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Trump backers downplay rough week after poll shows him lagging Clinton


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Wish it was 8th Nov today to congratulate Hillary....but no...it's 8th of Aug...request for little more patience to celebrate Trumps victory !

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

"U.S. Senator Tim Kaine, Clinton’s vice presidential running mate, defended her email answers on NBC’s “Meet the Press”.

“The bottom line is this. She made a mistake, and she said over and over again ‘I made a mistake, and I’ve learned from it, and I’m going to fix it, and I apologize for it,’” Kaine said. "

Hillary tells bigger whoppers than Burger King makes.

"A Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday showed the race closer, with Clinton leading by 3 percentage points. The poll had a credibility interval of plus or minus 3 percentage points, meaning the results showed the race roughly even."

Even with her convention bounce with the president of the United States and his wife backing her and all of Trump's troubles this past week, Hillary is barely ahead in the polls.

This is interesting: "Dr. Ben Carson on how Trump can recover in the polls" ( Fox News )

-22 ( +3 / -25 )

“He is very focused. He knows what he needs to do. I am confident that he’s going to start doing it,”

Here we go again. Again.

16 ( +20 / -4 )

Hope TRUMP can win

-27 ( +2 / -29 )

Nice try.


More like +7%. And I would be surprised if this doesn't increase to double digits come November when people start to realise that one candidate will bring the US close to a civil and possibly nuclear war and bankruptcy (D.T.), while one candidate will actually do a lot of positive things (Clinton).

14 ( +15 / -1 )

A Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday showed the race closer, with Clinton leading by 3 percentage points. The poll had a credibility interval of plus or minus 3 percentage points, meaning the results showed the race roughly even.

Yeah, Serrano, I had a good laugh at that - What is "credibility interval"? Is it those rare moments when Trump is not speaking? The correct term is "margin of error." And in addition to the "race roughly even" possibility, that Clinton leads by six is equally likely. Must be some MSM thing to pump up Trump - that, or an English major trying to explain statistics.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

What is "credibility interval"?


-6 ( +1 / -7 )

"This is interesting: "Dr. Ben Carson on how Trump can recover in the polls" ( Fox News )"

He's changed his tune. That babbling crackpot predicted there wouldn't be an election as Obama was going to declare martial law.

Ben Carson and Fox News. I'd take anything from them with a large pinch of grain from the pyramids.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Hillary tells bigger whoppers than Burger King makes.

No doubt Hillary lies on occasion, but she does so at about the same rate as all politicians. Trump is off the scale. He is 9 times more likely flat out lie than Hillary as measured by politifact. In fact the time that Trump tells the clear truth is just about never. He has been tracked to lie about every minute in his presentations. And he does not care that people know he lies all the time. HIs followers do not care or are just liars themselves.

This os another example of false equivalency that the republicans like to use all the time to pretend their candidates are awful human beings.

One metric comes from independent fact-checking websites. As of Friday, PolitiFact had found 27 percent of Clinton’s statements that it had looked into were mostly false or worse, compared with 70 percent of Trump’s. It said 2 percent of Clinton’s statements it had reviewed were egregious “pants on fire” lies, compared with 19 percent of Trump’s. So Trump has nine times the share of flat-out lies as Clinton.

Likewise, The Washington Post Fact-Checker has awarded its worst ranking, Four Pinocchios, to 16 percent of Clinton’s statements that it checked and to 64 percent of Trump’s.

“Essentially, Clinton is in the norm for a typical politician,” says Glenn Kessler, who runs Fact-Checker, while Trump “is just off the charts. There’s never been anyone like him, at least in the six years I have been doing this.”

Clinton is now at 90% plus probable to win according to Nate Silver if election were held today. That is plus 50% from two weeks ago. Trump is cratering now, he can lie to republicans but not to Americans.

21 ( +23 / -2 )

"He is very focused"

When did this start?

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Hilly will short curcuit in the coming months more and more IF she is in the national spotlight. It seems she is 2 for 2 at the moment after months of hiding from interviews. Her short circuits are quite concerning to any reasonable registered voter.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

This is interesting: "Dr. Ben Carson on how Trump can recover in the polls"

No better proof of desperation than looking to Dr. Ben Carson for political insight. Also a huge liar by the way, according to the people who grew up with him.

This is kind of old, but very interesting. The Art of the Deal ghostwriter believes Trump is a sociopath. A harmless one, as long as he's not you know, running one of the most powerful countries in the world.


8 ( +10 / -2 )

Three months is a LONG time in politics.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

What a bloody circus! The two parties are in monumental decline and nothing to replace them.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

"Three months is a LONG time in politics."

