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© 2024 AFPTrump backs Israel's war in Gaza
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© 2024 AFP
Wait isn't supposed to be America First? How spending billions tax payer money abroad can help that?
There is a famine in Northern Gaza.
MAGA stands for More Anarchy Guaranteed Ahead … enough already!
The guy who moved the US embassy to Jerusalem supports Israel? No. Way.
We all know who Netanyahu would prefer as president.
Trump backs Israel's war in Gaza
That's leadership.
Now, since he has no principles or knowledge of anything much, we need only ask, how does such a stance benefit him personally, mostly materially, but also mentally or electorally? That is all that really matters.
5,000 aid trucks are stuck at the border.
It doesn't matter anymore who does or doesn't , comes November both Palestinians and Israeli's will have so much blood spelled on both sides they will take what ever is on the table.
Who will be advisor for this matter? Kushner again?
Got to remember folks it election year, anything that brings in the votes is Fine and Dandy.
Kurumazaka 2
Well Mark, guess I don’t need to tell you your hope is misplaced anymore.
he told you himself
MAGA claims Biden peddled influence for his son, when Biden wasn't in office, meanwhile ignoring that Trump clearly peddled influence for Ivanka and Kushner WHILE in office.
Ricky Kaminski13
Another beautiful example of the games being played by journalists spinning their tripe on the war against Hamas. Can’t help but double down ay? Conjure up the T man spectre, quick!
Is there no balancer within your ranks? I imagine not judging from the constant outflow. This smoke and mirrors , sleight of hand stuff is beyond belief me a very sad sign of the times. I hope you are all very proud of yourselves. Hey, wish really hard and you may own your own noble horse one day ay?
Just in case you missed it the last one.
Just want to get in quickly before this discussion gets shut down by the moderators, once the desired effect has been created. The more you guys try to manipulate the issue , the more you are exposed as pretend journalists. You have become the shills of Hamas savages and should be ashamed of yourselves. I hope none of you who dared to watch the video has daughters. Have a nice day.
Israel's retaliatory offensive in the Gaza Strip has killed 30,534 people, mostly women and children, according to the health ministry in the Hamas-ruled territory.
Trump is 100% in support of this basic principle. The elementary concept of defending a country against terrorists.
No matter what it takes.
Nice insight, and well-put. It is actually sickening to read some of these people's excuses and support for these terrorists.
Kurumazaka 2
my, how one pronouncement from a certain person changed your position.
you aren’t pulling a HopeSpringsEternal on us, are you?
Genocide is ok now?
you do realize that Hamas were terrorists before Trump came out for Israel, right? And here I thought your complaint was with collective punishment, or as you repeatedly called it, genocide.
nope, that is only a problem if you can blame Biden for it.
I find Israel's actions abhorrent, a clear case of genocide and comparable to other historical cases of genocide you could mention.
Since the US heavily funds Israel, it is important for US voters to know what presidential candidates stand for. There should be no ambiguity about this. So I appreciate Trump's clarification here, if not his position.
Express sister
MAGA fools: Trump is the best because he’s not a warmonger!!
Trump: I love war. I want Israel to kill as many children as possible and I want to help in their war against civilians.
MAGA fools: Yes!! War is the best I love war!!
The question of course, should not be "are you on board with Israel?"
The question should be "do you personally support the bombing of hospitals, schools and refugee camps, and the deliberate starving of children?"
""Vice President Kamala Harris expressed "deep concern about the humanitarian conditions in Gaza" during talks in Washington on Monday with Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz.""
Well, last time I checked ""deep concern"" means worried and destressed!! if that is the case do something to stop the killings Mam.
Being concerned doesn't stop wars, taking actions toward a ceasefire does.
Not a surprise..
If there are still terrorists there must be a few, almost all of Hamas was eliminated, now what they are murdering the most are women, the elderly and children...
Great, so now on top him being a racist, misogynist, egotistical arrogant narcissist, he also supports the genocide of the Palestinian people. Can there be a more blatantly horrible person than him?
So to no-one's surprise Trump supports genocide, too. We all know that only money and votes not lives, freedom and human dignity matter to this man without qualities or principles so now we now find ourselves living again in an era when fascist monsters, this time in suits, roam the earth devouring women and children as the frightened masses fall gaslit under their evil spells allowing those shameful acts of history to rhyme, if not repeat, with more blood of the innocent.
So much for the Arab American vote switching to Trump. Just play that soundbite in Michigan and Minnesota and problem solved.
Bob Fosse
Wait a minute, I thought maga were against war mongering.
Blame Hamas
Killing Hamas, yes.
Kurumazaka 2
its only war mongering if it can be blamed on Biden.
They’re transparent, gotta give them that.
Yes, not MAGA phone records did.
Which makes it worse as a VP
Kushner own an investment firm, that’s what he does, he invests money and if the Saudis give him a billion to invest, nothing wrong with that. Nothing illegal to invest your money in an investment firm.
Along with Fear and Scare, it's their favourite kind of monger.
Aly Rustom
The terrorists are those who killed over 30,000 innocent people.
Even if it means Israel's destruction.
Exactly zibala. Your support for Netanyahu and his terrorists is sickening.
Aly Rustom
BAD leadership.
Maybe a typo on your part because those 30,000 killed are the terrorists according to Hamas.
Aly Rustom
No they are innocent women and children because the IDF is too weak to beat Hamas. So they kill innocent people. The slaughter of children and women is proof that the IDF can't beat Hamas
How Pathetic
Biden brings that every single day.
Well, I think supporting Hamas and their terrorists.
