Japan Today

Trump's show of federal force sparking alarm in cities

By Colleen Long, Ben Fox and Jill Colvin

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“Urban policing and crowd control and civil unrest isn’t something that is in their wheelhouse,” said Gil Kerlikowske, a former commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection under President Barack Obama. “It’s not something they are trained for. It’s not something they have any experience or expertise in."

but if you prevent the police in doing anything the rest of the people needs protection

7 ( +17 / -10 )

Whatever action Trump takes the America hating left with argue the opposite.

-17 ( +18 / -35 )

And just who is the "Fascist" here? The more actions like this take place, the more Trump is showing that HE is the fascist ruling America!

13 ( +32 / -19 )

John Smith, Trump has already lost Florida, a state he need to win, you are just wasting your time, Biden has already won, just need the vote tallies

5 ( +17 / -12 )

“This is precisely the type of tyrannical deployment of power that the Founding Fathers were specifically worried about,”

Trump's a nasty and power hungry authoritarian who's spent his time in office undermining the principles the republic's built on. Federal storm troopers carrying out his 'law and order' pogrom provide a distraction from the mess the country's in because of his inept 'leadership'. 135,000 dead from the virus, millions sickened, an economy in shambles, a country more divided than ever. The US's ruling 'elite' want him to stay in office to establish a system of national socialism for their benefit. Trump lacks the intelligence to do this alone. William Barr and his Federalist Society among other far right groups are behind him.

Sinclair Lewis's "It can't happen here" happening right now.

14 ( +28 / -14 )

Whatever action Trump takes the America hating left with argue the opposite.

It's not all or nothing, and until people like you realize it, the US is going to continue down a road of self destruction! No thanks to people who think like you!

You and everyone else that thinks it's all Republican or Democrat is the reason America is going to hell!

25 ( +32 / -7 )

Whatever action Trump takes the America hating left with argue the opposite.

You can't get much more "America hating" than undermining the principles the republic is built on.

21 ( +31 / -10 )

Just put a few swastikas on their helmets, because in effect, they are just as bad as the SS!

10 ( +23 / -13 )

Whatever action Trump takes the America hating left with argue the opposite.

Whatever actions America-hating trump takes, the left will rightfully oppose.

11 ( +23 / -12 )

105 days to go!

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Each of you would sing a different tune if the rioters were on your streets.

-13 ( +11 / -24 )

“We’re going to do everything we can to prevent them from coming. And if they do come, we’re going to do everything we can from a legal perspective to get them out," he said.

I often hear from supporters of the second amendment that the right to bear arms is necessary for protection against a tyrannical federal government. I'm getting closer to conceding that they may have a point after all.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

His use of “Federal Force” “Alarms” people?, but not the shootings, massive property damage and rioting?

THAT doesn’t “Alarm” anyone?

-11 ( +7 / -18 )

The SS are in town and the Gestapo will soon infiltrate the universities. Once the students get back to school, watch the political activity spike. They always go after the labor unions and the students first. Trump would rather burn the cities to the ground than lose the election, we are dealing with a pathetic ego maniac loser.

9 ( +16 / -7 )

federal officers in unmarked vans and with generic “police” patches last week detained several people

Hospitals can't get protective equipment for frontline medical personnel while 'federal' troops are being kitted out in military gear worn by frontline forces.

How many of these 'federal' troops are actually 'contractors', part of private, mercenary forces paid to attack American citizens instead of civilians in countries the US has invaded.

Trump's declared war on America. And he's getting his usual media support from inside the country plus from China, Russia and Iran, each gleefully watching and backing him as he and his fellow 'elite' tear the US down.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

One of the reasons why this Homeland "Security" never should've been created.

Knew it when Bush used 9/11 as a cover to create it.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Of course Trump isn’t doing it alone, no President could and thank God it’s happening now, these people are people caught Read their rights, they will be charged with federal crimes so that they can’t be dismissed and they will go to prison and that’s good.

