Japan Today

Trump backers baffled by criticism of his Muslim proposal


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“By the way, it’s not total and complete. And it’s temporary,” Trump said Sunday in an interview with CNN. “You’re going to have exceptions. You’re going to have people coming in and you are going to get people in.”

in other words, he has no idea and just makes it up as he goes along...

10 ( +17 / -7 )

Ask yourself this question: would you rather live next to a Muslim family, or a Trump supporter? I'll take a prayer rug over a meth lab any day.

27 ( +39 / -12 )

‘Oh my god, he’s right,’ ” he said.

Waaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaa!

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Just lock down the whole country. Noone gets in, and noone gets out.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

The population of the U.S.A. is 307 million. 18 million of these are Muslims. The Muslim population of the planet is 1,570,000,000. The vast majority of Muslims lead peaceful lives. They are not the enemy.

Al Qaeda and ISIS are SMALL, less than 10,000 people. They have killed far, far fewer than the US, British, French and Russian forces. They have just done it more spectacularly and these killings have been splashed across the media and used to create an atmosphere of fear.

Does Trump really imagine that a ban on Muslims entering the "Land of the Free" would do anything to prevent terrorists attacking the U.S.A? The U.S.A. cannot even control its southern borders. If terrorists wanted to enter, it would be very easy and with weaponry as notoriously available, they could very easily cause mayhem if they wanted to.

Trump's comments have some value - as amusement or light relief - rather like a circus clown or a court jester. But no one should take him seriously!

14 ( +20 / -6 )

No one ever got rich telling bigoted little ignoramuses they are bigoted little ignoramuses. But, boy, did they ever get rich pandering to their bigoted little ignoramus conceits.

8 ( +16 / -8 )

"Trump backers baffled by criticism of his Muslim proposal"

Trump's backers would be baffled by many things.

14 ( +23 / -9 )

“Think about it. You don’t know what you’ve got here. You’ve got no clue,”

This is absolutely true. Heh, what did obama say? "We're afraid to let "in" children and widows." Then about a month later Tashfeen Malik gets into the country to commit terrorism.

It's nonsense. Meanwhile 14 innocent southern Californians are pushing up daffodils. Don't forget about Paris too.

-17 ( +6 / -23 )


Its 1.8 million, not 18. Muslims currently make up approximately 0.9% of the U.S. adult population, or 1.8 million Muslim adults. If children are included, the Muslim population in the United States totals 2.75 million Muslims in the country, the majority of whom (63%) are immigrants.

That will double in 35 years. Can you imagine the horror!!!! ;)

2 ( +6 / -4 )

This is just turning into click bait for JT, and the anti-Trump crowd. Enjoy yourselves people. Believe me, anyone supporting Hillary at this point is pretty much classified as a brainless zombie walking the streets with no clue. I'd would like to hear Hillary just once, say petrodollar or Federal Reserve.

-9 ( +10 / -19 )

“Think about it. You don’t know what you’ve got here. You’ve got no clue,” she said of the Muslim tourists, immigrants and refugees Trump wants to temporarily bar from coming to the U.S.

“You don’t know if they like us. You don’t know if they hate us,” said Hooker, 47, of Greer, South Carolina. “You don’t know why they’re here.”

This chick is too stupid to realize that applies to every visitor to the US, not just Muslims.

“When you’re in war, you have to take steps that are not American to protect yourself and defend the country,” said Margaret Shontz, of Iowa

And this chick is too stupid to understand that the US is not at war with Islam.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

more people have died from gun-loving, bible-thumping americans this year then ISIL-inspired fanatics. if anything should be banned it should be semi-automatic weapons. imagine how few people would have been killed if they didn't have those weapons. but yes, let's distract america from the real problem.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

more people have died from gun-loving, bible-thumping americans this year then ISIL-inspired fanatics. if anything should be banned it should be semi-automatic weapons. imagine how few people would have been killed if they didn't have those weapons. but yes, let's distract america from the real problem.

But you don't understand - the 14 people who were killed in California are more and badder dead than those killed by white people carrying semi-automatics, because they were killed by infidel... I mean Muslims.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Trump's proposals won't matter if another big terrorist attack occurs in the US. If a dirty bomb or nuclear device is set off look for death squads to emerge. If I were a Muslim living in the US I would be doing everything I could to discourage acceptance of extremist Islamic beliefs in Muslim communities.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Trump backers baffled by criticism of his Muslim proposal

The photos of the Trump supporters accompanying this article are classic. The people shown look like the easily-baffled, bigoted "guns don't kill" types who would be Trump supporters.

Although Trump leads in the GOP polls, at this point he merely has the support of a majority of a dwindling minority. Nearly all that is left of the GOP support base is the Tea Party dimwits now that the more thoughtful and educated politically conservative types have been quietly backing away from the party out of sheer embarrassment caused by the Trump/Carson duo.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

But you don't understand - the 14 people who were killed in California are more and badder dead than those killed by white people carrying semi-automatics, because they were killed by infidel... I mean Muslims.

You've had a Democrat in the White House for 7 years now. AND, a Democratic majority in both the House and the Senate from 2009 to 2011. AND, you keep voting/believing in these people. Doesn't that strike you as odd?

-16 ( +3 / -19 )

If I were a Muslim living in the US I would be doing everything I could to discourage acceptance of extremist Islamic beliefs in Muslim communities.

If I were an American living in the US I would be doing everything I could to discourage acceptance of extremist beliefs in all communities, especially in those communities where members own 50 caliber semi-automatic weapons and threaten 'come and take it'.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Oh, sorry. Did I overload you're capacity with a question? My bad, won't happen again.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

This chick is too stupid to realize that applies to every visitor to the US, not just Muslims.

And muslims are stupid for wanting to come (or permanently reside) to the US in the recent events of Paris and San Bernardino. Give it a few months . . . .The DHS, FINCEN and the FBI aren't ready yet.

This chick could say anything she wants to, she's American. She's in America.

more people have died from gun-loving, bible-thumping americans this year then ISIL-inspired fanatics.

Right. But why allow and enhance more danger from an outside threat. A "serious threat" according to President Obama. Sure we have the college campus killers, white bible thumpers, crips/bloods, etc.

Why put up with another element? One that it clearly focused on killing westerners and our way of life?

How many NFL, NBA or MLB games have been cancelled due to bible-thumping americans wielding semi-automatic weapons? Wasn't there a soccer game cancelled immediately after Paris amid "fears" and "security concerns"?? Americans (hopefully) won't let that happen.

-15 ( +6 / -21 )

You've had a Democrat in the White House for 7 years now. AND, a Democratic majority in both the House and the Senate from 2009 to 2011. AND, you keep voting/believing in these people. Doesn't that strike you as odd?

I think it's supposed to convince you to believe in and vote for the party that was in power on September 11, 2001.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

A CBS News poll also found nearly six-in-10 Americans opposed the ban, with two-thirds saying it goes against the country’s founding principles.

More importantly, the political eunuch and television personality, Donald J. Trump, can say whatever ludicrous bigoted asinine fear mongering thing he wishes.

If some few small minded people want prejudice as part of their lives and thinking that doesn't mean the 75% of Americans who recognize and reject Trump's tactic are fooled by this idiot bigot.

