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Texas governor tests positive for COVID-19


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Gosh, what a shame. Of course, unlike the majority of his constituents, he’s vaccinated and thus well protected against serious illnesses.

Still, how kharmatic would it be for him to need an ICU bed only to learn that there aren’t any due to his governmental incompetence?

5 ( +13 / -8 )

This is the future for all of us. When everyone is vaccinated, getting the virus won't matter except for the 1% who cannot be vaccinated due to health reasons. For everyone else, my patience is very thin.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

The Governor of great state of Texas gets to join such luminaries as Dick Farrel, Cardinal Raymond Burke and maybe Herman Cain in the Covid-19 Hypocrisy Dishonor List. Now one has to ask if the governor will exercise better judgement in the state's Covid-19 policies or if he will remain a stubborn buttinsky to the end.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Vaccinated people can catch it and they can spread it.

Much less likely to get it and almost 0% likely (1 in 40,000 if fully vaccinated) to need hospitalization.

These are the facts and they are not in doubt.

7 ( +15 / -8 )

These are the facts and they are not in doubt.

They are like my 6yo looking for any and every excuse to do what they know very well they are supposed to do. Treat them like the sniveling little babies that they are.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

looking for any and every excuse to do what they know very well they are supposed to do. 

I should have said "looking for any and every excuse not to do what they know very well they are supposed to do" but was angry and made a mistake. Sorry but I and my family has to suffer because of stubborn idiots who refuse to acknowledge they have some obligations to the rest of us and it makes me mad.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

The positive test comes a day after Abbott tweeted a picture of himself not wearing a mask while speaking indoors near Dallas to a group of GOP supporters, most of whom were unmasked.

At that event, I wonder how many of Abbot's fellow QGOP supporters, especially those who were unmasked, had been vaccinated.

You would think some might have listened to their cult leader and higher power Trump and got vaccinated.

Instead some probably continued to believe some anonymous poster on 8Chan, parroting Chinese, maybe Russian anti-vaxx dis/misinformation. Or maybe they listen to a Rupert Murdoch entertainer who's paid to spread Murdoch's propaganda.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

And we think we have bad politicians in Japan. The difference is that most of the politicians in Japan are merely inept, whereas guys like this and the Florida governor seem to be corrupt to the core and aren't particularly bothered about it.

At least that's my non-US-citizen take on it. We've got some bad ones in the UK too, but in terms of flat-out conflict-of-interest nastiness, I think certain of the US states have us whipped.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Now, people, do you see why Abbott doesn't care about mandates? Fully vaccinated, gets tested everyday, and is receiving monoclonal antibody on taxpayer's dime. Wake ***** up, Texans.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

The Texas-light Governator, Abbott, afflicted by Covid! Biblical! Lord, have mercy!

9 ( +10 / -1 )

If he dies it will be a lesson in irony for the right wingers.

Not that they’ll learn anything. But the lesson will be there.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Abbott will get the best of treatment, all at taxpayers expense. Texans will pay for his stupidity.

However the people at the event Abbott attended last night, not a mask to be seen amongst the hundred odd older attendees, will not be so lucky.

People are going to fall sick and possibly die due to Abbott’s politics gymnastics.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Abbott is fully vaccinated, so mostly asymptotic signs that the vaccine is working.

However difficult to understand why he is getting Regeneron monoclonal antibody treatment?

Shouldn’t that go to someone who is really sick and more deserving?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I consider it my obligation to society to uphold the principles of basic human rights.

Your rights end when what you do or fail to do hurts others. You also stubbornly fail to acknowledge that with those rights you speak of come obligations. Get vaccinated, wear a mask and keep your distance from others. My 6yo boy can't get vaccinated yet and kids are getting very darned sick from the Delta variant. We don't need it and you have no right to impose it on us.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

People are going to fall sick and possibly die due to Abbott’s politics gymnastics

Texas just took delivery of five new refrigerated morgue trailers to accommodate the overflow of dead bodies, so no worries. Right?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Schadenfreude! Even if vaccinated, wear a mask. Vaccination means you probably won't die from it - or even get seriously ill - but you can still catch and transmit it. I'm vaccinated but still mask up.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Wake ***** up, Texans.

