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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Trump attacks Muslim father's convention speech
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Iker Álvarez Orhi
It's ironic because Trump opposed the Iraq war while Clinton approved it.
Comparing the death of a soldier in combat to the 'hardships' of using the fortune he inherited from his daddy to make his own fortune while declaring bankruptcy and stiffing smaller businesses along the way?
But then this is the man who claimed his personal Vietnam (he was able to side-step military service because of his daddy's doctors) was avoiding STD while he was sleeping around. He's the man who derided John McCain for getting captured. Trump's a hero in his own deluded mind. And scary. I know, whatabout....
Trump says he opposed the war.
Iker Álvarez Orhi
Yeah, it's not a simple 'he opposed the war'. But, ultimately, he did:
Clinton didn't even call her vote in favor of war a mistake. Then there's that Lybia thing, Honduras and so on. There may be a lot of things we can critizice about Trump, but not the warmongering side.
albaleo, there is an entirely random correlation between what Trump says and reality which changes by the hour depending on his mood. You should have noticed that by now.
I have no idea what would posses a man to go there. It's just cruel.
Ann Coulter called Zacaria an "Angry Muslim with a thick accent."
If by "ultimately", you mean after it started, then I guess so. Clinton's position on the matter is classic gobbledegook.
Mrs. Khan didn't need to speak. Anyone who actually watched her husband's speech saw the expressions on her face; they were as eloquent and heart wrenching as the words in the speech.
Donald Trump for president is a foregone conclusion thank god. ABC= Anyone But Clinton. Appalling Woman.
Iker Álvarez Orhi
Nothing to add.
what a pathetic statement - typical bully boy nonsense ....
If by "ultimately", you mean after it started, then I guess so
Did you read the link ? Trump did tell Cavuto before the war that perhaps Bush “shouldn't be doing it yet, and perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations" which isn't as strong as he portrays now but it is more encouraging than Hillary's actions by far.
Anyway, it is so obvious: Clinton offered Khan as bait, and Trump was stupid enough to strike again. Fishing with my granddad as a kid in Arkansas, I'd marvel that fish in a bucket would strike at the same lure that put them in this situation in the first place. He said, "Perhaps they think that their situation cannot get any worse. It will."
It's old news, but I wonder if one of the reasons he's well behind Clinton in his home state where he's well known is the federal court charge that he raped a 13 year old girl.
Dan Lewis
This site is nothing more than a popularity contest. People have decided who they like and vote "Good" or "Bad" accordingly, regardless of the merit of the comment. If someone supports Trump, they are down voted.
"Donald Trump for president is a foregone conclusion thank god. ABC= Anyone But Clinton. Appalling Woman."
Would that you had to live in the world you would vote for, save that others would suffer as well, and more.
No decent human being could support someone like Donald Trump. That you claim to is more insulting than anything anyone could say of you.
Donnie insults a 4 star General and mother of war hero in a single interview.
He's starting to give psychopaths a bad name.
I sometimes fail to understand Trump's campaign strategy (provided he has one?). How can this type of comment be beneficial to his campaign? What type of undetermined voters would think 'yep, he is the right bloke" after such comment?
Completely out of order, even in the US.
This guy stepped into the ring for the Dems, using his son’s death for political purposes.
He took a shot at Trump. Trump shot back. That’s why HE is the nominee, and no one else.
Maybe it was slightly less then adept but he certainly didn't "go after her" in the same way by stating that he would like to hear what she had to say. That’s nearly the opposite of “going after” her.
OK, I just figured this out.
Hillary planned this Trump nomination and she'll be giving him a HUGE payout when he loses on purpose by saying bizarre things more and more.
It's a business deal for Trump.
Discussing this with my son who's home from university in New York, we wondered at the challenge to Occam's Razor: Is Trump a Democrat plant, or is he truly this monumentally stupid?
Do you even bother to read what you write or what is written in the article? He went after her - end of.
All because he is the lowest common denominator.
Military service is not something that should be applauded at every single opportunity, in my opinion, and some people go way too far these days to give accolades to some guy who drove a truck in Iraq, where Jesse Owens, who drove a truck in WWII France and Germany, never received nor sought any recognition whatsoever. So some people today go too far in showering appreciation on the professional military... to people who chose their line of work.
And yet, a person SERVING in the military has made a decision to put the welfare of the state and its people AHEAD of her/his own welfare. That is what service is. They receive compensation, but they take an oath to follow orders, and THEY WILL DIE if ordered to do so because of that oath.
Donald Trump has never ever come close to taking such an oath to serve anyone but himself. He has never come close. His tax situation seems vague. His voter registration record is vague. Aside from political donations and cocktail parties, his political participation is nonexistent. No military record. No public service. As far as I know, nobody in his immediate family has any record of public service of any kind. I don't think Donald Trump has so much as changed a diaper in his entire life.
But it is worse than that. I don't think he can even imagine what it is like to give up part of his life for someone else. How could he belittle John McCain as he did? And ridicule people with disabilities? And the family of deceased veterans? The mother of a deceased veteran? It just is not decent. He has no idea what it is like to serve the community.
His son died for the country. The Repub candidate does nothing but question and take shots at the "American" status of people like his son. You're damn right he made it political.
And at the Republican convention you had the Benghazi victim's mother who frankly sounded a lot less coherent and brainwashed into believing Republican conspiracy theories. Theories that the Republicans themselves investigated and failed to prove numerous times.
Do you even bother to read what you write or what is written in the article? He went after her - end of.
And Hillary calling the mother of a Benghazi woman who spoke at the RNC a "liar" on national television is not ? What has Hillary ever sacrificed by the way ? Even from beneficiaries of her work with the family charity that is purportedly “helping improve the lives of millions of people across the world," "creating“partnerships between businesses, NGOs, governments and individuals” finding “solutions that last.”.....not a word that I can recall. No speeches, no videos, no personal testimonials — nothing. It’s quite obviously all in who is a part of the “narrative.”
the Republican nominee picked a new fight with the bereaved father of a Muslim Army captain.
