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Trump tweets video with 'white power' chant, then deletes it


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Judge a man by the videos he tweets.

18 ( +22 / -4 )

"He did not see it."

It was less than twenty seconds into the video, and was quite loud. Oh, I'm sure he saw it. And it wasn't 'one statement,' the phrase was repeated multiple times.

"Shortly afterwards"

.... three hours. That's hardly shortly afterwards, in social media time.

What he did see was tremendous enthusiasm from his many supporters

Yes, his racist, bigoted supporters. I'm sure he has lot of enthusiasm from them.

And the fact that he did not condemn the person, even after yanking the Tweet and putting out a statement through his Cabinet and press office...

par for the course for Trump. For any other President, they'd be soundly condemned by both sides of the aisle. At least Tim Scott has some integrity on the Republican side on this matter.

16 ( +21 / -5 )

The White House did not respond when asked whether Trump condemned the supporter's comment.

Of course they didn't condemn the comment. Trump's people know he's got a tough re-election ahead; they can't risk losing support from any group, including the white supremacists in his base.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

Just continues to show how he talks and acts without thinking and that's been the story of his utterly failed presidency. Hard to even call his tenure a 'presidency', more like a '4-year catastrophic experiment'.

15 ( +18 / -3 )

Let him kick himself out of office. BLMs says the wave is on harmony for this election, not division. Biden just has to NOT stuff it up.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

No one should be surprised. At all.

He's appealing to his base in his last gasp attempt at getting re-elected this November.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

We’re in a battle for the soul of the nation — and the President has picked a side. 

Couldn’t have said it better.

trump has always been on the bigots’ side, he is being more open about it.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Is there any way retweeting a video with a man shouting ‘white power’ can be spun as Trump joking or being sarcastic?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

This depraved man-child belongs in the gutter. Lock him up

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Excited for Trump cultists to post their defenses. Will it be, “he said ‘white flour’, and was giving baking tips”, or will it be “white supremacy is good, actually”?

15 ( +16 / -1 )

this video should not even have been available to retweet in the first place! Shouldn't they have taken it down for a racist comment?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Excited for Trump cultists to post their defenses.

I'd rather not see or hear it, because Trump's actions regarding the video are indefensible. There will be spin by the cult, as they absolutely find reasons to speak out for racism and a racist president, but it's all senseless, wrong and a waste of time reading their posts. Maybe they'll wake up and be more reasonable, but as it stands, only the most zealous of them still support Trump's words.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Why delete it? That's who you are and what you stand for and everyone knows that so man up and stand by it.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Obviously he tweeted it before watching the whole clip and noticing the stupid white power remark at the end.

But yeah, the fake media will have a field day with that and remind us at nauseam.

The daily Biden gaffes? Never mind, nothing to see here.

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

Obviously he tweeted it before watching the whole clip and noticing the stupid white power remark at the end.

Obviously you didn't watch the video, the chanting was at less than 20 seconds into the whole multiple minute clip. Either A) Trump is so ADD that he couldn't even spend the time to watch that much, B) so scatterbrained and deaf he didn't hear it, or C) did hear it, and didn't care.

Any of A, B, or C would disqualify someone from any job as important as President of the United States.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Check it out before it gets taken down.


Wow, did you hear the foul language from the anti-Trump crowd!

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Check it out before it gets taken down.


Wow, did you hear the foul language from the anti-Trump crowd!

I did! Those people are nasty!

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

Wow, did you hear the foul language from the anti-Trump crowd!

That happens when people are angry. It’s not anger that makes people yell “white power”

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Trump's tenure in office has appeared to have emboldened white supremacist and nationalist groups, some of whom have embraced his presidency.

One thing is for sure - it has definitely triggered the establishment globalists on both sides of the aisle and Hillary supporters.

-16 ( +1 / -17 )

Trump IS the swamp. Some serious draining needed in November.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

Lets just hope the American people arnt that stupid and vote him out.

But let's vote for a Democrat who wrote a crime bill that destroyed thousands of black lives, incarcerated them, broke up families, a man who called blacks predators, a man who was against busing, a man who eulogized a former KKK member, a man that can't even remember what he said two minutes ago, a man that believes in regulations and believes and taxing small businesses to the hilt, a man that doesn't believe ir support small businesses, a man who believes China is our friend! Yeah, let's vote for a man that believes in these things, that'll work out just well.

...it took 3 years to rip a Country apart

Thanks to the Democrats and it took even less time to ultimately get everyone to submit to the mob. Astonishing!

send the debt through the ceiling its going to take many more to fix..

