Tea. "

You have been rambling about this "GOP Shia-Tea" for ages, but never explained what this is supposed to be. Can you give a definition for those of us who don´t read your conspiracy sites?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )


unable to make eye contact, gibbering, not cognitive, unable to hold a coherent conversation

Every single one of those attributes points to one of JT's radical conservatives.

I think the attackers in Paris were insane, so why do we call that terrorism and this just a nut with a gun?

Radical Muslims have their mind poisoned by hateful rhetoric. This nut was surely poisoned by the equally insane arguments of US right wing talk radio. All those championing forcing their obsessive anti-abortion views on others are responsible for this madness. That and the ridiculous ease one can buy an assault rifle in the US.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I hope for America's sake a broad swath of society will no longer be willing to accept losses of life from selfish gun owners entertaining themselves. The only relationship between firearms and alcohol I can see is that many gun murders are committed by people under the influence of alcohol.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Quote: "Suspect in Colorado shooting a loner who left few clues"

Left? Where? I believe he is still alive. Maybe he will talk some more...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Yes, the NRA does it again. A total ding-dong with a criminal record could get all the guns he wanted. That sums up what is wrong the phony "right to bear arms" rhetoric.

Note that this guy is a white man and he was taken alive after killing three people, including a cop.

He would probably be dead if he happened to be African-American. Then the racist pond scum would let loose against Black people in general and Black Lives Matter in particular. (If you want a taste of this go to "Comments" under any African-American topic on Yahoo, USA and you will be shocked by the deluge of utterly insane racism. These same people are now using this terrorist act to get at "liberals," the ACLU and, yeah, Blacks.) The fact this guy is alive and unscathed may well be the ultimate extension of white privilege.

It is has yet to be seen if this obviously insane person was driven by the anti-Planned Parenthood hysteria brewed up by the Republicans, so-called Right-to-Life bullies and religious nuts.

6 ( +6 / -0 )


Can you give a definition for those of us who don´t read your conspiracy sites?

Well, it takes one to know one my friend. A bit like your conspiracy theories about Muslim no-go areas in France, just hateful rhetoric brought up by people wanting to believe their own delusions or to spread their hateful message.

It's pretty obvious he's making allusions to the nutcases that make up today's insane Republican party, although I think SunniGOPtea would be perhaps more appropriate. I prefer the American Taliban, which They surely are....

3 ( +4 / -1 )

All the low income gangbangers who shoot their up their own indigenous people in the hoods do not have medical insurance. In fact, for generations they rely on local county medi-care & state sponsored medical services. So what else is new??

LoL. This is why "obama care" was created. Decent folks, who are educated & have "careers", need not worry about obama care. Creating medical benefits for the poor and unfortunate always rides on the burden of GOP tax payers.

Its complete nonsense.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Another victory for the NRA and the GOP Shia-Tea. Winning!

No, they didn't do anything. This nut job and he alone is responsible for this carnage!

Insurance would not kill your children. Roughly once a week on average, a small child finds a gun, points it at himself or someone else, and pulls the trigger.

And there are people that die of choking on food, so what's your point? That doesn't mean, we're not allowed to eat anymore.

That's the funniest thing I've heard. Having a gun isn't an insurance policy against anything.

Ohhhh, yes it can be.

If the criminal element or anyone with criminal intent are also carrying weapons and are able to get a shot off first, guess what?

I can say this, I wouldn't be an easy victim that's for sure and if he's in my house and I shoot him, I have EVERY right to use deadly force, that's another important point for any crazy person to consider.

Same thing that went on in ye' old west. Quickest to the draw and better aim wins regardless of legal ownership.

I guess it does boil to that. That's why I always, always practice to make I'm better.

Obama said, "This is not normal. We can’t let it become normal.

It shouldn't be, but thanks to him, it is becoming the NEW normal.

" So far, all from the Republican side has been deafening silence

So what should they say? You think they're happy with this situation. They probably want to wait and see how liberals will scream and cry that guns are the problem and the individual is never the problem as usual.

but one can predict Monday will bring GOP cries against "Obama the divider-in-chief" with complaints that he will confiscate guns from abnormal people.

Hmmm, the Democrats were always definetly against Bush, that was ok, but now the GOP Has to follow Obama, kiss his royal....

Apparently, the terrorist mentioned "no more baby parts" after his arrest. Conservative crazies continue to push this myth.

