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Minneapolis overwhelmed again by protests over Floyd death


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“I’m outraged,” he said of the Floyd case. “But I’m also sad. The injustice has been going on for so long. It’s been swelling for years.”

And the Trump - Pence admin backed by southern senators like Mitch McConnell, their media and their base/s continue to refuse to acknowledge the injustices.

Anyone even slightly familiar with US history - and what's going on in the US today - and willing to try to understand that most Black, Hispanic, Asian and Native peoples, in addition to some European peoples, have been forced to deal with institutional racism ever since the first Europeans invaded the Americas can understand why there's so much anger within those communities.

But it's an election year; Trump etal know they need to maintain the support of the white nationalists in their bases/s. They'll continue to ignore why so many people, even many from their own ethnic demographic, are so angry.

0 ( +15 / -15 )

This is in the media all around the world, and it does the U.S. a lot of damage that will become evident over the next few years. I'm a Canadian, and every Canadian I know has refused to visit the U.S. for the past several years. This homicide by a cop will only exacerbate that mind-set.

10 ( +17 / -7 )

the fight for justice for George Floyd has been hijacked by antifa-type anti-capitalist syndicoanarchist people. These groups, which are predominantly white

Is that the newest theory you have of a conspiracy?

-1 ( +14 / -15 )

America is the scariest country to travel and visit in the world...

2 ( +13 / -11 )

This is because the fight for justice for George Floyd has been hijacked by antifa-type anti-capitalist syndicoanarchist people. 


-4 ( +4 / -8 )

"America is the scariest country to travel and visit in the world..." Dinesh....you can't be serious. lol!!!!!

6 ( +11 / -5 )

The coroner's report: Courtesy of Ramsey County Sheriff's Office via AP

The report said that it was the "combined effect of Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions, and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death."Floyd was 46 when he died. He had underlying health conditions, including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease, according to the report.

Looking at the video available, it seems like Floyd was not totally cooperative; somewhere between cooperating and resisting. You could hear him say is was claustrophobic and did not want to be in the police car, but I guess he was okay with driving his Mercedes SUV?? He was claustrophobic thinking about have to spent 10 to 15 years in the slammer for committing a federal crime of knowingly passing off counterfeit bills...

-9 ( +8 / -17 )

And the Trump - Pence admin backed by southern senators like Mitch McConnell, their media and their base/s continue to refuse to acknowledge the injustices. 

You were on the phone with Mitch?

Anyone even slightly familiar with US history - and what's going on in the US today - and willing to try to understand that most Black, Hispanic, Asian and Native peoples, in addition to some European peoples, have been forced to deal with institutional racism ever since the first Europeans invaded the Americas can understand why there's so much anger within those communities.

I agree and I’m deeply aware of that history and you’re right, but that doesn’t excuse the attacks on property, destroying CNN or looting, vandalism an Autozone has nothing to do with racial and civil injustice

But it's an election year; Trump etal know they need to maintain the support of the white nationalists in their bases/s.

What a bunch of horse....that comment in itself is racist. By the way, there were an awfully a lot of White people in these crowds that were causing destructions in mostly Black owned cities, now how did that happen? How is it that so many leftist Whites got caught up in something that doesn’t essentially concern them?

They'll continue to ignore why so many people, even many from their own ethnic demographic, are so angry.

You can be angry, I’m angry, but again, why do liberals make excuses for accepting and tolerating bad behavior? Now look at LA, these idiots decided to move up to “the Grove” and getting closer to Beverly Hills to cause more damage to the more White and affluent part of the city, in other words, innocent store owners have to face the hard reality the Anarchists are coming and these innocent people are about to lose their livelihood and for what? Justifiable? Animals!

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

America is the scariest country to travel and visit in the world...

Only when you have these out of control riots like now.

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

Americans have to take back their streets from 2 groups:

Thugs in bandanas burning and looting at will.

Thugs in uniform beating and choking at will.

and I would add a thug in the White House dividing the country at will to suit his own agenda....

2 ( +13 / -11 )

They're exploiting George Floyd's death to attempt to usher in their vision of a government-less chaotic world

That is an utterly ridiculous and baseless comment.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Only when you have these out of control riots like now.

And other times, e.g. when so many thugs - of all ethnic groups and classes - have access to weapons carried only by police and the military in other countries.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

 why do liberals make excuses for accepting and tolerating bad behavior? N

Why do national socialists and others in the alt right want to sweep America's long standing problems with racism under the carpet.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Mr. Noidall can you read? Floyd did not die from asphyxiation -- although it was bad police procedure (pointed out by many in law enforcement) the knee on his neck was not the primary cause of death. Floyd's poor health and intoxicants were also contributing factors. Once again, if Floyd would have obeyed police commands, he would be alive today -- do you understand that???

-14 ( +5 / -19 )

Floyd's poor health and intoxicants were also contributing factors.

The pandemic deniers are also police brutality deniers.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

*Mayor Jacob Frey said the people who are coming to Minneapolis to protest are not residents and are "coming in largely from outside the city."*

*"Our Minneapolis residents are scared and rightfully so. We've seen longterm institutional businesses overridden. We've seen community institutions set on fire. And I want to be very, very clear. The people that are doing this are not Minneapolis residents," he said at a news briefing on Saturday.*

Seems I have to do the AP’s job for them, unless of course this article is just “controlling the narrative stuff”.

This protest/violence has transcended the death of Floyd, with the help of whoever.

I believe this was a setup! Those bricks are up the street from some very expensive shops in Downtown Dallas!


Invalid CSRF

invalid CSRF

3 ( +4 / -1 )

This is....why.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

 Fortunately, America evolved to include all people as equals within the system

The various laws enacted in the 1950's definitely helped deal with the problems experienced since 1776. Unfortunately their enforcement continues to be applied situationally. Once more, when, according to MAGA-ites, was America great? And can it really be said to have been 'great' if so many non-whites, and even whites, were blatantly discriminated against.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Is that the newest theory you have of a conspiracy?