The only purpose Trump pursues is to generate campaign footage of sobbing glandulars and rebel flag, tricorne hatted gun nuts cheering his racism. Just because Trump says something it does not make it so.

Also, it does not mean it is a doing anything to protect Americans. (Quite the opposite, his band of fools are driven to assault innocent people and their children and that may be a crime in some part of the States.)

However, what it does do is provide the most unstable with the incitement to burn down Mosques and openly pursue their personal prejudices on their fellow citizens.

Trump is promoting hate and the majority of Americans, Democrats and Republicans, already know this. That is why this orange colored person is the subject of universal condemnation.

Except among his band of dummy bigots who see prejudice as a badge of courage.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I think it's supposed to convince you to believe in and vote for the party that was in power on September 11, 2001.

And the party that invaded Iraq, causing this whole problem in the first place.

And muslims are stupid for wanting to come (or permanently reside) to the US in the recent events of Paris and San Bernardino.

This is stupid. If they have no connection to it, then there is no reason not to come over, nor any reason to not want them to come over. By your logic, no human should want to come to the US in the recent events, as the recent events were committed by human beings, and the person wanting to come over is a human being.

This chick could say anything she wants to

Oh we are all very clear that being dumb as dirt is an American right.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

I think it's supposed to convince you to believe in and vote for the party that was in power on September 11, 2001.

Some here were questioning the need for guns. I was pointing out that the Democrats COULD have done something about it, but didn't. Did you miss that? Anyway, I'm not a republican, and neither is Trump. The corporate media who are running scared are trying to connect that dot. And many fall for it.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

I was pointing out that the Democrats COULD have done something about it, but didn't. Did you miss that?

Yes, as you didn't bother to say what you were talking about, and no one can guess what you don't tell us.

Anyways, after Sandy Hook, when the democrats tried to do something (and it wasn't much, but it was something), it got shot down. By who? ....

And you are trying to say we should vote in Republicans because of this? Are you trying to say that the Republicans are going to enact stronger gun legislation? Because that's what it appears you are trying to say.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Yes, as you didn't bother to say what you were talking about, and no one can guess what you don't tell us.

I quoted your response about "semi-automatics" before I posted my comment. How could you NOT know what I was talking about?

And you are trying to say we should vote in Republicans because of this?

Nope. The gun "problem" is not a problem. It's what happens in a free society.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

I'm not a republican, and neither is Trump. - comments

We're just simple folk who believe that prejudice has its place in America. So, the list of what they are not is nearly endless.

Trump himself has even suggested his proposed ban was intended to stir up reaction. - article

Trump has run away from his fear mongering likely because of the Palm Springs Mosque burning. This is what prejudice looks like, and Trump's fans are baffled.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

One side effect is that several long-term Japan resident US people I know have started looking into naturalizing to Japanese and dumping US citizenship if Trump becomes president. The America they knew and loved 20 or 25 years ago when they came to Japan is gone.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Nope. The gun "problem" is not a problem. It's what happens in a free society.

It's what happens in a free society when a giant pro-gun lobbying group has more money and power than private citizens and won't allow even a rational debate about background checks, yeah. But you know, if you think having more days each year with gun murders than without isn't a problem then I think we have very different definitions of the word "problem."

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Readers, no bickering please. Focus your comments on the story and not at each other.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is what prejudice looks like, and Trump's fans are baffled.

I think you're just as nutty as the 23 year-old boy who started this fire. Thousands of innocent people have been killed at the hands of muslim extremists in Iraq and Syria recently and you're going to single out this nut case to prove a point about how Trump is over reacting about muslims when they just attacked innocent people in Paris and CALIFORNIA.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"I've been a racist all my life ," said the the 64 year-old citizen of conservative South Georgiabama, "and I can't possibly see how anyone could have any objection to the ban on Mohammedans. ...Unconsti-what-inal? Now, that sounds like some sort of fancy university talk. You ain't some sort of... liberal, are you? We don't take kindly to those types 'round here."

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Banning all Muslims from even entering the US would cut off a ridiculous amount of business between the US and the rest of the world. You would see a lot of countries likely severing business ties with the US permanently. In this sense I would say that a total Muslim ban is a major threat to the American economy as well as extremely anti-free market

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Trump backers baffled by criticism of his Muslim proposal

Trump backers also baffled by evolution, the metric system and shape sorters.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Nope. The gun "problem" is not a problem. It's what happens in a free society.

Ignoring the fact that there are many freer countries in the world that don't allow guns, making the above statement ridiculous, lets look at the 'logic' here:

14 Americans die because of Muslim terrorists = problem

30,000 Americans die because of guns = not a problem

Surely even the dumbest person can see that there is a logic failure there.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Among some Trump supporters, even those who agree with his proposal, there are some concerns — usually about how the bombastic former reality TV star is selling his ideas.

“I agree with him, mostly,” said Greg Spearman, 46, who owns an electrical firm in Greer. “But there’s certainly a better way to say it.”

Long and short, Trump provokes, crowds cheer and that's how campaign commercials are made, and that's all Trump needs from these baffled GED candidates.

Too bad Trump has duped so many into exposing their limited capacity for thought, lack of understanding of the founding principles and now they are left to blame others for not supporting them in their ignorance.

"There’s certainly a better way to say it.” And it would still be prejudice. But that's how bigots manipulate weak minded paranoids for their own ends.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Only an imbecile would equate the 2 in California to a random shooter. It's a huge difference.

Random shooter.....mentally disturbed.

Islamic terrorist killers.....a loosely wraped organization.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

“I agree with him, mostly,” said Greg Spearman, 46, who owns an electrical firm in Greer. “But there’s certainly a better way to say it.”

Mr. Spearman is afraid that Trump just comes out and says what he says. I wish more politicians were like this. Instead of mumbo jumbo . . . more americans are "agreeing with him mostly."

How is a ban on Muslims racist? Islam is a religion,,,

And a very peaceful religion. Don't you remember? Tashfeen was a "devout" muslim. She was secretly loyal to ISIS, and then, somehow, made it the United States of America when she belonged in Raqqa or somewhere in some cave in Pakistan.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

r. Spearman is afraid that Trump just comes out and says what he says. I wish more politicians were like this.

You must be a Sanders supporter too then, right?

And a very peaceful religion

Just as peaceful as Christianity.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

You must be a Sanders supporter too then, right?

No. After the San Bernardino attacks, sanders condemned guns. He did not condemn anything about Farook & Tashfeen's hidden agenda. Both sanders and h clinton did not even praise our first responders who eliminated the 2 threats. That was so wrong.

“The drive-by media says everybody’s a racist who supports Trump. That’s ridiculous.”

It is ridiculous. As ridiculous as the 19 US state governors willing to allow islamic refugees (mostly bearded islamic young men) into their states.

For what? They have "No" constitutional rights to be coming here in the 1st place. America is for infidel americans. The islamic refugee men seeking to come here are full of nonsense.

I don' know which is worse. them, or kerry / obama who want to just "let" them "in"-

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

MarkGDec. 15, 2015 - 11:29AM JST (...) Random shooter.....mentally disturbed. Islamic terrorist killers.....a loosely wraped organization.

