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Swedes shocked by 1st terror attack in 3 decades


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“Now the Islamic state has been created. We now exist here in Europe and in Sweden. We are a reality,” “I don’t want to say more about this. Our actions will speak for themselves.”

They sure do. You will hijack the religion and try to kill people worldwide because you are idiots.

“ but it would be naive to think that yesterday’s events aren’t going to have a negative effect on the perception of Muslims in Sweden,”

No you think so?

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Europe's future.

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No you think so?

Despite the fact that it is equally naive to judge the many on the actions of the few, yes.

Plus there is the fact that a person who claims to be Muslim does not mean they truly are. It does not make them a good one, or one following the tenets of Islam. People who seek to kill random people or do so for other bad reasons, and especially those who succeed are all surely in Hell.

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They are learning now what the Swiss have already taken steps on.

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Despite the fact that it is equally naive to judge the many on the actions of the few, yes.

We hear this every time one of these muslims does this.

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We hear this every time one of these muslims does this.

Because some people never learn.

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Because some people never learn.

You are correct.These muslims never learn. They just can't go taking this out on western society every time they suffer their inferiority complex.

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On Sunday, about 100 people assembled in chilly central Stockholm for a peaceful demonstration organized by Swedish Muslims for Peace and Justice.

“We felt a responsibility to sharply condemn the attack, but it would be naive to think that yesterday’s events aren’t going to have a negative effect on the perception of Muslims in Sweden,”

I would be more impressed if they started naming names, and pointing in the direction in which these guys got their teaching and who they hung out with.

But just standing around and asking not to be painted with the same brush is not enough. I could see if the Swedes had made impediments for their acceptance, but from what I have read, they have been very tolerant. Time for those moderates to take a stand and start helping their communities by not hiding these people, but brining them out and stop covering for them.

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Plus there is the fact that a person who claims to be Muslim does not mean they truly are. It does not make them a good one, or one following the tenets of Islam

Like a lot of these nutters this guy left a video explaining his (lost) cause. He undoubtedly included the religious justification for his actions. Your speculation is so one-sided. This guy studied at a British university, and traveled to the Mid East to study "jihad". But there will be little speculation that he was "radicalized" in Britain , like so many, and that his sudden jihad was financed by a group in the ME.

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Muslims this, muslims that.... If I was a disgruntled Muslim, there would be so many other targets I would choose before Sweden. This case seems too fishy, sounds like another false flag.

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What is with all these unsuccessful terrorists recently? As the years go by they seem to be getting less competent, not more as you might expect. Is it just because it is hard to find people with the right combination of indoctrination, craziness, and intelligence to carry out the attacks without getting caught or blowing only themselves up? Those guys don't grow on trees.

As long as this pattern continues we are going to see more and more conspiracy theories. Note that I am not saying there are conspiracies, just a prediction that the theories and the number of people who believe them is going to increase.

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The western world went to destroy their countries(Iraq,Afghanistan). The War on Terror including invasion of Iraq and the war in Afghanistan is not only political,it has religious connotations.

Now,they bring the religious war to your doorsteps,u afraid?

Ask yourself,Why is it that only Western(christian) nations suffer the most from terrorism? I have no sympathy for the west.

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Why is it that only Western(christian) nations suffer the most from terrorism?

Actually that is not true. Western countries have suffered very little. Almost all major terrorist attacks have been in Muslim countries or other non-Western countries. You could include Russia too but those are domestic politics related. From 2002 on you have London and Madrid, unless I am forgetting something that is it.

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The western world went to destroy their countries(Iraq,Afghanistan).

Al Qaeda has killed far more than "the West" has.

I have no sympathy for the west.

But you have no qualms about availing yourself of all its positives - a US education (supposedly), free speech, free inquiry,the 'net,...

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I don't think anyone deserves terrorism or violence even though it was brought to them from the west. All this will end with the west leaving Iraq, Afghan, and most importantly solving the Palestinian issue, which is/was the root of all this. (Saddam and Osama were supporting the Palestinians (their Muslim brothers) fight, and not until 911, nobody really cared) They are succeeding. I wish the west can get out already so the world can go back to normal! But Greed and war will never end so this whole debate is pointless!

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Another misunderstander of the religion of peace. This is only one of many more to come.

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" All this will end with the west leaving Iraq, Afghan, and most importantly solving the Palestinian issue, which is/was the root of all this. "

If you believe that, you might as well believe in the easter bunny.

