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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Tea Party crashers plan to exaggerate 'racists' and 'morons'
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I'm no fan of the teabaggers but this is tasteless and uncalled for.
No Taka, its actually a good idea, and my brother is a member of the tea party. We live in a very polarized world. Where the idiot failed was to announce it.
If it always went down like that it would be okay. But I doubt it does or will. It is actually very difficult to counter such a comment in a fair debate, but not because its clever. Its not. Its immensely stupid. But when you let immensely stupid people take part in a debate and give them respect, you have totally subverted the premise that debate is based on. That calls for tactics I would rather not see, but how to get and keep the idiots out?
I believe the term 'teabagger' a snide reference to a gay sex practice that most straight Americans really do not engage in within the privacy of their own intimate lives to describe the Tea Party members is pretty tasteless and uncalled for myself.
Its ok. I mean, they hate being referred to as loons too, even though its an accurate description of most of the Libs.
What I find most sad about this, is the fact that most of the hate, most of the racism demonstrated is actually coming from the loons. Not on this site, but in general. For example, any black conservative that dares to speak up, almost always receives racist threats against them. To say nothing of the vicious attacks on any successful conservative woman who dares speak up. Be it Palin, Malkin, or Coulter. The hypocrisy of the left is staggering.
I don't think there are enough "crashers" and Obama Seiu goons to attack all the 3rd,4th, 5th etc parties that are coming out. There is literally new political parties starting every day now.
I know the Gov is attacking these groups with their CIA/ex-police/felon black-ops. But we will win with our hands held together in non-violence.
The criminals/corruption will be pushed out and held responsible.
This idea will work in favor of the TEA parties. Do these lunkheads actually think people gather at TEA parties because its fashionable? This reminds me of the phrase "Got a quarter? Call someone who gives a sh*t!"
I'm sure the tea-baggers can do it all by themselves.
Normally I'd agree, but it this case since the "teabaggers" started the whole thing by refering to themselves as such... it's a total "target of opportunity" s+ituation; it may be juvenile, but it's almost irresitable.*
As expected...
Sorry the tea party people didn't know as well as you do the obscure names for "gay" sexual acts. It is just childish for you to keep calling them that.
It was Democrats and Hillary Clinton's team that started and pushed those claims.
I'm also somewhat curious as to your characterization of "teabagging" - it almost comes off as gay-baiting, though I don't know if you intended it that way. I had always seen it more as a frat-boy "don't pass out or we will take embarassing photos of you" practical joke rather than a sex act. I will admit that I am not very knowledgable about gay sex, though.
I am outraged at this Levin guy and this group.
Personally, I'm as far left as you can get politically. Infiltration and sabotage are plain wrong. Let the Tea Party speak their minds. The people can decide if they will accept their message.
Levin, you have sunk to a new low. Worse, you'll vindicate all the real prejudice in the party with your shananegans.
Maybe because CNN's Anderson Cooper is a vocally strong proponent of the act?
moonbeams - good post! that's a very fair assessment.
I think this is wrong: you're calling them clowns, but then you have entered the arena to do so...
And where is this happening, the planet Zog?
Sometimes I really cannot understand the childish and pedantic nature of US politics. Surely there must be more important issues to discuss. Moreover, where is the intellectual depth to these issues? The founding fathers must be turning in their graves. Both sides seem to be racing to outdo each other in terms of their shallowness. Any sane individual can also tell you that such stupidity will end in violence.
It is a mistake to do this to the teabaggers.
First of all, the movement lunacy does not have to be parodied. They do that with far greater energy and sincerity than anyone else could.
Secondly, giving Republicans an excuse to hold this movement at arm's length for fear that it is infiltrated will keep the teabag crowd from mixing with Republicans, where they would otherwise mix.
Thirdly, Republicans will be able to say all kinds of absurd things and blame in on liberal lunatics rather than looking at their membership.
Nah. The best thing to do is just let the teabaggers do what they do, let Michael Steele do what he does, let Glenn, Sarah, and Rush fleece the flock, and basically let them mutually marginalize themselves. It is sad to watch, but let them do it. They seem to want it so badly.
Hey, I don't understand the problem. The republicans have historically infiltrated democratic functions and made asses of themselves, so it's now tit-4-tat. < :-)
sure.... in your mind Democrats don't do this? You are so blindly partisan, it weakens your arguments.
This is getting awesome. Many conservatives aren't asking themselves why the tea party groups even exist, let alone why they aren't part of the GOP. 8 years of failed bush policies, inept governance and anti-American ranting of extremist right wing talkshow hosts have shafted the GOP to marginal party status. The very best outcome for America will be if Sarah Palin joins the tea party movement and massively splits the conservative vote - something that is looking more likely by the day. Then it'll be hello second term for Obama. I'll go out on a limb here and predict another GOP implosion in November. wahoo! :-)
manfromamerica and you're not partisan. You have no arguments.
We can start with the 1968 democratic convention when Richard Nixon sent in his goons.
It's a matter of Free Speech. I'm sure the republicans can understand that. < :-)
The GOP is looking more like the LDP every day - washed up, clean out of ideas and supported by people whose diehard partisanship would have them rather see their country implode than support half-decent governance from the other side.
The tea party people, Sarah Palin and the rightwing talkshow folks just need to keep doing what they're doing - don't change anything. Keep filling the townhalls and airwaves with hatespeak and vitriol. Just be ready for a right royal thumping in November. :-)
The way things are going, the Dems won't be needing a whole lot of election strategists for November. Just deck chairs, binoculars and champagne to watch the GOP implode.
Again. Awesome. :-)
It bears repeating: conservatives are their own worst enemy. That they STILL don't understand this is the bad news. And it's only going to get worse. When the Dems clean up house again in November, they need to change their campaign slogan to: Conservatism. I'm lovin' it.' :-)
Exactly, the Tea Party people are practicing their free speech. However, the left-wing are shocked that the majority of people don't agree with them, so the leftwing are now attacking the tea party people, spreading lies, creating fake incidents, all in order to shut down their free speech. That's left-wing hypocrisy.
LOL!! You mean except the Dems who already saw the writing on the wall and announced their "retirement"?
again with the cliches... you guys just parrot the same old lines.
manfromamerica, the captain of the Titanic never saw the impending disaster until it was too late, either. :-)
Yep. Obama approval rating falling at historic and "unprecedented" rates.
This is like walking onto a stage to talk about how the actors are fools. It's not going to accomplish anything much aside from blurring the definition of hypocrisy. I DO think that the Tea baggers are mostly fools, and in particular for choosing the dolt palin as a kind of 'leader' (of failure), but let the people continue to see that themselves instead of trying to bash it into their heads. I don't need you to sit beside me during a movie and dictate what's going on while I watch -- it's plain as day up there on the screen.
As many as 4 in 10 "tea party" participants identify as Democrats and Independents.
I just want to know which tea the Tea Party serves cause you know living here in Japan I get tired of the same old green tea... are they going to serve some Darjeeling or a good Orange Pekoe or maybe a vintage Pu'er cause I'd be down... but I personally like my tea loose... bags are for posers so I'm not sure....
Sushisake3:"the captain of the Titanic never saw the impending disaster until it was too late, either. :-)"
Boom! I just knew that you would come through, my friend. It really is too funny watching the few remaining supporters of palin, who is a complete dolt, think she could ever be a leader of protest movement.Clearly, the definition of hypocracy is being blurred by these people.It's Disgusting! Well, anyways, said hypocracy is what the teabaggerists are all about.
Too bad for them that Obama's popularity continues to skyrocket off the charts and the economy that bush singlehandedly destroyed is rebounding under Obama's astounding guidance.
You totally misunderstand the pull of the tea party. You mention all the reasons for it, but fundamentally misunderstand why its growing. Allow me to take a moment to explain it. Beck is fond of pointing this out, and while he goes a bit too far, to an extent I agree with him. See, conservatives come from all areas of the country, and while there are conservative Democrats and Independents, the majority of them are in the Republican party. 40% of America classifies themselves as conservative. Some social, some fiscal, some both, to a greater or lesser extent. The thing is, not all Republicans are conservative. Bush wasn't for example, nor are quite a few members of congress who have the R by their name. Just as not all Dems are flaming liberals. Thats why there are Blue Dogs.
So heres the problem. All these conservatives are fed up after 8 years of Bush's excessive spending, with Republicans going along with him. They are sick of that kind of representation. They want a party that supports responsible government, that doesn't try to buy votes with subsidies, or health care scams. The Tea Party is made up of these types of people. The fiscal conservatives, those who oppose the massive expansion of government, and the new intrusion of government into everyones lives. These are the Republicans who were screaming at Bush, who strongly oppose McCain, who are sick of being represented by 'progressives' or RINOs. Remember what Bush's approval ratings were at the end? You can't get that low unless a majority of your own party turn against you. Thats what happened. Most Republicans finally saw Bush for what he was. A 'Progressive' masquerading as a Republican. That was bad enough, but Obama comes along, and the government takes a hard turn to the left, towards socialism, and the country, including quite a few Democrats and Independents are not happy. All the reasons you said are the foundation of the Tea Party, but Obamas course is whats causing it to grow.
