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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Trump calls accusers 'horrible horrible liars'
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You Christian right wingers, how can you vote for such an immoral loser. Obviously he has attacked women for decades because he thought he was entitled to do so as he was a celebrity. He is everything thing you claim to hate, divorced three times, probably an atheist, corrupt to the core yet you support this loser. On the other hand for 8 years Obama has never once been a target of the press on sexual misconduct or anything else immoral. He has kept the country out of failed wars and rebuilt the economy after it was destroyed by the Bush losers. He is everything you want in a President, deeply religious, but yet he is reviled and Trump is revered. What is the difference between the two, hum, I just cannot put my finger on it. Been married only once and not three times, no, cares about his kids while Trump left parenting to his wives, no that is not it. What could it be? Anyone have a wild guess on what makes Obama different from Trump? The support is really a black and white issue. But I just cannot figure it out. Any regressive types want to explain this? Please white, I mean write, your reply. You can use black humour if you like.
This is the guy hired to defend Trump vs. the NYT:
You mean that presidency that ended with two wars ongoing, the biggest recession in 100 years, losses of 750,000 jobs per month, people losing their houses left and right, and a bill yet to come for the wars started?
Why would anyone be better off with that?
And how would those people who now have healthcare be better off with that?
Mike L
Roll up, roll up!
See the incredible self-imploding man! One time only deal!
Bass4funk: "...Obama will leave us with another war..."
Ah, the trusty 'time machine' argument! Yes, yes... Obana started the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and Hillary was in NY for 9/11, right? Oh, and I forgot! GWB killed OBL! And don't forgot the vote is on November 28th!
Sioux Chef
I don't need to sing any tune. Women have come forward to let everyone know that he does, in fact, commit sexual assault.
And if we learned anything from Bill Cosby, it's that we can be certain there are a whole lot more where they came from.
More and more filth coming out every day on the hopeful Creeper-In-Chief . . . like him walking in on Miss Teen USA pageant contestants--some as young as 15--while they were changing:
Ivanka's response when Ms. Billado brought it to her attention?
Of course, we already knew that he did the same thing to Miss USA contestants (because he personally bragged about that on Stern):
The Republicans invented swiftboating and birtherism, and now their candidate is claiming that he is a victim of a campaign of lies.
Aside from the fact that he is on tape bragging about everything that he now claims is a lie and conspiracy.
Ahh sorry I forgot you guys live in the anti-reality bubble.
You can thank the Republicans and their absolute refusal to implement a single-payer system for that one.
Simon Foston
sfjp330OCT. 14, 2016 - 01:19PM JST
Oh, I see. It's nothing at all to do with the actual topic of the article.
bass4funkOCT. 14, 2016 - 01:54PM JST
And then completely failed to answer the question as it appears you totally missed the point. I'll assume that was deliberate.
Black Sabbath
The Republican party.
Trump is starting to resemble a modern version of Mad King Lear.
Now people are guilty based on no proof and/or soundbites. The collusion between Clinton`s campaign and the media is so corrupt. I guess Americans still want that.
Clinton started on the dirt. Just policy talk is best but the media has tons of relevant information that they never talk about. Only hearsay about sex scandals.
'It's obvious to everyone with more than one brain cell that the political system is rigged. The press which was supposed to be neutral and report facts but is 99% liberals, covers for Hillary and attacks Christians and conservatives which constitute nearly half of the US population. Then you have the UN chief, Wall street, anyone with a financial interest, openly using their influence not for the welfare of the US but for their own pockets. So yeah, the election is corrupted. And yes the country is divided. Lets see, who has been running it for the last 8 years? MMMmmm could they have any responsibility for where we find ourselves? Of course not, it's everyone elses fault. After all thats what liberals do, blame everyone one else. Win or lose Trump has opened a few peoples eyes up to the horrible mess we are in. It is inevitable that the system will come crashing down, maybe we just have to wait another 4 years.'
Outrider: not one word on the article, I guess. Typical deflection from Trump fans.
The election is over. A foregone conclusion thanks to DJT.
Of course not. He has nothing, no proof, no policies, no ideas, no credibility, no moral sense, no idea of the real world, no honesty, no personality, no decency, no billions, just... 100% of nothing. Like the nobody Donald is.
Fred Wallace
Unbiased media, a relic in the good ol us of a.
MrBum OCT. 14, 2016 - 10:01AM JST Obama was dealing with a massive economic crisis in his first term. He had the most uncooperative congress in history in his second term. Hopefully Republicans won't get in the way of Democratic policies this time around.
Obama ducked his opportunity to call out Americans to a higher standard, to work hard, value education, protect women and cherish family, be responsible for oneself and also help others, especially amongst his race, instead, a lame liberal elitist arrives to pay back his idiot horde with government funds, so practically speaking, he been a lame duck since the beginning.
LagunaOCT. 14, 2016 - 11:44AM JST How can any true Trumpian join a "loyal opposition" after this type of crazed rhetoric?
What is Hillary Clinton's plan to improve lives of middle to lower income people?
@Simon Foston
I totally agree with sfjp330, I cannot understand what you are getting at.
Clinton wants to continue Obama`s handy work. Lets talk a moment to reflect.....
Healthcare has increased, in 2017 it will become unaffordable to many.
Small businesses are damaged by Obamacare and can only hire part time workers.
Since 2009 more manufacturing jobs that supported inner city minorities have left the country as well as flight captial thanks to "Tax the Rich" mentality aka PANAMA PAPERS
USA is now in a new cold war with Russia, stand offs with China, supporting Saudi genocidal attacks on Yemen, left a power vaccum in Iraq and bombed Libya into a failed stated that created a TERROR ARMY and a refugee crisis comparable to WW2, 15 years at war in Afganistan with record breaking OPIUM production, constant drone strikes in Pakistan with absolutely NO RESULTS, illegal immigrant crisis with Central Americans fleeing to the US since the ATF armed all the drug cartels via Project Fast and Furious, did I miss something from the Nobel Peace President?
Militarized training and equipment for local police agencies which has now led to a plague of police brutality, highjacked by monopolized media agencies to manipulate race relations to further divide the country.
Doubling the national debt during a ZERO%! interest rate WITHOUT REBUILDING the manufacturing industry due to stiffling regulations under the pretense of Climate Change.
TTIP & TPP which will give corporations the SAME LEGAL POWER AS A COUNTRY, except a corporation has no borders. Guess who gets stuck on the bottom of that no tariff pyramid....
Well at least now I can use whatever washroom I want to! GOOD JOB OBAMA! and so many want to continue this madness through Clinton?
To make it clear again- Obama/Clinton are globalist. Globalist do not care about ordinary people. Trump is a nationalist. He actually wants to help his countrymen.
Simon Foston
Fred WallaceOCT. 14, 2016 - 06:12PM JST
You seem to have forgotten who this article is about. Donald Trump, who seems to have memory problems as well because he says things and contradicts himself hours later.
Serrano: Do you sit at home all day watching Right-wing nutters private YouTube clips to make yourself feel better, bud? Proof that you're only filling yourself with hatred to reflect from reality is evident in your post about blaming women for being assaulted. But do please go out and vote on November 28th, Serrano! hahaha... I noticed you tried to blame that one on Hillary, too! (then quickly posted another link to another winger YouTube video you clicked on!).
We need someone with your tenacity to get Trump to release his taxes because of the national security issues. Are you interested?
David Howell
The diference betwen Obama and Trump is simply that Obama is ho nest, decent, and intelligent.
Anyone but Trump.
