Japan Today

Electing Trump would be 'historic mistake,' Clinton declares


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Electing Trump would be 'historic mistake,' Clinton declares

Unlike four previous elections, It would be a 'known' historic mistake...doesn't matter.

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

“He has the gall to say prisoners of war like John McCain aren’t heroes,” Clinton said.

More importantly, Donald J. Trump went to war against Disabled American Veterans in 1991 and for a decade fought to deprive them of their rights in the City of New York.

Ultimately Trump won crushing legal vendor licenses granted to Disabled American Veterans ridding Trump's Trump Tower of those dirty disgusting veterans engaged in legal subsistence vending operations granted by the City of New York since the Civil War.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

The last 7 1/2 were catastrophic, Hillary promises 4 more....

Goes to show ya, a sucker born every minute.

-11 ( +10 / -21 )

Electing her would be a historic tragedy. The world isn't ready for another Clinton. Trump is about the best that the failed two party system has to offer.

-2 ( +17 / -19 )

“He is not just unprepared; he is temperamentally unfit,” she told supporters in a ballroom. “We cannot let him roll the dice with America.”


No responsible person could ever vote for Donald J. Trump.

And millions of Republicans will.

And that is why the Republican party must be destroyed.

12 ( +21 / -9 )

Is that an orange blouse Hillary is wearing or is it a prison jumpsuit? Someone needs to tell her to stop wearing that color.

-5 ( +12 / -17 )

The pot calling the kettle black

0 ( +14 / -14 )

Yea black sabbath, totalitarianism is what the nation needs. Right!

One born every minute, or less.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

"Trump has pushed back. On the education company, he has maintained that customers were overwhelmingly satisfied with the offerings." - article

That's why Donald J. Trump will answer to a forty million dollar fraud charge. A word of caution to Secretary Clinton, 'keep your powder dry'.

Trump will have massive riots at Cleveland showing the deep and destructive campaign of hate he has created is nothing but another way to sell a fraud. Remember, eleven million voted for the bigot, fourteen million Republicans voted against the racism and religious prejudice of Donald J. Trump's crooked campaign of hate.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

She is ramping up her criticism of the presumptive Republican nominee and trying to quell concerns within her own party that she isn’t ready to rumble with the famously combative Trump

Nonsense. No one in the Democratic party thinks Clinton isn't 'ready to rumble' with the famous tv personality and con man Donald J. Trump.

If Trump is stupid enough to debate Clinton, she will mop the floor with him.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

But Trump gained more supporters such as Ryan and Rubio.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Great speech by Hillary there. Loved it. She destroyed Trump for being thin-skinned and dangerous. More importantly, she explained coherently how the United States and our world allies fit together, juxtaposed against Trump who desires to become isolationist. Very dangerous is Trump.

5 ( +15 / -10 )

"...but [Clinton] is dealing with a tough fight with rival Bernie Sanders in California."

Complete and utter balderdash. The nomination is sewn up.

People who print this nonsense are hacks. Its the whole its-a-horse-race!! bs that only low info people fall for.

You will hear a lot of this kind of nonsense in the general, how HRC and Trump are neck and neck. How this poll shows her up. And now him!!! Hell, its already there. Utter balderdash. The only people who believe this tripe are ignorant, or stupid.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

Electing Clinton would also be a historic mistake.

But then, what does it matter, really? The US president is just a puppet.

-7 ( +9 / -16 )

Unlike Trump Clinton's actions have led to carnage and loss of life! On her part, massively poor judgement.

D Trump never has been

Why would anyone vote for Hellary?

-7 ( +8 / -15 )

Yes Hillary, we all know Donald is bad, but judging from your actions, we still cannot reason why you are any better.

2 ( +14 / -12 )

But then, what does it matter, really?

Tell that to the people of Iraq.

Paranoid lefties like you are just as bad as the lunatics on the right.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Electing either of these two will be a historic mistake.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

What else would you expect her to say?

Listen to her no details blanket statements. And you say Trump speaks in generalities. Ah...the double standards

Looks like Japan Today loves posting Trump bashing articles on a daily bases. Let`s see some from the other side.

@Black Sabbath,

I knew you were a left wing liberal.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Trump will have massive riots at Cleveland showing the deep and destructive campaign of hate he has created is nothing but another way to sell a fraud

It's the people who are against Trump that are doing the riots at his speeches, not his supporters. Crowds of people waving Mexican flags, displaying piñatas of Trump and beating them with sticks and cutting off the heads and kicking it like a soccer ball. There was one old man a Trump supporter who punched out a girl, and he was dealt with by authorities but the media would have you believe that Trump is telling people to go out and stomp on police cars, and silence any opposition to his message. How many Hillary/Bernie rally's have been disrupted by Trump supporters? If they had, we would still be seeing highlights of it on the news.