It is not a conspiracy theory that Domestic terrorism hijacked peaceful protesting.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Mr. Noidall are saying Floyd should not have been arrested for passing counterfeit money -- a federal crime???

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

And other times, e.g. when so many thugs - of all ethnic groups and classes - have access to weapons carried only by police and the military in other countries.

More excuses, please continue...in other words, let me continue this faux outrage and I don’t want to be stopped, the police have No right to call for civil order!

Why do national socialists and others in the alt right want to sweep America's long standing problems with racism under the carpet

Why do national Anarchists and others in the alt-left want to sweep America's long standing problems with racism under the carpet?

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

“We do not have the numbers,” Walz said. “We cannot arrest people when we are trying to hold ground.”

I’ve seen the above retweeted to encourage more to come out and protest. Maybe the information is not a good idea to reveal.

justice for George Floyd has been hijacked by antifa-type anti-capitalist syndicoanarchist people. *

The same people in HK are considered Freedom Fighters so you’re taking the line of thinking of the CCP.

Trump has lost control of the country. Troubled by Twitter marking up his tweets causing him to a very bad day.

Threatening enraged protestors will not help the situation. His “when looting starts shooting starts” isn't helping as the 3rd precinct is burned down along with many businesses.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Mr. Noidall are saying Floyd should not have been arrested for passing counterfeit money -- a federal crime???

A man gets brutally subdued for allegedly using a fake $20 bill to buy food is the modern day equivalent of swiping bread for his family. Even the Amish are outraged and protesting.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Pallets full of bricks are Magically appearing on street corners.

WHO the heck is doing this? There are cameras everywhere, they should be able to bust these people EASILY.


4 ( +7 / -3 )

Michael Vick served more time in jail for killing a dog than all the cops combined who have killed the last 493 unarmed black MEN. Let that sink in.

Donald Trump, Central Park Karen Amy Cooper, the McMichael’s in the Ahmad Arbery case and the ex cop’s in the George Floyd case are representations of the systematic racism and institutionalized white supremacy that’s is and has been plaguing America since its inception.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Pallets full of bricks are Magically appearing on street corners.

WHO the heck is doing this? There are cameras everywhere, they should be able to bust these people EASILY.

Vivid imaginations are dastardly difficult to catch on film.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

The various laws enacted in the 1950's definitely helped deal with the problems experienced since 1776. Unfortunately their enforcement continues to be applied situationally.

Then these people shouldn’t continue to vote Democrat.

Once more, when, according to MAGA-ites, was America great?

For millions yes and that includes minorities.

And can it really be said to have been 'great' if so many non-whites, and even whites, were blatantly discriminated against.

If people want to hold a grudge and a chip on their shoulder and dwell on the past it won’t and never will be, but for the people that look ahead and won’t and will never allow the past to blind them or slow any meaningful and positive progress in their lives by looking forward and to the future, those are the Americans that will always succeed.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

It is a noxious combination: America's history of racism, the president's stoking of division, unfairness and economic exploitation and the pandemic and revelatory power of communication technologies.

Imagine how many George Floyd's were murdered before there were smartphones to record it and the internet to disseminate it?

0 ( +9 / -9 )

OH LOOK at all of you who disagree with the riots. Then call yourselves Americans, if you even are.

Americans are born out of our affinity to be disobedient. You had your Boston Tea Party, now another group of people are having theirs.

You want peaceful protests? What a laugh! Colin Kaepernick protested peacefully. What did you do to him? He was showing people and those with a platform to protest positively how to do it. Trump called him Un-American. He was booed from the nose-bleeders at the games. He kneeled for 116 seconds. The cop kneeled on this guys neck for 8min and 46 seconds. Oh there are going to be more than just boos now.

Remember a bunch of black athletes who raised their fists in the air? They weren't rioting and looting. They were protesting. Look how White America, then President and it's administration treated them.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I hear people say, stop rioting, you can solve this problem in November. Oh yeah, do you really think Americans have faith in the election process? Hillary wins the popular vote, but still loses? NO, they don't trust American's electoral voting system.

So this what you have now. Riots! It's going to continue, Coronavirus or not. America has had Civil War in the past to deal with ourselves. If that's what it takes, then it will come.

Our disobedience is the way to our freedom! It has always been so throughout history. Only those who are at the top say stop beating at the foundation that has put them on a pedestal If it has to all burn down to get the point across that police brutality and racial profiling has to end, then so be it. Those people are fed up and rightfully so.

P.S: For a moment there I thought Americans could stomach anything. Be glad they have a mechanism that makes them vomit when they a man murdered in cold blood by the police.

3 ( +12 / -9 )

Good luck to all people there - black, white, asian, everyone - fighting back at the brutal thugs known as "police". I hope they win their battles, and teach them a lesson.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

White people in these crowds that were causing destructions in mostly Black owned cities, now how did that happen? How is it that so many leftist Whites got caught up in something that doesn’t essentially concern them?

young white and jobless due to "shelter in place" and other polices....a catalyst for stress becomes violence... but all justified by "care" for Floyd

Leftist logic...always hypocritical and fake, but concealed in such good intentions.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

America has had Civil War in the past to deal with ourselves. If that's what it takes, then it will come.

I think you want to say revolt, not civil war. And by the way, only 15% of the population back in the 1770’s participated in the revolution. So I hope you’re not holding your breath for this.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Then these people shouldn’t continue to vote Democrat

These people? I'm white and I don't want to vote Trump since I don't want the failed TrumpCare. I have nothing to do with these protests but Trump and TrumpCare are screwing me over with skyrocketing healthcare costs. Trump has really screwed the white man like me

8 ( +10 / -2 )

@TrevorPeace Guess you don't know any Canadians: Canadian residents returned from 43.8 million trips to the United States in 2019.