This is real racist statement and it shows the racism here in Japan by these writers. Muslim army captain So what Muslim Army. Should of said a Hero and Captain in the US Military who is of the Muslim Faith who gave the ultimate sacrifice of his life to save the lives of 10 fellow soldiers. The insinuation here is seems is that he is in the Muslim army and what army is that the only one I think of is ISIL or ISIS whatever you call them. Journalists now are not very bright and lead people to think not the truth as they lead people by not explaining the Truth and specifics and thus generalize with out the truth. I think the authors LISA LERER and JONATHAN LEMIRE need to go back to their Educational Colleges and ask for their money back as they forget the real rules of Journalists.
Well, fancy that. More trash-talk for the trash who like this sort of thing.
I'm not sure where the debate is. Just about everyone thinks Trump's comments were inappropriate and insensitive, even his supporters, just like his comments about John McCain and POWs. I think we're all in agreement here.
She didn't call her a liar, she said the mother was wrong. There's a difference. The countless Republican investigations prove the mother wrong as well. And yet they keep telling this poor woman there's more to her son's death, all for political purposes.
And I call Melanija Knavs Trump a trophy wife who's not allowed to say anything unscripted and has an even thicker accent.
If Hillary Clinton's spouse had come from an eastern European country, the republicans would be accusing him of being a communist spy. His and his family's business links to Russia should be setting off alarm bells. And why has Melanija's website disappeared? Trying to erase the lie that she never graduated from university? Lying runs in the family.
As many are suggesting, I think Trump just entered this contest to stroke his ego and give himself more exposure. Never in his wildest dreams did he think there'd be so many gullible people who'd actually listen to his rants. He's probably panicking and doing everything to lose the presidency, hence all this crap that comes out his mouth.
Anyway, since Trumps loves giving his adversaries nicknames, maybe he can have one himself. Something like Treacherous treason traitor Trump (I know, the grammar's off, but it sounds beautiful - I say this with my index finger and thumb forming a circle).
She didn't call her a liar, she said the mother was wrong. There's a difference. The countless Republican investigations prove the mother wrong as well.
Actually they don't. There is incontrovertible evidence even from the Congressional reports that she lied to these families about the video being responsible for the death of their loved ones. And plenty of evidence that Hillary has in effect called them such in private meetings with the media.
Fre Okin
The white working class voters together with Blacks, Latino blue collar works will lose more if they support Hillary. Hillary is really for TPP which will sell out Middle America even more. She is using her present opposition to TPP to get votes from these people. If elected, she will make a quick U turn and support TPP with only a cosmetic adjustment and some job training offers to reduce the pain of lost jobs due to TPP. This will never be enough and continue to bring down the standard of living for Middle America.
Everytime Obama show up to campaign for her, white working class and minorities should see this as Obama rescuing Hillary from potential defeat and she will be obliged to support TPP, Obama's signature trade policy.
Remember the source here, people.
Donald has no defense and neither do his supporters. Just tell us you are against what he did and we can all move on.
what's scarier is all these Trump supporters that turn a blind eye or even support much of the hate he spews from his mouth. Hi excuse for everything is that hes a successful businessman that enriches himself and that deserve the job of POTUS. You may not like Clinton but to vote for Trump because of that is just plain stupidity, you're better not voting at all.
Trump is a disgrace and any supporters of his who let him get away with such comments are complicit.
trump & his supporters remind me of Apartheid South Africa, scary stuff. Here's hoping there are enough reasonable yanks to outnumber the growing masses of the ignorant & plain stupid in the US of A!!!
Bernie once said:
"Can you really reform Wall Street when they are spending millions and millions of dollars on campaign contributions, and when they are providing speaker fees to individuals?"
Feel the bern of the Wall Street cabal. Yes, the same ones who destroyed the economy, were bailed out at the expense of the people, and now, trying to keep the same cabal leadership in place. Yeah, vote for Hillary! Hahahaha. Why do you Dems hate guns I can't understand because you sure do love shooting yourselves in the foot.
What does Hillary Clinton stand for? She has no message. The people are not connected to her. End of story.
Okay, so while I'll totally agree this site's upvote/downvote system is messed up, you're not grasping the motivation here. I don't think people downvote Trump comments because they're pro-Trump, I think people downvote comments when they're off-topic, uninteresting, obnoxiously rude, or deceitfu or fallacious in some way. And it just so happens that all pro-Trump comments fall into one of those categories.
The one constant in Donald Trump's life is his craving for attention. When this campaign started, I said that I thought Trump was just in it for the attention - he doesn't actually give a damn about if he wins, he just wants to spend a year basking in the spotlight and getting everyone to listen to everything he says. Then the mainstream media (gasp!) convinced me through their constant coverage that maybe he was sincere in this (even if ineptly so).
I think we're seeing his campaign fall apart now that he's out of the primaries and doesn't have easy targets to knock down like he did with his GOP rivals. I think Occam's Razor would suggest he's neither a plant nor monumentally stupid, just so self-absorbed that he obliviously walks into traps like this.
I think we're going to see I was right in the beginning and should have stuck with my convictions. Trump just wants attention, and the more things don't go his way the more he's going to lose interest in the campaign. It's going to go down in flames and in a year he'll be claiming he never wanted to be President anyway.
cracaphat...hate is growing and the devision is here. Obama administration helped that long before Trump.
One would also think intelligent voters would seek honorable candidates. Hillary has lied and cheated yet beloved by so many. What kind of a world will it be if we all accept lies and cheat from each of us?
The article screams that "Trump attacks", but the story reveals than that the "muslim father" attacked Trump, who simply responded.
But what do you expect from the DNC controlled press....
For the next 100 days, we will a tsunami of Trump bashing and Hillary swooning in the mainstream media. But this time around, the emperor is naked.
Trump and Republicans prove they are as classy as ever. Not surprising from this racist bigot.
Yes Wiili and we will see the media jump against Trump if he sneezes improperly while Hillary constantly is never challenged.
Readers, from now on, in the interests of maintaining a reasonable level of discussion, please refrain from calling candidates in the U.S. presidential election racist bigots and other derogatory names. We do not wish the discussion to become the cesspool that it has become in the U.S.
