Japan Today

Trump calls for surveillance of mosques despite criticism of rhetoric


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We have to maybe check, respectfully, the gun shops and we have to monitor gun owners because this is a problem that, if we don’t solve it, it’s going to eat our country alive.

For once, I agree with the man! - or did I misquote him?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Replace every utterance of the word "Muslim" from Trump with the word "Jew" and you'll have a much better idea of how insidious his proposals are.

Dump Trump.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

There are 3.5M Muslims living in the US. Maybe idiot Trump can add them to the 12M Mexicans he plans to deport. Then he can turn his attention to those who dissent from his views. Or maybe he really is a demagogue, preaching doctrine he knows to be lies to people he regards as idiots

6 ( +9 / -3 )

I don't agree with Trump on basically anything, but I do agree that monitoring all religious institutions is rational. All religious organizations are just fraudulent con schemes, so should be monitored and taxed

6 ( +6 / -0 )

How about discreet, respectful, mandatory yellow crescents on their clothing?

5 ( +13 / -8 )

How about discreet, respectful, mandatory yellow crescents on their clothing?

Nah, they should just tattoo serial numbers on their forearms.

5 ( +12 / -7 )

The entire Trump paranoia is just hilarious.

It's not paranoia. I don't care that he was on reality TV, has crazy looking hair, owns a conglomerate, or even that he is a narcissist. Heck, he even has said some decent things and has some decent plans. What I do care about is his racism, inflammatory comments, insults to large groups of people, and the large number of ideas not based on reality but plays on people's anger.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

"I wish the far left would have that same fire and vitriol to call out radical Jihadism the way the want to call Trump out on his comments"

Tell you what, you call out Trump's appeals to bigotry with fire and vitriol and then post that comment.

Until then, your post should be disregarded.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

"Tell you what, you call out Trump's appeals to bigotry with fire and vitriol and then post that comment."

"What bigotry? But I'll tell you what, if Obama promises to take action against Radical jihadism, I'll call Trump out."

So there's no bigotry coming from Trump but if Obama promises to take action, you'll call out Trump's bigotry?

Oh, and I wouldn't post any links from Fox regarding Islam. You are inviting ridicule. The idiot terrorism expert who appeared on Fox to tell nodding newscasters the fact that the City of Birmingham in the UK is 100% Muslim became a standard of unspeakable journalism. Even the UK Prime Minister called him a "complete idiot". It doesn't matter who appears on this appalling, mouth-breathing programme now - that mind-blowing, screaming stupidity should always be remembered.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Here's quite a nice critique of Trump from a Florida Republican:

“He’s 70 years old. He’s a narcissistic sociopath. He’s not going to change,” he said. “There is no better version of Donald Trump, no mindful, serious, presidential version, only the reality-TV, con-man, pro-wrestling dipsh*t Donald Trump.”

Couldn't have said it better myself.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

“his parents weren’t and his ideas weren’t born here.”

Mirroring, Donald?

4 ( +8 / -4 )

"But we tried that already after 9/11 in New York. They didn't get a single piece of intelligence and finally closed it down after realizing it was a complete waste of time.

Could someone please sit down and explain this to Trump or anyone else who proposes the same idea?"

That's not the point. It's the macho rhetoric that gets this crowd all giddy and swooning.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

"This is the thing that many conservatives hate about these Washington turncoats!"

Give them time. They might come around to embrace Trump like you did. You know the feeling of regarding the Trump thing as lunacy before your conversion.

Don't judge them too harshly. GOP politicians are among the slower kids in the class.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

“We have to maybe check, respectfully, the mosques and we have to check other places because this is a problem that, >if we don’t solve it, it’s going to eat our country alive,” Trump said at a rally in Atlanta.

What "other places" could he possibly mean? Sounds more like "We have to maybe (LOL) check, snicker respectfully, the mosques. ......................... Oh, and, uh, etc places. Like bakeries. Next to mosques. And schools! ... Which are near mosques. And bus stops that are within viewing distance of mosques."

Seriously, he sounds more ridiculous for putting in "other places" without giving a single example, as his bias against Muslims is well-known.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

don't agree with Trump on basically anything, but I do agree that monitoring all religious institutions is rational. All >religious organizations are just fraudulent con schemes, so should be monitored and taxed

My problem is that he didn't define what these "other places" would be. And it seems that as far as his view on religious institutions goes, mosques are the only places where you can find bad people. If he wants to keep surveillance on every place of worship, he would've said so. But as he only named mosques and etc (side note: I'm betting someone told him to add something in there besides mosques) it is concerning.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

It's just the new version of "Reds under the beds". Psychotic in the extreme.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Really Trump? What's next, they're gonna put yellow stars on their clothes so the regular American can recognize them in public. Now i'm not saying Trump is Hitler, it's just that if you changed the word Muslim in Jew his rhetoric would be 100 percent racist (not that it already isn't anyways). Oh and as a non American who lives on the Balkans, i remember this thing called the first amendment which clearly states that the US should have freedom of religion at all times. I don't care how much this is gonna piss you off but i would rather live in a democratic country where attacks like this happen every day rather then live in a dictatorship where no terrorist attacks happen at all

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Under the Obama admin with its CAIR affiliated advisors? The one that refuses to acknowledge that radical islam even exists? Do you have a source for that? Please surprise us.

As I clearly said in my post:

That could be a tinfoil hat theory though, I have nothing of substance whatsoever to base it on

Did you need me to explain that in easier to understand terms or something? I thought I was quite clear with what I was saying.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

But when the Gaurdian was saying a few years ago that the UK doesn't have a problem with radical extremism was an outright lie as well? Yo, dude.....

Got a link for that, @Bass?

Here's a Guardian article that's much more apt:

In this era of post-truth politics, an unhesitating liar can be king. The more brazen his dishonesty, the less he minds being caught with his pants on fire, the more he can prosper. And those pedants still hung up on facts and evidence and all that boring stuff are left for dust, their boots barely laced while the lie has spread halfway around the world.