Trump's trash-talk is starting to hurt him. It seems pretty clear that the 'presidential' Trump which some people predicted would emerge after he'd sewn up the GOP nomination by appealing to racists and bigots with trash-talk isn't happening.

It seems like he's either unwilling or incapable of taking his campaign to a civilised level. It looks like another 3 months of trash.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Sitting back with cold beers and country ma'am cookies to watch the circus.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

What's the Nevada's bet on Trump v/s Clinton? One to ten, I guess.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@Serrano, it's a good thing the Bush administration didn't run private servers or delete millions of emails. I guess it's okay if it's the party you like rather than the uppity woman who doesn't know her place?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

USA remains on the precipice of.... Look! Squirrel !

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Interesting you said that, MrBum. Tony Schwartz, Trump's ghostwriter and probably the person outside of his inner circle who knows him best, had this to say on Twitter:

Something I saw early on w/ Trump: most negative things he says about others are actually describing him. Read his tweets with that in mind

This was in reaction to Trump's new line of attack: questioning Clinton's sanity, which he apparently unveiled yesterday with remarks calling her "unhinged,” “unbalanced,” “incompetent,” and a “horrible, horrible human being” who is unfit to be president, according to NYMag - which pointed out that this is an “I know you are, but what am I?” type response. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/08/trump-questions-clintons-mental-health.html

More to the point, this seems to be a very unwise avenue of attack for Trump. It is likely that those close to him advised that he end the fratricide and start fighting the enemy, but instead of targeting her policies, he has targeted her persona. Why is easy to guess: he likely has as little knowledge of her policies as he does of his own (to the extent that they exist) and also dovetails with the single skill he displays as a campaigner, the insult. Clinton happens to be female, though, and such insults raise the danger that many will perceive his attacks as being on females in general, fitting as they do into the stereotype of the "hysterical woman". Trump might see his ratings among women fall to levels displayed by minorities.

It's also important to remember that this yuuuge damage has been all self-inflicted. Clinton has barely mentioned him since the conventions, allowing him to dig his hole deeper. After August, though, the two will clash, likely with Trump already far behind in the polls and thus desperate and humiliated - and a desperate, humiliated Trump will be fascinating to watch.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

"This is interesting: "Dr. Ben Carson on how Trump can recover in the polls" ( Fox News )"

True, he's been getting a lot of advice from a lot of people, now if the Dems can convince Hillary to start telling the truth, maybe her untrustworthy poll numbers will go up.

He's changed his tune. That babbling crackpot predicted there wouldn't be an election as Obama was going to declare martial law.

So he can't change his tune, but Hillary is supposed to be a recovering liar?

Ben Carson and Fox News. I'd take anything from them with a large pinch of grain from the pyramids.

If it weren't for them, we would all be subjected to a one-sided media, I don't miss the 90's and I don't miss working for msnbc of one-sided liberal spin day in and day out.

-23 ( +1 / -24 )

So no word on raising taxes on the wealthy, providing a basic income, and renewable energy sources huh?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Oh, yes this is the fox news that for 20 years plus institutionalised sexual harassment. Over 25 women have come forward now about Roger Ailes or others at Fox. Corrupt at the core. Wrap your arms around that Fox news lovers, especially you women like you bass4funk.

And again, Trump based on nonpartisan sources, lies 9 times more often than Clinton. When he tells the truth that is by accident. Everything that man says is lie according to politifact. Look it up. Who is the most truthful? Obama. For the fox news followers, I mean our Kenyan President who saved the US economy and has protected the country for 7.5 years now. No economic crashes or 9-11 repeats as with the prior 8 years of Bush.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

They just keep on and on about Hillary's emails, like there is nothing else? On Trump's side however there is not a week that goes by without something new - why shoot yourself in the foot when you can cut of your leg?

Can't wait till some candidate debates start. Just waiting for someone to spit the dummy, short circuit or literally strangle the opposition, which does not seem so far fetched given the knee-jerk off-hand emotive responses to certain criticisms and developments

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Have you guys seen the reports that Trump Jr. reached out to Kasich's people and offered him the VP slot with control over policy? That's what Kasich is saying. If this is true, then I think Trump needs to come out and say it. People need to know if they are voting for Trump or someone else behind the scenes. Trump can't entertain and bluster his way through 4 years of being a figurehead president.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

I think it's time for the Republicans to move on from the mistakes made by Hillary. Those living in glass houses ....




Interestingly, I'm very surprised to find Donald Trump makes true statements a massive 4% of the time and half-true statements 11% of the time. No doubt this is an all-time high and will drop as we get closer to November.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

"Carson and Fox News. I'd take anything from them with a large pinch of grain from the pyramids."

