Japan Today

Trump goes after 'Fauci and all these idiots'


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The SuperSpreader-in-chief continues his assaults on science and reason, which is to be expected from someone backed by Qanon and others in the world of anti-science wack.

Trump's distracting once again from the growing Covid45 death toll and his bungled economy which is smacking Main Street while his fellow 'elite's on Wall Street gain.

“Every RALLY is BOFFO,” he tweeted later.

Trump's become even more unhinged.

12 ( +30 / -18 )

The article doesn't mention everything the President said about Mr Fauci. To quote "He’s been here for, like, 500 years" and "Fauci, if we listened to him, we’d have 700,000 or 800,000 deaths.” This President is constantly whining that laws governing slander are too loose in the US but seems perfectly willing to publicly slander a civil servant for doing their job. What a disgusting human being.

20 ( +36 / -16 )

“People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots," Trump said of the government's top infectious disease expert. “Every time he goes on television, there’s always a bomb. but there’s a bigger bomb if you fire him. But Fauci’s a disaster.”

Donald Trump, foremost expert on sanity, intellect and any other subject under the sun.

13 ( +23 / -10 )

The last three weeks of a dying presidency, gasping for breath and struggling for a lifeline.

Adios, Trump.

11 ( +25 / -14 )

...water management policy, which he blamed for people having to “flush their toilet 15 times.”

Unflushable Trump dump? That'll be your obesity, Donald.

The great electoral cistern will get you next month.

Flush that dump!

11 ( +20 / -9 )

Dr. Fauci needs to do what he should have done a long time ago: dump Trump. But there is still time, and no better time than now, just weeks before November 3. He should resign immediately, but not before spilling the Goya beans all over this repugnant, fake president. Dr Fauci still has time to save his honor compromised by his silence over the incompetence of his boss which has cost the lives of 220,000 Americans. Fauci, no more omertà!

-7 ( +9 / -16 )

Friends, as a long time Republican, I can regretfully but confidently say that my party has degraded to a point where there seems to be very little interest in the common good for the citizens of our country. Those of us in the party that can still think critically recognize that something is very very wrong.

27 ( +35 / -8 )

Dr. Fauci needs to do what he should have done a long time ago: dump Trump. But there is still time, and no better time than now, just weeks before November 3. He should resign immediately, but not before spilling the Goya beans all over this repugnant, fake president. Dr Fauci still has time to save his honor compromised by his silence over the incompetence of his boss which has cost the lives of 220,000 Americans. Fauci, no more omertà!

Dr. Fauci doesn't work for the President. He is a civil servant working under civil service rules. He is not a political appointee and doesn't report directly to the President. Yes he could retire but if you like you job and have something yet to offer, some unfinished work, why retire? For someone of his expertise this is the sort of thing you have lived your life for and if Mr.Biden wins the election in three weeks he may find a completely different political world to operate in. He's like an old and grizzled warrior who isn't going to retire in the middle of the greatest war of his life.

24 ( +29 / -5 )

Friends, as a long time Republican, I can regretfully but confidently say that my party has degraded to a point where there seems to be very little interest in the common good for the citizens of our country.

I think that there are many like you, who long for a stable President who would govern responsibly in the interests of his country.

I'm sure John McCain would have been such a figure had he won. Trump is nothing more than an embarrassment, appealing to the baser interests of a certain section of society.

I think many thought that he would reign himself in and learn to govern once elected, including me. Sadly not.

16 ( +21 / -5 )

Wow, the wheels are really coming off now! Those are the rants of a desperate madman (and desperate = dangerous) who is grasping at what he thinks is his last best chance. But he keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper instead. The next two weeks will be interesting and maybe a little scary.

16 ( +20 / -4 )

LOL I find American politics highly amusing I couldn't care less who wins your election but seriously you are trying to blame Trump for your own corona incompetence most of your corona deaths come because of your own unwillingness to cooperate you were told to lockdown by white house and only half of you did and at every opportunity you held protests all over the country. You caused the deaths yourselfs take responsibility for your own actions.

-15 ( +6 / -21 )

Trump is an awful person. If he wins again, I hope that wall goes all around the US and that someone chucks a tarpaulin sheet over the top as well.

20 ( +23 / -3 )

Two Trump statements in the past few days-

**Two days ago:** "My heart breaks for every grieving family that has lost a precious loved one. I feel their anguish. I mourn their loss. I feel their pain," said Trump, who recently recovered from his own bout with the disease.