Islam doesn't kill people, (mentally disturbed) people kills people.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

a loosely wraped organization

Would you include in the category 'loosely wraped organization' (sic) organizations like the many US militias, posses and survivalist groups? I have no evidence but I think the percent of US citizens involved in these extremist groups would be about the same as the percent of Muslims involved in extremist groups.

If you add in the 'random shooter .... mentally disturbed' US American, I have to think US citizens are among the scariest on the planet, maybe especially the WASPs. Some even take pride in that.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Islam doesn't kill people, (mentally disturbed) people kills people.

LoL . . . but the (islamic) concept as a whole is what's "mentally disturbing" them. Fasting, praying, fasting, more praying, no pork, no alcohol, no nightlife, no concerts ( . . lest they spray crowds with their AK47's) no promiscuous sexual engagements . . . . Oh dear. Stay in the ME.

Western society are taboo for muslims period. Why don't they get it?

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

That’s why the hot dog stand worker in the conservative southern state of South Carolina says Trump is “my guy.”

So Republican it hurts.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Only an imbecile would equate the 2 in California to a random shooter. It's a huge difference.

Normally terror groups compete to claim responsibility for atrocities like this, but we didn't hear a peep about San Bernardino. There was no martyrdom video, or accounts of the pair shouting Allahu Akbar, either.

The wife of one of the victims, (the gentleman who was reported elsewhere as having previously taunted Farook about Islam) told the LA Times (my emphasis):

he was aware Farook was Muslim but had never mentioned that his co-worker had any extreme views. "If he would have ... my husband would have had something to say."


I'm still not convinced that this pair didn't simply go postal, as so many others in the US have, when the 1st Amendment (freedom of speech) encounters the 2nd Amendment (right to bear arms).

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

How many NFL, NBA or MLB games have been cancelled due to bible-thumping americans wielding semi-automatic weapons? Wasn't there a soccer game cancelled immediately after Paris amid "fears" and "security concerns"?? Americans (hopefully) won't let that happen.

I still hear the crickets chirping.

And rightfully so. The chickens came home to roost on Merkel and other European leaders. When you cannot freely host a "friendly" soccer match at a major venue in your own country amid "security concerns" or plain "fear", you are not living in a free and democratic society.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

"I'm still not convinced that this pair didn't simply go postal, as so many others in the US have, when the 1st Amendment (freedom of speech) encounters the 2nd Amendment (right to bear arms)." You should be convinced that it was a premeditated act of murder; stockpiles of weapons and pipebombs, more information that confirms these two pieces of garbage were radicalized long before their attack, etc.

You folks who keep complaining about Trumps proposed ban on new Muslim visitors sound a lot like the girl in World War II who claimed that a bread shortage wouldn't bother her because she only ate toast. None you commenting against Trump will likely ever face an Islamic threat so it's easy to say there is no danger. Dearborn, a city near my native Detroit, has basically been taken over by Islam (instances of honor killings, etc.) and the implementation of Sharia law is even being preached in the mosques. Check out YouTube if you doubt me. If you live in Japan you have nothing to fear from Muslims; not because Islam is a religion of peace but because the Japanese police force will not tolerate it.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

If you live in Japan you have nothing to fear from Muslims; not because Islam is a religion of peace but because the Japanese police force will not tolerate it.

Thank you samwatters. Exactly. All these westerners (non US citizen) posters don't care. They've been to the states a couple times. They don't vote there, pay taxes, have loved ones there. . . . so of course they do not care about muslims and terrorism in America. (Assies are the exception here. Kudos to Australian authorities who are keeping them OUT!)

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Now we can compare a civilized society to the USA proposal, and see how it is working so far in Japan

Clutching at straws. Japan hasn't banned Muslim tourists.

Quite often, Japanese companies seeking foreign workers specifically note that they are not interested in Muslims.

Its employers can also state (legally) that they're not interested in recruiting blacks.

Importing the Koran in Arabic is practically impossible, and the only one permitted is the “adapted” version in Japanese.

Nonsense! Try Amazon Japan.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Moderator: If this rubbish is the best you can post, please find another discussion board." **

I received this from the JT "moderator" yesterday. Abusing a contributor to this site is professional?? Who are you, Moderater? Im curious.

Moderator: You were not abused. You were rebuked, and rightly so, for posting an offensive message twice. Please refamiliarize yourself with the rules of the discussion board and lift the level of your contributions.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

(Assies are the exception here. Kudos to Australian authorities who are keeping them OUT!)

Ooops. "Aussies" not assies.

In the wake of the attacks in Paris and shootings in San Bernardino, she and other Trump supporters say the Republican presidential frontrunner is the only one is taking on what they believe is a clear and present danger to America and its citizens.

He's not the only one taking on this clear and present danger. Apparently, the Aussies and Japanese are keeping out the islamic "asylum" seekers. The French are at war. The UK's got their planes up too. Yet, more people need to wake up. Especially the (D).

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

You should be convinced that it was a premeditated act of murder;

as all of the 300+ mass shootings in the USA this year are

stockpiles of weapons and pipebombs, more information that confirms these two pieces of garbage were radicalized long before their attack, etc.

The USA has the largest stockpiles of privately-held weapons on the planet, at 88 per 100 people, followed by basket case Yemen, with 55 per 100.

Pipe bombs have been killing Americans since 1886, including two people at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. They were used at Columbine, and were also found along the route of an MLK Jr memorial walk in Spokane, WA in 2011.

San Bernardino is still looking decidedly postal.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Back on topic please.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The USA has the largest stockpiles of privately-held weapons on the planet, at 88 per 100 people, followed by basket case Yemen, with 55 per 100.

Yet everyone want to come to the US. Our cultural, political and economic influence weighs heavily on everything. LoL, Hollwood just blocked of 4 blocks in its city for the world premiere of Star Wars.

Do muslims like Star Wars? LoL, or is grabbing a date, Coca-Cola and large Buttered Popcorn also against the rules too?

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

@Sensato. I cannot deny that America is armed to the teeth and has serious violence issues but please attempt read this objectively.

1.) You and others on this board insinuate that because there is already a great amount of violence in the US we should be quite comfortable with increasing violence. This is just lunacy.

2.) "Mass shootings" are defined as a shooting event in which two or more people are injured and/or killed by a gun. There have been over 300 this year along. However, the vast majority of "mass shootings" occur between gang members and/or drug dealers (most of them in "gun control" cities like Chicago) and these shooting are not randomly killing people they was Islamic attacks do. Some on this board would have you believe that elementary school shootings, hospital shootings, etc. make up the majority of "mass shootings" but they don't. Again, ONE shooting at school or hospital is a tragedy but the vast majority of mass shootings are between specific groups and do not involve random targets. France, the attacks in California are attacks on random people and, again, perpetrated by Muslims.

3.) People say the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful. One could ask whether they are "peaceful" or just haven't become radicalized yet but here are the points; a.) the Quran calls for violence against non-believers and, unlike other religions, does not have following book or chapter or verse that nullifies it and b.) even if only 1% of Muslims are radicals or believe in Sharia law, you are talking about 10 milion people who want to kill in the name of Allah. Do I not have a right to avoid such as threat?

