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Trump blasts California governor's immigrant pardons


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He should! At least someone does. California has now become a 2nd world country (state). Just go there and see for yourself. Brown is a complete idiot that has no idea how to govern.

-1 ( +14 / -15 )

I just went to Los Angeles on a holiday and I could not believe how many homeless people were living amongst the people of the city. I have never seen anything like it anywhere in the world. I think It really is a big problem, as I used to love to go there and marvel at how lucky people were to live in Los Angeles.

3 ( +15 / -12 )

If the Cali Governor has the power to pardon and chooses to do so, fine.

President's definitely have the power to pardon people. I don't always agree with how it is used or not used, but that is their power.

Whining about these things is useless. It isn't like Jerry Brown cares what Trump says.

There are homeless people all over the world. California is hardly the worst place I've seen - not by a long shot.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

Trump is mad because Brown doesn't do what Trump wants, which is a good thing for California.

Jerry Brown is teaching the Trump Creature how to be an American. The Trump creature is busy attacking the CIA, FBI, the free press and our immigrant population. He started a war on the Blue states and they are fighting back. In the meanwhile Putin is threatening the American people and Trump stands down.

7 ( +14 / -7 )

I  just went to Los Angeles on a holiday and I could not believe how many homeless people were living amongst the people of the city.

Yes, homelessness is a major problem not only in LA but in every California city. High housing costs are a major cause. Ask many of the homeless where they hail from, though, and you'll find a large percentage are from out of state. It is no wonder that the homeless flock to wealthy, warm places where the pickings are good and you won't freeze to death. Read Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath - or visit Honolulu. As the Eagles sang, "Call something paradise, kiss it goodbye."

I respect everyone's right to their own opinion, but personally, I believe he's had more positive effect than most any governor in any state in American history.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

theFuToday  07:27 am JST

There are homeless people all over the world. California is hardly the worst place I've seen - not by a long shot.

"Just curious of what other places you feel have far worse homeless problems than LA?

NY and Hawaii come to mind but I can't say for sure if it's worse or not. After living in California for 28 years, I can definitely say, we have a BIG problem that needs to be addressed.

Not that Trump has any real solution, nor do I believe Jerry brown does either, the homeless problem has been growing long before their terms, also during and will continue until politicians figure out how to help and then act on it."

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Definite shortage of robbers and drug dealers in California, good job Jerry!

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Trump is mad because Brown doesn't do what Trump wants, which is a good thing for California.

Yes, let California slide further down in the gutter with its rising homeless and escalating crime, cities like LA and SF with their radical politicians don't get it, they should be stripped of all their federal funding and should wallow in their own filth, but funny, that all the liberals that are supporting these radical measures ALL LIVE IN 85% WHITE areas, like Malibu, Beverly Hills, everywhere else in the LA County where crime is through the roof, they couldn't care less, the high out of control taxation, lawlessness. Thank God, Orange County is finally rebelling and saying NO MORE and not in our county and pushing back, there is some hope at least. OC doesn't want to crime, the poverty or the politics of LA County and good on them for having a brave mayor and the courage to take on that idiot Brown and his minions. Sad to see my home go so far downhill, just breaks my heart.

Jerry Brown is teaching the Trump Creature how to be an American.

Impoverished American, I think so.

The Trump creature is busy attacking the CIA, FBI, the free press and our immigrant population.

Illegal immigration as he should as well as combating the corrupt top echelon officials of the very agencies that for decades liberals despised, but now all of a sudden are fans of....hmmmm

He started a war on the Blue states and they are fighting back.

And the overwhelmingly larger Red States as well.

In the meanwhile Putin is threatening the American people and Trump stands down.

He just hit them with more sanctions kicked out 65 Russians and he's standing down? Wow!

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

The homelessness problem in California cannot be fixed, because even though the people of California are more liberal than other states, they're still Americans, and the amount of social safety net it would take to fix the problem is more than Any group of Americans would be willing to take. In the scale where society first is on one side, and individual first is on the other, America is at the extreme individual first side. California leans slightly towards the society first as compared to the rest of America, but only slightly. Only countries that are nearing the center of that scale could fix a homelessness problem.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Trump pardoned a criminal, why can't Jerry Brown do it too? Anyone who is criticizing JB without criticizing DT is a total hypocrite.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Protecting criminals. I'd be disgusted too. Trump has every right to blast this idiot.