That's China for you, that's our Democrat leadership....or lack of it for you.

-21 ( +2 / -23 )

That's China for you, that's our Democrat leadership....or lack of it for you.

I agree... these last four years under Trump have been disastrous.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

The guy driving the cart is clearly sick to the back teeth of all the BLM nonsense, and simply said what he considered would annoy the protesters the most; it worked.

I knew the positive would start spinning sooner or later.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Trump fans won't even call him out for it here. Must be white supremacist supporters

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Of course Trump heard it. That's why he posted it.

Many learned people are now beginning to recognize that this is his strategy - regardless of whether he believes the content of his tweets / re-tweets or not.

By inflaming the discussions(?) you achieve 3 things at least that may well be beneficial to your cause.

1 ) You stir up your support base - keep them egged on, keep them engaged.

2) Set the playing field. Then everyone has to play the game that you have set. This creates a sense of empowerment and allows you to have a greater degree of control over the field. For example you won't see Trump re-tweeting supportive, conservative intellectual discourse because he'd be out of his depth (remembering his tweets are usually spontaneous) and he'd be playing a new game with new rules.

3) You use controversy as a distraction. Take the heat off critical attacks or commentary.

All of the above was used successfully by Trump 1st time round. He sees no reason - or has no alternative - to change his tactics.

Imagine Trump having a public debate with someone like Kamala Harris or Stacey Abrams or Amy Klobuchar.


9 ( +10 / -1 )

Trump fans won't even call him out for it here. Must be white supremacist supporters

They praise and support the Confederacy and monuments to those traitors. They think that slavery was good and they want to bring it back. If they tell you they don't, they're lying.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday tweeted approvingly of a video showing one of his supporters chanting “white power,"

Fake news right there. The old guy in the golf cart shouted "White Power" once to the screaming crowd that was harrassing him. How does make a "chant"?

But that is journalism these days.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Fake news right there. The old guy in the golf cart shouted "White Power" once to the screaming crowd that was harrassing him. How does make a "chant"?

At least twice, clearly. And yes, that’s all it takes to make it a chant.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Fake news right there. The old guy in the golf cart shouted "White Power" once to the screaming crowd that was harrassing him. How does make a "chant"?

Good point. Sounds a bit like avoiding the main point, but it is accurate.

Now, what do you think of Trump retweeting a video with a man shouting ‘White power’ at the beginning of it?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

But yeah, the fake media will have a field day with that and remind us at nauseam.

Fake news right there

Because I won't click on any of the many global alt right/fringe/kook media outlets and make their 'elite' backers richer, I'd appreciate if those decrying what they call 'fake media' could post an account of this event they think might be more objective.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Wow, did you hear the foul language from the anti-Trump crowd!

I did! Those people are nasty!

Yep, they are. Lots of nasty people around. You need a thick skin in life and particularly in politics.

So, what do you think of Trump retweeting a video with a man shouting ‘white power’ at the beginning of it?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

lol Trump cultists be like "well racism is fine, but i draw the line at naughty words"

6 ( +8 / -2 )

This is what you get after eight years with a president who immersed himself and his family in a black nationalists church. The pendulum keeps swinging back and forth going ever further to the extreme. America is going full on Identitarian - no one should be shocked that clenched fists and black power chants would not be returned in kind.

That’s what is so awful about the BLM movement and the associated effort to demonize white people as morally inferior. It’s forcing people apart not bringing them together. If we are not striving for a color blind society and attacking others for the accident of being born with a light skin pigmentation you are getting the desired result. Burn it down and what do you get in it’s place? A fragmented society at each other’s throats. It’s like the Arabs and the Jews. After all these years there is no end in sight to their mutual hatred.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

The guy is a weak coward. If he really believes in White Power, he should stand proud on his soapbox and declare to the nation with true conviction. God is on his side.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

White privilege?

White Power?

They are non existent concepts that a few have become fixated on...

-10 ( +1 / -11 )


Good point. Sounds a bit like avoiding the main point, but it is accurate.

Now, what do you think of Trump retweeting a video with a man shouting ‘White power’ at the beginning of it?

I think he did not watch the clip til the end and did not notice the "white power" shout, which is of course counterproductive. And I know that obviously someone pointed it out it to him, and he deleted the retweet immediately. Now, it is being kept alive by the Trump hating media. You are welcome.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Now, it is being kept alive by the Trump hating media

When hardcore GoTrumpers can no longer find anything positive to say about their main male, they attack something they call 'the media'.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

I think he did watch the video until the end, and he retweeted it because he liked the man who chanted "white power", because he agrees with that man.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

When hardcore GoTrumpers can no longer find anything positive to say about their main male, they attack something they call 'the media'.