3 ( +3 / -0 )

But we tried that already after 9/11 in New York. They didn't get a single piece of intelligence and finally closed it down after realizing it was a complete waste of time.

Could someone please sit down and explain this to Trump or anyone else who proposes the same idea?

2 ( +11 / -9 )

"Already Jews are fleeing islamist violence in Europe (check out who the favourite targets of islamist terrorists are)"

I'm not aware of large numbers of Jews fleeing but there is something to be said on this. A highly respected Muslim journalist in the UK, Mehdi Hasan, wrote about rampant anti-Semitism in the UK including holocaust denial and that the Jews were behind 9/11.

Let's make sure nobody gets a free pass when we are talking about spouting bigotry. Trump deserves to be called out on it and so do some others.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Considering the shared attitude to Jews in islam and nazism, I find the sight of you two making ham-fisted nazi allegations not only fatally misguided but also in very bad taste.

Already Jews are fleeing islamist violence in Europe (check out who the favourite targets of islamist terrorists are), and in your upside-down world view the victimizer becomes the victim?

That comment obviously went right over your head.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

in your upside-down world view the victimizer becomes the victim?

Promiscuous insinuation that an entire religious population is victimising another is OK, though?

inform yourself a bit about the topic

We rightly remember and mourn the victims of Orlando, San Bernardino, Brussels, Paris, Boston, 7/7, Madrid, 9/11 and all the other atrocities those most familiar to us have suffered

But how much less esteem have we for the victims...

of Abu Ghraib? of Bagram? of Depleted uranium? of Drones? of Extraordinary rendition? in Gaza and the West Bank? in Gitmo? in Haditha? of the Leavenworth 10? in Mahmudiyah? of the Maywood District murders? in Panjwai? of Wahhabism** and its weapon, ISIS? of Waterboarding? of White phosphorous? of the whole WMD deceit (250,000 deaths later)?

When we can mourn all equally, acknowledge that nothing happens in a vacuum, and accept there's no hierarchy of victimhood, then we'll deserve to call ourselves informed.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Another example of Muslim hatred for the west. Send them back to their sandbox countries without the ability to legally renter any western country and if found reentering the west, lock them up ad throw away the key. If they hate the west so much then stay home and practice their religion there.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I suspect that mosques are already being monitored, and that Don the Con is just bringing out an existing practice into the open.

That could be a tinfoil hat theory though, I have nothing of substance whatsoever to base it on, other than the fact that the NSA has been shown to monitor so many Americans already by default.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@Zaphod - I understand your comment and I agree with you. Therefore I am of the belief that if a Christian Church or Jewish Synagogue is preaching the same hate (Homosexuals should be killed) they should also be surveyed. No religion (whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc.) should be allowed to preach hate under the guise of religious tolerance.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@Outrider - Please note the qualification in my statement and yes I recognize the difference relative to recent events, however if a Christian preacher starts saying he wants to kill homosexuals I think that the relevant church should be watched.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

We've reached 'peak Trump'- all downhill for him from here I think. Of course this has been said before, but the 'Mexican' judge debacle and his idiotic and narcissistic response to the Orlando tragedy have dealt him a death blow politically, IMO.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

a good chunk of Bernie Sanders supporters are going to vote for Trump over her...

I've heard Trump supporters say this, but I wonder how many actually will choose Trump over her? I'm sure there are some, but I'm skeptical that many would choose Trump over Hillary, even after Hillary won out over Bernie.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

"I see, so basically, you are saying 2000 staff members journalists, with Ph.D., military analysts, people with backgrounds in the area of Islamic studies, pundits that are Muslims are disqualified from opining? ROFL Basically, we are supposed to sit and listen to a slanted one-sided liberal version that will always make excuses for any type of radicalism? Sorry, not going to fly"

What in the name of Washington Post quality journalism are you ROFLing about now? You are an elite journalist. How can you not call out this ignorant clown setting a new low in sub-idiotic journalism? His claim was utterly brainless and you have to ask how a network with all of these high-quality staff allowed a bonehead like this on.

I think we know. The agenda was clear and the ignorance of the audience was taken into account.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

It's gotten to the point that the best digs against the Donald are coming from the GOP itself. This Twitter rant by Rick Wilson, GOP presidential consultant and active member of the Never Trump movement, is particularly good (and, judging by the typos, was composed in an alcoholic stupor of despair). My favorite line:

This weekend, people were lined up hundreds deep to give blood to the victims of Orlando. Your Cheeto Jesus was praising himself.


Dems, let's all just sit back for a bit and which how the revolution eats its children.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Like post-truth politics, then. But who cares? Veracity's for snobs!

I wish liberals and Dems would take their own medicine every now and then.

What, being sticklers for the truth? Every day's a learning experience, and much of the truth inconvenient.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

What "other places" could he possibly mean?


And he'll need a whole a special group of Plumbers to do it......

1 ( +3 / -2 )

And he'll need a whole a special group of Plumbers to do it......

If I see John Leguizamo anywhere near the White House after I move back to the States, I'm swimming to Canada!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

SenseNotSoCommon: How about discreet, respectful, mandatory yellow crescents on their clothing?

Strangerland: Nah, they should just tattoo serial numbers on their forearms.

Temporarily, of course. If you add that word in there you can pretty much propose anything you want. Like temporarily banning guns until we figure this thing out.

toshiko: Poll Clinton 49 %. Trump 37 % Trump negative % 70 %

Polls this far out are meaningless.

bass: and because of measures like infiltrating the mosques of radicals and search and frisk led to hundreds of arrests, knives and guns taken off the streets through aggressive surveillance

Can you give us more information on this?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

"Considering the shared attitude to Jews in islam and nazism," (comments) it is especially disturbing Doanld J. Trump refused to condemn David Duke, Holocaust Denier.