Pffft. You can always tell a Texan but you can't tell them much.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Abbott will get the best of treatment, all at taxpayers expense

He should go to a public hospital and stand in line with his constituents and suffer like they do, waiting for someone to die to clear a space in the ICU, but like a lot of Texas Republicans he's all hat and no cattle.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

To answer the real question anti-vaxxers are asking, yes, you are driving the problem and making it worse for everyone.

With that out of the way, ask your standard irrelevant questions.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Another prominent person who is vaccinated yet got COVID anyway.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

I'm sorry but I don't consider it my obligation to keep your 6 year old 100% safe from all danger and alive forever.

Refusing to be vaccinated, wear a face mask or social distance during a pandemic is knowingly, willingly and recklessly endangering others including my family. It is also causing new variants to emerge and prolonging this misery for everyone. You do not have a human right to do that. You have an obligation to do everything in your power to stop the spread of this pandemic. Everyone has to do their part or innocent people suffer for the selfishness of the few. This is not forever but the longer people refuse to do the right things the longer this misery lasts. Thank you all very effing much for your kind consideration on the matter.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

He is a great governor.

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

What lesson would that be, seeing as he is vaccinated?

If he dies it will be a lesson in irony for the right wingers.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Another prominent person who is vaccinated yet got COVID anyway.

Yep. And? What's your point?


Vaccines can stop most people from getting sick with COVID-19, but not everyone.

Even after someone takes all of the recommended doses and waits a few weeks for immunity to build up, there is still a chance that they can get infected. Vaccines do not provide full (100%) protection, so ‘breakthrough infections’ – where people get the virus, despite having been fully vaccinated – will occur. 

2 ( +5 / -3 )

So, all the Trump supporters here are saying that the "Trump vaccine" doesn't work....

That Operation Warp Speed was another Trump scam, a failure and a wasted effort....

That anyone like Trump who says the vaccine is safe and effective is lying and spreading dangerous medical misinformation...


2 ( +5 / -3 )

Abbott was against using a mask, which costs around $1, instead he wanted daily testing, costing a few hundred dollars and now the Regeneron treatment, costing thousands of dollars.

I have to say he is the perfect poster boy for the former administration.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Yet more proof that the vaccine does not stop transmission of the virus.

Vaccinated people can catch it and they can spread it.

I’m really getting tired of these kinds of statements that have been addressed so many times!

There is no need for “more proof” that “vaccinated people can catch…” the virus. No vaccine is 100% effective and without including the rest of the story these comments are just misleading! Sure there is a VERY VERY SMALL chance of a vaccinated person catching the virus, something like less than 1%, but the persons habits (mask, no mask, etc) certainly have an affect.

Please be honest in these posts and stop trying to mislead others by cherry picking and using only half of a fact.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

A Reporter interviews Gov Abbott....

Gov Abbott, since you were vaccinated but still got the virus, does this mean that Operation Warp Speed was a failure?


OK, let's try another question; Could you have caught the virus because neither you or the people you interacted with were wearing masks?


Hmmm, OK, let's try one more; How many other people, to include your family, have you possibly exposed to the virus because you refuse to wear a mask?


2 ( +3 / -1 )

*The positive test comes a day after Abbott tweeted a picture of himself not wearing a mask while speaking indoors near Dallas to a group o*f GOP supporters, most of whom were unmasked.

But he’s already vaccinated, how did he get it?

At that event, I wonder how many of Abbot's fellow QGOP supporters, especially those who were unmasked, had been vaccinated. 

Like in California, the model state of mask wearing, social distancing and vaccination?


You would think some might have listened to their cult leader and higher power Trump and got vaccinated. 

They listend to Newsom and even in Illinois the numbers are going all of a sudden-1,466,813 infected 26,123 deaths

Instead some probably continued to believe some anonymous poster on 8Chan, parroting Chinese, maybe Russian anti-vaxx dis/misinformation. Or maybe they listen to a Rupert Murdoch entertainer who's paid to spread Murdoch's propaganda.