**Today: **“People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots," Trump said of the government's top infectious disease expert. “Every time he goes on television, there’s always a bomb. but there’s a bigger bomb if you fire him. But Fauci’s a disaster.”

It's obvious which one is true. Every time Trump says something that makes a little sense (i.e. reads something someone else wrote for him because he would never come up with it himself), shortly after he can't help but to then say the complete opposite when he expresses his true feelings.

16 ( +19 / -3 )

I just don't understand why Trump feels this is a winning strategy. The COVID numbers are only going to get worse over the next two weeks and will continue to fly in the face of everything he says, and polling shows they respect Fauci A LOT more than they do Trump on this issue.

So who is he talking to?

16 ( +20 / -4 )

Dr. Fauci doesn't work for the President. He is a civil servant working under civil service rules.

Agreed, but he now has a higher duty as a citizen to speak out: the truth, and nothing but the truth about Trump's incompetence and his utter failure to manage the pandemic. Trump must be fired, or else further immense suffering for the population will be the dire consequence of four more years of his mayhem. Dr Fauci's confession and mea culpa could serve as "the straw to break the camel's back" to seal Trump's fate while his "retirement" need only be temporary, a well-earned rest and respite from his Trump-fatigue. Next year he would be invited by Biden to resume his work for the health of the nation recovering from its Post Trump Stress Disorder.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

It's pretty darn scary to know that he could still win the election. He's setting up for a Supreme Court battle to throw out all mailed ballots. He just dismissed today all of the US Post Office police. Yes, there is a post office police force who patrol mail facilities and trucks offloading and loading to ensure integrity of the mail. He dismissed them today so he can claim that ballots were stolen or lost since no one protects them (now). Remember that I said this later...

16 ( +19 / -3 )

Trump's fragile ego simply cannot tolerate contrarian views. When he learns of them, he switches into his schoolyard bully mode and engages in crude forms of name-calling and character assassination. It's appalling to see that so many Americans find this as an admirable characteristic in a political candidate.

18 ( +20 / -2 )

I'm tired of having an ignorant buffoon as President.

I'm tired of science being rejected by said buffoon.

I'm tired of Republicans putting party and power before country.

I'm tired of ignorant racists being given kid glove treatment by the media.

19 ( +23 / -4 )

The worst president in American history by a country mile

OK, please give a list here of all of his fails here. Oh yeah, while you are at it, give a list of Biden's policies here. I guarantee you will downvote this comment and disappear or deflect. It is pretty common around here.

-16 ( +5 / -21 )

Is Trump trying to commit political suicide, if so Republican should put their party on suicide watch

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Trump insisted to supporters that he believes he will still win another term

I am not an American and I am not living in the US, but I am 99% sure, that he will win again!

-16 ( +6 / -22 )

I’m really going to miss Trump in some ways. Damn but he’s entertaining.

Of course he’s incompetent, a worldwide embarrassment, and has turned the US into a poor quality reality TV show, but for those of us watching he’s certainly entertaining.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Trump is clinical insane, invoke the 25 to after, he loses

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Dr Fauci's confession and mea culpa 

I'm mystified here. A confession or mea culpa means someone did something wrong they need to admit to. Dr. Fauci has no reason to confess or make a mea culpa for anything. When you are in the Federal service you don't get to choose the Presidents who appoints your department heads. You work for the nation under civil service rules and stay within the laws governing your department and the other applicable Federal regulations. If you are a good civil servant, and Dr. Fauci appears to be such, you do your best for your department regardless of who the President is because you are doing it for your country and if you are in a military organization you are doing it for your shipmates or the war fighters. Presidents and Congressional majorities come and go many times in a typical career. You serve whomever is in office at the time and no apologies required.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

“Trump’s closing message in the final days of the 2020 race is to publicly mock Joe Biden for trusting science and to call Dr. Fauci, the leading public health official on COVID-19, a ‘disaster’ and other public health officials ‘idiots.'"

Coming from Trump, name-calling and labeling turn out to be a big honor.

Last week, Trump asked a crowd in Macon, Georgia: “Could you imagine if I lose my whole life? What am I going to do? I’m going to say I lost to the worst candidate in the history of politics, I’m not going to feel so good. Maybe I’ll have to leave the country. I don’t know.”

His departure for overseas is likely as he would have to dodge tax evasion charges (presidential immunity would be lifted)

10 ( +12 / -2 )

It’s correct that people are tired of Fauci being wrong about most things and putting out incorrect projections.

remember when he claimed Gilead had the only drug that worked? A few days before the stock earnings call.