Yep, electing Obama as captain was a mistake. Following the course he laid out, right into the Iceberg was a huge mistake, and passing health care, crashed em right into that Iceberg. The Dems are sinking now, the only question is, how many of them will manage to survive, when the Dem ship goes down.
LOL! Really? His approval rating is dropping at an historic rate. It's in the 40s now.
BO's approval rating is now 47%.
According to Gallup:
The Democratic Party (BO's party)in Gallup's most recent survey has a 41% favorable rating, the lowest in Gallup's 18-year history of measuring it.
Perhaps the distrust is aimed not at BO itself but his underlings... Right now, who knows?!
Wait... Bush was a "progressive?" What?
exactly. Congress approval rating is in the teens. The Tea Party people are distrustful of this congress (Democrats and Republicans alike) as well as the president. To say it is a race issue is just plain ridiculous.
Heh, you can smell the fear in the shrieking U.S. liberals. Those who voted for Obama were conned by his telepromptered unicorn talk of hope and change; instead, all they got was hype and crap.
We can start with the 1968 democratic convention when Richard Nixon sent in his goons.
ADD, The Chicago Seven (Jerry Rubin, Abby Hoffman, et. al.) were on Nixon's payroll? Heh, just more proof that you were not alive when all that was going down back then.
Molenir - "Yep, electing Obama as captain was a mistake. Following the course he laid out, right into the Iceberg was a huge mistake, and passing health care, crashed em right into that Iceberg. The Dems are sinking now, the only question is, how many of them will manage to survive, when the Dem ship goes down."
You are completely misreading the political situation. Dems are on a roll. The GOP/conservatives/tea partiers just have to keep on complaining whilw the Dems keep notching up legislative victory after legislative victory.
All good.
Where do you get this from? Polls seem to show the opposite.
Romeo, no one's shrieking on the left. You are simply misreading reality.
I DO think that the Tea baggers are mostly fools, and in particular for choosing the dolt palin as a kind of 'leader' (of failure)"
And yet you types follow dictators and mass murderers, such as Che and Fidel. I am sure there will never be a Hollywood movie portraying Palin in a positive light, so why you worried?
This guy really has nothing to be proud of. In fact, I think his efforts will be counterproductive. The "Tea Party" got thrust into the spotlight so quickly that people were attaching all kinds of assumptions to their cause. Levin's actions will most likely result in people talking more honestly about the members of the "party" and my guess is that reality won't be quite as sensational as the original news stories....
As Mr. Levin's claimed, that the tea party is nothing more than a bunch of racists, I'd like to know why my brother along with many of his friends, all of who are not white, have yet to have had any type of conflict, yet I am sure if I or my brother were ever caught walking around Mr. Levin's gated community we would be questioned. I am certain Mr. Levin's kids would not be in the same school as my or my relatives' kids, as he most likely opted not for the public option of education but the private kind. And I am sure his father, not himself, put him through school and helped him all the way through. That's how you kind work.
So that means he's planting 2 people there?
manfromamerica - "Where do you get this from? Polls seem to show the opposite."
You're missing the forest for the trees.
What has the GOP got to offer?
Fiscal prudence/conservatism?
Fresh ideas?
Decent or inspiring leadership?
Who is their leader??
Anything besides criticism?
What has the GOP got to offer?
Fiscal prudence/conservatism?
Fresh ideas?
Decent or inspiring leadership?
Who is their leader??
Anything besides criticism?
Yeah Sushi, perhaps you right, but yo, the dems ain't packing a whole either... thus the need for an entire new party to come to power. Not sure if I like the tea party too much, but I'm kinda blue balled. I'll take anything
About the only thing the GOP does have going for it is the GOP-funded B&D club tours.
Awesome, but voters just ain't buying! :-)
sushi, I've got a kid. This is no small issue to me. C'mon, you can't tell me you're down with this.
Interesting thing is Americans have slowly but surely been losing confidence in themselves and their abilities in the 8 years bush, cheney and the GOP were concertedly destroying America with the full-throated support of unwitting conservatives. Now, fear and propaganda fuel the opinions and attitudes of an embarrassingly high number of Americans. Pretty much every conservative who posts on JT is a shining case in point.
Of course they will deny this because the truth is too much to bear, but they do so at their peril.
The tea party movement may well be a conservative-leaning backlash against this culture of fear, and may actually be genuine and not just be viewed as a spawn of the GOP.
If so, the tea partiers need to choose their leaders and spokespeople carefully. Selecting Sarah Palin will be nothing less than a bullet to the brain of what could actually turn into a serious 3rd party.
Now, fear and propaganda fuel the opinions and attitudes of an embarrassingly high number of Americans" And you don't think the dems are equally guilty of this? Besides, a politician's best friend is fear!
Obama's biggest problem is that he's overpromised and underdelivered. Even with last month's 162,000 net "new jobs" created, the country is on pace to end this year more than five million jobs short of where Obama suggested the country would be with his stimulus package. What's more, Obama said last year pass his stimulus package and unemployment would be at roughly 7.5%. Instead, unemployment was frozen at 9.7% last month, where Obama predicted last year it would be now if nothing were done.
Meanwhile, ObamaCare only appears to be affordable on paper because it includes years worth of revenue from huge tax increases.
Conditioned by their experience with Obama's extravagant claims for his stimulus and health care programs, the voters most likely to turn out this fall will be inclined to disbelieve his pie-in-the-sky promises.
Hence, the reason why the liberal shriekfest has started.
What passes for politics in the US is childish and polarized enough as it is, without the opposite end of the spectrum throwing in their 2 shrieks-worth as well.
Romeo - "Even with last month's 162,000 net "new jobs" created, the country is on pace to end this year more than five million jobs short of where Obama suggested the country would be with his stimulus package."
Which goes to show how badly bush and cheney screwed up your economy, with the support of your 2 votes.
Romeo - "Obama said last year pass his stimulus package and unemployment would be at roughly 7.5%. Instead, unemployment was frozen at 9.7% last month, where Obama predicted last year it would be now if nothing were done."
You've only got yourself to blame. That's if you'll ever be man enough to admit it.
Romeo, it's real hard to swallow your points when it's people like you who voted for the president and the party that caused so much economic damage.
Not only is this tasteless, why mock the "get the government out of my medicare" party?
Once they realize their stupidity is being mocked, it just gives them one more reason (and they really don't need any more; they have plenty in their heads already) to play the victim card.
You can't mock the pigs without wading into the slop. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.
The shrieking liberals should be happy with the Tea Party movement. It shows the the community is organizing.
should be happy with the Tea Party movement. It shows the the community is organizing." Well, I can't recall ever when a bunch of people got together to protest taxes.
Couldn't agree more, although it's a little late to start worrying about the far ends of the spectrum chiming in as they've been the dominant voices in the media and at rallies and such for a long time now. I wonder how anyone in the U.S. can get enough genuine information to make rational choices when just about everything is filtered through lobbyists and biased media commentators already. Stupid things like this, stunts and misled outrage, will never lead to improvement and until all involved find some common ground as a starting point, you're just going to make your whole political system dysfunctional.
Which goes to show how badly bush and cheney screwed up your economy
Seeing where Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney is mentioned in this article.
Checking .... checking ..... Nope, not there.
Keep shrieking and collecting straws to build your off-topic strawman, SS3.
Obama's great job has only inspired the Tea Baggers. They are outraged that a "Community Organizer" has performed so well after the devastation that the bush regime caused on the nation. They had hoped that he'd fall flat on his face.
It's so disappointing for the Tea Baggers. < :-)
Once they realize their stupidity is being mocked,
Yup, classy "Them Thar teabaggers is soo dumb they can't get the gay sex reference"
The tea party movement generally unites on the fiscally conservative principles of small government, lower taxes and less spending.
Victims ...Hell who doing you think is going to pay for this?
What's happened to the 'liberal left' ? Why have they turned into facists and tricksters? Where is somebody who holds 'liberal', tolerant, secular, reasoned and mature views supposed to stand politically these days? It used to be on the 'liberal left' but they seemed to have forgotten what free speech and rational debate means. Instead, they screech 'racist!' 'moron'! at people they disagree with.
why are you guys so against those who are feel taxes are too high?
The teabaggers are a bunch of whining angry loons who are not sure why they are angry and that makes them more angry. They are a direct link to the unwashed Yippies of the 60s, lots of smoke but no real fire. Nobody cares about losers.