Trump's campaign has released a statement written probably by a person with a passable proficiency at English (unlike the candidate himself) but which contains this sentence:
Ha! The idea of Trump reading the Constitution is prima facie laughable - and if he had, he (or his ghost writers) certainly learned nothing: Mr. Khan does have a right to make this claim. The subsequent sentence, when put in context, is chilling:
...from what? At any rate, it was refreshing to see a ghostwriter flub with the conditional subordinator "if" than "when" - a mistake seldom made but entirely appropriate in this snowball's-chance-in-hell farce.
The topic of this thread is "Trump attacks Muslim father's convention speech."
How is posting a quotation about something Bernie Sanders once said about Wall Street related?
Headlines mean nothing in this day. They are used for clickbait. Did you read the story? It's about the DNC convention and Hillarys campaign tour, and specifically about one Muslim speaker about his son.
Willib is right:
It seems that you don't like it that I revelead some truth about Hillary and are just trying to get the info deleted as "off topic". It might work.
But specifically to your point, this one really bothered me:
I just wanted to remind the Hillary supporters what they can expect if she wins, and that Bernie was the polar opposite and based his whole campaign about the banksters. I know this means nothing to the die hard Hillary fans, but the fence sitters might consider Hillary's backers when voting.
Wc626: "So calling for law and order, stopping illegal immigration in the future, turning away Islamic Trojan Horses is racist??"
How is criticising this man and his wife "turning away Islamic Trojan Horses"? The comment I made is based on what the man has said in the past towards Mexicans, people of Mexican ancestry, and towards some of the comments he's made towards Muslims and Islam.
"How classy do the Democrats prove themselves?"
"DNC and the chaos which erupted from day 1 just outside that venu in Philadelphia. Yup, classy as ever!"
Where did they slam the father and mother of a man who sacrificed himself for the country based solely on said mother, father, and son's background? Where did they compare sacrificing one's life in service of one's country to losses in their personal business income? If there is no problem, why did Trump retract what he said about the wife?
You think Trump is screwing up because he keeps saying things that you find offensive or off-the-wall. But he’s not talking to you. You’re not his audience. He’s playing this game in a different way from anybody you’ve ever seen. And he’s winning too, in a different way from anybody you’ve ever seen. Trump energized his voters to people who are afraid of crime and worried about the mass immigration that’s transforming the country and displacing them. Many people talk a lot about polls, but you ignore the polls that don’t show what you expect to see.
Here’s what’s going to happen. Trump going to run up vote totals like you’ve never seen in places you’ve never been. Not just coal country, either. You don’t understand Trump when you squawk: 'Oh, it’s so horrible, he’ll waterboard prisoners", he won’t ask our troops to risk their lives so as to protect a terrorist’s mother-in-law … when you talk like that, what people hear is that you are a lot clearer about what you won’t do to protect the American people than what you will do.
Yes, I did, and no, it is not about "the DNC convention and Hillarys (sic) campaign tour . . . " The article is about Trump's crass remarks regarding what one of the speakers said during the DNC convention.
Justify your posts all you like, but don't complain if they get deleted.
.Law and Order really cant see what Trump is saying is promoting that in any way at all the only thing that his words promotes is fear and hate.
Wait until the next terrorist attack, the next fragging of a cop or Army Officer, that may jog your awareness. Americans are stupid but not that stupid.
Exactly. There is none. But they'd still like to give him special dispensation cause of his ethnicity. All lives matter. He was a Muslim swore to defend and protect an infidel Army, US constitution. No different from my service when I was in US armed forces.
Trump going to run up vote totals like you’ve never seen in places you’ve never been Just the facts that Trump is getting just about zero percent black vote. Why is that? I mean it's one thing if Trump is just trailing in the black vote. But just about zero? What's going on?
Hillary is really for TPP which will sell out Middle America even more. This wasn't created by Hillary. It didn't even evolve out of the US?
Why do you Dems hate guns Should fully automatic weapons be allowed, same as what the military has?
nishikat JUL. 31, 2016 - 02:43PM JST Just the facts that Trump is getting just about zero percent black vote. Why is that? I mean it's one thing if Trump is just trailing in the black vote. But just about zero? What's going on?
The close race extends to two major swing states – Florida and Ohio. In Florida, Trump is leading 43.8 percent to Clinton's 43.5; in Ohio, Clinton is at 42.6 percent compared to Trump's 41.8 percent as of 7/29/16.
Marco Rubio of Florida. has endorsed Donald Trump. Rubio is going to win Florida again, could only enhance Trump to win FL. too. See how that works?? Its NOT rigged. Its fair. Go Trump!!
I don't mean to be disrespectful, and I don't have all the information; can someone let me know why this soldier is being called a war hero?
seven financial firms alone have generated nearly $48.5 million for groups working on Mrs. Clinton’s behalf. The total for Donald Trump: About $19,000 If I were a financial firm I would not want to put money in Trump either the way his investors have not made out. With any business having to do with Trump investors can kiss their money good bye and this may be a signal of that. No scandal here.
If 48.5 million from only 7 financial firms doesn't rattle your head, then I'm not sure anyone should trust your logic.
I read the article. The fuller quote was less strong than the "not so strong" that even you concede to.
"Well, he has either got to do something or not do something, perhaps, because perhaps shouldn’t be doing it yet and perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations, you know."
As clear as Clinton you might say. (Come to think of it, I don't recall seeing the two of them together in a photo.)
Honed? So what did Jeb Bush spend 130 million on? Again, the logic is questionable.
If 48.5 million from only 7 financial firms doesn't rattle your head Were any laws broken?
I really don't like the song, but maybe for the first time in my life it popped in my head after reading your comment. I'll just link the song.
Nope! No laws were broken. Neither were any laws broken when the Peace Prize winner bombed a hospital in Afghanistan, apparently, and no laws were broken when the Clinton Foundation supported African and Haitian dictatorships when lucrative contracts were involved for Hillarys friends.
Trump is killing his own gains; he talks like a terror stricken man from immigrants; but for immigrants where the whites had been ; he forgot to remember he as a white is an immigrant himself; local is American Indian only sir, his strategy might backfire worse than very nuclear bomb that way he might be bombed by his negative talk strategy. sorry man.