The guy is conflicted, often wrong, never takes a clear position until after the fact. he is free to quit any time.

-18 ( +3 / -21 )

OK, please give a list here of all of his fails here. Oh yeah, while you are at it, give a list of Biden's policies here. I guarantee you will downvote this comment and disappear or deflect. It is pretty common around here.

The most obvious and despicable one was abandoning the Kurds in the middle of the fight. For me that alone is inexcusable. Second, because he is oblivious to the relationship between the annual budget deficit and the trade deficit, the overall trade deficit of the US has risen since he came to office. He may have reduced the trade deficit with China for a while but overall the US now imports more compared to what it exports than it did when Mr. Trump took office. All the new debt from his tax reductions and the T-Bills sold to finance that debt are the means by which the US many trade partners soak up excess dollars earned from their respective trade surpluses with the US. Instead of dollars accumulating and losing value, which is what absolutely must happen for the trade deficit to reverse, those trade partners exchange US dollars for US T-Bills. The US dollar thus stays artificially high in trade, foreign currencies remain lower valued and the terms of trade remain unfavorable for the US. The smart move would be to raise taxes and run a small surplus. Do that for a few years and you will see the trade deficit start to decline. Keep running surpluses for the next couple of decades and the US would be a trading powerhouse. But Mr. Trump and the Republicans are blind to this. This is their great failure. Mr. Clinton saw the light during the trade war with Japan ( he had some good economic advice ) and the last two years of his administration the US ran small budget surpluses.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

I am not an American and I am not living in the US, but I am 99% sure, that he will win again!

Then maybe you are not in a position to kibitz so confidently on the election? Too bad you omitted to give reasons for your 99% so that we could ponder and perhaps learn from your insights. My prediction of the opposite result is based on the PT(rump)SD of the American people reflected in the polls, the media as welll as my gut feeling that this time the Electoral College will not stymie the popular vote. Dr Fauci's frank, open criticism of Trump before the election would just be the icing on the cake of Trump's disastrous term as CEO.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

The last three weeks of a dying presidency, gasping for breath and struggling for a lifeline.

All that flushing has him exhausted and gasping for air, lol.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

I hope he stays on the crazy pills for the debate. Maybe Biden should request drug testing.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

The guy is conflicted, often wrong, never takes a clear position until after the fact. he is free to quit any time.

I'd say Trump is always wrong. Not often. But yeah, Trump will be quitting, come January next year. Three options for him. Jail, sanatorium or Moscow.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Trump is a poor man’s image of a rich man, and an idiot’s image of what a smart man sounds like.

this is 100% because he is jealous of Fauchi’s coverage.

And he cannot fire Fauchi because he is not a political appointee, and because he is the most respected person on the issue of communicable disease in the country.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

“What’s going on? ... We get these massive crowds. He gets nobody. ............."

It's because the Biden supporters are all at work.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Trump is a poor man’s image of a rich man, and an idiot’s image of what a smart man sounds like.

That sums it up as well as any post on him I have ever read.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

Oooh, down votes for telling the economic truth.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

National Character Counts Week is even better than Infrastructure Week!

Be Best, Don....

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Till now I’ve lied low. I’m waiting for the outcome of a court case in Germany.


This will give me an indication of which way to believe. There’s a lot of false news, money backed disinformation, etc. Need to cut through it all. All this mud slinging means nothing. I’m an anti vaxxer for now until we learn more.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

give a list of Biden's policies here.

Here's a list: https://www.politico.com/2020-election/candidates-views-on-the-issues/joe-biden/

Pretty sure this has been said numerous times on numerous threads, but why do you assume we all “love” Biden?

They are only able to think in binary. If you dislike Trump, you must love Biden.

I hated Bush. Still hate what he did, and think America is pathetic for letting he and his administration off without any consequence at all for their disaster in Iraq. Yet, given the choice between he and Trump, I'd go for Bush.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

 I’m an anti vaxxer for now until we learn more.

You are a danger to yourself and those around you.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

The crass and vulgar occupant of the White House doing what he does best ... insulting those who tell the truth.

Another confirmation that the Purveyor of Fake News, Disinformation and Misinformation in Chief is unfit to be President of the United States of America (POTUS).

We The People of the United States of America deserve better.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Trump and his latest sycophant doctor are now pushing herd immunity, sightings Sweden.