And nobody can make them look worse than they are already, and since the republicans are sucking up to the teabaggers (think about that) they are no better. Indeed the republicans, like the LDP, have no reason to be other than to be in power and screw things up. Hence the rapid disintegration of both parties. Could be that Japan and the USA become one party states.
zurc, fine. YOu are right maybe. But who else is taking the issue of high taxes? The dems nor the repubs are not.
All the other crap is just that, crap. But, who else is taking up the issue of getting taxes to come down?
skipthesong, maybe it's the Obama pictures that show his as Hitler. Could be the poster girl, Sarah Palin, and her shrieking at so many of their events.
There could be a lot of things like this. < :-)
maybe it's the Obama pictures that show his as Hitler.
Heh, like the liberals never did that with Mr. Bush .... and worse.
skipthesong, how can we lower taxes when we have the debts that we have? Yeah, I have heard the argument that the lower the taxes, the more productivity, the more taxes collected. This just hasn't been shown to be true.
So until we get the debt reduced, I really don't see any tax cuts. < :-)
Attack the stereotype, ignore the argument. Somehow I'm not surprised.
If I can comment on Japanese articles I see no reason why a foreign national should not comment on those concerning the U.S.
If that became so than God help us all. Although a no party state has some appeal.
This just hasn't been shown to be true." When was it tried?
Remember the two wars that weren't paid for? Remember the tax breaks for the 1% of the population of 2003/04? (That alone makes me be against tax cuts).
We're so far in debt that the country's credit rating was just dropped in the past month.
< :-)
2003 - 2008. < :-)
skipthesong - "why are you guys so against those who are feel taxes are too high?"
That' a good question.
I'm against them because the people - like RomeoRamenII - who supported the orgy of failure and mismanagement of the bush years that led to the necessity to raise taxes - are the same people who are now railing against raising taxes.
They helped cause the problem. Now they want to bash the guys who are trying to fix the same problem.
It shows a level of irresponsponsibility that is usually shown by children, not grown adults.
It's the total lack of responsibility and accountability that riles me.
skip - "All the other crap is just that, crap. But, who else is taking up the issue of getting taxes to come down?"
Skip, you might want to do a bit more research into the mechanism behind taxes.
Taxes in America are going to go up before they come down, thanks to the eye-wateringly bad fiscal mismanagement of the bush years.
bush and co. racked up so much debt, your country is paying $200 billion a year (write that down) just in interest payments, and that was BEFORE the stimulus packages that Obama had to enact to try to right the disaster bequeathed to him by bush.
And that was the same fiscal disaster that people like RomeoRamenII actually SUPPORTED.
Can you believe that?
Romeo's naturally going to hit me with the 'but bush isn't mentioned!' line - but let's face it - this entire story wouldn't be a story unless there had been massive fiscal mismanagement - in this case under bush/cheney - so yes, it is relevant.
The party crashers are just as bad as the worst of the Tea Party people. They must have something against free speech.
adaydream - "skipthesong, how can we lower taxes when we have the debts that we have?"
Skip, that's the essence. Adaydream has hit the nail on the head.
They helped cause the problem. Now they want to bash the guys who are trying to fix the same problem." I blushed at your second paragraph and was going to ask for your forgiveness Sush, but you need to explain to me how you find zero fault of the dem lead congress.
Ok, I'll bash the guys before. Now can we get on with how I'm supposed to be so happy about paying taxes and much more in having someone do them than before?
During the Depression of 1920 President Harding lowered taxes, cut spending, downsized government, and killed the recession in it's infancy. Nobody ever talks about that one because it was so short and was followed by the greatest period of economic expansion in U.S history which was brought to it's knees by the governmental expansion of Hoover.
"Pro-labor policies pushed by President Herbert Hoover after the stock market crash of 1929 accounted for close to two-thirds of the drop in the nation's gross domestic product over the two years that followed, causing what might otherwise have been a bad recession to slip into the Great Depression, a UCLA economist concludes in a new study."
Do you see a resembelance to todays problem? We hit a wall but instead of reducing spending and letting the market do what it does best the government is expanding it's influence leading to market stagnation and slowing the recovery.
adaydream - "Remember the two wars that weren't paid for? Remember the tax breaks for the 1% of the population of 2003/04?"
I sure do. Hello skyrocketing national debt.
And yet the conservatives remained silent throughout the biggest government spending spree in history under the previous GOP administration....
It's only now that they've started coming out of the woodwork to complain about excessive spending.
Problem is they're only a decade too late.
And they wonder why they keep getting labeled as 'stupid' :-)
It's only now that they've started coming out of the woodwork to complain about excessive spending." ok, so we just stay on the same track?
Excessive spending was bad then and it's bad now. As far as I'm concerened the Dems smell just as bad as the Republicans, only difference is that the Republicans at least have the decency to look bad while they do it.
TheQuestion - "We hit a wall but instead of reducing spending and letting the market do what it does best the government is expanding it's influence leading to market stagnation and slowing the recovery."
If the U.S. govt. had reduced spending at the start of this recession, things would have been a whole lot worse than they are now.
Just look how many countries enacted stuimulus packages - something like 30?
Each of these governments knew they had to INCREASE spending, not cut it.
Cutting spending would have been disastrous in this environment. Pretty much the entire U.S. finance industry would have toppled within a matter of weeks, which would have caused a devastating domino effect to ripple throughout the economy.
Sorry, but I don't agree.
skip - "ok, so we just stay on the same track?"
Skip, the U.S. govt doesn't have many options, which is probably a big part of the reason why there's been such extremem measures taken.
Waiting and seeing while 'the market' recovered - sorry, that would not have been an option a year ago - absolutely no way.
It's still not much of an option now.
So, as I said, there's not a lot of viable options at present.
sushi, why do you like a big government? As for the other 30 countries, you just fell into the trap as to why my brother and many of these tea party guys are calling Obama a socialist.
TheQuestion - "Excessive spending was bad then and it's bad now. As far as I'm concerened the Dems smell just as bad as the Republicans, only difference is that the Republicans at least have the decency to look bad while they do it."
:-) A well made point.
However, the point as I see it is that the Obama administration would never - and I'll repeat: NEVER - have had to enact its massive stimulus package if the GOP hadn't left them with such a fiscal disaster.
Obama and co. are cleaning up the rubble after the GOP bombshell exploded.
the Obama administration would never - and I'll repeat: NEVER - have had to enact its massive stimulus package if the GOP hadn't left them with such a fiscal disaster."
so, why isn't it all used up yet?
skip, what, the stimulus package money?
As you know, the WH wanted to use some of the stimulus money that hadn't been spent for the job bill, but the GOP refused, citing the need for 'fiscal dscipline' - something they never showed when they were in power.
"the Obama administration would never - and I'll repeat: NEVER - have had to enact its massive stimulus package if the GOP hadn't left them with such a fiscal disaster."
And the US would have never been involved in any war of any kind had Clinton taken care of OBL, thus preventing 9-11, when he "had him in our sights" ! Seems to be a lot of "hindsighters" here, many conveniently forgetting that the Dems have controlled the house for years and years ! I sense much of this will come to a screeching halt come the go 'round of elections- Americans opted for "change" with Obama- I think they're ready to go back to the "good ol days" when the GOP controled the house and senate. Obama is in for an early retirement- he'll be lame duck material by the end of this year.
The Tea Party was an invention of the Republicans to allow the fringe to vent and scare people and let the Republican party itself accept and organize the frightened gullible people who are sucked in by the tea baggers. They are the shock troops and storm troopers. Look at Beck on the cover of his book. All medals and riding crop. Kind of Himmlerian. The appeal is clear. It is an amorphous group of angry people with no clear agenda or stated principles. They are anarchists and agitators.
The GOP can let the Tea Party form groups and ideologies based on hate, racism, ignorance, "taxes", etc. If the rhetoric gets too hot, the GOP can back up and disown that. Otherwise it will just accept Palin's new recruits into the fold. If the GOP embraced David Duke and his organization, the result would be the same, but then the GOP could not disown that formally, and Duke has his own agenda. In contrast, the Tea Party allows the GOP to recruit gullible but energetic people who can be molded and manipulated.
The GOP is recruiting this week in Mississippi and Virginia. I think what the GOP will find is that the party of Abraham Lincoln will have to contend with a very strong undertone of racism that they are encouraging in their ranks. Michael Steele will be gone soon, and that will symbolize quite a lot.
Bah, Bush Co certainly didn't help the job sushi - but the fundemental problem has been chronic, systematic lending of money to people who couldn't afford to repay it.
It's time to end the two-party system putting the best elements from the right and left into a new party to kick the radical polarization of US politics into touch. The constant handbag swinging from both sides is depressing.