5 ( +5 / -0 )


Nice try, hijacking the situation, but a look at the picture and CNN reporting shows many young whities alongside black youths, hypin it up and destroying everything. If a supremacist exploits that, that is collateral from what the spoiled white kids started; thats not who started the whole thing, b ring it back to ground zero and reality, thanks.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Far-Right Infiltrators and Agitators in George Floyd Protests: Indicators of White Supremacists


Suspicious Man Breaks Window & Starts Minneapolis Riots

You always, always tell a partial part of the story.


“The absolute chaos — this is not grieving, and this is not making a statement [about an injustice] that we fully acknowledge needs to be fixed — this is dangerous,” Walz said. “You need to go home.”

Implying that organized outsiders, perhaps including anarchists, white supremacists and drug cartel agents from outside Minnesota, were contributing to the chaos, Walz said, “The sheer number of rioters has made it impossible to make coherent arrests. ... The capacity to be able to do offensive action was greatly diminished” by the sheer scope and seemingly carefully organized nature of the assaults.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

So this what you have now. Riots! It's going to continue, Coronavirus or not. America has had Civil War in the past to deal with ourselves. If that's what it takes, then it will come

Lol. You think its 1865? Several countries would love to see that descent into chaos, roll in and take your spot, then teach you spoiled ones how to control yourself.

The spoiled ones would then be crying for the good ole days.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

With 40+ million people recently unemployed, with a multitude more out of work yet uncounted, I find absolutely no surprise in the size and ferocity of these protests.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

what these people are doing is making things worse because, initially, the city and police were sympathetic, even perhaps remorseful to their cause, but due to their self destructive behavior, domestic terrorism and endangering the public, they have now ruined any chance of an establishment change and made the system even more biased against them.

Obviously, not the smartest bunch, but expected.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Sort of looks like one of those movies they so dearly love to produce. Except it's not.

A deeply troubled nation, the US.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

so how do you explain away the video?


The attack was blamed on black protestors.

Lol, that doesn’t mean the person was a White Supremacist, you can’t prove or disprove, but to say it was a WS without a single shred of evidence is exactly why we don’t need this kind of disinformation.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Far-Right Infiltrators and Agitators in George Floyd Protests: Indicators of White Supremacists


Suspicious Man Breaks Window & Starts Minneapolis Riots



Or maybe it could be ANTIFA posing as white supremacists posing as Black Lives Matter.

Sheesh. Anything to blame it all on Trump eh?

Charles Manson is dead right? Maybe not.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

How could things get so bad that American police officers feel safe in murdering a man in broad daylight, in public, and on camera? No wonder people are upset.

These demonstrations are a repudiation of the racism and hatred that a certain person has been promoting all of his life, well before he got into the White House.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

Is that the newest theory you have of a conspiracy?


Even a cursory look at the news and social media AND the caption to this article shows that there is no conspiracy theory-plenty of white people engaged in subversive activity.

Strangerland needs to be more attentive to the news...

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

a look at the picture and CNN reporting shows many young whities alongside black youths, hypin it up and destroying everything. If a supremacist exploits that, that is collateral from what the spoiled white kids started; thats not who started the whole thing

And here is the problem exemplified. Black and white people rioting together, but it must have been the black man who started it all.

And then they wonder why the people protest.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

You are the one with selective information.

You're too kind. He's an out and out liar, gas lighter and bigot. Amazing to think he gets paid to vomit this stuff out every day.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

so how do you explain away the video?


The attack was blamed on black protestors.

One man broke a window, so all of the subsequent destruction and riots are his fault? I don't know about you, but my reaction when I see someone smashing a window isn't to join in and start looting.

Much like the Rodney King riots, these are not really race riots. The media likes to paint that narrative. It's a bunch of entitled goons stealing "free stuff." Like a party. Look at their faces... very few of them are angry. Many are smiling and joking.

This is the inevitable result of tribal politics, the media and politicians playing people against people, victimization and entitlement culture - couple with oppressive laws and thuggish police being given pretty much free rein.

This why I am happy to stay in Japan, despite its many problems. Too many people in America hate each other, and their values are screwed up. It's going to get much worse.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

And the Trump - Pence admin backed by southern senators like Mitch McConnell, their media and their base/s continue to refuse to acknowledge the injustices.

@serranoblah blah blah

There it is; another example of a Trump supporting alt rightist admitting they care zip about the injustices done to 'others'. Trump's white nationalist base, after all.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Can we please bring the discussion back to what really matters: Stopping Twitter from fact-checking Trump’s tweets.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

These demonstrations are a repudiation of the racism and hatred that a certain person has been promoting all of his life, well before he got into the White House.

I think you're being too hard on Barack Obama.

All right, all right, I know you're referring to Donald Trump. Amazing how for all his life he was never "racist" until he ran for president. Also amazing is how all virtually Americans, regardless of race were benefiting from the economic boom he facilitated with the tax cuts and deregulation.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

President Trump, needs to refrain from social media outbursts.

President Trump, lack of political diplomacy, is reflected in the absence of an oratorical skill, to evoke the“politics” of command, to shift attitudes to counter the deteriorating situation.

George Floyd demise is brutal and unnecessary.

Officer Chauvin, the police officer accused of an act of gross police malfeasance, must face due process of law.

Not the media.

Of course, easy for one viewing from a arm chair.

Be aware, the Government of China , under the cover of this lunacy, is jack-booting any semblance left of Hong Kong one country two systems.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Amazing how for all his life he was never "racist" until he ran for president. 

This is simply untrue.

His racism (and other failings) have been well-documented for years, the Central Park 5 and his landlord days.

Why do the far right persist in spreading untruths?

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

@commenteervery few of them are angry.

I think very many of the Black protestors are angry and have been since they were born as were their parents, and their ancestors all the way back to when the English, French, Dutch, white Americans and others brought them over as slaves.

And I think very many of the white protestors, those whites who oppose racism, are also angry.

This is the inevitable result of tribal politics,

I agree. And Trump's tribe currently has the most power and is doing all they can to increase tribalism and further divide the country. With lots of help from little old Russia and the Bannon alt right around the globe.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

So do Americans and the legal system.