The commenter's concern is admirable. Perhpas it will be applied to Donald J. Trump's calls registering Muslims in a data base.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

"We have to maybe check, respectfully, the mosques and we have to check other places"

Nothing wrong with that. Churches, synagogues and yes, mosques, should have nothing to hide. I don't think Trump is talking about FBI agents storming mosques in the middle of prayer.

There is a need for more transparency and all religions/cults should understand it is critical to ensure everyone's safety. The days of mafia style omerta in those places are over.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Bass4funk: "What bigotry? "

Trump's, and anyone who supports the idea that anyone from the ME needs to be profiled, and mosques surveilled. In fact, don't you think all churches should be surveilled? After all, we now have pastors spewing hate about how this was a good thing, Orlando is safer, and the government should round up "zither rest of them, line them against a wall, and blow them away!" By your logic, this is not one man's words and desires, but is representative of ALL Christians. Or let me guess... that's different?


You probably think there's no hatred there, either.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Stranger, anywhere from 20% to 33%, depending on which poll you read, of Sanders supporters say they will never vote for Hillary...

Can't say I've ever seen a poll that gave any of those numbers.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Now i'm not saying Trump is Hitler, it's just that if you changed the word Muslim in Jew his rhetoric would be 100 percent racist (not that it already isn't anyways).

@Prossnip42 For the umpteenth billionth time. Islam is a religion NOT an ethnicity!

There is a big difference between an ethnic Jew (a person descended from the tribe of Judea) and a person who is of the Jewish faith (a person who is not an ethnic Jew but follows Judaism). Islam would love it if you kept trying to turn it into an "ethnicity" so instead of blaming the Islamist violence on their religious texts and founders teachings and ideology, it's just a "race" thing that's "in the genetic code". Islam is not a genetically instigated belief, no more than any other religion.

I wasn't born Christian, it wasn't predetermined by my parents DNA. My parents attempted to indoctrinate me on their religious beliefs, but I still could choose who or what I believe in. The same thing for Omar Mateen, he wasn't born Muslim, it wasn't in his genetic code, but his parents indoctrinated him on Islam. And once again the ideology showed itself for the violent code of conduct it prescribes it's followers.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Practical issue here is to "contain" the problem within the USA at the current level by "restricting" and "preventing" unnecessary and risky "additional" possible problem that will prevent containment. By not allowing additional risky population into the USA, the USA can (hopefully) properly assess the problem, take appropriate action (such as the border wall, immigration laws, enforcement of immigration laws, procedures, etc.) and resolve it effectively and meaningfully, first. It is almost impossible to act effectively to a constantly changing and growing problem without first containing it.

It is no different than ISIS. The only problem is that ISIS is already international / global.

For the USA, at least for now, we have a defined territory and a process and procedure to "control" the situation, only if the chief executive and enforcer would allow that to happen.

All Trump is saying is for the USA to provide itself the time needed to put what is already available and could work effectively in to effect. All Trump wants to do is to "enforce" what is already in place as law. To do that the country, the USA, needs reprieve in "time". That time is bought by restricting immigration and illegal migration into the USA by temporarily preventing most suspected undesirable people from entering. It has nothing to do with morals or ethics or human idealism. It is just a rational practical solution to the current situation and circumstances.

As for his "rhetoric"... it is his method of getting our attention and focusing on the real practical issues (not idealistic values issues) at hand. If it was not for his "rhetoric", many, if not most would not have bothered to have considered it as an important issue.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The Finsbury Park mosque, funded by Saudi Arabia and supported by Prince Charles, -- a "pillar of the Muslim community" -- used to hold combat instruction in the basement, including teaching young Muslims how to field strip an AK-47.

The Paris mass murderers met and planned through a local mosque. The 7/7 bombers attended the same mosque together, which was a center of their activities.

So yeah, some mosques need strict surveillance. A hands-off approach toward these "holy places" is just want the Islamists want.

0 ( +11 / -11 )

Trump calls for surveillance of mosques despite criticism of rhetoric

The Trumpetors love it. Everyone else hates it.

So much for pivoting towards the general.

What. A Dope.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Poll Clinton 49 %. Trump 37 % Trump negative % 70 %

0 ( +7 / -7 )


It is very true that there is definitely a cause and a reaction. And if not for oil would the US ever bother with the Middle East-I think not.

However, the reality is that the big businesses that pay H Clinton and other politicians $250.000 + for a 30 minute speech wish to control the resources in other countries in the world.So, the politicians do their bidding and the people of the US get murdered.

Simple cause and effect,action and reaction.

What is to be done?

Unfortunately, for the reasons mentioned, it is not possible to placate Muslims whilst their lands are being pillaged, peoples murdered and resources plundered.

Therefore,Muslims in the US have to be under more severe surveillance . Trump unfortunately has it correct. Not only that but he has also stated that nation building is not on his agenda!

Clinton on the other hand has been instrumental in orchestrating the downfall of Libya under Omar Gadhafi which has led to mass stabilization and death ie a much worse situation than when he was in control.

Obama is scrambling to admit 10000 Syrians this year before he has to finish his term

That doesn't make sense but Donald Trump does.......

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Unfortunately, for the reasons mentioned, it is not possible to placate Muslims whilst their lands are being pillaged, peoples murdered and resources plundered.

And within whose gift does the remedying of this lie?

Time to grow a pair, grasp the nettle and quit blaming others!

BTW, who's Omar Gadhafi?

0 ( +1 / -1 )


A fine analysis!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@SenseNotSoCommon That should have read Muammar Gaddafi not Omar.....

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Trump is probably the most surveiled person in the World right now as the "Guccifer 2.0" DNC Hack attests. But does the USA want that sort of surveillance potentially for every citizen? Supreme Leader Obama has built up NSA technology hardware to do exactly that, but at what costs to our freedoms of The Constitution. Having massive NSA files on every citizen and non-citizen will only enforce a police state -something Obama built but so far has not been able to implement.