Simon Foston
bass4funkOCT. 15, 2016 - 04:15AM JST
I seem to recall Julian Assange boasting a while back that rolling out the Clinton emails in October would have a significant impact on the election, but I don't suppose you think there's anything unethical, sneaky or dishonest about that. Not quite working out as expected though, is it? That could be media bias, or it could be all down to the simple fact that it's Trump Clinton's running against and "Clinton tries to get primary date moved" just doesn't have the attention grabbing power of "9th woman accuses Trump of groping." I mean, really - against any other Republican candidate there's every possibility that her campaign would be dead in the water and the Wikileaks really would finish it off, but there you have it.
StrangerlandOCT. 14, 2016 - 11:00AM JST And people call Clinton a hawk. She may be a hawk, but if she is, it's a calculated one. He's just one who can't handle affronts to his ego, and would react violently if someone went against it. Well here's news Trump - millions of people across the world, if not billions, hate you.
Obama only knows how to campaign and play to his supporters. He was not a leader or consensus builder when he was elected and he still isn't. He has never had an interest in working with a bipartisan congress. Obama is the most divisive president in the past century and the fact that he was elected twice has made me lose a little hope for once great country. Hillary Clinton will continue Obama's history. Hell with middle class and poor people.
Simon FostonOCT. 14, 2016 - 12:06PM JST Hm. Just imagine if someone took Trump to court accusing him of sexual assault, in either a civil or criminal case.
How is your accusation affect middle lower to poor people?
Simon Foston OCT. 14, 2016 - 12:32PM JST Sorry, that question is incomprehensible, Middle lower to poor people? What on earth are you taking about? Hm. Just imagine if someone took Trump to court accusing him of sexual assault, in either a civil or criminal case. How well do you think the "but what about Hillary" defense would work out for him?
How is your accusation affect majority of middle lower to poor people for people in U.S.?
StrangerlandOCT. 14, 2016 - 01:22PM JST You mean 8 years ago when they were losing 750,000 jobs per month, and people were losing their houses left and right, in the biggest recession in 100 years?
Maybe should be better off with your friend George Bush Jr. ? Powell justified the invasion of Iraq with WMD?
Sioux Chef
What he was describing IS assault. It doesn't matter what it looked like in his mind.
Can DT still actually win? Were the Republicans smart when they nominated him? It's funny how so many here defend him and think he's a great man. They also think he's a great business leader. They think he's up there like with the ranks of Bill Gates or Warren Buffet.
If Trump wouldn't be the one to potentially win as a result, I'd agree with you fully. But letting him become president is downright dangerous. The guy has stated he would start war if some sailors flipped the bird at some other sailors on a boat.
Bass4funk: "No, but more soldiers in Afghanistan were killed on his watch."
Doesn't matter, since NONE would have been if your hero had not started the war to begin with. Super-easy to make up lies and start a war, bud. Not nearly as easy to stop them -- especially when you guys keep on lying about why they were started to begin with.
"... but had Clinton done his his job in killing him, we would have never had a 9/11. "
Hahaha! Like I sai, time machine argument. 9/11 happened on bush's watch because he ignored all warnings. You fell right into that one! And pres tel, when was ISIS formed, bud? And please, no Breitbart or Judicial Watch links, since we all know they are BS. Ah, you'll time-machine it anyway, so I'll tell you: ISIS was formed in the late 90's, but gained traction in the power vacuum created by the illegal invasion of Iraq, in 2003. The country was destabilized thanks to said attack. Who was president then?
I know, I know... you think the fault jumped directly from Clinton to Obama, and when Hilary wins it'll be her that started it all, but if Trump were to have won it would be Obama's war, etc., but the fact is that your original statement of MORE war is absurd, since Obama started NONE. You can thank his predecessor -- or, I'm guessing, you'll just stick to the usual time-machine denial (and at the same time tell us not to look at the past... except Bill Clinton!).
You make that claim as though you know for a fact that 9/11 was completely dependent on bin Laden. (It wasn't; the main architect, according to the Bush Administration, was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.) Al Qaeda had key leaders besides bin Laden, but that's a dishonest person's way of pinning the blame for the attack on Bill Clinton.
Who is responsible for the disaster known as Donald J. Trump -- a person you called a "lunatic" -- leading the GOP ticket?
If you ever actually pick up a liberal-leaning publication like The Atlantic or The New Republic, you would find plenty of critical analysis of positions taken by other liberals. But there's a vast difference between criticizing a position and attacking the person holding the position. You'll find numerous articles in each criticizing Hillary Clinton over the email scandal.
The basic values of liberals include a respect for democratic processes that the founders wrote into our constitution. The very values that Trump is attacking when he falsely claims that everything is "rigged." Trump and his followers foment distrust in our very system of government -- making it more possible for a truly malevolent form to replace it.
Pence, frankly, I am very disappointed about your comments. Trump has been the biggest liar in the US history. A self- confessed sexual predator, whose unethical behavior is disqualified for the post of President of the USA. President Obama and First Lady Michelle have expressed their just critics. Let's hope that Obama will instruct his Attorney General to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate Trump's possible connections with the enemies of our nation in, among the other things, cyberhacking of the Democrat e-mails.
But back to the topic of the war mongering you guys keep deflecting with (by calling Hillary a war monger, and with the posters of GWB, who actually started the wars, still on your walls)... you HONESTLY think that no new wars would start with Trump at at the helm? Because the guy is anti-everything -- even his own party and the people in it. What's more, ask yourselves, HONESTLY (and I know that's tough!), WHY would Russia want or threaten the US with nuclear war if Trump doesn't win? It's really only one of two reasons:
1) Russia and Trump really are in collusion, despite them both denying it after Trump talked about how much he admires and respects Putin.
2) Okay, it really only is one reason, with the aforementioned reason just being part of it. Russia wants Trump to win for the same reason that many Dems still want Trump in the race despite many in the GOP asking him to leave or asking people to just drop support and focus on saving themselves; it guarantees the other party victory. He'll destroy the US from within, and what better way for Russia and China to move to the head of the world stage? Putin is not stupid -- he knows a Hillary win is likely and he's doing what he can to foment the paranoia and hate that always gets Republicans going. The US will go down in a ball of flames without Russia needing to do anything if Trump one.
Or, you can kid yourself that somehow all wars will suddenly end if Trump were to take control, and he would usher in a new era of peace, joining all nations, religions, colours, creeds, and beliefs besides in equality and harmony.
And yet for years, you've been following Fox "News" without complaint, even with all their ridiculous anti-Obama bias. They have never been objective about Obama, and they've never been fair about their reporting. It never bothered you until the supposed anti-media bias was against Trump.
Maybe you want us to feel bad for the media being critical about Trump. But, between the anti-Obama bias shown over the past 8 years by Fox "News", and the fact that Trump has said so many ridiculous things it can hardly be considered bias to report all of those ridiculous things, I would bet the majority of us have zero sympathy whatsoever for the Fox "News" watchers and the Trump supporters.
All news outlets lean one at or the other. The GOP myth is that the right wing media doesn't exist.
How can Christians vote for Trump?
^ I fixed that for you.
nadaku OCT. 14, 2016 - 08:33AM JST Of course not. He has nothing, no proof, no policies, no ideas, no credibility, no moral sense, no idea of the real world, no honesty, no personality, no decency, no billions, just... 100% of nothing. Like the nobody Donald is.
Many Americans, particularly the middle class, aren’t feeling improvements as much as they should be. Obama and the Democrats failure of minimum wage legislation and wage equality laws for much of it, and the trickle down low wages. Hillary Clinton will continue the low wages for middle class and the poor.
@wontond - I agree with you completely! It is a bizarre and embarrassing election campaign. And people still dig in and defend "their candidate", in spite of it all.
Finally, something rich from Donald.