Infidel army? Are you suggesting that this man who died in military service actually believed that the countrymen he served were infidels?
Talk about a convoluted argument. Let's break it down into easy-to-chew pieces.
1) Trump suggests banning Muslims from entering the US.
2) Father of Muslim service member killed in action objects, expresses example of patriotic service of Muslim American. Cites US Constitution and its ban on religious discrimination.
3) Wc626 objects, claiming they (presumably liberals) demand preferential treatment for ethnic/religious minorities.
This is completely deranged. Wake me up from this nightmare, please.
Yes, you are right, it was crass. So what about how Biden, Hillary, Obama and the rest of the Dems and how rude they were and called him names, you equally want to condemn their outrageous attacks as well?
He got baited into tweeting again
Somehow, I guess because the MSM won't talk about it, but easily putting more and more people on the dependency of government, IS racist. And nobody has done a better job of that than Obama. It is not in the American spirit to create a dependency class, but this is what the Dems and Reps have done since the 70's. Jobs is the only answer. Destroying the Wall Street multinational cabal is the only answer. Stopping NATO is a good start. You Hillary people are so self centered.
more people on the dependency of government, IS racist This has been accelerating since both parties have been in power. Bill Clinton did cut welfare spending and put a lot of people on the street. It has been tried. Also, ObamaCare is a Republican idea.
So what about how Biden, Hillary, Obama and the rest of the Dems and how rude they were and called him names Names like what? Unqualified? Trump called Obama a felon. Trump wins the name calling contest.
Anyway best of luck
@Fre Okin
I don't know if the people who gave you thumbs down think Hilliary will oppose the TPP or if they think that she is for the TPP (but that there is nothing wrong with the TPP)...curious though.
Like Mrs Trump ?
Because he's dead.
but that there is nothing wrong with the TPP Who here likes there smartphone? Do you know that smarphones often have components made of special metals that are mined by slaves? Including child slaves? And people are thinking of silly things like Hillary wants to destroy the world with TPP even though she did not start it and the United States did not even start it. I want child slavery to stop and one of the key tools is TPP and people want to whine about (1) nothing (i.e. Hillary hating - Oh, that wicked witch of the west!!) and (2) paying a few extra dollars more per smartphone so real paid laborers can mind these special metals instead of child slaves.
Go TPP to help end child slavery.
Why don't you Hillary haters trash the political leaders from Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, and Singapore because that is where it started. Hillary haters actually think TPP was started by Hillary? The US? Really?
Does stuff like this worry you if he becomes President?
"Hillary Clinton"
This just in: Since it became clear Clinton would be the nominee, 7 top hedge funders have given her campaign $48,500,000, whilst giving the Trump campaign $19,000. But Hillary is the one who's going to make sure Wall Street doesn't wreck Main Street again, lol, the joke's on us, unless we make sure she never gets near the White House!
The crassness of the attack on the Muslim father's speech is clearly documented, as you've just admitted. You claim there were "outrageous attacks" by Biden and Obama that you want people to "condemn." Can you quote an example of an outrageous attack that Biden or Obama made? Or are you expecting people to accept your word that such attacks were made? (I witnessed nothing outrageous, but would welcome your specific example of what you thought was outrageous to the point it requires condemnation.)
As long as it's balanced by the fact that those same 7 hedge funds gave nearly $70 million to Republicans, and are slated to provide millions to Trump, one's head should not follow yours in rattling, Fizzbit. Trump, as we recall, wasn't actively soliciting funds during the primaries, but has now opened up to getting as much money as he can from "wherever."
So I don't see how this particular issue would automatically deter one from voting Hillary and choose the Republicans instead. Even some of the hedge fund managers, money aside, believe Trump would be a disaster for America. Unless, Fizzbit, you're supporting a third-party candidate that you haven't clearly divulged. Is Gary Johnson who you're supporting?
I lump them all together with the DNC as well.
Why would they donate to the train wreck of policy that is Donald Trump?
Fareed Zakaria said it best:
"[Trump] in some ways is a kind of stealth candidate,” Zakaria said, “because almost everything he says he is going to do as presidential isn’t going to happen. We’re not going to build a wall, we’re not going to deport 12 million people. The U.S. military is not going to go around torturing people. It’s not going to kill innocent men, women and children who happen to be related to terrorists. It’s not going to carpet bomb civilians.”
“So you ask yourself, what is he going to do? It’s a little unclear. It’s almost like you want to know what is the plan B since the plan A is all this emotional red meat that isn’t actually going to happen,” he added.
Don does have foot in mouth disease but Hill is into power, selling her soul to the highest bidder(s). I can't respect that. My personal view has always been she's just not a nice person. She moved from the south to Chappaqua only to have a greater voter base. What ever did she do for NY? What leadership experience does she have? Has she proven she can work with people? She's a woman, wants to be the first woman POTUS. I don't see enough credentials in her. She bends rules for herself and comes out having ulterior motives. I see this in that she doesn't have a platform but is a populist.
The Don is a businessman, not a politician. He's a negotiator. He knows people. He's a nationalist playing the weak card. He wants to make America great again. (Sounds like someone closer to home now). He's alienating more than he's endearing. I'm confused now. He seems to want to open international doors that the presidents in the last few decades have closed. He's angering others. Is he too white? He'll get a lot of nonwhite votes. By killing NAFTA, TPP and other international agreements, will the world be better? Will the average Joe benefit? What will happen in NE Asia?
Which of the two candidates will most possibly secure peace and growth in our neck of the woods?
I find it fascinating that the Fox News Network -- demonstrating the ethical behavior of Roger Ailes -- chose not to air the speech by the parents of Captain Humayum Khan. (Instead, they cut to commercials.)
I have to believe that the images of a Muslim pulling out a copy of the US Constitution would have made Fox and its loyal viewers recoil like a vampire confronting a crucifix.
He wants to make America great again. It sounds like one of his casino sales pitches. Would you put your money in the Trump name? Kiss it good bye! And you want him as president. A business person whose investors lose out time after time (unlike a real business person like Bill Gates)
By killing NAFTA, TPP and other international agreements, will the world be better? No, and it will be killed anyway. Why do people keep saying that TPP was started by Hillary?