If so then the cop would still be on the loose? It’s fine, it works.

This is simply untrue.

It is true.

His racism (and other failings) have been well-documented for years, the Central Park 5 and his landlord days.

Oh, that debunked story again

Why do the far right persist in spreading untruths?

Not untruths, because the media once again selectively cherry picked debunked stories and without going into deep detail as to why the situation happened the way it did and anyone who lived in NYC in those days understands why it happened the way it did.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Amazing how for all his life he was never "racist" until he ran for president. 

He was an enthusiastic birther for a a long time before he ran for president. Birtherism was fueled by racist sentiments.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

I don’t know about you guys, but in this time of turmoil, when America is burning, it’s comforting to know there’s a leader at the top who takes responsibility, and brings people together with his messages of hope and love. We can all be confidence in his competence.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

bass4funk defending white nationalists again.

I hate them just as much as you do, but it’s funny that you don’t see any, the media seems very hard to locate them and they can’t, time to change the narrative that sure failed.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

With lots of help from little old Russia

Sigh... Russia again. Americans don't need the help of a second rate agrarian country to destroy their country. They can do that all by themselves.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The report said that it was the "combined effect of Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions, and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death."Floyd was 46 when he died.

Its only White people that entertain rubbish like this and actually believe cops, courts and coroners could not possibly conspire and lie and obfuscate to steal justice. This is why BLM doesn't want any in their organization.

And because they are all so crooked, this is why we have riots. This is why we had Chris Dorner too.

Anyone whining about how Floyd had health conditions as means to excuse this murder should be subjected to the same treatment and lets see if they survive.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Remember, to change the narrative - always blame the victim.

No, I blame the thugs causing all the damage to innocent people and private and public property, those people that lost businesses to these opportunists are the victims.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

With lots of help from little old Russia

Sigh... Russia again.Americans don't need the help of a second rate agrarian country to destroy their country.

I agree Americans are usually their own worst enemies. But why has Russia been involved in throwing fuel on fires. I don't accept 'the Kremlin says it wasn't/isn't involved' line used by Trump supporters and others in the global alt right. Curious no denying the involvement of Bannon and other global alt right tribes.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

What led to the police being called to the scene in the first place? Yes a crime committed by a suspect paying with counterfeit money described as “awfully drunk and he’s not in control of himself.” hmmm. Did the police make him commit a crime? He resisted arrest too but the media and idiot public seem to put that aside like it didn't happen. Unfortunate that life itself was the ultimate price for bad action, but don't put yourself in that position in the first place. Police never would have shown up in the first place.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Count me in the growing number that believe far-right violent, pro-Trump supporters are instigating all this violence. Just last week they were rampaging through our city offices, terrorizing lawmakers and ordinary citizens. Violence is all they know. And it gives Trump more room to change the subject from the over 100K dead and 41 million out of work, all due to his incompetence.

Expect to hear more "Bad China", "lawbreaking protesters", and "Scarborough is a murderer"....

More Americans killed than in Korea and Vietnam? More unemployed than the Great Depression? Zilch....

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Actually I did not. I provided a link claiming white supremacists are involved in the riots.

You cannot prove the guy was a white supremacist, in even implying that is racist in itself! You look at the guy, his skin color, don’t know him or his motivation or reasoning, you just ignorantly claim, he’s white, smashes windows, therefore, he is a racist by default with zero backup to support that allegation, this is what I’m talking about when it comes to disinformation.

I then also posted a video link showing a sole white guy attacking the Auto Zone which you claimed was the work of black looters. 

So did I I as well as the governor calling out the Anarchists.

"Suspicious Man Breaks Window & Starts Minneapolis Riots"

Suspicious doesn’t equate to white nationalism. ROFL!

Are you now saying the video is a fake?

Again and slowly: I never said that, but you cannot prove the man is a white nationalist, if you can, provide it.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

No, I blame the thugs causing all the damage to innocent people 

Defending racist cops and shedding tears over the loss of capital. As expected.

If it does turn out that most of the damage is being done and spurred on by far right agitators, suddenly your narrative will change again.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

More Americans killed than in Korea and Vietnam? More unemployed than the Great Depression? Zilch....

Bingo. Trump and his supporters know this nastiness distracts from the burgeoning death count and the rapidly sinking economy happening under Trump's watch. And it allows them to point blame at more 'others'.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Remember all our protestors who complained about Kaepernick taking a knee? It was exactly the knee in George Floyd's neck that he was protesting. You guys had a problem with Kaepernick's method of protest, do you prefer this current one?

2 ( +7 / -5 )

You guys need to get focused. The rioting and looting are a byproduct, a result, of all that has happened. Not just George Floyd, but every single act of police brutality against the black community.

Racism has gotten worse, it's just being filmed now, FACT! It's always been there and it will continue to be long after you and I are long gone. People use it for different reasons. However, it does not belong in our police force. They need to root that their brutality and racial profiling. As much as they want drones and big brother watching society, it's a double-edged sword.

For those of you who want "Negative Peace", that's not going to happen. Definition being peace while society is boiling hot pissed is not peace.

Honestly, be glad America snapped and lost it's patience. It means we are not totally numb.

Martin Luther King said it best. It's not the people racially bigoted people who we need to inspire. It's the silent bystanders who stand by and do nothing while this happens. Ultimately, they are the most guilty. They can see what's happening and do nothing. ie Bass4Funk. You just want things to be calm so he can go to Starbucks and talk about this George Floyd tragedy for the sake of conversation. Those who enjoy being self-proclaimed intellects but take no action, the bystander who watches.

So to the people who really don't want all this rioting and looting, all one can say is "sorry", you're just going to have to live with it. If the shopping mall, isn't there for you tomorrow too bad. You are going to hear their screams "I can't breath" till the cows come home. That is of course, if they haven't burned those too.