They and others push the false idea Sweden is not doing anything and just letting the virus run its course.

This is far from the truth.

In Sweden if someone tests positive, they have to stop work, isolate, their family have to do the same, their children must leave school and also isolate, this is adhered to very strictly and under the law, it is not a free for all do nothing and even under this system they have a far higher death rate than their neighbours.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

"There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.....

Of course, of course. But, when you think masks, you should think of health care providers needing them and people who are ill. The people who, when you look at the films of foreign countries and you see 85% of the people wearing masks — that’s fine, that’s fine. I’m not against it. If you want to do it, that’s fine."

isnt that exactly what Trump is saying, wear a mask if you want? So Fauci's expert advice was if you want to, fine (if you dont want to, fine) and hey it might block a droplet but its not really protecting you?

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

Can’t argue with Trump on that

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

Fauci has more respect and is more popular than Trump (Trump has grudgingly admitted it), and that drives Trump crazy - he's insanely jealous. It also drives him crazy that it's more important to Fauci that 100,000 lives are saved instead of the stock market raising a few points.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Sweden is #28 in total deaths, by the way. and #15 per capita.

 even under this system they have a far higher death rate than their neighbours.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

“People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots," Trump said of the government's top infectious disease expert. “Every time he goes on television, there’s always a bomb. but there’s a bigger bomb if you fire him. But Fauci’s a disaster.”

Wow, talk about an orange meltdown - Donald is turning into a large orange puddle...

People are tired of hearing from Dr Fauci? They're sick and tired of listening to your unhinged rants and lies - just look at the polls...

Dr Fauci didn't tell someone in private that the virus was a "killer", "deadly", "rips you apart" - then openly lie to the American people and say "it's just the flu"...

Trump saying the virus is "disappearing" and we have "turned the corner" is the same as him saying "I never cheated on any of my wives"...

7 ( +9 / -2 )


Sweden is #28 in total deaths, by the way. and #15 per capita.

Deaths in Nordic countries,

Sweden 5,899

Denmark 674

Finland 346

Norway 277

I don't think Sweden has 20 times Norway's population but does have 20 times the deaths

6 ( +9 / -3 )

It’s correct that people are tired of Fauci being wrong

And Trump is right with his idea of treating CV with Mr. Clean as he quoted on the news

I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside


yes, it shows that Trump is better at this than Fauci. And it only costs 99 cents at your local Dollar General store.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

trump needs to be guided to an insane asylum CLEARLY, totally & utterly deranged at this point

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Well, 2020 is certainly looking much like 2008....

Bush 2 and the Repubs cratered the economy with their irresponsible deregulation of Wall St allowing it to run wild with debt...

The Dems and President Obama had to come in and fix it...

Now we have Trump completely bungling the virus response and cratering the economy, and attacking the experts who can help save us....

So the Dems and Biden will have to once again fix a Repub self-inflicted utter disaster...

Two major crises created by the Repubs - two turnarounds led by the Dems...

Voters will remember that for decades...

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Sweden is #28 in total deaths, by the way. and #15 per capita.

Deaths in Nordic countries,

Sweden 5,899

Denmark 674

Finland 346

Norway 277

I’ve posted something similar before. I got no response.

I couldn’t even get a conspiracy theory about fudged numbers.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

And Trump is right with his idea of treating CV with Mr. Clean as he quoted on the news

I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside

Still going with that line that you quoted out of context that makes it seem like Trump actually suggested people inject themselves with bleach I see. Well, it's gonna have to be refuted yet again. Oh my... you're going to have to walk that one back, nishikat -

President Trump on "Injecting" Disinfectants

After Acting Homeland Security Under Secretary for Science and Technology William Bryan delivers remarks on tests his lab is conducting with the virus, including killing it with disinfectants and UV rays, President Trump asks him whether it is possible for this to be applied to humans via injection. 


-7 ( +1 / -8 )


Your excuse-making for Trump’s rancid brain fart doesn’t even agree with his explanation.

He said he was being sarcastic.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Still going with that line

No, Trump is, he said it. Not me. It is part of the TrumpCare plan. I like the TrumpCare plan. It covers pre-existing conditions but no mandate. That means under Trump don't get insurance until you get cancer. Then when you get cancer get insurance, get cured, then stop paying for insurance again until you get cancer again in the future. Yes, TrumpCare is much better and cheaper than ObamaCare. Under TrumpCare just wait until you get sick first THEN get health insurance. But the other part of TrumpCare is using Mr Clean to treat CV:

 by injection Mr. Clean inside [using Mr. Clean available at Dollar General for only 99 cents]


6 ( +7 / -1 )

In 1981 a great Canadian band Red Rider has a song that Today describes Trump and his supporters so perfectly.