Guccifer 2.0 DNC’s servers hacked by a lone hacker – GUCCIFER 2.0 - guccifer2.wordpress.com https://guccifer2.wordpress.com/2016/06/15/dnc/ (Do you really want this sort of trash written about you)

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Some have wondered how Donald J. Trump's refusal to condemn the racist Holocaust Denier David Duke is related to this article.

With respect, let the good reader look at that.

Trump is not suggesting houses of worship be surveilled. Trump is promoting hate based on religion.

David Duke, whom Trump refused to condemn three times on live television, is promoting hate based on religion.

The conclusion is clear enough.

Donald J. Trump represents hateful prejudice as much as David Duke.

Trump is the subject and Trump can only be understood based on the facts.

The facts are Trump refused three times on live television to condemn David Duke's religious prejudice.

No American should fail to see the fact Trump is supported by bigots, racists, religious prejudice and white supremacists, the same as David Duke.

These comments are germane.

Silence, Trump supporters demand, in the face of prejudice, is the same demand that they are making of the media. Trump has done the same in banning the Washington Post from press credentials.

Hiding the truth with threats is the same as tacit promotion of prejudice.

Trump is guilty on all counts and so too supporters who demand comments that show this collusion of hate have their comments removed.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Really? Check out the WallStreet Journal/NBC poll that says a third of Sanders supporters can't see themselves voting for Hillary.

I looked. Didn't find it.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Got a link for that, @Bass?

That was a few years back, sorry, couldn't find it.

Like post-truth politics, then. But who cares? Veracity's for snobs!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

saudi arabia etc refusing to accept any refugees because of security risks. the west welcomes them with open arms and then beats itself up over suggestions of surveillance. Think they know something we dont?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I figured they already were doing surveillance on mosques.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )


Comparing a European who came over 50, 60, 70 years ago to current immigrants coming from the Middle East is silyness.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

"This would be a temporary ban, subjected to be lifted once we have a better grip on how to locate target suspected radicals." - comments

This piece of red meat, seasoned with Trump's usual spice, 'they're after our children' reflects the intellect of a TV show host's sophistication.

George W. began his yellow cake wars on October 7, 2001. Five thousand days later? Trump comes up with his master plan of racism. Surveillance and a planned program of prejudice. With more than fourteen years to work up Trump's big ideas he comes up with this wet paper bag to hold his hate in.

Trump's campaign to "make America Hate Again" is just that. Trump has thrown away any credibility he may have had for running a TV show.

He should have stuck with phony scenarios with him playing God.

Oh, wait, Trump is still doing that. Trump calls it running for office.

The office must be village idiot.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

This wouldn't be necessary if the Muslim community were vigilant enough to monitor and report their own. Unfortunately, they seem complacent about the fact that certain individuals, some particularly influential ones, drag Islam through the dirt.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

"What I do care about is his racism, inflammatory comments, insults to large groups of people, and the large number of ideas not based on reality but plays on people's anger." - comments

This brief statement is what all Americans should consider.

What the statement summarizes is the portrait of an egomaniac drive by racism and personal profit.

Donald J. Trump is docmented in his willingness to campaign for racist motivations and promotes an unending prejudice based on faith. The article fills in the gaps.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Kcjapan. What would you shyest to do to combat Muslim extremist? Sit on your thumbs and wait to get shot?

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Well said kazetsukai.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Kcjapan. Not only are you off topic but your comments are decieving and inaccurate. David Duke never endorsed trump and trump never endorsed David duke. But if you are so sure about this post a link where trump says he endorses the kkk or David Duke says he endorses trump. Even if he did endorse trump, trump reputed Duke several times on national tv and just got sick of the accusations therefore he felt no need to apologize. Why don't you post those quotes with a source. Your sources are always taken out of context. And all you keep going back to is the word bigot. It's your only talking point and it's getting very very old.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

"The Orlando gunman, Omar Mateen, is believed by authorities to have acted alone, inspired by radical ideology he was exposed to over the internet."

The internet is the problem here! Shut it down like they do in China and North Korea!

"I figured they already were doing surveillance on mosques."

I'm sure they are, but not officially. Shall we make it official?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@ Serrano - I am assuming your comment about shutting down the internet is "tongue in cheek" and I think I see where you are going with it.

Regarding surveillance on mosques, yes it is likely some is being done but if you read the article (link) below and see who is on the DHS Advisory Council’s (HSAC) Subcommittee on Countering Violent Extremism you will / may be shocked and it would make me understand why they may not be watching some of the mosques where it is known that preaching of hate is occurring.


I do not think Trump should be the next U.S. President and I am not a fan of his, but he is partially right when recommending surveillance on mosques. It should be couched with the caveat that mosques where it is know hate preaching occurs (such as occurred at the Mosque in Orlando - when the UK Imam preached homosexuals should be killed) then surveillance will occur.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


" do not think Trump should be the next U.S. President and I am not a fan of his, but he is partially right when recommending surveillance on mosques. It should be couched with the caveat that mosques where it is know hate preaching occurs (such as occurred at the Mosque in Orlando - when the UK Imam preached homosexuals should be killed) then surveillance will occur. "

This is a broader problem for our societies. If there is poltical speech that is unacceptable, it should be unacceptable everywhere and not be allowed to sail under the radar of "religion". The Western noble idea of "religious freedom" is based on the concept that religions are non-political. It is not fit to deal with a radical political movement with a religious veneer like fundamentalist islam. Islamist leaders are quite open about how they exploit the Western system and laugh about it.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@SenseNotSoCommon That should have read Muammar Gaddafi not Omar.....

Indeed. Now would you care to answer the following (not-too-challenging question) to the defeatist:

Unfortunately, for the reasons mentioned, it is not possible to placate Muslims whilst their lands are being pillaged, peoples murdered and resources plundered.

Q: And within whose gift does the remedying of this lie?