Trump has not called for violence against anyone. If you don't like his message, sure you can go to a rally and show signs of disapproval, but more so, why don't you just go vote (if you can) and not vote for him.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

As a Republican, an NRA , member and one who has hated HRC since Whitewater, I have to admit that Hillary Clinton is a better choice for the office of POTUS than Donald Trump. I honestly question the intelligence, education level, or sanity of any American who supports Donald Trump. He has to date shown no sign of having any of he qualifications that the office requires.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

I knew you were a left wing liberal.

In the US, not too many right wing liberals.

Anyways, you say that if it were a bad thing.


Donald J. Trump is not a bug of the Republican party; he is a feature. Your party is rotten, and has been for two decades. In fact, it was the beginning of the end of your party when Ken Star decided to turn the bankrupt Whitewater investigation into the partisan witch hunt that cost $40 million and ended with a semen stained dress -- which pretty much summarized all that the Republican party stands for since the 90s.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

"I have to admit that Hillary Clinton is a better choice for the office of POTUS than Donald Trump. I honestly question the intelligence, education level, or sanity of any American who supports Donald Trump. He has to date shown no sign of having any of he qualifications that the office requires." - comments

The precursor is so compellingly the profile of the Trump-aholic, it is stunning the razor like perception that is presented immediately afterward and reproduced above.

If this commenter would illustrate the contrasts presented it would do much to show the sensitivity and sophistication of more than half of the GOP-tea who voted against Donald J. Trump by three million votes. Well done.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I have to agree with her on this one.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

In an interview with CNN a while back, Trump said:

It's not like, gee whiz, nobody has them. So, North Korea has nukes. Japan has a problem with that. I mean, they have a big problem with that. Maybe they would in fact be better off if they defend themselves from North Korea. ... Including with nukes, yes, including with nukes,

In a later interview, Trump said:

Can I be honest with you? It's going to happen anyway, It's going to happen anyway. It's only a question of time. They're going to start having them or we have to get rid of them entirely.

Yesterday, in response to Clinton's speech, Trump said:

And it was such lies about my foreign policy, that they said I want Japan to get nuclear weapons. Give me a break.

Trump must learn that words matter. Apart from his tendency for word salads - a stream of consciousness style in which most rules of syntax are suspended - Trump speaks with no consideration of how his remarks will be received. As a billionaire, that is certainly a perk he can enjoy. As a president, it is, simply, disqualifying.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I think both Trump and Sanders never try to discuss Foreign anything. Clinton is trapping them look ignorant idiots.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

“They said I want Japan ... to get nuclear weapons. Give me a break,” he objected. “I want Japan and Germany and Saudi Arabia and South Korea and many of the NATO nations - they owe us tremendous. We’re taking care of all these people. And what I want them to do is pay up.”

Why is this guy so pompous? Disgusting.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

I thought you couldn't get worse than Hillary. As Secretary of State she was the worst ever. John Kerry is probably #2 worst ever.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Trump, meanwhile, got an endorsement he’d been seeking, from Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, who had resisted even after the businessman clinched the GOP nomination.

I genuinely feel bad for Ryan. He was hoping he could buy some time and have Trump be more "presidential", but now he has to endorse a man he obviously does not support, and Trump looks even worse today that he did before.

I really don't understand why GOP leaders are falling behind Trump. Why not blaze a trail for more moderate faction of the party? Instead you're going to attach your name to a person you don't support who will most likely lose?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

No responsible person could ever vote for Donald J. Trump.

No responsible person could vote for the candidate who is under FBI investigation and would store the nuclear launch codes on her blackberry.

There is now more than a theoretical chance that Hillary may not become the nominee, she may have only 6 days left as a viable selection. California democrat voter registration is up 218% from 2012.


This bodes very well for Sanders, not for Hillary. Traditional democrats like unions and nurses are also beginning to jump Hillary's ship.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

"Why is this guy so pompous?" - comments

When a below average intelligence inherits 200 million dollars from Daddy after being sent to a Military School for behavioral problems and is surrounded by sycophants and bigots; pompous is the only character trait Donald J. Trump has perfected in nearly seven decades of being a rich nobody.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Electing Obama was a "historic mistake".

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Monica Lewinsky isnt voting for Hillary. She said the last time she had anything to do with a Clinton it left a bad taste in her mouth.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

I do not think any responsible person could vote for either candidate. Again it is a shame this is the best the United States can come up with. Furthermore although I like seeing Bernie Sanders in the mix and challenging Ms. Clinton and the establishment in his own ways, I believe the things he is stating he would like to do (although admirable) are not economically viable at this time. Considering the current debt and unfunded liabilities the U.S. is insolvent.

