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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Ted Cruz booed as he refuses to endorse Donald Trump
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Republicans. The whole world (not just America) sees them for what they really are, except... Republicans of course. Anything other than a blue vote is a vote for racism and all those things that have been mentioned by many others before.
Mike L
Looks like America has a shortage of kindergarten places, too.
Not endorsing the trump, now that is democracy.
Although it's impossible to like Cruz, what he did here is actually quite brave. Not an atmosphere conducive to expressing dissent.
nadakuJUL. 21, 2016 - 12:49PM JST Republicans. The whole world (not just America) sees them for what they really are, except... Republicans of course. Anything other than a blue vote is a vote for racism and all those things that have been mentioned by many others before. What party supresses minorities through unchallenged entitlements? What party protects ineffective school teachers? What party is the underground racists? What party has divided the nation more in a few years to a point of 40 year ago divide?
What party wants more jobs for all? What party wants lower taxes? Lower taxes means increasing the workforce.
"Donna Metz, Cruz’s 2016 Kansas state co-chairwoman, wore a sparkling red, white and blue hat and was jostled in the crowd as she made her way toward Cruz. “Oh, my gosh, I hope he runs again,” said Metz, of Eudora, Kansas. “He’s by far the best candidate.”
She's got to be kidding...
"Not endorsing the trump, now that is democracy."
Wait til you see all of the Bernie Sanders supporters who will maintain their "Never Hillary" stance.
Ah, one Republican stabs another in the back on national TV. And it's Ted Cruz, a guy who has zero change of getting elected in 2020. Talk about a win-win tonight. Just beautiful.
Ah, Ben Carson was right. Lucifer finally appears. Unfortunately, even he thought Trump was too extreme.
Dre Hund
Cruz probably took one look at the Trump Penthouse, completely saturated in gold decorations, and realized. Trump is going on with promises. What has he done in his own community? He thinks the same way General Electric , Westinghouse, Amazon, and Wal Mart thinks. Let alone the industries that make weaponry. He wants deregulation. Goodbye every coral reef on the planet.
Lyin' Ted is just a sore loser. Haters gona hate. What did he say back in Apr-May?? "D. Trump will NOT be the (R) nominee." HA-Ha . . . Its signed, sealed and delivered.
Down with Lying Ted and Kaisich. They have no honor. Wouldn't give a bucket of piss for their political futures. When are they up for re-election?? Might as well slit their wrists. Go Trump! Go! Go Republicans! Let's try & win vs crooked HRC.
Cruz was basically telling the crowd that Trump has no chance of winning. And he's betting that in 2020 Republicans will look back at this convention speech as being a principled stand, and that he's the true conservative to beat the incumbent Clinton.
I think the first part of his wager is correct. Trump will get clobbered. But Cruz will never be chosen by the GOP in 2020. As zealous as he is, the lunatics have taken over the GOP asylum. They want real crazy. They want Trump crazy.
Ironically, Cruz facilitated the rise of Trump during the primary season.
In any case, Cruz is an annoying jerk. He'll be around to pester everybody, but he'll never move up the ladder.
So a born again christian, pro guns, anti abortion (isn't he the bloke who believes even women who have been raped should have their rapist's child!?) etc sees himself as 'the face of a modern' movement? How more delusional can one be? Although anyone, even Trump, looks sane after a guy like Cruz, no idea why the GOP invited both guys on the same stage. This is surreal.
Commodore Shmidlap (Retired)
Headline: "Horrible Man Now Considered Less Horrible Than Other Horrible Men."
Former Presidents and candidates not showing up. People showing up and not endorsing. Plagiarism. Clinical narcissism on display. Undecided focus groups turned off even more by Trump after convention. What a disaster for Donnie.
What's crazy is incumbent administration & HRC allowing islamic refugees into the USA after all that's happened. What's crazy is HRC getting special dispensation because she a political woman who has been around the the block.
What's crazy is how the (D) preach tolerance and pc. And how they won't waterboard terrorists. Close Gitmo, Cuba. What's crazy is how they talk about demilitarization of police departments. 8 officers have been ambushed. Do the (D) care? Ohh, I forgot. . . . they're the "thugs" pulling the triggers. Yeah, uh-hmm.