Or does Trump-style isolationism preclude the big-boy-in-long-trousers stuff?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I agree with trump. This is 1000 year war. Started 911. Wake up america. Trump is right.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Tokyo-Engr very noble thoughts. But churches and synagogues arent breeding suicide bombers and mass murderers, generally. We dont fear for our lives when a group of young guys comes out of a church service on Sunday. A group of young muslims emerging from Friday prayer on the other hand is different.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

The separation of church and state actually occurs and often needed within those countries with the presence of multiple strong religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam where each of their teachings and philosophy actually defines and dictates a way of life including social behavior as well as politics and governance. By keeping religions separate from organized state governance (if one is willing to do so) as within the USA, it is possible to maintain a working and hopefully mutually beneficial relationship.

We found that such is possible if a religion becomes "institutionalized" (structured) and "unified" under a recognizable leadership such as the Pope at the top. Both Judaism and Islam has yet to have such a leader since God in Torah and God plus Mohamed (both not physically present) in Koran controls by what is "interpreted" by many "respected" but not necessarily "united" organizational leaders. In other words they have not yet really secularized to allow for the separation of church (religion) and state governance.

It is difficult to say if one is right or wrong. However, it would be extremely difficult for Judeo/Christian and Islamic communities to completely agree and mix as a "unified" society given the differences in the basic "precepts" that interpret and dictate completely contradictory ways of life.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Trump is spot on, and the regressive left is deluded.

In the Orlando mosque they had a guest speaker who called for the killing of homosexuals as an islamic duty.

Now is that radical political speech, or is not? Of course it should be monitored, just as a KKK meeting would be.

Radical political speech has too long flown under the radar disguised as religion.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Trump previously has drawn criticism, including from within his own party, for saying he would implement a database to keep track of Muslims in the United States and require them to register.

The Republican Donald J. Trump Dictatorship will feature only those of the Muslim faith registered in local lists for surveillance over their houses of worship.

Trump will have a role to play for American children. Informing on their classmates.

Assuming Trump allows children of Muslim parents to attend public schools, well, because, according to Trump, Muslims are “trying to take over our children.”

Sounds like the Pied Piper of Hate'in is leading rational thinking out of town, again.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

The billionaire New York real estate developer said that while the Florida gunman was born in the United States, “his parents weren’t and his ideas weren’t born here.”

Time for Trump to grab the old chisel and get that old bronze plaque Emma Lazarus was on about off Lady Liberty's pedestal. Americans sure don't want people whose parents weren't in the States hanging about.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )


" George W. began his yellow cake wars on October 7, 2001. Five thousand days later? Trump comes up with his master plan of racism. Surveillance and a planned program of prejudice. "

Good grief, what does surveillance of radical speech have to do with racism? You are monitoring Trump speech too, because you find it worrisome, do you not? Or do you take all your talking points straight from the media without even checking?

By the way, non-terrorist islamic countries like Turkey, Azerbeijan, and Morocco are also monitoring what is said in mosques to keep a lid on the jihadist imams. In case of Turkey, every sermon given in a mosque has to be approved by the government. Does that make Turkey and Azerbeijan "racist" too?

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

"Holocaust denial is common across the islamic world. Read the Pew polls. Check out the holocaust denial conferences in Teheran." - comments

It is unclear if the commenter is offering that Trump is the commenter's idea of Presidential based on Donald J. Trump's three time refusal to condemn David Duke.

for the international reader: KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, is classified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as the ’most recognizable figure of the American radical right, a neo-Nazi, longtime Klan leader and now international spokesman for Holocaust denial,’

This the the racist Donald J. Trump refused to condemn.

“I think apologizing’s a great thing, but you have to be wrong. I will absolutely apologize, sometime in the hopefully distant future, if I’m ever wrong.”

source: Donald J. Trump — on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in September 2015

Apparently Trump has no idea how wrong he is about nearly everything he spouts his hate for. Apparently that doesn't include Holocaust Denier David Duke or his policy of prejudice based on faith.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

"I do agree that monitoring all religious institutions is rational. All religious organizations are just fraudulent con schemes, so should be monitored and taxed" - comments

Senator Ted Cruz may be able to help the commenter with this and the Republican Party, whose candidate, Donald J. Trump may expand his specific threats of surveillance to include the wisdom of the comment.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

While we are "far" away from the actual devastation and killings it is easy to be idealistic and talk of rights and privileges and laws. They are important part of a peaceful and cooperative society.

However as with natural disasters and wars when "survival" as a society becomes the primary issue and other issues such as religious freedom and laws restricting ownership of weapons often becomes a meaningless issue.

When faced with people whose religion and way of life including laws are radically different from ours and they because of their religion, way of life and laws threaten our "existence" and our way of life... religious freedom must be looked at from a pragmatic point of view.

One can believe and practice their own religious beliefs as long as they do not harm others within the same society based upon their religious beliefs. It has now been identified that one specific religion, Islam, as being physically harmful to our particular society and our way of life.

In that situation, to monitor any religious institution or group that "identifies" themselves with that religion is not only suspect but needs to be observed and may be monitored so that they do not cause harm to the rest of the society.

It happened in Japan some four hundred years ago when the Buddhist temples armed themselves and became a political force on its own disrupting the then government in power. Besides the military and the then yakuza, such an armed religious institution was no longer a simple religious group but an armed force to contend with. It required the then government in power to deal with the religious institution as if an armed enemy state.

In other words, religious freedom is only "free" if and only that religion does not intend to and does not cause harm to the society into which it enters and becomes a part of.

If one thinks about it, Christianity in the name of Kings, Queens and God "forced" the changes in the world we know today. In that process there were wars. In that process all religious groups were under surveillance by the society into which it entered.

Since Islam has shown "teeth" within, any institution that represents Islam is suspect and may be subject to surveillance. That is especially so in the USA where so far almost all terror activities have been sourced to the Imams in mosques.

There is acceptance and there is tolerance. But tolerance stops when "lives" and the way of life of a society is being systematically destroyed by an organized religious group that not only incite but encourage such destruction.

