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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Trump's angry words spur warnings of real violence
Nutjobs following nutjobs.
It is a tactic to claim everything is done as a joke or in irony, it circumvents logical debate, and has long been practiced by Trump and taken up by his base.
It is clear what Trump's aims are with his statements and those of Fox and his followers. Trump is a first class American demagogue, you have to give him that.
Trump's always been the mafia type with his indirect orders to get others to do his dirty work. How many people have been jailed because of his narcissism? This time, it was "Nice constitutional government ya got there. Too bad if anything happened to it" that people are going to jail for.
Not that I feel bad for his patsies - wasn't it Bush Jr. who said, "Fool me once, shame on me; fool me twice - won't be fooled again" - but it would be nice to see him wearing orange next. It'd match his hair (well, at least 'til the dye runs out).
The absolute pettiness and spite that were in trump's comments about Cheney is an eye opener on how twisted that individual is .
His obsession with revenge and inability to accept the truth is a very disturbing trait and that seeps into the behavior of his supporters.
Extremely worrying.
Wait until November
What positivity does FoxTrump offer?
What can be expected is the usual Trump, cheater, belligerent, violent, criminal..
With his rhetoric of hate and white supremacy is charming and deceiving a country, just like an old acquaintance did in Germany in 1933, the same rhetoric..
For the good of the USA this crazy megalomaniac must be stopped..
I don't understand how there are people who still support such a criminal, maybe they have a similar mentality to do things in life.. Who knows...
The Liz Cheney election is chilling.
Mainly because now American elections have come down to the scion of a war criminal profiteer who shot a friend in the face and got away with it, and a follower of an irrational election result denying cult.
Trump is and always has been a master at playing to the crowds. His picture should be forever placed next to the word "narcist" in the dictionary.
Disinformation and misinformation continue to reign … the former Insurrectionist-in-Chief and his “brown shirts and storm troopers” continue to be the main threat to democracy and stability in the United States of America.
Liz Cheney was someone who valued her country over party, but is in a state that values party over country. Her loss isn't a referendum on her, it's referendum on the intelligence of Wyomingites.
They failed their intelligence test.
Michael Machida
As an American, I am embarrassed. What has happen to my country?
The Avenger
Law enforcement officials across the country are warning and being warned about an increase in threats and the potential for violent attacks on federal agents or buildings in the wake of the FBI’s search of Trump's Mar-a-Lago home.
A centralization of powers will do that to a society.
We consider the protesters of Tianamen Square to be heroes.
They should use the Klu Klux Klan act of 1871,it was design to prosecute mob violence,first use during the Reconstruction,too protect Freed blacks in the South,the law give the President broad powers to restore order too the land
Bob Fosse
Martyrs for the mentally deficient.
Screaming the country is going down the tubes then want to vote for someone with no platform other than whining about himself being a victim and lies from 2 years ago.
Don’t even need to weed them out, they’re doing it themselves.
Bob FosseToday 08:04 am JST
Well, the country is going down the tubes--you're telling us the Dems finally admit Biden has no platform?
It is unimaginable that an elected representative could even utter such words and not be held accountable. These people are akin to the ones who followed Hitler and there is no correcting the course they are following. We have news outlets and elected politicians continuing to spin lie after lie and have millions believing them but a time of reckoning is inevitable for the U.S. I don't want to see it but I also believe there is a second civil war on the horizon.
Alfie Noakes
Indeed, it's Corrupt Warmongers vs Insane Death Cult, all for the right to be the public face of the oil companies, the military-industrial complex, the banks and the real estate companies that control the US now.
The Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Chris Hedges has a very bleak view of what's happening to his country:
Kenchi,the statue of limitations are over,this ship sail a long time ago,learn American law, before you comment on something,you have no knowledge of
Bob Fosse
Have to give a shout out to the work of Chris Hedges.
Illuminating, depressing, and should be required reading for those on both sides of the current divide in the US.
Sad that the Trump supporters still rely on the same superficial messaging emanating from Trump and Fox et al.
Should be to the establishment.
The criminals so far are the establishment that more and more people are waking up from and are trying to renounce themselves from it as fast as they can.
Bass4,how do you feel about losing Alaska sit
Media has to get these articles out there before the midterms I guess, par for the course.
Haaa Nemui
Go on then
A man with a gun and a knife who intended to murder Supreme Court justice Kavanaugh was just the latest in a series a left-inspired violence. But I don't recall reading any article like this about that trend.
You want to stop the violence? Look in the mirror. Stop spreading hate. Oh yeah... and allow people to speak freely and have the opportunity to change things in a democratic manner so they won't feel compelled to resort to violence. And perhaps eliminate the FBI, since they seem to be behind most "terror plots" in the years since 9/11.