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

Am all in favor of deporting immigrants who've committed serious crimes but 'some' criteria should be taken into consideration (severity of the crime, year of arrival in the us etc).

In this case, it seems most of those guys have spent decades on us soil and are as such, whether we like it or not, products of us society. Nothing to do with China or Cambodia imo.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

The homelessness problem in California cannot be fixed,

Yes, let's not take action, just as long as they come up to White areas, we are ok. Makes sense to me.

because even though the people of California are more liberal than other states, they're still Americans, and the amount of social safety net it would take to fix the problem is more than Any group of Americans would be willing to take.

Yes, keep them on entitlements, as long as we give them free stuff and they vote for us and we can replace the thousands that are leaving with any illegal to fill in the gap, yes, the majority of them may be low skilled, but what the heck, we could still possibly turn them into new Democratic voters nonetheless.

In the scale where society first is on one side, and individual first is on the other, America is at the extreme individual first side. California leans slightly towards the society first as compared to the rest of America, but only slightly. Only countries that are nearing the center of that scale could fix a homelessness problem.

Ok, so again, more excuses, more entitlements and more socialism. Again, thank God for Orange County. That tiny red pocket of sane conservative refuge.

Protecting criminals. I'd be disgusted too. Trump has every right to blast this idiot.

I couldn't agree more.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

Brown's pardons marked the third time the Democrat has intervened on behalf of immigrants who were deported or faced deportation over convictions. Brown has accused the Trump administration of "basically going to war" with California over immigration policy.

Brown's pardons don't automatically stop deportation proceedings, but eliminate the convictions on which authorities based their deportation.

In spite of the fact that these pardoned people are convicted AND repeat offenders, Moonbeam Brown still chooses to put the lives of the people, the citizens and lawful residents, of California in danger. It's another case of a Democrat choosing to put illegal aliens above U.S. citizens.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Protecting criminals. I'd be disgusted too. Trump has every right to blast this idiot.

But Trump protected a criminal too.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Just another example of how Republicans only pay lip service to states’ rights.

In other news, here is the future of local news owned by conservatives:


4 ( +8 / -4 )

zichi - The high tech companies of Silicon Valley which have helped to drive up high rent should response by building affordable rent buildings.

Have you discussed your plan with Moonbeam Brown, or President Trump? Or with the high tech companies of Silicon Valley? I've noticed that the attached article doesn't claim, or even suggest, that the Moonbeam pardoned felons were, or are, homeless.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Our branch office in LA is also consider (Probably in the process) of relocating to Texas. I heard they dont like the taxes.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

The homelessness problem in California cannot be fixed, because even though the people of California are more liberal than other states, they're still Americans, and the amount of social safety net it would take to fix the problem is more than Any group of Americans would be willing to take. In the scale where society first is on one side, and individual first is on the other, America is at the extreme individual first side. California leans slightly towards the society first as compared to the rest of America, but only slightly. Only countries that are nearing the center of that scale could fix a homelessness problem.

Now there’s an in-depth explanation of things....

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

?? It was a broad overview at best.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

He just hit them with more sanctions kicked out 65 Russians and he's standing down? Wow!

How long did it take Trump to finally do something about Russia? Just over a year. ROFL. Kuddos! Smh. What about Jimmy Carter?

3 ( +7 / -4 )

YOU'RE the one dismantling the federal government! The only reason you demonize California is because people in the red states are asking you awkward questions -- like, "why do WE have decay and austerity, whilst prosperous California is zooming away into the future, leaving us in their dust??"

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Mr.Trump sees Mexico and all the Mexicans or maybe the entire Latin Americans were criminals. California relies heavily on these illegal immigrants' labour force especially the agricultural industry and heavy duty Labour work. That's why they were like a gang's collaboration! The Californians support democrats.....the above were the reason why he hates californians so much. Jerry Brown is just a pretext for him to lash out his fury!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Native Americans will be much happier when he is kicked off to cosmic space across the border walls. Where is his ancestry from, anyway?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

In a tweet , Trump referred to Brown as "Moonbeam," referencing a nickname a newspaper columnist coined for him in the 1970s.

Jerry Brown has been "Moonbeam Brown" for approximately four decades. If the shoe fits.......

