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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Trump, Biden go on offense in states they're trying to flip
Praying for a miracle.
He definitely needs one.
Sh1mon M4sada
I don't know what kind of Catholic Biden is but his camp's attack on Amy Coney Barrett is absolutely appalling, even before she has presided over a single appeal, or even appointed.
It is abhorrent for a person of influence like Biden to stoop so low. For all we know the republicants might have appointed her to get a reaction out of Biden. He bought it.
Bob Fosse
So god has endorsed trump? Ooookaaay.
I heard Christianity has ‘evolved’, you needn’t worry about those troublesome moral issues anymore. A wad of twenties is enough, then you can commit all the adultery you want whilst pumped full of aborted fetal tissues.
I'm trying to recall a story from an old book about what was in one special apple.
I half expect her to burst into flames at some point in time.
Probably more than he paid in taxes last year.
""Nevada hasn't swung for a Republican presidential contender since 2004.""
So what make trump and his team think they can win Nevada? trump needs the hand of God or Russian to flip it, even then it may not work, LOL
People that can vote better vote the Trump out, I think everyone is thinking he will lose (god hope he does) but he pulled off some 11th hour stuff last time.
“At 4:30, the Lord said to me, ‘I am going to give your president a second win,’” she said, telling Trump, “you will be the president again.”
People who claim that God talks to them are viewed with cynicism and contempt by Trump who reportedly mocks them in private.
“I love going to churches”
which as all English speakers know is not the same as "going to church".
He dropped a wad of $20 bills in the collection plate before leaving.
A quid pro quo for the prophecy, but God doesn't do bribes.
In stark contrast to Trump's transparent hypocrisy, Catholic Biden's church attendance was heartfelt and far more convincing, which is why he's going to win. Americans have had a bellyful of this sinning faux president with his knavish tricks and, after four years of his iniquitous shenanigans, they hunger for some righteousness in their president. We can confidently prophesy that they'll get their Halloween treat with the big dumpster fire in November.
Almost all polls point to a Biden victory. However, I've been struck by the lack of passion for Biden in my Democrat-dominated community. I think everyone above 50 remember how Biden crashed out of two prior presidential campaigns in disgrace due to plagiarism and lying about his biography. He's repeating the same mistakes in this race just crazy claims like the one last week where he said he got his start at Delaware State, a historically Black college, which was quickly denied by its registrar's office. Young people don't see Biden as an agent of change because he's distanced himself from the progressive wing of the party. They also notice the distance that Obama has created between himself and Biden. Personally, I think Biden made a mistake early on in admitting that he would be a one-term president. That put more importance on his VP pick. Kamala Harris did terrible in the primaries, failing to bring out the Black vote or even win a single delegate, and doesn't have the experience or maturity (the constant, crazy laugh at her own lame jokes) to make people comfortable with her ascending to the presidency so soon. Trump did very well with the economy and helped America move towards energy independence and, by extension, a future without dependence on the Middle East. Despite the media's efforts, most people simply don't blame Trump for the COVID downturn. I expect that Trump will be re-elected with a slightly higher Electoral College win than in 2016.
Trump had a lot of bravado and mojo in 2016. Seems like a shell of his former self now.
That’s the problem, a lack of enthusiasm on the Democrats side for Biden. For them beating Trump is more important than the candidate, whereas with Trump the enthusiasm and the rule of law and the love of being American is at an all time high, the Biden camp knows it, Trump signs are everywhere and that’s why Dems are on the offensive in these battleground states.
Only people who "speak in tongues" would prophesy a win for the "fork-tongued" Trump with his fat wads of Jacksons. Trump himself doesn't believe this kook from Las Vegas, but he has to play along and pay lip-service, the price for another of his "pious" photo ops. He clearly must be getting desperate to have to solicit endorsements from Goulet and her ilk, sensing that his four-year WH feast is swiftly coming to an end for even Trump can read the "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin" on the ballot boxes.
“At 4:30, the Lord said to me, ‘I am going to give your president a second win,’” she said, telling Trump, “you will be the president again.”
That is so unhinged, on just about every level
Politics and Religion, are an incendiary mix especially when preached from the pulpit
Hard to say how accurate polls are as Trump supporters are much more likely to never admit who they support, even to close friends.
He (President Trump) dropped a wad of $20 bills in the collection plate before leaving……..
That’s tax deductible, however if exceeding $250, a written acknowledgement could be need from the Church in question, or Pastor.
Also bear in mind a clear description of any goods or services provided to in exchange for the donation. I advise that could be defined as contractual information from the Lord, of his intention of Electoral support.
Biden on offense: "There are no red or blue states - there's just the United States"
Trump on offense: "Lock her up"....
Says it all, doesn't it...
As his sister says, Trump only goes to church when the cameras are on.
Funny how he can never recite one single sentence from the bible and always says it's so personal he never wants to discuss it. Reminds me of when Paris Hilton was released from prison and said she found Christianity while inside. When asked what her favourite part of the bible was, she couldn't answer. She sure as hell doesn't talk about it now. And I bet Trump won't be going anywhere near a bible when he's in jail.
Biden has so many negatives that, despite Trump being obnoxious and a blowhard, if I were a voter I just couldn't bring myself to vote for Harris/Biden.
I remember Obama's comment "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to screw things up" (or somesuch). Seems that he was being very prescient.
Why is such lies be allowed in the name of God? same with those muslim priest, buddhist monks..etc who claims to be messenger of God.
Religiosity and lying go hand in hand, not a surprise.
And it wasn't a coincidence that people like Jerry Falwell backed him.
He'd better keep that money, personal bankruptcy is coming soon and he'll need every dollar he's saved up by not paying taxes!!
