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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Toronto police questioned after summit arrests
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The TO (Toronto) police did an absolute fantastic job during the G8 & G20 protests. If anything, they were too light on those out-of-control lunatic protesters!!
neko10: agreed. did you take a look at a great many of those banners?
if youre going to damage property or harm lives, expect to get smashed. Maybe they should hold these meetings in more suitable places like Russia and China. I wonder how many would dare to torche cars in those countries.
It amazes me how all these innocent protesters and so called peaceful and for the people protesters did absolutely nothing to even try and stop the so-called black block on Saturday they clearly (as they themselves claim) outnumbered them and they knew that the police would crackdown sooner or later but they just stood by, and the only time that one man and a few security guards tried to stop and even catch one of these black block guys the crowd booed and stopped them from doing so!
Had the police entered the crowd in force to stop these guys the whole crowd would have protected them and then we would be hearing about how the police caused so many innocent peoples injuries!
Canada is a police state.
Happy Canada Day!! Maybe the protesters were just avid celebrators (?)