Ok, now you're just somewhere in the air…..

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

I just don't like this pandemic to be used as political way, republicans were proud themselves on Texas and Florida with great success to battle the virus, but these kind of slogans proved misleading while the governor suffers the consequence of being positive.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Oh nooooooo...not him. Anyone but him. If the good Lord takes away such a pandemic luminary, who will save us from the virus? Fetch me a fainting couch.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Abbott has been vaccinated, so hopefully he should be OK. Besides that, he's an idiot for not being more of a pro-mask, pro-vaccine governor. He's (along with that stupid FL gov.) a dumb ass disaster are far as state governors go.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

At this point the anti-vaxxers are clinging on for dear life by pretending we haven't told them collectively a hundred times about how vaccines and masks work.

"But but but....he was vaccinated and everyone here says it's impossible to get it if you've been vaccinated!!!!"

"But but but...he was vaccinated and everyone here says vaccinated people can't spread it!!!!!"

I give it another 30 days, tops.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

But he’s already vaccinated, how did he get it?

What part of "Vaccines do not provide full (100%) protection, so ‘breakthrough infections’ will occur. " do you not understand? Is the syntax too difficult for you? Or the vocabulary, maybe?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

understand it completely. vaccine does not prevent getting COVID nor the ability to transmit, correct.

But why are vaccinated people discussed differently from unvaccinated when talking about getting or transmitting COVID? its the same ability in both groups. Only difference is vaccinated people get less sick. good for them but doesnt help the people they can still transmit it to as Fauci said the viral load is the same.

What also is not understood is why you attack vaccinated conservatives and talk about their potential death being a lesson. dont you want people vaccinated?

He was vaccinated. What is to criticize?

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

So, all the Trump supporters here are saying that the "Trump vaccine" doesn't work....

Not surprisingly, Similar messages are being posted by the usual China/Russia/Rupert Murdoch/Qanon/anti-democracy-pro-authoritarianism parrots.

Rusia and China want their respective big pharma to prevail against 'western' big pharma.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Russia and China want their respective big pharma to prevail against 'western' big pharma.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

so back to the question, why are liberals criticizing and mocking a fully vaccinated person?

Just because he is a conservative, right?

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

so back to the question, why are liberals criticizing and mocking a fully vaccinated person?

Because his policies are idiotic.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

understand it completely. vaccine does not prevent getting COVID nor the ability to transmit, correct.

Yes they do, not completely, but so is everything else in life, wearing a seat belt do not guarantee 100% that you will survive a crash, but saying they don't help is simply wrong.

But why are vaccinated people discussed differently from unvaccinated when talking about getting or transmitting COVID? its the same ability in both groups.

No it is not, vaccinated people do not become symptomatic in the same rates as unvaccinated people, those that do do not remain symptomatic for the same period, and more importantly they do not progress towards complications and death as frequently as unvaccinated people.

good for them but doesnt help the people they can still transmit it to as Fauci said the viral load is the same.

Viral loads reach the same peak but only for those that become symptomatic (a lesser percentage in vaccinated people) and this peak is not maintained for the same length of time (again shorter for vaccinated people). Misrepresenting results and overgeneralizing is just disinformation.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

why are liberals criticizing and mocking a fully vaccinated person? 

Just because he is a conservative, right?

The irony that you are whining about hyper-partisanship.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Texas Gov Greg Abbott tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday, according to his office, who said the Republican is in good health and experiencing no symptoms.

Well, as I'm sure all the pro-Trump Evangelicals are saying; "God's will"....

The positive test comes a day after Abbott tweeted a picture of himself not wearing a mask while speaking indoors near Dallas to a group of GOP supporters, most of whom were unmasked.

Yes indeed, just yesterday Abbott was hosting a huge fund-raising event where almost everyone was mask-less....can we all say; "super-spreader event"?