Well, it's quite easy to see that the old Republican Party - the one that stood for "law and order" - is now as one former Repub icon would out it, "on the ash-heap of history"...
Now it's a violent cult, bent on deconstructing democracy...
And the majority of Repubs know this - but they accede to it anyway, because the lust for power had replaced a love of country...
There's a reason Russia's state-controlled media refer to Trump as "our agent"....
You notice how lots of people encourage others to break the law,when they are cowards to do it themselves, knowing the Feds will show up at their door,they have a empty Supermax to hold them indefinitely
The Democrats will not only win the midterm,but have a veto proof majority
As in the Gretchen Whitmer case?
And you’re ok with the Feds taking American civil liberties away without due process???
Wait??? How? Don’t you need candidates to win first? What on Earth are you talking about? Lol
Bass4,You do not have a constitutional right to engage in a criminal conspiracy to kidnap and murder an elected officials
I know that! Tell the Feds that.
Mr. Noidall
Wait until November
Trump better hope not.
She's actively trying to put Trump away and yet she still got close to a third of the votes. That means that a third of GOP primary voters in a very red state want Trump out. I wonder what the independents think.
Trump is toast!
Inflation is now BS?
Whoa! He’s not, he’s not putting anything back together, he’s dismantling the entire nation.
By creating more jobs for minorities, getting their attention that the Democrat party doesn’t own them, not starting any new wars, making the nation energy dependent?
It’s not!
No, blame the guy that is now in charge and that has officially crippled and kicked his party off the political platform….thankfully.
Clayton K. Char
From day 1 when Trump was sworn into office, the Democrats have thrown everything at him including the kitchen sink e.g. Steele Dossier, 2 impeachments, and inciting an insurrection on January 6th.
Now it's an FBI search of Mar-a-Lago for classified documents.
Will the Democrats give up? No, Trump is a clear and present danger to their platform of socialist ideas. These ideas allow them to support social programs which will get the beneficiaries voting for Democrats for the rest of their lives.
The understaffed and unprepared Capitol Police allowed the protest to get out of hand. Why did the persons responsible for the Capitol Police retire immediately after January 6th?
Were they brought before the special hearing as witnesses?
Why? Lol.
She got close to 29% of the total vote according to the exit polls, she didn’t come anywhere near close.
Yeah, that’ll never happen. With those kinds of numbers she just can’t build any type of long term constituency.
In a dream of the left
Clayton,this case against Trump is already, before an federal grand jury,they will bring the ultimate judgement against Trump, whether,he go too trial
englisc aspyrgend
As the Roman Republic fell, the US Republic is in imminent danger of charting a similar path.
dragon - Chris Hedges - Interesting read - thank you for the link[s].
Clayton K. Char
Just so I understand you:
"The understaffed and unprepared Capitol Police allowed the protest to get out of hand. "
These people are responsible for the Capitol Riot - but a president who spread lies about a stolen election and incited the mob - is not responsible -
I'm reading you right?
The black unemployment rate Dec 2017 6.7. Dec 2020 6.0
The rate was reduced by just 0.7 during Trump's office.
African Americans also had higher incomes prior to the Trump administration. A black household earned a median income of $40,258 in 2017.
The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under Obama when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January 2017.
The roots of Republican anger at the FBI go back to the 2016 election and investigations of the Trump campaign's alleged ties with Russia and of Hillary Clinton's handling of classified material in a private email account.
But the over-emotional left ignores that these allegations of Trump's ties with Russia were baseless.
And the FBI lied when saying there was a Russian source that claimed some of Trump's campaign committee (Manafort) was working with Russia's government. When in fact the "source" was later indicted for lying to the FBI.
Baseless claims that the FBI secretly framed Trump supporters for their violent actions on Jan 6 also stoked the ire of conservative social media users.
Oh, I see now.
Claims are "baseless" unless the claims are about Trump.
Liberals lap up this kind of reading. It does not require beyond 9th grade evaluative skills.
I believe that Trump, as an individual, with his continuous election lie, Republicans who support and enable him, and the huge amount of supporters in te population, especially violence oriented paramilitary and white supremacist groups pose a clear and present danger to the United States.
We are past finding Trump and his oddball comments and actions funny. His very existence in the American political scene is a threat to the security of the nation, and needs to be treated as such.
If the Republican party finds attaining and holding power over the nation more important than preserving our nation and it's values itself, it does not deserve to even exist as a party. And I say this as a lifelong Republican voter.