Branded - "And the US would have never been involved in any war of any kind.."
I think the credibility of your post dropped off the cliff right about here.
sushisake3- "Obama and co. are cleaning up the rubble after the GOP bombshell exploded."
And yours here.
Madverts - "Bush Co certainly didn't help the job sushi - but the fundemental problem has been chronic, systematic lending of money to people who couldn't afford to repay it."
And 2 unfunded wars.
And tax cuts for the wealthy.
Did I miss anything else of significance? :-)
Thats what the guys in Washington tell us but considering cutting spending was never even on the table we'll never know whether or not it would have helped.
Harding did it and we got the roaring 20's. Hoover spent and enacted social programs and he made a recession into the worst depression in U.S history.
Oh yes we can all see how well the recovery plans in Greece and Spain are doing, fine job. The Euro is tanking something fierce.
I'd have loved to see AIG choke on the filth it's been feeding it's investors. I may have been able to make some good money if it had. Same goes for every other bloated dying entity that was 'to big to fail'. I've been watching this group out of Pittsburg buying up tons of banks and forclosed homes, I thought they were nuts but somehow they're making money. Because that's what businesses do they grow, they mature, they decline, and they die.
If we had let the big boys die off the vultures would have picked their corpses clean by the time they hit the ground.
And once again Speedy provides an element of humor in this thread with his hysterical paranoid ranting about anything and everything Republican. Its always fun to know, that Republicans could cure poverty, hunger, and cancer, and speedy would still hate them. No doubt he'd be ranting about how its all some evil plot.
Sure, you referred to his tax cuts that helped everyone as tax cuts for the rich. Guess the poor and middle class don't matter to you. You also ignored NCLB and Prescription Drugs which Loons like yourself loved. Soundbytes are better though right.
Didn't mention Japan which never recovered from the bubble collapse, despite massive government spending. Didn't mention the US in the 80s under Reagan when he cut taxes by a huge amount, and saw the economy come booming back. Admittedly that ones a bit of a tossup, as he increased spending to match. Though you could make the argument he increased spending, because of the increased revenue.
NCLB was a failure. Didn't teach children anything except to take a certain set of tests.
The RX Drug plan was another unpaid mandate that costs have exceeded all forecasts amounts dreamed, gave the RX Drug companies a windfall.
I remember during Reagan the ARM loans soared to 21%. That was the start of the fall of the American farm industry. More family farms were lost during Reagan/Bush administrations than any other recent time period.
Must also remember that we had a guns 4 drugs program that went very well also.
So comparing Reagan to the Tea Baggers may not be a good thing. < :-)
"zurc, fine. YOu are right maybe. But who else is taking the issue of high taxes? The dems nor the repubs are not.
All the other crap is just that, crap. But, who else is taking up the issue of getting taxes to come down?"
Skipper, it was just in the news that 50% of Americans do not pay any federal taxes at all. This is because of the Obama tax cuts for the less well off in this country and increased credits for kids.
Bush cut taxes for the rich, now the top 2% of the country control 70% of the wealth. The bottom 50% have next to nothing. If you are in latter group stop whining and admit that your taxes have gone down. If you are in the top 2% then you have been on a free ride for the last decade with the suffering middle class taxes covering for you and its time to pay up. Its not good for democracy that all the wealth is concentrated in the hands of few. The USA is not a banana republic yet, although that is what the bush republicans of course want to make of our country.
The teabaggers are clueless about reality, many wish for government to get out of their medicare payments and social security. They are loons very much like the lost drugged out hippies in the 60s who protested everything as well. Many teabaggers were hippies back in the day. Never got over the anger thing.
here is the link reduction of income taxes for the less well off in the USA.
Zurcs arguement can be summed up very simply. Envy, greed, envy, greed, Class Warfare! Claiming they'll steal from those who've earned it, to give to those who haven't, is just typical Dem class warfare arguments.
Apart from proving that loonies such as youreself really are the ones who've lost touch with reality, why is it you're referring to those in the tea party as loons? Are you conceding that many Dems an independents who might otherwise qualify for loon status, are actually part of the tea party movement?
Umm, the Bush Republicans were those who got themselves elected as Republicans, who then ruled as Democrats. Thats why they lost power. Americans want a choice. Not a choice between the spendarama Dems, and Spendarama Republicans. But a clear choice, Dems who want to raise taxes, and spend other peoples money, who want to expand government and turn the US economy into just another European Socialist Banana Republic. Or Republicans who want to reduce the size of government, cut taxes, allow the states to decide how they're going to run things, rather then force everyone under some huge government umbrella where all decisions are made for us by faceless bureaucrats. Thats what this is really about. When you have RINOs like Bush or McCain running things that distinction goes away. People said, if we're getting Dems running things anyway, lets just elect real Dems rather then going for Dem lite.
a jumble of thoughts as usual. Yes the republicans are carrying out class warfare. Bush got 90% of his funding from the richest 1% of the country its clear that he worked for them against the other 99% of the country. And that top 1% made out like bandits while the republicans were in power. Facts.
The teabaggers are 98% white old and angry loons. Most are on medication which comes from government programs that they hate. Hence the name loons.
There is no republican party left other than the racists from the south. Its a regional party now with a few exceptions like Utah (racist as well). After bush destroyed his party and turned over government to the demos the teabaggers will bury the coffin of the dead republican party. Something will take its place and the county will be better for it. Republican, LDP, same thing.
If it's wrong when the rich get away without paying taxes it's equally wrong when the poor do. I've always been in favor of a 10-20% flat tax with no exemptions, no refunds, and no loopholes. If you had just an 11% flat tax across the board we could pay for all of our current programs, more than that and we can start reducing the national debt and eventually get a tax revenue surplus. But we have to give the people back their responsibilities and cut spending. And not just in fluff areas but we have to cut it in places that hurt.
Why not give people control of their Social Security contributions? Why not allow parents to use vouchers to shop around for their children’s education? Why not let people buy insurance over state lines? Why not legalize and tax drugs that are currently illegal? There's a whole host of things that we could do to make money and take charge of our own lives but people are too afraid to do them and instead they hide in the shadow of government.
Bears repeating.
Well said Sushi.
Now then, there's molenir.
C'mon. Give me a freaking break. Liberals liked NCLB? Are you high? Where do you get your material? Hell, where do you get your drugs?!?!
Yes, loons were in favor of NCLB, but they were not from the left. Wow. You got that one SO wrong. It's like you were talking about the weather again or something you got it so messed up.
Again, wow. No, really.
People just don't get it. The tea party movement was made possible by new media, which is why the Old Media are so opposed to both.
And another thing molenir...
No. No. No. You bought it. You own it. Quit denying him, Peter. Put on your big-boy pants and admit it. You elected and supported a guy who put the country into the crapper. Now that there's no denying the country's in the crapper, you turn your back on your guy.
NO. I'm not letting you do that. He was your failure and you were Thelma to his Louise. Be a man and admit it.
One day you guys will wake up and realize that arguing over which group of bought and owned politicians should hold "power" isn't going to get you anywhere. The red team and the blue team both march to the same drummer, and it is the people playing the drums who are the problem.
Solution is simple. Smash the banks and the financial sector. Smash the anti-capitalist, neo-liberal, extraction economy and return to the capitalist system that built the country. Until you do that you will continue going down, and it won't make any difference how many people join the Tea Party, how many crash the Tea Party, or how many "oh so important" elections you have.
sushisake -
You're missing the point, and you are showing your partisan tendency by assuming the Tea Party is GOP. The Tea Party is NOT the GOP, and they are against GOP congressmen for the same reasons they are against the Dem congressman - uncontrolled government spending and failed leadership.
zzzzzz... people here still think Bush is in office. Sorry guys, it's Obama and the current congress that are spending us into a depression.
the guy who created sounds like a tea party plant. if you want to crash a party, by all means DON'T freaking advertise it! just show up and do what you need to do.
Er, you do know who voted for it right? You have got to be smokin something if you think Libs weren't totally in favor of this. Teddy 'freakin' Kennedy was the primary co-sponsor! Wanna try again?
Er, you do realize that I was one of those Republicans who was critical of Bush for most of his term. There were actually a lot of us. Oh, he fooled us initially, by pushing for Tax cuts, and how he seemed strong on Defense. Both good things, we conservatives support. But then he goes and starts pushing crap like NCLB, Amnesty, and raising spending through the roof, and we were very unhappy. He may have claimed to be a Republican, but the reality was that he governed like a Dem.
Exactly! I'm a Republican, but if the candidate running in my district is a RINO, I'm not going to vote for him. I'm more likely to support the Democrat rather then another RINO. I'd rather have a Democrat who you know is a nutcase then a guy who claims to be a Republican, and votes with Dems 90% of the time. At least the Dem is honest about who he is and what he represents.