"If it weren't for them, we would all be subjected to a one-sided media, I don't miss the 90's and I don't miss working for msnbc of one-sided liberal spin day in and day out."

Elite conservative journalists like yourself must be depressed that Jesus-and-Santa-are-white Fox News is the the best the rightists can throw up. You must also see the absurdity of a nutter like Ben Carson offering advice. This is a man who gibbers about Obama declaring martial law, the pyramids storing grain, Lucifer at work and a tax system based on an ancient religious text. Utterly cracked. Who could possibly take this barking mad headbanger seriously?

Talking about news, can you point me towards the evidence for your claim that "most" Americans trust Trump with the economy? I can't find it.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

My mistake earlier, that should have read mostly true 11% of the time and 15% of the time half-true. Now I'm even more surprised.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Trump is the worst Presidential candidate in American history.

This is what happens when a crazed subset of the GOP nominates a lunatic.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

"Trump is the worst Presidential candidate in American history."

No, Hillary Clinton is easily the worst presidential candidate in history. Or dd you miss the FBI director's report? Or her record as Secretary of State? This is what happens when Democrats nominate a liar and criminal. She may yet be indicted - stay tuned. Hillary's in BIG trouble if she's only a few points ahead in the polls now. Get ready for President Trump, libs.

-16 ( +1 / -17 )

Apparently, the adults in the room have put their foot down and are making Donald eat his broccoli. According to the WSJ (that MSM rag!), Trump will tomorrow give a speech on his economic policy.

Excuse me while I chortle.

First, the idea of Trump speaking seriously in public about policy is preposterous. Second, as the article notes,

Advisers have been working on an overhaul of that plan to address criticism it would rapidly expand the federal deficit, but that revision isn’t yet ready, advisers said.

Chortle. Now, considering that his original plan had been scored to increase the deficit by over 11 trillion dollars over the decade - and that doesn't include his newly-discovered, brilliant plan to renew infrastructure by issuing bonds (he doesn't seem to understand that issuing bonds is always the way government borrows money). To be sure, Clinton's proposed budget also would increase the deficit, but it would at a much slower rate than Trumps and at least she is honest about it (Trump still pretends he will balance the budget - maybe by paying for everything with "bonds"so that he doesn't have to borrow).

So, seeing that Trump really has no budget plan to speak about and considering he is not comfortable speaking when he is not insulting someone, my guess is that tomorrow's speech will be completely content-free and will instead consist entirely of attacks on Clinton's proposals. That, or his Pinocchio nose will grow to encompass the moon.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

This is interesting: "Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party"

Quote: ( One of two unspecified governors on Air Force One: "Why do you want these [War on Poverty and Great Society] programs so much?" President Lyndon B. Johnson: "I'll have them ( blacks ) voting Democratic for the next two hundred years."


And Hillary Clinton should be in prison, not running for president.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Hillary's in BIG trouble if she's only a few points ahead in the polls now. Get ready for President Trump, libs.

Is that what Dr. Ben Carson says? Lol... Ben Carson...

5 ( +5 / -0 )

No, that's ot what Dr. Carson said, that's what I said. But you should check out what Carson said in his FoxNews interview. Also,"Long-time Democrat and entrepreneur endorses Trump."

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Oh, yes this is the fox news that for 20 years plus institutionalised sexual harassment. Over 25 women have come forward now about Roger Ailes or others at Fox. Corrupt at the core.

So wait a minute, because Ailes did a dispicable, everyone at FOX is equally bad? Just because Bill Clinton abused his powers, abused women sexually and Hillary abused her powers...legally, doesn't mean that all Democrats and liberals are bad, but nice try.

And again, Trump based on nonpartisan sources, lies 9 times more often than Clinton. When he tells the truth that is by accident. Everything that man says is lie according to politifact. Look it up. Who is the most truthful? Obama. For the fox news followers, I mean our Kenyan President who saved the US economy and has protected the country for 7.5 years now. No economic crashes or 9-11 repeats as with the prior 8 years of Bush.

Oh, stop. When it comes to lying, No one and I mean, No one can lie as well as Hillary or even her husband for that matter, it's just Bill is better liar and better skilled politician. Obama saved the economy, but he made things worse for Blacks and every other minority, socially, economically.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

All this trash dumped on Dr. Carson. It must be racially motivated cause he is a good man with few flaws. Do you recall how enthusiastically Michelle Obama applauded him at the prayer breakfast? Classic!