Sioux Chef
You conveniently leave out what happened right before these women came forward: Trump said that he has never sexually assaulted anyone during the presidential debate--after being caught on tape bragging about doing just that.
The real question you should be asking is why most women who are assaulted or harassed remain silent to begin with. And when you figure out the answer to that, ponder how that might be compounded by the fact that your attacker/harasser is wealthy, famous, or otherwise powerful.
wontondOCT. 14, 2016 - 08:39AM JST So the Republican candidate is a sexual predator,
Bill Clinton has had numerous affairs during his marriage. Several women have also accused him of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Clinton of raping her in a Little Rock hotel room in 1978, has said that Hillary Clinton “tried to silence” her several weeks after the alleged rape.
zurcroniumOCT. 14, 2016 - 10:42AM JSTObama could be a saint and Trump the devil but republicans will praise Trump. The answer could be found in Obama's blackground if you look there. Where Trump thinks Obama was born maybe?
If people would be honest and just put ideology on the back burner, Obama is a bad president for one reason and one reason alone. He has no concept of leading and negotiating. Reagan found a way to sit down with O'Neil. Clinton worked things out with Gingrich and BOTH presidents were successful and the country moved forward. This is the pitfall of electing a community activist.
Sure he did, in the first half of his first term, when the democrats could have put through anything, he made a solid effort to work bipartisanly. But the right had no interest in that, because they were bitter than he won the election.
This is another case of the right not being willing to work with him at all, then blaming him for not working with them. You cannot move forward with someone whose only goal is to pull you back.
And I noticed you entirely skipped over my points about Chump starting a war over his ego.
Oh, haven't you been watching the debates? She clearly laid it out in the first one. I suggest you actually take a moment to research the answer to your question, as the answers are there to be seen if you bother to look.
Someone has been very active with multiple accounts, not going to help in about 4 weeks...
Simon Foston OCT. 14, 2016 - 12:32PM JST Sorry, that question is incomprehensible. What accusation? Middle lower to poor people? What on earth are you taking about?
Let me make it clear. What has Obama done to improve standards of living in the past 8 years?
A guy that lied on over 80 percent of his claims during the second debate, attacking others for lying?
That's rich!
It's gonna keep getting worse folks, you must know that.
All Conservatives think Obama was born in Kenya. And I was very dissapointed in Obama when he released his long form. He should have just laughed at all the birther Conservatives for the fools they really are. And now Conservatives think Trump will be the best president the US will ever have. They even think Trump is a better businessman than Bill Gates and Warren Buffet combined. OK conservatives- you wanted Trump since you think he is the best choice. You can have him.
What what about Trump? When do you ever criticize him? Your hypocrisy is astounding.
Serrano: "Thanks a lot, Hillary."
Hahaha!! That's even funnier than when you tried to pretend you never admitted to being 14 years old on this site while trying to talk to the grown-ups. Yeah, it's Hillary who made this nasty -- not the guy who is even telling off most in his own party (as you yourself did with Ryan), is a known bigot and racist, and says the N-word on his show. Stay classy, Serrano!
"Well at least we know from now until November 8th a new woman everyday will accuse Trump of raping her."
Ah, so now you're blaming the women again, eh? Quite a guy, Serrano; the victims are in the wrong for coming forward. And yet, if a woman comes forward against Clinton you squeal with delight.
"HIllary: "Hey random girls ... need cash ? Have loans to pay? ... maybe we could fix that if you go on TV and say that Trump groped you.""
Shame on you, Serrano. I'm serious. You should be very ashamed of yourself for suggesting the women coming forward were paid to do so, and that Trump is innocent of sexual assault. Next you'll be joining other Republicans in saying that "groping can't be called sexual assault", and you likely think it's a woman's fault if she was raped and dressed in sexy clothes.
They let people work in a business where they claim nothing happens with a reason? OK
What is very interesting about this whole topic is that Trump bragged on the bus of being able to assault ("grab") women at will and get away with it -- and when women come forward to back him up on his bragging -- he calls them horrible liars.
That's what they call in the business: "Rich."
Oh, I understand that when he bragged he could grab women by their genital region, he would not consider it assault.
He plays by his own set of rules.
It's kind of off to hear Trump attack Hillary by saying the she attacked Bill's accusers, then he directly attacks the women accusing him.
What about Trump? It's ok when he lies? Talk about hypocrites.
No, you don't get it. It IS wrong and disgusting to call women horrible liars when they step forward to verify Trump's bragging about sexually assaulting women? (In my view, any unwelcome grabbing or groping of genitals is assault. I believe the law will back me up on that.)
This is VERY much a current thing. You actually can't see that?
Who did this?
Sioux Chef
The military that this Cheetoh-dusted buffoon wants to lead most certainly characterizes that as sexual assault.
Cite the date or date period that the NYT did no stories on Hillary while it did 11 on Trump. You won't be able to, so why make ridiculous claims like that?
Well, if you cite the dates, you'll go a long way towards demonstrating that. Meanwhile, your view of "bias" is ludicrous. You think that just because a negative story on something happening today with Trump appears means that the media has to try to dig up something negative on Hillary from the past in order to be "fair." Utterly ridiculous.
As Strangerland said, if you really cared about bias, you'd be just as vocal about the obvious bias of Fox news.
Say we want to disregard the Clinton rule that misogynist behavior is to be ignored if committed by a Democratic president and first lady, and equally pretend that there's no chance that the NYT et al, working on this in their capacity as Hillary campaign surrogates since at least last March according to Carrie Prejean, could not scare up some women with fake stories, and that the Trump stories aren't fake. Say, ignore feminist Gloria Steinem's one-grope rule, and Susan Estrich's innocent-in-the-absence-of-proof statement ("On Crossfire, Clinton friend Susan Estrich claims that in the absence of proof, the benefit of the doubt goes to the accused, who is then declared innocent.").
That leaves felony rape (Bill) and felony witness intimidation (Hillary) and felony exposure of classified data (Hillary) and felony obstruction of justice (Hillary) and felony destruction of subpoenaed data (Hillary) vs. misdemeanor assault (Trump).
Besides that, the wikileaked emails and Goldman-Sachs speeches are showing Hillary to be somewhere to the right of Trump. Where are the masses of trendy lefties switching their vote from banker's friend / warmonger Hillary to Trump? Wasn't eight years of Obama in a king-size with Wall Street enough for you? Wanna go for eight more years?
You didn't answer the question, you just went on an anti-Clinton tirade. The question was how can Christians vote for Trump?
That would answer the question as to how an atheist can vote for Hillary then.
Only for those who deny reality.
No election is ever a "shame".
It reflects the "people" who are allowing that to happen.
And we are the people.
The fact that this election came to be so far is that we allowed the media and the candidates (especially the political parties behind the candidates) to move in that direction.
The entire election has been "personality" and "idealism" rather the really rational, practical, and urgent issues at hand.
Some can say that it was the media. Some can say that it was the candidates themselves.
Regardless... while everyone is pointing to everyone and to everything else... we as the voting public had "allowed" that to happen by "reacting" to them with our own emotional and idealistic view of politics but did nothing to keep the election process clean and meaningful and relevant.
True it is difficult for any one individual to influence the entire nation as Clinton and Trump are able to... but each person on the web or via mail could have written to and by sheer numbers could have changed the scenery.
It is like every politician spending so much time and effort complaining and accusing the other politician while the entire problem solving process and legislation get delayed or never gets to the voting stage. Even if it did... the politicians can prevent the funding while the President can veto at will just for his/her own political motivations.
And we the people had allowed that top happen by not taking action... Too many are spending all the time complaining and making comments which gets no "results". It is not just placing a "vote". It is also actively participating and making a difference.