Most of those arrested (not to mention the feds themselves) say they were neither informed of the alleged offence nor actually charged. Just because Trump says they're all going to prison doesn't automatically make it true.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

To understand the situation in Seattle, NY, and other major cities, the question is: Who paid for the post office buildings, income tax office, police office, mayors' offices, health department offices, etc. in JAPAN? Answer: The tax payers, many of whom are now senior citizens who expect service and protection. If the governors of the prefectures refused to stop a mob from vandalizing, burning, or destroying these buildings in major cities, does Abe have the responsibility to send in any forces to protect the buildings or does he just look the other way and call it "another demonstration for the betterment of society" or "Summer of love?"

What if the mob attacks a reader's house in the affluent district in Tokyo or another major city after the police department has been defunded? Does that person still call 110 and hear nobody can respond to the call or the danger? It is the responsibility of the reader to defend his/her family and property with a weapon?

The citizens of Japan are very fortunate. They still have respectful protests with no violence, etc. The "What if" question still remains? Let's hope decency and respect for law enforcement continue here. Time will tell.

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

105 days to go!

Sadly I wish it were true, when Trump loses, the time between the election and innaguration are going to be downright scary for America. Trump will still hold "presidential" power and the havoc he could wreak while as a lame-duck president could cause problems for the incoming administration for years afterwards.

Yoo argued in a National Review article that a recent Supreme Court decision upholding the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program empowered the president to bypass Congress through prosecutorial discretion: choosing not to enforce federal laws.

While the orders may be illegal, Trump would likely be able to run out the clock in the courts until Election Day, according to Yoo. It would also create legacy headaches for any successor, who would have to enforce the laws unless and until the courts overturn them, Yoo claimed.


5 ( +11 / -6 )

These are men and women from different law enforcement agencies that have come together with various skills and different crime divisions driving in unmarked rental vans and identifying these thugs and preventing them from carrying out acts of violence and destruction and just because liberals are crying foul that the Feds stepped in to put an end to this BS is a fantastic and long overdue thing and not let the locals prosecute it and let these criminals back on the streets again, like the coward that hit those cops in the head and ran away and one had a concussion and needed 17 staples and then after arresting him, he posts bail the next day, are you serious? Well, that’s thankfully coming to an end.

-18 ( +8 / -26 )

the left will rightfully oppose

So you admit Biden supporters are pro-lawlessness and chaos, in the middle of a raging outbreak of a novel-virus?

-9 ( +9 / -18 )

There is no justification for lawlessness.

-5 ( +10 / -15 )

Governance Trump style:

Raging pandemic killing hundreds of thousands of Americans: “Not my problem, you states figure out how to deal with that on your own.”

Protesters pull down Confederate statues: “That is a problem I care about! States, expect federal agents by the truckload whether you want them or not.”

4 ( +10 / -6 )

I’m all for protesting but when looting and violence become the norm then it is time to react.

When graffiti becomes scrawled across statues of Gandhi then senseless mob rule seems to prevail...

When Americans grow up then violence won’t be needed!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

THAT doesn’t “Alarm” anyone?

Yep a vote for Biden is a vote for lawlessness. It seems the Dems have never really changed.

-13 ( +7 / -20 )

Yep a vote for Biden is a vote for lawlessness. It seems the Dems have never really changed.

Using that 'reasoning' a vote for Trump is a vote for fascism. But that's what his supporters in the US and 'abroad' have wanted all along.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Like early 1970s Belfast. Didn't escalate at all.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If these people would just peacefully protest, no problem, it’s their right, they can do that all day and no one would bother them, but what has been going on these past two months is just unacceptable.

These are“Civil Law enforcement officers” they are NOT the military. Yes, the President has the constitutional right to defend federal property, these people don’t have a leg to stand on, they would lose in court all day long.