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Another thing - if Trump was racist, would Dr. Carson be supporting him? No.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

if Trump was racist, would Dr. Carson be supporting him? Carson is different. He's a Scientist who somehow believes the earth was created 2,150 years ago and literally believes in the stories told in the Bible. Don't forget the Trump black vote is somewhere between zero and one.

he made things worse for Blacks and every other minority, socially, economically. How so? He didn't create the war on drugs&blacks but wants to finish it. This war was starting around the GHWB/Clinton era.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Where did Hillary say "over and over again" that she made a mistake and will correct it? All I have heard is her saying is that the FBI guy said she told the truth about everything and should not be blamed at all. (By the way, the opposite of what he actually said). Oh and she "short circuited", what does that even mean? And ok, if she did, what did she really mean to say? Oh this:.

"Clinton went on to repeat that she "never sent or received" classified information on her private email server -- a statement that is inconsistent with Comey's testimony on Capitol Hill."

So how is this saying she made a mistake and will correct it?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

"Don't forget the Trump black vote is somewhere between zero and one."

That might have something to do with a disproportionate number of blacks being duped by the corrupt Democratic Party going to back to Lyndon B. Johnson.

And, whoops, more bad news for Hillary:

In an interview on Friday, WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange opened up about the coming email release acknowledging that the files will implicate the Clinton Foundation if not revive the case dropped by the FBI earlier this year into whether or not she mishandled US state secrets in her role as Secretary of State.

"Our view is that the evidence that the FBI already has is enough for a grand jury to indict," explained Assange.

Oh my...

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

being duped by the corrupt Democratic Party That is such a laugh, the blacks are not voting for Trump and it's Clinton's fault. Really?

The non indictment is a done deal

more bad news for Hillary: But she's winning. This is your guys' fault for nominating a Republican clown to run for the WH. You should have picked a normal sane person then the Republicans could be winning right now. Trump is your candidate that you have to live with since you picked him. Yes, he loses and it's Clinton's fault.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

this constant Trump bashing Why/How is it bashing?

2 ( +2 / -0 )


Before we get to that, can you give your expectations of Trump's speech on economic policy tomorrow?

You told us that "most Americans" trust Trump with the economy ( I strangely can't find any evidence for that ). I suppose you're hoping for him not to change his message too much considering over half the country is on board with his obviously excellent plan which has proved to be so convincing.

It would be a massive gamble to even tinker with this, wouldn't it?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

even likening him to Hitler Who said this, exactly? Clinton?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Meg Whitman? Just one person? Is she directly connected to Hillary?

this constant Trump bashing is going lose its effectiveness. And this was three months ago? Just one time? What's constant about it? What's going on in August 2016 with Trump bashing? And please name some other key Trump bashers connected to Hillary or Hillary herself. Is Meg Whitman relevant?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It might have a lot more to do with Trump's campaign rhetoric and obvious douchiness, which offers nothing to black voters.

Gee, given the social economic situation of Blacks in the country, the DNP gave absolutely nothing to Blacks except more despair, government dependence and poverty, now if that's not subliminal racism, I don't know what is.

Before we get to that, can you give your expectations of Trump's speech on economic policy tomorrow?


You told us that "most Americans" trust Trump with the economy ( I strangely can't find any evidence for that ).



I suppose you're hoping for him not to change his message too much considering over half the country is on board with his obviously excellent plan which has proved to be so convincing.


It would be a massive gamble to even tinker with this, wouldn't it

Doubt it.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Gee, given the social economic situation of Blacks in the country, the DNP gave absolutely nothing to Blacks except more despair But the near zero percent black vote for Trump

BTW, what do you think of ObamaCare?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Joe, you clearly do not know who Meg Whitman is. She is a Republican who won the GOP primary for the governor of California in 2010 but lost to Jerry Brown despite spending 144 million of her fortune. She made those Trump-Mussolini remarks at one of those famous Romney retreats. Poor Trump - even Republicans are goin' all Godwin's Law on his butt.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


Nowhere in these articles does it say over half of US voters trust Trump with the economy. It says they feel Trump will handle the economy better. I wouldn't trust the hawkish Clinton with foreign policy but I'd say she'd handle it better than Trump. On balance, I'd rather visit my in-laws than have a root canal.

You've posted many times how this election is a perfect example of a lesser of two evils choice.

You've given nothing to support the idea that over half of Americans trust Trump with the economy. If they did, I'm sure he wouldn't be behind in polls.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Gee, given the social economic situation of Blacks in the country, the DNP gave absolutely nothing to Blacks except more despair But the near zero percent black vote for Trump

Then when they complain that nothing has changed, they had the chance, that's on them.