Jack DeSimone, president of the Republican Club at Heritage Ranch, said he did not like “to have conversations like this” and declined to comment further on Abbott's appearance with the group.

A man of few words....maybe he's in the ICU....

And we just found out that Abbott even had a booster shot.... Hmmmm...half of his citizens are un-vaccinated yet he has had his 3rd shot... What a leader....

I hope Texas' third-world electrical grid can handle all the ventilators...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

But why are vaccinated people discussed differently from unvaccinated when talking about getting or transmitting COVID? its the same ability in both groups. Only difference is vaccinated people get less sick

No, it's not 'the same ability'.

If you are vaccinated, you are less likely to be infected with Covid-19, and if you do get infected you are less likely to become seriously ill or die.

If you are vaccinated and you become infected with Covid-19, you are less likely to infect others and make them ill. (Assuming that you are not totally stupid, and don't go around holding meetings indoors with hordes of unmasked people who may or may not be vaccinated/infected.)

Fauci said the viral load is the same

Yes, in breakthrough cases of the delta variant among those who are fully vaccinated. Fauci said this to explain why people should continue to wear a mask even after they are vaccinated, not as a put-down of vaccinations.


He was vaccinated. What is to criticize?

He didn't wear a mask, in a room of other people also not wearing masks.

I don't know Gov Abbott, no idea about his politics, and I don't really care; I hope he gets well soon.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Russia and China want their respective big pharma to prevail against 'western' big pharma.

Hmmm…more conspiracy theories?

Not surprisingly, Similar messages are being posted by the usual China/Russia/Rupert Murdoch/Qanon/anti-democracy-pro-authoritarianism parrots. 

For someone who rails against Trump and conservatives you read a lot on these groups. Relax.


-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Texas just took delivery of five new refrigerated morgue trailers to accommodate the overflow of dead bodies, so no worries. Right?

But how will the morgue trailers get electricity if Texas has another major winter storm that knocks out the state's stand-alone power system, like happened last year.

If Texas has another major weather event, many Texans probably will not be able to afford to fly off to Cancun, like Cosplay Ted Cruz did.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The former guy denied the virus, it's risk etc till he got it. Then he scurried off to the hospital tail between legs.

And then he lost the election, because even bigots dont like hypocrites.

Looks like Abbott is going the same way.

Watch out for home sampled up bigoted rhetoric as he desperately tries to defend his idiocy.

Cancun ted and Abbott, Texas's finest have some hard times ahead for them!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Maybe you were trying for a bit of humor.

Sadly, no, but when I’m funny, I’m funny! I’m serious on this one

**80% of the grid's winter capacity, or 67 gigawatts, could be generated by natural gas, coal and some nuclear power.***

Keep the oil, natural gas flowing.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

They are like my 6yo looking for any and every excuse to do what they know very well they are supposed to do. Treat them like the sniveling little babies that they are.

Does that include the low percentage of African Americans and Hispanic Americans that have the vaccine? I thought they were in your demographic. What happened with that?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Does that include the low percentage of African Americans and Hispanic Americans that have the vaccine? I thought they were in your demographic. What happened with that?

Most minorities don’t get the vaccine overwhelming, particularly blacks. They’re skeptical and I don’t blame them.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Worse, they kill the birds.

I did mention that, imagine how much power those birds can generate.

Hmmm, I trust the oil industry more. An electric 1976 Mustang Classic? Nope, don’t think so.

Totally me too, they may pollute, cause accidents that kill people, sea-life and birds. But they have a lot of money and who wouldn't trust people with money!!

And that 7% is screwing up the State.

Yes, who cares if the 93% doesn't work. well, breaks down, fleeces its customers.

Can't have the 7% clean energy affecting the other 93%.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Maybe you were trying for a bit of humor...failed though....just like the gas lines....

Sadly, no, but when I’m funny, I’m funny! I’m serious on this one

Having served together in Afghanistan I can totally vouch he has no sense of humor!!!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

It is my obligation as a citizen to treat your 6 year old with care, respect and dignity and to protect them from obvious danger.

Agreed. Get the vaccine.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

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