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

42,000 homeless people in Los Angeles county. In San Francisco we have several thousand sleeping in Golden Gate Park.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Trump and his supporters thrive on demonizing certain people: immigrants, refugees, minorities, Muslims, the poor, as well as those who believe in a just and reasonable application of legal

He even insulted the mother of one of our Muslim fallen soldiers and said POWs are losers. And his base swallowed all of it and kept their mouths shut between chants of their patriotism.

Conservative media played a part in this. Fox News gives front page status to stories about minorities hurting whites, and if it’s a black man hurting an attractive white women then it’s near the top of the front page. Breitbart devotes about a third of their front page to minorities breaking laws and even reports on European immigrants to stoke the fears that it can happen here next.

That’s how you end up with Joe Arpaio violating the rights of Latinos and Trump’s base cheering when he is pardoned. It’s also how you get Trump fans supporting a total ban on Muslims and forgiving him for discriminating against blacks in housing. And it’s how you get national attention for transgenders serving in the military and attacking children in bathrooms, something that has actually never happened...yet we need laws to protect us. And it’s how you get a president who says Latino judges shouldn’t be able to judge white people without a single protest by his supporters. And it’s how you get a president who follows and re-tweets white supremacist groups and promoting lies about Muslims in Europe. Oh, and lying about tens of thousands of Muslims cheering on 9-11.

Bigotry is becoming legal wth “religious freedom” laws that target homosexuals and we have a Vice President who supports radical gay conversion therapy. Since states were allowed to pass election laws without screening by the feds we’ve seen massive amounts of new laws that specifically make it harder for minorities to vote. And Trump’s cabinet is almost exclusively white.

Trump’s uneducated and unskilled white base has been taught that they did nothing wrong and it’s the illegals taking their jobs and reverse discrimination holding them back. And somehow deporting a dishwasher in LA will suddenly create blue collar jobs in Kentucky. Kentucky, the place where coal workers, nearly exclusively white, and portrayed as hard working people who can’t fnd jobs but inner city blacks are just lazy people who don’t want to work. Guess where the free government money flows...

9 ( +11 / -2 )

I find it absolutely mind boggling that intentionally giving someone HIV in California is now a misdemeanor. One of our bigger clients who deals with blood products is having some grave concerns about blood donations coming from the region. 

Just look at where all these ultra left liberals who are pushing for open borders. None of them live in areas that aren't vastly inhabited by white people, like Malibu or Beverly Hills.  Who is the most affected? African Americans! That is where most of the illegals set up shop. SO if you really actually cared about black people, you wouldn't support open borders.

Good on Trump. How many those homeless are addicted to fentanyl coming across the border or from China? What percentage are working age men? I'm pretty sure ICE agents aren't "rounding up" illegals picking fruit in orchards, driving down the cost of labour. Want someone to dig a ditch? Just go to Home Depot and hire and illegal for 10$ an hour instead paying an American 15$. It's that easy. Liberals have no conception of reality in California.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Trump’s uneducated and unskilled white base has been taught that they did nothing wrong and it’s the illegals taking their jobs and reverse discrimination holding them back. And somehow deporting a dishwasher in LA will suddenly create blue collar jobs in Kentucky. Kentucky, the place where coal workers, nearly exclusively white, and portrayed as hard working people who can’t fnd jobs but inner city blacks are just lazy people who don’t want to work.

Good post. I thought the conservative view was that those who were left behind by a changing economy had themselves to blame. They loved to talk about maximizing human capital. I remember a Conservative MP in the UK talking about ‘getting on your bike’ and going somewhere else if your place of employment closed down.

It seems this principle is applied very sparingly and selectively these days.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

In a tweet , Trump referred to Brown as "Moonbeam," referencing a nickname a newspaper columnist coined for him in the 1970s.

Jerry Brown has been "Moonbeam Brown" for approximately four decades. If the shoe fits.......

And Traitor Trump will be a despised name for all humanity, just like Hitler and Mao. Donald Trump is an absolute pathetic disgraceful prima donna.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Did I miss something? How was Sheriff Joe racist?

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Just look at where all these ultra left liberals who are pushing for open borders. None of them live in areas that aren't vastly inhabited by white people, like Malibu or Beverly Hills. Who is the most affected? African Americans! 

Your media is telling you that the left supports open borders. It’s because they have no respect for your intelligence.