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Bigmouth, "Ask yourself,Why is it that only Western(christian) nations suffer the most from terrorism?"... have you forgotten China, especially Urumqi?

And the war on terror has no religious connotations bigmouth. This is a fundamental error, one made repeatedly by the propagandists for al-Qaida, who need their new recruits to feel persecuted. There are Muslims on both sides. The real religious fighting is between different sects of Islam.

Sad to say, but this young person who has just self-immolated, may have pleased the group. And that's about it. A waste.

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Poor Sweden. What have they done to deserve this?

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Al Qaeda is claiming responsible for the failed attack. They must be desperate. Got their butts kicked in Iraq and Afghanistan so they go for the soft targets now.

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No one died except the suspected bomber, but two explosions in Sweden’s capital tore at the fabric of this tolerant and open nation

Who says it's a "tolerant and open nation"?

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Ask yourself,Why is it that only Western(christian) nations suffer the most from terrorism? I have no sympathy for the west.

@bigmouth, you must have forgot the conflict between Pakistan (Muslim) and India (Hindu) or the conflict in southern Thailand between the Thai's (Buddhist) and muslim seperatist. Both of those nations are not what you consider "the west."

Sweeden didn't send any troops to Afg, nor did they fight in Iraq. Just because they back the countries that do, that gives the muslims the right to blow them up. If that is the case, then the west (US and others) should just simply retaliate in kind, and not try to aviod unnessary deaths in the war.

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Hmmm, this just in: "A Swedish Armed Forces (Försvarsmakten) employee warned an acquaintance to stay clear of an area in central Stockholm on Saturday where, several hours later, two explosions went off in what is being called a terrorist attack."

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sabiwabi - where's the link?

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Hmmm, this just in: "A Swedish Armed Forces (Försvarsmakten) employee warned an acquaintance to stay clear of an area in central Stockholm on Saturday where, several hours later, two explosions went off in what is being called a terrorist attack."

@sabiwabi, I guess I'll bite on this one. What good would it do for them to set the bomb off themself. Also,

an audio file sent to Swedish news agency TT shortly before the blast referred to jihad,

I guess you forgot about that part, and the Swedes just made that up too.

Sweeden didn't send any troops to Afg,

To be fair, I made a wrong comment on that, Sweden has sent troops there.

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Is it just because it is hard to find people with the right combination of indoctrination, craziness, and intelligence to carry out the attacks without getting caught or blowing only themselves up?

I think it goes back to the old manufacturing principle of good, fast, and cheap. Typically you can only do two at once. You can do something fast and cheap but it won't be very good, you can do something good and fast but it won't be cheap, and so on. But in this instance if you have an indoctrinated and crazy terrorist he's probably not very smart and has already blown himself up either testing something or he failed entirely, if he's indoctrinated and smart then he probably sends other people to blow themselves up, and if he's smart and crazy then he probably he can't be controlled through the indoctrination and is essentially useless. Guess it all boils down to the fact that most of the ones that were smart, crazy, and fanatical are all either dead via airstrike or hiding in a mountain somewhere.

and not until 911, nobody really cared

Nailed that one though, up until somebody decided it was a good idea to piss it off the U.S didn't care about Afghanistan or Iraq. In 2000 I doubt more than 10% of the American population would know Afghanistan was a country (heck, most people still can't point it out on a map). We could have all just kept chugging along with the biggest news being this elections minor [party] loss or gain. But the west had to be punished because it wasn't playing by a set of rules most people didn't even know existed.

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“Now the Islamic state has been created. We now exist here in Europe and in Sweden. We are a reality,” the voice said in the file, submitted to The Associated Press by TT. “I don’t want to say more about this. Our actions will speak for themselves.”

sounds like loan nut case makes tape then blows himself up. He was probably a Swede too.

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There is no proof the guy that died is the bomber, but we know his eye color. BLUE!

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There is no proof the guy that died is the bomber, but we know his eye color. BLUE!


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In China many ethnic Islamic Uighurs are blue-eyed and fair haired. Conversely Caucasian Muslims are no longer a rarity. But as goddog says, we do not know if the bomber died.

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Muslims this, muslims that.... If I was a disgruntled Muslim, there would be so many other targets I would choose before Sweden. This case seems too fishy, sounds like another false flag.

He was angry at Swedish cartoonist for the cartoonist's depiction of his prophet.

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“I don’t want to say more about this. Our actions will speak for themselves.”

yep, indeed it does speak around the world indiscriminate of religion, nationality and individual background.