(All of you complained so much about the people in our host country are so complacent and are just followers. But, often we are doing the same thing.)
It is difficult to do so while we are here in our host country... but. that is why we can take the web and social media.
Sadly, even those routes are now being hampered by our own government by their monitoring and restrictions.
Except on Stern's radio show he admitted he "does that kind of stuff".
"Trump is starting to resemble a modern version of Mad King Lear."
More like King leer.
In the same way that Republican representatives, senators, governors (and candidates) are scuttling off the sinking ship, the few remaining Trumptyites in the real world seriously need to reconsider their choices. The man needs to be thoroughly disinfected before being left out for pick-up.
MrBum: If Murdock pull the plug on the republican which all indication are showing. This will see changes that see these bill made into law. Another law will be the immigration. The Dem are very strong on these issues and with a dem dominated Congress will see a lot of changes. This will upset a lot of Rep comments on this forum.
The deal he made with Iran is a big deal. You and the Republicans might not agree, but those in national security and the rest of the world agree. As far as negotiating across the aisle, again, the most uncooperative congress in history. They'd rather do nothing than have America move forward under Obama.
Frederic Bastiat
At the end of the day, Trump will OWN NYT.
It's no coincidence that these unsubstantiated allegations are surfacing at this moment rather than during the primaries.
Vote Johnson! If you deplore Trump, vote for Johnson. If you despise Hillary, vote for Johnson. It's not a two-way race.
I completely understand the disdain for Trump and those who are against him. I agree that his presidency would be a disaster. However I do not understand why people continue to believe that Hillary Clinton will help the middle or lower class. I would much rather see someone like Bernie Sanders (in spite of some of the fiscal faults with his ideas) as the Democratic candidate. Again it seems one must be all in for Clinton or there is no room for discussion with some of her supporters.
The middle and lower class have not done well recently and this is not only Obama's fault or not only Bush's fault....this has been ongoing since the 90s (Those that blame Bush seem to forget Barnie Frank's (he was chairman of the house financial services committee) testimony right before the failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - those that blame Obama ignore he came into his Presidency with the deck stacked against him).
I consider myself a "classical liberal" leaning conservative on fiscal issues and I do not see either candidate representative of these ideals.
It is amazing how divided the U.S. has become, which is a shame. Americans seem to be divided in almost all regards. In Charlotte, which has a black chief of police, after a black police officer shot a black perpetrator the reaction among the black community was to beat the crap out of white people. At some political rallies there has been violence against supporters of the opposite candidate. On web-sites such as this people call each other pretty disgusting names (saying "Trump supporters are "childless single men who masturbate to anime" was 100% right"). Really?
It seems the ability for Americans (or not only Americans?) to disagree in a rationale manner has somehow disappeared in the past few years.
It would be nice to get a viable 3rd political party into the picture (for those that disagree I would really like to hear why this would not be good) as the 3rd party may help alleviate some of these issues.
Tokyo-Engr OCT. 14, 2016 - 12:01PM JST However I do not understand why people continue to believe that Hillary Clinton will help the middle or lower class.
Clinton will continue Obama's past. Nothing will change.
In 2006 I had a argument with a mate about how the banks were handing out home loans. I was of the opinion that the lending requirements were non existence and it will hit back hard. That was 2006 and two years later the GFC hit the world finical markets. It was blamed on the banks lending practices created by the Bush Admin. This caused the massive lay off of workers in the USA. Then Obama admin had to fix this mess the Bush admin left. It history and that how it is recorded. Now people have short memory and blame Obama for the massive lay offs. The fact is Obama admin bail out some of the biggest company in the USA preventing complete company failure and saving millions of worker Jobs. Now that trump is burnt and buried, Obama,s admin good work will get even better. Because The Rep senetors grip on congress look really really weak and you can thank Mr Trump for the next 4 years of a Dem Dominated USA government.
Interesting that he hasn't, at least not yet, threatened to sue any of these women.
JefferyDomer: The Companies moving production problem started with the Bush admin. Obama has try to off set the bushes admin failure by negating the Pacific Trade deal which Mexico has been pushing for 2 decades.Why? Because the only companies at the moment free from tariffs are those USA only companies base in Mexico. With the PTA which the Reps are holding up will make it harder for those USA company base in oversea to complete in the USA. The Obama admin realise that those USA company base over sea will move back if give economic essentives not listed under the PTA. No the Reps can not see past Trump hands which are quite small. Well with this all over except the size of the Democrat majority in the Big House. Things will improve and for a long long time, final, there is light at the end of the tunnel
Bill Murphy
Outrider at Oct. 14, 2016 - 07:25PM JST billmurphy, hillary may well have watched... ... ... ... ... ... Outrider you callous oaf! Chelsea IS their daughter - stop insinuating that she isn't, you cur! When Bill and Hillary came together it was a unique moment!
the making of false and defamatory statements in order to damage someone's reputation; slander. synonyms: slander, defamation (of character), character assassination, libel; vilification, traducement, obloquy, verbal abuse; informalmudslinging, trash-talk; rarecontumely "voters were tired of the candidates' endless barrage of calumny"
He a Criminal Business Man and sexual predator , She a Politician, One is a scam-bag ripoff merchant, Just look at the city of Atlanta. The other is a politician. Years ago the term Politician was held with respect but now the word meaning is more like lying s crook. So you left with two scam-bags. The ripoff merchant even up with lying politician so you are left with two scam-bags.. One has small hands and both feet in his mouth. The other has no respect with the common public. For the sake of world freedom USA come up with better leaders. I am sure you can do better, That Bernie Guy seem like the right person but you dump him for a potential first time women Pres, WOW. ( like the USA as to have a women president ) and the other has what the USA respect most of all "stardom and Fame". The USA has lost a lot of Cred through-out the world and it will take decades to restore that respect because of these two fools you put up as potential leaders.
smithinjapan: your comment about first class seats is false.
Christians should have a higher standard for Christ. Anyway there are other candidates.
Read the census information for 2015. Middle class income is up for the year, first time in a long time. Once again the Democratic President helps real people. Bill Clinton was last President when this happened. Bush destroyed all the gains when he let the economy collapse during this train wreck years.
So yes Clinton will carry on with the Obama policies, which are making the country better than 8 years ago by far. Facts, not fox news spin. Also Obama has not allowed a terrorist attack on the USA as Bush did, Clinton will continue that as well unlike Bush who let 9-11 happen because he did not want to read his intel reports
So the question is why would anyone want to return to failed policies of the republicans? Especially if this time they are delivered by a criminal sexual deviant and sociopath. You religious types in particular, Trump was trying to cheat on his pregnant wife and bragging about it. You republicans tried to impeach Clinton for much less. But no, the double standard is so huge. Trump is an immoral loser and Obama has been perfect in 8 years, family man, no scandals, nothing, but you retrogrades think Obama was born in Kenya and will vote for a scumbag like Trump. Basket of deplorables is so perfect a description. Lately Trump supporters are bring swastikas to the Trump rallies. Those folks are the true Trump base of support.
Something you haven't bothered to quantify, or perhaps you dare not try to.
How are N x felonies and a proven record of non-performance and anti-performance not worse than M x misdemeanors?
I have regularly on this site. I didn't bother in that post. Feel free to go through my posting history, or if you don't want be patient, I'll do it again.
Trump is burnt. Goneeee. Now, the GOP is like a smoldering fire. Trump is like the fan that burst the smouldering fire into flames each time Trump just opens his mouth. I really think the GOP is finish. When this race is finally over and the Dem,s hold power in both the white and the Big house, you will see fractures of the far right (tea party) of the GOP. You will have the Trump support dissolve into their only party. and that leaves the middle with Jed Bush. The rest will melt back into state and local politic all because no one will take the blame for putting up Trump. It will takes decades to rebuild a right of politics with enough people power and money to mount and creditable Champaign in USA Politics.
