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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.The questions about Biden's age and fitness are reminiscent of another campaign: Reagan's in 1984
By LAURIE KELLMAN©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
The people who supported him as just as culpable.
Peter Neil
books were written how reagan was “bored” in his second term and spent most his time in his pajamas in the east wing.
trump was rarely in the oval office, spending his time watching tv in the east wing and calling it “executive time.”
biden can’t get moving before 10 or 11 in the morning, takes an afternoon nap and can’t work past 4 pm.
why is it so difficult for people to accept that neither are up to the job. lbj declined to run for re-election for the good of the country. he knew of his unpopularity.
nixon resigned for the good of the country.
we're living in an age void of statesmen, those who think of the nation more than themselves. you’re witness to it. if you’re young, your children will asking you as they grow up what they heck your generation was thinking.
Trump is also knocking on his 80s. These men should not be running for POTUS.
It's not about Joe Biden's age. Joe Biden has Dementia and it is getting worse day by day. That's the issue.
I honestly think Biden has Alzheimer’s, his demeanor and how he responds, and this from watching him. I have at the moment someone in my family that is going through the same thing and yes, it’s worsening by the day, you can see the telltale signs.
The Dems know his condition for a long time and yet, they still selfishly pushed this guy to do his job, at his advanced age decline, and mental cognitive abilities.
blue in green
Comparing Reagan to Biden?
Reagan had respect for himself, the office, and the American people.
The press can put out all the "what about" stories 'till the cows come home,
but the man who took a pen and signed a pile of EO's, that took a wrecking ball to America's economy, way of life, and well being, won't be blamed on dementia.
Resign Joe!
Should be mandatory retirement age for politicians!
The fact that this is “news” shows how facetious mainstream media and the White House press has been. Many of us have seen his decline for years but the media has been routinely shielding the public to this. Biden as well has been lying about the economy, border patrol endorsing him and claiming that jobs people returned to after the pandemic were “new jobs” but this article states blanket statements about Trump lying without even mentioning one as if this is something everyone agrees on.
Media’s taking sides has a big hand in dividing and weakening the country. It’s sad how biased everything is these days and different news outlets have different statistics (for example Newsweek says more Covid deaths occurred under Trump and Reuters numbers showed Biden’s figures are almost double compared to Trump’s time).
Trump’s “lies” include - Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation” but was all too true. Did media apologize? Ivermectin is safe to use is another one. Trump closed the border and was called racist. But if Biden dies this, there is no coverage of AOC crying at the border. It’s all too obvious where media stands on all these issues.
Media must be fair and balanced and seek to present both sides of the story.
It is interesting that as little as a month ago, stating the obvious in a comment here regarding Biden's mental decline, would have been immediately removed for violating something.
It has been clearly obvious for at least 2 years that Biden is in cognitive decline.
Joe Biden Is finished. When you're that old and stubborn with a debilitating brain disease the family must make tough choices. The challenge is the family wants to hold on to power till the end with no regard for what's best for the country.
We have evidence of this in today's political scene. The choice is clear.
One of Reagan's greatest successes was using the skill of convenient forgetfulness to evade any responsibility for one of the greatest scandals in American history, Iran/Contra.
Funding death squads, drug running into American inner cities and starting off a crack cocaine epidemic, funding one of America's enemies; it was dirty dealings on an epic scale.
I would vote for a comatose Biden before that perpetually lying convicted felon he'll bent on destroyIng the country to preserve his power and own rear end.
No President is perfect, but overall his accomplishments were absolutely solid which helped more Americans to achieve financial prosperity.
To be clear, that was the Colombo family that was largely responsible for that in the East Coast and 18th street, Crips and the Bloods along the West Coast.
Economic Recovery: Implemented “Reaganomics” with tax cuts and deregulation, boosting the economy.
End of the Cold War: Contributed to the Soviet Union’s collapse through military build-up and diplomacy.
Tax Reform Act of 1986: Simplified the tax code and reduced tax rates.
Strengthening the Military: Increased defense spending to enhance national security.
Strategic Defense Initiative: Launched a missile defense program known as “Star Wars.”
Immigration Reform: Passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act, granting amnesty to millions.
Conservative Judiciary: Appointed conservative judges, including three Supreme Court justices.
Anti-Communism: Supported anti-communist movements globally.
War on Drugs: Expanded federal efforts to combat drug abuse.
Republican Influence: Strengthened the Republican Party and shifted American politics rightward.
I do not believe media's job is to be fair and balanced, I do believe media outlets should be honest, for me to get a sense of what the far right are reading I check up on what Rupert Murdoch and Sinclair Broadcasting are reporting, and I see what to me is extreme bias, but I know both are for profit corporations trying to attract more viewers and more ad revenue, and millions of Americans want to be told by them what to think. Neither Murdoch nor Sinclair have criticized Trump's wack rants about Hannibal Lector, sharks and whales, but both love to show clips of Biden walking unsteadily, also both media giants love to report on crime in the US, usually by trying to blame those problems on 'others'. I said the outlets should be honest, but also think the candidates should be. I do not blame Biden as much as I blame the Democrat Party nabobs, for not having a better candidate, same with the GOP for pushing a failed human, most likely suffering from dementia, on top of delusions of grandeur, sociopathy and narcissistic impairment plus obesity, which is a great contributor to dementia.