Hey, Molenir---um, you are upset that these fools are criticized for saying things like women should not be allowed to vote because they are too stupid (never mind that they are women) or that liberals should be put into concentration camps and exterminated, AND you think this is hypocrisy. I dare say, it is free speech, and you right-wingers hate it, when there is legitimate criticism of any rightwing fool. Anyhow, this is standard operating procedure for any republican--infiltrate the party and water down any policy for the poor or working class. Read--Bluedog democrat. It is about time, we did the same. Everything is far in love and war!
Sarah Palin, the Tea Baggers poster girl, couldn't even complete her term as governor of the state of Alaska. What gives you any idea that she's more than just a democratic hater.
Besides the initial sexual appeal, she's nothing but a quitter who has a big mouth. She's just pissed that a "Community Organizer" beat her and McCain out of the White House. < :-)
Just a question to the liberals here.
My mother who is a little bit elderly and behind the hip times is active in the tea party movement in California, she is a bit 'un-cool' as to term 'tea-bagger' and the liberal snarky meaning they use it in.
Could you guys give a good way to describe to her why you use term in a such a negative way to describe her politics?
Not really. Can't think of a better term. Tea Bagger is nothing compared to the terms and jesters used against the democrats and Obama. They like waving their posters with Obama depicted as Hitler and other wonderful names. The term Tea Bagger is nothing compared to their disrespect. < :-)
Opponents of the fiscally conservative tea party movement say they plan to infiltrate and dismantle the political group
Hey, here's an idea: Why don’t the loons who support ObamaCare, Porkulus Maximus and other failed adminitration policies just have their own rally supporting their ideas? Everyone can call their movement BOHICA.
The corporate sponsors of the tea party originally took to calling themselves teabaggers and once they realized it had a negative connotation, they quit however in an attempt you may or may not find amusing, the name has stuck, negative connotation and all.
There you go, sailwind. You know, for a guy who preaches individualism and personal responsibility I do a hell of a lot of your thinking for you, as well as paying for your healthcare.
Wonder what mom would think about that.
I believe you meant to say 'everything is fair in love and war'. However allow me to address your post. First, reading back in this thread, where, do you find anyone who suggests women shouldn't be allowed to vote? Are you an Islamic extremist or something? By all means please quote the person suggesting concentration camps for Libs. I wouldn't support that for anyone, even a loon like yourself. However, while I think anyone who suggests this is a nutcase, I do say anyone who says this, has the right to say it. Unlike many of the oh so hypocritical liberals who seek to silence anyone who disagrees with them. I actually believe in freedom of speech. I also believe that people should have the right to criticize others for their speech, and also to choose not to listen. Contrast this with the liberal racists who attack any black conservative, or those who seek to silence people like Coulter, preventing her from speaking.
On the subject of infiltrating the various parties. You obviously have never given this much thought. Most people join a political party, because thats the party their parents were in. 50 years ago, Dems were the ones opposing Desegregation. Times have changed, and while the grandchildren of many of those old racists have joined the Republican party, many of these conservatives are still Democrats, simply because their parents were. The same is true with Republicans. There are many liberal Republicans. Conservative Dems call themselves Blue Dogs, liberal Republicans are RINOs. The simple fact of the matter is, that America is a conservative country. Thus Dems running for office know, that if they don't attract at least some support from conservatives, they won't be elected. RINOs have the same issue, particularly in places like California, or the NorthEast. Those are the places, like the south was for Dems, where Republicans are the old style liberal. Candidates know that if they appear too conservative, they won't attract the votes they need to be elected.
The point I'm making here is, that things are much more complex then your simplistic view suggests. There is however no conspiracy among Republicans to infiltrate the Democrat party. There are extremist groups like these crasher idiots however that do operate on the fringes. They do not represent either party however, even if at times they seem to speak louder then the rest.
The corporate sponsors of the tea party originally took to calling themselves teabaggers
Not sure which voice in your head told you that, 13 (probably the same one that told you all U.S. military stationed in Iraq are the real terrorists), but HuffPo says you're wrong:
Keith Olbermann took credit for popularizing the word on MSNBC Tuesday night. But the word "teabagger" actually started to spread after the Washington Independent's David Weigel photographed a protester at the first D.C. Tea Party Protest in February holding the sign, "Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You!!"
"Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You!!"
What do you call someone who bakes? A baker. What do you call someone who works? A worker Therefore, what do you call someone who tea bags?
Why am I having to do all the thinking for the right today? Only Molenir seems to have shown up with brain engaged. I should get paid for this.
Most people don't seem to realize that the term teabag, or teabagging is to put one's testicles over another person's face. Which is what these people are doing basically. Exposing themselves, and what they are exposing is pretty horrible--racisim, extremism, facisms, etc.
What, "attack" a black conservative. Was there any black conservative beaten up by a liberal? Really Molenir? Or was he or she just criticized. Poor thing! How do they do that? And tell me how was that nasty woman Coulter whose speech is very similar to that of the Nazi's prevented from speaking? Are you talking about that one case in Canada where the students protested her presence because they found her too extreme. How is that any different from the student protesting some Muslim fanatical cleric or Stalinist form speaking? If the majority (this is what democracy is all about, right?) don't want something, why should they make others listen to it. And if they felt that it would lead to riots, why bring that person in?
"Crashing" the tea parties and misrepresenting the participants is Democrat strategy, straight from the highest levels in the party. Axelrod is an old hand at this kind of subversion. The end justify the means. It's the Chicago Way.
Yep, by coming out and being active like this, they expose the hypocrisy and racism in the left. The extremists who decry the Tea Party loudest, are the ones most likely to be racists and facists as you mention. Wait, have you just outted yourself?
As Dennis Prager says: "the bigger the government, the smaller the citizen."
A Tea Factory worker, wouldn't want to insult the worker with a sexual slur, not a very civil thing to do for someone who is working for a living.
Thanks for paying for my healthcare it isn't like I didn't keep my end of the contract with the U.S Government when I enlisted and now they are keeping theirs.
I'd think she's pretty proud of her son, least she has told me that on a few occasions.
Zero logic here, but what can you expect from a right-winger! Yep, those who opposed the fascism of the Nazis and Italian fascists were actually being fascists themselves. Besides these tea parties need NO help WHATSOEVER in showing their true colors. When they show signs decrying Obama with slurs, and insults, they are showing their true colors--bigots and fascists. Period.
Then it sure seems kinda of dumb for this guy to go to all that trouble of trying to put plants in the Rallies and find recruits to try an paint them that way. Maybe someone should tell Mr. Levin that his 'services' and his recruits really aren't needed after all.
I love your logic. If you oppose expansion of government, that makes you, a facist, someone who supports an intrusive government. Yeah, that makes no sense. But its what I've come to expect from many of the left wing loons around here.
You forgot to add racist as well. You be sure and tell that to all the black and Hispanic members of the tea party. I mean, after all if they're members, they must be racist right. Because apparently, if the President is black, anyone who opposes his policies, for any reason must be a bigot. If the President came out and supported rape, murder, and torture, no doubt you'd still think we're bigots when we opposed those too. Is it hard to see, I mean with your head so far up your butt the way it is? Is the reverse true? If a black man opposes the policies of a white President, is he a bigot as well? Or does this only apply to "The One"?
Dodge the issue! When you have teaparties with words the "N" word, and pictures portraying him as a cannibal, I dare say that is racist. And that is the common practice among teaparties. And don't forget that a lot of blacks and women are criticizing, oh, I am sorry, ATTACKING Coulter. I guess these blacks and women hate themselves. The fact is, most teabaggers are knuckle-dragging bigots who HATE the idea of a black man in the white house, after it is the WHITE house.
Moderator: Readers, from now on, please do not use the expression "tea baggers."
Ken Watanabe
Just because Tea Party is generally considered as fiscal conservatives does not mean that they are all the same. There're always some bad apples on the branches, which will rotten the core of the tree. Whether they belong to Tea Party or anti Tea Party, it takes both two to Tango.
Funny... if the tea party was as racist, etc... as you guys keep insisting it is, you wouldn't NEED to have people "infiltrate" to make it appear that way, would you...?
Liberals are upset because they've lost control of the narrative. They dropped the word "racist" at every sign of opposition, and now that is the only message they have. So much so that they have to resort to planting FAKE racists to try and keep it up.
Saul must be so disappointed that you allowed control to get away from you...
