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Tony Blair faces grilling on Iraq war


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I'd like to believe this will accomplish anything. But given that the man is a pathological liar, and the committee is at pains to stress that nobody is on trial, I confidently expect another whitewash.

He'll just carry on raking in the cash from his paymasters. What a truly despicable man he is.

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The Iraqi less... that's a real mess and we can only blame warmongers for wasting people's life. If Sadam would have stayed is an another story and we will never know what would have happen.

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Blair is a disgrace to Britain and the Labour party. He portayed himself as a Kennnedy type "regular guy" as he liked to call himself. The beastly man was a war mongering extreme religous fanatic.

The ghastly man hoodwinked parliament into an illegal invasion which made tens of thousands dead. The beast now flies around the world getting richer making speeches, whilst he says everything he did was right.

I think his wicked deeds should earn him a trial at the Hague the swine.

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The ghastly man hoodwinked parliament into an illegal invasion which made tens of thousands dead.

so, in other words he is a "British Chemical Ali" - forget, no serious charges against a ticketless traveller Blair !

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Blair is a disgrace to Britain and the Labour party.

He's a disgrace, full stop.

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Another whitewash of an inquiry, a panel of " 4 old boys and a girl" with knighthoods and public school ties, and not a lawyer in sight: the establishment wearing kid gloves and asking very gentle, non-penetrating questions in smooth, soft voices to another member of the same establishment. Lots of documents withheld too, on Brown's orders. What was his role in it?

BLiar won't tell the truth, like the creature Gollum who wore the ring all those years, he no longer knows what it is...

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I hope he gets a good grilling and is shown to be the callous and evil tyrant that we all know him to be.

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Anthony Blair was a superb leader. British subjects and expatriates can stand stall when defending the man and his legacy. They should be proud that a Labour Party member, and one who made it to prime minister no less, instinctively supported a war president of the American right when the inevitable time came for the invasion and liberation of Iraq.

Yes, George W Bush and his trusty sidekick Tony Blair finished the job that the enthusiastic Zionist David Lloyd George started way back in 1921; sins of the fathers, and all that...

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Tony Blair was as much a waste for Britain as george bush was for the US. I hope they get to the bottom of some of this crap. Cause they aren't doing much to grill bush. < :-)

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Blair should be strung up. Not humanely, but paraded through the streets in shackles. And his wife needs a smack in the mouth, too.

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Wanderlust, Ivan....

Exactly. That's three whitewashes in a row. Blair should be sent without a security detail to live in the liberated and dictator free Baghdadi Eutopian paradise he helped create since he's continuing with "I'd do it all over again" mantra.

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At least, U.K dared to question Blair, while Bush is living comfortably at his ranch. (probably listening to this news...)

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I agree with fromeurope. Blair is being "grilled", though not much will probably happen. But given the U.S. has never committed a crime in its entire history, the notion of a grilling, trail, much less hanging, don't even make sense to the well indoctrinated pseudo-patriots. BUSH, started the crime, and he did so long before he was even in office. 9/11 was a Godsend for him and offered him a pretext (the fairy tale link between Osama and Iraq) to start his illegal invasion. Bottom line is that either the U.S. and its leaders be held accountable to international law like everyone else, or the U.S. should be booted out of the U.N. and any other civil organization, and should be boycotted by all civilized countries which DO wish to be civil and participate, lawfully, in the world community.

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If Bill Clinton had started the george bush Memorial War in Iraq he'd have a half dozen special prosecuters breathing down his neck. But because it's george bush, and I simply don't understand it, Pelosi has been holding back investigations and prosecution.

When they get done with this (I hope)thorough investigation, they bring some of the evidence to the US and look directly at george bush. < :-)

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"Blair should be strung up"

What for? For not supporting keeping Saddam Hussein in power?

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"Blair should be strung up"

For lieing his butt off. For assisting in the killing of many British troops. < :-)

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"For lieing ( lying ) his butt off."

What lie did he tell? Be specific.

"For assisting in the killing of many British troops"

Sure, just make up stuff and post it.

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I do not agree with the death penalty even for such a ghastly "human" as Tony Blair.

Solitary confinement for life with only his beloved bible for company would be just desserts for the pig.

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"Solitary confinement for life"

That's not going to happen.

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Sarge; Maybe not love, but it would be my ideal punishment for the beastly man responsible for the death of so many. He now has a new job with a Saudi company tendering for Iraqi oil!! Pure evil.

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"For not supporting keeping Saddam Hussein in power?"

Nah, for the lies about "WMD" and the 6 figure bodycount. This isn't some video game after all, sarge.