Our host country may have to start doing much, much more especially with more than just religious threat facing its society.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Anyone who wants to take in a refugee is welcome to do so. Prepare a room in YOUR home for a refugee family and then you can bleat on about how the rest of us are so hard hearted and intolerant.

Nothing wrong with monitoring mosques. I guarantee that if this terrorist had been a radical Christian from a Baptist background, there would be surveillance of almost every Baptist church in the country.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

hilarious. how does my previous post get voted down? hypocrisy is alive and all too well among the "progressives" .

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

We've reached peak Hillary - all downhill for her from here I think. She's the subject of a criminal investigation by the FBI, her negatives are higher than ever, over 50%, she's arrogant, condescending, a good chunk of Bernie Sanders supporters are going to vote for Trump over her...

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Stranger, anywhere from 20% to 33%, depending on which poll you read, of Sanders supporters say they will never vote for Hillary...

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Brennan warned that the group already is preparing more attacks, including by infiltrating refugees into western nations. "We judge that ISIL is training and attempting to deploy operatives for further attacks," he said. "ISIL has a large cadre of Western fighters who could potentially serve as operatives for attacks in the West. And the group is probably exploring a variety of means for infiltrating operatives into the West, including refugee flows, smuggling routes, and legitimate methods of travel."

Director of the CIA today in fron of congress.

Just call them Muslims.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


My mind is not made up. So I would appreciate it if you tell me how you think the US should protect itself from the looming storm of soft target attacks.

Skip over banning assault rifles because I know I support that. But that won't stop the attacks. It wouldl simply change the nature of the attracts.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

If they hate the west so much then stay home and practice their religion there.

Exactly. Why would they want to come into the US anyways? We're infidels remember?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

If indeed mosques are already under surveillance then I expect an avalanche of outrage from the the "progressives" on this site who are condemning trump for suggesting such surveillance.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

This change the Muslim to Jew meme doesn't work. Jews were not suicide bombing, killing "infidel", throwing gays or Christians off of roofs for their beliefs and lifestyles.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


" This change the Muslim to Jew meme doesn't work. Jews were not suicide bombing, killing "infidel", throwing gays or Christians off of roofsYu for their beliefs and lifestyles. "

Exactly. It is totally upside down and demonstrates astonishing ignorance, considering that e.g. Yussuf Al Qaradawi, the main cleric of the Muslim Brotherhood (and the force behind CAIR and similar organizations), is calling for Muslims to complete the holocaust. The liberal posters here might want to to some background reading.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

"Can't say I've ever seen a poll that gave any of those numbers."

Really? Check out the WallStreet Journal/NBC poll that says a third of Sanders supporters can't see themselves voting for Hillary.

But no worries, even Trump himself has apparently conceded defeat, saying at a rally that Hillary will be a disaster as president, lol.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

My mind is not made up. So I would appreciate it if you tell me how you think the US should protect itself from the looming storm of soft target attacks.

Ban all guns and we should try to talk the the Jihadist and be very careful not to make them feel bad, even if they kill us or insult us. Get them with smiles and verbal condemnation. We are better than them.

Skip over banning assault rifles because I know I support that. But that won't stop the attacks. It would simply change the nature of the attracts.

Having guns will only make them buy bigger guns and bigger guns means you yourself could go batty and shoot someone. When you see a Jihadist, pick up your phone and call 911 and wait until the police come. Remember, don't engage, we are better than that. Hopefully, the police doesn't use deadly force, he should use the stun gun and wait for backup to negotiate the thug.

More of less how liberals think is a more smart and productive way to deal with a crazy radical Jihadist.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

“We have to maybe check, respectfully, the mosques and we have to check other places because this is a problem that, if we don’t solve it, it’s going to eat our country alive,” Trump said at a rally in Atlanta.

The Republicans have quite the candidate.

Donald J. Trump's racists and bigots are now deputized under the "Rule of Trump" to start shooting and the Police can ask questions later. Cleveland is either going to be a ghost town before or after Trump's coronation.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

He [Donald J. Trump] also said radical Muslims were entering the country amidst a flood of refugees and “trying to take over our children.”

Trump sure knows a lot about everything. Trump's omnipotence has one flaw. It's being spouted by a bigot armed with half truths, half wits and white supremacists.

The Republicans sure have a great candidate for President, and Dictator. That's a 'two-fer' in ad chat.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Trump’s hard-line proposals on immigration have contributed to his popularity among some conservative voters. But they have also triggered condemnation from minority and human rights activists, and his political opponents, many of whom have called his rhetoric racist.

Maybe this is why Trump refused to condemn David Duke, Holocaust Denier and Grand Wizard of the KKK?

No sense in Trump insulting his voter base.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Speaking to supporters at a rally in Atlanta, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee said . . . Trump would host North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un for talks in the US, albeit without the fanfare of a traditional meeting.

"If he came here, I would accept him," Trump said.

"But I wouldn't give him a state dinner like China or all these other nations who are ripping us off."

source: Donald Trump On North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un: 'If He Came Here, I'd Accept Him'

Surveillance for houses of worship and cookies and yellow cake for Un. And the rest of the world are thieves. Trump is one clever guy.

Basically the 'Rule of Trump' means say any foolish thing that pops into his head.

Then pretend Trump is some kind of victim of the media that prints his words verbatim.

Tell his TV show fans the Office of President is no different from Trump's reality TV.

Some of his fans may catch on he's playing them for fools.

Most will just want to stick around till Trump lets them riot at Cleveland.

Trump's fans aren't in the game for any concern about the country. It's more like a game show for them.

Trump has them up on their hind legs barking for curtain number two and Trump is happy to play Monty Hall for tweets.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Sensocommon: How about discreet, respectful, mandatory yellow crescents on their clothing?

Strangerland: Nah, they should just tattoo serial numbers on their forearms.

Considering the shared attitude to Jews in islam and nazism, I find the sight of you two making ham-fisted nazi allegations not only fatally misguided but also in very bad taste.