Given that it has been the goal of the Democrat party to avoid debate by calling anyone who doesn't believe in cradle-to-grave statism as racist and stupid it is no surprise that Levin, big Labor Unions, and the Democrat party have been attempting since last Summer to undermine the Tea Party. The Tea Party is mostly White but it isn't racist and never has been. Only those that are afraid that American's are becoming repulsed by Obama's sharp turn towards Socialism and extreme levels of debt and taxation would be trying so hard to change the subject to race. Now we know that all of these allegations of racism have been staged by Liberals for their allies in the media to use as a means to discredit their political adversaries. The Democrat Party will use any means necessary to pursue their agenda.
Individual liberty and freedom from government is what the Tea Party is all about. This is also the sole reason why the United States exists today. The Tea Party is anti-Socialist and therefore anti-Obama. They are considered to be enough of a threat to Liberals/Socialists that they need their allies in the media and scum like Jason Levin to actively oppose them. The Democrats do not want anyone to be free from government - especially minorities - a group that they rely upon as a base for their political power. Race-baiting is by now a traditional method by which the Democrat party keeps minorities in line and America divided and separated from the individualism taught by the country's Founders.
You see the news about all these infiltrators, bringing their racist signs to the tea party rallies, and them being smoked out, and followed around by tea partiers holding up signs saying "infiltrator" and "Not one of us".
What makes opposition to this government somehow "racist"? Could someone explain that one to me? How pathetic these people are who call any criticism of the Obama administration "racist". How is that racist? So if a black person opposes the takeover of health care by this administration, is he/she a racist? I guess you could say yes, because they are opposing Obama's white side. Sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it? That sounds about as stupid as saying a non-black person must have prejudices against blacks if they revolt against the socialistic policies of our current president. Pitiful.
"Just be ready for a right royal thumping in November. :-)" Hey sushisake3 - are you serious?? You are clearly demented or you are living on some other planet. There is going to be a royal a$# whipping in November and the Democrats are going to be on the wrong end of it, and you know it. I can't wait. Obama will be powerless and we will start repealing the health care nonsense and as much other damage Obama has inflicted on America. America will by a much nicer place when this joker is gone.
The American people are going to be at the wrong of it. Democrats and Republicans have both started pandering to the lowest common demonstrators err denominators. The inevitable winner: lobbyists.
The inevitable winner: lobbyists.
I couldn't agree more.
I dare say the wingnuts have come out from under their rocks and are slinging more crap. Yep, IF we could just go back to the good ole days when the corporations like Enron, and Delphi and, hey lets go back even further, the TRUSTS back in the early 1900s made all of the decisions, yeh, life would be good then. You can always trust the corporation to make the right decision. Mammon knows best. You clowns are unbelievable jokers. Go back to reading your flippin Ann Rand crap, will ya.
yokohamarider -
Gladly. The points posted by the right-wingers here are easily refuted and defeated, everything from Obama's being a "socialist" to his not being a "true" American and everything in between. Yet, in the face of having your arguments so easily crushed, you continue to hate Obama irrationally, never making the slightest attempt to consider the truthful statements you're hearing and reading from the left. It's like you insist that two plus two equals five, even after you've been proven wrong time and time again. Therefore, since the facts present no basis for your hatred of Obama, there must be another reason; the only one left is racism.
Er, you're pointing at yourself right? You're one of those who keep referring to tea party people as racists, bigots, and what was that other term, oh yeah. Fascist. As if opposing the size of government makes someone a facist. Rather the opposite in fact. And since apparently simply opposing a black President makes you racist, regardless of how idiotic and bad for America his policies are... Ok. 2 years from now, when we have a new President, he'll probably be white. I'm sure regardless of his policies, anyone who is black or Hispanic, who disagrees with him will be labeled by you as racist, right?
You have yet to refute anything. Obama is a socialist. For evidence, look at who his closest advisors are. Look at the policies he supports. Its European style socialism he's pushing, but the evidence is there. Now him not being a "true" American, depends on your definition. To some people, he definitly fails to qualify, as their definition includes whether or not he is acting in the best interest of America, and staying true to American core values. He isn't, so he fails. To others, its simply being born in America, and apart from a few wing-nut birthers, mostly on the left, he gets a pass on this.
Most of the statements made by those on the left are simple lies. Look at this thread for instance. Accusing people of being racist morons because they disagree with the President? Wheres the truth in that? Hating Obama, and hating the course he is taking us on are 2 different things. I don't hate the man, I do hate his direction. Thats not irrational. Irrational would be supporting him, regardless of what he espouses. Hmm, what was it you said? If the facts present no basis for your love of Obama, there must be another reason...
I'll leave you to fill in the rest.
Individual liberty and freedom from government is what the Tea Party is all about.
Politics is what the Tea Party is all about; nothing more. Haters of Obama!
This Tea Party wanted to project a mainstream image of a group that is anything but. A New York Times/CBS News poll released on Wednesday found that only 1 percent of Tea Party supporters are black and only 1 percent are Hispanic. It’s almost all white.
And angry over taxes that have gone down for them in the last year.
NoAmerican is right, this is all about politics and racism. They just cannot get use to a black president.
You really need to STOP writing Molenir because each time you do you show what a fool you are. Again, no proof. No policies. Maybe, that health care "policy" which helped to INCREASE the life insurance profits was a form of socialism. Maybe those new oil rigs that are now being allowed to get started off of our shores is a form of socialism. OR maybe....after that mine disaster, one of the worst in the century, his call for new REGULATIONS of the mining industry so that safety comes before profits is a form of socialism. Anyhow, I will refrain from posting hundreds of URLs showing teaparty people with those nasty racist signs and showing their nasty posters.
Really? Are you talking about the healthcare plan that was a give-away to the Insurance companies, you know, after it was passed, their stock went up? Or maybe Molenir, you are talking about Obama allowing Oil companies to drill off shore? Yep, smacks of socialism! Or maybe it was Obama calling for more safety in US mines after the biggest mine disaster in the past few decades. You know, putting people over profits, over mines that had multiple transgressions and warnings, and of a mining company that rarely paid its fines and was delinquent with so many others. Yeh, maybe that is the socialism that you are referring too. Please---some other examples.
My guess is that you are not a member of the Tea Party as that would explain your lack of knowledge of their goals. Opposition to Obama's goal of higher taxation and enlarging governments role in the lives of private citizens does not equate to personal animosity to the President himself. It does cause serious fears on the part of those that believe in the Constitution. America is not just a collection of people, it was created as a very unique way of organizing a society based on the inate rights of individuals (ie. life, liberty, 'pursuit' of happiness). For supporters of the Tea Party, Obama's policies do not support these inate rights.
The Tea Party is a propaganda machine. It spits out the paranoia to the conservative sheep and just like the conservative sheep on JT they repeat the redneck agenda.
Yes, the healthcare plan that forces everyone to pay a fee. Yes, thats socialism. The more European style, and it falls short of what their stated goal was. And more regulation of coal mines and industry is definitely socialistic. Thats to say nothing of nationalizing everything the way he's been doing. Theres more then enough evidence, trying to deny it just won't work.
That agenda being smaller government and lower taxes. Yeah, thats a real terrible agenda. No wonder so many people in America agree with it. Well, except for socialists like Obama.
Yeh, that political concept is working out quite well, in places yeah, free market placesl like Haiti, Somalia, Santo Domingo. Yep, if you are rich, it's great. Not so much if you are not.
Oh, I am just so ANGRY about me having to pay my healthcare fees to the Japanese government that I could just burst! NOT! I like the service I get, and the price is so much lower than the US and the service is the same. I am honestly, having a 152,000 bill just to donate a kidney to a sister! Stupid. The cost here would been a tenth of that! I take that socialism anytime. I suppose Molenir, you object to having to pay your freaking water bill too! I mean you are FORCED to pay. The problem with you rightwingers you that you just don't want to PAY for ANYTHING.
Please note, that there is a big difference between anarchy, and free market. I know its hard to comprehend this, but really its true.
No, I just don't want to have to pay for you. And if I decide I don't want health insurance, I shouldn't be forced to buy it. Note that difference, its not about not wanting to pay for anything, but rather having the freedom to decide. Trouble with you left wingers, you want to decide for everyone. You think that people shouldn't have any freedom. Well, excepting the freedoms you yourself decide. And only then, so long as people agree with your point of view.
Now Pres. Clinton is getting in on the act to try to downgrade the teaparty as a bunch of racist, haters and a danger that could cause violence.. It won't work because of FOX news.. the other news networks have a liberal slant.
I keep reading that the Tea Parties are all about hatred for Obama because he is (half) black.
But the Tea Party participants are largely the same people who support Clarence Thomas, Bobby Jindal, Condi Rice, Marco Rubio, and Congressional candidate Lieutenant Colonel West, to name but a few prominent 'non-white' political figures on the right.
Add to that the fact that in many parts of the country up to 40 percent of those in attendance at these rallies identify as independents and Democrats.
