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© Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Talks to resume after Trump says shutdown could last 'years'
By Catherine Lucey, Lisa Mascaro and Jill Colvin WASHINGTON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Viktor Cernatinskij
United States of Stupidity...
Let them eat cake.
Economy in high gear, jobs plentiful.
tell that to the government employees that wont have a paycheck for the next 2yrs
René Pihlak
Unable to have empathy for his fellow country men and women...
There is "principle" and there is "protocol" and there are many other words that can describe political "rhetoric"...
Trump has no "political" rhetoric... he just has a straight forward no-nonsense standard common English words and expression that says and indicates "exactly" what he means with the "intentions" fully exposed along with a pragmatics and realistic (non-idealistic) and practical (immediately applicable) reasoning and explanation attached. And he does not hide nor deny his basis of values that determines his decision making and actions taken. He intentionally and unintentionally hits the "core" of every issue, making it almost impossible for people to respond. In essence he is an "open book". And that makes him too easy to read and yet very difficult to deal with. That is because, when the facts are out, one can only respond within the terms and conditions he has presented. (That makes the "proud" and the "self-righteous" extremely upset emotionally. That in turn makes it difficult to respond to and act without "feeling" subservient."
But he is not a dictator or a dumb boss.., he is too wise not to see through others' words and actions. That is because he can see the ocean one is floating on and the river that one trying to cross and all the alternative. that that one has. He sees the flow, the trend better than the specific details. But when he needs to select a specific method or decide on an action, he has the one thing other politicians do not have... that is "decisiveness." He is willing to "commit".
He has thought through all this for the "wall."
But it’s not government jobs that stimulate the economy. So he’s right about that.
Sadly.., it is the "Pride and Prejudice" of emotional and politically correct idealistic politicians of both sides that brought the "impasse". All parties "agree" to a "barrier" and "some wall".., they just don't want to commit the funds only because Trump wants it. And that amount is only a fraction of what it will cost and a fraction of what we give to other nations for "nothing" in return. That includes all those countries from which these illegals and unwanted migrants are coming from.
That wall "could have been" a bipartisan venture.
Interestingly, we have not seen any from Venezuela being reported among them.
Well a person with any common sense would quit a job that doesn’t pay and go get one that does way before that.
Here’s what America now knows: We can’t count on Republicans during a national crisis. In this case the national crisis of having a very mentally ill and unstable President in office who seems to want to be a dictator and do harm to our country and families. We now know the Republicans cannot be counted on in a crisis. Vote accordingly.
Every day of this needless Trump Shutdown means more and more blue in 2020.
Reductionist thinking. More proof the right doesn’t care about people until they can use them as a talking point.
And the Trump Shutdown know, the shutdown over security that increases the threat to our security...
TSA and other federal law enforcement agencies defunded, increasing the risk from not only illegals, but transnational terrorists and organized crime members entering our country.
All because Trump was for a funding bill to keep the government open before he was against it. Before he had his spine transfusion courtesy of Laura Ingram and Michelle Malkin.
Amazing isn't it - Trump the wimp bucked up by two strong women...
And Nancy Pelosi is about to show him the other side of a strong woman...
The Trump Shutdown;
Brought to you by the genius who said "Mexico will pay for the wall, mark my words, mark my words"....
To now where Mexico isn't paying for the wall, and federal employees aren't being paid either...
Genius is now going back on his word and asking the American people to pay for the wall, and is punishing them by closing government until they pay for it...
So, to get funding for a wall supposedly to make us safer, that Mexico was supposed to pay for, the American people are now supposed to pay for the wall and until they do, Trump will shutdown government making the country significantly more unsafe.
Welcome to Trump's America...
I'm reminded of a phrase - "he's a danger to the republic..."
Wasnt that wall should be paid by the Mexican government?
"tell that to the government employees that wont have a paycheck for the next 2yrs"
then go get a real job. many in the private sector have to borrow from banks to make payday until the next quarter. welcome to the real world. I cant say Im feeling much pity; Ive had the displeasure of working for some of them. Absolutely worthless, actually worthless doesnt even describe how lazy and incompetent some gov workers are.
Wasnt that wall should be paid by the Mexican government?
