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Trump blasts media, anonymous sources -- after White House uses them


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This is another distraction. What is going on with Russia? Why is the Trump Administration trying to get the FBI to hush things up about Russia? That's the real story. I've never been to CPAC, but if it was ever a serious political event it is no longer. A crowd that will stand around chanting "Lock 'er up!" or "USA! USA!" is clearly made up of mouth-breathers and small-bore malcontents.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

He told the conservatives the health care law he inherited from President Barack Obama threatens to bring about “total catastrophe,” reiterating his promise to repeal and replace it.

So far the 'catastrophe' has been Republican congressional members facing their constituencies (aka voters, aka citizens of the US, aka American people) in public forums and listening to the crowds express anger that their health care might be taken away, believing the Republicans have no replacement for it.

U.S. President Donald Trump unloaded on the news media Friday for using anonymous sources — just hours after members of his own staff insisted on briefing reporters only on condition their names be concealed.

How anyone except a Trump-true-believer or someone who wants to see US institutions further crushed could find this in anyway acceptable is beyond me. Any limitation placed on a free press beyond current legal limitations is a step on the way to a Putin-like repressive kleptocracy.

Do Americans really want to have a media that functions like those in Russia, North Korea, Iran or Saudi Arabia?


5 ( +7 / -2 )

So it's all FAKE NEWS, FAKE FACTS, FAKE SOURCES,FAKE PEOPLE,Obama care(which is originally called the affordable care act)according to twitLER that's causing America all these problems!!?? To me it's more like Shiny things , shiny things , ignore the fact that the FBI found evidence of pre election contacts with Russia by people in trumpy camp, and also ignore the questionable actions that have been taken by the trumpy administration. But it's all the media and fake reporters thats causing the problems.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

"What is going on with Russia? "

The Democrats are still trying to prove they tipped the election to Trump?


Clinton: SHOW YOUR 33,000 EMAILS!

Faulkner: Journalists should meet Trump half way on sources


-12 ( +2 / -14 )


We are beyond that. Not the issue anymore..

But it's all the media and fake reporters thats causing the problems.

Most of it, yes. That's without a doubt.

ignore the fact that the FBI found evidence of pre election contacts with Russia by people in trumpy camp, and also ignore the questionable actions that have been taken by the trumpy administration.

But having contacts or conversations with Russia is not illegal.

-19 ( +0 / -19 )

@brbush Yawn, that's ancient history. Nobody cares anymore.

Do you mean Russians don't care? Remember, the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP. Russian bots and hackers played a role in influencing the minority that did vote for him, but I think the majority of Americans DO care. As I imagine do many Europeans who don't want to see Russian bots and hackers trying to influence their elections.

Free elections and a free press are important to most Europeans and Americans. Russia doesn't have them. Why try to drag other nations down to Russian level?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Trump blasts media, anonymous sources -- after White House uses them

Make products in the US....even though I don't. Leaks are good....unless they are against me. Hire American workers...but I don't have to. Show your birth certificate...but my taxes are irrelevant. Don't be mean and nasty to me...those ugly pigs. Round up the illegal workers...but not the one I married. The electoral college is rigged....but not when I win it.

Is there enough evidence to describe the American President as a hypocrite? Once this is established, from there I'd like to have a comparison of past presidents.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

I'd ask Trump to spell "hypocrisy", but I don't think he can even spell his own name, let alone understand or admit the word applies to him more than anyone else.

bass4funk: "We are beyond that. Not the issue anymore.."

Hahaha... and yet, aren't Republicans who are too scared to show up at town hall meets for fear of children smarter than them asking questions now demanding to reopen Bengazhi AGAIN and try some people? Yeah, "we're past that", when it's an issue you clearly want to avoid, but that's all.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

PTownsend: that's because millions of illegals voted, right?

This is the begining of a facist government and people are buying it.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Here's an accurate report:



-13 ( +1 / -14 )

C'mon Serrano. Post some original content. Give us your thoughts and opinions and explain them. Back up your positions with evidence. Engage in the conversation.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Serrano: right, ban the press not aligned to you. The reason why the alt-right/alt-reality press is enjoying this very moment is because the freedom of the press. The right to spread misinformation (Obama wasn't born in the US, FEMA camps for the opposition, $200M per day visit, chemtrails, none existing of videos about haversting the brain of a fetus, millions of illegals voting, largest crowd ever for an inauguration, etc...).

You are walking a dangerous path my friend.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

My only reaction is it's possible to hate both venal narcissists like Trump and the media. Just like it's possible to loathe the deep state/intelligence communities and cheeto in chief. Walking and chewing gum. Clinton/Obama era centrists want to cozy up with the CIA, shrieking McCarthyites, and the corporate media, strange bedfellows considering their ostensibly progressive aims.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

U.S. President Donald Trump unloaded on the news media Friday for using anonymous sources — just hours after members of his own staff insisted on briefing reporters only on condition their names be concealed.