"Lunatic Fringe" everytime I read/hear what he or they write or say that song plays in my head.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Your excuse-making for Trump’s rancid brain fart doesn’t even agree with his explanation.

He said he was being sarcastic.

I don't know how anyone who watches the full press briefing and reads the text of what both men said can say Trump had a brain fart.

And yeah, I don't know why Trump said he was being sarcastic, he was not being sarcastic. Sometimes he says dumb stuff but he didn't say anything dumb at this briefing.

At least he doesn't lie about not raising taxes for anyone making over $400,000 a year.

Now we have Trump completely bungling the virus response and cratering the economy

Trump put restrictions on travel from China Jan. 31, something Biden obviously wouldn't have done if you look at what he said afterward complaining about Trump's"xenophobia."

Amazing how the economy is worst in states and cities run by Democrats.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

One only has to look at of all places a Fox News poll to see why Trump is in a freefall....

Democratic candidate Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by a 53-43 percent margin, Biden’s 10-point advantage is up from a 5-point lead last month.

On coronavirus, most, 72 percent, favor requiring masks when people are outside their home, while the number who think the virus is under control is small (24 percent mostly/completely)

Almost twice as many voters prioritize limiting the spread of coronavirus over restarting the economy. 

Biden leads Trump by 39 points among those saying coronavirus is the most important factor.

Twice as many voters want to keep ObamaCare in place as want to repeal the health care law (64-32 percent)

A 58 percent majority thinks the way Trump talks about racial inequality is leading to an increase in violence, including 28 percent of those supporting him.


Trump supporters should really drop the fake, faux optimism and face reality - if not, they'll be completely crushed on Nov 4th...

7 ( +8 / -1 )

I am not an American and I am not living in the US, but I am 99% sure, that he will win again!

According to an Australian think tank, he isn't likely to win re-election.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

and Hillary "led" 49-41 at this same moment in 2016.

Are polls valid again here? or only when they say what you want them to say?

Democratic candidate Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by a 53-43 percent margin,

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

I don't know how anyone who watches the full press briefing

Once you start with a comment saying to inject Mr. Clean you can never recover from that even if you attempt to write a book on it. Trump promotes injecting Mr. Clean to fight CV.

Trump put restrictions on travel from China

China should ban Americans (especially proud mask-less Trump2ANRAevangalical ones) since China is fighting the COVID-19 pandemic much better than the US. Trump is so bad that he's losing to the country where CV originated from.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

And yeah, I don't know why Trump said he was being sarcastic, he was not being sarcastic. 

So you’re saying he is lying yet again?

9 ( +10 / -1 )

I'm mystified here. A confession or mea culpa means someone did something wrong they need to admit to. Dr. Fauci has no reason to confess or make a mea culpa for anything. When you are in the Federal service you don't get to choose the Presidents who appoints your department heads. 

I maintain that the knowing silence of every citizen who is afraid to speak out for whatever reason contributes to concealing crimes committed in the name of the State and therefore is to be judged an accomplice and complicit, an egregious failing which can only be absolved and forgiven after a confession and a sincere apology. This is the least lesson we have come to learn from recent history. I respect Dr. Fauci's professional bona fides, but he and Dr. Birk et al. owe it to the American people to come clean about their and Trump's role in and responsibility for the deaths of hundreds of thousands even before the second wave arrives.

Btw, Dr. Fauci may not work for the WH, but doesn't Trump have the authority to fire him? If not, I would be mystified.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

and Hillary "led" 49-41 at this same moment in 2016.

If Trump wins then he wins. Biden won't call it fake news. But if Trump loses he will call it fake news and try to start a civil war. Stay safe in Japan. At least Hillary admitted defeat. But if Trump wins I might go back to the USA because I can enjoy healthcare without having to purchase health insurance until I get sick. He's healthcare deal is very good: NO MANDATE + COVERS PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS. Wish Japan had that. Japan covers pre-existing conditions but there is a mandate.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Fauci has more respect and is more popular than Trump

To millions he doesn’t.

(Trump has grudgingly admitted it), and that drives Trump crazy - he's insanely jealous.

No, he’s just extremely annoyed about the one-sided science opinion as if only the side that liberals agree on is right, everyone else is wrong.