Both candidates are so polarizing and arrogant (in different ways) that they lack the most needed trait for a leader in the U.S. at this time - someone that can pull a country that is imploding and becoming more polarized back together. It would be nice if there was a candidate that could

a. Pull the country back together b. Really fix the economy c. Get a handle on the immigration issue as the economic state of the U.S. (and the world for that matter) is such that the U.S. cannot continue to absorb the influx of people entering the country illegally

Unfortunately much of the U.S. populace is so divided and of the belief that their party is far superior to the other (to the point of calling fellow citizens names), when in fact both parties have colluded to eviscerate the middle class that "item a" seems to be an impossible task.

Edward Gibbon's classic "On the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire", as imperfect as it is, seems to give some insight as to where the U.S. is heading. Perhaps the U.S. is reaching the point where it should be divided into separate nations (rather than be absorbed into a North American Union)? I do not know....but it seems as time goes on it may be a more viable option as it seems as an entity becomes larger it becomes more difficult to maintain a democracy or constitutional republic.

I think the problems of the U.S. are much larger than the 2 likely presidential candidates.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

"This appeals to his supporters. . . . They just care that he re-tweets things that appeal to their anger." - comments

Tweets are the language of the imbecile. Donald J. Trump has mastered that as a second language. It hasn't been shown English is his first language.

Excellent analysis from the commenter's post.

0 ( +3 / -3 )


Is there a law that states you have to be a politician to run for the presidency? Your statements about Trumps supporters are exactly what they are fed up with. Basically, being taken for a ride.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Trump will have speech soon and as usually anti Trump crowds are waiting in San Jose. He speaks discriminatory comment on judge.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


Well said

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

"He speaks discriminatory comment on judge." - comments

Actually Donald J. Trump continues to bait the rabid bigots following his Pied Piper of Hate act.

Trump continues to attack a Federal Judge as a "Mexican".

That is the most compelling illustration of a racist appeal Trump has stoked since his 'birther' campaign since 2011 over the color of President Obama's skin.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Electing either of these idiots would be a historic mistake. Vote Libertarian

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Trump is an egotistical, self obsessed, lying shyster fraud. But I cannot accept Hillary under any circumstances. President Trump is a bad SNL skit. I can deal with that. No Hillary...please.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


Hillary Clinton started the birther claims.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

If Trump is stupid enough to debate Clinton, she will mop the floor with him.

True, however will it matter to the ignorant masses who vote trump?? They clearly don't give a damn about facts or substance they just want a body that spouts ignorant sound bites & even dafter slogans, they simply either cant comprehend or don't care about things that matter.

Its scary how clueless so many americans have become, its embarrassing to witness, even as a non-American. The GOP clearly needs to implode & start anew what they have become the last 20yrs looks pretty un-American to me, good luck all you yanks, I have a feeling your going to need it.

For goodness sake please ensure trump fails, don't fall for the dark side!!

1 ( +4 / -3 )

'don't fall for the dark side!!'

I'm afraid we are looking at two dark sides.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

FYI: 'birther campaign'

“You know who started the birther movement? You know who started it? Do you know who questioned his birth certificate, one of the first? Hillary Clinton. She’s the one that started it. She brought it up years before it was brought up by me.” — Donald Trump, interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, May 4, 2016

"Zombie claims are stubborn things. No matter how many times you debunk them, they keep rising from the dead — even eight years later."

source: "Donald Trump’s Ridiculous Claim That Hillary Clinton Started The Birther Movement"

Rule of thumb: Repeating a lie doesn't make it the truth, unless you're Donald J. Trump.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Trump's penchant for lies is so well documented there is little hope the Trump-aholic will ever see the light. The historic failure of Trump's lies is based in the facts that Trump created a racist litmus test. If a voter believes the birther lie, they vote Trump. That's called Marketing Hate and that is what Trump is doing with his campaign.

"Trump was one of the most high-profile birthers during President Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign. Starting early last year, Trump and other Republicans blamed Clinton for starting the birther movement. Our friends at FactCheck.org thoroughly disproved this and found no link between Clinton and the birther rumors. When Trump repeated it months later, PolitiFact and our colleague David Weigel again debunked it."