Maybe some of those women are actually lying. But I don't care.
America, just get rid of this mess by changing the law and allow President Obama another term. FDR did it. He can do it. This election is a shame.
I'm not seeing any such posts on the first two pages ... give you an out, maybe the mods deleted them ... no shame, though, the media also doesn't bother quantifying their support for Hillary. 40 years of scandals countered by ... what?
BTW "Queue deflection" should probably be "Cue deflection".
Not even with one toe. I'm about as far away from that camp as you can get.
Looks to me like someone has swallowed the slogan of mainstream media hook, line and sinker.
Looks to me like WilliB believes in whatever tabloid filters through his bubble.
LOL! yes... "out there" --
Nixon: Bombing in Cambodia and Laos Reagan: Iran contra Bush: Saddam's WMD
Trump: Keeping up that grand ole party's traditions.
Do you mean like back in the good ol' days when Hearst was claiming the Maine was sunk by the Spanish?
When I was a kid in the way back I had three different newspaper routes. Each time I'd go house to house to collect payment I'd hear how biased whichever paper I was collecting for was. In trying to get new subscriptions I'd hear how biased that paper was. My parents got two newspapers and griped at how biased they BOTH were. They subscribed to two national news magazines and griped about their biases.
You rightists have bought yet another rightist lie. There has always been bias in media. And there's no more biased media today than the ones rightists read and sem to believe meme for meme.
Critical thinking has always been required of anyone reading anything. Rightists inability to understand that and claim anyone who thinks different from them has been manipulated are showing a lack of critical thinking skills. And great bias.
So, all these accusations pop up within hours of each other, not even 24 hours apart, describing events that occurred years ago, and you're not even a little bit suspicious?
Especially as Wikileaks has been leaking Hillary campaign emails for days and the term 'wikileaks' doesn't even appear on Google News' front page?
Obama was dealing with a massive economic crisis in his first term. He had the most uncooperative congress in history in his second term. Hopefully Republicans won't get in the way of Democratic policies this time around.
I have to admit, I take the claims with a grain of salt, as they aren't proven, and there is plenty of motivation for people to lie about it. It's plausible that these women didn't say anything previously, as Trump is powerful and they didn't want to challenge him, but the video tape of him talking about assaulting women made it easier. But it's also plausible that some people hate him, and the video made for a good opportunity to make up something that didn't happen, or exaggerate it. I have no idea which it is, and at this moment, there is no way to know.
But if it is fake, Trump deserves ever bit he gets after pushing the BS birther campaign for five years after it was entirely debunked. And if it's real, Trump deserves every bit he gets and more, for sexually assaulting women.
I'm not sure what you are talking about - I just looked at the Fox "News" top page, and there are way more stories critical of Hillary than there are of Trump.
And I don't remember any of the media attacking Christians.
Wow. Trump's latest speech was one for the ages. Whether cravenly dishonest or in fact this insane, he does not belong anywhere near the White House. Some choice sections:
Hmm. So Clinton is apparently conniving with some secret cabal of international bankers (dog whistle: Protocols of Zion) to strip the US of its sovereignty and enslave its citizens. True madness.
His supporters are lapping it up, of course. The aftermath of the election is truly worrisome. How can any true Trumpian join a "loyal opposition" after this type of crazed rhetoric?
Unbelievable! check the Huffington post then check the Drudge report. Complete polar opposites for information. America,whats up with that?
"I don't want him to change"
Neither do the Democrats.
Same logic as to why Hillary isn't guilty for anything regarding the emails. Glad you see the logic.
Bill Murphy
It's good to see that the campaign has finally settled down to a debate over important issues. I thought that trivial stuff about foreign policy, the economy and policing practices would drag on FOREVER.
So, a woman said he lifted the armrest between them as they sat in first class on a commerical flight...
There is no armrest separating seats in first class.
Fred Wallace
The hillary bots here, once you vote, this is what you should expect. The repercussions of which I hope will dwell heavily on your minds for the rest of your lives.
Let's all welcome the war monger in chief!!
Domtoidl: yes, there are -- on smaller planes and even older large planes. Seats are bigger, but those side by side still have armrests -- unless they're "loveseats", then you have the same problem.
Fred Wallace: No GOP supporter has the right to fear monger about war, nor to think Trump will usher in anything but something worse. You think Russia wants a Trump in for the sake of world peace?? If you do you're even more foolish than most a Trump supporters.
Trump is Hillary's own Manchurian Candidate.
Hey, keep pushin' that 'assault' trope. It's not what he said.
News today on how Hillary and Bill treat women:
Adjacent headline, also dated Oct. 14:
That's what they call in the business: "Rich."
Ok, we get it, it was wrong and disgusting, no question about it, so now how about the dastardly Democrats and their unethical and dishonest sneaky tactic to purposely role out this information always a few days bore the debate,
But you also forgot to add, he holds grudges, backstabs and thin-skinned to that survey.
Seven out of nine Trump accusers are already busted the old lady who claim Trump lifted armrest and start touching her when they were both on same flight also busted, this model of plane from 80's had fixed armrests which could not be removed which is solid prove she made up this story.
...and the media hate campaign against the outsider continues, as predicted. What astounds me is that there are still people who swallow the mainstream media slogans hook, line, and sinker, in spite of how Wikileaks has exposed how deceitful and coordinated this smear campaign is. Lots of low-information voters out there, alas.
How many more accusers are tied to the Hillary-tied/Obama-tied dirty tricks operatives?
Surely they didn't stop at one faking grandma?
@sfjp330 Yeah, that's why I said i would have bet the roles were reversed.
Thats why it's called Show business,not show fun.
Hard to feel any sympathy for Trump. He said he does these things and now women are confirming it. Pretty hard to deny. In the circles he was in (Miss Universe etc), I wouldn't be surprised if he eclipses Cosby's number of accusers. It's the last thing Trump needs less than a month before the election. The debate now only needs to be whether he's going to lose by 8% or 10% or even 15%. He's toast. Looking forward to his last ditch effort in the 3rd debate! He's going to take random, ridiculous rants and ramblings to a whole new level!
Honest question here, but what in Trump's past makes you believe he is interested in looking out for the middle class and giving the country back to the people? He has a history of not paying workers, bragging about making money off of (middle class) people during the housing collapse, taking money from people by selling them a "university", the list goes on.
So, what exactly is it that you've seen that makes you believe he's suddenly a changed man? After that, I'd like to get a comparison of Trump to Obama and Hillary.
Well no one has answered the question although the answer is so simple. Obama could be a saint and Trump the devil but republicans will praise Trump. The answer could be found in Obama's blackground if you look there. Where Trump thinks Obama was born maybe?
Trump is a wannabe dictator with the maturity level of a 4-year-old. The way he would treat the presidency would be the way he treats people, especially women: as ways to feed his bloated ego. He does not understand democracy or the will of the people. He likes attention, and demands to get his own way.
The man has made no indication that he would serve in cooperation with anyone. Trump sees the presidency as the ultimate position from which he can do what he wants (e.g. appoint a prosecutor to go after his political foes, restore anti-constitutional stop and frisk policies, reinstate waterboarding "and worse", etc.).
I repeat. Trump wants to be dictator, and his supporters love the idea. Gives them a collective chubby.
Obama worked sat down with Castro. He worked things out with Iran. He negotiated Obamacare against a hostile opposition.
Your claims are baseless.
And look how he treats anyone who dares to say anything negative about them. He mocks them. He preaches violence against them. He has them removed from his presence. He sues them.