They have always attacked the media.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I think he did not watch the clip til the end and did not notice the "white power" shout

It was at the beginning.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Trump fans won't even call him out for it here. Must be white supremacist supporters

wow the media was so quick to make an opportunity of this crap, even after the peaceful riots, never miss a beat, those sweet hearts. Have all our best interest at heart.

I saw the tweet.

another so what? moment. He acted before thinking, thats it. I can think for myself. he wanted to show his support but some guy replied to another and said white power.

Whoopie doo.

I wont be breaking any glass or hurting other people.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

”white power!” How deplorable.

Golf carts , how apt. As Covid-45 has spent most of his tenure with his lardy arse on the golf course.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Trump has done well in setting such a low bar for behaviour. At best, he retweeted a video with a guy shouting ‘white power’ because he’s too careless to check the content.

This is the best possible case scenario for the president of the US who is followed by millions on Twitter at a time of heightened tensions about race.

His supporters are fine with that.

I dare say most of us here are held to higher standard at our places of work. I wish I could get away with such dangerous carelessness.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It’s time we started holding the rest of the Trump voter bloc accountable for this. You don’t get to say, “Trump and the party may be racist,”

1. “But the judges”

2. “But my taxes”

3. “But the economy”

If you vote for him you own the WHOLE racist, misogynistic package, and you are one of them.

No more excuses.

"White Power." An elderly ** in a golf cart holding up a raised fist, whose idea of a supreme leader is a washed-up TV reality-show huckster who's 100 lbs overweight and 20 IQ points below normal.

It would be laughable if it weren't so tragic.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

another so what? moment. He acted before thinking, thats it. I can think for myself. he wanted to show his support but some guy replied to another and said white power.

He actually wanted to show his support for the person who shouted "white power". I hope this has been informative.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

ZaphodToday  09:25 am JST

Obviously he tweeted it before watching the whole clip and noticing the stupid white power remark at the end.

Well then do you admit he saw the white power rant at 8 seconds into the video??

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Trump will get up and close with "White Power" when he makes his trip to Rikers Island in the illegal Stormy payoff case - in the shower...

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Trump will get up and close with "White Power" when he makes his trip to Rikers Island in the illegal Stormy payoff case - in the shower...

Oh brother, As about as "off" topic as you can get.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Not the first time he reposted a racist video.

No, it isn’t. He was once rebuked by the PM of the UK for retweeting dodgy racist trash.

Twitter should have warned him and slapped him into line in the past. He’s still posting filth. His Twitter account is a toilet.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Wouldn’t it be better if he had someone do the tweeting for him, like an executive tweeter?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Wait a minute! Was that Donald Jr. driving one of those golf carts that had White Power! plastered on the side of it. Maybe not, but if it had been him it wouldn't surprise anybody, would it?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Ok... Now I know that I am going to get reamed by folks on the left for this comment, but I'm going to leave it anyway - just b/c I think it's worth consideration. Could it be possible that the guy shouting "white power" is actually just being sarcastic? Basically, what it appears to me is that he is being accused of being racist just b/c he supports Trump, so he responds by sarcastically saying, "white power, white power" - in a way, mocking the accuser who is calling him racist. Of course, regardless of whether it's sarcasm or not, it wasn't in the best judgement of Trump to post it (unless, as some people think, he was doing it intentionally to either 'drum up his base' or create a distraction for the media.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Could it be possible that the guy shouting "white power" is actually just being sarcastic?


5 ( +5 / -0 )


One guy in in a golf cart shouts "white power" = bad

A BLM mob chants "What do you want? Dead cops! When do you want it? Now! " = good

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

One guy in in a golf cart shouts "white power" = bad

A BLM mob chants "What do you want? Dead cops! When do you want it? Now! " = good

The difference between these two things is: the first one happened in the real world, the second took place only in your imagination.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Ah_soToday  06:51 am JST

Judge a man by the videos he tweets.

He tweet a Muslim-bashing video too, and a fake one of a black kid running away from a white one - claiming it was a CNN broadcast. He is a vile disgusting and sick racist. His true colors are shining through and they ain't beautiful like a rainbow, they are UGLY as an outhouse with an overflowed john.


5 ( +5 / -0 )


Hmm someone made a video of our "imagination"

the second took place only in your imagination.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

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