Trump told the Conservative Political Action Conference that while not all reporters are bad, the “fake news” crowd “doesn’t represent the people

No just you.

This is the begining of a facist government and people are buying it.

Nah. the facist gov has been here since the Bush years, but it was inching ever so slowly into our lives. Trump is making it shoot right in super fast.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Hahaha... and yet, aren't Republicans who are too scared to show up at town hall meets for fear of children smarter than them.

Yeah, smart when someone spoon feeds them one-sided outlined garbage.

asking questions now demanding to reopen Bengazhi AGAIN and try some people? Yeah, "we're past that", when it's an issue you clearly want to avoid, but that's all.

Listen, the GOP are making a huge mistake, getting caught off guard by these lunatics. These GOP leaders should do what Scott Walker and Mark Sansford did, meet these people head on, be patient and answer every single question,vthey both handled that mop beautifully and or NOT speak to these crowds and allow themselves to be bum rushed until they promise to sim,er down. Liberals are so notoriously famous for usually not letting people to finish a sentence or get a word edgewise in.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

looking up the two women who wrote this very slanted story, its very apparent where their politics lie. Both very liberal at at least one of them is a contributer to Salon, one of the most regressively left "news sites" on the net

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Trump was wrong when he made US citizens distrustful of their country and he is wrong when he make them distrustful of the media. It is not a healthy state of mind for a country or its citizens. It is wrong.

Multiple news outlets denied access to White House press briefing


2 ( +3 / -1 )

CNN says they will keep reporting even if not invited. Since they make stuff up as they go along or get propaganda talking points from the DNC, other than having to watch future WH press briefings on CSPAN, nothing will really change for them. . . .

-7 ( +1 / -8 )


It sounds like you believe that the writers' politics lie somewhat to the left of Trump's.

That would make them reassuringly normal.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

@lucabrasi - If highly emotional, histrionic Chicken Littles are normal - I guess so..

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

So, lets ban the media and the "truth" will be delivered to you by DT and co. How does that suit you right-wingers? Because let's not forget the media is fake news - just look at the lie that was Watergate.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

This is a man who cited anonymous sources back when he was leading the charge in the Obama birther movement (sources which in hindsight had to have been fake). He used to pose as his own publicist under a made up name, John Barron, to fluff his own image. He slapped his name on a university designed to fleece his poor gullible fans. He continuously spouts demonstrably false "facts," and he's never once owned up to any of these things.

He's been a con man right up to and still into his presidency, so spare me the BS fake accusations. He doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to being fake.

3 ( +3 / -0 )


Distractor-in-Chief trolls while GOP dismantles all your protections, America.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

snub the corporate media Trump, Americans are sick of their lies anyways.

I'll bet you can't list even five specific news story "lies" by the same MSM outlet in the past 6 months. Go for it. See if you can convert me to the shining beautiful truth of Breitbart and RT.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I'll bet you can't list even five specific news story "lies" by the same MSM outlet in the past 6 months. Go for it. See if you can convert me

plasticmonkey - I don't have all day to list the fake news spewed out over the past 6 months, but let me start with two;

Brexit and Donald Trump had zero chance of success.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Northernlife - Beautiful!

Keep it coming, because its ignorant statements like that that led to Brexit, elected Trump, and will lead to more positive change in the west!

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Brexit and Donald Trump had zero chance of success.

Someone doesn't know what 'fake news' means.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Trumph wants to control the media like his mentor Putin.

He is using Putin's version of media control. If you say what he wants then that is alright. BUT report on something he does not want reported on, then you get kicked out of the news room.

FAKE news is a problem, but is not a reason to control the media.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

awwww, Stranger. Another tough day at the keyboard eh?

Heres a case of virtue signalling.

at 3:35pm, a lightweight hears that progressive liberals are calling someone, say Hitler, "cool"

at 3:36, that same lightweight (lets say you, for example) without understanding why, declares Hitler "cool" because its he wants so bad to be seen as virtuous.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Someone is saying 'That was X', then showing Y as a comparison.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Stranger, I just heard Lena Dunham said its "cool" to transfer thousands of dollars to Clamenza's bank account!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Great to see the White House show the respect that fake news (and in one case the "very fact news") organizations deserve.

Bravo, President Trump. . . .

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Great to see the White House show the respect that fake news (and in one case the "very fact news") organizations deserve.

And yet, none of you can show any stories that were fake news.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Northern life: "Trump knows how to play the stupid."

Unintentionally, but yes. I don't think he's smart enough to be pulling his own strings; he just sees the dogs nipping at his heels, begging, and likes it. Putin is telling him what to do.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


Go to any corporate media website and randomly click your mouse 5 times anywhere on the page.

There you'll find your 5 lies.