Is this what you want in a president who is going to have not just people opposing him, but an official opposition (internal) and countries that hate America (external)? And some people here think he won't be a warmonger? The guy has already said he would start a war against soldiers on a boat flipping off American soldiers. And people call Clinton a hawk. She may be a hawk, but if she is, it's a calculated one. He's just one who can't handle affronts to his ego, and would react violently if someone went against it. Well here's news Trump - millions of people across the world, if not billions, hate you. And here's news alt-righties - he's not going to be able to handle that hate if he's elected. Do you really want a guy with a temper having his thumb on the nuclear codes?
I see so many saying 'Hillary is a con, Trump is an idiot, which do you think is better?'.
The one who isn't going to start a nuclear war because someone calls him a moron is the one I think is better.
Trump is like Jimmy Savile in a suit.
While it might be true that nowadays media tend to be less biased than in the past, Trump cannot blame the media as he is the one who first came up with the comments about women (what he wants to do when... etc. etc.) and has been set on this path for quite some time now.
You pull the lion's tail and you expect the lion to purr and show his love for you? Which world do you live in?
I thought the same. Multiple accounts or a party of one-coin net fighters. Since yesterday it seems. However, its highly doutfull that the downvotes on Japan Today will have any effect on the elections in four-weeks.
You mean 8 years ago when they were losing 750,000 jobs per month, and people were losing their houses left and right, in the biggest recession in 100 years?
If Clinton wins, what are we telling our sons and daughters?
Fred Wallace
I care for neither individuals seeing as voting or not voting for them will produce the same results. My plea is for people to look outside the political bs bubbles and consider an outsider parry for once. The status quo has and still is destroying the nation.
How feminists responded (or didn't respond) to Juanita Broadrick.
Note "On Crossfire, Clinton friend Susan Estrich claims that in the absence of proof, the benefit of the doubt goes to the accused, who is then declared innocent."
I thought it was obvious, but I guess not obvious to you. Only Hillary and Trump are viable candidates.
You can only vote for one, if you can't vote for the best because they're both pretty bad, at least you should vote for the least-worst.
Hillary is much worse than Trump, as quantified in the post you are responding to.
Pot meet kettle.
This guy continues to lie out of his teeth and his adoring fans eat it all up.
Last night he lied about not using Trump foundation funds for lawsuits, and he avoided admitting that he forced himself on many women by claiming they were all lying to get some advantage out of it.
He even finished the night off by insinuating that he would not accept Hillary as the winner. Even though when he was asked that same question the first debate, he said he WOULD accept Hillary as winner (if she won the election).
So the Republican candidate is a sexual predator, and the Democratic candidate is in bed with Washington insiders and big banks. What kind of bizarro world are we living in? If you were to tell me this was going to happen 2 years ago, I would have bet it was the other way around. I can't wait for this whole thing to be over.
@sfjp330 - Agreed! Trump has nothing and is pretty much a buffoon. Is he stupid? I do not think so but certainly not fit for President. Hey let's look on the bright side....Clinton has more of the same which includes decimation of the middle class as well as an increase in the gap between rich and poor
Trump is just too funny for words.
Lets not forget about Roger Ailes and his sexual indiscretions.
He will never do this because of the discovery phase of a trail. His 'media critics' would be able to expose his entire history of sexual indiscretion. They'd also be able to subpoena things like the video from The Apprentice, Trump's entire history of litigation and settlements and most importantly, women who may have been silenced by legal threats, for example, who would be compelled to testify and Trump wouldn't be able to sue them for their depositions.
"Lock him up, lock him up", "Trump for jail" etc.
Trump should have known better than to attack Bill Clinton. People in glass houses and all that.
This is one of the most successful bubbles created by the GOP working with right wing media. The GOP is so broken that they can't put forth any policy proposals because of all of the infighting, yet the bubble dwellers believe this same group of people were in a compromising mood with Obama.
There are times when I can see someone putting out a false narrative that they don't believe in order to support their party. Other times you suspect that maybe they really don't know any better. And sometimes you just can't tell...
Well Strangerland, I see you didnt look at the numbers,
When the FED decided to print money, instead of directly giving that money to the very same banks that made the terrbile choice to give mortages to risky lender, they should have let those banks fail, and reinvested the interest free money back into a deregulated industry in order to get production moving again.
Ill give you a clear example. Before, You would buy a stock based on things like; expansion, pay increases, innovations, etc. Now that logic doesnt apply. Now; whatever the central banks statements are... is what moves the markets today!
So, Obama really really really missed this chance and struck out the States!
As far as Obamacare. 20 million more people now have basic coverage at the expense of a 40-50% increase for the average holder and more regulations for employers. It might as well just been an additional tax and socialized, that wouldve been more simple. Seems to work OK in Canada.
When the FED decided to print money, instead of directly giving that money to the very same banks that made the terrbile choice to give mortages to risky lender, they should have let those banks fail, and reinvested the interest free money back into a deregulated industry in order to get production moving again.
Ill give you a clear example. Before, You would buy a stock based on things like; expansion, pay increases, innovations, etc. Now that logic doesnt apply. Now; whatever the central banks statements are... is what moves the markets today!
So, Obama really really really missed this chance and struck out the States!
As far as Obamacare. 20 million more people now have basic coverage at the expense of a 40-50% increase for the average holder and more regulations for employers. It might as well just been an additional tax and socialized, that wouldve been more simple. Seems to work OK in Canada.
Re all the assault reports popping up in a single day, three weeks before the election (don't know original source of the meme but google shows it at several sites):
Re popping into girls' dressing rooms, it's still not a good enough reason to elect Hillary.
Bill Murphy
Outrider at Oct. 14, 2016 - 08:05PM JST bill murphy, yep, youve noticed (how could one not ?) that the "progressives" automatically equate any distaste for hillary with fanatic love of trump. ... ... ... Well, it's obvious that Trump grabs some people the wrong way. As I said, it was a "unique" moment. Maybe that's the source of his ... wanderlust. It will be very interesting how Hillary intends to keep Willy in line after next January 20. She'll need the cooperation of the Secret Service, but former agents have described her dismissive attitude toward them. Maybe they'll decide to help him out as revenge.
Diversion: People do lie especially after the last debate. As for sexual behavior, who here is without sin? There was no Rape and besides, gossip is unbecoming of all of us. Treatment of women, ask those four at the debate who have proof of Hillary's abusive behavior. Laughing over a 12 year old who was raped. Do not be diverted from fact.
Clinton had 33,000 emails deleted AFTER subpoenaed by Congress. That is a crime folks, and for her to be running for president blatantly shows corruption in the highest places. Do not be diverted from fact.
Hillary's Private server and our national security when wikileaks show just how vulnerable they are. Do not be diverted from fact.
Unfortunate, but look at the vision for America.
No Borders, US ruled by a commission; SCOTUS just a branch of the elites where the constitution is no more; 1st amendment trampled on so that speech, press, assembly and conscience fall into line with PC or be punished; 2nd amendment no more and even weapons confiscated; Our resources up for sale as with the Uranium deal; Jobs open to everyone in the world with natives having a handicap; Traditional values demonized.
The opposite, in addition, maybe the Hillary wars can come to an end.
WAR MUST STOP... Hillary with others (a lot of players that want that pipeline through Syria) has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and misery for millions. It must be stopped so people can return and live according to their own culture and traditions. I pray... The raison d'être of terrorism would be diminished as well. The whole world could unite to rebuild, creating jobs for so many young people in that region.
Will TRUMP foreign policy do this. I do not know, but truth is needed to root out the root cause which of course is power and money. Hillary and the US Uranium deal gave her a big kickback. The Elites are strong and life means little to them.