It also drives him crazy that it's more important to Fauci that 100,000 lives are saved instead of the stock market raising a few points.

More lives would have been saved if these Democrat governors and mayors wouldn’t have kept the country in a 7 month lockdown. Imagine if Trump hadn’t closed down the country, can you imagine the liberal hysteria.....

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

Democratic candidate Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by a 53-43 percent margin,

and Hillary "led" 49-41 at this same moment in 2016.

Are polls valid again here? or only when they say what you want them to say?

We didn't have Corona in 2008....with 215K fatalities....

Corona is the top voting issue in 2020 - and Biden leads Trump by 39 points when asked who would do a better job handling COVID...

But hey, it's your team's poll - so diss it all you want....

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Black, the polls say what they say, and it’s this:

Biden has led Trump in every single high quality poll over the last year. That wasn’t the case in 16.

Biden’s lead has grown steadily both at the national and state level since February.

There will be between 150-160 million ballots cast this year up from 125 million in 16 30 million have already voted, 10 times the amount this time 4 years ago

Try to imagine a universe in which this is good for Trump?

Biden has a 270 EC margin in states where he is leading outside the margin of error. In other words (and I’ll make this simple for you) even if the poll is off by its max amount in favor of Biden, he still wins.

But keep assuming then is now, Hillary is Joe and we don’t know what a narcissistic sociopathic moron Trump is.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

one-sided science

Compared to Trump's science of injecting Mr. Clean? Trump is a joke

More lives would have been saved....

...if the US were as smart about CV as China was. Trump is so bad that he can't even beat China with the COVID-19 fight. Mr. Clean does not cure COVID-19

6 ( +7 / -1 )

so Biden is definitely going to win? good luck with that, having learned nothing from last time.

Biden has a 270 EC margin in states where he is leading outside the margin of error. In other words (and I’ll make this simple for you) even if the poll is off by its max amount in favor of Biden, he still wins

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Yes, he’s definitely going to win.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

These last few months have been amazing to watch. The only way I can describe it is like watching a plane in a nosedive. The faster it plummets, the more bits and pieces start tearing off. A wing here, an aileron there, until there's barely anything resembling a plane left intact to impact the ground.

It's like that, but replace "plane" with "Trump" and "a wing" with "the most bafflingly absurd drivel I've ever heard".

The fact that people are going to take the word of Donald "Just inject disinfectant into your lungs" Trump over the word of a proven medical profession is utterly bemusing.

I wouldn't be surprised if, given the chance, they'd let him carve out their kidney with a spork so long as some 'liberal' doctor had to be bothered to pronounce them dead.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

“People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots".

not suitable to use the word "people" as it only applied to his own thinking.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

so Biden is definitely going to win?

We don't know, but if Biden wins Trump will refuse to leave and his NRA2Amilitia will guard the WH to prevent Trump from being ousted. Biden would never do anything like that if he loses (even if he were in the WH now). Trump is that desperate to stay in power. He won't leave the WH even if he loses and his people will fight violently for him.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

“People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots," Trump said of the government's top infectious disease expert. “Every time he goes on television, there’s always a bomb. but there’s a bigger bomb if you fire him. But Fauci’s a disaster.”

Two key take-aways from this statement....

1) I hope Dr Fauci and his family are receiving around the clock protection. He received death threats from Trump supporters earlier this year but now he is at risk of being kidnapped and murdered by Trump's far-right domestic terrorist militias, just like Gov Whitmer...

2) Trump openly admitted he is too scared to fire Dr Fauci - which just goes to show again how weak he is...

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Trump openly admitted he is too scared to fire Dr Fauci

he can't anyway, Dr. Fauci's employment structure is not based on presidential appointment. Dr. Fauci would have to do something bad and get himself fired.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Btw, Dr. Fauci may not work for the WH, but doesn't Trump have the authority to fire him? If not, I would be mystified.

No, a President cannot fire anybody in the civil service. Nor can any political appointee. The whole reason for having a professional civil service is to insulate government workers from the whims of politicians, prevent the formation of patronage armies and to keep the public service honest. Travel enough and you come to realize civil servants in the US are refreshingly honest and diligent. The rules are pretty strict and you have to keep your job at least 20 years in most cases to collect one penny of your pension. To fire Dr. Fauci he would have to be accused of breaking Federal regulations or department policy by a civil service supervisor and lose his case in an administrative hearing. He is in no danger of being fired. The President can't touch him.