Already Jews are fleeing islamist violence in Europe (check out who the favourite targets of islamist terrorists are), and in your upside-down world view the victimizer becomes the victim?

That is really tacky. You ought to inform yourself a bit about the topic before stooping so low.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )


" Trump's, and anyone who supports the idea that anyone from the ME needs to be profiled, and mosques surveilled. In fact, don't you think all churches should be surveilled? "

No, because there is no record of Christian jihadist terrorism. If there was, then of course we should. That is also why Aum Shinrikyo is outlawed in Japan and its successor Aleph is monitored. While the (equally nutty, but harmles) Kofoku Kagaku is not.

Where does this curious concept come from that ideas do not matter? Especially since the same people who claim that typically turn around complain strongly about ideas that they dont like? If ideas do not matter, then surely it does not matter who is your next president either?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


" however if a Christian preacher starts saying he wants to kill homosexuals I think that the relevant church should be watched. "

Of course they should, if that actually happened.. And it is a safe bet that the same posters here who loudly protest against monitoring radical mosques would have no problem with that. In the same way they have no problem with monitoring gun owners.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Thanks Tokyo-Engr, and I agree. But Zaphod''s response has perfectly encapsulated what I think on this point.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

It's gotten to the point that the best digs against the Donald are coming from the GOP itself. This Twitter rant by Rick Wilson, GOP presidential consultant and active member of the Never Trump movement, is particularly good (and, judging by the typos, was composed in an alcoholic stupor of despair). My favorite line:

This is the thing that many conservatives hate about these Washington turncoats! They know deep inside (and rightfully so) agree with Trump on his stance about Radical Islam comment, but No one else will admit to it and they sound so disingenuous and there is absolutely nothing wrong with standing your ground and hold on to your principles, but now some of them are falling into the PC category, just sickening. Again, another reason why people don't trust the Washington elite.

Got a link for that, @Bass?

That was a few years back, sorry, couldn't find it.

Listen, if we listened to the Brits for political advice every single time we have an election, there wouldn't be a US. We've done fine since our independence, thank you very much.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


" I suspect that mosques are already being monitored, "

Under the Obama admin with its CAIR affiliated advisors? The one that refuses to acknowledge that radical islam even exists? Do you have a source for that? Please surprise us.

" Don the con "

I think I can see the reason for Don the Con`s increasing popularity right here on this board. An increasing number of people are waking up and want to see someone in politics who recognizes the real problems and addresses them, instead of claiming they dont exist.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

On Obama’s watch, we have lost 91 innocent Americans to radical Islamic terrorists on our own soil.

It doesn’t take much to figure out these attacks are becoming more frequent, and it also doesn’t take much to figure out Obama is doing little -- if anything -- to stop them. We need a leader who will fight against the radical Islamists rather than worry about offending them. . . .

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

What in the name of Washington Post quality journalism are you ROFLing about now? You are an elite journalist. How can you not call out this ignorant clown setting a new low in sub-idiotic journalism?

That is your personal opinion and that's ok. But most people are not dumb to listen to this admin. rant and lecture us what constitutes as racist or racism. It's very insulting to hear the president trying to convince the people this comment is considered racist, the average person can decide for themselves what is racist and what is not and when the president stoops low to talk to people like children is very condescending as well as annoying.

His claim was utterly brainless and you have to ask how a network with all of these high-quality staff allowed a bonehead like this on.

Every network has a bonehead or two, but again, it's for the viewer to decide who the bonehead is.

I think we know. The agenda was clear and the ignorance of the audience was taken into account.

That's your personal opinion and I respect it, but I totally disagree.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


" "Considering the shared attitude to Jews in islam and nazism," (comments) it is especially disturbing Doanld J. Trump refused to condemn David Duke, Holocaust Denier. "

Holocaust denial is common across the islamic world. Read the Pew polls. Check out the holocaust denial conferences in Teheran. And meanwhile the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Yussuf Al Qaradafi, calls on muslims to continue the good work that Hitler was doing on the Jews.

Like the comments by the two previous posters, your hamfisted attempt to confuse victim and victimizer is not only astonishingly uninformed but also tacky.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Nothing wrong with that. Churches, synagogues and yes, mosques, should have nothing to hide. I don't think Trump is talking about FBI agents storming mosques in the middle of prayer.

Exactly, in doing so, trying to weed out any potential radicals is not racist, on the other hand, hiding behind any religion or hijacking it to make an argument that the suspicion based on race or religion is just mind blowing ridiculous. But the far left just can't help themselves to throw in the race card and politicize any issue.

There is a need for more transparency and all religions/cults should understand it is critical to ensure everyone's safety. The days of mafia style omerta in those places are over.

As long as you have the left in power, radicalism will flourish like an out of control weed.

This is how bad this admin. will go through any lengths to ensure we do nothing to combat this growing problem.

DHS whistleblower speaks out about jihad in America http://video.foxnews.com/v/4941987883001/dhs-whistleblower-speaks-out-about-jihad-in-america/?playlist_id=931078404001

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Trump calls for surveillance of mosques despite criticism of rhetoric

What did omar say??

" I pledge my allegiance to ISIS, the real muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the west, now taste the Islamic State vengeance, within the next few days you will see attacks from ISIS in America."

You think Trump & republicans are making this stuff up?? NOT!

. . . and some posters say "I" -live in some bubble?? (sheesh. . . )

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Obama is scrambling to admit 10000 Syrians this year before he has to finish his term

And there are 31 State Governors in opposition of those refugees coming into their states. What did obama say? "Are we afraid of widows and orphans?"

-darn right we are. Look at Tashfeen Malik & what she was capable of. Look at the possibility of those "orphans" becoming radicalized within US borders. Wasn't Omar radicalized in Florida?

As commander in chief, has the responsibility to protect Americans. Not place them in danger. And some posters call Trump a "buffoon" . . .sheesh. What madness!

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Dems, let's all just sit back for a bit and which how the revolution eats its children

Or watch how the liberals are slowly, but surely, destroy America from within and allowing the immigrants (islamic, hispanics or whoever) in to leech-off the taxpayers.