"Not one to be deterred by facts, Trump said it yet again May 4, 2016"

source: "Donald Trump’s Ridiculous Claim That Hillary Clinton Started The Birther Movement"

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Now the excitement begins. The way is open for Trump to start a full-scale assault on the Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. If Bill and Chelsea join in the fray, Trump will have a field day with Bill's past and Chelsea's husband and father-in-law.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Mr. Trump outlasted 16 others trying to gain the GOP nod and went on to lockup the nomination in record time. Meanwhile, Mrs. Bill Clinton only had two others standing in her way from the dem nomination and she still can't claim victory as an aging communist continues to nip at her heels.

Non-partisan, independent voters like myself see that fellow Americans who'll vote democrat also view a Mrs. Clinton presidency as being "a historic mistake." . . . .

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Where does "Trump-aholic "come from? Trump neither drinks or smokes, and never has.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

"Where does "Trump-aholic "come from?" - comments

A "Trump-aholic" is addicted to Trump. As observed by Ron White, "You can't fix stupid." He may have had Trump-aholics in mind.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Please, this is so far from ridiculous - stranger than fiction doesn't begin ..

Anyone with half a brain wouldn't be remotely serious in considering Trump as better than Hillary. It all comes down to the anti-establishment movement (which is understandably) and to be blunt, a lack of intelligence in the US electorate that Trump is where he is today. Sheesh ..

3 ( +5 / -2 )

"a lack of intelligence in the US electorate that Trump is where he is today" - comments

Please note: It is the lack of intelligence of only eleven million in the US electorate who voted for Trump that Trump is where he is today. Which is nothing to be proud of.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Monica Lewinsky isnt voting for Hillary. She said the last time she had anything to do with a Clinton it left a bad taste in her mouth.


-2 ( +3 / -5 )

You ever notice how when a 'progressive' disagrees with anyone the first reaction is to start calling the other person or group 'ignorant'?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

@hidingout...I think this type of arrogant behavior is not limited to one side of the political spectrum...seems to go both ways

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Hee hee - yeah, hilarious. David Horsey has a better take at the LA Times, comparing Trump to Humpty Dumpty from Through the Looking Glass:

When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.”

“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”

“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master – – that’s all.”


It would be more hilarious if it weren't so damn dangerous. Still, we can take solace in the fact that each day which passes with Trump as the GOP standard-bearer is another shovelful of the grave they're digging themselves - one they won't dig themselves out of for a generation.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

"Mr. Trump outlasted 16 others trying to gain the GOP nod"

Did you see the state of those people? Even the repulsive Ted Cruz outlasted most of those knuckle-draggers. The debates were at the level of a fight in a monkey cage.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

If Trump is stupid enough to debate Clinton, she will mop the floor with him.

I don't think so. The last press conference that Trump had, he called out specific reporters by name of being unfairly biased against him. He has even gone on shows that weren't really kind to him (i.e. Megey Kelley, etc) and held his own. When was the last time that Hillary has stood up in front of a pool of reporters and actually spoke, and I don't mean just spouting off talking points. What has she actually said that wasn't in a canned environment. In WV, she thought that she had it in the bag when she met with a focus group and that coal miner put her in check and we saw the end result of that. Unless she can get on a show that she is allowed to control the message, we don't hear from her. Like it or not, Trump at least speaks his mind.

Please note: It is the lack of intelligence of only eleven million in the US electorate who voted for Trump that Trump is where he is today. Which is nothing to be proud of.

So let me get this straight, it's ok to say that 11 million people like intelligence who have so far decided to vote for Trump, and that is not viewed as derogatory. Yet when he says, some (not all) Mexicans, and Muslims who come into the USA illegally commit more crimes (after all like it or not coming into the USA illegally is a crime unto itself), and goes on to show examples of cases that have been in the news and has victim families to give testimony, and that is seen as being racist and bigoted?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Trump isn't anything new. The world has a history of populist candidates promoting tribalism during hard economic times. It usually doesn't end well.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Electing a known to be totally corrupt politicians like Hillary Clinton is the historic mistake. Add in the felonies and her simply winning the Democratic primary is epic level for mistakes.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

There are issues Trump said and Hillary said No

Trump said Japan and S Korea are equipped with nuclear weapon. Hillary said no. Trump said Clintons said Obama is racist. Clinton said no, they never said Obama is racist. There are many more .

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The world has a history of populist candidates promoting tribalism during hard economic times.

Actually, it's called Nativism.

However, "the tribe" is what he's running against. Not promoting it.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Again Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight......


-5 ( +3 / -8 )

The debates were at the level of a fight in a monkey cage.

The only monkeys at their debates / rallies were the thugish "hecklers" like Rakeem Jones. Plus we all seen the level of the Clinton supporters and what they're capable of: rioting, assaulting police, waving mexican flags, beating up innocent people and thrashing police vehicles (which are paid for by state taxpayers).