Where you there? Can you confit or deny that wasn't said? Do you know what this guy is thinking?

I just hope there are no copy-cat terrorist events upcoming.

If Obama let's all these refugees in there is a very high possibility.

He killed a police officer and he's still alive? He should be thankful he's not black.

Yeah, I should have known, the left would pull out the only thing they're good at, "The Race card."

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

You have been rambling about this "GOP Shia-Tea" for ages, but never explained what this is supposed to be. - comments

The NRA has perfected this type of response to their American tragedy. Their psycho adherents will change the subject, deny the facts, provide conspiracy, blame the victims, claim righteous patriotism and threaten legislators and innocent people.

This time a political construct is more interesting than the facts. Some are so caught up in their little worlds they wonder at an obvious comparison that insults their certainty and they cannot even understand why. (Try Religionsgeschichtliche Schule for another clue since curiosity isn't an indication of intelligence.)

What the NRA has created is the holy tome of the gun nut. This gun nut added the GOP Shia-Tea's proto-religion. They will kill, as they are told by their masters and their NRA enablers claim it is freedom.

Here, in Colorado's tragedy, the mutant brain of a deranged killer was told over and over to kill. His religion of the gun, his religion of politics and his religion of hate took the lives of three and wounded ten. And some are worried sick about the GOP Shia-Tea? That should be the entire population of the United States.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Obama declared, “This is not normal. We can’t let it become normal.”

Actually, this has become the new normal under his watch

26 mass shootings thus far in just 7 years during Obama's administration versus:

15 mass shootings in 8 years during GW Bush's administration, down from;

18 mass shootings in 8 years during Clinton's administration, up from;

7 mass shootings in 4 years during GHW Bush's administration

The person in the White House sets the tone and the polarized tone Obama has set has set off mental cases all over the country. This is what happens when a community agitator is chosen to run our country.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


you just wrote another long discombobled rant about the "GOP Shia-Tea" yet you still have not explained that that cryptic term is supposed to mean.

Can´t you be so kind to explain it to those of us who are not members your in-group? What exactly does "GOP Shia-Tea" mean?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

The bubble is telling its members that Obama is responsible for mass shooters? They are becoming like the guy in the article. I hope they don't have guns.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Yes.. another radicalized member of the Christian State supported by its enablers.. Huckabee, Cruz, Rubio, Boehner, NRA, NOM, AFA, Liberty Counsel and their mouthpiece Fox News.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Another cry for help from an ignorant American nutter in Colorado.

Too bad, in the States, the only therapy is the NRA and the GOP Shia-Tea's drum beat of death.

Pastor Kevin Swanson's anti-gay rally, with Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal, in Iowa two weeks ago, fairly well defines the GOP Shia-Tea urging murder of homosexuals.

This time it was nutter Robert Lewis Dear who carried out the orders of the GOP Shia-Tea to kill innocent people and a Police Officer at Planned Parenthood.

The reader sees a clear pattern in the GOP Shia-Tea and the NRA's slaughterhouse diorama. Within these mentally limited fans are the seeds of horror for countless Americans. Strangely they cannot understand what is directly in front of them. Such willful ignorance is comical if the cost weren't so high and all we see are tears.

FoxNews reported: "The hero officer killed in the shooting Friday at a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic had lived a life devoted to his job, his family and his Christian faith"

The NRA and her Christian membership must now answer their own conscience. (Of course, the NRA has no conscience after the deaths of twenty tiny children at Newtown, Connecticut.) Perhaps NRA Christian members will look on Officer Garrett Swasey's death and reflect on how the NRA placed the gun in the hands of his murderer.

Or, they will act confused and wonder what GOP Shia-Tea means. (Laguna's 11-29 1:11p reference gives some consolation, well done)

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@Tex The person in the White House sets the tone and the polarized tone Obama has set has set off mental cases all over the country.

Tex glad to hear from you. If you have the time to post on a Japanese site, that means the Texas borders are safe. So if I'm understanding what you're saying, any problem in the US can be attributed to the US president. Do you think he's the one who started the zombie lie about selling baby parts to divide the country, that each of his opponents who bring up the subject were brainwashed by him and that's why they continue to spread the lie? And given your professed understanding of psychology, do you think people who are obsessed with the notion that the president has such amazing powers might be mental cases in need of counseling themselves?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The NRA and GOP Shia-Tea have more to celebrate . . . Winning! Thanks goodness the NRA and Shia-Tea are so worried about everyone's freedom. A Very Merry Christmas America, Love the NRA & GOP Shia-Tea. ISIS could learn a thing of three from these patriots.