-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Joe, you clearly do not know who Meg Whitman is Yes, Joe, what were you thinking? Also, it is true that white supremists (who do love Hitler) align themselves with Trump. And again, did Hillary say Trump is like Hitler? No wonder why the back vote for Trump is just about zero.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

more despair, government dependence and poverty, now if that's not subliminal racism, I don't know what is.

All I can say is you've got a pretty low opinion of black people to think that they vote to get screwed.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

given the social economic situation of Blacks in the country What kind of jobs do you think blacks should have? Please be specific

0 ( +1 / -1 )

All I can say is you've got a pretty low opinion of black people to think that they vote to get screwed.

Not at all! Actually, it's the exact opposite. I just get angry how the DNP has done little to help Blacks for the last 50 years

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

DNP has done little to help Blacks for the last 50 years Why near zero vote rate for blacks?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

If this were the case, then why is there thousands and thousands of people attending Trump's Rally's? And Hillary can't even fill a school auditorium? I've never seen a man with this much momentum, passion, drive and energy! There's no way she can keep up with him...she just doesn't have it! Have read she has to have fourteen hours of sleep and a full-time physician with her at all times! Don't think she's healthy enough to be President! Think Trump had a great week and he will be a Great President!

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Why near zero vote rate for blacks?

Where did you get that ? There was a North Carolina poll just last week that showed him with over 30% of the black vote. I do think Trump is even or ahead at this point and if he can stay focused, on offence, it is his race to lose.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

"But she's winning ( in the latest polls )"

Th day before the Jimmy Carter-Ronald Reagan election the media said it was too close to call. Reagan won by a landslide.

"Don't forget the Trump black vote is somewhere between zero and one."

Heck, McCain only got 4% of the black vote in 2008 and Romney only got 6% in 2012.

Amazing how Obama got 43% of the white vote in 2008 and nearly 40% of the white vote in 2012.

Bad news for Hillary: Michael Moore, who's never wrong, right?, thinks Trump will win!

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

I do think Trump is even or ahead at this point and if he can stay focused, on offence, it is his race to lose.

You forgot the sarcasm tag.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Recent polls from McClatchy-Marist, NBC News-Wall Street Journal and Fox News show Trump registering between just 1% and 2% of the black vote — findings that come on the heels of polls in Ohio and Pennsylvania showing him winning 0% of blacks in those swing states.

Are these live caller or "flash" (robo dialed) polls ? I know Marist at least is live but the SurveyUSA NC one that shows him over 30% is voice recorded. All that shows is Trump is doing much better among blacks when they don't have to admit it to a pollster.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

So Trump will win, because Reagan won.

Reagan wasn't expected to win. Brexit was a shocker, Obama getting elected was a huge surprise, Hillary lying on Chris Wallace's was eye-popping! Always expect the unexpected.

I just can't see any weak points in that argument.

Neither can I.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

"I do think Trump is even or ahead at this point and if he can stay focused, on offence, it is his race to lose."

I have experience training Jack Russells, a notoriously feisty and headstrong breed. I could get them to stop crapping on the carpet but decided that, and please excuse my candour, lapoing their own genitals was something I couldn't and maybe even shouldn't try to discourage. Trump reminds me of my dogs' unsightly habit when he says things like I'll be the best jobs president God created.

You can't even get Trump to stop crapping on the carpet. Where are you getting "stay focused" from? When was the focus?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Serrano: "Th day before the Jimmy Carter-Ronald Reagan election the media said it was too close to call. Reagan won by a landslide."

And in 2008 you said McCain and the dolt would win. Then in 2012 you said again the Republicans will win. Remember when it got to the point where we were asking you to predict the Republicans would win again so it would be a landslide in the opposite direction (again)? Feel free to say so again, my friend.

Remember how bad you felt when Obama won? Well, just so you know, Hillary winning would be saving your life, as Trump is such an absolute liar (much moreso than Hillary) and a nutmeg besides that he would gladly see you all go up in flames.

bass4funk: "Obama getting elected was a huge surprise"

Only to those in denial, as you guys are now.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Yeah, Serrano, I had a good laugh at that - What is "credibility interval"? Is it those rare moments when Trump is not speaking? The correct term is "margin of error."

@Laguna, sorry but I read that as "margin of TERROR!"... really made me double take... or should we change it to that?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

You can't even get Trump to stop crapping on the carpet. Where are you getting "stay focused" from? When was the focus?

Basically whenever Trump is rising in the polls is when he is not getting into dead end fights with new people like Mexican judges or Gold Star parents.