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sabiwabi at 01:24 PM JST - 13th December Hmmm, this just in: "A Swedish Armed Forces (Försvarsmakten) employee warned an acquaintance to stay clear of an area in central Stockholm on Saturday where, several hours later, two explosions went off in what is being called a terrorist attack."

Hmmmm, you must have forgotten to read all of the article. But that wouldn't support your agenda.

“The Swedish Armed Forces did not know ahead of time about the plans or the circumstances surrounding the events which have taken place. If that had been the case, (Swedish security service) Säpo, which is the responsible agency in these types of cases, would have been informed immediately,” said military spokesperson Erik Lagersten in a statement.

your attempt is so transparent. But that's ok. We know those of your religion don't tend to think things through too much. Just lash out and blame others as usual.

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It won't be the last. The city of Malmo in Sweden has basically been taken over by "immigrants" (i.e., Muslims). The cops and the firefighters say parts of the city are no-go zones. They throw rocks at the very people who come to help them when a fire breaks out or a crime is reported.

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an audio file sent to Swedish news agency TT shortly before the blast referred to jihad,

I guess you forgot about that part, and the Swedes just made that up too.

I guess you're not familiar with false flags. Just like the anthrax attacks after 911. The letters stated "Death to America, Death to Israel" only to frame the Arabs, we now know they came from a US government lab, not from an Arab.

mikehuntez, the section you quoted would have been more accurate if it stated:

“The Swedish Armed Forces claimed they did not know ahead of time about the plans or the circumstances surrounding the events which have taken place. If that had been the case, (Swedish security service) Säpo, which is the responsible agency in these types of cases, should have been informed immediately,” said military spokesperson Erik Lagersten in a statement."

And how do we know Sapo was not informed? Because they said so? And just because some members of the military knew about it, does not mean they all knew, or that it was an official matter. Just like 911, the vast majority of US military were completely unaware.

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your attempt is so transparent. But that's ok. We know those of your religion don't tend to think things through too much.

What do you mean by "those of your religion"? You do not need to be Muslim to understand the unfair accusations continually thrown at Muslims.

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You do not need to be Muslim to understand the unfair accusations continually thrown at Muslims." maybe, but there's a lot of unfair defense for them too... Look at you, continually coming to their defense day in and day out, yet I have yet to hear of one Christian going crazy and blowing things up over the recent portrayal of Jesus with the ants eating him nor did I hear of any when the "Piss Christ" was displayed. Just think of what would have happened if that Anglo Saxon would have gone and set fire to the Koran. "He had blue eyes" He probably did, lately I'm finding people of European decent a bit off - probably why none of them are getting any.

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It looks like everything in Sweden is coming to the breaking point

" Sweden Democrat party secretary Björn Söder: “Yes, Sweden is being Islamified right now. We’ve taken up countless examples of how Sweden is adapting to Muslim demands and we’re seeing how mosques are popping up like mushrooms from the ground in Sweden and all over Europe. It’s not necessarily the case that we’ll all become Muslims, but that we will have to obey Sharia... "

and that is coming from a Democrat !

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6bncapitalists proclaimed:

It won't be the last. The city of Malmo in Sweden has basically been taken over by "immigrants" (i.e., Muslims).

Um, except that the idiot in this case was from Luton in England.

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The 'idiot' was Swedish, but he studied in Bedford in the UK and had some link to the house in Luton.

Anyway he's lost his one precious life now and we'll have to see if Satan wants him down there.

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Oh and are we supposed to think this was a false flag operation?

Quote from Al Jazeera: Shumukh al-Islam, a pro al-Qaeda website, has named Abdulwahab as the man responsible for the explosions.

Just occasionally the most obvious answer might also be the truth.

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The 'idiot' was Swedish, but he studied in Bedford in the UK and had some link to the house in Luton.

Yep this has now been confirmed by UK police; he lived and studied in Luton.

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Yep this has now been confirmed by UK police; he lived and studied in Luton.

Radicalized while in the UK . Big surprise. Just like the Christmas Day undie bomber. 2 losers whose hate and anti-Americanism eventually drove them bonkers and took their young wasted lives. A cautionary tale there,..

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Sweden is getting the bill for its massive muslim immigration. And the naive hopes of appeasement don´t work as expected. Remember:

“We must be open and tolerant towards Islam and Muslims because when we become a minority they will be so towards us.” Jens Orback, Swedish Interior Minister, November 2004, Swedish Radio P1 ("Vi måste vara öppna och toleranta mot islam och muslimerna för när vi blir i minoritet kommer de att vara det mot oss.")

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