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© Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Trump comforts storm-ravaged Carolinas with hot dogs, hugs
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Chip Star
You might have gotten a boat?
Have a good time?
Dude can't even get this straight, (1) Don't talk about yourself or politics. (2) Don't try to joke. (3) Be empathetic.
You conservatives sure gave us a real peach for a president.
This must be the hardest part of the Presidency for him. Being forced to pretend to care for anyone but himself.
Chip Star
Cursory research demonstrates the invalidity of this statement.
How are things in Puerto Rico.
Chip Star
The emotional words and comprehensive itinerary stood in contrast with Trump's trip to Puerto Rico last year after Hurricane Maria, when he drew criticism for tossing rolls of paper towels into the crowd. Or his initial visit to Houston after Hurricane Harvey, when he did not meet with any storm victims.
The man baby seems to have learned! That must have given him a huge headache.
Texas A&M Aggie
President Trump is such American great leader. Folks in Louisiana are still waiting for The Left's "Man of the People" to stop by and offer aid and comfort after floods ravaged their state in 2016.
Catastrophic damage has been done to the area. It will cost billions to rebuild. How's Trump's infrastructure spending coming along?
Maybe Trump can delay spending billions more on nuclear weapons and show he's a man of the **people - beyond the ELITE .01% he's part of and represents** - and use taxpayers' moneys to rebuild the infrastructure damaged by the hurricane - and elsewhere throughout the country.
Is Trumpcare(less) going to cover the medical costs associated with this disaster?
Any mushrooms in those hotdogs?
You mean like Haiti?
You mean like Haiti?
Who would expect anything else?
Hot dogs and chips is probably the worst food for disaster victims.
Haters gotta hate. It doesn't matter what a Republican President said or did, the Hillary worshippers would find something to nitpick and whine about. Again.
It appears that the people in the area, those who were actually affected by the storm, seem to appreciate the President's visit. I guess the Democrats couldn't get their protestors into the area in time to "resist" and "obstruct" the President's visit. Unlike the usual internet suspects who wasted no time before trashing a good will visit.
Chip Star
Less emphasis on agriculture at university and more on literacy would help some people not constantly be incorrect:
Obama did visit Louisiana in 2016.
"He was also caught on camera telling a person to whom he had just handed food to "have a good time."
What a terrible thing to say! lol
Best president ever! Trump 2020
Ready to eat canned meats such as chicken and tuna, fruits and vegetables;
canned soup and milk;
peanut butter, jams and energy bars to keep energy levels high;
comfort foods like lollies, bars and biscuits - keeping morale high can make the world of difference in disaster situations;
dried foods such as raisins but watch for fruits with high salt content;
whole-grains cereals like oatmeal;
instant meals like cups of noodles or soups, but they'll need boiled water;
water for drinking and washing - Civil Defence recommend a minimum three litres per day, per person.
How dare he give Americans hot dogs!
Next I will hear that.....gasp....he also gave someone a Coca Cola.
Voted up +1
More like a rotten apple.
Great Comment.
Voted up +1
Simply Brilliant.
Thanks for giving me a great laugh to enhance my enjoyment of afternoon tea (Cinnamon Bun and
Cold-Brewed Ice Coffee)
Texas A&M AggieToday 09:47 am JST
Voted down -1
"How's the house?" he asked one person. "You take care of yourself," he said.
The Orange Idiot making it perfectly clear what he's going to do for these disaster victims.
Oh but wait wasn’t the liberal complaint that he is racist takes care of white peoples who are affected by storms?
But now you are claiming he had no compassion for whites either? You liberals really need the get together and come up with one story.