-15 ( +6 / -21 )

The states are delegated police powers under the US Constitution. Federal authorities may not enforce state laws nor may state authorities be compelled to enforce Federal laws, and the Federal courts may not hear cases involving violations of state laws. Violations of state laws may only be heard in state courts. It is not clear what Federal laws Customs and Border Protectionl forces are enforcing on the streets of Portland or any other US city. They can protect Federal property and enforce Federal laws and that is generally all Federal authorities may do. There are situations where a Federal officer could enforce state laws but those situations have specific and detailed statutory notice and transfer requirements. In Oregon a Federal Officer must have an Oregon State certification, the same as any Oregon peace officer has, before the Federal officer may make any arrest in Oregon to enforce a state law. It is not clear any of these things have occurred in the case of the CPB deployment to Portland. Federal law also requires officers to identify what law the person they are arresting is accused of violating and they must identify the specific authority under which they made the arrest. It will be interesting to see what comes out in court if any of these cases end up being tried.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

...the America hating left... 


Is Trump on the left ?

Has anybody ever seen one iota of proof that the Putin-lovin' Russophile Trump is an American patriot? Siccing anonymous federal militarized units on peaceful demonstrators is straight out of the playbook of a wannabe-dictator who fears for the future of his throne. Grabbing the stars and stripes and spouting insincere patriotic bromides don't convince anybody but the gullible because everybody knows that Trump's despicable CV of self-enriching and serving actions speak louder than his "best words". The outrageous conduct of federal officers in Portland acting on Trump's behest and the threat to more American cities are manifestly the last gasps of a desperate loser who doesn't even love himself, never mind the country of his birth.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

Using that 'reasoning' a vote for Trump is a vote for fascism.

For putting an end to mob anarchists fascists that are trying to dismantle the country?

But that's what his supporters in the US and 'abroad' have wanted all along.

Ok, so Trump should have allowed these thugs to continue their rampage across the country, Trump doesn’t nothing, who gets blamed for the lawlessness? Trump. So if he’s going to get blamed, it’s better to get blamed for upholding the law.

-17 ( +4 / -21 )

Yep a vote for Biden is a vote for lawlessness. It seems the Dems have never really changed.

You do realize all these protests and mayhem are happening under Trump, right?

8 ( +13 / -5 )

"Whatever action Trump takes the America hating left with argue the opposite."

I reckon I get a little tired of that lie. I served as a Naval Aviator and was proud to be part of the force that stood down the Soviets and kept their oppression from my country. Then someone like you accuses me of hating the country I love simply because my politics do not match yours. Today we see a US President doing the sorts of things in my own country that I joined the US Navy and went through years of grueling training to learn to fly thinking I was keeping my nation free of. We never had a secret police answerable only to a single person, We do not have a king or a dictator, or at least haven't in the past but the current occupant of the White House is exhibiting behaviors common to the nations I have long viewed as our enemies. I'm liberal because i do not want to live in a police state and I want to see justice and equality for everyone regardless of their race, religion, sexual preference or gender. We are not there yet. This nation hasn't fulfilled its promise. But don't ever tell me I hate this nation. That is a lie.

18 ( +20 / -2 )

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has made clear, however, she does not want Trump to launch a similar operation in that city, which has seen 414 homicides this year, compared with 275 during the same period in 2019.

Sounds like she had better start doing her job then. That's 2 murders a day. Stop sleeping on the job!

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

"These are men and women from different law enforcement agencies that have come together with various skills and different crime divisions driving in unmarked rental vans and identifying these thugs and preventing them from carrying out acts of violence and destruction and just because liberals are crying foul that the Feds stepped in to put an end to this BS is a fantastic and long overdue thing and not let the locals prosecute it and let these criminals back on the streets again, like the coward that hit those cops in the head and ran away and one had a concussion and needed 17 staples and then after arresting him, he posts bail the next day, are you serious? Well, that’s thankfully coming to an end."

Thomas Jefferson wrote:

I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Unsuccesful rebellions indeed generally establish the incroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. It is a medecine necessary for the sound health of government." 

The leaders of Oregon are acting more in line with the ideas of Jefferson while Mr. Trump acts more like King George and the CPB are his Redcoats.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

All a city (Mayors and police) needs to do is maintain law and order. That includes preventing destruction of public and private property. If they do that, the Feds aren't needed.