Let us give TRUMP a try, for we know what Hillary has done, with others of course.
Thank you for your response.
I always criticize Trump when he's wrong and I do that quite often, but sadly, the Dems and libs do a lot more **** so that kinda overshadows any criticism I have of Trump.
Shame on you, Serrano. I'm serious. You should be very ashamed of yourself for suggesting the women coming forward were paid to do so, and that Trump is innocent of sexual assault. Next you'll be joining other Republicans in saying that "groping can't be called sexual assault", and you likely think it's a woman's fault if she was raped and dressed in sexy clothes.
I'll say it, I believe the women were paid to come forward. I worked long enough in this business and nothing happens with a reason. Before the first debate, ironically, someone leaks Trump's tax records, by the second debate a few days before, a 12 year old video just so happens to surface and is brought to light that Trump said some very foul things, I mean, forget that NBC HAD the tape for over 4 years and could have brought it out anytime prior to the debate, nope! They just had to break this shocking news two days before and now 6 days before the last debate, a couple of women are NOW all of a sudden coming forward with allegations that Trump physically harassed them. Seriously?! And just for the debate and 12 years and in one case 30 years ago and now suddenly all this just happened so conveniently and timely? The bad thing about all of this is that Hillary and the MSM think that we are all fools and can't see through their latest deception. This is the absolute lowest yet from the Dems! We all see what is exactly going on! Despicable and dirty, dirty, dirty! So yes, I believe they got paid and big time!
Unbiased media, a relic in the good ol us of a. its called fundraising, when youve got a man that doesnt even have much financial support from his own party then your going to have problems. If Trump is so sure hell make the white house he should use his own cash, but then again even he can see the waste of money for a lost cause that would be.
Simon Foston
sfjp330OCT. 14, 2016 - 12:22PM JST
Sorry, that question is incomprehensible. What accusation? Middle lower to poor people? What on earth are you taking about?
I have OCD my keyboard is spotless.
Not going to fly, if the Feds had something on Trump, he would have been arrested and charges brought up on him a very long time ago. Well, so much for that debunked argument.
Not saying DT has always been beyond reproach in his dealings with women, he clearly hasn't, but reckon it would be pretty easy to find 4-5 women who have bad things to say about every single man living on this planet ( could probably find 5 or 6, or even 7 if you dig well, in my case!! Liars!)
And for the jfk, Bill C, DT, actors, sportsmen etc of this world it's even easier.
Mr.Simon foston,
Where is proof of Mr.Trump rape? I want to find that.
I know what you mean. Both are unqualified. Hillary is bad, and Trump is a crooked bigot looking to make a buck off of the uneducated. Don't get me wrong. Hillary is not perfect, and Trump is not perfect either, especially with his sexual assaults and scams on the working class.
My choice is to vote for neither. I won't vote for Hillary, and I won't vote for Trump especially since he bragged about sexual assault and said sexually suggestive remarks about minors. I'm just a middle of the road kind of reasonable guy who thinks both choices are bad, especially the Trump one.
smith, first of all, Im not a trump fan, and secondly its entirely relevant to the article and the hypocrisy of the current discourse.
Fred Wallace
Madam forgets alot is going to be handed the keys to the most powerful nation on our small globe. What happens if this individual presses the red button only to feign forgetfulness? Come on people, politics aside, how can anyone trust someone with a memory akin that of a goldfish?
bill murphy, yep, youve noticed (how could one not ?) that the "progressives" automatically equate any distaste for hillary with fanatic love of trump.
bill murphy, Im not saying that never happened but hillary has for a loooong time had bills balls in a jar on the mantelpiece.
And there wouldn't have been a war to start with if Clinton would have popped OBL in 1998.
Clinton HIMSELF in his own words admitted to that, so now you're calling him a liar? Oh, please do so, that would be so thrilling! Another liberal deflection. Hey, I really wonder what it is with libs and reality, I just don't get it.
And why were all the warnings ignored? the CIA and the FBI at the time didn't share information with each other and who's fault was that?
Ashcroft’s picture of an FBI estranged from its counterparts in the CIA built on criticisms of the FBI under former Director Louis Freeh during the Clinton administration and the first months of the Bush administration. The commission’s chairman described a new staff report as an “indictment” of the FBI during Freeh’s tenure, while Janet Reno, Freeh’s boss during the Clinton administration, said that at the agency, “the right hand didn’t know what the left hand was doing.”
Once again, we have Democrats poisoning the well, but what's new, eh?
Hmmmmm......they never called themselves ISIS and they never called for a caliphate and they didn't have Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi who declared himself the leader of ISIS and when did this happen, when did we start using ISIS and when did the ISIS attacks started to commence? That was during the Obama admin. Do you want to try again, Smith?
Can I ask a serious question? When do you Dems and libs EVER criticize other liberals for anything-EVER? I know you Obama and Hillarybots will never fault them for anything, NO matter what. Even through the Wikileaks cables, John Podesta talks about Hillary like a dog and yet, he's her campaign manager. Liberals are beyond devoid of any ethics or morals. I just pray that one day Dems and liberals will come out of the Unicornverse and realize the people that they idolize so dearly are in fact, mere mortals, fallible and imperfect and on occasion....often....ok, almost always lie.
hillary: emails.
The Reb who said that Trump supporters are "childless single men who masturbate to anime" was 100% right, because no self respecting man who is married to a woman or who has a daughter could possibly support Trump, unless they support sexual assault against their own family, which would make them less than human
I did in full detail, just fixed it for you.
The GOP are not praising Trump, quite the opposite.
Because he's been disgusted with the direction of the country for a very, very long time now. Second, going by Hillary's record over the last 40 years, there isn't any indication other than the woman wanting to line her pockets with more money and BS the public and taking it as far as she can.
That's one side, I also heard the other side of people saying the opposite. So it just depends on what you believe. There are two sides to every story
I don't want him to change, I told you Numerous times, I'm tired of the corrupt Washington elite.
superLib OCT. 14, 2016 - 02:19PM JST know what you mean. Both are unqualified.
Both are unqualified? What do you know? Police work is difficult work. The issue is under investigation.
Wrong. It (the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act) was voted on by both Dems and Reps, and most important, signed by Bill Clinton in 1999.
Globalist Central Banksters and their goons in DC!
when chelsea was at college and got her first serious boyfriend, hillary wanted to check for hanky panky. hillary asked chelsea straight out if shed had sex with the guy. chelsea answered, "not according to dad's definition."
"the already-nasty presidential campaign"
Thanks a lot, Hillary.
"she let first lady Michelle Obama’s passionate response carry the day."
This is interesting:
"Michelle Obama on Hillary Clinton in 2008 vs 2016"
"the growing list of sexual assault allegations against him"
Well at least we know from now until November 8th a new woman everyday will accuse Trump of raping her.
HIllary: "Hey random girls ... need cash ? Have loans to pay? ... maybe we could fix that if you go on TV and say that Trump groped you."
More bad news for Hillary supporters:
"WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary Clinton Selling Out American Workers & Lots More"
"Emails Show Hillary Turned Her Back On The Environment Before Lying About TPP"
"Hillary Lied About Women's Groups & The Bankruptcy Bill, Wikileaks Emails Show"
smith, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for continuing at this point to support such a lying, corrupt candidate.
Excuse me?! I do get it. I have 2 girls, 4 sisters and 9 aunts on my mothers side, Indeed I do, but I also know when there's BS in the air and a set up when I smell it. Did you know the NYT did 11 stories on Trump and NOT 1 about Hillary?! Don't tell me anything that the media is fair to Trump. We all see what's going on, every media outlets are taking it upon themselves to systematically involve themselves in this campaign to do whatever they can to stop Trump, this is insane! This is not what the media should EVER do, EVER! They can be objective and skeptical both sides, be fair about the reporting report and that is it.