"An Iraq war veteran and a married mother of two were identified Sunday as the two civilians killed Friday when a 57-year-old man opened fire inside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs." - Washington Post

0 ( +1 / -1 )

You need a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun. Of course the bad guy will have taken out a half-dozen people by then, but technically he's needed. So keep the guns flowing.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The NRA has perfected this type of response to their American tragedy. Their psycho adherents will change the subject, deny the facts, provide conspiracy, blame the victims, claim righteous patriotism and threaten legislators and innocent people.

After 7 years of dealing with this lunatic, who can blame them?

This time a political construct is more interesting than the facts. Some are so caught up in their little worlds they wonder at an obvious comparison that insults their certainty and they cannot even understand why. (Try Religionsgeschichtliche Schule for another clue since curiosity isn't an indication of intelligence.)

"Religious story schools?" I think you are way off the mark.

What the NRA has created is the holy tome of the gun nut. This gun nut added the GOP Shia-Tea's proto-religion. They will kill, as they are told by their masters and their NRA enablers claim it is freedom.

I think when the left goes off on rants that guns are the problem, then I do believe they are trying their best to disarm the country and punish law-abiding citizens as an excuse for a few nut jobs that do this kind of crime.

Here, in Colorado's tragedy, the mutant brain of a deranged killer was told over and over to kill. His religion of the gun, his religion of politics and his religion of hate took the lives of three and wounded ten. And some are worried sick about the GOP Shia-Tea? That should be the entire population of the United States.

I wish you would have the same disgust and condemnation towards the radical Jihadists as you do for "one" Christian radical, but I know you would never call the radical Islamists out, right?

The person in the White House sets the tone and the polarized tone Obama has set has set off mental cases all over the country. This is what happens when a community agitator is chosen to run our country.

Would tend to agree. The real agitator in all of this is without a doubt the president and his wars on NOT mentally challenged, not the people that harvest and sell baby body parts, but to law-abiding gun owners. That's the real crux of the problems.

Yes.. another radicalized member of the Christian State supported by its enablers.. Huckabee, Cruz, Rubio, Boehner, NRA, NOM, AFA, Liberty Counsel and their mouthpiece Fox News.

Now we're on the FOX News diatribe again. If FOX news were THAT controlling and powerful, they would be able to shut this guy up, but we all know that's not the case. The funny thing is, there are so many liberals that have guns, but like the Muslims, they often don't want to speak out for fear of going against the holy grail of liberalism. How about asking the Über-liberal "Harry Reid" if he'll speak out against the NRA or give up his gun? That'll never happen.

You need a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun.

Can't stir butter with a toothpick

Of course the bad guy will have taken out a half-dozen people by then, but technically he's needed. So keep the guns flowing

You can't always depend on the police to be there for you, so you need to defend yourself. A lot of attackers don't always respond well to screaming and begging. But a 9mm can't significantly change those odds.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Their psycho adherents will change the subject, deny the facts, provide conspiracy, blame the victims, claim righteous patriotism and threaten legislators and innocent people.

who can blame them?

I'm glad you can finally admit their faults, even if you try to excuse them.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I'm glad you can finally admit their faults, even if you try to excuse them

Sorry, allow me to clarify so that there are no misunderstandings or that people are confused. So you can understand the true intentions behind the madness.

Their psycho adherents

That would be due to a president that has the urge to demonize anyone who that has the legal right to carry a firearm.

will change the subject, deny the facts, provide conspiracy, blame the victims, claim righteous patriotism and threaten legislators and innocent people.

Whites, Christian are being attacked, if your patriotic, that's somehow perceived as being oddly anti-everything else and is a bad thing. Criminals, illegals have more rights than the citizens and add to that a president that is inept at everything he does, he couldn't care less, wages down, moral is down everywhere, including with our men and women in the armed forces of having the worst president to lead them and the nation, therefore, it makes perfect sense that their are indeed people that loose hope and start to lose it, the anger, the rage and bitterness of having a president that rules as a Tyrant and refuses to listen to the people, honestly, I'm not that surprised that something like this would happen. Obama's chickens are coming home to roost (as the good Rev. Wright would say) once he's out of office, I do believe society will get back to normal and you will see a cooling off period.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

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