It's the wall that our border security people say is needed but the Democrats scorn. $20 billion is our costs for being in Afghanistan for 4 months, but we can't get $20 billion to shore up our southern border.
Pelosi: A wall is an immorality.
We the people declare Pelosi's wall to her home immoral. Tear it down.
Sure, like these border security people....
President Trump has called for a wall along the border with Mexico to stop undocumented immigrants and drugs from entering the United States. But Border Patrol agents on the front lines say they need more technology and additional personnel to curb the illegal traffic...
Trump: "Mexico will pay for the wall, Mark my words"....
OK, Mr Master of the deal - why isn't Mexico paying?
Need to add another zero there if you want Trump's 2,000 mile x 50 ft wall. And how many decades will it take? Then you have ladders and shovels. Also, drones and slingshots for the drugs. It's a waste of money. The Mexicans will just use ladders to go over it. According to Trump people jumping the wall is the only way illegal Mexicans get to the USA. They never use airports or go through checkpoints and overstay their visas.
OK, Mr Master of the deal - why isn't Mexico paying?
One way is bringing back jobs from Mexico, which has already started, and a fairer trade deal which has already been negotiated.
Sure, like these border security people....
I guess these border security people don't know what they're talking about, right, lincoln? From 3:40:
BS - he said Mexico would pay for the wall - they haven't paid one cent and aren't going to...why?
Sure Serrano - like know, the head of the border patrol union...
Yes, and these workers' taxes are paying for Trump's $100-$200 billion wall. It's tax money paying for the wall. This $5billion is just a teaser. Even with 1-2 billion wall all Mexicans need to do is use 10-20 dollar ladders.
Trump people like to mention the Great Wall of China (which was built with slaves and took 2,000 years). Trump people think the 2,000 x 50 ft wall will be build in a matter of weeks or months.
Edit for clarification: 2,000 mile x 50 ft
LOL! Dump is the officially the worst President ever!
Make America Sane Again!
Dump the crook in 2020!
Mitch 'Turtle' McConnell and his colleagues are all complicit. Nobody is forcing the man-child to shut the government down, but anyone who despises the GOP will just sit back with some popcorn and watch them implode. Let the shutdown last for much longer, and not one single governmental worker will ever want to vote for the GOP.
Oh yeah, and the man-child has never receieved so much support. That's what he was saying.
And that means tax money from American workers paying for Trump's wall (as mentioned above)
Then what are the other ways Mexico will pay for the wall? Go on, we are listening.
Humpty Trumpty ran on a Wall -- Humpty Trumpty had a great Fall?
i wonder whether you will volunteer to empty the overflowing garbage bins in Washington or is this job not real enough for you?
Are public parks, libraries and museums worthless?
Petty and vindictive attacks reveal more about the insecurities of the person making them than it does about public employees.
Evidently, we can’t count on Democrats either.
If Trump were a dictator, the Democrat party would be a word and a thing of the past.
We also know that Democrats have never been or will every be a party that can push America in the right direction, socialism is the last thing the country needs. Everyday the border wall is not built and the lawlessness of criminals flow through, means more and more Red. Hold the line Mr. President.
Non essential government employees aren’t getting paid. Not a big deal. If they don’t like it quit. If they can stand it they will get back pay for days they didn’t work in a few weeks.
In addition to the government workers not receiving their salaries over the holidays, we unfortunately have another confirmed victim of Dump's shutdown.
Our idiot-in-chief is playing with people's lives because he wants to distract from his on going criminal investigation!
As the SS Trump sinks deeper and'll pass the Titanic soon...
One man is not a line. At best a blob.
Really should read the whole article.
“Under the park service's shutdown plan, law enforcement staff remains on duty.
Munoz said the visitor was not in a closed area when he fell.”
"i wonder whether you will volunteer to empty the overflowing garbage bins in Washington or is this job not real enough for you?"
if those gov workers you so adore and are so "real", why dont they go and volunteer to do it? I didnt go and apply for their job, my job requires effort and education to do, and get paid based on performance. tehy signed up for what they got. sorry, no pity from me. most of them are on a paid vacation at work anyway.