MarkG > Seems the voting system has answered all of those questions for you. :-)
Just over 2 hours in and we have our first Hillary sighting. You guys are slipping, or maybe you just didn't want to be here tonight.
He's not endorsing the man that he's not voting for, sounds fair.
As if the (R) don't control both houses of Congress. As if the the (R) aren't a substantial political force in US politics. As if some jt posters think they can be destroyed. . . . keep dreaming.
Seems like the voting system has elected Trump as the (R) nominee too. Ask (D) what they know about the impeachment process. . . yeah, uhh-hmm.
The Insane party was always going to give a fine performance at its' convention. Live from the Asylum, foaming at the gills.
9 1/2 out of 10 on the Screaming Chainsaw Scale thus far.
Heeeeeeeeeeeres Johnny !
"Cruz was basically telling the crowd that Trump has no chance of winning. "
Cruz apparently hasn't seen the latest poll numbers.
"Heeeeeeeeeeeres Johnny !"
Pssst - Madverts - Jack Nicholson is supporting Trump. Nyuk nyuk
Heeeeeeeeere's Donny then.
Don't think the insane are taking too much notice of details anyhoo.
SuperLib: "Ah, one Republican stabs another in the back on national TV. And it's Ted Cruz, a guy who has zero change of getting elected in 2020. Talk about a win-win tonight. Just beautiful."
Exactly! It's hilarious to see the loser of the final two of a larger group of losers still holding a grudge and making what looked like an acceptance speech for the 2020 nomination, since it also seemed like, given what he said, he knows Trump doesn't stand a chance in hell. That would be fantastic if he did win the nomination for 2020 because that would mean not only has the party continued to devolve, it's another guaranteed WH win for the Dems, or Hillary's second term.
Oh, Pie!
Once a rat, always a rat. The zodiac killer is finished politically. Crooked Hillary, you're next, tuts. November can't come soon enough. CAN'T STUMP THE TRUMP!
The Repubs have descended into pure farce. Is anyone in that convention actually real? Or is it some nightmarish robot con trying to produce the most comically absurd thing in history?
Ted Cruz thought that by lighting himself on fire he could burn Donald Trump. Instead, he’s just blown himself up. Reminiscent in so many ways of Ted Kennedy's fight to the bitter end in 1980 against Carter. In that case he did reluctantly endorse but his petty behavior made it so he was never regarded as a serious contender for president ever again.
crazed religious nutbars angered by stereotypes.. Delicious
Well all the Republican candidates got that out of the way this year in the first debate.
Cruz is clearly on the stump for the 2020 elections. To save time and energy, somebody should record those boos and play them back at ear-splitting volumes whenever he appears in public.
"Ted Cruz thought that by lighting himself on fire he could burn Donald Trump. Instead, he’s just blown himself up. Reminiscent in so many ways of Ted Kennedy's fight to the bitter end in 1980 against Carter. In that case he did reluctantly endorse but his petty behavior made it so he was never regarded as a serious contender for president ever again."
By 2020 Ted Cruz will be regarded as a liberal in the GOP. If he makes the debates, he'll be sharing a stage with people in bedsheets with white pointed hats and toothless yokels with assault weapons slung across their shoulders.
No, Cruz was just being an a** and I can admire a man with strong convictions and principles, but what he did just looks like he pretty much shot his career. At least Kasich stayed at home. If you don't want to endorse him, fine, but if he thought he could race n on Trump's parade, he made himself look like a total jerk, more than what he is already perceived to be.
Yeah, to people that don't want to deal with reality perhaps.
Hate to break this to you, even if the GOP WERE to hypothetically dissolve, that wouldn't mean conservatives would disappear, just reinvent themselves. Lol You guys are a crack up, the GOP is gone, so now that means conservatives are gone as well? Come on now....
Many Republicans feel like Ted Cruz; it's just that Cruz got Trump-like and spilled it out without a care in the world. He's betting that Trump loses in 2016, so that he could run in 2020. But even so, he made it almost impossible to regain the Trump side of the Republican Party.
Painful to watch Lyin' Don pretend he'd read Cruz's speech prior. His family looked as though they were in meltdown....
Oh, Pie!