I continue to take exception to your idea that Dr. Fauci has anything to atone for. He has spoken the truth repeatedly without fear precisely because he is protected from political retribution by his standing in the civil service. He has told the truth rebutting claims made by the President and others in his administration when their statements were contrary to science. What on Earth does Dr. Fauci have to apologize for? He is exactly the person this nation needs at this time, the Ulysses Grant or William F. Halsey of his era, the exact right person with the right knowledge, skills and temperament to beat the enemy in this war. By your standard every civil servant would have to leave when they disagreed with a particular President. That would lead to exactly the sort of patronage army of political henchmen and henchwomen doing the bidding of whomever is in power at the time including revenge on political opponents that the civil service is designed to prevent. Dr. Fauci cannot surrender now. To do so would gravely weaken the civil service and his agency which I am sure he loves almost as much as his family. He literally cannot quit now!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

For those that keep comparing 2016 to 2020.

In 2016 people didn't know how Trump would govern, so big factor, Clinton never passed the 50% Biden has consistently been over 50% Nationally and in most swing states, Trust factor for both Clinton and Trump were below 50% in 2016, Biden trust factor is nearly twice that of Trump.

This is not 2016, the facts on the ground are not the same and the fact Trump keeps trying to insert Clinton into this election as if he is still running against her tells us even he knows this.

No it is by no means in the bags for Biden but this is not 2016 and the pollsters learned from their mistakes as has the Democrats and they are pushing the fact the National polls mean nothing it is the state ones that count under the USA undemocratic election system.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Something I hope Trump supporters will give some deep thought to....

ISIS kidnaps it's victims then kills them live on video...

The far-right militia was going to kidnap the Michigan Governor and execute her on live TV...

What's the difference between these two terrorist groups?

Trump has said nothing about this domestic terrorist militia group but did say that the victim of this outrageous plot should be "locked up"...

Can you explain that?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Trump projects everything he is scared of.

“Lock them up” = I’m scared of going to jail.

“Xxx is crooked” = I’m in bed with dictators and the Russians have something on me.

”I’m a very stable genius” = I’m an unhinged moron.

“I love the poorly educated.” = You people disgust me (He’s actually said words to this effect) and I cannot believe your falling for this

“I love Evangelicals.” = See above projection

“I’m really rich” = I’m illiquid and in hawk up to my eyeballs to unarmed foreign entities.

”Fauchi is an idiot” = I’m jealous of him.

“We’re a rocket ship” = The economy has tanked and 800,000+ filed for new unemployment claims last week. 11 million are still unemployed and we are probably going to double-dip back into recession.

“I have instructed my negotiators to cut off talks” = I’m totally going to cave.

“CNN You dumb bastards (MOD: those are his words, not mine. They should not be moderated as they are a matter of public record)” I’m not very smart and deep down I know it.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

"What you're seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening!"

. . . .Donald Trump

8 ( +9 / -1 )

I couldnt help laughing at this so called POTUS... a desperado Comedian In Chief.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Forgot the best one! “Nobody is more pro-military than me.” = People who died serving their nation were losers and suckers.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

sure, these guys were led by an FBI informant, are not Trump supporters whatsoever, are anarchists against all government, and were pictured at Black Lives Matter/Antifa type events.

Can you explain that?

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

 are not Trump supporters whatsoever

Not true about Dyllan Roof or Patrick Crusius. They are Trump supporters. I remember hearing one of the people who was targeting Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was a non trump person who hates government. But the rest were (they hate government AND they support Trump). This is on Trump but he doesn't tell them off since he needs their votes. People like the Proud Boys are needed by Trump, but Reagan was never so desperate (Reagan even inked 3M green cards for illegals in the 80s).

''The politics of racial hatred and religious bigotry practiced by the Klan and others have no place in this country, and are destructive of the values for which America has always stood.''


"Proud Boys - stand back and stand by"


5 ( +6 / -1 )

Losing against Biden, the worst candidate ever...that is highly probable because it complies with McMurphy’s set of rules.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Can you explain that?

sure, these guys were led by an FBI informant, are not Trump supporters whatsoever, are anarchists against all government, and were pictured at Black Lives Matter/Antifa type events.

Was that a joke? It's utterly ridiculous. The "Wolverine Watchmen" are a far-right, white supremacist militia - see below;

Militias are simply groups of like-minded men – members are almost always white males – who subscribe to a sometimes confusing set of beliefs about an avaricious federal government that is hostile to white men and white heritage, and the sanctity of the right to bear arms and private property. They believe that government is under the control of Jews, the United Nations, international banking interests, Leftists, Antifa, Black Lives Matter and so on.