The Violence Against Women Act
The Violence Against Women Act expired when the government shut down in December. The law, which helps survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking, was first passed in 1994. Programs already funded by grants will continue, according to the Washington Post, but the shutdown will delay payment requests for programs funded by VAWA.
LOL! Was there suppose to be a logical point?
National parks
One of the areas where consumers most notice the shutdown is in the country’s national parks. Many parks such as Yellowstone National Park and Arches in Utah have announced they will be entirely or partially closed during the shutdown.
But others have tried to operate with limited staffing or state funds. Several of these parks have been overrun by trash left by visitors over the holiday season. In Yosemite National Park, for example, garbage and human waste has piled up as public restrooms are closed and people are apparently using the ground as a toilet, the Los Angeles Times reported. Joshua Tree National Park in California initially remained open, but the National Park Service closed it on Wednesday after “health and safety concerns” arose over human waste in public areas and other infractions, including driving off roads and damaging resources.
For parks that do remain open, many tell visitors they are entering at their own risk due to lower staffing and resources.
For example:
Hundreds of TSA screeners, working without pay, calling out sick at major airports
(news source)
Who is going to protect the USA from another 9/11? Yes, that is how Trump is playing with people's lives. There is a real example. Now, how is Trump going to stop the Mexican illegals with his wall when all they need are ladders and shovels?
And they will be reimbursed.
One of the areas where consumers most notice the shutdown is in the country’s national parks. Many parks such as Yellowstone National Park and Arches in Utah have announced they will be entirely or partially closed during the shutdown.
Yellowstone will remain open.
Then I would just keep my butt home.
Were you one of the ones who saw through Trump’s garbage about Mexico paying for this?
I cannot believe some people refuse to hold his feet to the fire over this. Funding for this wall should never have been an issue. This was a moronic chant at his rallies.
Cultish behaviour.
No wall for Trump.
Federal workers are NOT "on Trump's side." They are FIERCELY anti-Trump.
"No wall for Trump"
The wall is for all Americans, Super. And it's coming. Guaranteed.
"Federal workers are NOT "on Trump's side."
All Federal workers, right, mukashi?
A lot of Deep State people are not on America's side. They are being rooted out.
Americans losing jobs to illegals. Not a big deal. Just go find some other job.
"Americans losing jobs to illegals. Not a big deal." Just go find some other job"
Good grief... It 's a big deal to the Americans who are losing their jobs to the illegals. One of the big reasons Trump won the election.
"Just go find some other job"
Thanks to Trump, it is in fact easier to find a job now. No, wait, this is still the Obama economy, never mind.
And ladders are for the Mexican illegals. All that for $5 billion dollars. Just get a 5 dollar ladder. Also, you need $95 billion more to go for Trump's 2000 mile x 50 ft wall. How many decades will it take? Considering it took 2,000 years with The Great Wall (and they used slaves). Trump followers love to mention the Great Wall of China, so I brought it up here. But they don't realize it was built with slaves and took centuries to build. How long will it take to build the Trump Wall? All 2,000 miles of it?
Hillary is still in control? Trump always complains about her like a paranoid old orange man.
I used to think that but the Trump supporters here have changed my mind. No job, no money? No big deal.
What jobs? Ass wipers and watermelon pickers? Are these illegals becoming registered teachers or lawyers or something? Please be specific about what jobs these illegals are taking that Americans actually want?
Good on him, The shutdown will cost more than the wall. so who's fault is that! ???
America has become so divided of late, it is a wonder that they havent started Civil War Part Deux. You cant exist without being a supporter of Democrat or Republican and when you do, you are an enemy towards the other... geez... Hopefully Trump can make a point and put this to an end! (Which.. is where I suspect, he may be heading.....) As everything in the US is Politicized from Law through to Finance.... and that, should stop for the sake of the Nation!
Tell that to Trump fans. Illegals are taking their jobs everyday.
Wow. You are bitter. What drives your hatred of public servants?
I suggested that you might consider picking up the garbage in DC because it is the likes of you (ie Trump fans) that have left the country as it is.
All because of a stupid wall that was never going to get built, that Trump came up with on the spur of the moment as fodder for his half-wit supporters.