4.) Citizenship has its privileges. Yes, there are plenty of wackos in the US but, because they are citizens we have to live with them but, in the name of common sense and after another senseless tragedy could be please take a break from bringing more of them over to the US? People on the board ignore that sense 9/11 a huge governmental appartus was implemented to detect radicals but it does not work. Furthermore people like you (who I bet don't live in places with high Muslm populations) immediately refer to us who do as "racists" and "bigots" and the like. Want to watch something funny? Go to YouTube and watch this video, "Muslim Man Violently Threatens Donald Trump for Thinking Some Muslims Are Violent" and you might understand why some of us----no, most of us----want a time out from bringing Muslims into this country.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Sarah Palin's supporters found a new Messiah and he came with a crazy hairdo, they do come in all shapes and sizes. This bunch was in full force today at Leas Vegas.

Before dismissing these lunatics lets show them some empathy.

After all they represent a disadvatnaged, oft forgotten and mostly ignored minority group, the single digit IQs.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I can just imagine the encrypted messages between Trump and his pals Bill and Hill...

"Lol, lol megalolz guys!!! You were right these Republicans are freakin' insane! The crazier my suggestions get the more they love me. No way out now in it for the long haul we need to renegotiate my remuneration if I've got to keep this up for another year. Amazing! Cheers, Donald"

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

(CORRECTION) Trump backers baffled (full stop.)

This cow small. That cow far away.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

That’s why the hot dog stand worker in the conservative southern state of South Carolina says Trump is “my guy.”

Yeah, forgive me for not putting all of my eggs in this obviously well read and politically savvy basket.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Yet everyone want to come to the US. Our cultural, political and economic influence weighs heavily on everything. LoL, Hollwood just blocked of 4 blocks in its city for the world premiere of Star Wars.

Add to that our money, planes, technology, so it's all good and very appreciated, but at least the main thing we should do is have total control over our borders and our politicians were elected by the people and the president serves on their behalf and the people don't want these refugees and this president doesn't get it. He'll spin his typical lies and weave up stories to BS the people as he usually does to hopefully brainwash them into thinking this is a good thing when everyone with a pulse and that is not a partisan can see right through his charade.

Do muslims like Star Wars? LoL, or is grabbing a date, Coca-Cola and large Buttered Popcorn also against the rules too?

Good one.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Madverts: I can just imagine the encrypted messages between Trump and his pals Bill and Hill...

I picture it as more like a pair of Darth Sidiouses commanding Darth Maul or Count Duku via hologram ...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Our cultural, political and economic influence weighs heavily on everything


LoL, Hollwood (sic) just blocked of 4 blocks in its city for the world premiere of Star Wars.

4 American city blocks blocked off? That is influential!

1 ( +2 / -1 )


I picture it as more like a pair of Darth Sidiouses commanding Darth Maul or Count Duku via hologram ...

Heh, I think Dick Cheney has actually come out against Trump.

If he isn't working for The Clinton's then I see three possible scenarios.

He's using the insane Republican party and their dumbed down media against itself as a business plan to step in an seize the Whitehouse for his own personal gain

He's simply insane himself using the insane Republican party and their dumbed down media against itself as part of his psychosis to step in an seize the Whitehouse and further his meglomania

He's an insanen business mogul coke-head and repeat all of the above.

It kinda jus makes me hope he's working for the Clinton's. Either way his run is destroying the Republican party. It is a thing of intense beauty to observe.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Do muslims like Star Wars? LoL, or is grabbing a date, Coca-Cola and large Buttered Popcorn also against the rules too?

I think millions of Muslims will go see Star Wars this month. Hopefully they will avoid the fizzy drink you referred to. Believe or not, there is a spectrum of Muslims. Just like there is a spectrum of US Americans.

By the way, have you read about the 34-state Islamic military coalition to combat terrorism?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I'm embarrassed to say that they interviewed these people back near my hometown in South Carolina.

3 ( +4 / -1 )


Believe or not, there is a spectrum of Muslims. Just like there is a spectrum of US Americans

I think you just got far too in depth for your garden variety Republican there my friend. She/he live in the binary world of extremes. With us or against us stuff.

It seems everybody wants to talk Star Wars damn you all I haven't got time before Christmas to view I hope nobody spoils the plot!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@Vernie I'm embarrassed to say that they interviewed these people back near my hometown in South Carolina.

Believe it or not there is a spectrum of people from South Carolina. :D

1 ( +1 / -0 )

By the way, have you read about the 34-state Islamic military coalition to combat terrorism?

Shhh, they don't talk about those kinds of things in the bubble. It kills their world view.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

As nuts as the bloke they're supporting.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

He's simply insane himself using the insane Republican party and their dumbed down media against itself as part of his psychosis to step in an seize the Whitehouse and further his meglomania

I wish he would.

It kinda jus makes me hope he's working for the Clinton's. Either way his run is destroying the Republican party. It is a thing of intense beauty to observe.

But if Trump does become president and the GOP is not destroyed, should the GOP hope for the DNC demise?

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

The wingers on JT use to try and pretend they were not racist but Trump has put an end to that. Now they are rolling in their racism and hatred of others. Trump was the birther guy first and now he is (insert name here) hater of all who are not white, tired and old. Many posted Trump was a passing fancy, no he is the dark soul of he republican party. Evil and vile. He has opened up the box of hatred that underlies everything about the republican party since Nixon used race to win the south in 68 and 72. Republicans take a good hard look, for this is what you truly are.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

The wingers on JT use to try and pretend they were not racist but Trump has put an end to that.

Excuse me, but you can't say someone is a racist without knowing for sure. As for myself, I'm far from racist.

Now they are rolling in their racism and hatred of others.

Because we want closed borders and legal immigration and don't want to accept refugees because it's not PC?

Trump was the birther guy first and now he is (insert name here) hater of all who are not white, tired and old. Many posted Trump was a passing fancy, no he is the dark soul of he republican party.

That's pretty deep stuff, but do you have proof that Trump just outright hates minorities?

Evil and vile. He has opened up the box of hatred that underlies everything about the republican party since Nixon used race to win the south in 68 and 72.

Sorry, but Obama and Holder started the racial divide.

Republicans take a good hard look, for this is what you truly are.

Now equally, if Only the Democrats can see themselves for who and what really are.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

Sorry, but Obama and Holder started the racial divide.

So you're saying racial problems in the US began 7 years ago?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

So you're saying racial problems in the US began 7 years ago?

No, but under this admin. The racial problems increased 10 times than what they were and it's going to take years to fix All of it.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Yes, racism started when Obama was elected. It is amazing how electing a black man twice has turned the country into a racist state. Oh, and I guess the blacks who were slaves would agree if they could that things are worse now. The KKK would agree things are worse now. The same KKK that supports Trump.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Electing a black president sent Republicans over the edge. Now it's open season on Muslims, Latinos, African Americans....even women.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Republicans take a good hard look, for this is what you truly are.

Trump is not part of the political establishment. Racist? Who's the troll.

It seems that many here like the Dem/Rep rubberneck merry-go-round. Fools you are.

Go Trump!

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Because we want closed borders and legal immigration and don't want to accept refugees because it's not PC?