He didn't make the pledge! Even though he said he would! Lyin' Ted, I call him Lyin' Ted. L-I-O-N. He puts one hand on the bible, raises the other, and then he lies! Get him outta here. Out, out, out! As for Crooked Hillary, we, the true Americans, didn't forget about those emails too. If you think strong Americans are gonna let you do to our country like what Merkels' doing to poor Germany, you've got another thing coming. Well, besides possible jail time. Americans need to be more like those smart Brits. They know the smell of BS a mile away, and they hightailed it outta the Islamic state- I mean the EU in one night. Trump will once again show the world who the greatest country in the world is! MAGA!
I think you'll find that's Jack Nicklaus, Serrano
Conservatism as a practice used to hew closer to the definition of the word than it does now. Conserve what is valuable in human nature. Witness the fracture of the GOP. Something's happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear. But it ain't pretty.
So you're right, bass. Everything changes. But I wouldn't say that blind hatred is a platform that would make Lincoln proud, nor anyone's future brighter.
. everyone knows that the bought and paid for politicians are the only ones not endorsing trump. lots of politicians are afraid when he gets elected they will be fired or worse put in jail. lyin ted is outta politics.
Boos Cruz: I like the sound of those words.
That was hilarious!
Congratulations Ted!
Seems like Cruz is actually a bit smarter than I gave him credit for.
Actually it is pretty. Cast out the sore losers like Ted and Kasich. They didn't honor their pledge. It might be Kasich's state, but RNC Cleavland is Trump's house.
I loved the ending when everyone was booing and Cruz just gives that slimy grin and does the princess wave. I really thinks he enjoys attention, even if it's bad.
During the candidate race, Trump was so rude and cruel to him. If I am him, I will not endorse Trump either. If Trump will win in November, he will become the rudest, loudest, lowest celebrity President with no substance since 1776.
Cruz may be Canadian born. However he is youthful, gentle, friendly and polite unlike loose canon and flip flop Trump. Republican Party has been divided because many people hate Trump more than Hilary.
Cruz says this:
And the GOP crowd boos? Why would they do that unless they thought that Cruz could not possibly be referring to their guy?
Would they actually be more satisfied if the man they constantly derided as "Lyin Ted" came out and told them he was going to vote for Trump?
Wrong. Divided when Romney couldn't defeat Obama's 2nd term re-election. Divided cause although (R) control both houses of congress, they still couldn't really handle Obama administration.
Then this billionaire candidate comes along and stirs the shit storm. Kinda' feel like humming the Mc D's cm theme song. Da-da da,dada. . . I'm loving it. Despite what the (liberal) media might be saying. . . . there is some unity.
Wonder if the hard-core Sanders supporters will sit this one out. Their flame is dead. But Trump is still igniting a burn @RNC.
"Texas Sen. Ted Cruz . . . was booed lustily by delegates when he ended his speech without offering Donald Trump his endorsement — or even saying he would vote for the New York billionaire." - article
Cruz cost Americans 24 Billion in his Government shutdown of 2013.
Even as crooked as Cruz is, with his religion based visions of Government, he showed some Americans that being detestable and ignorant doesn't mean one has to vote for Trump.
Someone had to say it. Who better than the most detestable Republican since Nixon or George W. Bush?
Trump is only as strong as his racists make him. They are the real minority in America. Fascists always hate that when it is pointed out.
Would they actually be more satisfied if the man they constantly derided as "Lyin Ted" came out and told them he was going to vote for Trump?
Cruz definitely doesn't seem to expect Hillary to be elected or he is the one who is going to be blamed in the same way Ted Kennedy was 35 years ago (although Trump is more Reagan than Carter so the analogy does break down somewhat). He is hoping for Trump to be so disorganized and incompetent that he can walk in four years from now and take it away from him in the primary...Cruz is wrong if that is his thinking but that is the only scenario where Cruz can come back politically.
Kuya 808
"Something's happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear."
Stephen Still, (For What its Worth) 1966
Hmmm....considering that liberals love to change history to suit their narrative from the party that created basically slavery in the US, lived it, enjoyed it as well as Jim Crow and to this day continues use racism as a way to keep Blacks and minorities tied down to the government. Everyday when I pass through L.A. Compton, Watts, Baldwin Park, I can totally see the devastation and degradation of liberal policies that crippled and given these people No hope, it's sickening. So as long as Blacks cling to the party of liberal deception, they will always be treated as second class citizens.