P.S; Want to know what negative peace looks like? It's a meme! "KEEP CALM while I KNEEL ON HIS NECK"

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Why are all the supposed “white nationalists” dressed just like and acting just like..... Antifa? (Hint: cause they are Antifa)

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

You don’t need to own a gun, the police will protect you! Well not in Dem run states they won’t, we have just seen that.

get arrested for opening a business or playing with your kid in the park. Antifa burns down your business, no problem it’s just a building.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

I don't accept 'the Kremlin says it wasn't/isn't involved' line used by Trump supporters and others in the global alt right. Curious no denying the involvement of Bannon and other global alt right tribes.

The whole Russian narrative is just porn for conspiracy nutters. So far as the alt right, I have no idea. It looks to me like everybody is involved, and each group is trying to exploit the situation for themselves. If you point at one camp or another, you are being played just the way someone wants you to be played.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Why are all the supposed “white nationalists” dressed just like and acting just like..... Antifa? (Hint: cause they are Antifa)

They're white-supremicists dressed up as antifa in a false flag operation silly.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

The rioting and looting are a byproduct, a result, of all that has happened. Not just George Floyd, but every single act of police brutality against the black community.

There is no excuse for violence, rioting and looting. It only hurts everyone, including blacks.

Under Trump, American diabetics who depend on Canadian insulin at $25/vial, can't get to Canada because of the pandemic, and are paying $250-$300.

Ask Pelosi why Congress hasn't passed the bipartisan bill that Trump requested and said he'll sign as soon as it gets to his desk.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Defending racist cops and shedding tears over the loss of capital. As expected.

This is sadly the reason why liberals are devoid of rational reasoning. I’m from LA and when we had the LA riots hundreds of stores were burned down and that was in 1992, now in 2020 there are still vacant and burned out buildings hollowed out skeletal remains of a once vibrant community and still has not and will never come back, like Detroit, like Baltimore, like Oakland and Compton and Watts, now add Minneapolis to that list of cities that will never come back. Do you think anyone will have this money to re-open up a mall or business in the cities? Absolutely not and these are the things that liberals never understand, these Anarchists screwed it up for everyone. The poverty will rise into these cities and the people will be more addicted to Democrats and their blood sucking entitlement culture.

that is not true, because most of the lighters are black and all you have to do is look on YouTube to see it

Even some of these mayors I’m not gonna fall for that. Lol

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Then who are Antifa dressed up as? white supremacists would have no reason to break windows, loot and burn.

They're white-supremicists dressed up as antifa in a false flag operation silly.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Remember how Trump and his cultists sneered at black people who protested peacefully?

What? So sneering is supposedly a bad thing now? Liberals, please try a new narrative.

Another deflection. The point was Trump and his supporters were severely critical of athletes who, using their rights guaranteed by the US Constitution, peacefully protested against police brutality. Now they're saying 'why can't people protest peacefully'.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Then who are Antifa dressed up as? white supremacists would have no reason to break windows, loot and burn.

Sure they do - they want black people to look bad. That's why they are exploiting peaceful protests by the black people, and sneaking in their people dressed as antifa. It serves two goals. Black people look bad, and they can blame it on the left.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Another deflection. The point was Trump and his supporters were severely critical of athletes who, using their rights guaranteed by the US Constitution, peacefully protested against police brutality. Now they're saying 'why can't people protest peacefully'.

Protest peacefully: "You can't do that"

Protest unruly: "You can't do that"

One week later with guns at the state legislature: "Open up or else!"

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

so how have you identified these people? what in the picture at the top of this article tells you all those white people are white nationalists?

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Another deflection. The point was Trump and his supporters were severely critical of athletes who, using their rights guaranteed by the US Constitution, peacefully protested against police brutality.

They can do that and I support them, but when I pay $100 to watch a game, I don’t pay to hear your political dissent, I pay for you to do your job and play, if I want to hear your political opinion, I’ll do so after the game, but not during and when I pay money, “my hard earned money” I don’t want or need to be subjected to your personal political outbursts.

Now they're saying 'why can't people protest peacefully'

I never once said that. There’s a time and place for everything

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

wow so much for the caring for your fellow man rhetoric we saw here for several weeks. Trump the idiot, for wanting to open the economy...oh no...we should shelter in place longer, dont you care for the well being of another human?...was all the rage

So much for all that. Who cares about another humans work health or well being now. Situation is different, must burn down his home and be out in the street running wild, spreading the virus?

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

outside of Minnesota, all of the pro-Antifa city leaders such as Portland are in shock. as they thought their beloved Antifa wouldnt turn on them like this.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

so how have you identified these people? what in the picture at the top of this article tells you all those white people are white nationalists?

I'm using the exact same criteria you used to identify them as antifa.

The only difference being that you were mistaken in your identification, whereas I was correct.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

outside of Minnesota, all of the pro-Antifa city leaders such as Portland are in shock. as they thought their beloved Antifa wouldnt turn on them like this.

Those are false-flag announcements being put out by the KKK, in order to seed confusion.

Of course, the most MS of Ms, Fox "news", is reporting this fake news.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Anyone tired of all Trump's "winning" yet?

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

who is followig whos rules now. The Dems had all of our well being at heart, do this, dont do that

Now what? I dont like Trump so I can throw a brick? set a fire?

Nobody with half a brain can follow these people, just 24/7 buffoons

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Look at the kids in this video and try to tell me they arent Antifa.


Green hair, the clothes, the hoods and winter caps, the scraggly hairstyles. White supremacists dont look like that, not even the ones you claim are white nationalists, much less the actual ones.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

oh a new twist...the protestors are all klan?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Green hair, the clothes, the hoods and winter caps, the scraggly hairstyles. White supremacists dont look like that, not even the ones you claim are white nationalists, much less the actual ones.

Um yeah silly, false flag operations won't work if you don't dress the part. Of course these white supremacists have put on these disguises.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Yeah so a guy grew his hair to shoulder length since yesterday, Sure thing.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

oh a new twist...the protestors are all klan?

There are more white supremacists than just the klan.