What does your Statue of Liberty say?

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

"No, but under this admin. The racial problems increased 10 times than what they were and it's going to take years to fix All of it."

Ten times, eh? I'm just wondering why minorities didn't overwhelmingly vote Republican in the last election. Did these divides only materialise after 2012? Any ideas?

Looking at what Trump is spouting and Cruz is not decrying, do you think the GOP will broaden its appeal this time round?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Electing a black president sent Republicans over the edge.

Flat out lie! Obama's radical progressive policies is what sent the GOP and country over the edge.

Now it's open season on Muslims, Latinos, African Americans....even women.

No, just securing our borders until we find out who these people are, race has nothing to do with it. The same goes for illegal immigrants and we need to tackle the out of control black on black crime in cities like Chicago, the murder rare and incarceration rate for blacks is the highest in the country, but talking about all of this is supposedly a racist thing to do? You guys really need to stop conflating the issue.

Yes, racism started when Obama was elected.

No, but it worsened as bad as back in the 1950s.

It is amazing how electing a black man twice has turned the country into a racist state.

No, but his policies that favored blacks instead of favoring ALL AMERICANS regardless of color is the crux of the problem. It seems like Blacks get a pass on everything and Blacks are given a pass.

Oh, and I guess the blacks who were slaves would agree if they could that things are worse now.

Democrats created the Klan

The KKK would agree things are worse now. The same KKK that supports Trump.

Isn't David Duke a Democrat?

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

SuperLib at Dec. 15, 2015 - 08:59PM JST Electing a black president sent Republicans over the edge. Now it's open season on Muslims, Latinos, African Americans....even women.

Isn't it fair to say they hate everyone outside the Bubble?

The only other sects I have seen behave in this manner are the likes of the Taliban and Daesh.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Isn't it fair to say they hate everyone outside the Bubble?

No, just Out of control Progressive that are on a mission to fundamentally change the country.

The only other sects I have seen behave in this manner are the likes of the Taliban and Daesh.

...and Socialists and Progressives.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

The following two posts nicely summarize the immaturity and hypocracy of some posters on the subject of reworking immigration with a particular focus on Muslims.

When Trump says something about immigration, one poster writes this: "No one ever got rich telling bigoted little ignoramuses they are bigoted little ignoramuses. But, boy, did they ever get rich pandering to their bigoted little ignoramus conceits."

When Obama says something about immigration, the same poster writes this: Article: "The history of Malik’s radicalization and her apparent online discussions about jihad have raised concerns about how she was able to pass a background check that the government has described as rigorous." JT Poster: "Well, it obviously ain't 'rigorous' enough."

This is what Trump is saying. It (meaning the screening process) isn't rigorous enough. Now a sane person would come the conclusion that maybe, just maybe, we should stop the flow of those who might want to harm us coming in for a while until we improve the procedures. And I guarantee you that if it were skins heads from Germany or some similar group they would be barred (and I would salute that, too!).

My problem is not with Obama as much as it is with his followers who tell anyone who disagrees with him (or them) that they are racists, bigots, etc.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

My problem is not with Obama as much as it is with his followers who tell anyone who disagrees with him (or them) that they are racists, bigots, etc.


-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Masverts: Isn't it fair to say they hate everyone outside the Bubble?

A full 43% of a Republicans think Obama is Muslim, and now Republicans want to ban Muslims. A staggering number still think he was not born in America. But of course it's Obama who is dividing the country on race.

Republicans actually say that to each other.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

It's only Trump and his followers that are being called racists and bigots. And that's because they adore Trump for his racism and bigotry. And his sexism.

But you can't say that all people that like Trump are racists, you are pigeonholing.

Ten times, eh? I'm just wondering why minorities didn't overwhelmingly vote Republican in the last election.

Most Blacks vote Democrat by default. When I talk to some Blacks and about the GOP, they honestly don't know a lot or they just heard negative things and also, their friends and family vote Democrat. A lot of people voted for Obama simply because he was Black and that That's a good thing? Voting for someone based solely on the color of their skin. That's pretty much sums it all up.

Did these divides only materialise after 2012? Any ideas?


-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Woah, there Bass. You need to tone down the rhetoric a bit - it's getting completely out of hand.

Obama's radical progressive policies

I defy you to name one of Obama's "radical progressive" policies. The man has been a rather cautious center-leftist over the course of his two terms - much to the chagrin of actual progressives, who have cried copious and bitter tears of rage and frustration over it. Labeling Obama as a "radical progressive" means one of two things - either you don't understand what what constitutes progressive politics (which is plausible - I suspect you may be so far to the right that even center-right policies look like radical leftism to you), or you haven't really payed any attention to what Obama has actually done in office. This isn't going to end up in embarrassment like the time you claimed the administration was "breaking laws" and then could actually name any actual laws that were broken, is it? That was kind of ugly and I'd rather not go through it again. For the record, the most "radical" thing I can think of that Obama has done was Universal Healthcare, and even that wasn't particularly progressive - it was actually originally a center-right proposal (remember Romneycare?) A "radical progressive" policy - for reference - would have been mandatory single payer healthcare administered by the government.

No, but it worsened as bad as back in the 1950s.

As in, back during segregation...?! Bass, that's really an appallingly ignorant statement. I'm not really going to waste any further comment on this statement other than to say you really should retract it.

Democrats created the Klan

Quite likely - Nathan Bedford Forrest was a Democrat, for instance- but unfortunately not terribly supportive of your position. As you probably are aware, the pro-slavery cum pro-segregation wing of the Democratic party - the Southern Democrats, as they were known - defected following Lyndon Johnson's support for the Civil Right's Act of 1964. They became part of the Republican party under Nixon's "southern strategy." The "Party of Lincoln" hasn't been such since for over half a century now, and it's disingenuous of you to try to and make it seem otherwise.

I will give you this freebie, however: the much maligned NRA was one of the few institutions to stand up for black rights to self defense and gun ownership during the turbulent Reconstruction period after the Civil War. Incorporate that into your talking points if you wish.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Trump isn't right, but he's not wrong, either.


0 ( +1 / -1 )

A full 43% of a Republicans think Obama is Muslim

Yeah, I heard this too. Except about 8 years ago when it wasn't such an issue. I do not think obama is a muslim. Even if he was one, it doesn't bother me.

The white house CANNOT be altered into islamic architecture. US Currency still features american presidents and says, "In God We trust." Pork and Alcohol is not banned nationwide. The second amendment has not changed. The whole national security team from a new military recruit to the president himself swear in . . . " I do solemnly swear, to protect & defend the constitution of the US . . .

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

I am half way thru reading the article and must fly down here to make this comment in urgence...Mericans are frightfully dim. I am truly scared at those initial comments. The next absolutely essential question to consider is how much success do educated Mericans attain in reducing their own ignorance of the wider world around them...now..breathe..then try to muster up the courage to scroll back up and finish reading...

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Trump backers baffled by criticism of his Muslim proposal

That would be because they have the same flawed thinking as Trump. "Why are these people criticizing our savior when all he wants to do is ban over a billion people from having the chance to enter our country?"

Morons. I used to think the Republican Party was a party worthy of the United States of America. Now I think they are a party that makes TRUE Americans shake their heads in disgust.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I am truly scared at those initial comments.