Aly Rustom
They couldn't beat a US backed Israel. Israel on its own is no match for Egypt.
Hezbollah kicked Israel's butt in 2006 and now Hamas is Givng the IDF hell. You should be embarrassed
Your comment above shows which people are actually sick and racist.
Israel is starving women and children. Nothing is more demented than THAT.
Aly Rustom
Well, I think supporting Israel and their terrorists.
""Vice President Kamala Harris expressed "deep concern about the humanitarian conditions in Gaza" during talks in Washington on Monday with Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz.""
That's because you don't understand foreign policy.
Aly Rustom
It appears that there are 2 posters with the same username so causes confusion..
No surprise here, Trump's tough on terrorists, ISIS remembers him well!
They said worse about Trump
Ok….here we go….
What does Biden, a civil servant have to offer? What did he do privately besides work in politics? There’s no record or history of him doing anything else.
Kushner did that on his own, he owns an investment company, he has a private business and something to offer and Biden has what?
Let's be realistic here. Anyone ever think any truce will ever last? The problem will still exist and the conflict will continue the moment the weaker side manage to recover and regroup. So might as well just get it over and see it through the end. Like it or not, this war will end with one side losing. Half measures ain't gonna cut it anymore.
And I feel you guys supporting Hamas and their terrorists.
Aly Rustom
And I feel you guys supporting Israel and their terrorists.
Trump hotel Jerusalem
"Calling it a perfect solution to longstanding tension over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, President Trump has proposed a plan to raze the entire site and replace it with the ‘Third Temple Trump Hotel and Mosque.’"
John Stewart (The Daily Show) had a surprisingly good sounding solution last week.
The US has dropped 60,000 bombs and 15,000 food aid packages. Were they Halal?
Again, they can’t charge or go after Kushnef because he has a product to offer, he is an entrepreneur. So what’s Biden’s excuse?
Not illegal and using his own firm and Biden? Ahh, influence…sounds pretty illegal to me.
Yeah, Dems think having a legitimate business makes you a criminal….lol, ok…
As he should. It's the right choice. Hamas attacked Israel.
So we both support terrorists it would seem.
Yharnam Resident
One day you say that the numbers aren't real, the next day you say they are but they're all terrorists. Very telling.
Aly Rustom
No. I never said I support Hamas. I don't.
But not supporting Hamas and not supporting Israel is not mutually exclusive.
Trump today said he "fully supports" the Israeli government, led by their Prime Minister Viktor Orban...
He also said that Israel lives in a "tough neighborhood" in South America...
He concluded by saying he's looking forward to visiting the Israeli capitol, Budapest...
Sure they can - he and Trump are guilty of exactly what the Kremlin told the GOP Biden was guilty of, that the GOP have been peddling for four years.
No, being the head of an organization found guilty of fraud, and being found guilty of sexual assault, makes one a criminal.
Golda Meir famously said: “The world hates a Jew who hits back. The world loves us only when we are to be pitied.”
Thats obvious from the reaction of the “progressives” on this site.
Good for Trump! A man of principle, and a real leader!
Any recent examples? Be specific and provide links, please.
Is the US really going to go there again???
Dumb too.
How? I mean, the Dems tried and failed on that one…
I get it, that’s the lefts only narrative, Mueller already debunked that, so now the left are trying this again? Uh, ok….
And yet, no one cares, look at the polls and wins, they don’t care and it’s not on anyone's radar.
The funniest line about Trump since some cultist on here compared his knowledge of economics to Einstein’s knowledge of physics.
What next, that’s his natural hair colour or skin tone?
FIVE Arab nations backed by the USSR couldn't beat Israel, which was supplied by the US. Ok--Israel still CRUSHED those countries, who couldn't go 1 on 1 , 2 on 2, but needed 5 together, and STILL got crushed.
The IDF is strong enough to beat a combined 5 Arab-nation attack as history shows--multiple times.
Regardless, according to Hamas those women and children are Hamas.
According to what, Ministry of Silly History???
And if Hamas is giving the IDF hell, stop whining about women and children.
Aly Rustom
The USSR did not support the Arabs anywhere near the support Israel got
Aly Rustom
They lost in 1973 to Egypt, they lost to Hezbollah in 2006, and they are losing to Hamas now.
No according to you. And to refer to women and children as terrorists because they are Palestinian is just plain racist.
Aly Rustom
NO! According to defense minister Moshe Arens!
On 12 September, former defense minister Moshe Arens spoke of "the defeat of Israel" in calling for a state committee of inquiry. He said that Israel had lost "to a very small group of people, 5,000 Hezbollah fighters, which should have been no match at all for the IDF", and stated that the conflict could have "some very fateful consequences for the future."[
2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia
That's exactly why the IDF is killing women and children- because they can't beat Hamas
So as if we didin't already know he supports genocide but he doesn't support self defense? That's going to be his downfall this election, running his mouth so hastily he bites himself in the arse
Ukraine's win condition is pushing back Russia so they stop attacking. Isreal's win condition is killing everyone in Gaza.
This will check out with his supporters.
He legit said that? Trump probably thinks Elon Musk was born in America. I can't believe how uneducated someone who led a-
As always, nothing but crickets.
So Trump's position on the Gaza war is the same as Biden's - and Trump supports Biden's strong support of why doesn't he say so, showing a unified US position? Maybe the same reason he came out against the border security and Israel aid package - pure craven politics?
Trump also doubled-down on his previous assertion that the Hamas attack on Oct 7th was all the fault of the Israeli government's person in charge of security, Nikki Haley...