I don't see enough credentials in her. What would you expect? Casino businessman? Investor rip off person? That makes a good president?
He'll get a lot of nonwhite votes. Black vote?
So now you're quoting Zakaria now? Oh, boy.....
We already know what Hillary is going to do and that's why it imperative that she doesn't make it to the White House.
We already know what Hillary is going to do What?
What card? Loyal American Muslim who loves the Constitution card?
To listen to Trump and right-wing haters, such Muslims don't exist, and all Muslims should be regarded as suspect. Japanese-American organizations such as Densho have issued statements warning that Trump's unAmerican rhetoric is reminiscent of another time when Americans let their fears trump guaranteed constitutional rights of citizens.
Gotta Luv how that (paid) USMC general spoke all that toughness @rigged Hillary's DNC. - "We will pursue yoy ISIS" etc. etc. ROFL. Where was all that "tough talk" during Bengazi?? Assad's days # . . . JV team. ISIS is "contained" just more lie and nonsense spewing from lying Democrats who LOVE rigged games.
Never Hillary "I am above the law" Clinton.
You should want Trump, you've said and mentioned so, so many times how healthcare will be great under Trump as president and he'll expand healthcare and he'll raise taxes as well. So you need not worry, he'll do great things and since healthcare as you always say, was a Republican invention, you are content with Trump, at least he'll follow through. I'm glad we finally agree on something.
Oops, now suddenly it's Trump's turn to worry again, as RABA Research puts Hillary ahead 15 points, 46% to 31% over Trump! The game's afoot! Then again RABA had Hillary up by 12 points when the polling average had Trump ahead... the game's afoot!
Trump suggests banning Muslims from entering the US.
Trump isn't even talking now about banning anyone based on religion, it would be immigration from countries with a history of terrorism which the president has an absolute right to institute under American law. I am extremely sorry for their loss but Donald Trump had nothing to do with it. The sacrifice of the soldier son is not made more important just because he and his family are Muslims.
So then you want Trump as well! Great! So we both agree that Trump would make a better president. kudos!
Trump isn't even talking now about banning anyone based on religion, it would be immigration from countries with a history of terrorism That includes countries in the EU now. He wants to ban Germans and French people now. And what if terrorism ever happens in Japan. On top of the passionate hatred he has towards Japan, he's just waiting for the moment Japan has an incident of Islamic terrorism for him to ban Japanese people from entering the US.
Having a go at a dead soldiers mum? I still can't believe this bloke is running for President. God help the world if he wins.
Trump's wall? Time to buy stock in Werner Ladder Company. Solution to Trump's 20 billion dollar wall? A 20 dollar ladder.
Say no to "socialism" Are you using Japan's socialism healthcare? And you trash what it would be in the United States? It's so puzzling when Americans who are gun freaks choose to live in gun free Japan. These same Americans trash American public healthcare but then use Japan's government healthcare!
He wants to ban Germans and French people now
He is simply going to make the vetting process for immigrants more rigorous, as it should be now.
You're dodging? You happy about Trump or not? You were before, so it's a good thing, since you love healthcare so much, right?
He is simply going to make the vetting process for immigrants more rigorous, as it should be now. No, Europeans (i.e. French nationals) are now committing terrorism and since Trump wants to ban people from countries with a history of terrorism as you said and since the EU is united he wants to ban anyone from Europe. They are his words. It seems that Trump is so hateful towards any country outside the USA. He hates anything that is not American.
You're dodging? You happy about Trump or not? You were before, so it's a good thing, since you love healthcare so much, right? I don't want Trump but personally. But I am happy to have Trump's Medicare for all so if I go back I don't have to worry about universal healthcare. His wall idea is stupid because it just means more ladder sales and a big waste of money. I don't like how he hates Japan so much and all Japanese people fear the wrath of Trump towards Japan and Japanese people.
And I don't like how Japan constantly hides behind the US Flag. When all their young men don't give any commitment to the safety and security of their own country. General Macarthur- Study history
what's the matter Japan?? Why do you choose to live in Japan if you hate the country so much.
So in other words cutting through the garbage, you like and think that Trump would make a better president, I'm so glad we cleared up that stale air. Now that we agree, we both should hope that Trump will defeat Hillary.
I appreciate the comments from the right-wingers on this site as it spares me the excruciating pain of having to go on Brietbert or whatever to gather the most recent talking points - which, it appears, is "rigged." That is what losers say. Clinton won the primary because it was rigged. The media in the form of MSM is rigged. The polls are rigged. The upcoming debates will be rigged. Eventually, Trump and his minions will claim that the whole system, the whole election, was rigged - and for the next eight years, instead of an opposition crying "Muslim, foreign president," we'll have to deal with an opposition crying "illegitimate criminal! Jail her!" It's all too obvious.
Losers. They can't win, so they obstruct. I am looking forward to three Hillary Supreme Court nominees. My guess is that the minute Clinton's victory is confirmed, Merrick Garland will withdraw himself from consideration, thus allowing the GOP vow to let the next president choose a nominee to be fulfilled - and she'll choose someone younger and more liberal.
To my more conservative counterparts: It's not that the system is rigged; it's that your team is playing it with monumental stupidity.
you like and think that Trump would make a better president No, I wanted Obama's public option originally. Again, Trump hates anything that is not American. I don't want someone who hates Japan, hates Europe, hates anyone non-white, hates anything outside American borders. But personally I will use Public Trump Care (paid for by higher taxes that Trump implements) if I get sick while visiting/living in the USA. ObamaCare's public option should have gone forward.
All lives matter. Black lives matter. It's about all the tax money wasted on their incarceration. They go to prison a lot more compared to whites for the same exact crimes. Even if you are a white person who hates blacks with deep passion (like a lot of Trump supporters do) you should still be upset that your tax money is being spent on locking black people up who needn't be.
And you think Trump doesn't believe he is "above the law"? He's certainly lived his life as if he believes so.
@Lizz: Can you tell me what the vetting process for immigrants currently is? Just curious.
The only black vote Trump's lapdog Omarosa is going to get are those of Ben 'grains in the Pyramids' Carson and anyone called Tom or Jemima.