Whether any museum piece or statue should be removed is something the city representatives control. No matter what the object being displayed may be. Historians don't think any of the permanent objects should be removed. They just want the conversation re-framed by adding more information nearby to say why they were placed there, who they were to glorify or intimidate, and how that was found to be wrong later and which groups have been harmed. You know, intelligent conversation, not hiding history.

Hiding history doesn't help anyone learn to do better or prevent something similar from happening in the future. Education is the key.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Unsuccesful rebellions indeed generally establish the incroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. It is a medecine necessary for the sound health of government." 

So they should allow this nonsense to continue.....I see....

The leaders of Oregon are acting more in line with the ideas of Jefferson

The former slave owner. Looking at the chaos in Oregon we can see they’re doing a fantastic keeping law and order.

while Mr. Trump acts more like King George and the CPB are his Redcoats.

Utter nonsense. Trump not taking action makes him look like he is not in control. I wish you would’ve acted sooner to be honest.

-12 ( +5 / -17 )

@ Desert Tortoise

Reading your two posts was like taking a shower after wading through the right-wing anti-American screeds on this thread that purport to hold up the mountebank Trump as a paragon of an American patriot.

Thank you for your service, Sir!

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Trump is going to use this same method to guard the WH if he loses the election since he will refuse to leave if he loses the general election. He will also use his army of Deplorables, KKK, and white supremacist army. No matter what Trump will do everything he can to try to stay in the WH.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

His use of “Federal Force” “Alarms” people?, but not the shootings, massive property damage and rioting? 

THAT doesn’t “Alarm” anyone?

Exactly. They stage a neo marxist insurrection fueled by useful idiots and then get hysterical when the president responds in the only responsible manner.

-12 ( +4 / -16 )

Federal storm troopers carrying out his 'law and order' pogrom provide a distraction from the mess the country's in because of his inept 'leadership'. 135,000 dead from the virus, millions sickened..

That mess has been created by your Antifa, BLM friends, these riots,arson,looting are all about spreading the virus..in which they have been very successful, the standard Hegelian dialectic.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Trump not taking action makes him look like he is not in control. 

Oh, we are suddenly concerned about Mr. Trump not taking action on an urgent matter of public importance now are we? Because things might get out of control if he doesn’t do something about it? Like this might spread or something?

How cute.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

And what about the brave Navy veteran captured on film, who saw it as his duty as an American citizen and patriot to engage the anonymous "law-enforcers" in conversation on the street, but was attacked by thuggish "stormtrumpers" and was pushed, beaten and pepper-sprayed, receiving a broken finger and splintered hand-bone as a reward for his exercising his First Amendment constitutional right as envisioned by the "Founding Fathers" to protect Americans from the kind of Potus presently ensconced in the WH who has crossed the line in his perverse attempt to usurp the powers of a king?

8 ( +10 / -2 )

They have no jurisdiction and the judicial branch will stop it soon.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

This president has no clue about what the American Democracy is about.

I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Unsuccesful rebellions indeed generally establish the incroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. It is a medecine necessary for the sound health of government. - Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, Paris, January 30, 1787

0 ( +4 / -4 )

The first question that one needs to ask is " Why do people feel the need to protest".

Answer that truthfully and you might have your answer.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I personally am relieved to see the picture. Finally, we can see SOME law and order taking place. Hope this is the beginning.

-15 ( +4 / -19 )

This will not end well. Too much uncontrolled power for one organization with apparently ZERO accountablity. If the problem that caused it's creation was failed leadership and communication, fix the leadership and communications problems, don't create a whole new set of problems.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Trump not taking action makes him look like he is not in control. I wish you would’ve acted sooner to be honest.

This is true: Trump, having taken no action to prevent the spread of Covid-19, is not in control, and he should have acted sooner.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Trump: US citizens should be beaten, kidnapped and disappeared by Federal troops without being read their rights.

Hmmm...multiple young people wearing black, with gloves, box cutters, homemade pipe bombs and other projectiles, bricks just seems a tad bit suspicious. Just friendly protesting, OK....lol

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

I personally am relieved to see the picture. Finally, we can see SOME law and order taking place. Hope this is the beginning.