Trump's "Call to Violence" Against FBI as He Faces Espionage Act Charges Is "Replay" of Jan. 6 Riot,
Not across all of America, most were in Blue states and white collar jobs
The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under Obama when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January 2017.
There could be a split or division in the republican party those who support Trump and those who do not leading to the formation of a new third party.
finally rich
People are clearly fed up with this administration, regardless of their political views. And I agree, quite a few politicians have been openly fanning the flames and demanding their cult followers to harass people at restaurants/their homes, to riot and burn entire cities to the ground in their mostly peaceful protests.
Obama's black unemployment rate fell from 16.8% to 7.8% in Jan 2017. Trump's rate is a reduction of 0.7%, less than 1%. The figures speak for themselves.
There won’t be a third party. And the Republicans that don’t want to vote for Trump are less than liberals switching over to the Republican Party as well as a growing independent majority which only matters in future elections.;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzcEdnRpZANDT0NPTU9WSUVDVFJMXzEEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1660812677/RO=10/
Bass4,The majority will be minorities,their is not enough White voters left in the Republicans Party,to ever elect another President in 100 years
finally rich
Ctrl+F = only 1 mention of Hitler here? I'm disappointed....
Actually glad people started reading books
wow it’s trump again here- Can’t prove any crimes so attack him about how his supporters don’t like the unfairness and mistreatment he is obsessively subjected to. If you don’t like the response, how about stopping to attack him?
By now he has the right to have some angry words
Jeez, imagine the uprising when Mr T is finally in orange coveralls.
Not baseless until Ray Epps transcript is released
True, that’s why now more and more people of a new multi-cultured society that are signing up to the The Republican Party and identifying themselves as conservatives and leaving the Democrat party.
Take a closer look at Biden's actual track record so far, and the legislation that has been passed under his administration and he has proven to be more competent than Trump ever was.
Sad thing is that the US enjoys chaos and conspiracy over competence and intelligence!
“This is an assault on a political opponent at a level never seen before in our Country," Trump wrote Monday in a post on his Truth Social. "Third World!”
Are these the angry words by Trump that are touted in the headline of this article?
Is that what is triggering the hyperbolic outbursts by the left here?
Trump's angry words spur warnings of real violence
I'm shivering!
wallaceToday 09:36 am JST
Many sources out there. And one says black median income in 2019 was $44,000.
Now, it is a little over $41,000.
But it is common knowledge that unemployment decreased during Trump's administration for blacks, hispanics, Native Americans, women, and every other minority.
And median income increased for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, women, and every other minority.
America had its greatest run economically across the country during the Trump years.
This is before even talking about gas and food prices, and other out of control inflation going on right now.
Bass4,I glad you admitted the fact that Trump will not be elected again
True, that’s why now more and more people of a new multi-cultured society that are signing up to the The Republican Party and identifying themselves as conservatives and leaving the Democrat party.
Voter Registration Totals
Democratic 48,019,985
Republican 35,732,180
Independent 34,699,567
The usual right wing ideologues in the comments section, though they won’t admit it here, still believe the 2020 election was ‘stolen’ after being rejected by the courts 60 odd times, think that the capital insurrection was trespassing, that Ashley Babbit was a hero and that Trump must never be held accountable for his anti-democratic criminality- their prognostications can be safely ignored at this point.
donald is done, finished and looking at a long prison stint, his hope is to burn everything to the ground before he leaves.
That is not going to happen, wait for a few more months and all the ones who pretend to stand behind him will drop him. Even his children are cooperating with prosecutors, this sorry brood wants to make sure some inheritance is left behind!!
Joe Blow
The far left is just as violent, they burned, looted and murdered in cities across America in "peaceful protests" that the media turned a blind eye to.
If Antifa or BLM shoot a security guard dead in cold blood it's a blip on their radar.
If a Proud Boy gets arrested trying to break into a building, America is falling into sectarian violence.
Pure hypocrisy.
I never said, eluded or implied that, the opposite actually.
More than 1 million voters across 43 states have switched to the Republican Party over the last year, according to voter registration data analyzed by The Associated Press. The previously unreported number reflects a phenomenon that is playing out in virtually every region of the country — Democratic and Republican states along with cities and small towns — in the period since President Joe Biden replaced former President Donald Trump.
But nowhere is the shift more pronounced — and dangerous for Democrats — than in the suburbs, where well-educated swing voters who turned against Trump's Republican Party in recent years appear to be swinging back. Over the last year, far more people are switching to the GOP across suburban counties from Denver to Atlanta and Pittsburgh and Cleveland. Republicans also gained ground in counties around medium-size cities such as Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Raleigh, North Carolina; Augusta, Georgia; and Des Moines, Iowa.