I read also the laughable claim that "The Tea Party is a propaganda machine!" So who is doing the propagandizing? Is it conservative author and blog site host Michlle Malkin (Philippino-American) , or the prolific conservative author Thomas Sowell? - who happens to be black.
The uniformity of Leftist-conformist 'liberal' opposition to this truly grass roots movement is what makes me believe they are a force that Democrats - and me-too Repubs - will have to answer to.
Umm...really, what is the difference? These countries have no regulations, which is what republicans want, desperately. You know, SMALL government. Haiti has SMALL government. Norquist's dream is a government that you can drown in the bathtub. Somalia has a working SMALL government. And there is no regulation about guns too. So, where is this magical Free market paradise, Molenir that you keep on pining for?? Where?
Um, you people really just don't GET it, do you? When you are paying your freaking water bill, you are paying for the whole system, (mine too, especially if I live close by). Your bill reflects the cost of the system to get that water to you and to those nearby. Same with roads. Same with electricity. Same with schools. Same with health care. The problem here is that you refuse to see yourself as part of a society, part of anything! Your health insurance bill reflects the cost of the system. If a lot of people use a lot of water, for example, guess what?, your bill is going to go up too, as the infrastructure needed to bring that extra water has to be built! Now, frankly, if it was up to me, I would let you NOT buy insurance and when you have an accident, NOT allow you into the hospital and just die, unless you paid upfront a LOT of extra money, or the insurance that you did not pay into.
Oh, yeah, that, what is you right-wingers call such people?, yes, "anchor babies" as her parents went to America just to make sure that they could like stay forever. Oh, by the way, I am not racist as my wife is Filipino. Oh, note: it is spelled "Filipino." Again, one can see that right-wingers really do have an education deficit, as they can never spell correctly. By the way, if you knew the truth, Malkin's husband is doing the work for her ideas as she doesn't really have any of her own.
Boy, talk about a sexist statement.
Sad but true. But then again, neither did George Bush, Cheney did his thinking for him.
Those guys are still in power....musta have missed the message.
The rest of the world laughs its ass off every time someone calls Obama a socialist. Everyone that says that word has no effing clue what it means, and needs to go bone up on their history books a lot.
As for the opposition to his ideas - in the words of Dr. Phil, how was everything that went before workin' out for you? Maybe you should try something that might actually work instead?
I think it's telling and amusing that the left feels need to send 'infiltrators' into the Tea Party meetings. If you think them nothing but a bunch of fringe, racist loonies, they why bother? If they are no threat, or at best are a means of further dividing the Republican party and thus making subsequent candidacy attempts diluted and ineffective - why would anyone go to the trouble? And why would such a group be the subject of so much vitriol and press coverage? Lunacy and racism aside, I think it makes dems rather nervous that folks aren't falling into line with the President's policies and accepting them as what's best for our nation. There is dissension, and it must be childishly ridiculed, its participants devalued ('ignorant racists') and their cause naturally evil (to keep all the money in the evil 'ole white folk's hands, of course!). Children usually start name-calling when something threatens, hurts or frightens them.
The Rat, you make several comments:
No, the problem is that many who lean to the right, or are in the middle, do not wish to pay for EVERYTHING - or at least those things for others. If I were to ask you to send me the money for a new laptop, you'd quite rightly tell me to p*ss off, and go buy it myself. While naturally having health care is a bit more important than having a computer, I think that you would find the number of people not contributing into the system (i.e. having a job and paying taxes) far outweighs the number of people who genuinely cannot work to afford to pay into the system. The idea that those that do should pay for those that will not is an affront to those who believe in Capitalism and the idea that a welfare state is not the right direction for the U.S. Again, you live in the liberal LaLa land where any tax increases will only affect the 'rich' who deserve to be taxed (why that is, I'm still unclear).
I work a stone's throw from the Capital building in Albany, NY and the Tea Party just had a rally there on tax day. I went over - while some woman did sing that 'God Bless the USA' song that makes me want to jab my eardrums out with an icepick (I'm as patriotic as the next, but give me a friggin' break) I saw no racist signs with caricatures of the President, didn't hear the 'N' word or any other racist slang. I can't conclude that is typical as I've only witnessed the one - but other than the rhetoric of everyone saying their a bunch of racist hillbillies, I wonder how many on here have actually witnessed a rally to see what went on? I'm betting few. Could part of it be a case of believing everything that you read?
i think everyone needs a cup of tea.
Try typing into google, teabag party and racism. Um, 313,000 pages on it, and some are pretty shocking. Just because you saw an exception, doesn't mean it holds water everywhere. Besides, I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you would rather pay sky high rates for medical coverage to avoid the "socialism" of a national healthcare system. I mean, 152,000 to simply donate a kidney!! Insane. Here, it would have been a tenth or fifth of that. And keep in mind, no difference in service--oh, I might have to share a room here. If the socialism is better for my wallet, I will go for it anytime. Keep in mind tigermoth guy that you are always part of a system. Your water bill is socialized. It is a bit different from a computer, you know. Yet, I don't hear you clammering for privatized water. You know why? Because that company has to boost profits every year and that profit comes out of your freaking wallet. In South America, particularly Bolivia, people were paying 25% of their salary for water--thus it wasn't long before you had a "socialist" leader come and stop that nonsense, and now everyone is happy. Maybe, you would like it if you had to pony up 25% of your salary for privatized water.
Moderator: Please do not use the term "teabag" in this discussion.
To read that "if you knew the truth, Malkin's husband is doing the work for her ideas as she doesn't really have any of her own" is pretty humorous,in its desperation. But having watched her hold her own in televised interviews and having heard her reply to and refute callers in live interviews I would have to agree with the poster above that such a statement is sexist.
I read here that "The rest of the world laughs its ass off every time someone calls Obama a socialist."
We in America laugh back - - do you really imagine socialism in America would be identical to the variety you have in Europe or S America? How obtuse.
In terms of percent of gov't spending to GDP the Obama administration, in comparison to previous ones, can most easily be understood by the American worker and consumer if characterized as "socialist."
Obama and the New Left are enamored of the European Nanny State, and that is the direction they hope not to lead the country in but to drive it to, by whatever means they can.
Still waiting for you right-wingers to name that wonderful right-wing free market paradise that you all have been pining for; you know the one that Ann crazy Rand writes about, the one in which her characters were blowing up people left and right in order to get to. I am flexible. You can even pick any time period, epoch even, in which to find that country.
In response to - - "You can even pick any time period, epoch even, in which to find that country." I can't speak for the 'right wingers' you believe yourself to be nobly doing battle with but I can say with some confidence that at least one of the more prominent of schools of Libertarian thought (Rothbardian, you could call it) generally regard the era of US history you were undoubtedly taught was ruled by 'Robber Barons' (19th c.) as the closest the country came to a truly laissez-faire economy.For the record they also regard the quiet, unambitious Cal Coolidge as the 'greatest' of modern presidents.
Let me see what ole Wikipedia says about cool cal. OH yes,
"As Governor of Massachusetts, Coolidge supported wages and hours legislation, opposed child labor, imposed economic controls during World War I, favored safety measures in factories, and even worker representation on corporate boards. Did he support these measures while president? No, because in the 1920s, such matters were considered the responsibilities of state and local governments."
So, it is just A-OK, to work children into the ground because the overall "model" says just leave it alone. Leave everything thing alone. If cruelty exists, well then it is up to other people to fix it.
Here is another gem. "By 1927, only the richest 2% of taxpayers paid any income tax."
The rich should NEVER pay their "fair share" taxes because they are simply BETTER than the rest of us. Just like today. What, Exon and other oil giants paid NOTHING in taxes. I actually had one repig say that this is "right" as they are more "productive" than I am.
In helping the poor farmers at the time, it is said, "In February 1927, Congress took up the McNary-Haugen bill again, this time narrowly passing it.[120] Coolidge vetoed it.[120] In his veto message, he expressed the belief that the bill would do nothing to help farmers, benefitting only exporters and expanding the federal bureaucracy.[121] Congress did not override the veto, but passed the bill again in May 1928 by an increased majority; again, Coolidge vetoed it.[120] "Farmers never have made much money," said Coolidge, the Vermont farmer's son, "I do not believe we can do much about it."
Yep, if you are poor, then the message, is "OH, WELL!" Do not expect the government to do ANYTHING to help you. But today, we see all matters of government subsidies to corporations and corporate welfare, and decreased taxes for the rich.
How about victims of disasters. Oh, this is great! Coolidge's lack of interest in federal flood control has been criticized...He also did not want to incur the federal spending that flood control would require; he believed property owners should bear much of the cost. So, again, the message here is, like with George Bush, "Lost your home due to a hurricane or storm. TOO FREAKING BAD for you.