It is. It's the beginning of the end of the US.

Trump has unmarked Federal troops beating and "arresting" American citizens for protesting racism.

He's curtailing the right to vote.

He refuses to confirm that he will accept the result of the election if he loses.

This is a full-on dictatorship being birthed.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

There is no justification for lawlessness.

How wrong does it get? When laws or people in charge of either making or upholding those laws are in the wrong, there is every reason to want to change them.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Hmmm...multiple young people wearing black, with gloves, box cutters, homemade pipe bombs and other projectiles, bricks just seems a tad bit suspicious. Just friendly protesting, OK....lol

A US Navy vet had his hand broken when he spoke to these troops. Just spoke to them. and they broke his hand.

I know you despise the military - and, in your own words "laugh when they die" - but even you must see that this is twisted.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Hope this is the beginning.

Naw, it's exacerbating Trump's idiotic downfall. It isn't the beginning, his inaction on COVID-19 and racist reactions to George Floyd type injustice started a long time ago.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Oh please! Liberals are openly allowing these anarchists who were the ones that started toppling statues, that started dismantling the country and culture, that started all the rioting and looting and destruction for the last eight weeks, it’s total fascism that has run amok and allowed these people that went out to try and target the McCloskey’s and Tucker Carlson, these are the same people that are letting out prisoners and what the funding of the prison system, these are the same people that want to funding of the police force, this is the problem this has nothing to do with Trump and no conservatives taking part in this, no conservative is screaming they hate America or are anti-American.

Trump has unmarked Federal troops beating and "arresting" American citizens for protesting racism.

I see, just let them do to Portland what they did to Seattle?? If these protesters dokks or went to the governor or mayor’s house of Portland, you think they would still hold the same position? The mayor of Seattle didn’t.

He's curtailing the right to vote.

He refuses to confirm that he will accept the result of the election if he loses.

Says the people that support open borders.

This is a full-on dictatorship being birthed.

Hardly, if the Democrats win, get rid of the filibuster, pack the courts, not allow people to chilies of schools, stop us from singing the Star-Spangled Banner, push the GND, abolish the police, cancel anyone that disagrees with them, that will be your dictatorship.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

t's exacerbating Trump's idiotic downfall

That would be nice to think. But I think Trump's got the backing of the US 'establishment', the putative 'elite' Trump and his supporters (US and 'foreign') claimed he was going to remove. (Recall 'drain the swamp', another empty slogan still shouted by his faithful while their Trump continues to enlarge his swamp.)

Instead he's replacing the foundations of the republic to push through his brand of national socialism. Instead he's been the biggest champion of the 'elite' 'establishment' the US has seen. Under Trump they've got richer and more powerful than they've been since the days of the robber barons.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

That would be nice to think. But I think Trump's got the backing of the US 'establishment', the putative 'elite' Trump and his supporters (US and 'foreign') claimed he was going to remove. (Recall 'drain the swamp', another empty slogan still shouted by his faithful while their Trump continues to enlarge his swamp.) 

Yes, you are absolutely right, that’s one thing I fault Trump for and that’s not getting rid of the Obama holdovers when he started his administration. Reagan got rid of all Carter’s people and Trump didn’t do that, huge mistake.

Instead he's replacing the foundations of the republic to push through his brand of national socialism. Instead he's been the biggest champion of the 'elite' 'establishment' the US has seen.

So elite liberals love him? Doubt it, but they love his policies for sure.

Under Trump they've got richer and more powerful than they've been since the days of the robber barons.

not to mention hired so many people, millions of people started with the last three years with the great economy to get better pay in these rich elites or able to hire more people and more people are getting better salaries as the unemployment numbers were decreasing, if the Democrats get in the power that will all change expect unemployment benefits to go up, expect wages to drop, expect the homeless population to explode. This is Democrat dictatorship at its very worst.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

The GOP claims of supporting the rights of Hong Kong protestors seem hollow when they are so intolerant of protests in their own country!!!