To his credit, Trump waited until the Democrats took the House before raising the topic of his wall again - after two years of silence. At this point he knows it will never get built but can now blame it all on the Dems rather than his two years of inaction.
The thing he never wanted to build will now not get built and it is someone else’s fault. If by chance it does get built it will be a major success for Trump. Win win. Clever Donny boy.
I love the Trump shutdown of non-essential government agencies. Keep them shuttered until the Dems get serious about stopping the rampant and open lawlessness going on at the border. The results of this de facto open borders policy has been depressed wages for lower income people, thousands of murders, rapes, and other violent crimes that never would have otherwise occurred, record numbers of drug deaths related to heroin and other drugs pouring over the border, and an increasingly dreary existence for those in the illegal immigrants home countries as their most motivated leave them incapable of reforming their own corrupt governments (with or without Uncle Sams influence).
No deal without the border wall. Come on Nancy show that you can govern and make a deal. Show Americans that you care at least as much about them as you do the citizens of every other country in the world.
Nah. No wall for Trump.
Republicans have never heard of ladders
TSA? Who is going to stop the airplanes from flying into buildings? They are calling in sick so they can work at other jobs that pay.
"Nah. No wall for Trump."
I told you, it's not just for Trump, it's for all Americans. You don't listen, do you?
So, the apparently this whole Trump shutdown for the boondoggle started when his political advisers came up with a mnemonic, a metaphor that even the orange dunce could remember when stumping; so he could stay on message. The “wall” was based on zero studies, no actual analysis of border security requirements. He got carried away. Said Mexico would pay for it for good measure. But his low-info supporter base ate it up. He pegged his reputation to this dumb idea and now he can’t afford to drop for purely political reasons.
So here we are. If he gets his way why wouldn’t future presidents Democrat or Republican not be tempted to the same for their own key agenda pieces?
It would be hilarious if it weren’t so very sad.
The republicans have already. Reagan gave out millions of green cards to illegals and today the republicans are the stupid party because they have never heard of the concept of going over or under walls with ladders and shovels. So when did Obama ever give out so many green cards like Reagan did!?
I enjoy reading these Trump haters, and just like the mainstream media, seem to all have the same hive mentality against him. What I find interesting, however, is that these same people do back flips for japan. many of you even live here. Japan makes Trump look like a saint. From exclusion, xenophobia, open housing and employment discrimination, rude and obnoxious things said to foreigners, to electing and supporting racist politicians. Trump only want for America what Japan wants for itself. Its like you have these democrat ambassadors who come to Japan and dance and cry about how much they love japan, indirectly endorsing all the wrongs it does to others, either through ignorance or disconnect. Its a strange world.
"he hates that country with a passion. Trump is all about hatred"
Wrong. Trump doesn't hate Mexico, he does however get really irritated at all these American jobs going to Mexico and all these people entering the U.S. illegally from Mexico.
The purpose of a 2,000 mile x 50 ft. wall (which can be defeated by ladders and shovels) is to permanently shut out a country. This wall is supposed to last thousands of years- look at the great wall. In his mind Mexico is a big cockroach that is nothing but a parasite.
all these American jobs going to Mexico
A wall is supposed to keep American jobs in the US? Please elaborate? Then there needs to be a wall along the west coast so jobs stop moving to China. No? What's the difference.
Mexicans and Central Americans by the millions are flagrantly breaking American law by ignoring legal immigration policies and taking it upon themselves to do as they please. A barrier is one part of a number of things that can make the border more manageable for those whose job is to protect it.
Well now that you mention it - illegal migrants due act like parasites. They have invaded a host and extract substanance from America for their own benefit. If you believe that a border barrier is immoral? Should America remove the hundreds of miles of existing barriers?
Maybe the democrats should trade the wall for gun control.
No wall for trump.
Jeremy Wood
World War Z.
Pretty good movie...
If a bunch of zombies can scale a wall built by the Israelis, I don't hold much for a wall built by Trump.
Was there story about a racist Mexican man who got all angry when a white trump voter back in 2007 with his Japanese wife fished the Mexican's girlfriend's keys out of an elevator shaft while the Mexican man stood there useless? This was at a motel