. . . . so tell me, who are the real "knucle draggers" now ehh??

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Hey, if nothing else it's going to be hilarious to see Trump up against Hilary in a debate. There couldn't;t be a greater gap in IQ's and experience.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

It would be a far bigger "historic mistake" to allow crooked Hillary and her minions to further pollute the well being and soul of the United States of America. Change is in the air be it Bernie or Donald. The Clinton brand is finished. The next 4 years could turn out to be the best 4 years if we just get rid of the old guard as we know it. I know all you old timers stuck in your ways cannot accept change, but change will come sooner or later and it might be wise to prepare accordingly.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

The anti-Trumpers were at it again in San Jose, CA. Punching and attacking Trump supporters. Throwing eggs. Starting fires.

There's even a photo of a muslim (resembling the infamous female jihadist from Paris, Hasana Aitboulahcen) holding a "Dump Trump" sign. Perhaps she should go bck home to the ME, where she belongs.

Meanwhile stay classy Clinton supporters.


-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Both candidates are so polarizing and arrogant (in different ways) that they lack the most needed trait for a leader in the U.S. at this time - someone that can pull a country that is imploding and becoming more polarized back together. It would be nice if there was a candidate that could

Excellent point, but the one thing that is strikingly different is, conservatives can at least admit that the GOP is useless and incompetent and has been for some time. Democrats on the other hand will swear up and down that their party is functioning on a full tank and all is well and breezy, when in fact, it's the exact opposite. The DNC is starting to divide itself between the establishment Washington Democrats and the Liz Warren, Sanders Progressive far left which comprises of mostly 18-35 age groups that were mostly entitled kids that now feel the high college tuition rates and lack of job opportunities are killing their future hopes and inspiration for a prosperous and decent life.

a. Pull the country back together b. Really fix the economy c. Get a handle on the immigration issue as the economic state of the U.S. (and the world for that matter) is such that the U.S. cannot continue to absorb the influx of people entering the country illegally.

100% Right on the mark!

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Obama was an historic mistake. Can't get worse than that.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Also true. But then again, we could get Hillary! A fate worse then death.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

"Also true. But then again, we could get Hillary! A fate worse then death."

No need to panic yet. Your fears may come true and Obama may declare martial law and cancel the election like your choice Ban Carson predicted.

Clinton is no prize but at least she is saner than the barking mad, cross-eyed headcases the GOP wheel out at election time. Whether she becomes president and fares as bad as the two worst postwar presidents, Nixon and Bush junior who both left with hellish approval ratings, remains to be seen.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Hillary is an idiot. Instead of discussing what she will do, what her focus is, etc, she is trying to play Trumps game by flat out blasting him. Although I don't think so, MAYBE she is a better politician, but she WONT win at HIS game. By stooping to his level, she is shooting herself in the foot.

Bad move, crooked Hillary.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

No need to panic yet. Your fears may come true and Obama may declare martial law and cancel the election like your choice Ban Carson predicted.

I would be ecstatic!

Clinton is no prize but at least she is saner than the barking mad, cross-eyed headcases the GOP wheel out at election time.

Naw, after 30 years of her lies, flip flop and scandals with her skirt chasing husband and a failed Senator and Secretary of State, I think we're better off, not having to deal with a woman who would continue the failed policies of Obama.

Whether she becomes president and fares as bad as the two worst postwar presidents, Nixon and Bush junior who both left with hellish approval ratings, remains to be seen.

Nothing can pass Carter and Obama, no president alive, you have to do your ultimate worst to get that bad.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

"Nothing can pass Carter and Obama, no president alive, you have to do your ultimate worst to get that bad."

Not according to what the majority of American people think. Nixon and George W Buah left office with the worst approval ratings of all postwar presidents. You say there are non-partisan historians who claim that the Bush presidency wasn't the disaster the US public think it was but you refuse to provide links to these articles/books. I can only assume you made this up.

Nixon and Bush - bottom of the barrel.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I love everyone who bashes on Hilary, when the alternative is Trump.

In reality, no ones vote matters. Think about it - do you really think your vote matters? If you downvote this post, then you're just salty that I'm right. Come on everyone, no matter how much we argue on this site, nothing will matter and the higher ups will decide between Trump or Hilary.

The public doesn't matter - the people behind the curtains pull the strings, and they'll ultimately decide who becomes president whether your insignificant vote matters or not.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

On the one hand it would be a historical disaster, but on the other hand, it will be fun watching the slow motion accident that is the US (and I like the US).