Are there no electoral bribery laws in the US? Politicians can go round just dumping money on people as they campaign?
Sure Donald - all those Sundays you were in church and not on the golf course...
Donald admitting he is on the "dark side"....
Which he had won the previous Sunday during a golf bet - on the golf course...
Donald goes to church as often as Don Jr and Eric go to a MENSA meeting...
Bob Fosse
Graham DeShazo
First of all, with respect to enthusiasm; there is a tremendous enthusiasm to vote against Trump a rid ourselves of his pestilence. I personally would crawl over broken glass naked to vote against him.
Secondly, the polls are consistent and stable. Trump has not won a single hi quality poll in over a year. Only state polls count you say? Agreed! I have been watching 538 state polls daily since June. Biden has consistently lead in FL, NC, PA, MI, MN, and WS. In addition, he’s flipped GA (by a narrow margin) and briefly flipped OH and IA. TX is within the margin of error. If Biden wins in the states he’s leading right now, he gets 356 EC votes. He could lose FL, GA, and NC (he’s not going to lose all three) and still win the EC. So sorry, this isnt, 2016, Joe isn’t Hillary, and we now know what a loser Trump is.
Finally, Trump’s distain for Evangelicals is well-documented. Not that that will turn off Evangelicals; they’ve clearly drunk the kool - aide. It WILL turn off a lot of others that recognize a con-artist when they see one.
He’s going to lose YUGE. There is nothing he can do to turn it around and even if there were, Trump and his merry band of Z-list talent wouldn’t be competent to take advantage of it.
yes, actually he can and will.
You can believe this all you want, but it still won't make it true.
Trump's caused this, of course. He's a lousy person and an even worse president. When so called big money doesn't support the supposed big money, non political, great for the economy president, it says he really messed up and they completely distrust him. The one thing he was supposed to do was to, as an 'expert' financial rich man was to make the economy and corporate life greater, and he couldn't even do that. Even with taxes favoring the rich. Trump is a failure to the rich.
The media, is, overall, something that tries to get facts right over misinformation. 'Fake news' is a ridiculous catch phrase Trump made up so his followers would repeat it to the point of their own brainwashing.
The worst of narrative driven MSM is Fox News. Those who follow Fox should know they're the one's who have driven the lies, misinformation and lack of wanting to be factual to the point its followers simply cannot critically think because they don't want nor care for true information.
People who take Trump for the truth are most obviously being gaslit. Why they want so much to believe the lies is a flaw that us people who depend on critical thought and facts as information, find completely fool hardy and ridiculous. There's a lack of credibility to those who consistently do not want truth, but rather a twisted version...a narrative which is constantly spewed erroneously by Trump and the Republican party.
Flaws which are so egregious and lies so obvious to many of us, do catch up to the culprits. Trump is being left behind by most, even many of his ardent followers from 2016, who have finally figured out his con.
This is why the deck is so stacked against him and the Republicans, who will lose many seats in the Senate on Trump's tattered coattails.
Where is all the enthusiasm for the Biden events? According to your beliefs the people that love Biden are very patriotic and quiet. makes no sense. It's all media hype, the media is creating the narrative, but the people are now much smarter than the media. I predict Trump will win by a much wider margin than he did in 2016. American politics will be changed forever.
You should, the mainstream media will put you on TV and make you a national hero, all in the name of Saving America! Please.
Former CIA director not backing Trump,
Trump is going on offense all right - against his own party's Senate candidates....
Here he is down in all the polls double digits to Biden and what does he do - he he gets in a Twitter war with REPUB Senators Sasse and Collins....
Great job helping Mitch keep the Senate Donald! Keep it up and all 100 Senators will be blue...
And he just might get it.
No, he did not.
Some may think he’s the worst President, I think so definitely of his predecessor, as for economy, it was on steroids before China unleashed the virus, record unemployment, so whatever liberals say, the numbers don’t lie.
The media has and is doing everything it can to unseat the President with sadly bias facts, one-sided, slanted and doing whatever they can to bash this President and regardless of the facts.
You mean, cutting through the liberal crap and presenting opposing points and views and facts that liberals refuse to talk about??! Curse them!!!
But we should believe the Democrats? Even after a bogus Russian hoax witch-hunt and a failed coup d’état impeachment trial? Even Wolf Blitzer caught Pelosi in a huge lie and she had a seismic meltdown. “We feed the people?” Who is this woman kidding? The woman is a joke and a very bad one.
Yeah, Cuomo, Scarborough and Lémon want people to believe that, but judging by the Trump signs all over the country and the boat celebrations and rallies, most so sure, but I get it, they need the ratings and Guthrie did her best to get those ratings, they do need it and badly.
Maybe, but at least we have the Supreme Court and well as more conservatives in the lower courts, so that is a very good thing. Democrats shouldn’t be popping any Ballons just yet.
Trump will shock the world again with another win. The left will have nobody to blame but themselves for propping up an UN-electible candidate. Funny how every Democratic candidate that ran for the Presidency all disliked Joe Biden and his policies, yet he was their best choice? Truth is stranger than fiction.
Randy Johnson
Richard Spencer, a prominent leading white supremacist, puts his support behind biden.
Birds of a feather...
Randy Johnson
Biden Repeats ‘Fine People Hoax’ and ‘Suckers’ Hoax in North Carolina Speech
He can't anything but lie.
Hey! If liberals can Trump if he disavows White supremacist every other day, the GOP can do the same with Biden, fair is fair.
Bob Fosse
Numbers don’t lie huh? Then why do you repeatedly deny them as fake news when they swing against you?
You deny when they disprove you liberal points.