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Peaceful protestors kidnapped off the streets!!!!!

Does trump want the US to turn into Russia????

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Hardly, if the Democrats win

Don't worry, Trump will refuse to leave and his armed people will guard the WH

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

"So they should allow this nonsense to continue.....I see....'

Indefintely? No. But there are better ways to cool down an angry rebellion than brute force. The Mayor of Portland and Governor of Oregon were both trying to calm things down using the least amount of force. Read what I quoted from Jefferson about punishing such rebellions lightly. There are legitimate grievances being aired and they very much need to be aired. Instead some out of town paramilitary force arrives with assault weapons and uses gas that isn't legal under the Geneva Conventions for use in war on a crowd of civilian demonstrators. i have an autistic boy. I've had to learn the hard way that sometimes punishing an act of defiance only makes the defiance worse and often leads to a complete screaming, kicking, biting, head butting meltdown. He wants the attention, even when it's negative attention. Punishing him actually rewards and reinforces the bad behavior. Counter-intuitive but true, but it took professional training to see it. Instead sometimes, and this is very hard for a dad to do, I simply ignore his tantrums. I walk away or just act like he's not there. I tell him when he is calmed down we can talk. And I won't talk till he calms down, and thus reward good and appropriate behavior. There is a lesson in that for handling angry citizens. Cracking down only makes the violence worse. We are seeing that now in Portland.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Democrat mayors let riots go on unabated to make a political point, making average citizens fear for their safety or have their businesses damaged, burned, and looted.

Trump sends in federal troops to quell the unrest and they call foul. Boo hoo.

No different than the Antifa and other commie protesters who throw rocks, bricks, and canned food at police and then cry "assault" when they get pepper sprayed. Don't start none, won't be none.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

The GOP claims of supporting the rights of Hong Kong protestors seem hollow when they are so intolerant of protests in their own country!!!

HK protesters are fighting communism; far left American protesters want to turn America into a communist country.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Seems the Dem governors and mayors of these areas want the communist anarchists to wreck everything, just to make Trump look bad. But I think most people are tired of this and welcome Trump's assistance.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

The mayors of these cities have done nothing but pander to the base instincts of the radicals infesting their streets. Legitimate grievances do exist, and they should be voiced. However, "legitimate grievances" do NOT include 7 weeks of nightly vandalism and violence (such as in Portland). The appeasement tactics used by mayors and governors who are afraid of backlash from the political left have NOT worked. This leaves the feds in the awkward position of having to protect people and property by themselves. Two months of violence is enough. Time for the people to reclaim their streets and neighborhoods. Time for safety to again be paramount.

The protesters want to LARP about and taunt civil authority, they shouldn't expect the kid gloves treatment.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Seems the Dem governors and mayors of these areas want the communist anarchists to wreck everything, just to make Trump look bad.

Yeah because reality shows this to be true. Right?


5 ( +8 / -3 )

President Donald Trump is using the Department of Homeland Security in unprecedented ways as he tries to bolster his law and order credentials by making a heavy-handed show of force in cities around the nation in the lead-up to the November elections.

Well, I admit it - I was wrong. I laughed when I read those wild conspiracy theories on far-right websites and from conservative icons like Hannity and Limbaugh - that the government was creating a para-military force to strip away our Constitutional rights and limit our freedoms and due process.

I just thought they were doing their typical fear-mongering. But nope - they were right - as we've seen in Portland and perhaps other cities over the next several weeks.

We have secret federal troops, in combat gear, invading our cities, even when told to stay out by local elected authorities. It's exactly what you'd see in Russia or China...

Which is all you really need to know given how chummy our President is with those two dictators...

Welcome to Trump's Amerika 2020...

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Fed troops grabbing people off the streets in unmarked vans has nothing to do with protecting buildings.

They're Civil Law enforcement officers preventing them, which is great! You don’t pull down statues you don’t smash and rob loot and destroy federal property, if you want to be heard and you want to have a civil dialogue, you sit down and talk with city officials, with political leaders and have a Townhall, you don’t engage in Mob behavior to dismantle or destroy anything that you don’t like, and thank God that it’s not being tolerated anymore.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Vote this November!