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

FizzBit at Jun. 03, 2016 - 01:03PM JST However, "the tribe" is what he's running against. Not promoting it.

Heh it's priceless to see the Trumpettes delude themselves that conman Trump is an anti-establishment (cough) "self-funded" candidate, with his super PACS And Goldman Sachs campaign finance manager...

Fizz you're simply so alternative it must hurt.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Electing Hillary would prove to be a worse historic mistake - at least for Japan.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Question: If Donald Trump is such a bad candidate, why is Hillary Clinton virtually tied with him in the polls?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Wow!!!! Wc626 explain your definition of knuckle draggers in relationship to you Clinton posting from what I have seen its not just Mexicans and blacks throwing eggs it your cousins too from white Orange County. It's all races so let me see if I understand you correctly anyone out throwing eggs or disrupting the conventions are knuckle draggers if not racist misplaced Appalachian first cousin marrying hillbillies that settled in the OC with and area code of 626! I have for one been to the Trump rallies and have seen Mexicans shouting TRUMP FOR PRESIDENTS there are many Mexicans who don't feel that HiLIARy is a good candidate and knows she is a liar and they don't agree with what the illegal immigration is doing to this country. You have it all wrong!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Clinton or Trump

Is that the choice?


-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Not according to what the majority of American people think.



One reason is because a lot of people aren't well read and listen to their one-sided liberal professors, the media and that's why some people would say that.

Nixon and George W Buah left office with the worst approval ratings of all postwar presidents. You say there are non-partisan historians who claim that the Bush presidency wasn't the disaster the US public think it was but you refuse to provide links to these articles/books. I can only assume you made this up.

No, I said, you can find them as I did, that's all I said.

Nixon and Bush - bottom of the barrel.

I admit, Nixon wasn't as dishonest as Clinton that's why he couldn't get away with what he did. Hillary is as slippery as an eel. Bush tanked the economy, true, but none of our enemies mistook him for weak and they generally fears him. Obama on the other hand will make you want to invade the US and by the way, when Obama will leave us with a $19 trillion debt and deficit, who's going to clean up his mess? Obama, bottom of a shoe.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

"Clinton or Trump

Is that the choice?


What's wrong with Clinton? lol

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

As if Clinton is any better

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

"Nixon and George W Buah left office with the worst approval ratings of all postwar presidents. You say there are non-partisan historians who claim that the Bush presidency wasn't the disaster the US public think it was but you refuse to provide links to these articles/books. I can only assume you made this up."

"No, I said, you can find them as I did, that's all I said."

I can't find them. I tried. Why not just post a link? If not, just tell me a name. It's easy. Just two words.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Just to review the last few observations, maybe Trump's eleven million votes impresses a few desperate bigots, but the reaction from "minority" voters tells another story.

Trump's campaign to "Make America Hate Again" hasn't served anyone except Trump's tee-shirt vendors.

See you in court Mr. Trump.

"The last press conference that Trump had, he called out specific reporters by name of being unfairly biased against him." - comments

Maybe FOXNews will come to poor Donald J. Trump's defense against those horrible biased reporters.

"Hillary and her minions to further pollute the well being and soul of the United States of America" - comments

That Donald J. Trump's attacks on Mexicans and Muslims is purifying the "soul of the United States of America" sounds more like what has been called 'racial cleansing'.

"conservatives can at least admit that the GOP is useless and incompetent " - comments

Since when did the GOP-tea hate the GOP-tea? Was that the feature report on FOXNews?

"Hillary! A fate worse then death" - comments

Isn't that what Republican George W. Bush was? Maybe Trump's plan to silence the Press is preferable? Oh, that was Bush's deal when he banned photographs of the caskets of American soldiers.

"a lot of people aren't well read and listen to their one-sided liberal professors" - comments

Yes, education is the root of all evil. That's what Donald J. Trump fears most. An educated electorate. He certainly is schooling Americans in his campaign of hate.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Now many Republicans say that 4 years of Hillary would be better than even 1 day of Trump as POTUS.

Glad they realize this.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Trump wants to bomb Mexico. In fact on his first day he will order the nuclear subs to patrol the Rio Grande.

Hillary is as slippery as an eel No, she's just clean.

after 30 years of her lies You were trying to convince us that the Clintons murdered Vincent Foster. Do you still believe that?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

IMO Trump has been brought in to give HRC the appearance as the lesser of 2 evils, he is playing all the cards to make her look better, but anyone who has research and read about HRC knows she is a real piece of .... work. Trump is just for show. I would have put some money on it but the odds for HRC to win dont make it worth the bother. Next American President HRC or ill eat my head.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

In reality, no ones vote matters. Think about it - do you really think your vote matters?