-6 ( +0 / -6 )

"You can't even get Trump to stop crapping on the carpet. Where are you getting "stay focused" from? When was the focus"

"Basically whenever Trump is rising in the polls is when he is not getting into dead end fights with new people like Mexican judges or Gold Star parents."

So, you're saying Trump rises in the polls between dumps? You haven't answered my question. Your idea of staying focused seems to be not fouling the carpet for a few days. When is he going to stop crapping on the carpet? Are you still waiting for a presidential Trump?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

This is what happens when a crazed subset of the GOP nominates a lunatic.

Its the party. In the late 60s and early 70d, the Republican party chose to ally itself with religious bigots, white nationalists, and the political Roswell types.


To roll back the New Deal. To favor the richest.

The Republican Party must be destroyed.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

You can't even get Trump to stop crapping on the carpet. Where are you getting "stay focused" from? When was the focus.

I don't get the entire Jack Russels correlation, but whatever.... So it's kinda like, how to keep Hillary from lying. She must also not be a very focused woman. I get it, thanks!

Okay, Reagan wasn't expected to win. But Trump isn't Reagan.

And Hillary ain't No, Bill.

He's got so many issues it's practically impossible to know where to start. Unlike Trump, Reagan - admittedly a scumbag - didn't spend his campaign trying to nauseate as many Americans as possible. Trump's strategy of making everybody his enemy is going to lose him the election.

Look, most Democrats were awful presidents and Hillary is No exception. Bill was at least tolerable, when he wasn't chasing the interns. As for losing, Trump needs to stay on message however, if he loses, it's not really entirely because of him, it has a lot to do in big part with the MSM, the Dems playing their typical treachery tactics and the GOP trying to run away, a multitude of issues the man needs t overcome.These people or the establishment will do anything to defy the will of the people. Because if anyone will determine the election, it's the people, not the politician.

That is 100% irrelevant

It's all relevant when we are talking examples of Hillary and Trump.

To you, it may well have been. But the polls show a different story.

But thank God that Chapter is soon coming to a close.

And no doubt you were surprised again in 2012. I certainly remember a lot of talk from Republicans in the early days of the presidency about Obama being a one-term president. How wrong that turned out to be. Now you seem to be setting yourself up for yet another "huge surprise".

Likewise, just like when Dems were surprised by 2010 when they took back the House and 2014 the Senate. A lot of Dems had that face in Palm shaking their heads, asking, "how?"

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Look, most Democrats were awful presidents ObamaCare?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

When is he going to stop crapping on the carpet? Are you still waiting for a presidential Trump?

He has stemmed the bleeding. Focus in this case refers to demonstrating an ability to regroup, avoid fights and, focusing on Clinton more than himself.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

"He has stemmed the bleeding. Focus in this case refers to demonstrating an ability to regroup, avoid fights and, focusing on Clinton more than himself."

Erm, yes. We know what focus means. The question is whether Trump is either capable or willing to, as you put it, stay focused.

It's not a difficult question. Do you think we'll see a more focused, dignified and trash-free Trump?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Go Trump. "There can be no prosperity without Law & Order." America & Americans first. Illegal immigrants and ALL refugees. . . . to the back of the line. It's NOT for you.

So what are the Democrats selling? Peace (which actually means empowering enemies such as Iran), tolerance, more political correctness. . . . demilitarized police departments??

What did B. Boxer (CA) Senator say? "If you work 40 hrs per wk, you should not be living in poverty." Sounds to me like them (D) voters want flip burgers, get high @4:20 and somehow get more "free stuff." I ain't making this stuff up folks.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

It's not a difficult question. Do you think we'll see a more focused, dignified and trash-free Trump?

I'm just making the point that focus is relative in this case. And yes I think it is already happening. It is evidenced in the fact that he endorsed Paul Ryan, admitted his mistake on the Iranian hostage story and will be giving a major economic policy address this week.

Especially now that Trump has caught up in fund raising there is no excuse to continue contributing anymore to Clinton's attempts to paint him as unprepared, uninformed and lacking proper temperament. Fingers crossed that it's onward and upward from now on!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

An anti-Trump conservative is about to belatedly throw his hat in the ring:


The Trump campaign is already in meltdown, this isn't going to help. I wonder if any of our Independent Republicans are about to have an epiphany and also dump the outrageous Trump.

Either way, the amusement from the twilight of the crazy Republican party is far from over....

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Either way, the amusement from the twilight of the crazy Republican party is far from over....