What is so scary about the initial comments? People are afraid of what muslims "might" do in america. Paris brought back some awful scenarios of what can go wrong in any major US city.

Is it that "wrong" that one politician is emphatically addressing an issue the rivals won't go near?

how much success do educated Mericans attain in reducing their own ignorance of the wider world around them

Gee, I don't know? How much terror can be plotted and carried out before we realize "what it is" and call it "what it is"?

If you read the news, (islamic) teens, women and men are committing or attempting to commit terror in western cities.

Some even going as far as posing as "brides" or dropping off a 6-mo old baby before the mission.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Being baffled is a state of mind.

Being baffled at the majority of Americans who believe religious prejudice is both unacceptable and indicates limited intelligence is also baffling.

Having repeated the mantra of hate often enough, and long enough, to erase critical thinking among his army of hot dog stand workers, only took Donald J. Trump, (American television personality), a few months.

Imagine what four years of Trump's repetition of hate might achieve.

So far, there's some idea afoot that some political force is stopping Trump-luddites from freely promoting prejudice. Some say it is "the establishment", others, "the liberal media".

Either way, what the world sees is there is a concentrated group in the Trump Universe (shia-tea party) who have an insatiable lust for ignorance and prejudice. They are well armed and baffled by anything that involves the mumbo jumbo of complex thought.

Has America really become a nation of hot dog stand workers at the command of Donald J. Trump's racist spittle?

No. America is having a loud and disturbing political argument as to whether they are baffled or contemptuous of Donald J. Trump's racist spittle.

So, sadly, you can't say Trump's racist spittle is being wiped from the face of America, only that some are too stupid to wipe their faces of it.

And that is a mental hygiene problem that involves complex thought Trump's Universe of hot dog stand workers haven't mastered, along with basic math. They are few, stupid and insulting to every complex thought of the founders of The United States of America and too stupid to realize it.

Besides that, simple folk, who like hot dogs and guns.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Has America really become a nation of hot dog stand workers at the command of Donald J. Trump's racist spittle?

Carl's Jr franchise started as a "hot dog stand" in America. There are thousands of chains nation-wide now. Next March "coming soon to AKIHABARA."

KFC, Colonel Sanders, same story. Except with a "global" chain. Mc D's . . . ? -you Get the picture.

Besides that, simple folk, who like hot dogs and guns.

The whole world. And the "guns?" How about the wanabee "weekend warriors" capturing rival flags in "paintball" air-soft wars. With air softs & paintball "guns" replicating every military model existing in "real" armories and individual arsenals worldwide!

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Perhaps it's just their minds addled by FOX "news" or perhaps they just want to believe.

Once again, throwing ad hominem attacks. Get over the FNC syndrome. People can make up their own minds. Like the left believe if we don't clean our air by tomorrow, we will all die a horrendous death.

Kind of like an insane Fox Mulder, obsessed by their mission.


Either way buddy, we have another year to go of the comendy and scrolling past Bass's rantings as quick as is humanly possible.

You mean, you don't like hearing the truth and you guys just hate that, with each passing day, the chances of Obama becoming president is so, so very real.

Woah, there Bass. You need to tone down the rhetoric a bit - it's getting completely out of hand.

Making you nervous??? Believe me when I tell you, I'm fine, I do worry about my fellow libs though.

I defy you to name one of Obama's "radical progressive" policies.

One thing, Obama bypasses congress on virtually every issue. Has one of the largest deficits ever (and it'll get a whole lot worse once he leaves office) Killing thousands of jobs in the coal and gas industry, won't allow the Keystone XL pipeline through, even though it is still coming in, just slower and through rail, which pollutes far worse, rammed Obamacare through without a single GOP vote, destroyed the middle class as a new report yesterday came out, stagnant economy and on and on... Probably could tell you 50 more...

But at least we're creating progress to have cleaner air to make the little fishy happy.

The man has been a rather cautious center-leftist over the course of his two terms

NOPE-FAR, FAAAAAR LEFT. Bill Clinton was a centrist.

much to the chagrin of actual progressives, who have cried copious and bitter tears of rage and frustration over it.

Oh, he tried, but I think if he would have done that, we would have had another revolution.

Labeling Obama as a "radical progressive" means one of two things - either you don't understand what what constitutes progressive politics

Sorry, I'm from California, I grew up around progressive unicorns.

(which is plausible - I suspect you may be so far to the right that even center-right policies look like radical leftism to you),

No, I'm a conservative/libertarian

or you haven't really payed any attention to what Obama has actually done in office.

Paid attention. Believe me, I tried that, but....

This isn't going to end up in embarrassment like the time you claimed the administration was "breaking laws"

They did and continue to do so.

and then could actually name any actual laws that were broken, is it?

Manipulating jobs by hiring and rehiring Census workers.

Violating tax codes by releasing private tax details to the public when attacking Koch Industries.

purposely seeking out conservatives to audit during the 2012 Obama reelection cycle

That was kind of ugly and I'd rather not go through it again. For the record, the most "radical" thing I can think of that Obama has done was Universal Healthcare, and even that wasn't particularly progressive

But radical nonetheless.

it was actually originally a center-right proposal (remember Romneycare?)

One state that used slush funds for that ONE STATE, NOT for the ENTIRE country.

A "radical progressive" policy - for reference - would have been mandatory single payer healthcare administered by the government.

Dear Lord.....

"Why are these people criticizing our savior when all he wants to do is ban over a billion people from having the chance to enter our country?"

Maybe people are finally sick and tired of dealing with Obama's BS.

Morons. I used to think the Republican Party was a party worthy of the United States of America. Now I think they are a party that makes TRUE Americans shake their heads in disgust.

I feel exactly the same way about Democrats.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

How many NFL, NBA or MLB games have been cancelled due to bible-thumping americans wielding semi-automatic weapons? Wasn't there a soccer game cancelled immediately after Paris amid "fears" and "security concerns"?? Americans (hopefully) won't let that happen.

The crickets are chirping still. Heh . . . & that's because Europe let in all those "radical elements." Now they can't enjoy their national pastimes like "attending" a soccer game.

Don't know about the rest, but come next February, the NBA All-Star Game and Superbowl will not be cancelled.

No way sir. Not "in" america-

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Maybe people are finally sick and tired of dealing with Obama's BS.

Hey! You managed to once again somehow tie Obama to something he has no control over! Your string is unbroken! Congrats... or something. Unlike you Trump apologists, he's actually READ the Constitution he has sworn to defend and knows what's not acceptable under the Constitution. Trump apparently would be hard-pressed to tell you what the Preamble (never mind the whole Constitution) states:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and ensure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

(and NO, that was not from an internet search, that was from my memory - the memory of a 55 year old who was taught it back in 5th grade circa 1970.)

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Imagine what four years of Trump's repetition of hate might achieve.

No need. The damage is already done; the damage from t.v personality Donald J. Trump , At this point, the Republican party has already surrendered hopes of winning the White House -- on any ticket. Their primary concern now protecting their down-ballot candidates.

And they may have to do it through a brokered convention.