Again, the Dems should continue to focus on Trump, helps the GOP and Trump going into November and 2024
What, ROFL!!!! Alternative facts here.
The GOP base is dwindling, a lot of them are old bigoted men who are just going out the natural way.
The democrats are gaining in almost every other demographic!
You have to remember the GOP is the party which called Orban to their bigot convention, the same orban who is against other cultures polluting theirs.....
Trump considering releasing surveillance footage of FBI Mar-a-Lago search.
The Trump Presidential Library is online — and it’s not what you’d think. Hosted by the national archives, the site notes trump was impeached for “having incited an insurrection.”
finally rich
Dems actually did a great service winning on 2020, Trump would have had a hard time juggling issues while battling covid etc, every single death would be attributed to him and all these distractions would only outshine his potential and accomplishments. Think about it. Even 'the most voted president in history' is now world famous as one of the worst presidents the US has ever had. Enjoy!
I will let you in on a secret which apparently everyone except you knows.
Democrats changed affiliation to vote for the worst of the worst GOP candidates in their primaries, to ensure that none of them will have any chance of winning against democrats.
And that seems to be working really really well!
That’s why more and more people are younger signing up and running as well.
Where??? Where does it show that they are wining or might retain the house? If you have anything, share it, take your time.
seems the best way to not be criticized would be to prove your case?
the FBI/DOJ has not done this and bungled the part about the passports. thats why they are being criticized.
So will they be releasing the affidavit tomorrow?
Dont you notice the entire narrative has moved away from "he had nuclear secrets!" to "stop being mean to the people who raided Trump, its not fair!"
They have gone as far as they can go with the unfounded allegations. We have had 6 years of this and Trump has the right to be angry.
But if you look on his Truth Social, he is super happy and endorsing Democrats in hilarious ways.
But Trump supporters love conspiracy theories- Trump pushes them all the time, your party is the party of the Qanon loonies and Mike Pillow election fantasies.
one of the main ideas behind the raid seems to have been to incite this violence that thankfully never came.
Trump asked how can we lower the temperature during this unnecessarily inciteful time, caused by a politically motivated government raid on a former and future president.
As I said the first day, this raid has turned Trump into a martyr, his approval rating has never been higher.
absent any FBI false flags like the Whitmer "kidnapping" or Ray Epps scenario, no Trump supporters will be doing any violence because they are too busy laughing at how the DOJ/FBI got played on this raid.
Express sister
Oh God more evidence-free conspiracy theories from our Qanon pals.
Trump attempts to use a Truth Social post to make a legal request for the DOJ to give Mar-a-Lago-raid documents back
Trump demands return of seized documents – by order of social media
In a post on Sunday, the former president wrote: “By copy of this Truth, I respectfully request that these documents be immediately returned to the location from which they were taken. Thank you!”
It is generally held that social media posts are not legal documents.
2nd Civil War?
Haaa Nemui
By now? He’s never had anything but angry words for the opposition. So, by now the opposition have the right to have some angry words. Seriously, the anger goes both ways and by now you should be used to it. Somebody could change something regarding that part of the politics, but Trump is not the man to do that.
Express sister
The far right: There was no insurrection! There was no violence at all and it was a chilled out and calm tourism event.
Also the far right: There was a ton of violence and destruction but it was the secret antifa FBI who did it.
And he has reason to be angry...this has to be the worst week of his life...and that's saying something...
On the plus side; Liz Cheney was defeated (though this may prove to be only a short term plus)....
And on the negative;
The FBI finds 11 boxes of TS/SCI in his closet...even after his attorney states in writing two months ago that "there is no classified at Mar-A-Lago"...
The CFO of the Trump Org pleads guilty to fraud and is sentenced to jail...
A federal court denies his appeal and releases his tax returns to Congressional investigators...
He sits for a deposition for the NYAG and pleads the 5th 440 times (you know, like the mob)...
Two of his WH attorneys, Cippolone and Philbin, agree to interviews with the FBI on the stolen classified documents...
In Cincinnati one of his supporters attacks an FBI office, fires on State Troopers, and is killed...
A new book shows Trump likes Nazi's - he tells Gen Milley; “Why can’t you be like the German (Nazi) generals?”
His personal lawyer, Giuliani, is identified as a "target" in the Georgia obstruction investigation...
Mike Pompeo testifies before the Jan 6th committee...
Pity the poor illegal immigrant maid that has to clean all the ketchup of the walls at MAL...
Of course.
He is talking about, of course the documents that were seized from his property illegally
so was that Ray Epps transcript released? did he testify live, in primetime?