Not as crazy as how the crazy, stingy and corrupt democrats threw Sanders under the bus. Or how they want to build bridges with illegal aliens and refugees who have no business being allowed in. These people cannot even recognize 'radical islam.' And they're on-board w/ BLM. Funny. All lives should matter in America. BLM=hate speech.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

I'm pretty sure even the kumbaya signing, sandal toting lefties recognize radical Islam y'know....

Yup. The burger flippers. Who get stoned everyday @4:20 and bad-mouth the USA. Saying it "owes them this ot that." Always looking for free stuff and a reason to point their fingers at Trump and the GOP as a whole. The same one's who burn the US flag and vandalize police vehicles on national TV. Good riddance folks!!

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

That's a template right wing radio rant.

The biggest welfare states are those that vote Republican. In other words, they like the free stuff best - trollopy welfare Queens that they be...

I'm pretty sure it's un American to diss burger flippers. Or weed smokers for that matter they are after all a sizeable part of the electorate. Pretty un-christian of you too, you must be an athiest too. Turn to Jesus my friend, learn to love and accept those different from you, bin the hate....

2 ( +4 / -2 )

It's not a difficult question. Do you think we'll see a more focused, dignified and trash-free Trump?

I'll take a trash-free Trump over a lying Hillary ANY day of the week.

The biggest welfare states are those that vote Republican. In other words, they like the free stuff best - trollop welfare Queens that they be...

Actually, that's not entirely true. Remember, we have a Democratic president and up until 2014, the Democrats controlled the congress and the federal funding and a lot of the Republican States had to deal with a difficult congress that passed difficult legislation that hindered a lot of growth in the more well to do Republican States.

I'm pretty sure it's un American to diss burger flippers. Or weed smokers for that matter they are after all a sizeable part of the electorate. Pretty un-christian of you too, you must be an athiest too. Turn to Jesus my friend, learn to love and accept those different from you, bin the hate....

You can love Jesus and hold on to the Second Amendment and your personal values. Besides, it's the left that harbors so much hate, hate and intolerance towards religion, self-reliance, entrepreneurial, race. Less hate, more love!

-5 ( +3 / -8 )


What does it matter what I predict? If Michael Moore says Trump's gonna win, Trump's gonna win, ain't he? lol

"Trump is such an absolute liar (much moreso than Hillary)"

How so? What did he lie about? Hillary Wall Street Clinton's the one who tells whoppers bigger than Burger King makes. ( see Hillary lied to families of Benghazi dead )

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Your predictions are always spot on Serrano. Only you have to residents in Oppositeland, where independent Republicans dwell.

In other words, get ready for Madame President little buddy. Oh, and Michael Moore is a chubby liar. He only hopes Trump will win because it will help his sunken career.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

hold on to the Second Amendment Guns are not allowed in Japan

Doesn't matter. The Japanese want to remain a US protectorate for another 70 years. Yet, they don't want US bases. The want HRC. She'll be hardline on China & NK. Not.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Doesn't matter. The Japanese want to remain a US protectorate for another 70 years. Yet, they don't want US bases. The want HRC. She'll be hardline on China & NK. Not.

Not related to the topic of the thread. The topic is not about private gun ownership in Japan or about US bases--it's about Trump lagging behind Clinton.

Try to stay on the topic.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

-it's about Trump lagging behind Clinton.

Because she's got the media in her pocket. Just like how the mainstream media didn't fairly report the anarchy taking place outside the DNC. The anger, frustration, weeping and gnashing of teeth. As a result of rigged primaries. Yup. Political corruption is as ugly as political correctness isn't it?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Because she's got the media in her pocket.

Some actual non-partisan proof that can be verified would be helpful in supporting your assertion. After all, isn't Trump the one who is getting all of the free media coverage?

As a result of rigged primaries.

Again, another unsupported and unverifiable statement. Try backing up your posts with some actual evidence from credible sources.

Political corruption is as ugly as political correctness isn't it?

Now what are you talking about? Examples?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Try backing up your posts with some actual evidence from credible sources.

Oh please. It's not necessary to provide evidence for things that are common knowledge. You saw the walk-out. You heard the email wikileaks. You heard, surely, how D. W. Shultz "suddenly" resigned.

Now what are you talking about? Examples?

Secretary Clinton's hubby bill (just happened to make speeches) got rich wherever HRC was meddling at. (Examples: Haiti earthquake & the Canada pipeline thing). Almost as ugly as her, Kerry and the ring-ling bros main clown, Obama, not recognizing "radical islam." Yeah, uh-hmm~

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

LizzAUG. 09, 2016 - 12:58AM JST

Fingers crossed that it's onward and upward from now on!