This is NOT what america is all about. @Laguna, aren't you upset a little? We cannot allow more. What do they get? Free stuff, free lunches, medical care, education, English lessons? Who's going to pay for that crap? A local mosque?

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

This piece of red meat, seasoned with Trump's usual spice, 'they're after our children' reflects the intellect of a TV show host's sophistication.

As the MSM uses their concoction of secret recipe of 11 herbs ants spices to drive a Islamophobic agenda to make conservatives appear to have vampiric scorn for Muslims is just nonesense of the highest order.

George W. began his yellow cake wars on October 7, 2001. Five thousand days later? Trump comes up with his master plan of racism. Surveillance and a planned program of prejudice. With more than fourteen years to work up Trump's big ideas he comes up with this wet paper bag to hold his hate in.

What does Bush have to do with Trump's comments? I think the Robles is, the far left are too afraid to confront the harsh reality that when you identify to problem, you formerly acknowledge that a) there is a problem and b) action needs to be taken to confront the problem, something that the left is unwilling to do.

Trump's campaign to "make America Hate Again" is just that. Trump has thrown away any credibility he may have had for running a TV show.

Obama threw the gauntlet of hate with the infamous beer summit and from that day forward, race and hate have always played a part in the anointed ones reign.

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

So there's no bigotry coming from Trump but if Obama promises to take action, you'll call out Trump's bigotry?

Meaning, that Trump wasn't being bigoted. You're putting emotion into the argument, this is has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with a certain group of people 5% that believe that you are me are unfit to live and are infidels. So trying to stop them from killing you is equivalent to racism? Islamophobia? Only liberals believe that nonesense.

Oh, and I wouldn't post any links from Fox regarding Islam. You are inviting ridicule.

I see, so basically, you are saying 2000 staff members journalists, with Ph.D., military analysts, people with backgrounds in the area of Islamic studies, pundits that are Muslims are disqualified from opining? ROFL Basically, we are supposed to sit and listen to a slanted one-sided liberal version that will always make excuses for any type of radicalism? Sorry, not going to fly.

The idiot terrorism expert who appeared on Fox to tell nodding newscasters the fact that the City of Birmingham in the UK is 100% Muslim became a standard of unspeakable journalism.

But when the Gaurdian was saying a few years ago that the UK doesn't have a problem with radical extremism was an outright lie as well? Yo, dude.....

Even the UK Prime Minister called him a "complete idiot".

The U.K. PM called a lot of people in a lot of countries idiots before, so I don't get what you are trying to convey here.

It doesn't matter who appears on this appalling, mouth-breathing programme now - that mind-blowing, screaming stupidity should always be remembered.

Well, don't worry, they'll always be around and I'll keep posting, otherwise we would just have an echo chamber of one-sided journalism. Kudos.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Like post-truth politics, then. But who cares? Veracity's for snobs!

I wish liberals and Dems would take their own medicine every now and then.

Don't judge them too harshly. GOP politicians are among the slower kids in the class.

When you have to make serious and life changing policies that could impact your career, being slow is sometimes better, take Obamacare, NOT one Republican put their signatures on the worst legislation ever.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

HAHA they are going to cut off your heads ,,,and you fools are putting down Trump,FOOLS

-8 ( +10 / -18 )

Polls this far out are meaningless

And polls change as well, nothing to worry about.

Speaking to supporters at a rally in Atlanta, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee said . . . Trump would host North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un for talks in the US, albeit without the fanfare of a traditional meeting.

"If he came here, I would accept him," Trump said.

So how is that different from the White House secret Nuclear talks with Iran and the White House allowing a terrorist organization to go ahead a build a bomb,va country that took American hostages for 444 days, so please explain how is Trump wrong for Trying to reach out with another Nuclear terrorist country? Obama worked with the Mullahs and Trump wants to work with Kim. No real difference except, North Korea wasn't responsible for killing thousands of Americans.

Tell his TV show fans the Office of President is no different from Trump's reality TV.

But when Obama goes on Jimmy Fallon, we have to take the president seriously?

The entire Trump paranoia is just hilarious.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

An increasing number of people are waking up and want to see someone in politics who recognizes the real problems and addresses them, instead of claiming they dont exist.

Nebraska, Senator (R)

" Telling the truth about violent islam is a prerequisite to a strategy. A strategy Obama admitted he doesn't have. Its the commander in Chiefs duty to actually identity our enemies and help the American people understand the challenges of a violent islam."

(In reference to Obama not using the term "radical islam")

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Let's make sure nobody gets a free pass when we are talking about spouting bigotry. Trump deserves to be called out on it and so do some others.

I wish the far left would have that same fire and vitriol to call out radical Jihadism the way the want to call Trump out on his comments

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Tell you what, you call out Trump's appeals to bigotry with fire and vitriol and then post that comment.

What bigotry? But I'll tell you what, if Obama promises to take action against Radical jihadism, I'll call Trump out.

What I do care about is his racism, inflammatory comments, insults to large groups of people, and the large number of ideas not based on reality but plays on people's anger.

I understand and I care about the president not shying away from defining and clarifying his position to declare changes in dealing with radicalized Jihadism. And as for people's anger, the left does it as well with their paranoia of guns, please don't make this a partisan issue.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

I think Trump has a very valid point. Under both Guilliani and Bloomberg for years since the World Trade Center was attacked 1993 there was always growing chatter of radical Jihadism growing and because of measures like infiltrating the mosques of radicals and search and frisk led to hundreds of arrests, knives and guns taken off the streets through aggressive surveillance. Works for Israel. Can you stop every terror attack, of course not, but you can severely hamper any efforts on the part of the jihadists wanting and plotting to kill scores of people. It seems fair and reasonable. This would be a temporary ban, subjected to be lifted once we have a better grip on how to locate target suspected radicals. Trump is just forward, direct and saying what thousands of people are thinking.

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

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