There you go. You lose. You can't do it. Don't make me do it for you.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Burning Bush: can we include Fox News, Breitbart too?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I cannot understand how some of the people with above average intelligence blindly defend and attempt to make excuses for the things the trumpy administration has been doing. Has the world truly gone mad? Is this the end of times they prophecisied about ?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Someone doesn't know what 'fake news' means.

Unfortunately, it seems no distinction is made anymore between fake news and biased news.

Banning certain news organizations from press briefings because of their biases is worrying. Personally, I hate the BBC news and find it biased in all kinds of weird ways. But to ban them is a step towards a very scary situation.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I cannot understand how some of the people with above average intelligence blindly defend and attempt to make excuses for the things the trumpy administration has been doing.

There are a few reasons for it.

1) Many of them are just disenfranchised with society. They are frustrated with working hand-to-mouth. They are frustrated with increases in crime reports, and increases in reports of criminals getting lenient sentences. They are frustrated with not being able to buy everything the media is selling them. Trump ran on a campaign of disrupting the status quo, and this was appealing to them.

2) Some of them are anarchists. They want the status quo destroyed, because they want to see everyone scrambling.

3) Some of them a just trolls. They don't have an agenda other than just annoying people (think Milo Yiannopolis).

4) Some of them are racists. Trump ran on a campaign of division, and this appeals to them.

For these people, the issues that have been happening with the white house are acceptable, because they don't disrupt the reasons they have followed Trump in the first place.

For most of the groups I listed, the only thing that will make them stop liking Trump is if they start to hurt financially to the point that their financial pain overtakes the reasons they support Trump. The group most likely to start being anti-Trump is the first group - the disenfranchised. If Trump doesn't make their life better, they will be like the people who supported Obama and became frustrated when he didn't bring the change they had hoped for. The other three groups though will be much less likely to turn on Trump, as it would take a significant amount of financial hardship, that they attribute to government policies, to overrides their anarchist tendencies, their trollism, and their racism.

So the first group are the ones we need to work with/on.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

You never meet a Trump fan who is content in life. They all have an axe to grind about something and Trump is the savior who will make everything better. Add to your list the anti-liberals, the people who hate liberals more than they love America. In their minds Obama kicked their teeth in so they responded by supporting the biggest bully they could find who will fight their wars for them while quietly accepting the collateral damage as a small price to pay for having their fragile egos restored.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Trump fans are so gross! I bet they all have cooties and don't even brush their teeth! Ewwwwwww!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

You never meet a Trump fan who is content in life. They all have an axe to grind about something and Trump is the savior who will make everything better.

You used to be one of my favorite posters. This was mostly because of your thoughtful and especially balanced posts. Recently though, I noticed that balance disappear.

Perhaps Jon Stewart can help:

'There is now this idea that anyone who voted for him (Trump) has to be defined by the worst of his rhetoric. '

Bless Jon Stewart. As usual, he is right on the mark.


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Super: "C'mon Serrano. Post some original content. Give us your thoughts and opinions and explain them"

I dunno, Super, I've been advised not to waste too much time trying to get you libs to see the light, but well, are you still actually not aware that CNN is basically fake news? Of course you never bothered to check out the H A Goodman video I posted, did you?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

are you still actually not aware that CNN is basically fake news?

There is no denying that CNN is biased news. But biased does not equate to fake.

Fake news is news that is based on untruths and purposefully written to deceive the reader/watcher. It is not news that you just don't like because it doesn't fit your bias.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Yeah, smart when someone spoon feeds them one-sided outlined garbage.

No, Trump's wall story is one-sided since it won't happen anyway. Trump voters are dumb enough to believe the wall will be built (and Mexicans will pay for it)

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Serrano:. are you still actually not aware that CNN is basically fake news?

That just too much of a broad statement to have any meaning. Can you be more specific?

Things like death panels, the stand down order, planned parenthood selling baby parts, Clinton being near death, etc, were made up but gained belief through reporting by outlets like Fox News and Breitbart. On social media, if you look at articles deemed to be fake (as in completely made up, like the Pope endorsing Trump), they were in much, much higher circulation with Trump fans than Clinton fans. Look at opinion polls of Trump fans and most believe in pizzagate and Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya. And Trump himself has been caught looking in the camera and lying to the public.

Would you consider that evidence of fake news being a problem on your side?

And do you support a position that gives an American President the right to ban news organizations he doesn't like from access? The examples above are more evidence of fake news than you have on CNN but I've never said they should be barred from accessing the president and asking questions. That's just Trump being weak, in my opinion.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

His actions proves his hiding something.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Sean Spicer in December just 2 months ago:

Question: “One of the things that the Trump campaign gained notoriety for, and was criticized for, was banning reporters and banning outlets. You’ve said, I think, that that’s not going to happen....”

Spicer: “Look, there’s a big difference between a campaign where it is a private venue using private funds and a government entity. I think we have a respect for the press when it comes to the government. That is something you can’t ban an entity from. Conservative, liberal or otherwise - that’s what makes a democracy a democracy versus a dictatorship.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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