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"Nah, for the lies about "WMD""

That was Saddam Hussein ! This is an odd line for many of you here and I find it ridiculous. The lies about WMD's were instigated, created, and spread by Saddam Hussein. He admitted so, saying he felt it kept his enemies at bay. Tony Blair simply fell for the lies- as they were preceeded by deadly acts of "crimes against humanity" throughout Iraq and the region by Saddam ! I find it sad that on one hand the Europeans want Tony's head for acting against Saddam, yet on the other hand he has been implicated as one who did nothing while Saddam gassed the Kurds. Can't you people make up your minds ? My only complaint against Tony Blair was his lack of courage once the invasion and ouster of Saddam and his regime began. Tony was more than satisfied with letting the Bush administration take 100% of the heat. In fairness though, after the Iraqi people started to realize so many of their new found freedoms and Saddam and his ilk had been "retired" at least he didn't come out of the woodwork thumping his chest and demanding camera. This whole "Iraq Inquiry" is nothing short of spitting in the wind- a fruitless attempt to appease liberals and those few who "just don't get it". Good luck Tony, Chin up, One for the Queen etc etc etc.

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Branded; love, Blair was not in any significant position of power when the Kurds were gassed, i haven`t heard him criticised for that.

The man is a beast though, who invadeed Iraq and caused massive carnage and deaths for his evil religous beliefs and he was hoodwinked by dumbo Bush.

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"Blair was not in any significant position of power when the Kurds were gassed"

So he should have just forgotten about ? Love ?

"The man is a beast though, who invadeed Iraq"

Ummm, so did dozens of other countries ! They were called the "Coalition Forces" and included any nation out there with the nads to stand up to tyranny, terrorism, and dictatorships.

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Chris let me clarify. Though Tony Blair "was not in any significant position of power when the Kurds were gassed"- he did have a responsibility to right that wrong and deal with that "crime against humanity" when he did have "significant power". That is what I mean by my statement that " he shouldn't have just forgotten about it".

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"That was Saddam Hussein !"

Heh, only extensive UN inspections, even when Saddam caved in to the massed military forces on his border - turned up zilch. The threat worked, but it was never about simply verifying he had no "WMD", something I alledge they were counting on.

Regime change was happening whether he verifiably renounced "WMD" or not.

After watching the Blair attempt to refute the "45 minute claim" I must say to anyone believing this guy is genuine, or that he isn't full of the proverbial, then I have a lot full of cars for sale....

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"regime change does not qualify under UN terms"- "as a correct means for invasions."

Nah, especially when the regime in question is doling out millions in kicbacks in direct violation of "International Law" as was exposed in the "oil for food program". Oops, forgot about that one did we ?

"Blair should suffer for making Iraq a terrorist haven."

Gee, unlike the "garden of edenesque" place it was before ? Surely you jest.

"Saddam was ghastly, but the sufferings and turmoil now in Iraq are many times worse than when he was in power."

Sigh- and the sad thing is, you probably really believe that.

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Regarding the situation in Iraq, it appears the Americans coordinated with British and rest of the world (expect French) and may have been lured into accepting the unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation, in violation of long-standing International law, under false premises.

Since the war's end, every subsequent revelation which has seemed to refute the previous dire claims of the Bush Administration has been brushed aside. Instead of addressing the contradictory evidence, the White House deftly changes the subject. No weapons of mass destruction have yet turned up, but we are told that they will in time. Perhaps they yet will. But, our costly and destructive bunker busting attack on Iraq seems to have proven, in the main, precisely the opposite of what we were told was the urgent reason to go in. It seems also to have, for the present, verified the assertions of Hans Blix and the inspection team he led, which President Bush and company so derided. As Blix always said, a lot of time will be needed to find such weapons, if they do, indeed, exist. Meanwhile Bin Laden is still on the loose and Saddam Hussein has come up missing.

The Administration assured the U.S. public and the world, over and over again, that an attack was necessary to protect our people and the world from terrorism. It assiduously worked to alarm the public and blur the faces of Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden until they virtually became one.

What has become painfully clear in the aftermath of war is that Iraq was no immediate threat to the U.S. Ravaged by years of sanctions, Iraq did not even lift an airplane against us. Iraq's threatening death-dealing fleet of unmanned drones about which we heard so much morphed into one prototype made of plywood and string. Their missiles proved to be outdated and of limited range. Their army was quickly overwhelmed by our technology and our well trained troops.

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Branded: This whole "Iraq Inquiry" is nothing short of spitting in the wind- a fruitless attempt to appease liberals

Pretty much.

Regime change was happening whether he verifiably renounced "WMD" or not.

Looks like he chose "or not."

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If Saddam had verifiably renounced WMD instead of playing cat and mouse games with the Useless Nations, he might actually still be in charge of running Iraq into the ground from his many luxurious palaces, and Tony Blair would not be subject to this ridiculous inquiry.

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Sfjp33 - Your post at 3:27 a.m. made quite an impact on me. I couldn't get it out of my mind. It seemed familiar to me. So I did a quick search. My hunches have proven correct. It was first given by the Honorable Senator Robert Byrd, back in 2003. I remember linking it to it frequently. Please cite your sources next time.

Check and compare if you are in doubt http://www.wagingpeace.org/articles/2003/05/23_byrd_unprovoked.htm

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