And answer the question - what's the difference between this group and ISIS? And why did Trump say to lock the victim up but not the terrorists?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Trump on Biden “I’ll listen to the scientists.” (In a mocking voice)

Biden in response, “Yes.”

Thats why he’s going to win.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

No FBI informants caused these 16 dead-enders to conspire to kidnap and execute a sitting Governor. They did that all on their own.

And they are absolutely Trump supporters There are photos of 6 of them showing up to the State House with their assault weapons in response to Trump’s “Liberate Michigan!” tweet

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Trump raked in $12 million during a fundraiser Sunday afternoon at the Newport Beach home of top GOP donor and tech mogul Palmer Luckey, which also featured a performance by the Beach Boys.

But over the past four months, Biden has raised over $1 billion, a massive amount of money that has eclipsed Trump's once-overwhelming cash advantage.

So Trump "raked in" a piddly amount, while Biden "received" 100 times that much from Big Tech and Big Finance. You can see who the establishment is behind.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )


I thought you guys said money = speech? That was the whole point of citizens united....

Since money now does equal speech, what’s that say about support for The Donald who’s campaign is getting out-earned about 2:1 (and let’s not even get into the Senate races...)

I guess you thought only the Koch brothers (now brother) and Sheldon Anderson has lots of money and ideas about good and bad governance....


5 ( +6 / -1 )

And while we’re on the topic of campaign finance, I thought that Trump was an Uber-rich billionaire who could self-finance? So why isn’t he literally putting his money where his mouth is?

I can think of 2 reasons. A) He’s not really a billionaire and he doesn’t have much free cash flow. What little he does have is devoted to debt maintainence and/or expected future legal fees and settlements. B) He knows he’s going to lose and doesn’t want to throw his own money down a black hole.

To be fair, it could be both.

I’m going with “both.”

7 ( +8 / -1 )

So Dr Fauci who has spent 50 years in the field knows nothing but Trump who can barely construct an intelligent coherent sentence knows better?.... how delusional...

9 ( +10 / -1 )

He may not be entirely wrong, but he still doesn't need to say it and say it so abusively.

Are these campaign calls public?  Or did someone on the call tape it and leak it?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Biden has led Trump in every single high quality poll over the last year. That wasn’t the case in 16. 

And the polls got it wrong then and even now they’ve been oversampling Democrats.

Biden’s lead has grown steadily both at the national and state level since February. 

There will be between 150-160 million ballots cast this year up from 125 million in 16 30 million have already voted, 10 times the amount this time 4 years ago 

So why doesn’t Biden have thousands of supporters.

Try to imagine a universe in which this is good for Trump? 

From the looks of it, pretty good actually.

Biden has a 270 EC margin in states where he is leading outside the margin of error. In other words (and I’ll make this simple for you) even if the poll is off by its max amount in favor of Biden, he still wins. 

Most of the polls have tightened and within the margin of 3-5 points, that’s never good for any challenger.

But keep assuming then is now, Hillary is Joe and we don’t know what a narcissistic sociopathic moron Trump is.

47 years of Biden and his famous policies were.....uh.....crime bill and.....

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

So Trump "raked in" a piddly amount, while Biden "received" 100 times that much from Big Tech and Big Finance. You can see who the establishment is behind.

It is what it is. Too bad huh

5 ( +6 / -1 )

He does. They just aren’t dumb enough to attend a monster truck rally during a pandemic like trump supporters are.

Ok, so where are they?

But we can’t trust polls,

We don’t.


-8 ( +1 / -9 )


Sweden is #28 in total deaths, by the way. and #15 per capita.

Changes to daily life

Though Sweden didn't impose a lockdown or close businesses, life did change.

Authorities banned gatherings of more than 50 people and encouraged companies to embrace working from home.

Physical distancing has been a major part of the Government's advice.

Cases higher than Nordic neighbours

Sweden's Health Agency has registered nearly 90,000 infections and more than 5,000 deaths from the virus since the beginning of the pandemic.

The country’s toll is significantly higher than that of neighbors Denmark, Norway and Finland

US Cases as of October 20, 2020

Nearly 8,200,000 infections and more than 220,058 deaths from the virus since the beginning of the pandemic.

By the way, Sweden has Universal Healthcare!!!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

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