2 ( +3 / -1 )

bass: A lot of people voted for Obama simply because he was Black

And a lot of people didn't vote for Obama simply because he was black. And a lot didn't vote for him because they thought he was a Muslim from Kenya. You yourself said you suspect he is secretly Muslim.

Not all Republicans are racist, but if you are racist, the Republican Party is for you.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

A CBS News poll also found nearly six-in-10 Americans opposed the ban, with two-thirds saying it goes against the country’s founding principles.

Unamerican, cowardly, and just plain stupid...

But Republicans are far more receptive; 54 percent voiced support for the ban in the CBS poll.

More susceptible to fear-mongering jackasses.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

"rammed Obamacare through without a single GOP vote" - comments

Now you know where Trump-luddites get the employees for their hot dog carts.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

The head of Politifact made a handy little chart showing the difference between Democrats and Republicans:


Trump, Carson, and Cruz dominate the false statements. Clinton and Obama are at the bottom.

That's the benefit of creating the bubble. No one is in there to hold you accountable, and this is the result.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Uh oh, the Syrians have found a new way to get into the country, and there is no way Trump is going to ban this one: http://syruptrap.ca/2015/12/syrian-family-gets-into-america-by-disguising-themselves-as-guns/

0 ( +3 / -3 )


The vast majority of Muslims lead peaceful lives. They are not the enemy.

That's right. Unless you happen to be gay, or a woman, or an apostate, or a Jew, or a Coptic, or a Yazidi, or a...

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

NOPE-FAR, FAAAAAR LEFT. Bill Clinton was a centrist.

You know, putting stuff in caps doesn't make it true.

One thing, Obama bypasses congress on virtually every issue. Has one of the largest deficits ever (and it'll get a whole lot worse once he leaves office) Killing thousands of jobs in the coal and gas industry, won't allow the Keystone XL pipeline through, even though it is still coming in, just slower and through rail, which pollutes far worse, rammed Obamacare through without a single GOP vote, destroyed the middle class as a new report yesterday came out, stagnant economy and on and on... Probably could tell you 50 more... But at least we're creating progress to have cleaner air to make the little fishy happy.

A lot of these aren't particularly "progressive," or even "policies" per se - I don't think "destroying the middle class" or "stagnating the economy" could be considered a policy goal. Presidential signing statements and executive orders are not "progressive" in any sense, nor are they unique to Obama (GWB was pretty fond of them, actually), Obamacare, as I mentioned earlier, isn't terribly progressive either - it mostly mandates you need to buy insurance from private insurance companies; the medicare expansion being the most "progressive" part.

That really only leaves environmental policies, where, once again, it's not particularly clear that Obama has done anything "radically progressive." So he killed Keystone. OK. That was a pretty simple jobs vs. environmental impact trade off. Obama came down on the side of environmental protection side. Sounds fairly liberal, but not exactly radical. Let's not pretend Keystone was super important to the economy (especially given fracking and the current state of oil prices). Also, in case you haven't noticed, climate change has become kind of a big deal. General consensus seems to be shifting such that denial or inaction is becoming a pretty extreme (right) position. Trying to cut emissions aligns pretty well with the mainstream view now.

You say you could give me "50 more"; if you choose to do so, I would ask you to limit them to actual "policies" and not stuff like "Obama destroyed the economy." I notice you have done a little research and come back with some "laws" that were broken by the administration. Good on you for being semi-specific. Two of the three you mention might actually involve the breaking of actual laws (I don't think "manipulating jobs data" counts, I'm afraid, but good try).

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Let the un-baffling begin.

"On Monday, in Las Vegas, where Mr. Trump held a rally ahead of Tuesday’s Republican debate, Trump supporters attacked and cursed protesters while Mr. Trump’s security thugs dragged them out of the room. Cell-phone video taken by a BuzzFeed reporter recorded a Trump supporter urging the security guards to set fire to one of the protesters" New York Times, Andrew Rosenthal

While Trump-luddites have been blaming the "establishment" and the manipulation of a "liberal media", what they missed is the first person documentation of Donald J. Trump's "silent majority" (Nixon's brand by the way)

Documented on witness video the link below provides what Trump has called on his Facebook: “There is something special happening out there, and the silent majority — is silent no more!”

see how special at source published in The New York Times: https://twitter.com/mckaycoppins/status/676611661487190018?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

Let the un-baffling begin.

Neither silent or controlled, the Trump army is ready for blood and Donald J. Trump doesn't care whose as long as he can sell hats and tee-shirts.

Why does Trump seem worst the closer you look? This is Trump's idea of making America Great Again? Nope, it just shows who Loves the Trump, baffled racists ready to burn human beings.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

This whole debate would be over the minute anyone with authority or exposure would acknowledge that you cannot determine a person's religion just by looking at him/her or their passport.

sigh Just stop already.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

A lot of these aren't particularly "progressive," or even "policies" per se - I don't think "destroying the middle class" or "stagnating the economy" could be considered a policy goal.

I'm not saying it's a policy goal, but the president didn't do anything to start up any growth in the private sector to create jobs and to increase spending.

Presidential signing statements and executive orders are not "progressive" in any sense, nor are they unique to Obama (GWB was pretty fond of them, actually),

I never said that, I'm saying that Obama truly lives by his pen and will use it over talking with the opposition to ram through what ever he wants. Because compromise is not in this guys vocabulary.

Obamacare, as I mentioned earlier, isn't terribly progressive either - it mostly mandates you need to buy insurance from private insurance companies; the medicare expansion being the most "progressive" part.

More and more people are dropping out of it simply because they can't afford it. More people canceling their policies, there are many hospitals in the country that will NOT take this junk.

That really only leaves environmental policies, where, once again, it's not particularly clear that Obama has done anything "radically progressive."

So he killed Keystone. OK. That was a pretty simple jobs vs. environmental impact trade off.

Stupid move, the oil is still coming, but by train, dirtier, it's still going to pollute the environment at a slower pace, but the oil is still coming regardless. The XL pipeline would have been faster and cleaner

Obama came down on the side of environmental protection side. Sounds fairly liberal, but not exactly radical. Let's not pretend Keystone was super important to the economy (especially given fracking and the current state of oil prices).

The trade off would have been the best way to ween ourselves off Mideast oil. But since Obama destroyed the coal and gas industry, seems like, at least for the near future, oil is the engine that drives the US, but he destroyed that as well to create more jobs. So now with an almost extinct middle class, Obama still did not do anything to bring jobs back to change the tide of rising unemployment.

Also, in case you haven't noticed, climate change has become kind of a big deal.

Not over terrorism and the 2nd amendment. They still outrank climate change.

General consensus seems to be shifting such that denial or inaction is becoming a pretty extreme (right) position. Trying to cut emissions aligns pretty well with the mainstream view now.

So what are China and India going to do about it. They are allowed to grow their economies and we just need to say, we will stall ours to be.......environmentally correct? Sigh!

You say you could give me "50 more"; if you choose to do so, I would ask you to limit them to actual "policies" and not stuff like "Obama destroyed the economy."

That's big enough? What else can Obama destroy besides the US powerhouse. He'll destroy the economy, but he'll make sure doesn't destroy the climate.

I notice you have done a little research and come back with some "laws" that were broken by the administration.