It's prob just a "free for all" According to Trump the vetting process just takes three days.
Fred Wallace
Ok seeing as both individuals are dredges of society, why not pursue third party candidates? Why continue to treat the voting process like it's dogma? For a nation that fought to ward off dynastic rule, you lot sure love yourselves some dynastic rule. Shame, Shame on you!!
Your response. How can you say false otherwise?
John Kerry nothing more than an investment counselor for the Clinton's If you are talking about investments. Invest in Trump's business and kiss your money good bye. That's why I say nominate Bill Gates for president. He is a true global leader and business man whose investments can be counted on. Trump University and Trump made in China toys. ha ha ha. Yes, Trump is good at creating American jobs.
We all have to admit that Bill Gates would be a 1000x better president than Trump.
Simon Foston
LagunaJUL. 31, 2016 - 11:33PM JST
There's been some speculation recently that Trump will try to dodge the debates, actually. I wouldn't be surprised.
There's been some speculation recently that Trump will try to dodge the debates, actually. I wouldn't be surprised. If he does then what will Trump fans say to that? What say you Trump fans?
Love that "Trump holding babies" picture. xD. The child in his Right is a Trump supporter, blind to reality. The child in his left knows Trump and don't like what's going on!
Every time Trump does something stupid it really creates a lot of anger amongst his supporters against Hillary.
Come on, that's a horrible tone to have towards her and she has spoken up. Why did Trump pick on her. A bit of a low act. It may not be important to many but I hope that America chooses a President who has political experience. A billionaire business man as President is a worrying thought.
The millions spent are not in production of the ads, but in buying the air time. Anti-Trump ads have to be extremely cheap to produce because he supplies the material every time he opens his mouth.
What utterly foolish and destructive things will he say this week? Trump is the gift that keeps on giving.
Ok, so that's a "yes" we agree! Go Trump!
No, every time Trump says something, his supporters and many people are jubilant, it's the people that don't like him that get angry. Hillary is unrelentess in her condemnation for Trump and he should be equally condescending as well.
Here we see the magic of Trump. I'm sure Texas doesn't support Trump going after the mother of one of our soldiers killed in battle. Yet here he is, giving applause for the money Trump got in free media for doing just that.
How does Trump get his supporters to throw themselves in front of a bus like him for that, and all over something they don't even support? Evangelicals will do the same thing but it's usually to protect their image of the candidate who supports their religious beliefs. What do Trump supporters get out of it? Is it linked to a potential future where slighting minorities openly in public is more acceptable?
Trump is the gift that keeps on giving.
What will it be this week ? Maybe Clinton's trove of 30,000 deleted emails will be published ? We know now that Wikileaks has at least some of them. If the hackers don’t, then they should be fired for not doing their job properly
She has. If Trump shows no shame, it raises questions about his mental state. (OK. I know some say there was never any doubt.)
That's more worrying. It's tempting to draw parallels with other fanatical beliefs. (Whatever happened to rationality and thinking things over?)
No. It's the people who understand what words mean who relay deep concern to our fellow citizens. The people who are clueless fawn before their Leader Trump.
Lizz, you have a very long track record of being wrong. Normal people would have paused to reflect long ago. When are you going to understand the epic fail that choosing Trump represents? Never before in American history has someone so unfit been elevated so high.
What will it be this week ? Maybe Clinton's trove of 30,000 deleted emails will be published ?
Well it may not be this week of course. But Assange has confirmed, as far as I know for the first time, that they are in his possession.
I think she did better as a foreign born elder person. I speak worse than I write here. So, when I need to talk to American strangers, I speak in my rapid American English,, my daughter speak same content in her Southern Calf English. Then conversation go on. Other one don't realize I understand what they say.
Trump was just being Trump. He will probably say that he was just being sarcastic. Such a moron. Sad! So Sad!.
100 more days of this circus!? America sure does like to spin the election campaigns out.
Mr Khan could have better used the opportunity to denounce Islamic extetremism/terrorism. But he didnt. He didnt even add a liitle on the subject to the end of his speech. It would have been a powerful statement seen by millions, and quite appropriate given the times we are living in.
Dem double agent Trump scores again. He'll be able to return back to base soon enough. It's amusing how far the Repubs have been fooled
Yeah, he should have shoehorned in a side point condemning radical Islam before getting to his point about his son getting killed fighting for our country. But oh well.
"Love that "Trump holding babies" picture. xD. The child in his Right is a Trump supporter, blind to reality. The child in his left knows Trump and don't like what's going on!"
"Trump is the gift that keeps on giving"
Not until Jan.20. In the meantime, Hillary's scandals are the gift that keep on giving.
Superlib, the point is we dont see muslims condemning Islamic terrorism. This was a golden opportunity for one to do so and send the message to the world, instead of playing politics.
Prior to disagreeing with your comment I will start with stating that I do agree with you that more Muslims need to condemn Islamic terrorism in the strongest terms possible and do what they can to work inside of the faith to deter/stop terrorism in the name of Islam. Also - sure - Khan could have taken the opportunity to do this......
However as a veteran I give him a pass completely on this one. He lost a son who was fighting in the Middle East, which is the ultimate sacrifice. No further words required.
Trump's comments were disgusting and completely out of line. I would imagine he has lost a lot of support over this.
I despise Clinton and see her for what she is, an arrogant globalist/elitist tool who claims to be fighting for all Americans - just another politician who is part of the status quo.
I will either sit this out or go to one of the non Republican/Democratic candidates on this one.
But I think liberals underestimate Texans, most are not going to be fooled by the lies and deceptions of the Hillary machine either, they know what's at stake and they know Hillary on her best night can't be trusted.
Which he does.
I wonder everyday how people with even an ounce of intelligence would want to bother voting for a person with a known history of lies and deceptions. The woman doesn't have any real policies, so why would anyone allow her to have the keys to the Whote House, she oversaw the murders of 4 Americans, her record was atrocious as a state senator and now people think it's ok to allow her govern with zero accountability from her past accolades?
Liberals try and try. Boy, it's nice to be able to pull the race card out conveniently whenever possible.