(Fox "news"-level) Proof: Trump has never (publicly) admitted he's a member of the Klan.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


Because they know its nothing about George Floyd. they know who their local Antifa are and are trying to get them to stop before its found out.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

You've studied world history, right?

Yes, but apparently, a lot of liberals have not.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Because they know its nothing about George Floyd. they know who their local Antifa are and are trying to get them to stop before its found out.

You're right. The white supremacists don't care about George Floyd. They just want to make black-people and the left look bad, so they dress up as antifa, then burn down whatever they can find.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

if the FBI had spent any time trying to infiltrate Antifa instead of trying to infiltrate a political campaign, this wouldnt be a problem now.

Peaceful guys go to the Michigan Capitol to protest, they are domestic terrorists!

These people burning businesses, stealing, assaulting police. Just white nationalists wearing wigs!? I dont know how more hypocritical you could get but I am sure you will find a way.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

nobody is buying that story.

You're right. The white supremacists don't care about George Floyd. They just want to make black-people and the left look bad, so they dress up as antifa, then burn down whatever they can find.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

if the FBI had spent any time trying to infiltrate Antifa instead of trying to infiltrate a political campaign, this wouldnt be a problem now.

Sure it would, because you'd have the FBI dressed up in a kumbaya session somewhere wondering why they had made such a mistake by not infiltrating the white supremacists who are pretending to be antifa and burning everything they can find.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

@Serrano Oh no, Mr. Serrano. I respectfully disagree!

The rioting and looting are a byproduct, a result, of all that has happened. Not just George Floyd, but every single act of police brutality against the black community.

There is no excuse for violence, rioting and looting. It only hurts everyone, including blacks.

The problem is NOT the violence, rioting and looting. The problem is your perception and choice of words to describe the action you see in front of you.

Honest dialogue here for you Mr. Serrano. Are those fires you see? Or wait....are those smoke signals? In the past, people used smoke signals to send a message. ( All I see is black smoke and the city on fire ). Well, that's because everybody is SCREAMING at the same time.

You can't decipher those signals? Let me help you out. Police are killing Black Americans with impunity. They are getting choked out, shot in their cars, kneeled on, killed in their own apartments ( OOPSY ), shot and killed for wearing a hoodie, jogging down the street. Do I need to go on or would you like a link to the database?

Yes, all of this is necessary to wake America up to the fact that police are getting away with murder! We can rebuild all this stuff. We can't bring back the lives that were lost.

No Negative Peace!

0 ( +5 / -5 )

You're right. The white supremacists don't care about George Floyd. They just want to make black-people and the left look bad, so they dress up as antifa, then burn down whatever they can find.

Hah, and you think they're buying your story that Antifa is causing this?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

are the black people involved also white supremacists? or they just have no ability to maintain any type of self control once the white guy breaks the first window?

why would black people work in coordination with white supremacists? if you on the internet are supposedly smart enough to see and confirm the conspiracy, arent they?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Yesterday a Trump supporter here said that many of the armed violent pro-Trump domestic terrorists rampaging city halls the last few weeks were likely "Democrats" who are 2nd Amendment supporters...Harry Reid dressed up in camo and carrying an AR 15 may be one of them...

So, using that same logic, it's clear this poster also thinks that many of these current violent protesters are "Republicans" who are civil rights supporters, along with their far-right instigators who are causing most of the violence...

Makes sense, huh?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

There is more and more video coming out that show it was cops and white supremacists who started the riots.

0 ( +3 / -3 )


Rantz: Seattle Antifa violence ruined a peaceful Justice for George Floyd protest

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

There is more and more video coming out that show it was cops and white supremacists who started the riots.

Of course the Fake-news MSM - Fox "news" - refuses to report this.

And they whine about CNN.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

BREAKING: Mayor of St. Paul Minnesota says he was wrong this morning when he said “Every single person” arrested last night in St. Paul was from out of town. He blames inaccurate information given to him during a police briefing.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

When are ordinary, God-fearing people going to stop electing officials who allow police brutality to continue? Forget the 'Demoprat/Repugnant' circus, and vote in Independents who promise reform. Trump certainly isn't bothered by police brutality, but neither was Obama. And Foreign Policy needs basic reform - vote in Independents who promise an end to murderous War Criminal 'Regime Change' wars and war-like murderous sanctions.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Nope, its legit.


Factual Reporting: HIGH

Overall, we rate MyNorthwest Right-Center biased based on editorial positions and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Re: Floyd's poor health and intoxicants were also contributing factors.

I am not sure about the intoxicants, but prior health conditions don't count for much in US criminal law, where you take your victim as you find him. See the "eggshell rule," applicable in tort and criminal law which states that "the unexpected frailty of the injured person is not a valid defense to the seriousness of any injury caused to them."


4 ( +5 / -1 )

Factual Reporting: HIGH

Overall, we rate MyNorthwest Right-Center biased based on editorial positions and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing.

Yeah, the MSM tells the truth. Right.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

*Yesterday a Trump supporter here said that many of the armed violent pro-Trump domestic terrorists rampaging city halls the last few weeks were likely "Democrats" who are 2nd Amendment supporters...Harry Reid dressed up in camo and carrying an AR 15 may be one of them...*

So how many cops were shot? How many buildings were vandalized? As I said, there are many liberal gun holders.

*So, using that same logic, it's clear this poster also thinks that many of these current violent protesters are "Republicans" who are civil rights supporters, along with their far-right instigators who are causing most of the violence...*

No, because conservatives prefer working over looting and rioting.

Makes sense, huh?


-2 ( +4 / -6 )

The governor also trying to blame drug cartels and "foreign actors" (who? Russians?), without evidence.

3 ( +7 / -4 )


Mynorthwest is owned by Sinclair, part of Trump global media.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

your fact checker, not mine.

So, I win.

Yeah, the MSM tells the truth. Right.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Now that this ridiculousness is over, what is to be done to resolve this issue?

Should all these instigators finally be arrested? deploy the National Guard in full?

what do liberals expect our President to do that the states seem unable to handle?