4 ( +6 / -2 )


-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Efforts to address the homeless crisis (and I do not choose that word lightly) have been mostly left to city and county governments - which is understandable as the challenges each area faces are different but leads to a major NIMBY problem, resulting in local entities simply trying to push the problem outside of their borders. I'd hope the state government would increase its involvement, perhaps setting up a task force including all local entities with more stringent rules about what is unacceptable and aid for what is desirable.

Regarding Trump's criticism of pardons, he may soon come to rue his words as Mueller's indictments creep closer to his inner circle and even his family members (Trump Jr. and Jared in particular). Those five immigrants Brown pardoned are unlikely to commit further crimes; the same cannot be so easily said about the Trump brood.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Your media is telling you that the left supports open borders. It’s because they have no respect for your intelligence.

When they see how many people believe the lies the right-wing MSM is telling them, they must just think ‘suckers’.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Jerry Brown has been "Moonbeam Brown" for approximately four decades. If the shoe fits.......

And Don the con has been a conniving racist since the 70s. If the shoe fits...

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I guess liberals didn’t bother to read the list of crimes these people committed. They were not “non violent crimes” as Brown said.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

So let’s see a link to said crimes.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

A link?! It’s in the article. Domestic violence, kidnapping, armed robbery. With a gun! Thought you guys don’t like those things?

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

He even insulted the mother of one of our Muslim fallen soldiers and said POWs are losers.

That was debunked so many times.

I don’t remember them being debunked once.

I do remember the actual quotes from Trump. Petulant trash-talk.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

“This month, we celebrate those who have exited the prison system and successfully reentered society ... we encourage expanded opportunities for those who have worked to overcome bad decisions ... and emphasize our belief in second chances.”

Donald Trump, announcing April as “second chance month” on the White House website two days earlier.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I don’t remember them being debunked once. 

I do.

I do remember the actual quotes from Trump. Petulant trash-talk.

That’s a bad thing.

Your media is telling you that the left supports open borders. It’s because they have no respect for your intelligence.

They do, I don’t see a single lefty doing anything about it, in fact, if ICE tries to work with the police, they might be subjected to being arrested or these politicians will rat on the illegal aliens to get out. You can’t name a single liberal that wants strict and hard border protection,

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

I don’t remember them being debunked once

I just did some googling. All I could find was a YouTube rant full of some guy’s conspiracy theories about muslims and pro trump screaming.

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence would never think it was anything remotely close to a debunking.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I just did some googling. All I could find was a YouTube rant full of some guy’s conspiracy theories about muslims and pro trump screaming. 

Well, that’s the problem, YouTube. Print is more of a treasure trove of intricate and detailed facts.

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence would never think it was anything remotely close to a debunking.

Then they wouldn’t be dealing with reality.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

I don’t remember them being debunked once. 

I do.

By whom? I’m not sure it’s even possible to ‘debunk’ actual quotes which are on record. You can debunk myths and roaringly stupid, straight out of the gutter conspiracy theories but I’m not sure how you do that with quotes.

Anyway, I’ll defer to your sources. Please post them.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Anyway, I’ll defer to your sources. Please post them.

I bet they are the same non-partisan historians who judged the Bush 2 years a success!

2 ( +4 / -2 )

They do, I don’t see a single lefty doing anything about it, in fact, if ICE tries to work with the police, they might be subjected to being arrested or these politicians will rat on the illegal aliens to get out. You can’t name a single liberal that wants strict and hard border protection

It must get confusing when one can't discern the difference between a lefty and a liberal, mind.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Wow, did you see the new news? Mueller has a smoking gun on Trump, and when Trump was confronted about it, he admitted he not only colluded with the Russians, but that he owes Putin $35million.

Now we know why Trump is so corrupt.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

California Gov. Jerry 'Moonbeam' Brown has been at the game for 4 decades now, must have been doing something right. Trump can't do anything right. He's a crybaby who can't be dealt with, can't be negotiated with, ain't fit for discussion groups, can't be worked with. Now we see that he has this 'mama's boy' complex with a call girl and he loves to get spanked. Words fail me. California needs to ignore this clod, prohibit his stupid vanity wall and handle its affairs themselves. Trump is utterly undependable, stupid and worthless.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

While SuperLib and base4funk continue to blame this problem on "conservatives" or "liberals", it's obviously a problem that both sides neglect. Division and the, "it's us or them" mentality needs to stop or nothing will change for the better!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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