Tokyo-Engr, fair enough, I understand where youre coming from on this. But I do hope that with his now international recognition Mr Khan can at some point speak out in no uncertain terms against radical Islam, not just a passing comment but a full repudiation and condemnation. We all know that muslims doing so are key to this struggle against terrorism - everybody has been saying so for years - but we've all got used to and seem to accept as normal that it is not in fact happening.
Texas A&M Aggie
But I do hope that with his now international recognition Mr Khan can at some point speak out in no uncertain terms against radical Islam
Don't expect that to happen anytime soon.
It turns out, Khizr Muazzam Kahn, NYC lawyer who runs a law firm specializing in "immigration matters", is also a Muslim Brotherhood agent working to bring Muslims into the United States. His appearance in Philly was just another attempt by Mrs. Clinton to ‘trump’ Mr. Trump’s Muslim immigration stance. In the 1980s, Kahn wrote a paper titled "Juristic Classification of Islamic [Sharia] Law." In it, he expounded on the system of Sharia law expressing his reverence for “The Sunnah [the works of Muhammad] — authentic tradition of the Prophet Muhammad".
Given Sharia Law as it pertains to dealing with women, it appears Mr. Trump was correct again in his observation as to why Kahn's wife remained silent on stage at the DNC convention last week.
Kahn (an appropriate name if ever there was one) was a fraud from the moment he stepped on the stage. That whole segment of the convention seemed fishy. Think about it: Mr. Trump was against the war in Iraq and Mrs. Bill Clinton voted for it. A rational person would presume the guy would support Mr. Trump. Instead, he supports Mrs. Clinton; one of the politicians the set into motion the events that led to the Kahns' son's death. After connecting the dots, it all makes sense since Kahn is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is part of the Clinton Foundation. . . .
Tex, Excellent post and information!
Trump said this: "The real problem here are the radical Islamic terrorists who killed him ... While I feel deeply for the lossof his son, Mr. Khan, who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, which is false, and say many other inaccurate things."
Trump is wrong here - Khan has the right to say what he wants - freedom of speech! Heck, Hillary lies about something every day, and she has every right to tell those lies! Though eventually she'll have to tell them while she's helping to build the wall on her prison excursions.
And the source for this brilliant piece of investigation:
Their reasoning is "interesting".
New poll indicates Clinton will be next President. Trump has more on male white but there are other kind of people in USA
I believe we are witnessing, in Donald Trump, a rebirth of Joe McCarthy-style tactics. Trump keeps doubling-down on his attacks on the family. (As we see here, some of his supporters are willing to try to smear the family, fanning the flames of anti-Muslim bigotry.)
Mr. Khan is calling on the Republican leadership -- McConnell and Paul Ryan -- to repudiate Donald Trump. "At long last, sir, have you any decency?" I believe Mr. Ryan has the courage and integrity to take this on. McConnell has never impressed me that way, but I hope I am wrong. The Republicans are in serious trouble with their candidate.
Heaven only knows what he'll do or say next to disgrace himself, his party, and the United States.
I agree 100%. How can ANYBODY vote for someone who insists to this day that he watched thousands of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey on television when nobody else has seen this or claims to have broadcasted it? How can ANYBODY vote for someone claiming to be immensely wealthy, yet refuses to release his tax returns (something candidates from ALL the parties have willingly done for decades) to prove his "wealth"? How can ANYBODY vote for someone who rails against the outsourcing of U.S. manufacturing while at the same time most of whose products that bear his name are manufactured outside this country? Lies? Deception? Trump is the KING of all liars and hires a platoon of lawyers to maintain his deceptions.
How can ANYBODY vote for someone whose moral compass gets shattered the moment a possibility for personal profit appears? (Trump University, Trump Casinos, etc.)
During Vietnam war era, Trump was an able bodied young man. How did Trump likes Bush, Cheney, Clinton and Ted Nugent and others get the special treatment for avoiding draft?
Simon Foston
bass4funkAUG. 01, 2016 - 06:12AM JST
They are? When he comes out with stuff like this, why?
If I were a smart conservative, and I know they must exist, I would be depressed.
Unrelentless? You're really sure about that?
A day later, a much better article summarizes which of the two candidates is the pathological liar:
"The Facts Behind Donald Trump's Many Falsehoods"
The man has never been fit for the White House at any point. Ant any point. The fact that the Republicans still endorse him is embarrassing, quite frankly.
It makes me wonder what kind of human he has been through the process of amassing his fortune. And I suspect a very, very detestable one.
Computer says no.
I stand by my previous comments that Trump is unfit to be President and his comments regarding Khan were unnecessary and ridiculous.
On the other hand it appears Khan's law agency was in fact dealing with immigration matters into the U.S. with connections to Saudi Arabia, etc. He even went so far as to take his website down yesterday, however the good old Wayback Machine has retained records of his website.
You will probably not see that in any mainstream media outlet - Yes Breitbart is very partisan, however it appears that these allegations are factual. The fact that Khan went to the trouble to take down his company's website speaks volumes.
I find both candidates appalling
A lot of people seem to be skirting the issue. Let's set aside for a moment whether or not what he said is really a "nice" thing to say. Let's set aside the campaign issues that were involved. And Hillary has nothing to do with this.
It comes down to this: what kind of a person would think that bullying and haranguing and old man and woman with a dead son is an admirable thing to do? Why would he choose to do that? Who would advise him to do that? Who does he score points with by doing that?
Trump has been questioned in terms of his ability, his honesty, his decency, and his intelligence, even on the size of his hands and his wife's dress size, but judgment? Wow. He has none.
People will keep slinging mud at Hillary, just like they have been for as long as she has been in politics. And you know, nothing sticks, does it? And I tell you, this woman can do the job. If I were hiring someone to run my company, my favorite charity, or my neighborhood association, Hillary would be the only choice. And she can certainly run the US. And she won't spend her valuable time alienating her clients the way Trump is doing.
It doesn't really speak to much at all, except he probably was forced to take the site down due to cyber-attacks against his site by people upset he would actually dare to criticize their Führer. Think about it for a second... what possible benefit to Khan is there in taking down his business website? His business wasn't illegal and wasn't morally objectionable. The ONLY reason for taking it down would be because of harassment attacks.