Fingers crossed? You don't sound too sure that Trump is going to deliver the goods and start acting presidential like he said he would. Sounds a bit like:

“He knows what he needs to do. I am confident that he’s going to start doing it,

But apparently he's not doing it yet. That's Trump's own campaign manager saying... hm, what's a non-PC way to put this... oh yes - that he's screwing up.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Some actual non-partisan proof that can be verified would be helpful in supporting your assertion. After all, isn't Trump the one who is getting all of the free media coverage?

I've been working in the media for over 25 years, it's very simple Google recent attacks on Trump and Hillary and you will see from literally every site that the attacks are directed towards Trump and no matter how small it is. Even Hillary's small flubs are overlooked constantly! So yes, while you are correct on one hand, Trump and his mouth get a lot of coverage, that is very true, but because he is a media goldmine, in other words, filming Trump is more important than filming both candidates, good or bad, right or wrong, in everything that they do. The media has been totally impartial about it, especially when it comes to Hillary.

Again, another unsupported and unverifiable statement. Try backing up your posts with some actual evidence from credible sources.

Oh, no, verifiable alright. If the Democrats are caught red-handed in undermining and stopping Sanders momentum as uncovered by Wikileaks and Russia, why wouldn't they try to do the same to Trump, especially Trump? Of course, the Dems will do EVERYTHING in power to thwart the people-period.

Fingers crossed? You don't sound too sure that Trump is going to deliver the goods and start acting presidential like he said he would. Sounds a bit like:

That's the difference, Libs are always overconfident, nothing wrong with being humble. The Dems still didn't find that out in 2010 and 2014, some people never learn.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

I've been working in the media for over 25 years, it's very simple Google recent attacks on Trump and Hillary and you will see from literally every site that the attacks are directed towards Trump and no matter how small it is. Even Hillary's small flubs are overlooked constantly!

Anecdotal evidence at best. Incredibly biased as well. Again, let's see some actual proof. Provide your comparisons--and don't give me the "Google it" nonsense. Support your assertions with unbiased, credible facts that can be verified by at least three other reliable (non-partisan) sources.

Oh, no, verifiable alright (sic).

Don't go off on your usual tu quoque reply. Don't try and hijack the thread by going off on a Sanders tangent or some other so-called related "reply." Stay on the topic. The article is about Trump and his problems--not Hillary and the "Dems" or "Liberals." Don't try and tell us that you cannot "ignore" the problems on the other side. That is a topic for another thread. Deal with the problems of the candidate of your choice instead of trying to blame the other side to make up for his shortcomings.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Anecdotal evidence at best. Incredibly biased as well.

Not at all and not even close.

Again, let's see some actual proof. Provide your comparisons--and don't give me the "Google it" nonsense. Support your assertions with unbiased, credible facts that can be verified by at least three other reliable (non-partisan) sources.

Like the saying goes, you can lead a horse to the water, but you can't make it drink. Wikileaks reported it, Sanders was right, the DNP did a lot of damage control. Whether some libs want to believe it or not, is irrelevant, but even the media couldn't ignore it and everyone know what it was. Debbie Wassermann Schultz didn't get fired because she was an honest person. If Hillary loyalists or Trump haters don't believe it, it's ok. Some people still believe Elvis is alive. ROFL

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Whether some libs want to believe it or not, is irrelevant, but even the media couldn't ignore it and everyone know what it was.

. . . and some say republicans live in bubbles. The libs, like the mainstream media are so 1-sided.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

bass4funkAUG. 09, 2016 - 07:26AM JST

That's the difference, Libs are always overconfident, nothing wrong with being humble.

So Donald Trump's humble, is he?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The biggest welfare states are those that vote Republican.

True that is...Look at states like Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, Arkansas, West Virginia, Montana...The list goes on.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

So Donald Trump's humble, is he?

No, he's not, a straight shooter, could he be more humble? Sure! But compared to the Dems or if I should say Hillary, he's definitely more humble.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

@chindao: In Nevada, it is illegal to bet on Presidential election. Some group requested but it was denied.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"I just get angry how the DNP has done little to help Blacks for the last 50 years"

"I've been working in the media for over 25 years, it's very simple Google recent attacks on Trump and Hillary and you will see from literally every site that the attacks are directed towards Trump and no matter how small it is. Even Hillary's small flubs are overlooked constantly!"

"No, he's not, a straight shooter, could he be more humble? Sure! But compared to the Dems or if I should say Hillary, he's definitely more humble."

You could NOt be less truthful. And it's a poiint of pride for you.

"Working in the media for 25 years" Do give us some names!

*Are YOU the "moderator" here? It woud explain everything.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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