No, Cruz could have shown party unity and said, I will endorse Trump, kept the peace or he should have stayed at home. Rubio was smart, he endorsed Trump, but stayed home, Kasich was as NO show and said, he couldn't support Trump as well as Bush, fine. Cruz decided to take the a** way out by doing what he did. Wasn't smart, well though out and he probably destroyed his political future like John Edwards., but only time will tell.
I suggest you open a history book. Slaves were brought to the Americas and what became the US by the British, French, Spanish and Dutch. I suggest you open a history book and look at the parties of the presidents who presided during slavery. I suggest you open a history book and try to understand that political parties evolve over time. I think you'll find, if you're willing to open the books and your mind, that the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln was very different from its current iteration.
Why do partisan extremists feel a need to slime truth and fabricate narratives to make their points? is it because you're so unsure of your beliefs? If your response is whatabouthillaryobama, then you're acknowledging you have no faith in your own position.
You see the results of institutional racism.
Most bubble dwellers aren't told of the impact the Civil Rights Act in the 60s had on the makeup of political parties. Once the Democrats started to make civil rights a reality they lost a large number of white southerners who hopped over to the GOP side. The GOP opened their doors wide and have been in bed with the racists ever since.
So yeah, talking about political parties and racism before and after that point in time show two different stories. I know, the bubble dwellers aren't told this, but sometimes I don't have the energy to correct them since they will say the same lie anyway. Maybe people who are more non-partisan will check out the story.
LOVE! The clip where the GOP-tea insaniholes threaten violence on Senator Cruz's wife.
The Republican Party: 'we'll beat your wife!'
Making American Hate Again only happens one threat of violence at a time.
Trump! 'Violence Is Our Reason And Our Goal'.
Because it gets us TV time!
Honestly, threatening Senator Cruz's wife?
That is the Republican Party since they were bought by Donald J. Trump and Uday and Cousay Trump?
"Why the disparity? Liberal socialist policies that keeps Blacks down and they keep voting for more and more government entitlements, they will never prosper or reach the level of people that work in the private sector, embrace self-reliance and avoid Big government like typhoid fever!" - comments (note: 656 words in source post)
If the comment wants to make social policy in the States, it would have better effect at Cleveland than the JT comment string.
Ted Cruz, Senator from Texas, was booed because he said Trump wasn't deserving of any American's vote.
That race is the subject of the comment seems far divergent from rejection of Trump's racist band of supporters and the GOP-tea.
Which is it? Some 600 words that ignore facts?
Or, the GOP-tea is so paranoid that Senator Cruz showed Trump is a paper tiger and his supporters nothing more than racists with a gauze of wealth protecting their hate by Trump's command?
I thought it was actually quite refreshing. A nice change from the stage-managed, fake, hollywood style of modern conventions.
Please tone down your rhetoric. Expressions like "Uday and Cousay Trump" are meaningless and reflect poorly on your ability to contribute anything meaningful to the discussion.
Would they actually be more satisfied if the man they constantly derided as "Lyin Ted" came out and told them he was going to vote for Trump?
I believe so, yes. That is how Cruz would have been awarded a speaking role in support of the nominee. Presumably the remarks given were not the ones that were submitted to convention organizers. Although I don't put much credence in a signed pledge being different from any other normal campaign promises. Didn't all candidates have to pledge party loyalty just to get on the ballot in South Carolina ?
I think Cruz will be OK since he has the evangelical vote in his pocket, which means he'll always have a base. What he doesn't get is that the evangelical base ain't what it used to be and won't be improving between now and 2020.
According to CNN, trump had seen a copy of cruz's speech a couple of hours ahead of time but let him go ahead anyway, perhaps hoping that he would not actually go through with it. But this is what I was referring to in my previous post - it was refreshing not to have the same old plastic, fake theater masquerading as reality that conventions have been for years. This was like a throwback to a past when there was real debate and real descension at conventions. Personally, I loathe cruz and see what he did as completely in charracter. But I give trump points for allowing it and bringing genuiness back to conventions. Its been a long time.