Mr Kipling
In polls 33% said that Reagan was too old to be President. In a poll before Biden's disaster of a debate, that number was 67%.
Joe, you need to go.
Interesting list of 'accomplishments' you have there. Kind of like Trump's 289 accomplishments during his admin?
Quite a list of accomplishments which redound to the American people to this day.
High Court Judges in Australia must retire at age 70 years.
Seems like a good system, although designed from an earlier time of Federation.
Really think this, or similar, should apply to Leaders and Presidents.
Shame on USA for not putting up better candidates from both parties.
What a choice.
It’s been obvious that the US President is mentally unfit.
All types of excuses have been floated by Jean-Pierre as to why there should be no cognitive test given.
It seems that we live in a fictional world where ‘not being fit for the job’ is just dandy.
No, their job is to be fair and honest, always and that’s because they are the people we empower that can get close to the people in power and to ask them questions that “we” “the people” cannot.
And the left….
No, that’s not what they they do, everyone has the right in the USA to watch and consume whatever media they want, it seems like the left has feverishly tried for 4 years to force feed Americans to think a certain way, free speech was severely either limited or blocked, you were not allowed to question the government, the media or medical industry, the 4 most powerful progressive liberalists have tried and almost succeeded in pushing a liberal one point of worldview.
They have numerous times, but as you said, it’s a rant, you alight and move on.
And this is why the Dems are in the political mess that they find themselves currently in, they tried to hide Biden’s declining mental cognitive health, it has nothing to do with glee, he is the leader of the most powerful nation in the world, every American has the right and should know good or bad how his health is, at one point, the Dems could hide it, but not now.
I definitely blame Jill Biden for not protecting her husband.
That would be primarily the fault of James Clyburn and his caucus to support Biden’s Candidacy as long as he adds Kamala Harris to the ticket. There was never any real enthusiasm on the left for Biden as first choice for President.
No dementia, last 4 cognitive tests didn’t show anything remotely close to it.
Trump said, anytime the Dems want a medical mental cognitive and documented report he is willing to give it, and asked the Dems do the same with Biden, the Biden camp refused. So there you go.
Yes, there’s a lot more.
Turned California into a domestic and global powerhouse, so yeah, the man was fantastic.
Zelig redux?
""I will not make age an issue of this campaign," Reagan said to the question he knew was coming in perhaps the most famous mic-drop moment in campaign history. "I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience.""
Pres. Reagan was a skillful talented communicator, gifted , and an Actor. He knew how to put on the right show at the right time.
Mr. Reagan is a hard to come by leader, once in a life time we may get lucky and have one like him.
RIP Sir.
If America works to Pres. Biden work Hours and schedule it will go out of business.
Gee sure get animated about your side of politics.
Not so much analysis, eg. usually call the Dems "the left " which I find hilarious.
Nothing to joke about. It’s serious. Alzheimer is no joke. Very sad, and depressing.
marc laden
I am a strong liberal lefti:st... AKA democrat..
I was only watching MSNBC and CNN etc... And only read Washington post and NY times, And online news JT...... here..
I trusted all of your says and writings..100% ... I swallowed everything you said about BIden ... About his health, ' youth fullness , his BRAIN,,,,, his braincells, and about his capability ... his photographic memory etc... etc... after all he was superman until June 27... AND TRUMP was a dead man walking.. he had no memory and his brain was dead for 23 seconds...( according to the above medias). I believed and and i was living with these utopia for the last 3 and a half years..
NOW I come to know the real truth with my own eyes... We were cheated for last 4 years... lie after lie .. brainwashed by the élite masters who are and were controlling the white house and entire nation. They used us as their slave to make money and control the power . Biden and Kamala are just puppets....
Look around the world .. All nations are laughing at us... what a shame ...
Any how still I am a slave ..... Masters please feed me with more super man news ...
No, not a all, I just point out political hypocrisy
Depends on the topic
And on that note, the denying part is why the left are losing
Aly Rustom
I also think Biden should step aside.
marc laden
Now after the world come to know that the king was naked.. KING IS STILL NAKED...
Democrats wants Biden and TRUMP should go ..
These kind of reporting will not meet the ends...
We lost our trust in these fake media..
We saw with our own eyes WHAT IS TRUMP,,, his capabilities ... he is energetic for next 10 years...
WHY YOU PEOPLE still make Trump to BIDEN???????
You people think we are that stupid??? yes may be 50% among the democrats. BUT NOT ALL.