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© Thomson Reuters 2024.Trudeau condemns mosque attack, says Islamophobia 'has no place' in Canada
By Kanishka Singh OTTAWA©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Trudeau is a deceiver and a wastrel!
If he is so defensive of Islam then he should change his abode and convert!
Not many Canadians would miss this sponger….
When they were burning churches a couple of years ago, he said it was wrong, but understandable. His stance on anti-Islamic behavior seems much stronger than his position on anti-Christian behavior
Several Hindu temples were attacked, vandalized and defaced in Canada in the last few years and no condemnation from Justin ever. Looks like Hinduphobia has place in Canada.
Typical slimy politician.
Exactly. Take a look at what Trudeau's Canada is doing to Christians. If 90 churches are burned to ground and the Prime Minister and his weird buddies are endorsing that - you really don't need any other facts, that automatically tells you he's on the wrong side. If you're throwing preachers in prison for preaching the Christian Gospel - not for making pipe bombs, not for trying to castrate other people's children, not for prescribing fentanyl to adolescents - that automatically tells you he's serving people other than the people of Canada.
Regardless of whether you're a believer or not, it is actually extremely scary what Canada under Trudeau has become. And no matter how he tries to dress it up in his trademark passive-aggressive, fake self-help language ("ooh well it's really about 'public safety"' ), thankfully real Canadians are seeing what's happening and waking up.
Even as a non-Canadian (but with many Canadian friends), watching the country slowly being destroyed and overtaken is sad and horrifying. Trudeau is the single greatest threat Canada country had seen since 1867, and he and his government must go.
Quo Primum
Two rocks are thrown through a mosque's window (not an action I condone, mind you), and Trudeau springs into action. Or should I say, springs into virtue-signaling mode.
But he was much milder in his response to multiple burnings of Catholic churches.
He even said it was "understandable" because of the "mass graves" -- which actually turned out to be nonexistent.
Trudeau is some piece of work.
Concerned Citizen
According to Trudeau burning multiple churches on false accusations of mass child graves is understandable. But throwing rocks through mosques provokes outrage.
He also said it was "wrong and unacceptable".
Cards fan
Yes, denouncing "Islamophobia" is slimy. Good point, all the smartest people are saying it.
It’s not WHAT he says.
it’s How and why and when as compared to differing or no comments about other things.
Cards fan
What specifically did he say he that a reasonable person would describe as "slimy?"
Bob Fosse
What is wrong with this? He called out unacceptable behaviour. I
Makes sense to me, but I am not Canadian.
There have been mesh covers over the windows of the nearby mosque as long as I can remember. Come to think of it most churches also have these wire net mesh covers over their stained glass windows too. If you're going to have large numbers of stupid frustrated prejudiced/biased people in towns and cities, best to take some precautions if you erect buildings in public places.
It's not just what he says, it's who he is. From his cringe-worthy "male feminist" rhetoric, to his history of wearing blackface and then unironically (and nonsensically) labeling people who oppose Covid mandates as "racists", and his hypocritical insistence on transforming Canada into a rainbow-colored beacon for inclusivity, but only for those who align to his radical globalist agenda.
A widespread return to normalcy is what Canada desperately needs, and continuing what the truckers started is the only way up and out of this totalitarian regime.
Cards fan
So in other words, you have no problem with him condemning Islamophobia. Correct?
Liberals are good at playing off one minority against the other for votes, and Trudeau is an embodiment of this.
Cards fan
What's that got to do with Trudeau denouncing Islamophobia? Sure seem to be a lot of people upset about Islamophobia being denounced. hmmmmm :)
What's that got to do with Trudeau denouncing Islamophobia? Sure seem to be a lot of people upset about Islamophobia being denounced.
The question is why only denounce Islamophobia while looking the other way when places of worship of other religions are being attacked.
A couple of days ago the largest ever drug bust in the Prairies occurred, but Trudeau will never address the tons of meth and fentanyl being brought in because the major players in the drug trade are another one of his favorite vote bank.
Cards fan
He didn't "look the other way." That's nonsense.
Incredible ignorance regarding what Trudeau has actually said in the past.
The astonishingly tight alternative media bubble on display here.
They are so disciplined. A totalitarian’s wet dream.
There is no proof this was an act of islamaphobia.
There is no proof the person who broke the windows wasn't a Muslim.
Trudeau is the displaying the woke divisiveness spoiling the country.
And precisely what about your radical liberal darling are we being "incredibly ignorant" about? The labeling of the burning of Christian churches as "understandable"? The declaration that those against tyrannical Covid mandates were "racist". The blackface?
Cards fan
I'd say the fact they threw bricks through the Mosque windows suggests Islamophobia.
Do you have any proof a Muslim did this, or are we just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks? Unless you have concrete proof to the contrary, I'm inclined to believe this is an act of Islamophobia, given both anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are on the rise.
Yes, Condemning Islamophobia is divisive. Great point, all the smartest people are saying so.
Jimizo is right on point, as per usual.
Cards fan
Lol that's not what he said. We've already been over this. Do you think repeating the same wrong thing will somehow make it correct?
Don't get bent out of shape, fellow commentators; as a Canadian I know it was only a sound-bite / photo-op opportunity for him. He's up against an election that doesn't bode well for him and he's trying to secure some immigrant votes. That's all it is. And pathetic, to boot.
Cards fan
Not as pathetic as the morons criticizing Trudeau without articulating an actual reason why. Still waiting for them to explain why Condemning Islamophobia is bad. Apparently they should just learn to live with bricks thrown through their windows.
I'll tell you why normal, rational people criticize Trudeau. It's because we are capable of doing what you seem unable to do - seeing clearly that his "leadership" centers around his ultra-progressive brand dominance and control, which is done most despicably under an aesthetic of care and a language of inclusivity.
What we understand is that the threat of complete authoritarianism is far, far greater from those who use his language of extreme liberalism than even emergent, nationalistic populist movements.
The evidence is clear: Trudeau is leveraging these dictatorial powers right now - he endorses censorship, he endorses militarizing the police force, he endorses protest laws. Unprecedented overreaching control that has never been seen under previous governance in Canada. And anyone who tries to dissent? The consequences are immediate, robust and extremely severe.
Through his actions we can see what is becoming of Canada under this dictator.
Cards fan
Lol No Normal, rational person would describe Canada under Trudeau as a "dictatorship." That is laughably absurd. I also note you have yet indicate whether throwing rocks through Mosque windows is Islamophobic. Would it be fair to assume you have no problem with doing so?
So you have no proof. And you acknowledge Antisemitism is on the rise. Therefore, it is equally as likely a Muslim broke the windows to either stir up sympathy for that group or to try and pin the blame on pro-Israel groups.
If someone threw a rock through the windshield of a Toyota people aren't going to get triggered and try and say that is Japanaphobic.
Where are you getting ‘equally’ from?
Are we talking odds?
I certainly wouldn’t give 50/1 either side of your thinking but I wouldn’t trust your judgement here.
This little farce will blow over soon.