Actually, I've more research on Obama than I would like to admit, I'm tired of this guy and joyfully look forward when he waves his last goodbye.

Good on you for being semi-specific. Two of the three you mention might actually involve the breaking of actual laws (I don't think "manipulating jobs data" counts, I'm afraid, but good try).

I believe it's all three, but I know liberals will never accept Obama for what he truly is.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Let the un-baffling of Trump-luddites hot dog vendors continue.

As ABC News reported in their fascinating study of Donald J. Trump, now haberdasher, and television personality. Part of their bafflement may be based in lack of information. Luckily, the ABC News article includes their interviews for the literate among the ranks of baffled.

In their study of the roots of racism among the baffled, "Donald Trump's History of Raising Birther Questions About President Obama", Meghan Keneally notes from her Sep 18, 2015 article:

"In 2011, when he was vocally mulling over a possible presidential run, Trump launched a public pursuit of Obama's birth certificate, announcing that he has sent private investigators to Hawaii to see what they could find."

How this "priming the pump" works now in the Trump campaign is clear. First the press can be eliminated as a source for Trump's history, as they are afraid of Trump or antagonistic as he drums for the tiny feet of his fans.

Second, Trump shows he has a canny strategy in attracting the ill informed and easily led. (Some of whom apparently, have "more research on Obama than I would like to admit", and a clearly bring their agenda here.)

Third, Trump has studied the idiot vulnerable and least likely to question Trump. They are just thankful any candidate will let them attack protesters as this satisfies the pro-wrestling mentality of his angriest, stupidest and most racist core.

Have no doubt, Donald J. Trump's confused zealots are confused for good reason and Trump needs them that way. The Republicans, it would seem, have decided they too want to court Trump's troops. (Senator Rand Paul should be given credit as he still sees Trump for what he is and said as much at Las Vegas.)

As a way of helping to inform the baffled, the link to ABC News' important perspective is provided below. Fellow readers here will find the full text provides critical background as to how Trump has continued in his personal mission of self-deification and pursuit of the Presidency. Most clearly it also shows Trump is a master at marketing.

From the article, "He (Trump) continued to defend his decision to bring up the issue (Birther Campaign), and told ABC News’ John Karl in 2013 that he knew what he was doing. "I don't think I went overboard. Actually, I think it made me very popular... I do think I know what I'm doing," Trump said in 2013."

For international readers, who continue to wonder what a Trump run means and how the ignorant are a good endorsement of Trump's campaign, think on this.

Trump cares nothing except for power. Who makes the appearance of power, and how he has cultivated their hate, he doesn't want you to know. This is why he demands his hot dog vendors chant the documented history in the media is part of a larger conspiracy. (Some might think his agents write in comments on the internet to continue the drumming Trump thumps into them.)

Just as John Karl asked in 2013, whether Trump knew what he was doing, the answer is yes and that makes Trump more than detestable. It makes his baffled fans dangerous. If that's the Republican idea of a President that also makes the Republicans dangerous. Some of you may hold that opinion already.

source for reference and please study the video embedded interviews, chilling: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trumps-history-raising-birther-questions-president-obama/story?id=33861832

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Actually, I've more research on Obama than I would like to admit...

Yes, obsessive-compulsive behaviour isn't a comfortable topic to discuss, is it.

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Actually, I've more research on Obama than I would like to admit...

Yes, obsessive-compulsive behaviour isn't a comfortable topic to discuss, is it. - comments

In consideration of the baffled hot dog vendor story presented above, some comments here illustrate not the obsessive-compulsive but something far worst.

As details of racist attacks, one Trump-luddite shouting "Burn the mf" as four enormous Trump security goons surround a protester forced to the ground as a tiny voice of a woman pleads, "Let him up."

(see source published in The New York Times: https://twitter.com/mckaycoppins/status/676611661487190018?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

What this obsession among the baffled represents isn't compulsive. It is repulsive, as all racists are.

If someone wants to keep copious notes and hold out they themselves are ashamed of their excess, that is a good thing. Recovery from any prejudice starts with recognition. Recognition of the costs and harms to innocent people or one's self.

Trump's thumpers are repulsive and worst, they are led and encouraged by a billionaire bigot who so detests them he sells them hats and shirts to camouflage their racism as a political campaign.

They are baffled not because they cannot understand their leader is a bigot. They are dangerous because their leader has given them a mandate for hate and tells them their hate is a badge of courage. Sick.

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Where I am from, "trump" is slang for "fart" as both a noun and verb. How appropriate.

One thing I have learnt through all this is that not all Republicans are racists, but all racists vote Republican.

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What's galling is how easily suckered these people are: Trump is playing on their fears, and telling them everything they want to hear. Trump, if he's elected, will do what Obama, and his predecessors have done: maintain the status quo.

Except for perhaps Franklin D Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, there's not been a president who has made a meaningful, transformative impact on the lives of the average person. No one's salary is going go up in a huge way, the country won't be any more or less secure, etc.

The president of the US (and other heads of state, to be honest) are "leg-men" for whatever coalition of interests they favour or are sympathetic to. Obamacare is a boon for the health insurance industry, for example.

Trump's rhetoric, whether he's being sincere or not, is appalling. However, what's even worse is the gullibility of so many people. Trump is using a tactic politicians, potentates, and despots (of all stripes) have used for centuries: find an enemy (real or imagined), gin up people's fears, and lie big.

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there's not been a president who has made a meaningful, transformative impact on the lives of the average person - comment

An exceptionally well reasoned and coherent post, thank you. Would you consider the achievements of President Johnson in contrast as making a meaningful, transformative impact on the lives of the average person? With respect, which accomplishment of President Reagan pairs him with FDR?

This is a topic which deserves some patience, so this isn't an all too tried chide.

The commenter presents a statement which further confirms both the idiocy of Trump-luddites and their idiot Pied Piper of Hate: "Trump's rhetoric, whether he's being sincere or not, is appalling. However, what's even worse is the gullibility of so many people."

note on reference, even more delicious: "The Pied Piper of Hamelin, a poem by Robert Browning (1842), based on an old German legend. The piper, dressed in particolored costume, rid the town of Hamelin (Hameln) in Brunswick of rats by enticing them away with his music, and when refused the promised payment he lured away the children of the citizens." - available at Oxford University Press.

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An exceptionally well reasoned and coherent post, thank you. Would you consider the achievements of President Johnson in contrast as making a meaningful, transformative impact on the lives of the average person? With respect, which accomplishment of President Reagan pairs him with FDR?

President LBJ got the Civil Rights Act through, though he didn't create it. Certainly deserves inclusion in the list above. An unintentional omission on my part, though, I place Martin Luther King Jr higher than LBJ in importance to the civil rights movement.

Ronald Reagan was crucial to ending the Cold War. He, along with Russian President Gorbachev, helped the world become a safer place, even if it was in a relative way. I never agreed with ALL of his policies. He left office having doubled the US' national debt. His backing of despotic regimes in South America was appalling, even if it was to counter communist expansionism in the region.

However, he deserves recognition for his part in the Cold War's end, which led to the re-unification of Germany, freedom for countries like Poland. This achievement can't be glossed over, whatever we may think of his politics.

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