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© Thomson Reuters 2023.Thousands rally for 'Invasion Day' protests on Australia Day holiday
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© Thomson Reuters 2023.
Elvis is here
You could scrap the day altogether, considering it has been acknowledged to be a difficult day.
Ricky Kaminski13
while millions had barbies and parties with mates, families and loved ones, celebrating life in one of the fairest, most robust, down to earth and funny countries on the planet.
Mr Kipling
I wonder how well the aboriginals would be doing today if left on their own?
They should be the first ones celebrating!
finally rich
Very curious trend worldwide.
Only whites protest against themselves.
You can see huge crowds of 90% white people defending a black/native criminal shot down but I fail to see even 5 people of colour protesting for a white victim of violence/hate crime anywhere, never.
Unfortunately or not this is us.
finally rich
Ha! Australia was said to be occupied by Aboriginals for 65,000 years, but there was not a single city, town, village or even a permanent building standing when Cook walked ashore at Botany Bay in 1770. Fire was the very outer limit of their technology.
Indeed, do they really think that if the British had not landed that the Chinese would have left the place alone?The fact of the matter is that there has only ever been one reasonably benevolent empire in the history of the world, namely the British Empire.
Our enemies try to rewrite history in order to instil guilt where there should be pride, because those who feel guilty do not act in their best interests.
There were more protesters at the antilockdown protests and it didn't get nearly as much positive media as this seems to get, strange.
finally rich
Nice pic, but I'm just curious about what that apparently angry muslim is doing there. What does she have to do with aboriginals, indigenous people, anything?
I'm starting to guess all these people are bound by the same thing.
Genocides the Aboriginal people in Australasia for how many years?
More than 100 years must be, the convicts expulsion from UK since mid18th century until mid19th century, those dangerous criminals has guns and they gone their rampaging wherever they goes, that's why the Aboriginal were close to extinction in early 20th century.
@finally rich: An Aboriginal woman who devoted herself to Islam as her eternal faith, nothing strange!
Try some research.
The reality is, it is considered both already.
That about nails it.
The shrill squeaks of ‘Woke’ are getting so repetitive and boring. These are the types who immediately run to whatabouts which is very weak.
Does anyone who thumbed it down dispute this?
I’m sure we’d all like to hear from them. Should be interesting.
How many still want a British monarch as their head of state now the queen died?
Elvis is here
Feels like woke and cringe are finally merging to become one brutal force called Velma From Scooby Doo.
HakmanToday 02:16 pm JST
*To my friends and acquaintances in (or from) the "Land Down Under" ... *Happy Australia Day!
Very nicely put in your post.
It was actually the English Civil War Aug 22, 1642 – Sep 3, 1651.
I am amazed you know your family history from that time, not that I am questioning that.
What percentage of Australians support the British monarchy?
Finally rich.
They weren't exactly benevolent to the Irish were they?
Lord Dartmouth
Advance Australia Fair! Congratulations to all Aussies on your national day!
Concerned Citizen
I don't think it's right to blame present generations for historical events based purely on skin color.
Concerned Citizen
If one group successfully claims restitution/reparations for historical wrongs based on race/skin color then where does it end? The principle can't end with race. Every single person can then sue other individuals or groups for a multitude of historical wrongs going back thousands of years. It's ridiculous.
even more so when you can just "identify" as any racial/identity group you want.
one of them, some of them or even all of them.
Elvis is here
To the indigenous people, It is akin to having a national holiday to mark the beginning of a genocide
So many Australians still don't understand the issue of "invasion day". A lot of Australians get very offended because they feel like it's something that's being taken away from them.
A lot of people say: We didn't do that to you guys. And it happened so long ago. Why should we have to change because of something that we weren't a part of?
It comes down to what Australia is known for and that's mateship and looking out for each other.
It's kind of ironic that Australia stands by those values, but can't do it for its own black people.
Recent polls indicate about a third of Australians support changing the date, and fewer people are holding celebrations on 26 January each year. For under-35s, support for moving Australia Day is even stronger - about 50%.
Seems the sick celebration day is going out of fashion
If Australia isn't careful it will end up like Canada, where everything is a controversy, where freedom to even use the national languages without worrying you may violate the law
So give them a heritage month not just a single day!
But be careful because it will not end there.
This month in Canada it is Tamil heritage month and that to black heritage month, first Nations month, Sikh month, Irish, German, Italian, women's, Islamic, Latin American, Hindu, etc... Yes there are more plus weeks and days for every group and ethnicity that feels wronged .
Australia usually follows the rest after several years of pressure from outside.
So have fun.
finally rich
Yes, aboriginals had 3 options:
Southeast asian muslims
Han chinese
The British
Should thank their gods for hitting the jackpot!
Mr Kipling
Simple solution.... Just use this date to highlight all that Aboriginal culture has given the world.
For example.... Well, there must be something.
why !?
I personally didn’t do anything to the aborigines
"In this first snapshot of the continent, we have found that there were at least 270 frontier massacres over 140 years, as part of a state-sanctioned and organised attempt to eradicate Aboriginal people."
Today 06:05 pm JST
Boy you need to learn history.
Look up Ireland, look up Bretagne/Brittany.
Look up deportations ( oh right did you forget how many Irish got to Australia in leg irons), seriously you seem to just brush aside what you don't like it what contradicts your views.
finally rich
Apparently, some people just hate themselves for no reason.
Hopefully you might come to realization while feeding your 1 month baby and looking him in the eyes.
This is my life in flesh. Should my son be responsible for anything that ever happened hundreds of years ago?
How early he can start giving reparations to strangers in his future school/workplace?
A majority (59%) agree the constitutional monarchy helps to define Australian identity and should continue to be our form of government.
Support is highest in Victoria (48%) and NSW (44%), followed by WA (43%), but falls to under 40% in Queensland (39%) and South Australia (27%).
Coulda been
Lidia Thorpe continues to preach division in the Australian community. Maybe if she showed some interest in the welfare of kids in Alice Springs who appear to roam in the early hours at will showing anti-social behaviour, sniffing petrol/glue without any blame being directed towards parents whose existence is centred on alcohol, domestic and sexual abuse, then and only then, will she be taken seriously.
Where is the outcry from the Aboriginal community leaders- their silence is deafening.