In short, Equalityranny, yeh this time was a flipping paradise as were those Robber Baron times, in which railroad would just "take" your land without compensation if they needed it.
You deal in assumptions. I pay $100 per pay period for my health insurance, and so far everything has been covered just fine. Don't plan on donating a kidney anytime soon and don't know if I'll ever need to; hope not.
I love the way you guys try to bring up basic services and say 'you pay taxes for these so you're already paying into a Socialist system'. I've heard the 'you pay taxes for the military, fire departments, water, blah, blah.' Yes, and I use and benefit from these services. It's apples and oranges to try and say that paying tax dollars to have an established military to protect our national concerns is the same as paying for Joe Slackbottom to have health care because 'can't find work'. McDonalds is hiring - get to it.
No, the left has this tendency to think that they are brighter than the rest. I'm not buying into it, particularly since some of the brightest people I know who were staunch dems are now leaning much further to the right.
I get tired of this 'the rich' never pay their taxes - wah! This was posted locally but I think it says it rather well:
If you caught the profile of singer Vic Damone on CBS’ “Sunday Morning” recently, you heard him talk about growing up in a big family with little money. He owned but two pair of pants – one for church, another for school. The school pants were corduroys. So to this day, he refuses to wear corduroy.
I have a friend and colleague named Lee Miltee. She’s a highly successful and wealthy entrepreneur, author and peak performance trainer and coach, with corporate clients like Disney and Federal Express. She recalls growing up wearing the same pair of slacks to school everyday – unfortunately, plaid – and having schoolmates take critical notice. As a teen, one year, I wore a donated winter coat and even briefly time-shared it with my father. Only one of us could go outdoors at a time.
This is a commonality in the lives of many – maybe even most – of the much-demonized rich, and successful, and famous: they were once poor. And they did, to use tired cliché, pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. They sacrificed much, they worked longer hours and harder and more persistently than others.
This, a fact rarely remarked upon by political demagogues or liberal media pundits. To them, we are now rich, much richer than most, so we should have much forcibly taken from us and distributed to the non-rich.
Could there be any more criminal an idea?
As was recently shown on ABC’s 20/20, when teens break into Hollywood celebrities’ homes and steal clothes, jewelry and other possessions just because the rich celebs have those things and they do not, the police put them in jail. When politicians and liberal pundits champion the exact same behavior, they posit it as if it was rational and just, and fools fall for it. Co-conspirators in evil.
This past week, most media reported the fact that a stunning 47 percent of Americans pay no net income taxes. Zero. Of course, many of them do pay into the government run Ponzi schemes, Social Security and Medicare; pay property taxes; all pay sales taxes; and all will now pay the myriad of new taxes concealed within the scam called Health Care Reform, as well as the coming, inevitable super-inflation. But they pay no net income taxes. And that is offensive – no, vile and repugnant – to those of us who now give an astronomical portion of our incomes astronomical taxes to pay the major share of taxes in this country. That’s what we get for years of struggle and sacrifice.
These people paying zero in but taking out much are thieves. They steal from me. And I resent the thievery and its sanction.
The other day, I had a debate with an acquaintance about the health care tax, tax, tax ‘n power grab scheme. He ended it by asserting, with some rage and resentment, that I did not understand, and had no right to object. Why? Because, he said, as though to a leper dripping toxic goo on his shoes, I am rich.
His indictment of me ignores the reality of my journey. I understand and very much remember going without needed health care, and watching my parents go without needed health care, because of lack of insurance and money. I am all for a strong safety net for those who genuinely, legitimately need help with basic needs and are unable (not unwilling) either temporarily or permanently to provide for themselves or their families. But that’s not what Obamacare is about. In fact, it makes the situation of those in the bad circumstances worse, not better. The poor will be made poorer, the middle-class made poorer, health care quality and safety damaged.
But my acquaintance couldn’t know these things because, by his own admission, he has not read the health reform bill or even read much about it, read any objective in-depth analysis about it, or otherwise acquired information on which to base an intelligent opinion. Call me crazy, but I believe knowledge should be pre-requisite for opinion. But it is this willful, slothful, irresponsible ignorance that scammers like Obama rely on. It’s essential to his projects of transforming 1/6th of the American economy, of installing socialism, and of demonizing the rich.
Because, like my acquaintance, so many are ignorant of the real reasons money moves about from one person, place or thing to another; ignorant of how ordinary people choose to create extraordinary success and wealth, and how much of life’s outcomes in wealth, health and otherwise are choice; ignorant of how evil and consistently unsuccessful forced re-distribution of wealth schemes are; ignorant of what Obamacare and Obama really represent … the destruction of all that has made America great is possible.
Dan Kennedy
TheRat Exxon Mobile and almost every other freaking corporation in America, like almost all of the rich, who pay NO taxes whatsoever, are NOT thieves, and considering that there are a host of subsidies to move wealth from the bottom to the top, they do end up stealing from you. At the very least, they are stealing from you because you have to make up the shortfall in either a lack of services or in higher taxes, or in interest on the debt! Oh the rage, that 47% of Americans do not pay taxes. First, I doubt that, but it could be due to the loopholes or just those child exemptions. How dare they, those poor slobs, get an exemption, BUT you know, the rich have THOUSANDS of them. And maybe they pay no taxes because they make almost NO money from their pathetic salaries. That's why!
You right-wingers REALLY don't ever get it, do you? I mean what is the flippin problem here. You are ALWAYS going to freaking pay for the homeless or unemployed and their health problems because when they show up at the emergency room, and then treated, the cost of that bill is ADDED on to your OWN! Now, if there was some form of insurance, they would show up SOONER and then treated and the cost would be LOWER!!! It makes economic sense, unless you just let them die outside of the hospital, or end up begging in the streets at traffic signals, like in the Philippines--a right-wing, no regulation, Ann Ryand paradise if there ever was one! So, do you get it now? Probably not! And Tiger moth, if you look at history, those free-market, no form of "socialism" anywhere anyhow, have been absolute HELLHOLES.
This is so funny, it almost makes me laugh. Do a google search on the top 30 richest people, and you will find most will have inherited their wealth or back-stabbed their way up through the company. These stories are the exemption, because if that was the case, most of my part-timers would have been rich already, as they work pretty damn hard. Pretty much like the rest of Japan or America. They are stuck where they are and no matter how hard they work, they NEVER see a wage INCREASE or, often, never even get to keep their flippin job.
They are Ponzi schemes only because the repigs refuse to put the money that is obtained from the people's salaries into those funds and then use that money to fund wars. Yes, in this case, they are, as a result, Ponzi schemes, not too different from the flippin STOCK MARKET. Remember the corruption and theft that we learned all about in 2008, 2009? Remember, like this week, the name Golden Sachs and how they HIDE information from investors about the danger of some of their "products"? Probably not. That would cause distress to your right-wing world, wouldn't it?
Really? Yeh, if you are rich. But with 1/4 of children growing up in poverty, and being 34th in health standards (just above or behind Cuba), and I could go on and on and on with the poverty statistics, I just do see how it is the best thing going for MOST people.
Yeh, so she is going to have a real hard time no matter what "welfare" there is. Period. Bad decisions, bad life. It is just a hoot though, that you begrudge her, let's see, food stamps. Umm...that is three dollars a DAY for an adult. Try living on that!
My heart just BLEEDS for this guy. Oh, the pity!! The Sheer pity, of NOT having a few grand, and having the money go to, Republican wars (which--like most rich repigs, he probably supported), and maybe a little medicaid for the poor or elderly. The shame of it all! Let those people die in the streets. I recommend all of the readers to see on YouTube the 1%, an interesting film about how the richest of the rich, are NOT SATISFIED and what to get EVEN MORE. And then MORE the following year. And then MORE the following year. They are just never satisfied. Never mind the earth has limited resources, and sooner or later, we have to share these resources, like....oh, what was his name...yes, Jesus, who declared never to lay up treasures in this life. The issue here is INSANITY. Basically, the rich and the peons who do their work like these rightwingers, claim just how BAD off and how hard life is for them, as they sip their 60,000 yen wine and try desperately to find ways to screw more of their workers over to get a better dividend or higher profit. I could use a lot of filthy language here, but basically nutcases are what these people are and really, with overpopulation and the way resources are dwindling, their time is so limited, so very limited. Yes, tigermoth, what about all of those people scamming public assistance. Why, according to you, the figure must be in the MILLIONS, but really, probably a few hundred cases. Never mind the corporate scams like Halliburton charging 100 times to 1000 times the actual cost to carry out some job in Iraq. Never mind Goldman Sachs ripping off the country in derivatives and almost taking the entire world down with it. Let's worry about the poor slob trying to get a few extra hundred bucks from "public assistance." You right-wingers need some real heavy medicine. Or maybe you are all just Moonies or Mormons.