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Wrongful arrests are illegal.

So far every rest of these agencies have done were calculated and were justified completely, they did their homework extensively. And since it’s federal, the good thing is they won’t be able to get the charges dropped, so that’s great news. I’m happy.

Amazing anyone would support that.

Yes. I was raised to respect police and the rule of law


-9 ( +4 / -13 )

If the local police forces were allowed to do their job, this wouldn't be necessary. However, they are mocked and restrained by the local officials in place.

But Mayor Wheeler in Portland need not care. He is the scion of a very wealthy family that made their fortune in timber. He owns three homes and doesn't have to worry about getting dirty in the city that he governs.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

So far every rest of these agencies have done were calculated and were justified completely, they did their homework extensively.

This isn't true.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

And just who is the "Fascist" here? The more actions like this take place, the more Trump is showing that HE is the fascist ruling America!

The America hating left have been so busy screeching 'fascist' ever since Trump was elected that they won't recognize when someone truly dangerous... a real fascist, perhaps... comes along. Everything they claim they hate, they are becoming. The current social unrest is a direct result of the America hating left being unable to accept his win in 2016. The BLM cause was quickly been hijacked by these people. They don't care about BLM. They only care about tearing America apart.

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

So far every rest of these agencies have done were calculated and were justified completely, they did their homework extensively.

I see, so these civil law agents are just rounding up people for no reason, they’re just doing it because they’re bored out of their mind, forget they have years of trainings and experience. Law enforcement agents are just not as smart as your typical politician that know everything about the law. ROFL! Too funny...

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

The right claim that secret forces, suppressing Americans’ constitutional right to protest, are ‘necessary’. The same people who would never admit any suppression of other given constitutional rights may be necessary.

Then they whine about Covid and BLM protests.

They’ve made themselves into a joke. A real sad one though that no one can actually laugh at cause it’s so pathetic.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

This is what it looks like when a country is in melt down. That the country used to be a world leader that others looked to for guidance is a tragedy. The result of Trumps leadership plus the Republican v Democrat, us versus them mentality.

They have forgotten that together they are team America and they are at their best when working together. Such a great loss will be hard to get over. If only they could somehow find someone to lead them together rather than continue driving them apart. If only...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The America hating left have been so busy screeching 'fascist' ever since Trump was elected that they won't recognize when someone truly dangerous... a real fascist, perhaps... comes along.

The left: Trump is a fascist!

JohnSmith: Oh yeah? If Trump was a fascist, would he use the law to punish enemies and reward friends while brutalising citizens and disappearing them without trial, and denigrate the power of labor while elevating the power of capital?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

anarchists fascists that are trying to dismantle the country

reading the comments above they have been called commies, marxists, fascists, anarchists, even jihadists....which is it? You’re all over the place. I know you feel the need for labels to make sense of the world, but make your mind up or just say ‘bogeyman’ because that’s all it really is.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

It is genuinely horrifying to watch US citizens be abducted by their government for no reason while a President who considers the rule of law arbitrary threatens to ignore the democratic process.

Fascism is ascendant in the USA.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Each of you would sing a different tune if the rioters were on your streets

Not true because as someone taught me here: Items can be stolen, vandalized or buildings burned down. They can all easily be replaced. Snap your fingers and everything will be brand new.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

reading the comments above they have been called commies, marxists, fascists, anarchists, even jihadists....which is it? 

Take your pick.

One cannot be a fascist and an anarchist at the same time. They are diametrically opposed.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Can someone point to where it shows identification on their uniforms?

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Yes. I was raised to respect police and the rule of law



Back then did they drive around in unmarked vans and not display ID ?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Kinda weird to see people say they respect the rule of law then cheer when Trump pardons his buddies who have been proven guilty in court.

Law and order for some, free passes for others. I suppose it depends how on the size of your wallet.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

The first month of riots in Portland (up to the end of June) caused more than $20 million in damage. One city, one month. Minneapolis saw a THOUSAND properties and businesses damaged and destroyed.