No he did not. you cant claim "baseless" until we get to see that.
ummm were you in a coma the summer of 2020 when BLM and Antifa burned down half the country and robbed stores in mass mobs but then were bailed out of jail by Dem politicians and treated as heroes by the left?
it was much more than angry words, at least 2 trump supporters were murdered by Antifa.
What excuse for illegally holding classified materials are we up to now? Number 5, number 6?
Haaa Nemui
It’s American politics now.
Sure you want to go with the cawthorne example here!!!
In America!! I am sure you and I aren’t too bothered if anyone in Hungary joins the GOP!!!
No, long term. Liz is finished, now she can try and run and pick up not even a 1/3 of votes and embarrass herself even more, now if I were her, it would pay more to be Another exploding heads on CNN or MSNBC, that’s why I see a future screaming all day with the other competing sycophants, she should look into that, pays well and a lot less headaches and disappointments for her.
Liz will be around long after Donald’s boys and girls are gone. What she said will haunt what will be left of the GOP over the years.
Randy Johnson
Wow. Just wow. We all know very well that the vast majority of all media in western nations is controlled by leftist politics. You're kidding yourself if you can't/don't acknowledge that fact.
In saying that, it's stunning to see the massive amount of hypocrisy on this topic.
The number of times democrat politicians and their enablers have made blatantly violent comments and statements about attacking the political oppsosition are plentiful.
Absolutely shameless article.
no one has proven he has classified materials. or that he is illegally holding them if they are determined to still be classified.
You kinda skipping the whole "prove your story" part, arent you? classified and illegal are the buzzwords, until you realize neither of those are proven true yet.
"Liz Cheney will chase Donald Trump to the gates of hell!"
Well, actually to the door of MSNBC, I know they just taking poetic license to make it sound cool.
Just like she did when she compared herself favorably to Abraham Lincoln.
No, she just got booted, she got booted from her party and from her constituents and why do libs care now all of a sudden. For years you guys hounded that family more than anyone else. Give it a rest. If she had any chance of making it in politics she would have won and with 28% of the total voting count she just needs to sit this one out, it’s over for her.
ROFL! Yeah, ok…
for illegally holding classified materials are we up to now? Number 5, number 6?
Yes they have. It was on the FBI docket that they collected TS/SCI documents.
thats odd because I see declassification memos clearly posted online.
donald has already been booted, he's sticking around to milk enough cash of his brainless flock before he goes to prison.
Meanwhile Liz will be free and stage a comeback!
ROFL!! Yeah,, ok...
Not according to the people he openly endorsed.
Not going to happen, if the Feds had something serious to nab him he would have been gone a long time ago.
without any real constituents? She could always switch parties and try in California or Oregon.
I know that most of you dont want to admit it but a President has certain powers. the Constitution and all.
and the fact that you obsessively hate Trump to the point of delusion still doesnt mean he wasnt a President.
Look, a .gov White House site!
Does that say....declassification memo? It certainly does. says "binder of materials". Did not the receipt for what was taken mention a binder of materials? not that they accurately listed what they took at all.
so now you have seen a paper trail. you are welcome.
what the FBI claims is classified material, correct? Unless Trump already declassified those by his declassification memos, then they wouldnt be, right?
they also claimed they didnt take his passports, right?
Does it say "Certain Materials Related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation"? Why yes it does.
The aren't the documents you are looking for.
Partisanship seems to have become more rewarding in online political discourse, particularly in the Trump era.
But someone who thinks this type of response is clever should never, ever try to quote an intellectual of the rank of Dr. Cornell West in the support of Trump.
It is the basest form of disnifo and why the US is in the state it is.
More insular, deluded hysterics from the basement.
The vast majority of media in the western nation of the UK, my home country, is certainly not leftist.
Nowhere near it.
All declassified documents are by a sitting president. All declassified documents are date stamped. Some documents can never be declassified even by a sitting president.
The new slogan is "Make America Safe Again" Supporters need new caps, MASA.
Trump is requesting donations for his cause.
Hillary never said BLM stand by
Proud Boys stand by
(Trump quote and proof of starting violence)
Ricky Shiffer is 100% Trump MAGA, and what did he attempt to do?
Trump is rushing to hire seasoned lawyers — but he keeps hearing ‘No’
(News quote - even Clinton with the nasty things he did in the WH had good lawyers, but one two things (1) these lawyers don't want to support someone who wants to be dictator and (2) they don't want to get stiffed by Trump)
As an American, I am embarrassed. What has happen to my country?
I really think this statement some up the USA civil attitude. It not "my country" really ,,its your country???? Try "our country". The USA citizens should realise this one important fact and stop the self centred meme,me and start using humility with their power, you will see Blokes like Biden and Trump be replace by decent candidates.