2 ( +6 / -4 )

No, because conservatives prefer working over looting and rioting.

Except when conservatives rip-off working class people with dubious businesses practices.

When they run fake universities.

When they loot countries like Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq etc.

This is how class war is inflamed. Sneering at people making a stand, accusing them of being lazy and somehow preferring misery to justice and equality.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

All readers please calm down. From here on, please comment on the story and do not reply to or comment on what others post.

I’m wondering all these liberal governors can’t protect or won’t protect or enforce the law to protect the citizens and their businesses. They seem to be ok with the vandalism and rioting and looting. They could end this right now, but they don’t. Businesses won’t be coming back. A tragic shame!

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

I hope that the end result of all of this is that Antifa is finally designated as a domestic terrorism group.

You know that the FBI and DOJ will be looking into all these outside influences (including white supremacist groups and "foreign actors" and drug cartels, if they were involved as the governor claims).

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Weird, I hope the end result is an end to the racist violence and murder perpetrated by the police on a daily basis. I guess we have different priorities.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Again, people should protest, I think it’s totally justified and people should voice their anger, but do it in a responsible way and not to take advantage of vandalism which has nothing to do with George Floyd. These are Anarchist opportunists that want to racially divide and take advantage to riot and loot and cause havoc and these people need to be arrested and or kicked out of these cities to stop this chaos.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Terrible. I just watched a video of maybe 50 dark-skinned white supremacists in a mob chase down and attack some skinny guy wearing a MAGA hat. We have to do something about this white supremacist riot, that's for sure.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Minneapolis police said shots had been fired at law enforcement officers during the protests but no one was injured. -- article

President Trump has been proven correct again when he wrote: "When the looting starts, shooting starts"

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

One thing people fail to mention here as they continue to call Japan stupid for opening up and the lack of social distancing. Japan has had around 900 deaths since the pandemic began. U.S. has had 105,000 deaths. Statistically 1/3 of those deaths have been from African Americans. That is 33 times more African Americans have died from this than Japanese. If you think COVID-19 takes a break during protests, you are sadly mistaken. I am worried about all of this.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Wow. Antifa really are deluded. Can't wait to see he fascist government they create when they get their way.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

American police are overly aggressive to everyone, but it seems even worse behavior is shown to minorities.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Just as the pro-Trump armed domestic terrorists were roaming our streets and city halls several weeks ago, they just changed clothes and traded their AR15's for a easily concealed handgun, and took to the streets again...

This is all just Trump scam #1078 - he's using his supporters to change the focus from 100K dead and 41 million unemployed and a cratered economy that will takes years of a Democratic administration to clean up - just like in 1992 and 2008...

All the violent looters out there are wearing jackets covering their Trump/Pence 2020 T shirts...with a Confederate flag on the back...

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

If America is so racist then why aren’t there Asian people on the streets protesting?

Don’t Asian Americans experience racism?

Why do Asian Americans out perform all other ethnicities in education and job placements?

Why aren’t other ethnicities being incarcerated at higher rates compared to African Americans?

Why are Black people setting car dealerships, supermarkets, pawn shops and police stations alight?

Is that going to bring back dead victims?

During lockdown why were African Americans gathering to party despite restrictions on doing so?

African Americans have to look at their own selves and work out where improvements can be made...

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Of course there can be some people that are WS, but usually these people are not going anywhere near areas where blacks live, too risky, having said that, the agitators Antifa and Anarchists, people that despise the police will take advantage of these riots and while there are people that want to justifiably grieve about what happened to George Floyd, these riders and losers will take the chance now and do whatever they can to get what they think is theirs and also to clause Mayham, destruction and upheaval to the civil order.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Watched 20 mins of NYC riots, didnt see one black person.

Now watching Washington DC, 2 black people out of 100 or so.

Well, the whole "cant go outside, its not safe" narrative sure disappeared fast.

If coronavirus cases dont go up by 10x in these liberal cities in about 2 weeks, we can know we were being lied to.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

The riots are another low point in US history to be added to Trump's legacy joining a growing list of other negatives, including Covid19 deaths - more than 100,000 - a shattered economy, millions out of work, along with a nation more divided than since 1865. And still many American Trump supporters refuse to criticize him. His foreign backers and others in the global alt right, on the other hand, must be pleased to see him doing what he said he'd do from the start, which is undermine and weaken the republic.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Trump must have been having some imaginary conversations with Nixon's portrait in the WH lately.....

I can hear them both complaining how "unfair" they've been treated, just because they committed a "few" crimes...

But it looks like Nixon shared with him his election strategy from 1968 - deflect from all your shortcomings, by being for "law and order".... Paint your opponents as weak on crime and nothing but wild anarchists. Help them out by having some of your "plumbers and fixers" go undercover and instigate violence...

Trump is copying Nixon's playbook from 1968, but it won't work - because the shoe is on the other foot...

Johnson was blamed for the 58K deaths in Vietnam....and Trump is rightfully being held accountable for the over 100K deaths due to his incompetence from the virus over the past three months...

Trump and Nixon, two of a kind...

0 ( +3 / -3 )

All I can say is that I am watching this on TV and its obviously Antifa right in the middle of it all. There is no black participation whatsoever. Just your white guys in black clothes with backpacks and wearing gas masks and carrying batons and throwing rocks and glass bottles. The Antifa uniform and the Antifa agenda.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

If the murdering policeman is on suicide watch, I hope he's not in a facility overseen by Barr's Department of Justice. Remember what happened to Jeffrey Epstein under the 'Barr watch'. However, given the cop isn't an 'elite', maybe someone will watch.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Sadly, the police forces across America will not get this message through their thick skulls and the pathetic Blue Wall of Silence will continue on as always.

How many riots and protests have occurred in America due to police brutality over the years? And yet, here in the year 2020, American cops are still stopping random Black males and harassing them day in and day out, brutalizing them during arrest, maiming and killing them.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Jurisprudence, noticeable by its absence.

If any justice is to be served for George Floyd family then the facts need to to ascertained.