THESE are the results you get from following the appeasement strategies favored by the jelly spined creatures in charge of these cities.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

It's difficult for me to imagine putting on my Black Lives Matter t-shirt and protesting against the police the very next day after my home or business has been looted and burned down to the ground by these same people.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Finally, we can see SOME law and order taking place. Hope this is the beginning.

Yep, it is the beginning, but of the end because the world only has to suffer the insufferable for a 100 more days or so. Then the onus will be on the apologists for Trump's criminal administration to explain to themselves how their "law 'n' order" leader ended up in prison and facing years of further litigation. Trump's de facto personal lawyer, AG, Bill Barr, has guilty fingerprints from his grubby hands all over the excesses we have witnessed on the streets of Portland and he will likewise have to answer to the bar for his conspiracy and collusion to abuse the law and pervert the course of justice.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Vader sending in the storm troopers

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Sneezy, why have you yet to talk about the 28 people that have died since the start of the protests? 24 by gunshot wounds. Break down the legality of all of these shootings please.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Some people are making a show for the media, , some are playing up to it, some people want to see martial law,, some are being played , some have no idea what they are doing or why, you can figure out which is wanting / doing which but the media are loving it and the players are too dumb to understand !

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I too take offense when the crazies, who call us the America hating left, think that if you are not a right winger shouting obnoxiously in unison, USA USA, as they stomp their feet, you must not love America. I was in the Navy during the 70's, part of which was as an AIC on the Mudway involved in the Cold War that started right after Vietnam ended. But, what can a person expect from someone whose hero is the bone spur in chief?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Remember when Ammon Bundy and his militants armed themselves and occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge? The Republicans supported it, as fighting for their rights.

Now the people whose rights are being fought for are black - and the Republicans condemn them endlessly.

When it's white people, the republicans argue for their right to arm themselves for their cause. When it's black people, the republicans argue that these people must be whisked away by secret unmarked police.

And therein lieth the problem in America. The Republican party is corrupt.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Each side accuses the other of being fascist. Sadly, one side is only slightly more correct than the other.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

The Republicans supported it, as fighting for their rights.Now the people whose rights are being fought for are black - and the Republicans condemn them endlessly.

The Bundy's were armed and occupied a building well away from everyone. They shot no one, even after one of their own was shot and killed by government thugs. The Bundy people were organized and peaceful to a man.

The problem with BLM is that its so disorganized that the looters, rioters and agents provacateurs are easily confused for BLM even if they aren't.

I support both the Bundy's and BLM, but BLM really needs to get its house together. They need a new Dr. King badly.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

@Vanessa Carlisle, slightly more correct? each side calls the other fascist? No, the right righteous right are sometimes the fascists. Liberals are not fascists. I think you have the Democrats confused with the anarchists.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

and so many terms. "leftist", "anarchist", "instigator", "liberal", "Antifa/BLM". All to disguise what these people are doing. I dont care about the membership, I care about the actions.

how about people breaking the law are called criminals?

people burning stuff are called arsonists?

assault someone? attacker

theft? thieves

all of these? rioter.

you cant be a "peaceful protester" while doing things that are not peaceful and while you are not protesting.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

how about people breaking the law are called criminals?

I agree that these feds are criminals.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Its quite normal if its viewed as what it is- just assigned law enforcement enforcing the law against people who are breaking it.

The constitution protects the right to peaceful protest. How can that be against the law?

3 ( +3 / -0 )


Its quite normal if its viewed as what it is- just assigned law enforcement enforcing the law against people who are breaking it.

normal police identify themselves.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

yes and normal "peaceful protesters" dont assault law enforcement with bricks and hammers, start fires, loot and injure officers. They also dont "dox" law enforcement families and show up at peoples homes.

so you are fine with all this if the federal law enforcement had a name tag with a number on it?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

the lack of any peaceful acts or any actual protests.

The constitution protects the right to peaceful protest. How can that be against the law?

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

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