Of course every vote matters . . . I could just see it now. Hillary whining and moaning, just like Al Gore, "I want a recount."

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Registration works. In some cases you can own a machine gun if it's registered and none have been used in crimes. All guns need to be registered. Proof is machine guns in the USA and ALL guns in Japan.

Trump wants to waste 10B on a wall when the solution is simply a 10 dollar ladder or 5 dollar shovel. Who is going to pay for that? And 10B is just to build it. It will take billions per year to maintain it.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

"Of course every vote matters . . . "

You are dead right. The last time a GOP president was elected, he set the Middle East ablaze creating a mountain of corpses, severely damaged the reputation of a fine country around the world and saw the economy rocket down the toilet at breakneck speed creating misery for millions.

Keep these people in zoos or churches.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I genuinely feel bad for Ryan.

Then you are no liberal.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

That doesn't change the fact that Obama has one of the worst foreign policies No, did well with Iran. Also, he was against the Iraq war so he would have saved the US trillions of dollars by not invading Iraq (Trump said the invasion was a mistake and GWB was a bad president- it shows Obama was right all along). Obama has been a great president who could win a third term.

Trump's wall is a 10B fraud that will just require a 10 dollar ladder to get over. People who believe in his wall also think Trump University is a great school.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The last time a GOP president was elected, he set the Middle East ablaze

Heh . . . only after the Twin Towers collapsed. Before that . . . another GOP president booted an invading Saddam out of neighboring Kuwait.

If Hillary gets elected, the blood from the (post 9/11) Iraqi invasion is still on her hands too.

Keep these people in zoos

Funny. i was just thinking that too. After watching all the filthy lawlessness and political violence against the Trump fans in Fresno, CA yesterday.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

That doesn't change the fact that Obama has one of the worst foreign policies No, did well with Iran.

Absolutely not. He and Ben Rhodes outright lied to the American people and for what? For this nut job to get a good resume? Can't wait until November is here!

Also, he was against the Iraq war so he would have saved the US trillions of dollars by not invading Iraq

But he will leave us with a $19 trillion debt which is even worse.

Trump's wall is a 10B fraud that will just require a 10 dollar ladder to get over. People who believe in his wall also think Trump University is a great school.

70% do.


Rhodes and Obama knew that, for anyone but the hard-left to accept a deal with America’s bitter enemy in Tehran, a new narrative needed to emerge, even if it was relatively transparent nonsense. As Rhodes explained to his bemused interviewer, David Samuels, in a New York Times Magazine profile this weekend, it was first necessary to lie to a corrupted and inexperienced American media about all sorts of things, beginning with the nature and intentions of the enemy Iranian regime. Subsequent lies were caked on, as the White House took advantage of a dangerous mix of journalists’ ignorance, their ideological and partisan commitment to the administration, and, finally, their career aspirations.

Rhodes said, “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns… They literally know nothing.” Thus they will believe what he tells them. He also tells friendly non-governmental organizations and think tanks what he is telling the journalists. Those outlets produce “experts” whose expert opinion is just what Rhodes wants it to be. These ignorant young journalists thus have quotes that look like independent confirmation of the White House’s lies.

First, the lies and the denials about the negotiations. It took months before a few dogged journalists started to ask questions about the talks Obama officials were engaged in with Ahmadinejad’s regime. In February 2013, then-State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland flatly denied “direct, secret bilateral talks with Iran.” Republicans on Capitol Hill were nervous about the rumors, but the media was willing to accept the State Department’s denial. The secret negotiations with Iran also alarmed America’s allies in Jerusalem, who had also been kept in the dark about their closest ally’s clandestine meetings with their most potent adversary.

If Hillary gets elected, the blood from the (post 9/11) Iraqi invasion is still on her hands too.

Her and Biden's.

Funny. i was just thinking that too. After watching all the filthy lawlessness and political violence against the Trump fans in Fresno, CA yesterday.

Why are you shocked? That's what spoiled liberals do. And this is what parents get with a $80K college education. Astounding!

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Its a day after Clinton lambasts Trump. Notice something?

No Republican response. Nothing.

A day after the presumptive Democratic nominee savages the Republican presumptive nominee, and no official Republican Party response has come forth. Nothing from Reince Priebus, nothing on the RNC's website. No press release. Nothing.

No one has come to Donald J. Trumps defense.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Why are you shocked? That's what spoiled liberals do. And this is what parents get with a $80K college education. Astounding!

Not shocked bass . . . .growing up CA, I saw how ghetto illegal Mexicans can be. As far as college educated students, can't blame them too hard, their professors are hard core libs.