That will entail Derek Chauvin, being afforded a fair trail.

Not a social media public lynching


An independent commission of inquiry under the auspices of procedural regularity by an impartial judge

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Those frustrated at the suggestion that this is the fault of white supremacists, thereby deflecting any responsibility from supposed black people doing the looting, are getting a smack in the face from the reality of how it is talking to people who refuse to accept that their guy has an ounce of responsibility for anything.


-4 ( +2 / -6 )

yes, the so called "freedom fighters" must be exempt from corona.

Yet here the whole time I was being called selfish for simply supporting people to return to work. Im going to infect and kill everyone's grandma, I was told.

Had no idea its ok to go out and burn down other people's businesses and its all fine now. That was a quick narrative change, I havent even heard the term social distancing in about 4 days now.

So Biden can come out of the basement and the elections can happen in person at the polling center.

Great news!

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

The terrible situation the US currently finds itself in has to be looked at as a dynamic that's resulted from innumerable elements over the nation's history, and even before that when it was still a colony.

But what's happening today, with the growing number of virus related deaths, with a smashed economy, with millions out of work, with riots throughout the land, with an increasing number of historical allies viewing the US as a rogue state, is happening under Trump's watch.

If some claim the economy pre-virus was on Trump, using their line of reasoning the virus economy the country's now seeing is on him. Occams razor.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Total facts. There should be a huge increase in coronavirus cases in all these liberal cities. There would be no reason that there would not be.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Actually Trump is not similar to any previous president, but other than being a Yankee he is similar to George Wallace. Just not quite as honest

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

As soon as the lockdowns failed and people were no longer scared of the coronavirus and the left saw this wouldn't stop the Nov. elections, mass riots started and now almost no one is talking about the coronavirus.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

The Trump economy was only bad due to the unemployment caused by the shutdowns. Stock market is mostly all the way back, already.

"We are about to see the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country," says a top former economic adviser to Obama.


The economy will immediately bounce back now that all the Antifa riots have destroyed the "must stay home and 6 feet away from people" narrative. You cant continue to jail people for playing in the park with their kids or opening their businesses if you refuse to arrest people who assault police and loot and burn shops to the ground.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Wallace was actually a lib at one time, and fought against the klan. He was doing what the people of that state asked him to do, and was re elected over and over. Blame the people and culture of that time, not Wallace. Trump is no Wallace. I dont think Trump thinks too highly of Southerners; look at how he treates Sessions.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Well, all the coronavirus from now on is directly at the feet of Antifa. and the unemployment number will reduce every week from now until the election thanks to Antifa proving it is safe to go outside and back to work.

so thanks, Antifa. Finally one thing positive from your existence, which is about to be done once you are rightfully labelled as domestic terrorists for co-opting these originally peaceful black protests.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

It is absolutely ludicrous to think that Trump is the cause of so many deaths, when it was Chyna the unleashed this virus, but China and their disinformation have been very successful in indoctrinating to the liberal masses That Trump is to blame for the unrest, when it’s actually the socialist Anarchists that are pushing for civil unrest, to even suggest that liberal elites are pleased is grossly dishonest, but there definitely needs to be a response to all the lawlessness and vandalism, if the US wants to be another Somalia that’s what will happen and it seems that’s exactly what the liberals want.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Wallace was similar what Obama and his radical polices were, divide and create division and 8 years of that is started the ball rolling on racial equality.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

I like that Trump is blamed for this economy.

Because when it all comes back they cant credit someone else like they did the first time.

Prior to election day, Trump gets to claim his response and the aftermath put 41 million voters back to work.

he will have brought the stock market back from 18k to likely 30k. he will have a lot of positive things to tell the American people.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

or were all the black protestors really white supremacists in blackface and all the Antifa are white supremacists wearing wigs, as someone here hilariously tried to claim?

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

I'd earlier asked whether Trump had addressed the nation appealing for calm.

I have, however, read he's threatened force.

Could a Trump backer explain why they think he's not trying to do more to reduce tensions - across the country.

Or do they think, like I do, he's OK watching attention taken away from the growing virus death counts and the smashed economy that people are attributing to his inept leadership.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I guess a non American liberal cant understand the racial insensitivity of claiming an actual black person lawfully protesting the killing of an innocent black man by police is..... a white supremacist in blackface?

basically #youaintblack all over again, but 10 times worse.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

This is an issue for the justice system to solve as far as the crime and for the leadership of these cities and states to solve as far as how to deal with the criminal acts that are being committed right in front of the police. So far, these mostly liberal cities have decided its ok for these rioters to do anything they want.

It is a conscious decision to not enforce the laws from supposed leaders who were arresting hair dressers and gym owners and calling SWAT teams to raid bars last week. He threatened force against those who think its ok to attack and loot the White House. No, thats not ok. obviously.

Trump has no involvement in this, until asked to assist with resources.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Its just exactly what a non American liberal here told me. White nationalists in blackface and other white nationalists dressed as Antifa even wearing wigs/coloring their hair green to pretend to have the Antifa bro hairstyle are doing all of this looting and burning.

What a nonsensical statement with racist overtones. I couldnt believe it when I read it, but the poster confirmed it as his claim.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

The FLOYD case has nothing to do with racism, it does have everything to do with a policeman carrying out unlawful and unnecessary punishment to a suspected criminal.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

I think Trump should threaten force, when people want to act uncivilized and think stealing and vandalism has anything to do with George Floyd are animals, less actually, because animals wouldn’t loot, at least in Los Angeles cops are arresting people and restoring order, so one good thing is happening.

If you want tensions to quell and you want people to hear you, the thugs need to act civilized, stop ransacking everything and listen, if they don’t, Trump shouldn’t either, he’s under no obligation to listen to maniacs that are causing harm and damage to so many people.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

The truth is coming out - the violence is being instigated by pro-Trump white supremacists who want to further their and the President's agenda...


One of them will be stupid enough to pull out his MAGA hat while he is looting a store for a 40 inch TV set...

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

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