Here's what likely happened: Khan speaks at the convention; rabid Trump sycophants become incensed and do and internet search for Khan; they find his website and post vulgar and violent threats on the site (if it allows such things) or just start slamming the site with DDOS attacks - rendering the site unable to function; Khan is forced to drop the site after complaints by his ISP over the flooding of the network; Breitbart, looking for ANY way to discredit Khan, notes the site going down and proclaims that this is somehow evidence of wrongdoing by Khan.
Octagon, During Vietnam war era, Trump was an able bodied young man. How did Trump likes Bush, Cheney, Clinton and Ted Nugent and others get the special treatment for avoiding draft?
Ted Nugent said he crapped his pants and then walked into the induction centre. The recruiter knew something didn't er smell quite right and marked him 4F.
Im not privy to how the others did it.
Here's a summary of Trump's Draft Deferments:
"2-S" is a student deferment, "1-A" is eligible to be drafted, "1-Y" is eligible only in case of national emergency (in Trump's case due to an issue with his draft physical), and "4-F" is ineligible to be drafted. The Smoking Gun reports Trump's change from 1-Y to 4-F was likely due to the draft board eliminating the 1-Y classification. Over the course of the four years Trump could have been drafted (until he was declared medically unfit), he was actually subject to being drafted for less than four months. The rest of the time he received student deferments.
@wipeout - I am certain I am as much against Trump as you are. I also think his remarks were disgusting and he should have kept his mouth shut (something Trump is not capable of doing). However I do not believe for a moment Khan taking the website down was a coincidence. Also I do not believe his website was attacked either.
The Breitbart article is pretty interesting and delves into connections beyond his immigration law firm. I honor his son and I feel for the parents however he put himself into the political arena and he (and his supporters) should be willing to be subjected to some scrutiny.
Again I re-iterate - Trump's comments were disgusting and demonstrates he is a man unfit for the Presidency.
Is is any surprise that he would bash Trump in a Clinton convention, and is it any surprise that Trump would respond?
His son (who nobody attacked by the way) was killed by Jihadis in a war which Trump opposed and Clinton supported.
But read the mainstream media, and see how this story is spun. The phone lines between the DNC and the NYT et all must be glowing hot at this point...
Nope. No comment section on the website, it was a very simple site advertising his legal loophole immigration service -- something that apparently disturbs the political narrative. You can still see it in the archives instead of speculating about it.
Well why don't you tell us what you think the issue is, Zaphod. And please be detailed.
LOL. I received a down vote for answering a draft deferment question with verifiable facts. I didn't editorialize at all. I guess truth really DOES hurt, even when it's not intended.
Personally, as much as I think Trump is an absolute tool, I have no beef with him getting student deferments. The government decided to create student deferments and as long as Trump was a student, he was entitled to the deferment. As for his "1-Y" status, that could have been for something as mundane as having flat feet. By the time I joined the Navy in 1978, flat feet weren't as big an issue because mine are flat and they let me in after asking if they hurt when I stood for long periods (they don't).
I doubt Breitbart has ever published unbiased facts about anything at all - it's openly a right-wing hack site, but if you still haven't found out why that particular article is BS, do check in at's rebuke
Also note that Snopes, which bends over backwards to avoid doing more than debunking stories, rightly and over-generously describes them as "the unreliable Breitbart."
Truth is anathema to today's "conservatives" - and facts are things they only take note of to further lies.
Brian Wheway
This guy is so insensitive, narrow minded, etc etc I can't type my true feeling in here because my comments will be removed. how can America vote for this guy? is it a last ditch cheap swipe towards this poor woman? just to gain votes? if it is, its very low.
While technically factual, the timeline involved renders the Breitbart accusations laughably without merit. As the Snopes column linked above points out, the supposed connections to Saudi Arabia and the Clintons are to a company that Khan was no longer employed to. I'm sure Breitbart knew this prior to publishing their attack, but chose to leave that pertinent bit of information out because it would render their article pointless.
It turns out, Khizr Muazzam Kahn, NYC lawyer who runs a law firm specializing in "immigration matters", is also a Muslim Brotherhood agent working to bring Muslims into the United States. His appearance in Philly was just another attempt by Mrs. Clinton to ‘trump’ Mr. Trump’s Muslim immigration stance. In the 1980s, Kahn wrote a paper titled "Juristic Classification of Islamic [Sharia] Law." In it, he expounded on the system of Sharia law expressing his reverence for “The Sunnah [the works of Muhammad] — authentic tradition of the Prophet Muhammad".
But you won't see that info on CNN or MSNBC and most media outlets.
Trump has Hollywood, the White House, the Education system and mass media all against him. Clinton just has to shut up and let the media and other personalities do her campaign for her.
Nobody cares that she is so either mentally ill or a complete liar that she could insist she was shot at when she wasn't, lied completely for years about her extreme carelessness, but would instead attack Trump's every tweet, and listen to some Muslim lawyer who makes money bringing in Muslims with dubious methods. Why did he take his website down?
No, Americans will be brainwashed into voting the first woman in, and voting against a man because the media convinces them that to vote for him would be uncool
People need to think for themselves.
Depends on whether Republican nativism trumps American soldier worship. It could backfire, as Trump has been trying to make this election a nativist, isolationist referendum, with not a little success.
gaijinpapa -
First, you say "People need to think for themselves."
How could someone like myself do this, unless I were simply to fall into line with whatever you thought?
Besides that, you seemingly have not bothered to check into the claims made by the irresponsible right-wing sites about Khizr Muazzam Kahn, despite my own and several other references. Don't you care about their veracity, or do the people at also constitute biased sources?
To get ahead of your or another of your sort's likely-enough false accusations, I'll post another link to today's slander of the Khans.
Do have the gumption to at least read it.
check into the claims made by the irresponsible right-wing sites about Khizr Muazzam Kahn So few people are taking those lies seriously and the proof is how bad Trump is losing. It's common sense to understand that they are all just lies. Trump's campaign has been about 100% hate and now it's completely backfiring.
1/3 hate, 1/3 fear and 1/3 narcissism