It's wrong on that. It's also wrong to lie to a federal agent and it's against the law to ignore a court issued subpoena, ANY average person would be locked up in prison and every law would back me on that.
Sure and I see how bias the media has been by the papers and other outlets I read and watch.
This has been planned and orchestrated. The timing is “purely coincidental”? uh, riiiighht. They'll be pouring it on from now till Election Day. The Hillary fans really have no idea of what they are supporting.
is that legislated somewhere?
Praise the Lord for Rupert Murdoch, then: the sane 1%.
And Donald Trump is the Second Coming (in the biblical, not the locker room, sense).
Here's the New York Times response (Hi, @Turbostat) to the Saviour (of Christian and conservative values) and his libel claim:
Vote Trump, for Ye Must Be Saved.
Simon Foston
bass4funkOCT. 14, 2016 - 12:33PM JST
Did you miss the word "imagine"?
You conveniently leave out that the claims he is talking about assault are being taken out of context, he obviously didn't mean assault, and is talking about the star-struck groupie / celebrity party lifestyle. Did you not notice the word 'can'? Would he really tell George Bush's nephew 'Hey you can assault women at will if you're a star!'? That's not what he said, right?
StrangerlandOCT. 14, 2016 - 01:55PM JST trangerlandOCT. 14, 2016 - 01:55PM JST Maybe should be better off with your friend George Bush Jr. ? Powell justified the invasion of Iraq with WMD?
You mean that presidency that ended with two wars ongoing, the biggest recession in 100 years, losses of 750,000 jobs per month, people losing their houses left and right, and a bill yet to come for the wars started. . Why would anyone be better off with that? And how would those people who now have healthcare be better off with that?
Where does it say it ended?
Hey, keep singing that tune. Never mind it's custom made as of this month. In the same newspaper the 'one grope rule' was revealed in (NYT).
More bad news for JT Hillary supporters:
"BREAKING WIKILEAKS 6 EMAILS: Confirms Hillary Clinton Deserves Espionage Act Indictment For Emails"
Oh my...
More bad news for Hillary supporters:
"WIKILEAKS 6 JUST RELEASED: Hillary Clinton Puts Friends and Political Allies Ahead of Voters"
You're right, as a white person, he should have been telling people to do the things you said.
Simon Foston
bass4funkOCT. 14, 2016 - 08:53AM JST
Wow, are you sure you don't need to take a shower and disinfect your keyboard after writing that?
Hm. Just imagine if someone took Trump to court accusing him of sexual assault, in either a civil or criminal case. How well do you think the "but what about Hillary" defense would work out for him?
No, but I laughed at it, very hard.
The Wikileaks already proved the opposite, now we know she lied left and right. Even the MSM can't say anything anymore.
It hasn't, as a matter of fact, it's hemorrhaging at a very fast rate. Insurance companies can't bail fast enough and just wait until Nov. 1st when the new adjusted premium rates come back where the increases will be about 20-70% we are now seeing this thing implode before our very eyes, even Bill Clinton knows it and has recently started to criticize Obamacare and how bad it truly is. Hillary and Obama know that when these new rates come out before the election and people see the new rates.....look out.
Besides Chrysler or General Motors (Which is moving lots of production to Mexico), pretty sure it was just financial compaines that that recieved bailout money. And they did deserved to go under. When the stock bubble blows this time, it will be 10x as bad as 2008 should have been!
Here is a bail out reference
Where did you come up with the conclusion that Obama saved anything? It was the Federal Reserve that decided to bail everyone out by telling congress they had no choice. (Don`t forget, central banks ARE NOT government). Labor participation rate is near its lowest since 2000. Sure, you want a job in the states? I guess jack in box is hiring!
Strangerland OCT. 14, 2016 - 02:45PM JST You can thank the Republicans and their absolute refusal to implement a single-payer system for that one.
What for?
Most of them are either too left as now we have found out by the latest Wikileaks and finally we finally know what everyone was thinking, the majority of them are in the tank for Hillary, this is reason why most Americans don't trust the MSM. For if they did their job respectively and fairly they would be on both sides equally and NOT just one-sided, pure and simple.
Hilary Cliton is more likeable however she is incompetent, dishonest and reckless because of Bangazi and email scandal. She still hide something and secretive. Trump is rude, immature, loud as loose cannon however Trump is open, sincere and honest.
Under Cliton watch, Libya ambassador was mercilessly killed. She voted willingly for Irag war. She concens more about highly paid speech rather than national security.
Americans need to consider whether they wanted to dump Trump for having disgusting and immature fantasy talk. It does not like Cliton crime which has jeprodised national security. Cliton means more wars, more debt and higher unemployment.
Cliton can not stand on her foot for a long time. She will take countless sick leaves when she becomes the president. Electing Cliton will be like paying blank checks for someone who talks a lot and doing almost nothing.
The war is still raging, they're sending more troops and now, Obama will leave us with another war, that's just great, nice job. As for jobs a 1.8 GDP is nothing to celebrate about especially when we used to have 3.0 and over.
"I did not have sex with that woman" . (president bill clinton) Hillarys silence on that at the time was deafening. Her husband was getting oral sex in the oval office from an intern for gods sake. Yet now shes horrified - and very vocal - by some ten year old off the record banter from her rival for the presidency. And her fans wonder why many find her corrupt, duplitious, hypocritical and opportunist?
You can thank the Republicans and their absolute refusal to implement a single-payer system for that one.
If anything, I thank them a lot for NOT doing it.
Invented by the lobs and their Bush syndrome.
No, but more soldiers in Afghanistan were killed on his watch.
Iraq is still going on, ISIS would have never been if Obama would have listened to his senior staff and Obama was killed under his watch, ok, one achievement, but had Clinton done his his job in killing him, we would have never had a 9/11.
Bass, good points.
How can Atheists vote for Hillary? Heck, how can any person vote for a person that is a chronic liar?
Yes, that was wrong, so what about Hillary and her thinking she has the right to do as she pleases when it comes to government and secret documents and intel?
Hillary has sheltered her husband that had zero regard for women, raped, made advances, used the power of his political office to intimidate and strike fear in them, which today persists to many of his accusers. He also accused and ridiculed them, harassed them and called them liars, she knew all this and stuck by him, lying in order to protect him.
Obama just let the country fall to **** which is worse than having an affair to the majority of people. By the way, under Obama, how are race relations these days? He's going to leave with a $10 Trillion deficit and a growing war and the left want to talk about Bush? LOL
Actually, No! He's the embodiment of what you really don't want in a president. Yes, his supporters will carry the water and bow to the anointed one, but for the majority of Americans, the one true and wonderful thing about this election is, Obama is out. Out of all this mess, there is at least SOME good news for a lot of us. Also, to say Trump doesn't care about his kids is beyond garbage, say what you want about the man, his kids are solid, extremely educated, know the issues, eloquent and in many aspects smarter than their father, that didn't come out of thin air....but nice try.....
I think the difference is, Obama talks to people and tells people what HE thinks and imposes HIS opinion and world viewpoint as to the right way and if you oppose him or disagree with him or challenge him then you are his enemy. He likes to treat people like kids and thinks we are all too stupid to make decisions for ourselves, not to mention, the man is a part of the Washington elite that believes in controlling all of us. Trump on the other hand, NOT a politician, understands that the system is rigged, wants to demolish it and give the country back to the people. wants to focus on strengthening the shrinking middle class and this is the reason why Trump rallies were sold out and they had to turn people back and Hillary had to deal with a few people and work hard on making sure they don't fall asleep.