Imagine what mexicans (in mexic) would do to americans, who went into mexico, and burned the mexican flag?? I'm just sayin'

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Did Trump say he had foreign policy experience by running the Miss Universe Pageant? That's laughable!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! A Clinton talking about fraud.... good grief.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Its a day after Clinton lambasts Trump. Notice something?

No Republican response. Nothing.

Unlike Democrats, the GOP is not a monolithic group or part of the collective. Trump can take care of himself fine and I seriously doubt he's losing sleep over this bump.

A day after the presumptive Democratic nominee savages the Republican presumptive nominee, and no official Republican Party response has come forth. Nothing from Reince Priebus, nothing on the RNC's website. No press release. Nothing.

She did, probably No response because No one was listening to Hillary. I dare anyone to keep their eyes open for 5 minutes before dozing off listening to her cackle.

No one has come to Donald J. Trumps defense.

I'll bet Hillary wishes someone would come to her defense, she sure as heck needs it.

Not shocked bass . . . .growing up CA, I saw how ghetto illegal Mexicans can be. As far as college educated students, can't blame them too hard, their professors are hard core libs.

Same here, grew up in L.A, and because it got too crazy, we moved to the Inland Empire, a lot better, like night and day. Even the Mexicans that lived around us, really hated the illegals coming in.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

throwing eggs - classy. but clearly threats of the world ending will be more effective in getting people to vote democrat instead of republican. pitiful.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Lol at the Clinton and Trump bashers - I'd pick either of them over ANY of the JT posters here. No one here is as successful or has the support group of either candidate, so there's really no point in arguing politics and getting riled up when someone disagrees with you.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Black Sabbath - A day after the presumptive Democratic nominee savages the Republican presumptive nominee, and no official Republican Party response has come forth. Nothing from Reince Priebus, nothing on the RNC's website. No press release. Nothing.

Haha. I'm shocked, SHOCKED, that a lying, future-felon whines about her opponent and the opposition party doesn't care what she says. What's one more hysterical lie from Hillary? The FBI's criminal investigation into Hillary's minions continues. The State Department's investigation has proven that Hillary repeatedly lied about her emails and the server. And yet there are still some people who would want to give Hillary the power of Executive Privilege? Amazing.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Absolutely not. Colin Powell said Obama did a good job with Iran. He did a good job in Iran and would have been a great president when 9/11 happened (at least he would not have invaded the wrong country)

70% do 100% know ladders and shovels work.

Obama is a great person because he voted against the war. His policy is similar to GHWB and Carter. Obama has a great foreign policy legacy.

I saw how ghetto illegal Mexicans can be. Trump says the judge on his scam Trump U. case is a stupid Mexican. Do you agree?

As far as college educated students, can't blame them too hard, their professors are hard core libs. Makes a good case for more gun control since some of them go shooting these professors since they can't be blamed as you said. People like the Bundies are proud that a hard core Liberal professor was shot at UCLA since it makes them feel better about their own failures.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

LOL. Love the liberal sheeple here. The more thumbs down I get, the more I know Im right.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

the more I know Im right Liberals do know that the simple solution to a 10 billion dollar wall is a 10 dollar ladder. You can;t contest that.

Obama was an historic mistake He would not have invaded Iraq and Trump said that invading Iraq was a big mistake. Trump has just given Obama a great compliment.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Considering the Neo-Liberals keep yelling slurs against people who dont listen to their non-sense its no wonder they end up voting for Trump you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Doesn't she support Trans Pacific Partnership? That's a reason enough to not vote for her.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I would say electing the lying murderess of Bengazi would be historic mistake. I am no fan of the other canditates (who do Americans always come up with such people?), anything would be better than her, and her slick hubby waiting in the wings.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@Vincehwr Clinton will support TPP when she's elected I'm sure. She was part of the architects of TPP.

By the way, President Obama now says he supports Clinton. The man somehow did the job for 8 years and after all America is still strong, says Clinton.

I don't like neither of them, Clinton & Trump. But I guess I'd be with Clinton if I were an American. But I wonder which way Sanders supporters would go. Can Clinton have Sanders as her VP?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Electing Hillary a known corrupt politician into absolute power is the mistake I hope half the country is smart enough to not make.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Trump is bad but Clinton should already be serving life in prison. She is involved in some very serious crimes.

She's under multiple federal investigations at this exact moment and the only thing keeping her from being arrested in the first place is her (probably illegal) use of power. If she were anyone but a Clinton she'd already be in jail and facing a huge list of charges.

Do you really want a president who's going to be arrested and thrown in jail in her first year in office?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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